Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Simplex3dEngine - Core Module
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012, Aleksey Nikiforov
* This file is part of Simplex3dEngine.
* Simplex3dEngine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Simplex3dEngine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package simplex3d.engine
package graphics
import java.lang.Integer
import java.util.HashMap
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import simplex3d.math.types._
import simplex3d.math.double.functions._
import simplex3d.engine.util._
sealed abstract class BindingSeq[T <: Accessible with Binding { type Read >: T <: Protected } ](
implicit val elementTag: TypeTag[T]
extends Protected with Binding with PropertyContextDependent
if(elementTag.tpe <:< Types.BindingSeq) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Nested sequences are not supported."
// *** Prop *********************************************************************************************************
protected var context: PropertyContext = _
private[engine] override def register(context: PropertyContext) {
this.context = context
if (manageElems) registerElems(0, buff.size)
private[engine] override def unregister() {
if (manageElems) unregisterElems(0, buff.size)
context = null
protected def registerPropertyContext(context: PropertyContext) {}
protected def unregisterPropertyContext() {}
protected val managable = elementTag.tpe <:< Types.PropertyContextDependent
protected def manageElems = (context != null && managable)
protected def registerElems(offset: Int, count: Int) {
var i = offset; while (i < offset + count) {
i += 1
protected def unregisterElems(offset: Int, count: Int) {
var i = offset; while (i < offset + count) {
i += 1
// *** Seq **********************************************************************************************************
type Read = BindingSeq[T]
private[graphics] val buff = new ArrayBuffer[T]
def size = buff.size
final def length: Int = size
type Elem <: T#Read
final def apply(i: Int) :Elem = buff(i).asInstanceOf[Elem]
// TODO Multidimensional arrays can be supported by having multidimensional size key.
// Then declare eg [BindingList[BindingList[X]]]("name").size(expr1, expr2). And def size(expr: String*).
final def collectKeys(path: String, nameKey: ListNameKey, lists: HashMap[ListNameKey, Integer], enums: HashMap[String, Object]) {
val size = this.size
val existing = lists.get(nameKey)
if (existing == null || size < existing) lists.put(nameKey, size) //XXX warn on existing and non-equal size
if (size > 0) {
if (apply(0).isInstanceOf[Struct]) {
var j = 0; while (j < size) {
apply(j).asInstanceOf[Struct].collectKeys(path + "[" + j + "]", lists, enums)
j += 1
else if (apply(0).isInstanceOf[EnumRef[_]]) {
var j = 0; while (j < size) {
apply(j).asInstanceOf[EnumRef[_]].collectKeys(path + "[" + j + "]", enums)
j += 1
final def samplerRemapping(path: String, remapping: HashMap[String, String]) {
if (path.contains("[*]")) return // nested arrays cannot be re-mapped.
if (size > 0) {
apply(0).asInstanceOf[AnyRef] match {
case s: Struct => s.samplerRemapping(path + "[*]", remapping)
case t: TextureBinding[_] => t.samplerRemapping(path + "[*]", remapping)
case _ => // do nothing
final class BindingList[T <: Accessible with Binding { type Read >: T <: Protected } ](
implicit elementTag: TypeTag[T]
extends BindingSeq[T] with Accessible
type Mutable = BindingList[T]
type Elem = T
final def mutableCopy: BindingList[T] = {
val copy = new BindingList[T]()(elementTag)
copy := this
def :=(r: BindingSeq[T]) {
this := r.buff.asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[T#Read]]
def :=(seq: Seq[T#Read]) {
val s = size; var i = 0; for (e <- seq) {
if (i < s) {
val stable = buff(i)
stable := e.asInstanceOf[stable.Read]
else {
val mc = e.mutableCopy.asInstanceOf[T]
if (manageElems) mc.asInstanceOf[PropertyContextDependent].register(context)
buff += mc
i += 1
if (i < s) {
if (manageElems) unregisterElems(i, s - i)
buff.remove(i, s - i)
if (context != null && i != s) context.signalStructuralChanges()
def +=(elem: T#Read) {
val mc = elem.mutableCopy.asInstanceOf[T]
if (manageElems) mc.asInstanceOf[PropertyContextDependent].register(context)
buff += mc
if (context != null) context.signalStructuralChanges()
def ++=(r: BindingSeq[T]) {
this ++= r.buff.asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[T#Read]]
def ++=(seq: Seq[T#Read]) {
val size0 = buff.size
buff ++=[T])
if (manageElems) registerElems(size0, buff.size - size0)
if (context != null) context.signalStructuralChanges()
def insert(index: Int, elems: T#Read*) {
this.insertAll(index, elems)
def insertAll(index: Int, r: BindingSeq[T]) {
this.insertAll(index, r.buff.asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[T#Read]])
def insertAll(index: Int, seq: Seq[T#Read]) {
val size0 = buff.size
if (manageElems) registerElems(index, buff.size - size0)
if (context != null) context.signalStructuralChanges()
def remove(index: Int) {
remove(index, 1)
def remove(index: Int, count: Int) {
if (index < 0 || index > buff.size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException()
if (index + count > buff.size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException()
if (manageElems) unregisterElems(index, count)
buff.remove(index, count)
if (context != null) context.signalStructuralChanges()
def take(count: Int) { remove(count, size - count) }
def takeRigth(count: Int) { remove(0, size - count) }
def drop(count: Int) { remove(0, count) }
def dropRight(count: Int) { remove(size - count, count) }
def clear() {
remove(0, buff.size)
override def toString :String = {
"BindingList(" + buff.mkString(", ") + ")"
object BindingList {
def apply[T <: Accessible with Binding { type Read >: T <: Protected } ]
(elems: T#Read*)
(implicit elementTag: TypeTag[T])
:BindingList[T] =
val list = new BindingList[T]
list ++= elems
final class BindingArray[T <: Accessible with Binding { type Read >: T <: Protected } ] private()(
implicit elementTag: TypeTag[T]
extends BindingSeq[T] with Accessible
def this(size: Int)(implicit elementTag: TypeTag[T]) {
val clazz = ClassUtil.runtimeClass(elementTag.tpe)
var i = 0; while (i < size) {
buff += clazz.newInstance().asInstanceOf[T]
i += 1
if (manageElems) registerElems(0, size)
type Mutable = BindingArray[T]
type Elem = T
final def mutableCopy: BindingArray[T] = {
val copy = new BindingArray[T]()(elementTag)
copy := this
def :=(r: BindingSeq[T]) {
set(r.buff.asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[T#Read]], r.size)
def :=(seq: Seq[T#Read]) {
set(seq, seq.size)
private def set(src: Seq[T#Read], srcSize: Int) {
if (srcSize != size) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source size must match the destination size.")
val s = size; var i = 0; for (e <- src) {
val stable = buff(i)
stable := e.asInstanceOf[stable.Read]
i += 1
override def toString :String = {
"BindingArray(" + buff.mkString(", ") + ")"
object BindingArray {
def apply[T <: Accessible with Binding { type Read >: T <: Protected } ]
(elems: T#Read*)
(implicit elementTag: TypeTag[T])
:BindingArray[T] =
val size = elems.size
val array = new BindingArray[T](size)
array.set(elems, size)
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