skinny.controller.SkinnyApiResourceActions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package skinny.controller
import skinny._
import skinny.ParamType
import skinny.controller.feature.SkinnyControllerCommonBase
import skinny.validator.{ NewValidation, MapValidator }
import skinny.exception.StrongParametersException
import java.util.Locale
* Actions for Skinny API resource.
trait SkinnyApiResourceActions[Id] { self: SkinnyControllerCommonBase =>
* SkinnyModel for this resource.
protected def model: SkinnyModel[Id, _]
* Id field name.
protected def idName: String = "id"
* Id parameter name.
protected def idParamName: String = toSnakeCase(idName)
* Resource name in the plural. This name will be used for path and directory name to locale template files.
protected def resourcesName: String
* Resource name in the singular. This name will be used for path and validator's prefix.
protected def resourceName: String
* Root element name in the XML response.
override protected def xmlRootName = resourcesName
* Each resource item element name in the XML response.
override protected def xmlItemName = resourceName
* Creates validator with prefix(resourceName).
* @param params params
* @param validations validations
* @param locale current locale
* @return validator
override def validation(params: Params, validations: NewValidation*)(
locale: Locale = currentLocale(context).orNull[Locale]
): MapValidator = {
validationWithPrefix(params, resourceName, validations: _*)(context)
* Use relative path if true. This is set as false by default.
* If you set this as true, routing will become simpler but /{resources}.xml or /{resources}.json don't work.
protected def useRelativePathForResourcesBasePath: Boolean = false
* Base path prefix. (e.g. /admin/{resourcesName} )
protected def resourcesBasePathPrefix: String = ""
* Base path.
protected def resourcesBasePath: String = {
resourcesBasePathPrefix + (if (useRelativePathForResourcesBasePath) "" else s"/${resourcesName}")
* Normalized base path. This method should not be overridden.
protected final def normalizedResourcesBasePath: String = {
resourcesBasePath.replaceFirst("^/", "").replaceFirst("/$", "")
* Outputs debug logging for passed parameters.
* @param form input form
* @param id id if exists
protected def debugLoggingParameters(form: MapValidator, id: Option[Id] = None) = {
val forId = id.map { id => s" for [id -> ${id}]" }.getOrElse("")
val params = form.paramMap.map { case (name, value) => s"${name} -> '${value}'" }.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
logger.debug(s"Parameters${forId}: ${params}")
* Outputs debug logging for permitted parameters.
* @param parameters permitted strong parameters
* @param id id if exists
protected def debugLoggingPermittedParameters(parameters: PermittedStrongParameters, id: Option[Id] = None) = {
val forId = id.map { id => s" for [id -> ${id}]" }.getOrElse("")
val params = parameters.params.map { case (name, (v, t)) => s"${name} -> '${v}' as ${t}" }.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
logger.debug(s"Permitted parameters${forId}: ${params}")
// ----------------------------
// Actions for this resource
// ----------------------------
protected def enablePagination: Boolean = true
protected def pageSize: Int = 20
protected def pageSizeParamName: String = "size"
protected def pageNoParamName: String = "page"
* Shows a list of resource.
* GET /{resources}/
* GET /{resources}/?page=1&size=10
* GET /{resources}
* GET /{resources}.xml
* GET /{resources}.json
* @param format format
* @return list of resource
def showResources()(implicit format: Format = Format.HTML): Any = withFormat(format) {
implicit val ctx = context
if (enablePagination) {
val pageSize: Int = params.getAs[Int](pageSizeParamName).getOrElse(this.pageSize)
val pageNo: Int = params.getAs[Int](pageNoParamName).getOrElse(1)
renderWithFormat(findResources(pageSize, pageNo))
} else {
protected def countResources(): Long = model.countAllModels()
protected def findResources(pageSize: Int, pageNo: Int): List[_] = model.findModels(pageSize, pageNo)
protected def findResources(): List[_] = model.findAllModels()
* Show single resource.
* GET /{resources}/{id}
* GET /{resources}/{id}.xml
* GET /{resources}/{id}.json
* @param id id
* @param format format
* @return single resource
def showResource(id: Id)(implicit format: Format = Format.HTML): Any = withFormat(format) {
protected def findResource(id: Id): Option[_] = model.findModel(id)
* Input form for creation
protected def createForm: MapValidator
* Params for creation.
protected def createParams: Params = Params(params(context))
* Strong parameter definitions for creation form
protected def createFormStrongParameters: Seq[(String, ParamType)]
* Executes resource creation.
* @param parameters permitted parameters
* @return generated resource id
protected def doCreateAndReturnId(parameters: PermittedStrongParameters): Id = {
* Creates new resource.
* POST /{resources}
* @param format format
* @return created response if success
def createResource()(implicit format: Format = Format.HTML): Any = withFormat(format) {
if (createForm.validate()) {
val id = if (!createFormStrongParameters.isEmpty) {
val parameters = createParams.permit(createFormStrongParameters: _*)
} else {
throw new StrongParametersException(
"'createFormStrongParameters' or 'createFormTypedStrongParameters' must be defined."
status = 201
val ext = if (format == Format.HTML) "" else "." + format.name
response(context).setHeader("Location", s"${contextPath}/${normalizedResourcesBasePath}/${model.idToRawValue(id)}${ext}")
} else {
status = 400
* Input form for modification
protected def updateForm: MapValidator
* Params for modification.
protected def updateParams: Params = Params(params(context))
* Strong parameter definitions for modification form
protected def updateFormStrongParameters: Seq[(String, ParamType)]
* Executes modification for the specified resource.
* @param id id
* @param parameters permitted parameters
* @return count
protected def doUpdate(id: Id, parameters: PermittedStrongParameters): Int = {
debugLoggingPermittedParameters(parameters, Some(id))
model.updateModelById(id, parameters)
* Updates the specified single resource.
* PUT /{resources}/{id}
* @param id id
* @param format format
* @return result
def updateResource(id: Id)(implicit format: Format = Format.HTML): Any = withFormat(format) {
debugLoggingParameters(updateForm, Some(id))
findResource(id).map { m =>
if (updateForm.validate()) {
if (!updateFormStrongParameters.isEmpty) {
val parameters = updateParams.permit(updateFormStrongParameters: _*)
doUpdate(id, parameters)
} else {
throw new StrongParametersException(
"'updateFormStrongParameters' or 'updateFormTypedStrongParameters' must be defined."
status = 200
} else {
status = 400
} getOrElse haltWithBody(404)(context)
* Executes deletion of the specified single resource.
* @param id id
* @return count
protected def doDestroy(id: Id): Int = {
* Destroys the specified resource.
* DELETE /{resources}/{id}
* @param id id
* @param format format
* @return result
def destroyResource(id: Id)(implicit format: Format = Format.HTML): Any = withFormat(format) {
findResource(id).map { m =>
status = 200
} getOrElse haltWithBody(404)(context)
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