skinny.task.generator.CodeGenerator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package skinny.task.generator
import java.io.File
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.sql.Types._
import java.util.Locale
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
import scalikejdbc.DB
import scalikejdbc.metadata.Column
import skinny.ParamType
import skinny.ParamType._
import skinny.util.StringUtil
import scala.io.Source
object CodeGenerator {
def convertReservedWord(name: String): String = {
CodeGenerator.reservedWordConversionRules.find { case (k, _) => k == name } match {
case Some((_, newName)) => newName
case _ => name
val reservedWordConversionRules = Map(
"abstract" -> "theAbstract",
"case" -> "theCase",
"catch" -> "theCatch",
"class" -> "theClass",
"def" -> "theDef",
"do" -> "theDo",
"else" -> "theElse",
"extends" -> "theExtends",
"false" -> "theFalse",
"final" -> "theFinal",
"finally" -> "theFinally",
"for" -> "theFor",
"forSome" -> "theForSome",
"if" -> "theIf",
"implicit" -> "theImplicit",
"import" -> "theImport",
"lazy" -> "theLazy",
"match" -> "theMatch",
"new" -> "theNew",
"null" -> "theNull",
"object" -> "theObject",
"override" -> "theOverride",
"package" -> "thePackage",
"private" -> "isPrivate",
"protected" -> "isProtected",
"return" -> "theReturn",
"sealed" -> "isSealed",
"super" -> "isSuper",
"this" -> "theThis",
"throw" -> "theThrow",
"trait" -> "theTrait",
"try" -> "theTry",
"true" -> "theTrue",
"type" -> "theType",
"val" -> "theVal",
"var" -> "theVar",
"while" -> "theWhile",
"with" -> "theWith",
"yield" -> "theYield",
"clone" -> "theClone",
"equals" -> "theEquals",
"hashCode" -> "theHashCode",
"toString" -> "theToString",
"finalize" -> "finalizeRequired",
"getClass" -> "theGetClass",
"notify" -> "notifyRequired",
"notifyAll" -> "notifyAllRequired",
"wait" -> "waitRequired",
"asInstanceOf" -> "theAsInstanceOf",
"isInstanceOf" -> "instanceOf",
"synchronized" -> "isSynchronized"
val SQLReservedWords = Seq(
* Code generator.
trait CodeGenerator {
// ------------------------
// configuration
def charset: Charset = Charset.defaultCharset()
def sourceDir = "src/main/scala"
def testSourceDir = "src/test/scala"
def resourceDir = "src/main/resources"
def testResourceDir = "src/test/resources"
def webInfDir = "src/main/webapp/WEB-INF"
// If you prefer Play Framework's style, override this and specify "controllers"
def controllerPackage: String = "controller"
def controllerPackageDir: String = controllerPackage.split("\\.").mkString("/")
// If you prefer Play Framework's style, override this and specify "models"
def modelPackage: String = "model"
def modelPackageDir: String = modelPackage.split("\\.").mkString("/")
// ------------------------
// generator methods
def forceWrite(file: File, code: String) {
if (file.exists()) {
FileUtils.write(file, code, charset)
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" modified.")
} else {
FileUtils.write(file, code, charset)
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" created.")
def writeIfAbsent(file: File, code: String) {
if (file.exists()) {
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" skipped.")
} else {
FileUtils.write(file, code, charset)
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" created.")
def writeAppending(file: File, code: String) {
if (file.exists()) {
FileUtils.write(file, code, charset, true)
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" modified.")
} else {
FileUtils.write(file, code, charset)
println(" \"" + file.getPath + "\" created.")
def showSkinnyGenerator(): Unit = {
*** Skinny Generator Task ***
def showErrors(messages: Seq[String]) = {
println(""" Command failed!""")
println(messages.mkString(" Error: ", "\n", "\n"))
def appendToControllers(namespaces: Seq[String], name: String) {
val controllerName = toControllerName(namespaces, name)
val controllerClassName = toNamespace(s"_root_.${controllerPackage}", namespaces) + "." + toControllerClassName(name)
val newMountCode =
s"""def mount(ctx: ServletContext): Unit = {
| ${controllerName}.mount(ctx)""".stripMargin
val newControllerDefCode = {
s""" object ${controllerName} extends ${controllerClassName} with Routes {
| }
val file = new File(s"${sourceDir}/${controllerPackage}/Controllers.scala")
if (file.exists()) {
val code = Source.fromFile(file).mkString
.replaceFirst("(def\\s+mount\\s*\\(ctx:\\s+ServletContext\\):\\s*Unit\\s*=\\s*\\{)", newMountCode)
.replaceFirst("(}[\\s\\r\\n]+)$", newControllerDefCode)
forceWrite(file, code)
} else {
val fullNewCode =
s"""package ${controllerPackage}
|import _root_.${controllerPackage}._
|import skinny._
|import skinny.controller.AssetsController
|object Controllers {
| ${newMountCode}
| AssetsController.mount(ctx)
| }
forceWrite(file, fullNewCode)
// ------------------------
// helper methods
def toVariable(name: String) = toCamelCase(name)
def toClassName(name: String) = name.head.toUpper + toCamelCase(name.tail)
def toNamespace(basePackage: String, namespaces: Seq[String]): String = {
(Seq(basePackage) ++ namespaces).filter(!_.isEmpty).reduceLeft { (a, b) => a + "." + b }
def toDirectoryPath(baseDir: String, namespaces: Seq[String]): String = {
val dirs: Seq[String] = (Seq(baseDir) ++ namespaces).filter(!_.isEmpty)
if (dirs.isEmpty) "" else dirs.reduceLeft { (a, b) => a + "/" + b }
def toControllerName(namespaces: Seq[String], resources: String): String = {
if (namespaces.filterNot(_.isEmpty).isEmpty) toCamelCase(resources)
else namespaces.head + namespaces.tail.map { n => n.head.toUpper + n.tail }.mkString + toClassName(resources)
def toControllerClassName(name: String) = toClassName(name) + "Controller"
def toResourcesBasePath(namespaces: Seq[String]): String = {
if (namespaces.filter(!_.isEmpty).isEmpty) ""
else "/" + namespaces.filter(!_.isEmpty).reduceLeft { (a, b) => a + "/" + b }
def isOptionClassName(t: String): Boolean = t.trim().startsWith("Option")
def extractTypeIfOptionOrSeq(t: String): String = {
t.replaceFirst("Option\\[", "")
.replaceFirst("Seq\\[", "")
.replaceFirst("\\]", "")
def toCamelCase(v: String): String = StringUtil.toCamelCase(v)
def toSnakeCase(v: String): String = StringUtil.toSnakeCase(v)
def toSplitName(v: String): String = toSnakeCase(v).split("_").toSeq.mkString(" ")
def toFirstCharUpper(s: String): String = s.head.toUpper + s.tail
def toFirstCharLower(s: String): String = s.head.toLower + s.tail
def toCapitalizedSplitName(v: String): String = {
.map(word => word.head.toUpper + word.tail)
.mkString(" ")
def extractColumns(tableName: String): List[Column] = {
DB.getTable(tableName).map { table =>
}.getOrElse {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Failed to retrieve meta data about columns for ${tableName}")
def toScalaTypeName(paramTypeName: String): String = paramTypeName match {
case "ByteArray" => "Array[Byte]"
case "Option[ByteArray]" => "Option[Array[Byte]]"
case _ => paramTypeName
def toScalaTypeNameWithDefaultValueIfOptionOrSeq(paramTypeName: String): String = {
val scalaTypeName = toScalaTypeName(paramTypeName.trim())
if (scalaTypeName.startsWith("Option")) s"${scalaTypeName} = None"
else if (scalaTypeName.startsWith("Seq")) s"${scalaTypeName} = Nil"
else scalaTypeName
def paramTypes = Seq(
def isSupportedParamType(typeName: String): Boolean = paramTypes.contains(typeName)
def isAssociationTypeName(typeName: String): Boolean = {
(typeName.startsWith("Option[") || typeName.startsWith("Seq[")) && !isSupportedParamType(typeName)
def toDBType(t: String): String = {
extractTypeIfOptionOrSeq(t) match {
case "String" => "varchar(512)"
case "Long" => "bigint"
case "Int" => "int"
case "Short" => "int"
case "Byte" => "tinyint"
case "ByteArray" => "binary"
case "BigDecimal" => "numeric"
case "DateTime" => "timestamp"
case "LocalDate" => "date"
case "LocalTime" => "time"
case "Boolean" => "boolean"
case "Double" => "double"
case "Float" => "float"
case _ => "other"
def convertJdbcSqlTypeToParamType(dataType: Int): ParamType = dataType match {
case BOOLEAN | BIT => Boolean
case TINYINT => Byte
case SMALLINT => Short
case INTEGER => Int
case BIGINT => Long
case FLOAT | REAL => Float
case DOUBLE => Double
case NUMERIC | DECIMAL => BigDecimal
case DATE => LocalDate
case TIME => LocalTime
case TIMESTAMP => DateTime
case _ => String
def toScaffoldFieldDef(column: Column): String = {
val paramType = toParamType(column)
val paramTypeString: String = if (column.isRequired) paramType.toString else s"Option[$paramType]"
val columnTypeString: String = {
paramType match {
case String => s":varchar(${column.size})"
case BigDecimal => s":number(${column.size})"
case _ => ""
toCamelCase(column.name.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)) + ":" + paramTypeString + columnTypeString
def toParamType(column: Column): ParamType = convertJdbcSqlTypeToParamType(column.typeCode)
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