skinny.task.generator.ScaffoldGenerator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package skinny.task.generator
import java.io.File
import org.joda.time._
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
import skinny.ParamType
* Skinny Generator Task.
trait ScaffoldGenerator extends CodeGenerator {
protected def template: String = "ssp"
protected def withId: Boolean = true
protected def withTimestamps: Boolean = true
protected def primaryKeyName: String = "id"
protected def primaryKeyType: ParamType = ParamType.Long
// for reverse-scaffold
protected def skipDBMigration: Boolean = false
// for reverse-scaffold
protected def tableName: Option[String] = None
protected def snakeCasedPrimaryKeyName: String = toSnakeCase(primaryKeyName)
protected def customPrimaryKeyName: Option[String] = if (primaryKeyName == "id") None else Option(primaryKeyName)
protected def useAutoConstruct: Boolean = false
private def showUsage = {
println(""" Usage: sbt "task/run generate:scaffold members member name:String birthday:Option[LocalDate]" """)
println(""" sbt "task/run generate:scaffold admin.legacy members member name:String birthday:Option[LocalDate]" """)
def run(args: Seq[String]) {
if (args.size < 3) {
} else if (args(0).contains(":") || args(1).contains(":")) {
val completedArgs = if (args(2).contains(":")) Seq("") ++ args
else args
completedArgs match {
case ns :: rs :: r :: attributes =>
val (namespaces, resources, resource) = (ns.split('.'), toFirstCharLower(rs), toFirstCharLower(r))
val errorMessages = attributes.flatMap {
case attr if !attr.contains(":") => Some(s"Invalid parameter (${attr}) found. Scaffold parameter must be delimited with colon(:)")
case attr => attr.split(":") match {
case Array(_, paramType) if (!isSupportedParamType(paramType) && !isAssociationTypeName(paramType)) =>
Some(s"Invalid type (${paramType}) found. ")
case _ => None
if (!errorMessages.isEmpty) {
} else {
val generatorArgs: Seq[ScaffoldGeneratorArg] = attributes.flatMap { attribute =>
attribute.toString.split(":") match {
case Array(name, typeName, columnName) => Some(ScaffoldGeneratorArg(name, typeName, Some(columnName)))
case Array(name, typeName) => Some(ScaffoldGeneratorArg(name, typeName))
case _ => None
val nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)] = {
.filterNot(a => isAssociationTypeName(a.typeName))
.map(a => (a.name, a.typeName))
if (withId) {
// Controller
generateResourceController(namespaces, resources, resource, template, generatorArgs)
appendToControllers(namespaces, resources)
generateControllerSpec(namespaces, resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs)
generateIntegrationTestSpec(namespaces, resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs)
appendToFactoriesConf(resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs)
// Model
val self = this
val modelGenerator = new ModelGenerator {
override def primaryKeyName = self.primaryKeyName
override def primaryKeyType = self.primaryKeyType
override def withId = self.withId
override def withTimestamps = self.withTimestamps
override def useAutoConstruct = self.useAutoConstruct
override def sourceDir = self.sourceDir
override def testSourceDir = self.testSourceDir
override def resourceDir = self.resourceDir
override def testResourceDir = self.testResourceDir
override def modelPackage = self.modelPackage
override def modelPackageDir = self.modelPackageDir
val nameAndTypeNamePairsForModel = generatorArgs.map(a => (a.name, a.typeName))
modelGenerator.generate(namespaces, resource, tableName.orElse(Some(toSnakeCase(resources))), nameAndTypeNamePairsForModel)
modelGenerator.generateSpec(namespaces, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairsForModel)
if (withId) {
// Views
generateFormView(namespaces, resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs)
generateNewView(namespaces, resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs)
generateEditView(namespaces, resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs)
generateIndexView(namespaces, resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs)
generateShowView(namespaces, resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs)
// messages.conf
generateMessages(resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs)
// migration SQL
generateMigrationSQL(resources, resource, generatorArgs, skipDBMigration, withId)
case _ => showUsage
// --------------------------
// Controller
// --------------------------
def generateApplicationControllerIfAbsent() {
val file = new File(s"${sourceDir}/${controllerPackageDir}/ApplicationController.scala")
s"""package ${controllerPackage}
|import skinny._
|import skinny.filter._
| * The base controller for this Skinny application.
| *
| * see also "http://skinny-framework.org/documentation/controller-and-routes.html"
| */
|trait ApplicationController extends SkinnyController
| // with TxPerRequestFilter
| // with SkinnySessionFilter
| with ErrorPageFilter {
| // override def defaultLocale = Some(new java.util.Locale("ja"))
def controllerCode(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, template: String, args: Seq[ScaffoldGeneratorArg]): String = {
val namespace = toNamespace(controllerPackage, namespaces)
val controllerClassName = toClassName(resources) + "Controller"
val modelClassName = toClassName(resource)
val primaryKeyNameIfNotId = customPrimaryKeyName.map(name => "\n override def idName = \"" + name + "\"").getOrElse("")
val primaryKeyTypeIfNotLong = if (primaryKeyType != ParamType.Long) s"WithId[${primaryKeyType}]" else ""
val filteredArgs = args.filterNot(arg => isAssociationTypeName(arg.typeName))
val validations = filteredArgs
.filterNot { arg => extractTypeIfOptionOrSeq(arg.typeName) == "Boolean" } // boolean param doesn't need required validation.
.flatMap { arg =>
val required = if (isOptionClassName(arg.typeName)) Nil else Seq("required")
val varcharLength = if (arg.columnName.isDefined && (
arg.columnName.get.startsWith("varchar") || arg.columnName.get.startsWith("VARCHAR")
)) {
arg.columnName.get.replaceAll("[varcharVARCHAR\\(\\)]", "")
} else "512"
val validationRules = required ++ (extractTypeIfOptionOrSeq(arg.typeName) match {
case "Long" => Seq("numeric", "longValue")
case "Int" => Seq("numeric", "intValue")
case "Short" => Seq("numeric", "intValue")
case "Double" => Seq("doubleValue")
case "Float" => Seq("floatValue")
case "String" => Seq(s"maxLength(${varcharLength})")
case "DateTime" => Seq("dateTimeFormat")
case "LocalDate" => Seq("dateFormat")
case "LocalTime" => Seq("timeFormat")
case _ => Nil
if (validationRules.isEmpty) None
else Some(" paramKey(\"" + toSnakeCase(arg.name) + "\") is " + validationRules.mkString(" & "))
val params = filteredArgs.flatMap {
case arg =>
extractTypeIfOptionOrSeq(arg.typeName) match {
case "DateTime" => Some(s""".withDateTime("${toSnakeCase(arg.name)}")""")
case "LocalDate" => Some(s""".withDate("${toSnakeCase(arg.name)}")""")
case "LocalTime" => Some(s""".withTime("${toSnakeCase(arg.name)}")""")
case _ => None
val resourceNameLine = s"""override def resourceName = "${resource}"${primaryKeyNameIfNotId}"""
s"""package ${namespace}
|import skinny._
|import skinny.validator._
|import _root_.${controllerPackage}._
|import ${toNamespace(modelPackage, namespaces)}.${modelClassName}
|class ${controllerClassName} extends SkinnyResource${primaryKeyTypeIfNotLong} with ApplicationController {
| protectFromForgery()
| override def model = ${modelClassName}
| override def resourcesName = "${resources}"
| ${resourceNameLine}
| override def resourcesBasePath = s"${toResourcesBasePath(namespaces)}/$${toSnakeCase(resourcesName)}"
| override def useSnakeCasedParamKeys = true
| override def viewsDirectoryPath = s"${toResourcesBasePath(namespaces)}/$${resourcesName}"
| override def createParams = Params(params)${params}
| override def createForm = validation(createParams,
| )
| override def createFormStrongParameters = Seq(
|${filteredArgs.map { a => " \"" + toSnakeCase(a.name) + "\" -> ParamType." + extractTypeIfOptionOrSeq(a.typeName) }.mkString(",\n")}
| )
| override def updateParams = Params(params)${params}
| override def updateForm = validation(updateParams,
| )
| override def updateFormStrongParameters = Seq(
|${filteredArgs.map { a => " \"" + toSnakeCase(a.name) + "\" -> ParamType." + extractTypeIfOptionOrSeq(a.typeName) }.mkString(",\n")}
| )
def generateResourceController(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, template: String, args: Seq[ScaffoldGeneratorArg]) {
val controllerClassName = toClassName(resources) + "Controller"
val dir = toDirectoryPath(controllerPackageDir, namespaces)
val file = new File(s"${sourceDir}/${dir}/${controllerClassName}.scala")
writeIfAbsent(file, controllerCode(namespaces, resources, resource, template, args))
private def params(space: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]) = {
nameAndTypeNamePairs.map { case (k, t) => toSnakeCase(k) -> extractTypeIfOptionOrSeq(t) }.map {
case (key, paramType) =>
space + "\"" + key + "\" -> " + {
paramType match {
case "Long" => "Long.MaxValue.toString()"
case "Int" => "Int.MaxValue.toString()"
case "Short" => "Short.MaxValue.toString()"
case "Double" => "Double.MaxValue.toString()"
case "Float" => "Float.MaxValue.toString()"
case "Byte" => "Byte.MaxValue.toString()"
case "Boolean" => "\"true\""
case "DateTime" => "skinny.util.DateTimeUtil.toString(new DateTime())"
case "LocalDate" => "skinny.util.DateTimeUtil.toString(new LocalDate())"
case "LocalTime" => "skinny.util.DateTimeUtil.toString(new LocalTime())"
case _ => "\"dummy\""
def controllerSpecCode(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]): String = {
val namespace = toNamespace(controllerPackage, namespaces)
val controllerClassName = toClassName(resources) + "Controller"
val modelClassName = toClassName(resource)
val viewTemplatesPath = s"${toResourcesBasePath(namespaces)}/${resources}"
val resourcesInLabel = toSplitName(resources)
val resourceInLabel = toSplitName(resource)
val newResourceName = s"new${toClassName(resource)}"
s"""package ${namespace}
|import org.scalatest._
|import skinny._
|import skinny.test._
|import org.joda.time._
|import ${toNamespace(modelPackage, namespaces)}._
|// NOTICE before/after filters won't be executed by default
|class ${controllerClassName}Spec extends FunSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll with DBSettings {
| override def afterAll() {
| super.afterAll()
| ${modelClassName}.deleteAll()
| }
| def createMockController = new ${controllerClassName} with MockController
| def ${newResourceName} = FactoryGirl(${modelClassName}).create()
| describe("${controllerClassName}") {
| describe("shows ${resourcesInLabel}") {
| it("shows HTML response") {
| val controller = createMockController
| controller.showResources()
| controller.status should equal(200)
| controller.renderCall.map(_.path) should equal(Some("${viewTemplatesPath}/index"))
| controller.contentType should equal("text/html; charset=utf-8")
| }
| it("shows JSON response") {
| implicit val format = Format.JSON
| val controller = createMockController
| controller.showResources()
| controller.status should equal(200)
| controller.renderCall.map(_.path) should equal(Some("${viewTemplatesPath}/index"))
| controller.contentType should equal("application/json; charset=utf-8")
| }
| }
| describe("shows a ${resourceInLabel}") {
| it("shows HTML response") {
| val ${resource} = ${newResourceName}
| val controller = createMockController
| controller.showResource(${resource}.${primaryKeyName})
| controller.status should equal(200)
| controller.getFromRequestScope[${toClassName(resource)}]("item") should equal(Some(${resource}))
| controller.renderCall.map(_.path) should equal(Some("${viewTemplatesPath}/show"))
| }
| }
| describe("shows new resource input form") {
| it("shows HTML response") {
| val controller = createMockController
| controller.newResource()
| controller.status should equal(200)
| controller.renderCall.map(_.path) should equal(Some("${viewTemplatesPath}/new"))
| }
| }
| describe("creates a ${resourceInLabel}") {
| it("succeeds with valid parameters") {
| val controller = createMockController
| controller.prepareParams(
|${params(" ", nameAndTypeNamePairs)})
| controller.createResource()
| controller.status should equal(200)
| }
| it("fails with invalid parameters") {
| val controller = createMockController
| controller.prepareParams() // no parameters
| controller.createResource()
| controller.status should equal(400)
| controller.errorMessages.size should be >(0)
| }
| }
| it("shows a resource edit input form") {
| val ${resource} = ${newResourceName}
| val controller = createMockController
| controller.editResource(${resource}.${primaryKeyName})
| controller.status should equal(200)
| controller.renderCall.map(_.path) should equal(Some("${viewTemplatesPath}/edit"))
| }
| it("updates a ${resourceInLabel}") {
| val ${resource} = ${newResourceName}
| val controller = createMockController
| controller.prepareParams(
|${params(" ", nameAndTypeNamePairs)})
| controller.updateResource(${resource}.${primaryKeyName})
| controller.status should equal(200)
| }
| it("destroys a ${resourceInLabel}") {
| val ${resource} = ${newResourceName}
| val controller = createMockController
| controller.destroyResource(${resource}.${primaryKeyName})
| controller.status should equal(200)
| }
| }
def generateControllerSpec(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]) {
val controllerClassName = toClassName(resources) + "Controller"
val dir = toDirectoryPath(controllerPackageDir, namespaces)
val file = new File(s"${testSourceDir}/${dir}/${controllerClassName}Spec.scala")
writeIfAbsent(file, controllerSpecCode(namespaces, resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs))
def integrationSpecCode(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]): String = {
val namespace = toNamespace("integrationtest", namespaces)
val controllerClassName = toClassName(resources) + "Controller"
val controllerName = toControllerName(namespaces, resources)
val modelClassName = toClassName(resource)
val resourcesInLabel = toSplitName(resources)
val resourceInLabel = toSplitName(resource)
val newResourceName = s"new${toClassName(resource)}"
val resourceBaseUrl = s"${toResourcesBasePath(namespaces)}/${toSnakeCase(resources)}"
s"""package ${namespace}
|import org.scalatest._
|import skinny._
|import skinny.test._
|import org.joda.time._
|import _root_.${controllerPackage}.Controllers
|import ${toNamespace(modelPackage, namespaces)}._
|class ${controllerClassName}_IntegrationTestSpec extends SkinnyFlatSpec with SkinnyTestSupport with BeforeAndAfterAll with DBSettings {
| addFilter(Controllers.${controllerName}, "/*")
| override def afterAll() {
| super.afterAll()
| ${modelClassName}.deleteAll()
| }
| def ${newResourceName} = FactoryGirl(${modelClassName}).create()
| it should "show ${resourcesInLabel}" in {
| get("${resourceBaseUrl}") {
| logBodyUnless(200)
| status should equal(200)
| }
| get("${resourceBaseUrl}/") {
| logBodyUnless(200)
| status should equal(200)
| }
| get("${resourceBaseUrl}.json") {
| logBodyUnless(200)
| status should equal(200)
| }
| get("${resourceBaseUrl}.xml") {
| logBodyUnless(200)
| status should equal(200)
| }
| }
| it should "show a ${resourceInLabel} in detail" in {
| get(s"${resourceBaseUrl}/$${${newResourceName}.${primaryKeyName}}") {
| logBodyUnless(200)
| status should equal(200)
| }
| get(s"${resourceBaseUrl}/$${${newResourceName}.${primaryKeyName}}.xml") {
| logBodyUnless(200)
| status should equal(200)
| }
| get(s"${resourceBaseUrl}/$${${newResourceName}.${primaryKeyName}}.json") {
| logBodyUnless(200)
| status should equal(200)
| }
| }
| it should "show new entry form" in {
| get(s"${resourceBaseUrl}/new") {
| logBodyUnless(200)
| status should equal(200)
| }
| }
| it should "create a ${resourceInLabel}" in {
| post(s"${resourceBaseUrl}",
|${params(" ", nameAndTypeNamePairs)}) {
| logBodyUnless(403)
| status should equal(403)
| }
| withSession("csrf-token" -> "valid_token") {
| post(s"${resourceBaseUrl}",
|${params(" ", nameAndTypeNamePairs)},
| "csrf-token" -> "valid_token") {
| logBodyUnless(302)
| status should equal(302)
| val id = header("Location").split("/").last${if (primaryKeyType == ParamType.Long) ".toLong" else ""}
| ${modelClassName}.findById(id).isDefined should equal(true)
| }
| }
| }
| it should "show the edit form" in {
| get(s"${resourceBaseUrl}/$${${newResourceName}.${primaryKeyName}}/edit") {
| logBodyUnless(200)
| status should equal(200)
| }
| }
| it should "update a ${resourceInLabel}" in {
| put(s"${resourceBaseUrl}/$${${newResourceName}.${primaryKeyName}}",
|${params(" ", nameAndTypeNamePairs)}) {
| logBodyUnless(403)
| status should equal(403)
| }
| withSession("csrf-token" -> "valid_token") {
| put(s"${resourceBaseUrl}/$${${newResourceName}.${primaryKeyName}}",
|${params(" ", nameAndTypeNamePairs)},
| "csrf-token" -> "valid_token") {
| logBodyUnless(302)
| status should equal(302)
| }
| }
| }
| it should "delete a ${resourceInLabel}" in {
| delete(s"${resourceBaseUrl}/$${${newResourceName}.${primaryKeyName}}") {
| logBodyUnless(403)
| status should equal(403)
| }
| withSession("csrf-token" -> "valid_token") {
| delete(s"${resourceBaseUrl}/$${${newResourceName}.${primaryKeyName}}?csrf-token=valid_token") {
| logBodyUnless(200)
| status should equal(200)
| }
| }
| }
def generateIntegrationTestSpec(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]) {
val controllerClassName = toClassName(resources) + "Controller"
val dir = toDirectoryPath("integrationtest", namespaces)
val file = new File(s"${testSourceDir}/${dir}/${controllerClassName}_IntegrationTestSpec.scala")
writeIfAbsent(file, integrationSpecCode(namespaces, resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs))
// --------------------------
// controller.Controllers.scala
// --------------------------
// CodeGenerator#appendToControllers
// --------------------------
// factories.conf
// --------------------------
def appendToFactoriesConf(resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]) {
val file = new File(s"${testResourceDir}/factories.conf")
val params = nameAndTypeNamePairs.map { case (k, t) => k -> extractTypeIfOptionOrSeq(t) }.map {
case (k, "Long") => " " + k + "=\"" + Long.MaxValue.toString() + "\""
case (k, "Int") => " " + k + "=\"" + Int.MaxValue.toString() + "\""
case (k, "Short") => " " + k + "=\"" + Short.MaxValue.toString() + "\""
case (k, "Double") => " " + k + "=\"" + Double.MaxValue.toString() + "\""
case (k, "Float") => " " + k + "=\"" + Float.MaxValue.toString() + "\""
case (k, "Byte") => " " + k + "=\"" + Byte.MaxValue.toString() + "\""
case (k, "Boolean") => " " + k + "=true"
case (k, "LocalDate") => " " + k + "=\"" + new LocalDate().toString() + "\""
case (k, "LocalTime") => " " + k + "=\"" + new LocalTime().toString() + "\""
case (k, "DateTime") => " " + k + "=\"" + new DateTime().toString() + "\""
case (k, _) => " " + k + "=\"Something New\""
val code =
s"""${resource} {
writeAppending(file, code)
// --------------------------
// messages.conf
// --------------------------
def messagesConfCode(resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]): String = {
val _resources = toCapitalizedSplitName(resources)
val _resource = toCapitalizedSplitName(resource)
|${resource} {
| flash {
| created="The ${toSplitName(resource)} was created."
| updated="The ${toSplitName(resource)} was updated."
| deleted="The ${toSplitName(resource)} was deleted."
| }
| list="${_resources}"
| detail="${_resource}"
| edit="Edit ${_resource}"
| new="New ${_resource}"
| delete.confirm="Are you sure?"
| ${primaryKeyName}="ID"
|${nameAndTypeNamePairs.map { case (k, _) => " " + k + "=\"" + toCapitalizedSplitName(k) + "\"" }.mkString("\n")}
def generateMessages(resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]) {
val file = new File(s"${resourceDir}/messages.conf")
writeAppending(file, messagesConfCode(resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs))
// --------------------------
// Flyway migration SQL
// --------------------------
def migrationSQL(resources: String, resource: String, generatorArgs: Seq[ScaffoldGeneratorArg], withId: Boolean = true): String = {
val name = tableName.getOrElse(toSnakeCase(resources))
val columns = generatorArgs.map { a =>
s" ${toSnakeCase(a.name)} ${a.columnName.getOrElse(toDBType(a.typeName))}" +
(if (isOptionClassName(a.typeName)) "" else " not null")
val timestamps = if (withTimestamps) {
| created_at timestamp not null,
| updated_at timestamp not null""".stripMargin
} else ""
if (withId) {
s"""-- For H2 Database
|create table ${name} (
| ${toSnakeCase(primaryKeyName)} bigserial not null primary key,
} else {
s"""-- For H2 Database : Please add suitable restrictions if needed.
|create table ${name} (
def generateMigrationSQL(resources: String, resource: String, generatorArgs: Seq[ScaffoldGeneratorArg], skip: Boolean, withId: Boolean) {
val version = DateTime.now.toString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")
val file = new File(s"${resourceDir}/db/migration/V${version}__Create_${resources}_table.sql")
val sql = migrationSQL(resources, resource, generatorArgs, withId)
writeIfAbsent(file, if (skip) s"/*\n${sql}\n*/" else sql)
// --------------------------
// Views
// --------------------------
def formHtmlCode(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]): String
def newHtmlCode(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]): String
def editHtmlCode(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]): String
def indexHtmlCode(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]): String
def showHtmlCode(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]): String
def generateFormView(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]) {
val dir = toDirectoryPath("views", namespaces)
val viewDir = s"${webInfDir}/${dir}/${resources}"
FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(viewDir))
val file = new File(s"${viewDir}/_form.html.${template}")
if (file.exists()) {
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" skipped.")
} else {
FileUtils.write(file, formHtmlCode(namespaces, resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs))
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" created.")
def generateNewView(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]) {
val dir = toDirectoryPath("views", namespaces)
val viewDir = s"${webInfDir}/${dir}/${resources}"
FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(viewDir))
val file = new File(s"${viewDir}/new.html.${template}")
if (file.exists()) {
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" skipped.")
} else {
FileUtils.write(file, newHtmlCode(namespaces, resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs))
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" created.")
def generateEditView(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]) {
val dir = toDirectoryPath("views", namespaces)
val viewDir = s"${webInfDir}/${dir}/${resources}"
FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(viewDir))
val file = new File(s"${viewDir}/edit.html.${template}")
if (file.exists()) {
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" skipped.")
} else {
FileUtils.write(file, editHtmlCode(namespaces, resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs))
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" created.")
def generateIndexView(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]) {
val dir = toDirectoryPath("views", namespaces)
val viewDir = s"${webInfDir}/${dir}/${resources}"
FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(viewDir))
val file = new File(s"${viewDir}/index.html.${template}")
if (file.exists()) {
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" skipped.")
} else {
FileUtils.write(file, indexHtmlCode(namespaces, resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs))
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" created.")
def generateShowView(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String, resource: String, nameAndTypeNamePairs: Seq[(String, String)]) {
val dir = toDirectoryPath("views", namespaces)
val viewDir = s"${webInfDir}/${dir}/${resources}"
FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(viewDir))
val file = new File(s"${viewDir}/show.html.${template}")
if (file.exists()) {
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" skipped.")
} else {
FileUtils.write(file, showHtmlCode(namespaces, resources, resource, nameAndTypeNamePairs))
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" created.")
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