skinny.assets.ReactJSXCompiler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package skinny.assets
import org.mozilla.javascript._
import java.io.{ ByteArrayInputStream, IOException, InputStreamReader }
import skinny.util.LoanPattern._
import skinny.ClassPathResourceLoader
import scala.sys.process._
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import skinny.exception.AssetsPrecompileFailureException
import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject
import org.mozilla.javascript.Context
import org.mozilla.javascript.JavaScriptException
* React JSX template compiler.
* @see https://github.com/facebook/react-rails
class ReactJSXCompiler {
private[this] val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[ReactJSXCompiler])
private[this] lazy val globalScope: ScriptableObject = {
val context = Context.enter
val globalScope = context.initStandardObjects
context.evaluateString(globalScope, "var global = global || this;", "jsx", 0, null)
ClassPathResourceLoader.getClassPathResource("META-INF/skinny-assets/JSXTransformer.js").map { jsx =>
using(jsx.stream) { stream =>
using(new InputStreamReader(stream)) { input =>
context.evaluateReader(globalScope, input, "jsx", 0, null)
private[this] def isWindows = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().indexOf("win") >= 0
private[this] def jsxCommand = if (isWindows) "jsx.bat" else "jsx"
private[this] def nativeCompilerDescription = Seq(jsxCommand, "--version").lines.mkString
private[this] def nativeCompilerCommand = Seq(jsxCommand)
private[this] def nativeCompilerExists: Boolean = {
try !Seq(jsxCommand, "--version").lines.mkString.isEmpty
catch { case e: IOException => false }
* Compiles React JSX Transformer source code to JavaScript source code.
* @param jsxCode jsx code
* @return js code
def compile(path: String, jsxCode: String): String = {
if (nativeCompilerExists) {
// Native compiler (npm install -g react-tools)
log.debug(s"Native React compiler is found. (version: ${nativeCompilerDescription})")
val (out, err) = (new StringBuilder, new StringBuilder)
val processLogger = ProcessLogger(
(o: String) => out ++= o ++= "\n",
(e: String) => err ++= e ++= "\n"
using(new ByteArrayInputStream(jsxCode.getBytes)) { stdin =>
val exitCode = (nativeCompilerCommand #< stdin) ! processLogger
if (exitCode == 0) out.toString
else {
val message = s"Failed to compile React jsx script code! (exit code: ${exitCode})\n\n${err.toString}"
throw new AssetsPrecompileFailureException(message)
} else {
// Compiler on the Rhino JS engine
val context = Context.enter
val compileScope = context.newObject(globalScope)
compileScope.put("source", compileScope, jsxCode)
val compilerScript = s"global.JSXTransformer.transform(source).code;"
try context.evaluateString(compileScope, compilerScript, "skinny.assets.ReactCompiler", 0, null).toString
catch {
case e: JavaScriptException =>
val message = s"Failed to compile jsx template code! (${e.getMessage})"
throw new AssetsPrecompileFailureException(message)
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