skinny.mailer.RichMimeMessage.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package skinny.mailer
import javax.activation.{ FileDataSource, DataHandler }
import javax.mail._
import javax.mail.Message.RecipientType
import javax.mail.internet.{ InternetAddress, MimeBodyPart, MimeMultipart, MimeMessage }
import java.io.InputStream
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import skinny.logging.LoggerProvider
* Enriched MimeMessage .
trait RichMimeMessage extends LoggerProvider {
lazy val mimeMultipart = new MimeMultipart("mixed")
def underlying: MimeMessage
var charset = "utf-8"
private[this] var _contentType = "text/plain"
// -------------
// all header lines as an Enumeration of Strings
// (line is a raw RFC 822 header-line, containing both the "name" and "value" field).
val headerLines: HeaderLines = HeaderLines(this)
def allHeaderLines: Seq[String] = headerLines.toSeq
// TODO These should be supported if really needed
// def matchingHeaderLines(names: Seq[String]): java.util.Enumeration[_] = underlying.getMatchingHeaderLines(names.toArray)
// def matchingHeaders(names: Seq[String]): java.util.Enumeration[_] = underlying.getMatchingHeaders(names.toArray)
// def nonMatchingHeaderLines(names: Seq[String]) = underlying.getNonMatchingHeaderLines(names.toArray)
// def nonMatchingHeaders(names: Seq[String]) = underlying.getNonMatchingHeaders(names.toArray)
// def allHeaders: java.util.Enumeration[_] = underlying.getAllHeaders
// -------------
// header
def header: (String) => Array[String] = { key: String => underlying.getHeader(key) }
def header_=(pair: (String, String)): Unit = underlying.setHeader(pair._1, pair._2)
def header_=(pairs: Map[String, String]): Unit = pairs.map { case (k, v) => underlying.setHeader(k, v) }
// -------------
// from
// the value of the RFC 822 "From" header fields.
// If this header field is absent, the "Sender" header field is used.
// TODO headOption ok?
def from: Option[Address] = if (underlying.getFrom != null) underlying.getFrom.headOption else None
def from_=(address: Address): Unit = underlying.setFrom(address)
def from_=(address: String): Unit = underlying.setFrom(new InternetAddress(address))
// -------------
// sender
// the RFC 822 "Sender" header field.
def sender = underlying.getSender
def sender_=(address: String) = underlying.setSender(new InternetAddress(address))
def sender_=(address: Address) = underlying.setSender(address)
// -------------
// recipients
// all the recipient addresses for the message.
// Extracts the TO, CC, BCC, and NEWSGROUPS recipients.
def recipients: (RecipientType) => Seq[Address] = { typ: RecipientType =>
def recipients_=(pair: (RecipientType, String)): Unit = underlying.setRecipients(pair._1, pair._2)
def allRecipients: Seq[Address] = Option(underlying.getAllRecipients).map(_.toIndexedSeq).getOrElse(Nil)
// -------------
// to
// The "To" (primary) recipients.
def to = recipients(RecipientType.TO)
def to_=(to: String) = underlying.setRecipients(RecipientType.TO, to)
def to_=(to: Seq[String]) = underlying.setRecipients(RecipientType.TO, to.mkString(","))
// -------------
// bcc
// The "Bcc" (blind carbon copy) recipients.
def bcc: Seq[Address] = recipients(RecipientType.BCC)
def bcc_=(bcc: String) = underlying.setRecipients(RecipientType.BCC, bcc)
def bcc_=(bcc: Seq[String]) = underlying.setRecipients(RecipientType.BCC, bcc.mkString(","))
// -------------
// cc
// The "Cc" (carbon copy) recipients.
def cc: Seq[Address] = recipients(RecipientType.CC)
def cc_=(cc: String) = underlying.setRecipients(RecipientType.CC, cc)
def cc_=(cc: Seq[String]) = underlying.setRecipients(RecipientType.CC, cc.mkString(","))
// -------------
// subject
// the "Subject" header field.
// If the subject is encoded as per RFC 2047, it is decoded and converted into Unicode.
// If the decoding or conversion fails, the raw data is returned as is.
def subject: Option[String] = Option(underlying.getSubject)
def subject_=(subject: String): Unit = underlying.setSubject(subject)
def subject_=(subjectAndCharset: (String, String)): Unit = subjectAndCharset match {
case (subject, charset) => underlying.setSubject(subject, charset)
// -------------
// text
def body: Option[String] = underlying.getContent match {
case s: String => Option(s)
case mp: Multipart =>
Option((for { i <- 0 until mp.getCount } yield mp.getBodyPart(i)).withFilter { bp =>
bp.getContentType match {
case textReg() => true
case "text/plain" => true
case _ => false
}.withFilter {
_.getContent match {
case s: String => true
case _ => false
}.map { bp => bp.getContent } mkString ("\n"))
case _ => None
private[this] val textReg = """text/[(plain)|(html)].*""".r
def body_=(text: String) = try {
underlying.getContent match {
case s: String => underlying.setText(text, charset)
case mp: Multipart =>
val textPart = new MimeBodyPart()
textPart.setText(text, charset)
case _ =>
} catch { case e: java.io.IOException => underlying.setText(text, charset) }
// -------------
// multipart
def multipart: Option[MimeMultipart] = underlying.getContent match {
case mp: MimeMultipart => Some(mp)
case _ => None
// -------------
// content
// the Message's content to a Multipart object.
// content is already defined at MimeMessage (returns Array[Byte])
def contentObject: AnyRef = underlying.getContent
def contentObject_=(multiPart: Multipart): Unit = underlying.setContent(multiPart)
// Multipart or new DataHandler(content, mimeType)
def contentObject_=(content: AnyRef, mimeType: String): Unit = underlying.setContent(content, mimeType)
// -------------
// contentID
// the "Content-ID" header field of this Message.
def contentID: String = underlying.getContentID
def contentID_=(id: String): Unit = underlying.setContentID(id)
// -------------
// contentLanguage
// the "Content-Language" header of this MimePart defined by RFC 1766.
def contentLanguage: Array[String] = underlying.getContentLanguage
def contentLanguage_=(languages: Seq[String]): Unit = underlying.setContentLanguage(languages.toArray)
// -------------
// contentMD5
// the "Content-MD5" header field of this Message.
def contentMD5: String = underlying.getContentMD5
def contentMD5_=(md5: String): Unit = underlying.setContentMD5(md5)
// -------------
// contentType
// the value of the RFC 822 "Content-Type" header field.
def contentType = _contentType
def contentType_=(ct: String): Unit = _contentType = ct
// -------------
// dataHandler
// a DataHandler for this Message's content.
def dataHandler = underlying.getDataHandler
def dataHandler_=(dh: DataHandler) = underlying.setDataHandler(dh)
// -------------
// description
// the "Content-Description" header field for this Message.
def description = underlying.getDescription
def description_=(description: String) = underlying.setDescription(description)
// -------------
// disposition
// the "Content-Disposition" header field for this Message.
def disposition = underlying.getDisposition
def disposition_=(disposition: String) = underlying.setDisposition(disposition)
// -------------
// encoding
// the content transfer encoding from the "Content-Transfer-Encoding" header field.
def encoding = underlying.getEncoding
// -------------
// filename
// the filename associated with this Message.
def filename = underlying.getFileName
def filename_=(filename: String) = underlying.setFileName(filename)
// -------------
// inputStream
def inputStream: InputStream = underlying.getInputStream
def rawInputStream: InputStream = underlying.getRawInputStream
// -------------
// lineCount
def lineCount: Int = underlying.getLineCount
// -------------
// messageID
def messageID: String = underlying.getMessageID
// -------------
// mimeVersion
def mimeVersion: String = underlying.getHeader("MIME-Version").head
def mimeVersion_=(version: String): Unit = underlying.setHeader("MIME-Version", version)
// -------------
// receivedDate
// Returns null if this date cannot be obtained.
def receivedDate: Option[DateTime] = Option(underlying.getReceivedDate).map(d => new DateTime(d))
// -------------
// sentDate
// the RFC 822 "Date" header field.
// Returns null if this field is unavailable or its value is absent.
def sentDate: Option[DateTime] = Option(underlying.getSentDate).map(d => new DateTime(d))
def sentDate_=(d: DateTime): Unit = underlying.setSentDate(d.toDate)
// -------------
// replyTo
// the RFC 822 "Reply-To" header field.
def replyTo: Seq[Address] = underlying.getReplyTo
def replyTo_=(addresses: String): Unit = { underlying.setReplyTo(InternetAddress.parse(addresses).asInstanceOf[Array[Address]]) }
def replyTo_=(addresses: Array[_ <: Address]): Unit = underlying.setReplyTo(addresses.asInstanceOf[Array[Address]])
// -------------
// size
// Return the size of the content of this message in bytes.
def size = underlying.getSize
// -------------
// attachments
val attachments = Attachments(this)
def addAttachment(filename: String, o: AnyRef, mimeType: String) = {
val part = new MimeBodyPart()
part.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(o, mimeType))
def addAttachment(filename: String, path: String) = {
val part = new MimeBodyPart()
part.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(path)))
def addAttachment(filename: String, url: java.net.URL) = {
val part = new MimeBodyPart()
part.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(url))
* The content is overwritten when adding attachment files, so we need to restore.
private[this] def restoreText(): Unit = {
try {
underlying.getContent match {
case s: String =>
val textPart = new MimeBodyPart()
if (contentType.startsWith("text/html")) textPart.setText(s, charset, "html")
else textPart.setText(s, charset)
underlying.setContent(mimeMultipart, contentType)
case mp: MimeMultipart =>
underlying.setContent(mp, contentType)
case other =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(other.getClass.getCanonicalName + " is unexpected.")
} catch {
case e: java.io.IOException =>
logger.warn(s"Failed to read content because ${e.getMessage}", e)
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