skinny.micro.contrib.XSRFTokenSupport.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package skinny.micro.contrib
import skinny.micro.base.BeforeAfterDsl
import skinny.micro.context.SkinnyContext
import skinny.micro.contrib.csrf.CSRFTokenGenerator
import skinny.micro.{ RouteTransformer, SkinnyMicroBase }
* Provides cross-site request forgery protection.
* If a request is determined to be forged, the `handleForgery()` hook is invoked.
* Otherwise, a token for the next request is prepared with `prepareCsrfToken`.
trait XSRFTokenSupport { this: SkinnyMicroBase with BeforeAfterDsl =>
import XSRFTokenSupport._
* The key used to store the token on the session, as well as the parameter
* of the request.
def xsrfKey: String = DefaultKey
* Returns the token from the session.
def xsrfToken(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): String =
def xsrfGuard(only: RouteTransformer*): Unit = {
before((only.toSeq ++ Seq[RouteTransformer](isForged)): _*) { handleForgery() }
before() { prepareXsrfToken() }
* Tests whether a request with a unsafe method is a potential cross-site
* forgery.
* @return true if the request is an unsafe method (POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE,
* CONNECT, PATCH) and the request parameter at `xsrfKey` does not match
* the session key of the same name.
protected def isForged: Boolean = {
implicit val ctx = context
!request.requestMethod.isSafe &&
session.get(xsrfKey) != params.get(xsrfKey) &&
* Take an action when a forgery is detected. The default action
* halts further request processing and returns a 403 HTTP status code.
protected def handleForgery(): Unit = {
halt(403, "Request tampering detected!")
* Prepares a XSRF token. The default implementation uses `GenerateId`
* and stores it on the session.
protected def prepareXsrfToken(): Unit = {
implicit val ctx = context
session.getOrElseUpdate(xsrfKey, CSRFTokenGenerator.apply())
val cookieOpt = cookies.get(CookieKey)
if (cookieOpt.isEmpty || cookieOpt != session.get(xsrfKey)) {
cookies += CookieKey -> xsrfToken
object XSRFTokenSupport {
val DefaultKey = "skinny.micro.XSRFTokenSupport.key"
val HeaderNames = Vector("X-XSRF-TOKEN")
val CookieKey = "XSRF-TOKEN"