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package skinny.micro.contrib
import java.util.{ HashMap => JHashMap, Map => JMap }
import javax.servlet.http._
import skinny.micro.context.SkinnyContext
import skinny.micro.multipart.{ FileItem, FileMultiParams, HasMultipartConfig, SizeConstraintExceededException }
import skinny.micro.{ SkinnyMicroBase, SkinnyMicroServletBase }
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* FileUploadSupport can be mixed into a [[skinny.micro.SkinnyMicroServlet]]
* to provide easy access to data submitted as part of a multipart HTTP request.
* Commonly this is used for retrieving uploaded files.
* Once the trait has been mixed into your handler, you need to enable multipart
* configuration in your ''web.xml'' or by using `@MultipartConfig` annotation. To
* configure in ''web.xml'' add `` to your `` element. If you
* prefer annotations instead, place `@MultipartConfig` to your handler. Both ways
* provide some further configuration options, such as specifying the max total request size
* and max size for invidual files in the request. You might want to set these to prevent
* users from uploading too large files.
* When the configuration has been done, you can access any files using
* `fileParams("myFile")` where ''myFile'' is the name
* of the parameter used to upload the file being retrieved. If you are
* expecting multiple files with the same name, you can use
* `fileMultiParams("files[]")` to access them all.
* To handle any errors that are caused by multipart handling, you need
* to configure an error handler to your handler class:
* {{{
* import skinny.micro.servlet.SizeLimitExceededException
* import skinny.micro.servlet.FileUploadSupport
* @MultipartConfig(maxFileSize=1024*1024)
* class FileEaterServlet extends SkinnyMicroServlet with FileUploadSupport {
* error {
* case e: SizeConstrainttExceededException => "Oh, too much! Can't take it all."
* case e: IOException => "Server denied me my meal, thanks anyway."
* }
* post("/eatfile") {
* "Thanks! You just provided me " + fileParams("lunch").size + " bytes for a lunch."
* }
* }
* }}}
* }}* @note Once any handler with FileUploadSupport has accessed the request, the
* fileParams returned by FileUploadSupport will remain fixed for the
* lifetime of the request.
* @note Will not work on Jetty versions prior to 8.1.3. See
* The old
* scalatra-fileupload module still works for earlier versions
* of Jetty.
trait FileUploadSupport
extends SkinnyMicroBase
with HasMultipartConfig { self: SkinnyMicroServletBase =>
import FileUploadSupport._
/* Called for any exceptions thrown by handling file uploads
* to detect whether it signifies a too large file being
* uploaded or a too large request in general.
* This can be overridden for the container being used if it
* doesn't throw `IllegalStateException` or if it throws
* `IllegalStateException` for some other reason.
protected def isSizeConstraintException(e: Exception): Boolean = e match {
case _: IllegalStateException => true
case _ => false
override def handle(req: HttpServletRequest, res: HttpServletResponse): Unit = {
val req2 = try {
if (isMultipartRequest(req)) {
val bodyParams = extractMultipartParams(req)
val mergedFormParams = mergeFormParamsWithQueryString(req, bodyParams)
wrapRequest(req, mergedFormParams)
} else req
} catch {
case scala.util.control.NonFatal(e) => {
req.setAttribute(SkinnyMicroBase.CapturedExceptionBeforeRunActions, e)
super.handle(req2, res)
private def isMultipartRequest(req: HttpServletRequest): Boolean = {
val isPostOrPut = Set("POST", "PUT", "PATCH").contains(req.getMethod)
isPostOrPut && (req.contentType match {
case Some(contentType) => contentType.startsWith("multipart/")
case _ => false
private def extractMultipartParams(req: HttpServletRequest): BodyParams = {
req.get(BodyParamsKey).asInstanceOf[Option[BodyParams]] match {
case Some(bodyParams) =>
case None => {
val bodyParams = getParts(req).foldRight(BodyParams(FileMultiParams(), Map.empty)) {
(part, params) =>
val item = FileItem(part)
if (!(item.isFormField)) {
val fileParams = new FileMultiParams(
params.fileParams + ((
item.getFieldName, item +: params.fileParams.getOrElse(item.getFieldName, List[FileItem]()))))
BodyParams(fileParams, params.formParams)
} else {
BodyParams(params.fileParams, params.formParams)
req.setAttribute(BodyParamsKey, bodyParams)
private def getParts(req: HttpServletRequest): Iterable[Part] = {
try {
if (isMultipartRequest(req)) req.getParts.asScala
else Seq.empty[Part]
} catch {
case e: Exception if isSizeConstraintException(e) =>
throw new SizeConstraintExceededException("Too large request or file", e)
private def fileItemToString(item: FileItem): String = {
new String(item.get().map(_.toChar))
private def mergeFormParamsWithQueryString(
req: HttpServletRequest,
bodyParams: BodyParams): Map[String, List[String]] = {
var mergedParams = bodyParams.formParams
req.getParameterMap.asScala foreach {
case (name, values) =>
val formValues = mergedParams.getOrElse(name, List.empty)
mergedParams += name -> (values.toList ++ formValues)
private def wrapRequest(
req: HttpServletRequest,
formMap: Map[String, Seq[String]]): HttpServletRequestWrapper = {
val wrapped = new HttpServletRequestWrapper(req) {
override def getParameter(name: String): String = formMap.get(name).map(_.head).orNull[String]
override def getParameterNames: java.util.Enumeration[String] = formMap.keysIterator.asJavaEnumeration
override def getParameterValues(name: String): Array[String] = formMap.get(name).map(_.toArray).getOrElse(null)
override def getParameterMap: JMap[String, Array[String]] = {
(new JHashMap[String, Array[String]].asScala ++ (formMap.transform { (k, v) => v.toArray })).asJava
def fileMultiParams(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): FileMultiParams = {
def fileMultiParams(key: String)(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): Seq[FileItem] = {
* @return a Map, keyed on the names of multipart file upload parameters,
* of all multipart files submitted with the request
def fileParams(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): MultiMapHeadView[String, FileItem] = {
new MultiMapHeadView[String, FileItem] {
protected def multiMap = fileMultiParams(ctx)
def fileParams(key: String)(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): FileItem = {
object FileUploadSupport {
private val BodyParamsKey = "skinny.micro.multipart.bodyParams"
case class BodyParams(
fileParams: FileMultiParams,
formParams: Map[String, List[String]])