skinny.micro.base.SkinnyContextInitializer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package skinny.micro.base
import javax.servlet.ServletContext
import javax.servlet.http.{ HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse }
import skinny.micro.{ UnstableAccessValidation, ServletConcurrencyException }
import skinny.micro.context.SkinnyContext
import scala.util.DynamicVariable
* The SkinnyMicro DSL requires a dynamically scoped request and response to initialize SkinnyMicroContext.
* This is formerly known as Scalatra's dynamic scope.
* This trick is explained in greater detail in Gabriele Renzi's blog
* post about Step, out of which SkinnyMicro grew:
trait SkinnyContextInitializer {
self: ServletContextAccessor with UnstableAccessValidationConfig =>
private[this] case class HttpServletRequestHolder(
value: HttpServletRequest,
threadId: Long)
private[this] case class HttpServletResponseHolder(
value: HttpServletResponse,
threadId: Long)
private[this] def currentThreadId: Long = Thread.currentThread.getId
* The currently scoped request. Valid only inside the `handle` method.
private[this] val mainThreadDynamicRequest: DynamicVariable[Option[HttpServletRequestHolder]] = {
new DynamicVariable[Option[HttpServletRequestHolder]](None)
* The currently scoped response. Valid only inside the `handle` method.
private[this] val mainThreadDynamicResponse: DynamicVariable[Option[HttpServletResponseHolder]] = {
new DynamicVariable[Option[HttpServletResponseHolder]](None)
* Skinny Micro Context
def skinnyContext(implicit ctx: ServletContext): SkinnyContext = {
(mainThreadDynamicRequest.value, mainThreadDynamicResponse.value) match {
case (Some(req), _) if (req.threadId != currentThreadId) =>
// dynamic variable access from another thread detected
throw new ServletConcurrencyException
case (Some(req), Some(resp)) =>
case _ =>
// If the dynamic variables are None, this code is running on another thread
throw new ServletConcurrencyException
def context: SkinnyContext = skinnyContext(servletContext)
def request(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): HttpServletRequest = ctx.request
def response(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): HttpServletResponse = ctx.response
protected def withRequestResponse[A](request: HttpServletRequest, response: HttpServletResponse)(f: => A) = {
withRequest(request) {
withResponse(response) {
* Executes the block with the given request bound to the `request`
* method.
protected def withRequest[A](request: HttpServletRequest)(f: => A): A = {
.withValue(Some(HttpServletRequestHolder(request, currentThreadId))) { f }
* Executes the block with the given response bound to the `response`
* method.
protected def withResponse[A](response: HttpServletResponse)(f: => A) = {
.withValue(Some(HttpServletResponseHolder(response, currentThreadId))) { f }