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 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
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import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Base64.Decoder;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;


 * APK verifier which uses JAR signing (aka v1 signing scheme).
 * @see Signed JAR File
public abstract class V1SchemeVerifier {

    private static final String MANIFEST_ENTRY_NAME = V1SchemeSigner.MANIFEST_ENTRY_NAME;

    private V1SchemeVerifier() {}

     * Verifies the provided APK's JAR signatures and returns the result of verification. APK is
     * considered verified only if {@link Result#verified} is {@code true}. If verification fails,
     * the result will contain errors -- see {@link Result#getErrors()}.

Verification succeeds iff the APK's JAR signatures are expected to verify on all Android * platform versions in the {@code [minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion]} range. If the APK's signature * is expected to not verify on any of the specified platform versions, this method returns a * result with one or more errors and whose {@code Result.verified == false}, or this method * throws an exception. * * @throws ApkFormatException if the APK is malformed * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs when reading the APK * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the APK's JAR signatures cannot be verified because a * required cryptographic algorithm implementation is missing */ public static Result verify( DataSource apk, ApkUtils.ZipSections apkSections, Map supportedApkSigSchemeNames, Set foundApkSigSchemeIds, int minSdkVersion, int maxSdkVersion) throws IOException, ApkFormatException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { if (minSdkVersion > maxSdkVersion) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "minSdkVersion (" + minSdkVersion + ") > maxSdkVersion (" + maxSdkVersion + ")"); } Result result = new Result(); // Parse the ZIP Central Directory and check that there are no entries with duplicate names. List cdRecords = parseZipCentralDirectory(apk, apkSections); Set cdEntryNames = checkForDuplicateEntries(cdRecords, result); if (result.containsErrors()) { return result; } // Verify JAR signature(s). Signers.verify( apk, apkSections.getZipCentralDirectoryOffset(), cdRecords, cdEntryNames, supportedApkSigSchemeNames, foundApkSigSchemeIds, minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion, result); return result; } /** * Returns the set of entry names and reports any duplicate entry names in the {@code result} * as errors. */ private static Set checkForDuplicateEntries( List cdRecords, Result result) { Set cdEntryNames = new HashSet<>(cdRecords.size()); Set duplicateCdEntryNames = null; for (CentralDirectoryRecord cdRecord : cdRecords) { String entryName = cdRecord.getName(); if (!cdEntryNames.add(entryName)) { // This is an error. Report this once per duplicate name. if (duplicateCdEntryNames == null) { duplicateCdEntryNames = new HashSet<>(); } if (duplicateCdEntryNames.add(entryName)) { result.addError(Issue.JAR_SIG_DUPLICATE_ZIP_ENTRY, entryName); } } } return cdEntryNames; } /** * Parses raw representation of MANIFEST.MF file into a pair of main entry manifest section * representation and a mapping between entry name and its manifest section representation. * * @param manifestBytes raw representation of Manifest.MF * @param cdEntryNames expected set of entry names * @param result object to keep track of errors that happened during the parsing * @return a pair of main entry manifest section representation and a mapping between entry name * and its manifest section representation */ public static Pair> parseManifest( byte[] manifestBytes, Set cdEntryNames, Result result) { ManifestParser manifest = new ManifestParser(manifestBytes); ManifestParser.Section manifestMainSection = manifest.readSection(); List manifestIndividualSections = manifest.readAllSections(); Map entryNameToManifestSection = new HashMap<>(manifestIndividualSections.size()); int manifestSectionNumber = 0; for (ManifestParser.Section manifestSection : manifestIndividualSections) { manifestSectionNumber++; String entryName = manifestSection.getName(); if (entryName == null) { result.addError(Issue.JAR_SIG_UNNNAMED_MANIFEST_SECTION, manifestSectionNumber); continue; } if (entryNameToManifestSection.put(entryName, manifestSection) != null) { result.addError(Issue.JAR_SIG_DUPLICATE_MANIFEST_SECTION, entryName); continue; } if (!cdEntryNames.contains(entryName)) { result.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_MISSING_ZIP_ENTRY_REFERENCED_IN_MANIFEST, entryName); continue; } } return Pair.of(manifestMainSection, entryNameToManifestSection); } /** * All JAR signers of an APK. */ private static class Signers { /** * Verifies JAR signatures of the provided APK and populates the provided result container * with errors, warnings, and information about signers. The APK is considered verified if * the {@link Result#verified} is {@code true}. */ private static void verify( DataSource apk, long cdStartOffset, List cdRecords, Set cdEntryNames, Map supportedApkSigSchemeNames, Set foundApkSigSchemeIds, int minSdkVersion, int maxSdkVersion, Result result) throws ApkFormatException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { // Find JAR manifest and signature block files. CentralDirectoryRecord manifestEntry = null; Map sigFileEntries = new HashMap<>(1); List sigBlockEntries = new ArrayList<>(1); for (CentralDirectoryRecord cdRecord : cdRecords) { String entryName = cdRecord.getName(); if (!entryName.startsWith("META-INF/")) { continue; } if ((manifestEntry == null) && (MANIFEST_ENTRY_NAME.equals(entryName))) { manifestEntry = cdRecord; continue; } if (entryName.endsWith(".SF")) { sigFileEntries.put(entryName, cdRecord); continue; } if ((entryName.endsWith(".RSA")) || (entryName.endsWith(".DSA")) || (entryName.endsWith(".EC"))) { sigBlockEntries.add(cdRecord); continue; } } if (manifestEntry == null) { result.addError(Issue.JAR_SIG_NO_MANIFEST); return; } // Parse the JAR manifest and check that all JAR entries it references exist in the APK. byte[] manifestBytes; try { manifestBytes = LocalFileRecord.getUncompressedData(apk, manifestEntry, cdStartOffset); } catch (ZipFormatException e) { throw new ApkFormatException("Malformed ZIP entry: " + manifestEntry.getName(), e); } Pair> manifestSections = parseManifest(manifestBytes, cdEntryNames, result); if (result.containsErrors()) { return; } ManifestParser.Section manifestMainSection = manifestSections.getFirst(); Map entryNameToManifestSection = manifestSections.getSecond(); // STATE OF AFFAIRS: // * All JAR entries listed in JAR manifest are present in the APK. // Identify signers List signers = new ArrayList<>(sigBlockEntries.size()); for (CentralDirectoryRecord sigBlockEntry : sigBlockEntries) { String sigBlockEntryName = sigBlockEntry.getName(); int extensionDelimiterIndex = sigBlockEntryName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (extensionDelimiterIndex == -1) { throw new RuntimeException( "Signature block file name does not contain extension: " + sigBlockEntryName); } String sigFileEntryName = sigBlockEntryName.substring(0, extensionDelimiterIndex) + ".SF"; CentralDirectoryRecord sigFileEntry = sigFileEntries.get(sigFileEntryName); if (sigFileEntry == null) { result.addWarning( Issue.JAR_SIG_MISSING_FILE, sigBlockEntryName, sigFileEntryName); continue; } String signerName = sigBlockEntryName.substring("META-INF/".length()); Result.SignerInfo signerInfo = new Result.SignerInfo( signerName, sigBlockEntryName, sigFileEntry.getName()); Signer signer = new Signer(signerName, sigBlockEntry, sigFileEntry, signerInfo); signers.add(signer); } if (signers.isEmpty()) { result.addError(Issue.JAR_SIG_NO_SIGNATURES); return; } // Verify each signer's signature block file .(RSA|DSA|EC) against the corresponding // signature file .SF. Any error encountered for any signer terminates verification, to // mimic Android's behavior. for (Signer signer : signers) { signer.verifySigBlockAgainstSigFile( apk, cdStartOffset, minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion); if (signer.getResult().containsErrors()) { result.signers.add(signer.getResult()); } } if (result.containsErrors()) { return; } // STATE OF AFFAIRS: // * All JAR entries listed in JAR manifest are present in the APK. // * All signature files (.SF) verify against corresponding block files (.RSA|.DSA|.EC). // Verify each signer's signature file (.SF) against the JAR manifest. List remainingSigners = new ArrayList<>(signers.size()); for (Signer signer : signers) { signer.verifySigFileAgainstManifest( manifestBytes, manifestMainSection, entryNameToManifestSection, supportedApkSigSchemeNames, foundApkSigSchemeIds, minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion); if (signer.isIgnored()) { result.ignoredSigners.add(signer.getResult()); } else { if (signer.getResult().containsErrors()) { result.signers.add(signer.getResult()); } else { remainingSigners.add(signer); } } } if (result.containsErrors()) { return; } signers = remainingSigners; if (signers.isEmpty()) { result.addError(Issue.JAR_SIG_NO_SIGNATURES); return; } // STATE OF AFFAIRS: // * All signature files (.SF) verify against corresponding block files (.RSA|.DSA|.EC). // * Contents of all JAR manifest sections listed in .SF files verify against .SF files. // * All JAR entries listed in JAR manifest are present in the APK. // Verify data of JAR entries against JAR manifest and .SF files. On Android, an APK's // JAR entry is considered signed by signers associated with an .SF file iff the entry // is mentioned in the .SF file and the entry's digest(s) mentioned in the JAR manifest // match theentry's uncompressed data. Android requires that all such JAR entries are // signed by the same set of signers. This set may be smaller than the set of signers // we've identified so far. Set apkSigners = verifyJarEntriesAgainstManifestAndSigners( apk, cdStartOffset, cdRecords, entryNameToManifestSection, signers, minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion, result); if (result.containsErrors()) { return; } // STATE OF AFFAIRS: // * All signature files (.SF) verify against corresponding block files (.RSA|.DSA|.EC). // * Contents of all JAR manifest sections listed in .SF files verify against .SF files. // * All JAR entries listed in JAR manifest are present in the APK. // * All JAR entries present in the APK and supposed to be covered by JAR signature // (i.e., reside outside of META-INF/) are covered by signatures from the same set // of signers. // Report any JAR entries which aren't covered by signature. Set signatureEntryNames = new HashSet<>(1 + result.signers.size() * 2); signatureEntryNames.add(manifestEntry.getName()); for (Signer signer : apkSigners) { signatureEntryNames.add(signer.getSignatureBlockEntryName()); signatureEntryNames.add(signer.getSignatureFileEntryName()); } for (CentralDirectoryRecord cdRecord : cdRecords) { String entryName = cdRecord.getName(); if ((entryName.startsWith("META-INF/")) && (!entryName.endsWith("/")) && (!signatureEntryNames.contains(entryName))) { result.addWarning(Issue.JAR_SIG_UNPROTECTED_ZIP_ENTRY, entryName); } } // Reflect the sets of used signers and ignored signers in the result. for (Signer signer : signers) { if (apkSigners.contains(signer)) { result.signers.add(signer.getResult()); } else { result.ignoredSigners.add(signer.getResult()); } } result.verified = true; } } static class Signer { private final String mName; private final Result.SignerInfo mResult; private final CentralDirectoryRecord mSignatureFileEntry; private final CentralDirectoryRecord mSignatureBlockEntry; private boolean mIgnored; private byte[] mSigFileBytes; private Set mSigFileEntryNames; private Signer( String name, CentralDirectoryRecord sigBlockEntry, CentralDirectoryRecord sigFileEntry, Result.SignerInfo result) { mName = name; mResult = result; mSignatureBlockEntry = sigBlockEntry; mSignatureFileEntry = sigFileEntry; } public String getName() { return mName; } public String getSignatureFileEntryName() { return mSignatureFileEntry.getName(); } public String getSignatureBlockEntryName() { return mSignatureBlockEntry.getName(); } void setIgnored() { mIgnored = true; } public boolean isIgnored() { return mIgnored; } public Set getSigFileEntryNames() { return mSigFileEntryNames; } public Result.SignerInfo getResult() { return mResult; } public void verifySigBlockAgainstSigFile( DataSource apk, long cdStartOffset, int minSdkVersion, int maxSdkVersion) throws IOException, ApkFormatException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { // Obtain the signature block from the APK byte[] sigBlockBytes; try { sigBlockBytes = LocalFileRecord.getUncompressedData( apk, mSignatureBlockEntry, cdStartOffset); } catch (ZipFormatException e) { throw new ApkFormatException( "Malformed ZIP entry: " + mSignatureBlockEntry.getName(), e); } // Obtain the signature file from the APK try { mSigFileBytes = LocalFileRecord.getUncompressedData( apk, mSignatureFileEntry, cdStartOffset); } catch (ZipFormatException e) { throw new ApkFormatException( "Malformed ZIP entry: " + mSignatureFileEntry.getName(), e); } // Extract PKCS #7 SignedData from the signature block SignedData signedData; try { ContentInfo contentInfo = Asn1BerParser.parse(ByteBuffer.wrap(sigBlockBytes), ContentInfo.class); if (!Pkcs7Constants.OID_SIGNED_DATA.equals(contentInfo.contentType)) { throw new Asn1DecodingException( "Unsupported ContentInfo.contentType: " + contentInfo.contentType); } signedData = Asn1BerParser.parse(contentInfo.content.getEncoded(), SignedData.class); } catch (Asn1DecodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); mResult.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_PARSE_EXCEPTION, mSignatureBlockEntry.getName(), e); return; } if (signedData.signerInfos.isEmpty()) { mResult.addError(Issue.JAR_SIG_NO_SIGNERS, mSignatureBlockEntry.getName()); return; } // Find the first SignedData.SignerInfos element which verifies against the signature // file SignerInfo firstVerifiedSignerInfo = null; X509Certificate firstVerifiedSignerInfoSigningCertificate = null; // Prior to Android N, Android attempts to verify only the first SignerInfo. From N // onwards, Android attempts to verify all SignerInfos and then picks the first verified // SignerInfo. List unverifiedSignerInfosToTry; if (minSdkVersion < AndroidSdkVersion.N) { unverifiedSignerInfosToTry = Collections.singletonList(signedData.signerInfos.get(0)); } else { unverifiedSignerInfosToTry = signedData.signerInfos; } List signedDataCertificates = null; for (SignerInfo unverifiedSignerInfo : unverifiedSignerInfosToTry) { // Parse SignedData.certificates -- they are needed to verify SignerInfo if (signedDataCertificates == null) { try { signedDataCertificates = parseCertificates(signedData.certificates); } catch (CertificateException e) { mResult.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_PARSE_EXCEPTION, mSignatureBlockEntry.getName(), e); return; } } // Verify SignerInfo X509Certificate signingCertificate; try { signingCertificate = verifySignerInfoAgainstSigFile( signedData, signedDataCertificates, unverifiedSignerInfo, mSigFileBytes, minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion); if (mResult.containsErrors()) { return; } if (signingCertificate != null) { // SignerInfo verified if (firstVerifiedSignerInfo == null) { firstVerifiedSignerInfo = unverifiedSignerInfo; firstVerifiedSignerInfoSigningCertificate = signingCertificate; } } } catch (Pkcs7DecodingException e) { mResult.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_PARSE_EXCEPTION, mSignatureBlockEntry.getName(), e); return; } catch (InvalidKeyException | SignatureException e) { mResult.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_VERIFY_EXCEPTION, mSignatureBlockEntry.getName(), mSignatureFileEntry.getName(), e); return; } } if (firstVerifiedSignerInfo == null) { // No SignerInfo verified mResult.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_DID_NOT_VERIFY, mSignatureBlockEntry.getName(), mSignatureFileEntry.getName()); return; } // Verified List signingCertChain = getCertificateChain( signedDataCertificates, firstVerifiedSignerInfoSigningCertificate); mResult.certChain.clear(); mResult.certChain.addAll(signingCertChain); } /** * Returns the signing certificate if the provided {@link SignerInfo} verifies against the * contents of the provided signature file, or {@code null} if it does not verify. */ private X509Certificate verifySignerInfoAgainstSigFile( SignedData signedData, Collection signedDataCertificates, SignerInfo signerInfo, byte[] signatureFile, int minSdkVersion, int maxSdkVersion) throws Pkcs7DecodingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException { String digestAlgorithmOid = signerInfo.digestAlgorithm.algorithm; String signatureAlgorithmOid = signerInfo.signatureAlgorithm.algorithm; InclusiveIntRange desiredApiLevels = InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion); List apiLevelsWhereDigestAndSigAlgorithmSupported = getSigAlgSupportedApiLevels(digestAlgorithmOid, signatureAlgorithmOid); List apiLevelsWhereDigestAlgorithmNotSupported = desiredApiLevels.getValuesNotIn(apiLevelsWhereDigestAndSigAlgorithmSupported); if (!apiLevelsWhereDigestAlgorithmNotSupported.isEmpty()) { String digestAlgorithmUserFriendly = OidToUserFriendlyNameMapper.getUserFriendlyNameForOid( digestAlgorithmOid); if (digestAlgorithmUserFriendly == null) { digestAlgorithmUserFriendly = digestAlgorithmOid; } String signatureAlgorithmUserFriendly = OidToUserFriendlyNameMapper.getUserFriendlyNameForOid( signatureAlgorithmOid); if (signatureAlgorithmUserFriendly == null) { signatureAlgorithmUserFriendly = signatureAlgorithmOid; } StringBuilder apiLevelsUserFriendly = new StringBuilder(); for (InclusiveIntRange range : apiLevelsWhereDigestAlgorithmNotSupported) { if (apiLevelsUserFriendly.length() > 0) { apiLevelsUserFriendly.append(", "); } if (range.getMin() == range.getMax()) { apiLevelsUserFriendly.append(String.valueOf(range.getMin())); } else if (range.getMax() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { apiLevelsUserFriendly.append(range.getMin() + "+"); } else { apiLevelsUserFriendly.append(range.getMin() + "-" + range.getMax()); } } mResult.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_UNSUPPORTED_SIG_ALG, mSignatureBlockEntry.getName(), digestAlgorithmOid, signatureAlgorithmOid, apiLevelsUserFriendly.toString(), digestAlgorithmUserFriendly, signatureAlgorithmUserFriendly); return null; } // From the bag of certs, obtain the certificate referenced by the SignerInfo, // and verify the cryptographic signature in the SignerInfo against the certificate. // Locate the signing certificate referenced by the SignerInfo X509Certificate signingCertificate = findCertificate(signedDataCertificates, signerInfo.sid); if (signingCertificate == null) { throw new SignatureException( "Signing certificate referenced in SignerInfo not found in" + " SignedData"); } // Check whether the signing certificate is acceptable. Android performs these // checks explicitly, instead of delegating this to // Signature.initVerify(Certificate). if (signingCertificate.hasUnsupportedCriticalExtension()) { throw new SignatureException( "Signing certificate has unsupported critical extensions"); } boolean[] keyUsageExtension = signingCertificate.getKeyUsage(); if (keyUsageExtension != null) { boolean digitalSignature = (keyUsageExtension.length >= 1) && (keyUsageExtension[0]); boolean nonRepudiation = (keyUsageExtension.length >= 2) && (keyUsageExtension[1]); if ((!digitalSignature) && (!nonRepudiation)) { throw new SignatureException( "Signing certificate not authorized for use in digital signatures" + ": keyUsage extension missing digitalSignature and" + " nonRepudiation"); } } // Verify the cryptographic signature in SignerInfo against the certificate's // public key String jcaSignatureAlgorithm = getJcaSignatureAlgorithm(digestAlgorithmOid, signatureAlgorithmOid); Signature s = Signature.getInstance(jcaSignatureAlgorithm); s.initVerify(signingCertificate.getPublicKey()); if (signerInfo.signedAttrs != null) { // Signed attributes present -- verify signature against the ASN.1 DER encoded form // of signed attributes. This verifies integrity of the signature file because // signed attributes must contain the digest of the signature file. if (minSdkVersion < AndroidSdkVersion.KITKAT) { // Prior to Android KitKat, APKs with signed attributes are unsafe: // * The APK's contents are not protected by the JAR signature because the // digest in signed attributes is not verified. This means an attacker can // arbitrarily modify the APK without invalidating its signature. // * Luckily, the signature over signed attributes was verified incorrectly // (over the verbatim IMPLICIT [0] form rather than over re-encoded // UNIVERSAL SET form) which means that JAR signatures which would verify on // pre-KitKat Android and yet do not protect the APK from modification could // be generated only by broken tools or on purpose by the entity signing the // APK. // // We thus reject such unsafe APKs, even if they verify on platforms before // KitKat. throw new SignatureException( "APKs with Signed Attributes broken on platforms with API Level < " + AndroidSdkVersion.KITKAT); } try { List signedAttributes = Asn1BerParser.parseImplicitSetOf( signerInfo.signedAttrs.getEncoded(), Attribute.class); SignedAttributes signedAttrs = new SignedAttributes(signedAttributes); if (maxSdkVersion >= AndroidSdkVersion.N) { // Content Type attribute is checked only on Android N and newer String contentType = signedAttrs.getSingleObjectIdentifierValue( Pkcs7Constants.OID_CONTENT_TYPE); if (contentType == null) { throw new SignatureException("No Content Type in signed attributes"); } if (!contentType.equals(signedData.encapContentInfo.contentType)) { // Did not verify: Content type signed attribute does not match // SignedData.encapContentInfo.eContentType. This fails verification of // this SignerInfo but should not prevent verification of other // SignerInfos. Hence, no exception is thrown. return null; } } byte[] expectedSignatureFileDigest = signedAttrs.getSingleOctetStringValue( Pkcs7Constants.OID_MESSAGE_DIGEST); if (expectedSignatureFileDigest == null) { throw new SignatureException("No content digest in signed attributes"); } byte[] actualSignatureFileDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance( getJcaDigestAlgorithm(digestAlgorithmOid)) .digest(signatureFile); if (!Arrays.equals( expectedSignatureFileDigest, actualSignatureFileDigest)) { // Skip verification: signature file digest in signed attributes does not // match the signature file. This fails verification of // this SignerInfo but should not prevent verification of other // SignerInfos. Hence, no exception is thrown. return null; } } catch (Asn1DecodingException e) { throw new SignatureException("Failed to parse signed attributes", e); } // PKCS #7 requires that signature is over signed attributes re-encoded as // ASN.1 DER. However, Android does not re-encode except for changing the // first byte of encoded form from IMPLICIT [0] to UNIVERSAL SET. We do the // same for maximum compatibility. ByteBuffer signedAttrsOriginalEncoding = signerInfo.signedAttrs.getEncoded(); s.update((byte) 0x31); // UNIVERSAL SET signedAttrsOriginalEncoding.position(1); s.update(signedAttrsOriginalEncoding); } else { // No signed attributes present -- verify signature against the contents of the // signature file s.update(signatureFile); } byte[] sigBytes = ByteBufferUtils.toByteArray(signerInfo.signature.slice()); if (!s.verify(sigBytes)) { // Cryptographic signature did not verify. This fails verification of this // SignerInfo but should not prevent verification of other SignerInfos. Hence, no // exception is thrown. return null; } // Cryptographic signature verified return signingCertificate; } private static List parseCertificates( List encodedCertificates) throws CertificateException { if (encodedCertificates.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List result = new ArrayList<>(encodedCertificates.size()); for (int i = 0; i < encodedCertificates.size(); i++) { Asn1OpaqueObject encodedCertificate = encodedCertificates.get(i); X509Certificate certificate; byte[] encodedForm = ByteBufferUtils.toByteArray(encodedCertificate.getEncoded()); try { certificate = X509CertificateUtils.generateCertificate(encodedForm); } catch (CertificateException e) { throw new CertificateException("Failed to parse certificate #" + (i + 1), e); } // Wrap the cert so that the result's getEncoded returns exactly the original // encoded form. Without this, getEncoded may return a different form from what was // stored in the signature. This is because some X509Certificate(Factory) // implementations re-encode certificates and/or some implementations of // X509Certificate.getEncoded() re-encode certificates. certificate = new GuaranteedEncodedFormX509Certificate(certificate, encodedForm); result.add(certificate); } return result; } public static X509Certificate findCertificate( Collection certs, SignerIdentifier id) { for (X509Certificate cert : certs) { if (isMatchingCerticicate(cert, id)) { return cert; } } return null; } public static List getCertificateChain( List certs, X509Certificate leaf) { List unusedCerts = new ArrayList<>(certs); List result = new ArrayList<>(1); result.add(leaf); unusedCerts.remove(leaf); X509Certificate root = leaf; while (!root.getSubjectDN().equals(root.getIssuerDN())) { Principal targetDn = root.getIssuerDN(); boolean issuerFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < unusedCerts.size(); i++) { X509Certificate unusedCert = unusedCerts.get(i); if (targetDn.equals(unusedCert.getSubjectDN())) { issuerFound = true; unusedCerts.remove(i); result.add(unusedCert); root = unusedCert; break; } } if (!issuerFound) { break; } } return result; } private static boolean isMatchingCerticicate(X509Certificate cert, SignerIdentifier id) { if (id.issuerAndSerialNumber == null) { // Android doesn't support any other means of identifying the signing certificate return false; } IssuerAndSerialNumber issuerAndSerialNumber = id.issuerAndSerialNumber; byte[] encodedIssuer = ByteBufferUtils.toByteArray(issuerAndSerialNumber.issuer.getEncoded()); X500Principal idIssuer = new X500Principal(encodedIssuer); BigInteger idSerialNumber = issuerAndSerialNumber.certificateSerialNumber; return idSerialNumber.equals(cert.getSerialNumber()) && idIssuer.equals(cert.getIssuerX500Principal()); } private static final String OID_DIGEST_MD5 = "1.2.840.113549.2.5"; static final String OID_DIGEST_SHA1 = ""; private static final String OID_DIGEST_SHA224 = "2.16.840."; static final String OID_DIGEST_SHA256 = "2.16.840."; private static final String OID_DIGEST_SHA384 = "2.16.840."; private static final String OID_DIGEST_SHA512 = "2.16.840."; static final String OID_SIG_RSA = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"; private static final String OID_SIG_MD5_WITH_RSA = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.4"; private static final String OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_RSA = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.5"; private static final String OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_RSA = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.14"; private static final String OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_RSA = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.11"; private static final String OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_RSA = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.12"; private static final String OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_RSA = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.13"; static final String OID_SIG_DSA = "1.2.840.10040.4.1"; private static final String OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_DSA = "1.2.840.10040.4.3"; private static final String OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_DSA = "2.16.840."; static final String OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_DSA = "2.16.840."; static final String OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_DSA = "2.16.840."; static final String OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_DSA = "2.16.840."; static final String OID_SIG_EC_PUBLIC_KEY = "1.2.840.10045.2.1"; private static final String OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_ECDSA = "1.2.840.10045.4.1"; private static final String OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_ECDSA = "1.2.840.10045.4.3.1"; private static final String OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_ECDSA = "1.2.840.10045.4.3.2"; private static final String OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_ECDSA = "1.2.840.10045.4.3.3"; private static final String OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_ECDSA = "1.2.840.10045.4.3.4"; private static final Map> SUPPORTED_SIG_ALG_OIDS = new HashMap<>(); { addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(0)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_MD5_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(0, 8), InclusiveIntRange.from(21)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(0)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_MD5_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(0)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(0, 8), InclusiveIntRange.from(21)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_MD5_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(0, 8), InclusiveIntRange.from(21)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 21)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(0, 8), InclusiveIntRange.from(18)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_MD5_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 21)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(0, 8), InclusiveIntRange.from(18)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(18)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_MD5_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(21)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(18)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_MD5_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 21)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_RSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(21)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(0)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(9)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(22)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(21)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(22)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(21)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_DSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_EC_PUBLIC_KEY, InclusiveIntRange.from(18)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_EC_PUBLIC_KEY, InclusiveIntRange.from(21)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_EC_PUBLIC_KEY, InclusiveIntRange.from(18)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_EC_PUBLIC_KEY, InclusiveIntRange.from(18)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_EC_PUBLIC_KEY, InclusiveIntRange.from(18)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_MD5, OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(18)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA1, OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(21)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA224, OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(21)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA256, OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(21)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA384, OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.fromTo(21, 23)); addSupportedSigAlg( OID_DIGEST_SHA512, OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_ECDSA, InclusiveIntRange.from(21)); } private static void addSupportedSigAlg( String digestAlgorithmOid, String signatureAlgorithmOid, InclusiveIntRange... supportedApiLevels) { SUPPORTED_SIG_ALG_OIDS.put( digestAlgorithmOid + "with" + signatureAlgorithmOid, Arrays.asList(supportedApiLevels)); } private List getSigAlgSupportedApiLevels( String digestAlgorithmOid, String signatureAlgorithmOid) { List result = SUPPORTED_SIG_ALG_OIDS.get(digestAlgorithmOid + "with" + signatureAlgorithmOid); return (result != null) ? result : Collections.emptyList(); } private static class OidToUserFriendlyNameMapper { private OidToUserFriendlyNameMapper() {} private static final Map OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME = new HashMap<>(); static { OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_DIGEST_MD5, "MD5"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_DIGEST_SHA1, "SHA-1"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_DIGEST_SHA224, "SHA-224"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_DIGEST_SHA256, "SHA-256"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_DIGEST_SHA384, "SHA-384"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_DIGEST_SHA512, "SHA-512"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_RSA, "RSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_MD5_WITH_RSA, "MD5 with RSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_RSA, "SHA-1 with RSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_RSA, "SHA-224 with RSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_RSA, "SHA-256 with RSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_RSA, "SHA-384 with RSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_RSA, "SHA-512 with RSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_DSA, "DSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_DSA, "SHA-1 with DSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_DSA, "SHA-224 with DSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_DSA, "SHA-256 with DSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_DSA, "SHA-384 with DSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_DSA, "SHA-512 with DSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_EC_PUBLIC_KEY, "ECDSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_ECDSA, "SHA-1 with ECDSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_ECDSA, "SHA-224 with ECDSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_ECDSA, "SHA-256 with ECDSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_ECDSA, "SHA-384 with ECDSA"); OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.put(OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_ECDSA, "SHA-512 with ECDSA"); } public static String getUserFriendlyNameForOid(String oid) { return OID_TO_USER_FRIENDLY_NAME.get(oid); } } private static final Map OID_TO_JCA_DIGEST_ALG = new HashMap<>(); static { OID_TO_JCA_DIGEST_ALG.put(OID_DIGEST_MD5, "MD5"); OID_TO_JCA_DIGEST_ALG.put(OID_DIGEST_SHA1, "SHA-1"); OID_TO_JCA_DIGEST_ALG.put(OID_DIGEST_SHA224, "SHA-224"); OID_TO_JCA_DIGEST_ALG.put(OID_DIGEST_SHA256, "SHA-256"); OID_TO_JCA_DIGEST_ALG.put(OID_DIGEST_SHA384, "SHA-384"); OID_TO_JCA_DIGEST_ALG.put(OID_DIGEST_SHA512, "SHA-512"); } private static String getJcaDigestAlgorithm(String oid) throws SignatureException { String result = OID_TO_JCA_DIGEST_ALG.get(oid); if (result == null) { throw new SignatureException("Unsupported digest algorithm: " + oid); } return result; } private static final Map OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG = new HashMap<>(); static { OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.put(OID_SIG_MD5_WITH_RSA, "MD5withRSA"); OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.put(OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_RSA, "SHA1withRSA"); OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.put(OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_RSA, "SHA224withRSA"); OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.put(OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_RSA, "SHA256withRSA"); OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.put(OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_RSA, "SHA384withRSA"); OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.put(OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_RSA, "SHA512withRSA"); OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.put(OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_DSA, "SHA1withDSA"); OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.put(OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_DSA, "SHA224withDSA"); OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.put(OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_DSA, "SHA256withDSA"); OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.put(OID_SIG_SHA1_WITH_ECDSA, "SHA1withECDSA"); OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.put(OID_SIG_SHA224_WITH_ECDSA, "SHA224withECDSA"); OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.put(OID_SIG_SHA256_WITH_ECDSA, "SHA256withECDSA"); OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.put(OID_SIG_SHA384_WITH_ECDSA, "SHA384withECDSA"); OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.put(OID_SIG_SHA512_WITH_ECDSA, "SHA512withECDSA"); } private static String getJcaSignatureAlgorithm( String digestAlgorithmOid, String signatureAlgorithmOid) throws SignatureException { // First check whether the signature algorithm OID alone is sufficient String result = OID_TO_JCA_SIGNATURE_ALG.get(signatureAlgorithmOid); if (result != null) { return result; } // Signature algorithm OID alone is insufficient. Need to combine digest algorithm OID // with signature algorithm OID. String suffix; if (OID_SIG_RSA.equals(signatureAlgorithmOid)) { suffix = "RSA"; } else if (OID_SIG_DSA.equals(signatureAlgorithmOid)) { suffix = "DSA"; } else if (OID_SIG_EC_PUBLIC_KEY.equals(signatureAlgorithmOid)) { suffix = "ECDSA"; } else { throw new SignatureException( "Unsupported JCA Signature algorithm" + " . Digest algorithm: " + digestAlgorithmOid + ", signature algorithm: " + signatureAlgorithmOid); } String jcaDigestAlg = getJcaDigestAlgorithm(digestAlgorithmOid); // Canonical name for SHA-1 with ... is SHA1with, rather than SHA1. Same for all other // SHA algorithms. if (jcaDigestAlg.startsWith("SHA-")) { jcaDigestAlg = "SHA" + jcaDigestAlg.substring("SHA-".length()); } return jcaDigestAlg + "with" + suffix; } public void verifySigFileAgainstManifest( byte[] manifestBytes, ManifestParser.Section manifestMainSection, Map entryNameToManifestSection, Map supportedApkSigSchemeNames, Set foundApkSigSchemeIds, int minSdkVersion, int maxSdkVersion) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { // Inspect the main section of the .SF file. ManifestParser sf = new ManifestParser(mSigFileBytes); ManifestParser.Section sfMainSection = sf.readSection(); if (sfMainSection.getAttributeValue(Attributes.Name.SIGNATURE_VERSION) == null) { mResult.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_MISSING_VERSION_ATTR_IN_SIG_FILE, mSignatureFileEntry.getName()); setIgnored(); return; } if (maxSdkVersion >= AndroidSdkVersion.N) { // Android N and newer rejects APKs whose .SF file says they were supposed to be // signed with APK Signature Scheme v2 (or newer) and yet no such signature was // found. checkForStrippedApkSignatures( sfMainSection, supportedApkSigSchemeNames, foundApkSigSchemeIds); if (mResult.containsErrors()) { return; } } boolean createdBySigntool = false; String createdBy = sfMainSection.getAttributeValue("Created-By"); if (createdBy != null) { createdBySigntool = createdBy.indexOf("signtool") != -1; } boolean manifestDigestVerified = verifyManifestDigest( sfMainSection, createdBySigntool, manifestBytes, minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion); if (!createdBySigntool) { verifyManifestMainSectionDigest( sfMainSection, manifestMainSection, manifestBytes, minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion); } if (mResult.containsErrors()) { return; } // Inspect per-entry sections of .SF file. Technically, if the digest of JAR manifest // verifies, per-entry sections should be ignored. However, most Android platform // implementations require that such sections exist. List sfSections = sf.readAllSections(); Set sfEntryNames = new HashSet<>(sfSections.size()); int sfSectionNumber = 0; for (ManifestParser.Section sfSection : sfSections) { sfSectionNumber++; String entryName = sfSection.getName(); if (entryName == null) { mResult.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_UNNNAMED_SIG_FILE_SECTION, mSignatureFileEntry.getName(), sfSectionNumber); setIgnored(); return; } if (!sfEntryNames.add(entryName)) { mResult.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_DUPLICATE_SIG_FILE_SECTION, mSignatureFileEntry.getName(), entryName); setIgnored(); return; } if (manifestDigestVerified) { // No need to verify this entry's corresponding JAR manifest entry because the // JAR manifest verifies in full. continue; } // Whole-file digest of JAR manifest hasn't been verified. Thus, we need to verify // the digest of the JAR manifest section corresponding to this .SF section. ManifestParser.Section manifestSection = entryNameToManifestSection.get(entryName); if (manifestSection == null) { mResult.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_NO_ZIP_ENTRY_DIGEST_IN_SIG_FILE, entryName, mSignatureFileEntry.getName()); setIgnored(); continue; } verifyManifestIndividualSectionDigest( sfSection, createdBySigntool, manifestSection, manifestBytes, minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion); } mSigFileEntryNames = sfEntryNames; } /** * Returns {@code true} if the whole-file digest of the manifest against the main section of * the .SF file. */ private boolean verifyManifestDigest( ManifestParser.Section sfMainSection, boolean createdBySigntool, byte[] manifestBytes, int minSdkVersion, int maxSdkVersion) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { Collection expectedDigests = getDigestsToVerify( sfMainSection, ((createdBySigntool) ? "-Digest" : "-Digest-Manifest"), minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion); boolean digestFound = !expectedDigests.isEmpty(); if (!digestFound) { mResult.addWarning( Issue.JAR_SIG_NO_MANIFEST_DIGEST_IN_SIG_FILE, mSignatureFileEntry.getName()); return false; } boolean verified = true; for (NamedDigest expectedDigest : expectedDigests) { String jcaDigestAlgorithm = expectedDigest.jcaDigestAlgorithm; byte[] actual = digest(jcaDigestAlgorithm, manifestBytes); byte[] expected = expectedDigest.digest; if (!Arrays.equals(expected, actual)) { mResult.addWarning( Issue.JAR_SIG_ZIP_ENTRY_DIGEST_DID_NOT_VERIFY, V1SchemeSigner.MANIFEST_ENTRY_NAME, jcaDigestAlgorithm, mSignatureFileEntry.getName(), Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(actual), Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(expected)); verified = false; } } return verified; } /** * Verifies the digest of the manifest's main section against the main section of the .SF * file. */ private void verifyManifestMainSectionDigest( ManifestParser.Section sfMainSection, ManifestParser.Section manifestMainSection, byte[] manifestBytes, int minSdkVersion, int maxSdkVersion) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { Collection expectedDigests = getDigestsToVerify( sfMainSection, "-Digest-Manifest-Main-Attributes", minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion); if (expectedDigests.isEmpty()) { return; } for (NamedDigest expectedDigest : expectedDigests) { String jcaDigestAlgorithm = expectedDigest.jcaDigestAlgorithm; byte[] actual = digest( jcaDigestAlgorithm, manifestBytes, manifestMainSection.getStartOffset(), manifestMainSection.getSizeBytes()); byte[] expected = expectedDigest.digest; if (!Arrays.equals(expected, actual)) { mResult.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_MANIFEST_MAIN_SECTION_DIGEST_DID_NOT_VERIFY, jcaDigestAlgorithm, mSignatureFileEntry.getName(), Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(actual), Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(expected)); } } } /** * Verifies the digest of the manifest's individual section against the corresponding * individual section of the .SF file. */ private void verifyManifestIndividualSectionDigest( ManifestParser.Section sfIndividualSection, boolean createdBySigntool, ManifestParser.Section manifestIndividualSection, byte[] manifestBytes, int minSdkVersion, int maxSdkVersion) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { String entryName = sfIndividualSection.getName(); Collection expectedDigests = getDigestsToVerify( sfIndividualSection, "-Digest", minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion); if (expectedDigests.isEmpty()) { mResult.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_NO_ZIP_ENTRY_DIGEST_IN_SIG_FILE, entryName, mSignatureFileEntry.getName()); return; } int sectionStartIndex = manifestIndividualSection.getStartOffset(); int sectionSizeBytes = manifestIndividualSection.getSizeBytes(); if (createdBySigntool) { int sectionEndIndex = sectionStartIndex + sectionSizeBytes; if ((manifestBytes[sectionEndIndex - 1] == '\n') && (manifestBytes[sectionEndIndex - 2] == '\n')) { sectionSizeBytes--; } } for (NamedDigest expectedDigest : expectedDigests) { String jcaDigestAlgorithm = expectedDigest.jcaDigestAlgorithm; byte[] actual = digest( jcaDigestAlgorithm, manifestBytes, sectionStartIndex, sectionSizeBytes); byte[] expected = expectedDigest.digest; if (!Arrays.equals(expected, actual)) { mResult.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_MANIFEST_SECTION_DIGEST_DID_NOT_VERIFY, entryName, jcaDigestAlgorithm, mSignatureFileEntry.getName(), Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(actual), Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(expected)); } } } private void checkForStrippedApkSignatures( ManifestParser.Section sfMainSection, Map supportedApkSigSchemeNames, Set foundApkSigSchemeIds) { String signedWithApkSchemes = sfMainSection.getAttributeValue( V1SchemeSigner.SF_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ANDROID_APK_SIGNED_NAME_STR); // This field contains a comma-separated list of APK signature scheme IDs which were // used to sign this APK. Android rejects APKs where an ID is known to the platform but // the APK didn't verify using that scheme. if (signedWithApkSchemes == null) { // APK signature (e.g., v2 scheme) stripping protections not enabled. if (!foundApkSigSchemeIds.isEmpty()) { // APK is signed with an APK signature scheme such as v2 scheme. mResult.addWarning( Issue.JAR_SIG_NO_APK_SIG_STRIP_PROTECTION, mSignatureFileEntry.getName()); } return; } if (supportedApkSigSchemeNames.isEmpty()) { return; } Set supportedApkSigSchemeIds = supportedApkSigSchemeNames.keySet(); Set supportedExpectedApkSigSchemeIds = new HashSet<>(1); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(signedWithApkSchemes, ","); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String idText = tokenizer.nextToken().trim(); if (idText.isEmpty()) { continue; } int id; try { id = Integer.parseInt(idText); } catch (Exception ignored) { continue; } // This APK was supposed to be signed with the APK signature scheme having // this ID. if (supportedApkSigSchemeIds.contains(id)) { supportedExpectedApkSigSchemeIds.add(id); } else { mResult.addWarning( Issue.JAR_SIG_UNKNOWN_APK_SIG_SCHEME_ID, mSignatureFileEntry.getName(), id); } } for (int id : supportedExpectedApkSigSchemeIds) { if (!foundApkSigSchemeIds.contains(id)) { String apkSigSchemeName = supportedApkSigSchemeNames.get(id); mResult.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_MISSING_APK_SIG_REFERENCED, mSignatureFileEntry.getName(), id, apkSigSchemeName); } } } } public static Collection getDigestsToVerify( ManifestParser.Section section, String digestAttrSuffix, int minSdkVersion, int maxSdkVersion) { Decoder base64Decoder = Base64.getDecoder(); List result = new ArrayList<>(1); if (minSdkVersion < AndroidSdkVersion.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) { // Prior to JB MR2, Android platform's logic for picking a digest algorithm to verify is // to rely on the ancient Digest-Algorithms attribute which contains // whitespace-separated list of digest algorithms (defaulting to SHA-1) to try. The // first digest attribute (with supported digest algorithm) found using the list is // used. String algs = section.getAttributeValue("Digest-Algorithms"); if (algs == null) { algs = "SHA SHA1"; } StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(algs); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String alg = tokens.nextToken(); String attrName = alg + digestAttrSuffix; String digestBase64 = section.getAttributeValue(attrName); if (digestBase64 == null) { // Attribute not found continue; } alg = getCanonicalJcaMessageDigestAlgorithm(alg); if ((alg == null) || (getMinSdkVersionFromWhichSupportedInManifestOrSignatureFile(alg) > minSdkVersion)) { // Unsupported digest algorithm continue; } // Supported digest algorithm result.add(new NamedDigest(alg, base64Decoder.decode(digestBase64))); break; } // No supported digests found -- this will fail to verify on pre-JB MR2 Androids. if (result.isEmpty()) { return result; } } if (maxSdkVersion >= AndroidSdkVersion.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) { // On JB MR2 and newer, Android platform picks the strongest algorithm out of: // SHA-512, SHA-384, SHA-256, SHA-1. for (String alg : JB_MR2_AND_NEWER_DIGEST_ALGS) { String attrName = getJarDigestAttributeName(alg, digestAttrSuffix); String digestBase64 = section.getAttributeValue(attrName); if (digestBase64 == null) { // Attribute not found continue; } byte[] digest = base64Decoder.decode(digestBase64); byte[] digestInResult = getDigest(result, alg); if ((digestInResult == null) || (!Arrays.equals(digestInResult, digest))) { result.add(new NamedDigest(alg, digest)); } break; } } return result; } private static final String[] JB_MR2_AND_NEWER_DIGEST_ALGS = { "SHA-512", "SHA-384", "SHA-256", "SHA-1", }; private static String getCanonicalJcaMessageDigestAlgorithm(String algorithm) { return UPPER_CASE_JCA_DIGEST_ALG_TO_CANONICAL.get(algorithm.toUpperCase(Locale.US)); } public static int getMinSdkVersionFromWhichSupportedInManifestOrSignatureFile( String jcaAlgorithmName) { Integer result = MIN_SDK_VESION_FROM_WHICH_DIGEST_SUPPORTED_IN_MANIFEST.get( jcaAlgorithmName.toUpperCase(Locale.US)); return (result != null) ? result : Integer.MAX_VALUE; } private static String getJarDigestAttributeName( String jcaDigestAlgorithm, String attrNameSuffix) { if ("SHA-1".equalsIgnoreCase(jcaDigestAlgorithm)) { return "SHA1" + attrNameSuffix; } else { return jcaDigestAlgorithm + attrNameSuffix; } } private static final Map UPPER_CASE_JCA_DIGEST_ALG_TO_CANONICAL; static { UPPER_CASE_JCA_DIGEST_ALG_TO_CANONICAL = new HashMap<>(8); UPPER_CASE_JCA_DIGEST_ALG_TO_CANONICAL.put("MD5", "MD5"); UPPER_CASE_JCA_DIGEST_ALG_TO_CANONICAL.put("SHA", "SHA-1"); UPPER_CASE_JCA_DIGEST_ALG_TO_CANONICAL.put("SHA1", "SHA-1"); UPPER_CASE_JCA_DIGEST_ALG_TO_CANONICAL.put("SHA-1", "SHA-1"); UPPER_CASE_JCA_DIGEST_ALG_TO_CANONICAL.put("SHA-256", "SHA-256"); UPPER_CASE_JCA_DIGEST_ALG_TO_CANONICAL.put("SHA-384", "SHA-384"); UPPER_CASE_JCA_DIGEST_ALG_TO_CANONICAL.put("SHA-512", "SHA-512"); } private static final Map MIN_SDK_VESION_FROM_WHICH_DIGEST_SUPPORTED_IN_MANIFEST; static { MIN_SDK_VESION_FROM_WHICH_DIGEST_SUPPORTED_IN_MANIFEST = new HashMap<>(5); MIN_SDK_VESION_FROM_WHICH_DIGEST_SUPPORTED_IN_MANIFEST.put("MD5", 0); MIN_SDK_VESION_FROM_WHICH_DIGEST_SUPPORTED_IN_MANIFEST.put("SHA-1", 0); MIN_SDK_VESION_FROM_WHICH_DIGEST_SUPPORTED_IN_MANIFEST.put("SHA-256", 0); MIN_SDK_VESION_FROM_WHICH_DIGEST_SUPPORTED_IN_MANIFEST.put( "SHA-384", AndroidSdkVersion.GINGERBREAD); MIN_SDK_VESION_FROM_WHICH_DIGEST_SUPPORTED_IN_MANIFEST.put( "SHA-512", AndroidSdkVersion.GINGERBREAD); } private static byte[] getDigest(Collection digests, String jcaDigestAlgorithm) { for (NamedDigest digest : digests) { if (digest.jcaDigestAlgorithm.equalsIgnoreCase(jcaDigestAlgorithm)) { return digest.digest; } } return null; } public static List parseZipCentralDirectory( DataSource apk, ApkUtils.ZipSections apkSections) throws IOException, ApkFormatException { // Read the ZIP Central Directory long cdSizeBytes = apkSections.getZipCentralDirectorySizeBytes(); if (cdSizeBytes > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new ApkFormatException("ZIP Central Directory too large: " + cdSizeBytes); } long cdOffset = apkSections.getZipCentralDirectoryOffset(); ByteBuffer cd = apk.getByteBuffer(cdOffset, (int) cdSizeBytes); cd.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); // Parse the ZIP Central Directory int expectedCdRecordCount = apkSections.getZipCentralDirectoryRecordCount(); List cdRecords = new ArrayList<>(expectedCdRecordCount); for (int i = 0; i < expectedCdRecordCount; i++) { CentralDirectoryRecord cdRecord; int offsetInsideCd = cd.position(); try { cdRecord = CentralDirectoryRecord.getRecord(cd); } catch (ZipFormatException e) { throw new ApkFormatException( "Malformed ZIP Central Directory record #" + (i + 1) + " at file offset " + (cdOffset + offsetInsideCd), e); } String entryName = cdRecord.getName(); if (entryName.endsWith("/")) { // Ignore directory entries continue; } cdRecords.add(cdRecord); } // There may be more data in Central Directory, but we don't warn or throw because Android // ignores unused CD data. return cdRecords; } /** * Returns {@code true} if the provided JAR entry must be mentioned in signed JAR archive's * manifest for the APK to verify on Android. */ private static boolean isJarEntryDigestNeededInManifest(String entryName) { // NOTE: This logic is different from what's required by the JAR signing scheme. This is // because Android's APK verification logic differs from that spec. In particular, JAR // signing spec includes into JAR manifest all files in subdirectories of META-INF and // any files inside META-INF not related to signatures. if (entryName.startsWith("META-INF/")) { return false; } return !entryName.endsWith("/"); } private static Set verifyJarEntriesAgainstManifestAndSigners( DataSource apk, long cdOffsetInApk, Collection cdRecords, Map entryNameToManifestSection, List signers, int minSdkVersion, int maxSdkVersion, Result result) throws ApkFormatException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { // Iterate over APK contents as sequentially as possible to improve performance. List cdRecordsSortedByLocalFileHeaderOffset = new ArrayList<>(cdRecords); Collections.sort( cdRecordsSortedByLocalFileHeaderOffset, CentralDirectoryRecord.BY_LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_OFFSET_COMPARATOR); Set manifestEntryNamesMissingFromApk = new HashSet<>(entryNameToManifestSection.keySet()); List firstSignedEntrySigners = null; String firstSignedEntryName = null; for (CentralDirectoryRecord cdRecord : cdRecordsSortedByLocalFileHeaderOffset) { String entryName = cdRecord.getName(); manifestEntryNamesMissingFromApk.remove(entryName); if (!isJarEntryDigestNeededInManifest(entryName)) { continue; } ManifestParser.Section manifestSection = entryNameToManifestSection.get(entryName); if (manifestSection == null) { result.addError(Issue.JAR_SIG_NO_ZIP_ENTRY_DIGEST_IN_MANIFEST, entryName); continue; } List entrySigners = new ArrayList<>(signers.size()); for (Signer signer : signers) { if (signer.getSigFileEntryNames().contains(entryName)) { entrySigners.add(signer); } } if (entrySigners.isEmpty()) { result.addError(Issue.JAR_SIG_ZIP_ENTRY_NOT_SIGNED, entryName); continue; } if (firstSignedEntrySigners == null) { firstSignedEntrySigners = entrySigners; firstSignedEntryName = entryName; } else if (!entrySigners.equals(firstSignedEntrySigners)) { result.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_ZIP_ENTRY_SIGNERS_MISMATCH, firstSignedEntryName, getSignerNames(firstSignedEntrySigners), entryName, getSignerNames(entrySigners)); continue; } List expectedDigests = new ArrayList<>( getDigestsToVerify( manifestSection, "-Digest", minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion)); if (expectedDigests.isEmpty()) { result.addError(Issue.JAR_SIG_NO_ZIP_ENTRY_DIGEST_IN_MANIFEST, entryName); continue; } MessageDigest[] mds = new MessageDigest[expectedDigests.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < expectedDigests.size(); i++) { mds[i] = getMessageDigest(expectedDigests.get(i).jcaDigestAlgorithm); } try { LocalFileRecord.outputUncompressedData( apk, cdRecord, cdOffsetInApk, DataSinks.asDataSink(mds)); } catch (ZipFormatException e) { throw new ApkFormatException("Malformed ZIP entry: " + entryName, e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to read entry: " + entryName, e); } for (int i = 0; i < expectedDigests.size(); i++) { NamedDigest expectedDigest = expectedDigests.get(i); byte[] actualDigest = mds[i].digest(); if (!Arrays.equals(expectedDigest.digest, actualDigest)) { result.addError( Issue.JAR_SIG_ZIP_ENTRY_DIGEST_DID_NOT_VERIFY, entryName, expectedDigest.jcaDigestAlgorithm, V1SchemeSigner.MANIFEST_ENTRY_NAME, Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(actualDigest), Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(expectedDigest.digest)); } } } if (firstSignedEntrySigners == null) { result.addError(Issue.JAR_SIG_NO_SIGNED_ZIP_ENTRIES); return Collections.emptySet(); } else { return new HashSet<>(firstSignedEntrySigners); } } private static List getSignerNames(List signers) { if (signers.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List result = new ArrayList<>(signers.size()); for (Signer signer : signers) { result.add(signer.getName()); } return result; } private static MessageDigest getMessageDigest(String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { return MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm); } private static byte[] digest(String algorithm, byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { MessageDigest md = getMessageDigest(algorithm); md.update(data, offset, length); return md.digest(); } private static byte[] digest(String algorithm, byte[] data) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { return getMessageDigest(algorithm).digest(data); } public static class NamedDigest { public final String jcaDigestAlgorithm; public final byte[] digest; private NamedDigest(String jcaDigestAlgorithm, byte[] digest) { this.jcaDigestAlgorithm = jcaDigestAlgorithm; this.digest = digest; } } public static class Result { /** Whether the APK's JAR signature verifies. */ public boolean verified; /** List of APK's signers. These signers are used by Android. */ public final List signers = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Signers encountered in the APK but not included in the set of the APK's signers. These * signers are ignored by Android. */ public final List ignoredSigners = new ArrayList<>(); private final List mWarnings = new ArrayList<>(); private final List mErrors = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean containsErrors() { if (!mErrors.isEmpty()) { return true; } for (SignerInfo signer : signers) { if (signer.containsErrors()) { return true; } } return false; } private void addError(Issue msg, Object... parameters) { mErrors.add(new IssueWithParams(msg, parameters)); } private void addWarning(Issue msg, Object... parameters) { mWarnings.add(new IssueWithParams(msg, parameters)); } public List getErrors() { return mErrors; } public List getWarnings() { return mWarnings; } public static class SignerInfo { public final String name; public final String signatureFileName; public final String signatureBlockFileName; public final List certChain = new ArrayList<>(); private final List mWarnings = new ArrayList<>(); private final List mErrors = new ArrayList<>(); private SignerInfo( String name, String signatureBlockFileName, String signatureFileName) { = name; this.signatureBlockFileName = signatureBlockFileName; this.signatureFileName = signatureFileName; } private boolean containsErrors() { return !mErrors.isEmpty(); } private void addError(Issue msg, Object... parameters) { mErrors.add(new IssueWithParams(msg, parameters)); } private void addWarning(Issue msg, Object... parameters) { mWarnings.add(new IssueWithParams(msg, parameters)); } public List getErrors() { return mErrors; } public List getWarnings() { return mWarnings; } } } private static class SignedAttributes { private Map> mAttrs; public SignedAttributes(Collection attrs) throws Pkcs7DecodingException { Map> result = new HashMap<>(attrs.size()); for (Attribute attr : attrs) { if (result.put(attr.attrType, attr.attrValues) != null) { throw new Pkcs7DecodingException("Duplicate signed attribute: " + attr.attrType); } } mAttrs = result; } private Asn1OpaqueObject getSingleValue(String attrOid) throws Pkcs7DecodingException { List values = mAttrs.get(attrOid); if ((values == null) || (values.isEmpty())) { return null; } if (values.size() > 1) { throw new Pkcs7DecodingException("Attribute " + attrOid + " has multiple values"); } return values.get(0); } public String getSingleObjectIdentifierValue(String attrOid) throws Pkcs7DecodingException { Asn1OpaqueObject value = getSingleValue(attrOid); if (value == null) { return null; } try { return Asn1BerParser.parse(value.getEncoded(), ObjectIdentifierChoice.class).value; } catch (Asn1DecodingException e) { throw new Pkcs7DecodingException("Failed to decode OBJECT IDENTIFIER", e); } } public byte[] getSingleOctetStringValue(String attrOid) throws Pkcs7DecodingException { Asn1OpaqueObject value = getSingleValue(attrOid); if (value == null) { return null; } try { return Asn1BerParser.parse(value.getEncoded(), OctetStringChoice.class).value; } catch (Asn1DecodingException e) { throw new Pkcs7DecodingException("Failed to decode OBJECT IDENTIFIER", e); } } } @Asn1Class(type = Asn1Type.CHOICE) public static class OctetStringChoice { @Asn1Field(type = Asn1Type.OCTET_STRING) public byte[] value; } @Asn1Class(type = Asn1Type.CHOICE) public static class ObjectIdentifierChoice { @Asn1Field(type = Asn1Type.OBJECT_IDENTIFIER) public String value; } }

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