org.simplejavamail.outlookmessageparser.model.OutlookMessage Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright © 2017 Benny Bottema ([email protected])
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.simplejavamail.outlookmessageparser.model;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import org.apache.poi.hmef.CompressedRTF;
import org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty;
import org.bbottema.rtftohtml.RTF2HTMLConverter;
import org.bbottema.rtftohtml.impl.util.CharsetHelper;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.simplejavamail.jakarta.mail.Header;
import org.simplejavamail.jakarta.mail.MessagingException;
import org.simplejavamail.jakarta.mail.internet.AddressException;
import org.simplejavamail.jakarta.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import org.simplejavamail.jakarta.mail.internet.InternetHeaders;
import org.simplejavamail.jakarta.mail.internet.MailDateFormat;
import org.simplejavamail.jakarta.mail.internet.MimeUtility;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange;
import static java.util.regex.Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE;
import static java.util.regex.Pattern.compile;
* Class that represents a .msg file. Some fields from the .msg file are stored in special parameters (e.g., {@link #fromEmail}). Attachments are stored in the
* property {@link #outlookAttachments}). An attachment may be of the type {@link OutlookMsgAttachment} which represents another attached (encapsulated) .msg
* object.
public class OutlookMessage {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OutlookMessage.class);
* The message class as defined in the .msg file.
private String messageClass = "IPM.Note";
* The message Id.
private String messageId;
* The address part of From: mail address.
private String fromEmail;
* The name part of the From: mail address
private String fromName;
* The address part of Reply-To header
private String replyToEmail;
* The name part of Reply-To header
private String replyToName;
* The S/MIME part of the S/MIME header
private OutlookSmime smime;
* The mail's subject.
private String subject;
* The normalized body text.
private String bodyText;
* The displayed To: field
private String displayTo;
* The displayed Cc: field
private String displayCc;
* The displayed Bcc: field
private String displayBcc;
* The body in RTF format (if available)
private String bodyRTF;
* The body in HTML format (if available)
private String bodyHTML;
* The body in HTML format (converted from RTF)
private String convertedBodyHTML;
* Email headers (if available)
private String headers;
* Email headers (if available) parsed, but only the last value will survive as headers are allowed multiple times.
private final Map> headersMap = new HashMap<>();
* Email Date
private Date date;
* Client Submit Time
private Date clientSubmitTime;
private Date creationDate;
private Date lastModificationDate;
* A list of all outlookAttachments (both {@link OutlookFileAttachment}
* and {@link OutlookMsgAttachment}).
private final List outlookAttachments = new ArrayList<>();
* Contains all properties that are not
* covered by the special properties.
private final Map properties = new TreeMap<>();
* A list containing all recipients for this message
* (which can be set in the 'to:', 'cc:' and 'bcc:' field, respectively).
private final List recipients = new ArrayList<>();
private static final Pattern XML_CHARSET_PATTERN = compile("charset=(\"|)(?[\\w\\-]+)\\1", CASE_INSENSITIVE);
public void addAttachment(final OutlookAttachment outlookAttachment) {
public void addRecipient(final OutlookRecipient recipient) {
* Sets the name/value pair in the {@link #properties} map. Some properties are put into special attributes (e.g., {@link #setSubject(String)} when the property name is '0x37').
public void setProperty(final OutlookMessageProperty msgProp, RTF2HTMLConverter rtf2HTMLConverter) {
final String name = msgProp.getClazz();
final Object value = msgProp.getData();
if (name == null || value == null) {
//Most fields expect a String representation of the value
final String stringValue = convertValueToString(value);
int mapiClass = -1;
try {
mapiClass = Integer.parseInt(name, 16);
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
LOGGER.trace("Unexpected type: {}", name, e);
switch (mapiClass) {
case 0x1a: //MESSAGE CLASS
case 0x1035:
case 0x37: //SUBJECT
case 0x3ffa: //LAST MODIFIER NAME
case 0xe04: //DISPLAY TO
case 0xe03: //DISPLAY CC
case 0xe02: //DISPLAY BCC
case 0x1013: //HTML
case 0x1000: //BODY
case 0x1009: //RTF COMPRESSED
setBodyRTF(value, rtf2HTMLConverter);
case 0x3007: //CREATION TIME
case 0x8003: // S/MIME details
case 0x8005: // S/MIME details
// save all properties (incl. those identified above)
properties.put(mapiClass, value);
// other possible values (some are duplicates)
// 0044: recv name
// 004d: author
// 0050: reply
// 005a: sender
// 0065: sent email
// 0076: received email
// 0078: repr. email
// 0c1a: sender name
// 0e04: to
// 0e1d: subject normalized
// 1046: sender email
// 3003: email address
// 1008 rtf sync
private String convertValueToString(final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return null;
if (value instanceof String) {
return (String) value;
} else if (value instanceof byte[]) {
final String convertedString = new String((byte[]) value, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
final Matcher m = XML_CHARSET_PATTERN.matcher(convertedString);
if (m.find()) {
try {
final Charset charset = Charset.forName("charset"));
return new String((byte[]) value, charset);
} catch (Exception e) {
// fallback on default encoding
return convertedString;
} else {
LOGGER.trace("Unexpected body class: {} (expected String or byte[])", value.getClass().getName());
return value.toString();
public Map fetchCIDMap() {
final HashMap cidMap = new HashMap<>();
final String html = getConvertedBodyHTML();
if (html != null && !html.isEmpty()) {
.filter(attachment -> attachment instanceof OutlookFileAttachment)
.map(attachment -> (OutlookFileAttachment) attachment)
.forEach(fileAttachment -> tryAddCIDAttachments(cidMap, html, fileAttachment));
return cidMap;
private void tryAddCIDAttachments(final HashMap cidMap, final String html, final OutlookFileAttachment fileAttachment) {
if (fileAttachment.getData().length != 0) {
if (!tryAddCid(cidMap, html, fileAttachment, fileAttachment.getContentId())) {
if (!tryAddCid(cidMap, html, fileAttachment, fileAttachment.getFilename())) {
tryAddCid(cidMap, html, fileAttachment, fileAttachment.getLongFilename());
private boolean tryAddCid(final HashMap cidMap, final String html, final OutlookFileAttachment a, final String cid) {
final boolean cidFound = cid != null && !cid.isEmpty() && htmlContainsCID(html, cid);
if (cidFound) {
cidMap.put(cid, a);
return cidFound;
* @return Only the downloadable attachments, *not* embedded attachments (as in embedded with cid:attachment, such as images in an email). This includes
* downloadable nested outlook messages as file attachments!
public List fetchTrueAttachments() {
final Set allAttachments = new HashSet<>(getOutlookAttachments());
final ArrayList fileAttachments = new ArrayList<>();
for (final OutlookAttachment attachment : allAttachments) {
if (attachment instanceof OutlookFileAttachment) {
fileAttachments.add((OutlookFileAttachment) attachment);
} else {
LOGGER.warn("Skipping nested Outlook message as file attachment, writing Outlook messages back as data is not supported!");
LOGGER.warn("To access the nested Outlook message as parsed Java object, refer to .getAttachments() instead.");
return fileAttachments;
private boolean htmlContainsCID(final String html, final String cidName) {
return compile(format("cid:['\"]?%s['\"]?", escapeCID(cidName))).matcher(html).find();
private String escapeCID(final String cidName) {
String res = cidName;
for (final String c : new String[]{"\\", "^", "$", ".", "|", "?", "*", "+", "(", ")", "[", "{"}) {
res = res.replace(c, "\\" + c);
return res;
* @param date The date string to be converted (e.g.: 'Mon Jul 23 15:43:12 CEST 2012')
* @return A {@link Date} object representing the given date string.
private static Date parseDateString(final String date) {
//in order to parse the date we try using the US locale before we
//fall back to the default locale.
final List sdfList = new ArrayList<>(2);
sdfList.add(new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss z yyyy", Locale.US));
sdfList.add(new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss z yyyy"));
Date d = null;
for (final SimpleDateFormat sdf : sdfList) {
try {
d = sdf.parse(date);
if (d != null) {
} catch (final ParseException e) {
LOGGER.trace("Unexpected date format for date {}", date, e);
return d;
* Decompresses compressed RTF data.
* @param value Data to be decompressed.
* @return A byte array representing the decompressed data.
private byte[] decompressRtfBytes(final byte[] value) {
byte[] decompressed = null;
if (value != null) {
try {
final CompressedRTF crtf = new CompressedRTF();
decompressed = crtf.decompress(new ByteArrayInputStream(value));
} catch (final IOException e) {"Could not decompress RTF data", e);
return decompressed;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = commonToString();
sb.append(outlookAttachments.size()).append(" outlookAttachments.");
return sb.toString();
private StringBuilder commonToString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("From: ").append(createMailString(fromEmail, fromName)).append("\n");
appendRecipients(sb, "To: ", getToRecipients());
appendRecipients(sb, "Cc: ", getCcRecipients());
appendRecipients(sb, "Bcc: ", getBccRecipients());
if (date != null) {
final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.ENGLISH);
sb.append("Date: ").append(formatter.format(date)).append("\n");
if (subject != null) {
sb.append("Subject: ").append(subject).append("\n");
return sb;
private void appendRecipients(StringBuilder sb, String recipientTypeFormatted, List recipients) {
if (!recipients.isEmpty()) {
for (OutlookRecipient toRecipient : getToRecipients()) {
sb.append(createMailString(toRecipient.getName(), toRecipient.getAddress())).append("; ");
sb.delete(sb.lastIndexOf("; "), sb.length());
* Convenience method for creating an email address expression (including the name, the address, or both).
* @param mail The mail address.
* @param name The name part of the address.
* @return A combination of the name and address.
private String createMailString(final String mail, final String name) {
if (mail == null && name == null) {
return null;
if (name == null) {
return mail;
if (mail == null) {
return name;
if (mail.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
return mail;
return "\"" + name + "\" <" + mail + ">";
void setSmimeApplicationSmime(String smimeHeader) {
// application/pkcs7-mime;smime-type=signed-data;name=smime.p7m
if (smimeHeader != null && smimeHeader.contains("application/")) {
final String[] smimeHeaderParts = smimeHeader.split(";");
String smimeMime = smimeHeaderParts[0].trim();
String smimeType = null;
String smimeName = null;
for (String smimeHeaderParam : copyOfRange(smimeHeaderParts, 1, smimeHeaderParts.length)) {
final String[] smimeParamParts = smimeHeaderParam.split("=");
String paramName = smimeParamParts[0].trim();
String paramValue = smimeParamParts[1].trim();
if (paramName.equals("smime-type")) {
smimeType = paramValue;
} else if (paramName.equals("name")) {
smimeName = paramValue;
setSmime(new OutlookSmime.OutlookSmimeApplicationSmime(smimeMime, smimeType, smimeName));
void setSmimeMultipartSigned(String smimeHeader) {
// multipart/signed;protocol="application/pkcs7-signature";micalg=sha1
if (smimeHeader != null && smimeHeader.contains("multipart/signed")) {
final String[] smimeHeaderParts = smimeHeader.split(";");
String smimeMime = smimeHeaderParts[0].trim();
String smimeProtocol = null;
String smimeMicalg = null;
for (String smimeHeaderParam : copyOfRange(smimeHeaderParts, 1, smimeHeaderParts.length)) {
final String[] smimeParamParts = smimeHeaderParam.split("=");
final String paramName = smimeParamParts[0].trim();
final String paramValue = smimeParamParts[1].trim().replaceFirst("^\"(.*)\"$", "$1");
if (paramName.equals("protocol")) {
smimeProtocol = paramValue;
} else if (paramName.equals("micalg")) {
smimeMicalg = paramValue;
setSmime(new OutlookSmime.OutlookSmimeMultipartSigned(smimeMime, smimeProtocol, smimeMicalg));
* Bean getter for {@link #outlookAttachments}.
public List getOutlookAttachments() {
return outlookAttachments;
* Bean getter for {@link #recipients}.
public List getRecipients() {
return recipients;
* Bean getter for {@link #fromEmail}.
public String getFromEmail() {
return fromEmail;
* Bean setter for {@link #fromEmail}. Uses force if the email contains a '@' symbol ({@link #setFromEmail(String, boolean)}).
private void setFromEmail(final String fromEmail) {
setFromEmail(fromEmail, fromEmail != null && fromEmail.contains("@"));
* @param fromEmail the fromEmail to set
* @param force forces overwriting of the field if already set
private void setFromEmail(final String fromEmail, final boolean force) {
if ((force || this.fromEmail == null) && fromEmail != null && fromEmail.contains("@")) {
this.fromEmail = fromEmail;
* Bean getter for {@link #fromName}.
public String getFromName() {
return fromName;
* Bean setter for {@link #fromName}.
private void setFromName(final String fromName) {
if (fromName != null) {
this.fromName = fromName;
* Bean getter for {@link #displayTo}.
public String getDisplayTo() {
return displayTo;
* Bean setter for {@link #displayTo}.
private void setDisplayTo(final String displayTo) {
if (displayTo != null) {
this.displayTo = displayTo;
* Bean getter for {@link #displayCc}.
public String getDisplayCc() {
return displayCc;
* Bean setter for {@link #displayCc}.
private void setDisplayCc(final String displayCc) {
if (displayCc != null) {
this.displayCc = displayCc;
* Bean getter for {@link #displayBcc}.
public String getDisplayBcc() {
return displayBcc;
* Bean setter for {@link #displayBcc}.
private void setDisplayBcc(final String displayBcc) {
if (displayBcc != null) {
this.displayBcc = displayBcc;
* Bean getter for {@link #messageClass}.
public String getMessageClass() {
return messageClass;
* Bean setter for {@link #messageClass}.
private void setMessageClass(final String messageClass) {
if (messageClass != null) {
this.messageClass = messageClass;
* Bean getter for {@link #messageId}.
public String getMessageId() {
return messageId;
* Bean setter for {@link #messageId}.
private void setMessageId(final String messageId) {
if (messageId != null) {
this.messageId = messageId;
* Bean getter for {@link #subject}.
public String getSubject() {
return subject;
* Bean setter for {@link #subject}.
private void setSubject(final String subject) {
if (subject != null) {
this.subject = subject;
* Retrieves a list of {@link OutlookRecipient} objects that represent the CC recipients of the message.
* @return the TO recipients of the message.
public List getToRecipients() {
return filterRecipients(getDisplayTo());
* Retrieves a list of {@link OutlookRecipient} objects that represent the CC recipients of the message.
* @return the CC recipients of the message.
public List getCcRecipients() {
return filterRecipients(getDisplayCc());
* Retrieves a list of {@link OutlookRecipient} objects that represent the BCC recipients of the message.
* @return the BCC recipients of the message.
public List getBccRecipients() {
return filterRecipients(getDisplayBcc());
private List filterRecipients(String displayTo) {
final List toRecipients = new ArrayList<>();
if (displayTo != null) {
final String recipientKey = displayTo.trim();
for (final OutlookRecipient entry : recipients) {
if (entry.getAddress() != null) {
final String name = entry.getName().trim();
if (recipientKey.contains(name)) {
} else {
LOGGER.debug("Recipient {} has no email address, skipping", entry);
return toRecipients;
* Bean getter for {@link #bodyText}.
public String getBodyText() {
return bodyText;
* Bean setter for {@link #bodyText}.
private void setBodyText(final String bodyText) {
if (this.bodyText == null && bodyText != null) {
this.bodyText = bodyText;
* Bean getter for {@link #bodyRTF}.
public String getBodyRTF() {
return bodyRTF;
* @param bodyRTF the bodyRTF to set
private void setBodyRTF(final Object bodyRTF, RTF2HTMLConverter rtf2htmlConverter) {
// we simply try to decompress the RTF data if it's not compressed, the utils class is able to detect this anyway
if (this.bodyRTF == null && bodyRTF != null) {
if (bodyRTF instanceof byte[]) {
try {
final byte[] decompressedBytes = decompressRtfBytes((byte[]) bodyRTF);
if (decompressedBytes != null) {
this.bodyRTF = new String(decompressedBytes, CharsetHelper.WINDOWS_CHARSET);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Error occurred while extracting compressed RTF from source msg", e);
} else {
LOGGER.warn("Unexpected data type {}", bodyRTF.getClass());
* Bean getter for {@link #bodyHTML}.
public String getBodyHTML() {
return bodyHTML;
* Bean getter for {@link #convertedBodyHTML}.
public String getConvertedBodyHTML() {
return convertedBodyHTML;
* Bean setter for {@link #convertedBodyHTML}.
private void setConvertedBodyHTML(final String convertedBodyHTML) {
this.convertedBodyHTML = convertedBodyHTML;
* Sets {@link #bodyHTML} if empty or if given bodySet is longer
private void setBodyHTML(final String bodyToSet) {
if (bodyToSet != null && (bodyHTML == null || bodyHTML.length() <= bodyToSet.length())) {
//only if the new body to be set is bigger than the current one
//thus the short one is most probably wrong
bodyHTML = bodyToSet;
* Bean getter for {@link #headers}.
public String getHeaders() {
return headers;
* Bean getter for {@link #headersMap}.
public Map> getHeadersMap() {
return headersMap;
* @param headers the headers to set
private void setHeaders(final String headers) {
if (headers != null) {
this.headers = headers;
final InternetHeaders parsedHeaders = getInternetHeaders(headers);
if (parsedHeaders != null) {// try to parse the date from the headers
final Date d = getDateFromHeaders(parsedHeaders);
if (d != null) {
final String s = getFromEmailFromHeaders(parsedHeaders);
if (s != null) {
for (Enumeration headerElement = parsedHeaders.getAllHeaders(); headerElement.hasMoreElements(); ) {
final Header header = headerElement.nextElement();
if (!headersMap.containsKey(header.getName())) {
headersMap.put(header.getName(), new ArrayList<>());
private InternetHeaders getInternetHeaders(String headers) {
try {
return new InternetHeaders(IOUtils.toInputStream(headers, StandardCharsets.UTF_8), true);
} catch (final MessagingException e) {
return null;
* Parses the sender's email address from the mail headers.
* @param parsedHeaders
* The headers
* @return The sender's email or null if nothing was found.
private static String getFromEmailFromHeaders(final InternetHeaders parsedHeaders) {
final String[] a = parsedHeaders.getHeader("fROM");
if (a != null) {
for (final String mlValue : a) {
final String value = MimeUtility.unfold(mlValue);
try {
return new InternetAddress(value, true).getAddress();
} catch (AddressException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Could not parse from {}, moving on to the next date candidate", value, e);
return null;
* Parses the message date from the mail headers.
* @param parsedHeaders
* The headers
* @return The Date object or null, if no valid Date: has been found
private static Date getDateFromHeaders(final InternetHeaders parsedHeaders) {
final String[] a = parsedHeaders.getHeader("dATE");
if (a != null) {
final MailDateFormat formatter = new MailDateFormat();
for (final String mlValue : a) {
final String dateValue = MimeUtility.unfold(mlValue);
// There may be multiple Date: headers. Let's
// take the first one that can be parsed.
try {
final Date date = formatter.parse(dateValue);
if (date != null) {
return date;
} catch (final ParseException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Could not parse date {}, moving on to the next date candidate", dateValue, e);
return null;
* Bean getter for {@link #date}.
public Date getDate() {
return (Date) date.clone();
* Bean setter for {@link #date}.
private void setDate(final Date date) { = date;
* @return {@link #clientSubmitTime} or null in case this message has not been sent yet.
public Date getClientSubmitTime() {
return clientSubmitTime != null ? (Date) clientSubmitTime.clone() : null;
private void setClientSubmitTime(final String value) {
if (value != null) {
final Date d = parseDateString(value);
if (d != null) {
clientSubmitTime = d;
* Bean getter for {@link #creationDate}.
public Date getCreationDate() {
return (Date) creationDate.clone();
private void setCreationDate(final String value) {
if (value != null) {
final Date d = parseDateString(value);
if (d != null) {
creationDate = d;
* Bean getter for {@link #lastModificationDate}.
public Date getLastModificationDate() {
return (Date) lastModificationDate.clone();
private void setLastModificationDate(final String value) {
if (value != null) {
final Date d = parseDateString(value);
if (d != null) {
lastModificationDate = d;
* This method provides a convenient way of retrieving
* property keys for all guys that like to stick to hex values.
Note that this method includes parsing of string values
* to integers which will be less efficient than using
* {@link #getPropertyCodes()}.
* @return All available keys properties have been found for.
public Set getPropertiesAsHex() {
final Set keySet = properties.keySet();
final Set result = new HashSet<>();
for (final Integer k : keySet) {
final String s = convertToHex(k);
return result;
* This method returns a list of all available properties.
* @return All available keys properties have been found for.
public Set getPropertyCodes() {
return properties.keySet();
* This method retrieves the value for a specific property.
* NOTE: You can also use fields defined within {@link MAPIProperty} to easily read certain properties.
* @param code The key for the property to be retrieved.
* @return The value of the specified property.
public Object getPropertyValue(final Integer code) {
return properties.get(code);
* Generates a string that can be used to debug the properties of the msg.
* @return A property listing holding hexadecimal, decimal and string representations of properties and their values.
public String getPropertyListing() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (final Integer propCode : getPropertyCodes()) {
final Object value = getPropertyValue(propCode);
final String hexCode = "0x" + convertToHex(propCode);
sb.append(hexCode).append(" / ").append(propCode);
sb.append(": ").append(value);
return sb.toString();
* Converts a given integer to hex notation without leading '0x'.
* @param propCode The value to be formatted.
* @return A hex formatted number.
private String convertToHex(final Integer propCode) {
return format("%04x", propCode);
* Bean getter for {@link #replyToEmail}.
public String getReplyToEmail() {
return replyToEmail;
* Bean setter for {@link #replyToEmail}.
public void setReplyToEmail(final String replyToEmail) {
this.replyToEmail = replyToEmail;
* Bean getter for {@link #replyToName}.
public String getReplyToName() {
return replyToName;
* Bean setter for {@link #replyToName}.
public void setReplyToName(final String replyToName) {
this.replyToName = replyToName;
* Bean setter for {@link #smime}.
public void setSmime(OutlookSmime smime) {
this.smime = smime;
* Bean getter for {@link #smime}.
public OutlookSmime getSmime() {
return smime;