Download xades4j JAR file with all dependencies
xades4j from group org.signserver.xades4j (version 1.3.2-signserver4)
The XAdES4j library is an high-level, configurable and extensible Java implementation of XML Advanced
Electronic Signatures (XAdES 1.3.2 and 1.4.1). It enables producing, verifying and extending signatures in the
main XAdES forms: XAdES-BES, XAdES-EPES, XAdES-T and XAdES-C. Also, extended forms are supported through the
enrichment of an existing signature.
Artifact xades4j
Group org.signserver.xades4j
Version 1.3.2-signserver4
Last update 10. May 2016
Tags: verifying xades4j enrichment existing through level epes supported advanced forms signature extensible extended signatures electronic producing main xades enables configurable implementation library java high also extending
Organization not specified
License GNU Lesser General Public License
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies guice-multibindings, xmlsec, bcpkix-jdk15on, bcprov-jdk15on,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.signserver.xades4j
Version 1.3.2-signserver4
Last update 10. May 2016
Tags: verifying xades4j enrichment existing through level epes supported advanced forms signature extensible extended signatures electronic producing main xades enables configurable implementation library java high also extending
Organization not specified
License GNU Lesser General Public License
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies guice-multibindings, xmlsec, bcpkix-jdk15on, bcprov-jdk15on,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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