skinny.micro.ContentEncoding.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package skinny.micro
import{ DeflaterOutputStream, GZIPInputStream, GZIPOutputStream, InflaterInputStream }
import javax.servlet.http.{ HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse }
import skinny.micro.request.DecodedServletRequest
import skinny.micro.response.EncodedServletResponse
* Content encoding
* Represents an HTTP content encoding.
trait ContentEncoding {
/** Name of the encoding, as used in the `Content-Encoding` and `Accept-Encoding` headers. */
def name: String
/** Wraps the specified output stream into an encoding one. */
def encode(out: OutputStream): OutputStream
/** Wraps the specified input stream into a decoding one. */
def decode(in: InputStream): InputStream
override def toString = name
def apply(response: HttpServletResponse): HttpServletResponse = new EncodedServletResponse(response, this)
def apply(request: HttpServletRequest): HttpServletRequest = new DecodedServletRequest(request, this)
object ContentEncoding {
private def create(
id: String,
e: OutputStream => OutputStream,
d: InputStream => InputStream): ContentEncoding = {
new ContentEncoding {
override def name: String = id
override def encode(out: OutputStream): OutputStream = e(out)
override def decode(in: InputStream): InputStream = d(in)
val GZip: ContentEncoding = {
create("gzip", out => new GZIPOutputStream(out), in => new GZIPInputStream(in))
val Deflate: ContentEncoding = {
create("deflate", out => new DeflaterOutputStream(out), in => new InflaterInputStream(in))
def forName(name: String): Option[ContentEncoding] = name.toLowerCase match {
case "gzip" => Some(GZip)
case "deflate" => Some(Deflate)
case _ => None