skinny.micro.base.UrlGenerator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package skinny.micro.base
import skinny.SkinnyEnv
import skinny.micro.SkinnyMicroBase
import skinny.micro.context.SkinnyContext
import skinny.micro.implicits.RicherStringImplicits
import scala.util.control.Exception._
* Provides url generator DSL.
trait UrlGenerator extends RicherStringImplicits { self: SkinnyMicroBase =>
private[this] def needHttps: Boolean = {
allCatch.withApply(_ => false) {
.map(_.toBoolean) getOrElse false
def relativeUrl(
path: String,
params: Iterable[(String, Any)] = Iterable.empty,
includeContextPath: Boolean = true,
includeServletPath: Boolean = true)(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): String = {
url(path, params, includeContextPath, includeServletPath, absolutize = false)(ctx)
* Returns a context-relative, session-aware URL for a path and specified parameters.
* Finally, the result is run through `response.encodeURL` for a session
* ID, if necessary.
* @param path the base path. If a path begins with '/', then the context
* path will be prepended to the result
* @param params params, to be appended in the form of a query string
* @return the path plus the query string, if any. The path is run through
* `response.encodeURL` to add any necessary session tracking parameters.
def url(
path: String,
params: Iterable[(String, Any)] = Iterable.empty,
includeContextPath: Boolean = true,
includeServletPath: Boolean = true,
absolutize: Boolean = true)(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): String = {
try {
val newPath = path match {
case x if x.startsWith("/") && includeContextPath && includeServletPath =>
ensureSlash(routeBasePath(ctx)) + ensureContextPathsStripped(ensureSlash(path))(ctx)
case x if x.startsWith("/") && includeContextPath =>
ensureSlash(contextPath) + ensureContextPathStripped(ensureSlash(path))
case x if x.startsWith("/") && includeServletPath => ctx.request.getServletPath.blankOption map {
ensureSlash(_) + ensureServletPathStripped(ensureSlash(path))(ctx)
} getOrElse "/"
case _ if absolutize => ensureContextPathsStripped(ensureSlash(path))(ctx)
case _ => path
val pairs = params map {
case (key, None) => key.urlEncode + "="
case (key, Some(value)) => key.urlEncode + "=" + value.toString.urlEncode
case (key, value) => key.urlEncode + "=" + value.toString.urlEncode
val queryString = if (pairs.isEmpty) "" else pairs.mkString("?", "&", "")
newPath + queryString
} catch {
case e: NullPointerException =>
// FIXME: 2.0.0 still has this issue.
if (SkinnyEnv.isTest()) "[work around] see"
else throw e
* Builds a full URL from the given relative path. Takes into account the port configuration, https, ...
* @param path a relative path
* @return the full URL
def fullUrl(
path: String,
params: Iterable[(String, Any)] = Iterable.empty,
includeContextPath: Boolean = true,
includeServletPath: Boolean = true,
withSessionId: Boolean = true)(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): String = {
if (path.startsWith("http")) path
else {
val p = url(path, params, includeContextPath, includeServletPath, withSessionId)(ctx)
if (p.startsWith("http")) p else buildBaseUrl(ctx) + ensureSlash(p)
private[this] def buildBaseUrl(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): String = {
if (needHttps || ctx.request.isHttps) "https" else "http",
private[this] def ensureContextPathsStripped(path: String)(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): String = {
((ensureContextPathStripped _) andThen (p => ensureServletPathStripped(p)(ctx)))(path)
private[this] def ensureServletPathStripped(path: String)(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): String = {
val sp = ensureSlash(Option(ctx.request.getServletPath).flatMap(_.blankOption).getOrElse(""))
val np = if (path.startsWith(sp + "/")) path.substring(sp.length) else path
private[this] def ensureContextPathStripped(path: String): String = {
val cp = ensureSlash(contextPath)
val np = if (path.startsWith(cp + "/")) path.substring(cp.length) else path
private[this] def ensureSlash(candidate: String): String = {
if (candidate == null) {
} else {
val p = if (candidate.startsWith("/")) candidate else "/" + candidate
if (p.endsWith("/")) p.dropRight(1) else p