skinny.controller.feature.ScalateTemplateEngineFeature.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package skinny.controller.feature
import org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine
import org.fusesource.scalate.layout.DefaultLayoutStrategy
import skinny._
import skinny.micro.context.SkinnyContext
import skinny.micro.contrib.ScalateSupport
import skinny.micro.contrib.scalate.SkinnyScalateRenderContext
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import java.io.PrintWriter
import java.text.DecimalFormat
* Scalate implementation of TemplateEngineSupport.
* This is basically same as Scalatra's Scalate support, but the convention of template file path is inspired by Ruby on Rails.
* {{{
* render("/members/index")
* }}}
* The above code expects "src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/members/index.html.ssp" by default.
* If you need to use scaml instead,
* {{{
* override lazy val scalateExtension: String = "scaml"
* }}}
* And then, Skinny expects "src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/members/index.html.scaml"
trait ScalateTemplateEngineFeature extends TemplateEngineFeature
with ScalateSupport {
//with ScalateUrlGeneratorSupport {
* To deal with exceptions.
* http://www.scalatra.org/guides/views/scalate.html#toc_303
override def isScalateErrorPageEnabled = false
* Overrides to make the template path simpler.
* @return paths
override protected def defaultTemplatePath: List[String] = List("/WEB-INF/views")
* Creates TemplateEngine instance for Skinny app.
* @param config configuration
* @return TemplateEngine instance
override protected def createTemplateEngine(config: ConfigT) = {
val engine = super.createTemplateEngine(config)
engine.layoutStrategy = new DefaultLayoutStrategy(engine, TemplateEngine.templateTypes.map("/WEB-INF/layouts/default." + _): _*)
engine.packagePrefix = "templates"
* Creates a RenderContext instance for Skinny app.
override protected def createRenderContext(out: PrintWriter)(
ctx: SkinnyContext
): SkinnyScalateRenderContext = {
val context = super.createRenderContext(out)(ctx)
context.numberFormat = scalateRenderContextNumberFormat
protected def createSkinnyScalateRenderContext(ctx: SkinnyContext): SkinnyScalateRenderContext = {
* Creates a DecimalFormat instance to be use by default.
def scalateRenderContextNumberFormat: DecimalFormat = {
val df = new DecimalFormat
df.setGroupingUsed(false) // prevent commas from being inserted into numbers
* Scalate extension names. Skinny will search for templates in this order.
* If you'd like to change the search order, or you want to
* restrict the search to fewer template languages, override this attribute.
* Note that removing unnecessary items from this list will improve the
* performance of the template engine.
def scalateExtensions: List[String] = List("ssp", "jade", "scaml", "mustache")
* The Scalate template type that is searched for first.
def preferredScalateExtension = scalateExtensions.head
* Returns the actual template path for the name.
* @param path path name
* @param format format (HTML,JSON,XML...)
* @return actual path
override protected def templatePaths(path: String)(implicit format: Format = Format.HTML): List[String] = {
scalateExtensions.map(toTemplatePath(path, format, _))
* Predicates the template path is available.
* @param path path name
* @param format format (HTML,JSON,XML...)
* @return true/false
override protected def templateExists(path: String)(implicit format: Format = Format.HTML): Boolean = {
val exists = findFirstAvailableTemplate(templatePaths(path)).isDefined
if ((SkinnyEnv.isDevelopment() || SkinnyEnv.isTest()) && !exists && format == Format.HTML) {
} else {
private def findFirstAvailableTemplate(templatePaths: List[String]): Option[String] = templatePaths match {
case Nil => None
case p :: ps => {
val t = findTemplate(p)
if (t.isDefined) t else findFirstAvailableTemplate(ps)
* Generates a sample page for absent page.
protected def generateWelcomePageIfAbsent(path: String)(implicit format: Format = Format.HTML): Unit = {
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
import java.io.File
val filePath = servletContext.getRealPath(s"/WEB-INF/views/${toTemplatePath(path, format, preferredScalateExtension)}")
val file = new File(filePath)
val code: String = preferredScalateExtension match {
case "jade" =>
"""h3 Welcome
|p(class="alert alert-success")
| b TODO:
| | This is an auto-generated file by
| a(href="http://skinny-framework.org/") Skinny framework
| |!
case "scaml" =>
"""%h3 Welcome
|p(class="alert alert-success")
| %b TODO:
| This is an auto-generated file by
| %a(href="http://skinny-framework.org/") Skinny framework
| !
case _ =>
| TODO: This is an auto-generated file by Skinny framework!
FileUtils.write(file, code)
* Renders body with template.
* @param path path name
* @param format format (HTML,JSON,XML...)
* @return true/false
override protected def renderWithTemplate(path: String)(
ctx: SkinnyContext, format: Format = Format.HTML
): String = {
// Note: templateExists() should already have been called, so we know we have an actual template
val templatePath = findFirstAvailableTemplate(templatePaths(path)).getOrElse("missing-template")
layoutTemplate(templatePath, requestScope(ctx).toMap.toSeq: _*)(ctx)
* Replaces layout template for this action.
* @param path the layout template path, including extension, e.g. "custom.jade"
def layout(path: String)(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): ScalateTemplateEngineFeature = {
if (request(ctx) != null) {
val _path = path.replaceFirst("^/", "").replaceAll("//", "/").replaceFirst("/$", "")
templateAttributes(ctx) += ("layout" -> s"/WEB-INF/layouts/${_path}")
} else {
// TODO this method doesn't work in beforeAction, more investigation
logger.warn("You cannot specify layout here. Put this into action methods.")
protected def toTemplatePath(path: String, format: Format, ext: String): String = {
s"${path}.${format.name}.${ext}".replaceAll("//", "/").replaceFirst("^/", "")
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