skinny.orm.feature.JoinsFeature.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package skinny.orm.feature
import skinny.orm._
import skinny.orm.feature.associations._
import skinny.orm.feature.includes.IncludesQueryRepository
import scalikejdbc._
* Provides #joins APIs.
* NOTE: CRUDFeature has copy implementation from this trait.
trait JoinsFeature[Entity] extends SkinnyMapperBase[Entity] with AssociationsFeature[Entity] { self: IdFeature[_] =>
* Appends join definition on runtime.
* @param associations associations
* @return self
def joins[Id](associations: Association[_]*): JoinsFeature[Entity] with IdFeature[Id] with FinderFeatureWithId[Id, Entity] with QueryingFeatureWithId[Id, Entity] = {
val _self = this
val _associations = associations
new JoinsFeature[Entity] with IdFeature[Id] with FinderFeatureWithId[Id, Entity] with QueryingFeatureWithId[Id, Entity] {
override protected val underlying = _self
override def defaultAlias = _self.defaultAlias
override def tableName = _self.tableName
override def columnNames = _self.columnNames
override def primaryKeyField = _self.primaryKeyField
override def primaryKeyFieldName = _self.primaryKeyFieldName
override def rawValueToId(value: Any) = _self.rawValueToId(value).asInstanceOf[Id]
override def idToRawValue(id: Id) = id
override val associations = _self.associations ++ _associations
override val defaultJoinDefinitions = _self.defaultJoinDefinitions
override val defaultBelongsToExtractors = _self.defaultBelongsToExtractors
override val defaultHasOneExtractors = _self.defaultHasOneExtractors
override val defaultOneToManyExtractors = _self.defaultOneToManyExtractors
override def autoSession = underlying.autoSession
override def connectionPoolName = underlying.connectionPoolName
override def connectionPool = underlying.connectionPool
override def defaultScope(alias: Alias[Entity]) = _self.defaultScope(alias)
//override def singleSelectQuery = _self.singleSelectQuery
def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, n: ResultName[Entity]) = underlying.extract(rs, n)
override def extract(sql: SQL[Entity, NoExtractor])(
includesRepository: IncludesQueryRepository[Entity]
): SQL[Entity, HasExtractor] = {
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