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org.smallmind.spark.tanukisoft.maven.bin.wrapper-linux-ia-64 Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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?@??? #?R??h   ?Environment variables must contain "%s" for a roll mode of DATE.  Disabling log file rolling.wrapper.logfile.rollmode invalid.  Disabling log file rolling.backend pipe closed.closing backend server.server socket close failed. (%d)/tmp/wrapper-%d-%d-out/tmp/wrapper-%d-%d-inserver listening on pipe %s.Unable to create backend pipe: %sPSSPwrapperStopProcess(%d, %s) called while stopping.  (IGNORED)FALSE  Stop ignored.  Continuing to restart JVM.wrapperStopProcess(%d, %s) called.Closing backend pipe.Failed to close backend pipe: %sPCPClosing backend socket.socket close failed. (%d)Ignoring unexpected backend socket connection from %s on port %dInvalid multibyte sequence in %s: %snetwork addresssocket creation failed. (%s)accepted a socket on port %d from %s at port %dPOsocket ioctlsocket failed. (%s)unable to bind listener port %d, or any port in the range %d to %d. (%s)port %d already in use, using port %d instead.server socket listen failed. (%d)server listening on port %d.unable to bind listener to any port in the range %d to %d. (%s)Invalid multibyte sequence in port address "%s" : %sPSSSserver socket creation failed. (%s)server socket ioctlsocket failed. (%s)Unable to start server socket.You can set wrapper.backend.type=AUTO, so the wrapper will try to connect to the JVM using ipv4, ipv6 and pipe.You can set wrapper.backend.type=SOCKET, so the wrapper will try to connect to the JVM using ipv4 and ipv6.Failed to start server socket IPv6, will try with Pipe...Failed to start server socket when trying with socket (IPv4 and IPv6) and pipe...Failed to start server using socket IPv4, will try with socket IPv6...UNKNOWN(%d)LOG(NOTICE)LOG(ADVICE)LOG(FATAL)LOG(ERROR)LOG(WARN)LOG(STATUS)LOG(INFO)LOG(DEBUG)PROPERTIESSERVICE_CONTROL_CODEPING_TIMEOUTLOW_LOG_LEVELBADKEYKEYSTOPPEDSTARTEDSTART_PENDINGSTOP_PENDINGSTOPGCRESUMEPAUSEAPPEAR_ORPHANLOGFILEFailed to lock the Protocol mutex. %s
Failed to unlock the Protocol mutex. %s
silentSend a packet %s : %sNULL  Sent %d bytes, %d remaining.%s send failed.  Incomplete.  Sent %d of %d bytes.SocketInvalid multibyte sequence in %s "%s" : %sprotocol message(Property Values, Size=%d)WPFPipeSocket not open, so packet not sent %s : %sSocket send failed.  %sSend unexpectedly returned %dWriting to the backend pipe failed (%d): %sSocket send failed.  Blocked for 2 seconds.  %sJVM requested a shutdown. (%d)Got a log message from JVM: %sactive log file changed: %s%*dJVM signaled that it was stopped.Received Stopped packet late.  Cancel automatic restart.WILPMFailed to get the initial directory. (%s)WRAPPER_INIT_DIRwrapperDispose was called more than once.
Java Service Wrapper %s Edition %s-bit %s
  Copyright (C) 1999-%s Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
    http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.comCommunity2016GVBUsage:  %s <command> <configuration file> [configuration properties] [...]  %s <configuration file> [configuration properties] [...]     (<command> implicitly '-c')  %s <command>     (<configuration file> implicitly '%s.conf')     (<command> implicitly '-c' and <configuration file> '%s.conf')where <command> can be one of:  -c  --console run as a Console application  -v  --version print the wrapper's version information.  -?  --help    print this help message  -- <args>     mark the end of Wrapper arguments.  All arguments after the
                '--' will be passed through unmodified to the java application.<configuration file> is the wrapper.conf to use.  Name must be absolute or relative  to the location of %s[configuration properties] are configuration name-value pairs which override values  in wrapper.conf.  For example:  wrapper.debug=true  Please note that any file references must be absolute or relative to the location
  of the Wrapper executable.WUWPA%s.conf-translateRestarting JVM.Restart JVM (Ignoring, already restarting).Restart JVM (Ignoring, already shutting down).wrapperRestartProcess() called.  (IGNORED)wrapperRestartProcess() called.JVM requested a restart.wrapperPauseProcess() called but wrapper.pausable is FALSE.  (IGNORED)wrapperPauseProcess() called while stopping.  (IGNORED)wrapperPauseProcess() called while pausing.  (IGNORED)wrapperPauseProcess() called while paused.  (IGNORED)wrapperPauseProcess() called.wrapperResumeProcess() called while stopping.  (IGNORED)wrapperResumeProcess() called while starting.  (IGNORED)wrapperResumeProcess() called while resuming.  (IGNORED)wrapperResumeProcess() called.wrapperResumeProcess() called while started.  (IGNORED)%s  %s%s  Shutting down.%s  Requesting thread dump.%s  Application has signalled success, consider this application started successful...%s  Requesting GC...%s  Pausing...%s  Resuming...%s  Debugging.Unknown action type: the "%s" thread for %d seconds...Resuming the "%s" thread...Pausing the "%s" thread indefinitely.Filter trigger matched.WLCOJVM console outputWRCOGot key from JVM: %sReceived a connection request with an incorrect key.  Waiting for another connection.Incorrect key.  Connection rejected.JVM did not exit on request.JVM did not exit on request, termination requested.  Attempt to terminate process failed:{{TestWrapperBat}}{{TestWrapperSh}}We have detected that you are making use of the sample shell scripts
that are designed for the TestWrapper Example Application.  When
setting up your own application, please copy fresh files over from
the Wrapper's src/bin directory.Shutting down as this will likely cause problems with your
application startup.Please see the integration section of the documentation for more
information. have detected that you are making use of the sample batch files
that are designed for the TestWrapper Example Application.  When
setting up your own application, please copy fresh files over from
the Wrapper's src\bin directory.The value of property '%s', '%s' contains an unterminated quote and will most likely result in an invalid java command line.The value of property '%s', '%s' contains unquoted spaces and will most likely result in an invalid java command line.rbMagic number for file %s: 0x%02x%02x%02x%02xPATH/Unable to resolve the real path of %s on the system PATH: %sFPOResolved the real path of %s as a relative reference: %sResolved the real path of %s as an absolute reference: %sUnable to resolve the real path of %s as a relative reference: %sUnable to resolve the real path of %s as an absolute reference: %s (Problem at: %s)Attempt to locate %s on system PATH: %sResolved the real path of %s from system PATH: configured could not be found, attempting to launch anyway: value of does not appear to be a java binary.CIREThe use of scripts is not supported. Trying to continue, but some features may not work"-The value of property '%s', '%s' is not a valid argument to the JVM. value '%s' is not a valid argument to the JVM.  Skipping.LJACUnexpected read error %d"%s%c%s"-Djava.library.path="%s\"-Djava.library.path="%s"\<n>-Djava.library.path=%s%c%s-Djava.library.path=%s-Djava.library.path="%s%c%s\" element, %s, should not contain quotes: %s, stripping and continuing: %sUnable to get information of classpath element: %s (%s)Classpath element, %s, does not exist:<n>"%s"wrapper.disable_console_inputwrapper.listener.force_stop-Dwrapper.cpu.timeout="%d""%d"-Dwrapper.timer_slow_threshold=%d-Dwrapper.version="%s"-Dwrapper.native_library="%s"-Dwrapper.arch="%s""%s"-Dwrapper.debug="TRUE"-Dwrapper.debug=TRUE-Dwrapper.disable_console_input="TRUE"-Dwrapper.disable_console_input=TRUE-Dwrapper.jvm.port.min=%d-Dwrapper.jvm.port.max=%d-Dwrapper.listener.force_stop="TRUE"-Dwrapper.listener.force_stop=TRUE-Dwrapper.use_system_time="TRUE"-Dwrapper.use_system_time=TRUE-Dwrapper.ignore_signals="TRUE"-Dwrapper.ignore_signals=TRUE-Dwrapper.service="TRUE"-Dwrapper.service=TRUE-Dwrapper.disable_tests="TRUE"-Dwrapper.disable_tests=TRUE-Dwrapper.disable_shutdown_hook="TRUE""%d""%s"-Dwrapper.detachStarted="TRUE" JVM is being launched with a debugger enabled and could possibly
be suspended.  To avoid unwanted shutdowns, timeouts will be
disabled, removing the ability to detect and restart frozen JVMs.WBJCAJVM process exited with a code of %d, setting the wrapper exit code to %d.JVM process exited with a code of %d, however the wrapper exit code was already %d.Unexpected jState=%d in wrapperJVMProcessExited.JVM process exited with a code of %d, leaving the wrapper exit code set to %d.JVM exited after being requested to terminate.JVM already down.Received a message that the JVM is down when in the LAUNCH(DELAY) state.Received a message that the JVM is down when in the RESTART state.Received a message that the JVM is down when in the LAUNCH state.JVM exited while loading the application.JVM exited before starting the application.JVM exited while starting the application.JVM exited unexpectedly.JVM exited unexpectedly while stopping the application.JVM exited normally.JVM exited on its own while waiting to kill the application.The value of %s must be in the range 1 to %d seconds (%d days), or 0 to disable.  Changing to %d.Unable to obtain host name. %sLHNDUMPSUCCESSPause actions require the Standard Edition.  Ignoring action '%s' in the %s property.USER_Encountered an unknown action '%s' in the %s property.  Skipping.Resume actions require the Standard Edition.  Ignoring action '%s' in the %s property.User actions require the Professional Edition.  Ignoring action '%s' in the %s property. , timeout detection may not operate correctly during shutdown because wrapper.cpu.timeout is not smaller than value of %s must be at least %d second(s).  Changing to %d.wrapper.jvm_detach_started%s must be in the range %d to %d.  Changing to %d.Unknown value for wrapper.backend.type: %s. Setting it to must be less than or equal to 1 day (86400 seconds).  Changing to must be less than or equal to 1 hour (3600 seconds).  Changing to must be at least 5 seconds longer than  Changing to %d.%s must be greater than or equal to %s.  Changing to %d.wrapper.ntservice.pausablewrapper.pausablewrapper.ntservice.pausable.stop_jvmwrapper.pausable.stop_jvmwrapper.pause_on_startupBOTHJAVAwrapper.anchorfilewrapper.statusfilewrapper.lockfilewrapper.pidfileThe version of the script (%s) doesn't match the version of this Wrapper (%s). This might cause some must be less than or equal to the value of (%d seconds).  Changing to %d.CPU timeout detection may not operate correctly because wrapper.cpu.timeout is not smaller than timeout detection may not operate correctly during startup because wrapper.cpu.timeout is not smaller than wrapper.startup.timeout.wrapper.jvm.port must not equal wrapper.port.  Changing to the default.Failed to lock the Tick mutex. %s
Failed to unlock the tick mutex. %s
Assert Failed: wrapperGetTickAgeTicks(%08x, %08x) == %0d != %0dAssert Failed: wrapperGetTickAgeSeconds(%08x, %08x) == %0d != %0dAssert Failed: wrapperTickExpired(%08x, %08x) == %0d != %0dAssert Failed: wrapperAddToTicks(%08x, %d) == %08x != %08xwrapper.license.typeDEVRelease time: %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02dBuild time:   %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02dTimezone:     %s (%s) Offset: %ld, hasDaylight: %dUsing system timer.Using tick timer.PID:          %dwrapper.environment.dumpwrapper.license.licensee(LICENSE INVALID)wrapper.license.dev_application  Licensed to %s for %s--> Wrapper Started as %s<-- Wrapper StoppedDaemonConsoleWorking directory set to: %sWRAPPER_WORKING_DIRUnable to set working directory to: %s (%s) to resolve the working directory %s: %sProblem loading wrapper configuration file: %sThe argument '%s' is not a valid property name-value pair.wrapper.umaskFound duplicated properties.  The wrapper will stop.Unable to open configuration file: %s (%s)
  Current working directory: %sFailed to load configuration: %sPinging the JVM took %d seconds to respond.Lost a ping response, sent at tick %08x.Received an unexpected ping response, sent at tick %08x.Received an unexpected ping response, sent at tick %08x.  First expected ping was sent at tick %08x.JVM appears hung: Timed out waiting for signal from JVM.JVM signaled a start pending with waitHint of %d millis.JVM signaled a stop pending with waitHint of %d millis.JVM signaled that it was started.JVM launched and detached.  Wrapper Shutting a packet %s : %sreceived unknown packet (%d:%s)pipe read failed. (%s)socket read failed. (%s)socket read no code (closed?). && wcslen(config) > 0wrapper.cconfig[0] != L' ' && config[wcslen(config) - 1] != L' '??????????????????????X???????0?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????x???????p???????h???????`???????X???????P???????H???????@???????8???????0???????(??????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????خ??????Ю??????Ȯ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????x???????p???????h???????`???????X???????P???????H???????@???????8???????0???????(??????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ح??????Э??????ȭ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????x???????p???????h???????`???????X???????P???????H???????@???????8???????0???????(??????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ج??????Ь??????Ȭ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????x???????p???????h???????`???????X???????P???????H???????@???????8???????0???????(??????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ث??????Ы??????ȫ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????x???????p???????h???????`???????X???????P???????H???????@???????8???????0???????(??????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ت??????Ъ??????Ȫ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????x???????p???????h???????`???????X???????P???????H???????@???????8???????0???????(??????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ة??????Щ??????ȩ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????x???????p???????h???????`???????X???????P???????H???????@???????8???????0???????(??????? ???????????????????????????????????ث??????????????????????`???????8?????????????????????????????????????????????????????`???????8?????????????????????????????????????????????h???????@?????????????????????Ȩ??????????????x??????????????????????????H??????p?????????????????????x???????loadParameterFileCallback?????????????????????x?????????????????????p??????????????????????(???????`???????X?????????????????????????????X???????155720160712000020160713linuxia643.5.30The Wrapper consists of a native component as well as a set of classes
which run within the JVM that it launches.  The Java component of the
Wrapper must be initialized promptly after the JVM is launched or the
Wrapper will timeout, as just happened.  Most likely the main class
specified in the Wrapper configuration file is not correctly initializing
the Wrapper classes:    %sWhile it is possible to do so manually, the Wrapper ships with helper
classes to make this initialization processes automatic.
Please review the integration section of the Wrapper's documentation
for the various methods which can be employed to launch an application
within the Wrapper: to write to the status file: %s      Set Wrapper State %s -> %s      Set Java State %s (%d) Ignored Timeout %08x      Set Java State %s (%d) Timeout %08x -> %08x      Set Java State %s -> %sStartup failed: Timed out waiting for a signal from the      DebugJVM timeout.  Disable current %s timeout.The JVM was launched with debug options so this may be because the JVM
is currently suspended by a debugger.  Any future timeouts during this
JVM invocation will be silently ignored.Anchor file deleted.  Shutting down.    Loop: check anchor filer+tCommand '%s'.  %sCommand '%s'. Shutting down with exit code %d.    Loop: check command fileUnable to read the command file: %sUnable to delete the command file, %s: %sCommand '%s'. Pausing JVM.Command '%s'. Resuming JVM.Command '%s'. Requesting a Thread Dump.Command '%s'. Requesting a GC.CONSOLE_LOGLEVELCommand '%s' is missing its log level.Command '%s' specified an unknown log level: '%'Command '%s'. Set console log level to '%s'.LOGFILE_LOGLEVELSYSLOG_LOGLEVELLOOP_OUTPUTCommand '%s'. Disable %s.Command '%s'. Enable %s.Command '%s'. Set log file log level to '%s'.TIMERJAVAIOCommand '%s'.  Enqueue request to pause unknown thread.Command '%s'. Set syslog log level to '%s'.Command '%s' lead to an unexpected state.STATE_OUTPUTMEMORY_OUTPUTCPU_OUTPUTTIMER_OUTPUTSLEEP_OUTPUTCLOSE_SOCKETCommand '%s'.  Closing backend socket to JVM...CLOSE_BACKENDPAUSE_THREADMAINCommand '%s'.  Enqueue request to pause %s thread for %d seconds...ACCESS_VIOLATIONCommand '%s' is unknown, ignoring.Command '%s'.  Intentionally causing an Access Violation in Wrapper...Command '%s'.  Tests disabled.PAUSE_LOGGERCommand '%s'.  Enqueue request to pause logger for %d seconds...Command '%s'.  Enqueue request to pause logger indefinitely...Command '%s'.  Enqueue request to pause %s thread indefinitely...Initially Paused.wrapper.on_exit.%dshutdownwrapper.on_exit.defaultrestarton_exit trigger matched.  Service is paused, will restart the JVM when resumed.  (Exit code: %d)on_exit trigger matched.  Restarting the JVM.  (Exit code: %d)pauseon_exit trigger matched.  Pausing the Wrapper.  (Exit code: %d)Preparing to restart with mode %d.Automatic JVM Restarts disabled.  Shutting down.Waiting %d seconds before launching another JVM.Waiting %d seconds before launching the first JVM.Ignoring the action specified with %s.
  A shutdown configured with %s was already initiated.There were %d failed launches in a row, each lasting less than %d seconds.  Giving up.  There may be a configuration problem: please check the logs.on_exit trigger matched.  Pausing not enabled.  Restarting the JVM.  (Exit code: %d)JVM was only running for %d seconds leading to a failed restart count of %d.Encountered an unexpected value for configuration property %s=%s.  Resolving to %s.Encountered an unexpected value for configuration property %s=%s.  Resolving to %s class is no longer supported.Please use the %s class Wrapper configuration...%s wrapper.startup.timeout=%d, wrapper.startup.delay.console=%d, wrapper.startup.delay.service=%d, wrapper.restart.delay=%dStartup Timeouts:Ping settings:%s,,, wrapper.shutdown.timeout=%d, wrapper.jvm_exit.timeout=%d, wrapper.jvm_cleanup.timeout=%d, wrapper.jvm_terminate.timeout=%dShutdown Timeouts:Launching a JVM...Startup: Timed out waiting for a signal from the JVM.startupStart Application.Unable to send the start command to the JVM.Startup failed: Timed out waiting for signal from %08x    Loop: Sent a ping packet.    Loop: Sending a ping packet.JVM Ping Failed.Ping: Timed out waiting for signal from JVM.pingsilent %08xToo many Pending Pings.  Disabling some ping checks until the JVM has caught up.    Loop: Sending a silent ping packet.Pending Pings %dJSSShutdown: Timed out waiting for a signal from the JVM.Shutdown failed: Timed out waiting for signal from JVM.JVM exitShutdown: Timed out waiting for the JVM to terminate.Shutdown failed: Timed out waiting for the JVM to terminate.Failed to terminate the JVM, abort all restart.Failed to terminate the JVM.%d pings were not replied to when the JVM process exited.    Last system time tick overflow at: %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d    Next system time tick overflow at: %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d    Last tick overflow at: %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d    Next tick overflow at: %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02dUse tick timer mutex=%s    Loop: %ssleepno     Ticks=%08x, WrapperState=%s, JVMState=%s JVMStateTimeoutTicks=%08x (%ds), Exit=%s, RestartMode=%dfalse    Ticks=%08x, WrapperState=%s, JVMState=%s JVMStateTimeoutTicks=%08x (N/A), Exit=%s, RestartMode=%d    Loop: process socketmain    Loop: maintain logger    Loop: handle wrapper state: %sUnknown wState=%d    Loop: maintain logger(2)Wrapper Process has not received any CPU time for %d seconds.  Extending timeouts.    Loop: process JVM output    Loop: exit requested    Loop: handle JVM state: %sUnknown jState=%dWrapper shutting down while java state still %s.Pause reading socket data to share cycles.Pause reading child process output to share cycles.Event loop started.Event loop stopped.Reset the restart flag.Sending stop signal to JVM`???????x??????????????????????????????????????????????8??????????????????????????????????????p???????H??????? ???????????????????????????????????????X???????0??????????????????????8k???????g???????j???????j??????(j???????i??????xi??????@q???????p???????p??????8p???????o???????o??????0o???????n???????n??????(n???????m??????xm?????? m???????l??????pl??????l???????-helpv-hostidEncoding problem with arguments in Main
Out of Memory in Main
Reloading configuration.-consoleUnrecognized option: -%sWARNING: Could not write lock file %s: %sERROR: Could not write anchor file %s: %sERROR: Could not write pid file %s: %s%d pid file, %s, already exists.Dumping JVM state.Could not dump JVM state: %s%s trapped, but ignored.%s trapped.  Shutting down.Unable to forward %s signal to JVM process.  %s%s trapped.  Already shutting down.%s trapped.  Forcing immediate shutdown.%s trapped.  %s%s (%d) trapped.  Forwarding to JVM process.%s trapped.  Unable to forward signal to JVM because it is not running.SIGCHLDSIGTERMSIGALRMSIGUSR2SIGSEGVSIGUSR1SIGKILLSIGQUITSIGINTSIGHUPtimer expiredAIO completedmesq state changedunknownkill, sigsend or raisesigqueuethe kernelqueued SIGIOSignal trapped.  Details:  signal number=%d (%S), source="%S"  signal generated by PID: %d (Session PID: %d), UID: %d (%S)  signal err=%d, "%S"Signal trapped.  No details available.<unknown>Timer thread received an Alarm signal.  Ignoring.Received an Alarm signal.  Ignoring.Timer thread received an Quit signal.  Ignoring.Timer thread received a SigChild signal.  Ignoring.Received SIGCHLD, checking JVM process status.Unable to register signal handler for signal %d.  %sLaunching JavaIO thread.Unable to create a javaIO thread: %d, %sLaunching Timer thread.Unable to create a timer thread: %d, %s%c]0;%s%cnanosleep(%dms) failed. %s    Sleep: nanosleep %dms    Sleep: awake    Sleep: nanosleep interrupted    Sleep: nanosleep unavailabletimer    Timer: ticks=0x%08x, system ticks=0x%08x, offset=0x%08x, offsetDiff=0x%08xThe system clock fell behind the timer by %ldms.Timer thread started.Could not mask signals for timer thread.Timer thread stopped.The timer fell behind the system clock by %ldms.javaioJavaIO thread stopped.Could not mask signals for javaIO thread.JavaIO thread process: Java version: wait failed
Child process: Java version: timed out
Unable to spwan process to output Java version: %sJava Command Line:  Command[%d] : %s  Classpath in Environment : %s%sUnable to set JVM's stderr: %s#!#WrApPeR#!#Java Command Line (Query Java Version):CLASSPATHUnable to write the Java Id file: %sUnable to write the Java PID file: %sFailed to set JVM output handle to close on JVM exit: %s (%d)Failed to set JVM output handle to non blocking mode: %s (%d)Could not spawn JVM process: %s%sUnable to set JVM's stdout: %s%sUnable to start JVM: %s (%d)%s------------------------------------------------------------------------%sAdvice:%sUsually when the Wrapper fails to start the JVM process, it is because%sof a problem with the value of the configured Java command. make sure that the PATH or any other referenced environment%svariables are correctly defined for the current environment.%s  The generated command line plus the environment was larger than the maximum allowed.%s  The current length is %d bytes of which %d is the command line, and %d is the environment.%s  It is not possible to calculate an exact maximum length as it depends on a number of factors for each system.Could not init pipe: %sCall to getrusage failed for Wrapper process: %sCall to getrusage failed for Java process: %sWrapper Memory: maxrss=%ld, ixrss=%ld, idrss=%ld, isrss=%ld, minflt=%ld, majflt=%ld, nswap=%ld, inblock=%ld, oublock=%ld, msgsnd=%ld, msgrcv=%ld, nsignals=%ld, nvcsw=%ld, nvcsw=%ldWrapper CPU: system %ld.%03ld, user %ld.%03ld  Java CPU: system %ld.%03ld, user %ld.%03ldJVM received a signal %s (%d).JVM process signaled the Wrapper unexpectedly.JVM process was continued.Unable to request JVM process status: %sJVM process was stopped.  It will be killed if the ping timeout expires.JVM process is gone.USR2USR1HUPTERMINTFailed to read console output from the JVM: %s (%d)/dev/nullSpawning intermediate process...Could not spawn daemon process: %sSpawning daemon process...setsid() failed: %sWrapper binaryUnable to extract path from: %sWRAPPER_BIN_DIRUnable to get the path for '%s'-%s(:??????`;??????8;??????;??????:??????:???????9???????9???????9???????:???????:??????p:??????H:???????9??????:???????9???????9???????9??????Wrapper configuration properties (Name=Value) BEGIN:<hidden>  %s=%sCIPYYYYMMDDHHIISS%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dYYYYMMDD_HHIISS%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02dYYYYMMDDHHIIYYYYMMDDHH%04d%02d%02d%02d%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%04d%02d%02d{INVALID}%04dNNNNNNNNNNN%04d%02d%04d%01dWRAPPER_TIME_WRAPPER_RAND_The '%s' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined.EEVSIPUnexpected load error %d
Unable to set the '%s' environment variable to: %sSESEVELFset.default.set.The "%s" property is defined by the Wrapper internally and can not be overwritten.
  Ignoring redefinition on the Wrapper command line.
  Fixed Value %s=%s
  Ignored Value %s=%sThe "%s" property is defined by the Wrapper internally and can not be overwritten.
  Ignoring redefinition on line #%d of configuration file: %s
  Fixed Value %s=%s
  Ignored Value %s=%s<NULL>APThe "%s" property was defined on the Wrapper command line and can not be overwritten.
  Ignoring redefinition on line #%d of configuration file: %s
  Fixed Value %s=%s
  Ignored Value %s=%sThe "%s" property was redefined on line #%d of configuration file: %s
  Old Value %s=%s
  New Value %s=%sThe "%s" property was already defined on the Wrapper command line and can not be overwritten.
  Ignoring redefinition on the Wrapper command line.
  Fixed Value %s=%s
  Ignored Value %s=%sincludeInclude file reference missing leading '#': %sThe following property name value pair is too large.  Need to increase the internal buffer size: %sGSPSEncountered an invalid numerical value for configuration property %s=%s.  Resolving to %d.Encountered an invalid boolean value for configuration property %s=%s.  Resolving to %s.TL.license..passwordLPLinuxFedora releaseRed Hat Enterprise LinuxAmazon Linux AMICentOS LinuxNONE  DEBUG INFO  WARN  ERROR FATAL ADVICENOTICEsyslogWARNING - Encountered an unknown thread %ld in getThreadId().
SSESNPPB2PPB1 | %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d%8d        99999999jvm %-4dwrapper timer  main   signal srvmainjavaio wrapperpROLLNUM-ROLLNUM_ROLLNUM.ROLLNUM-YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.YYYYMMDD.%s%d.%d.%dUnable to get the current logfile size with stat: %s
????????aThe messages could not be logged in the configured log file (%s) between %s and %s.
  The missing log entries may be found in the default log file (%s) of the current working directory or in the %s.Unable to write to the configured log file: %s (%s)
  Falling back to the default file in the current working directory: %sUnable to write to the default log file: %s (%s)
  Disabling log file.OLF#!#WrApPeRsPeCiAl#!#%s|%02d|%02d|%02d|%sWrite to log took %d milliseconds.WARNING log queue overflow for thread[%d]:%d:%d dropping entry: %s
(Message too long to be logged as a queued message.  Please report this.)%SPQ1Invalid multibyte Sequence found in (%s%02d). %sGLETSystem error message too large to convert (Require size: %d) (Original Error: 0x%x)System error message could not be decoded (Error 0x%x)Log file sort order would result in current log file being deleted: %s
Unable to delete old log file: %s (%s)
Unable to delete old log file: %s (%s)Unable to rename log file %s to %s. (%s)Unable to delete old log file: %sLogfile rolling is working again.Unable to rename log file %s to %s.  File is in use by another application.Failed to unlock the Logging mutex. %s
Failed to lock the Logging mutex. %s
CLFP1nanosleep(%dms) failed. 
Out of memory (%s%02d). %s
Out of memory (%s%02d). %sGRD/etc/system-release/etc/redhat-releaseSLPPwrapper.logfile.maxsize must be 0 or at least 1024.  Changing to %d.SLMFSSLP%s%c.wrapper_test-%.4d%.4dUnable to write to the configured log directory: %s (%s)
  The directory does not exist.Unable to remove temporary file: %s (%s)
  The Wrapper may also have problems writing or rolling the log file.
  Please make sure that the current user has read/write access.Unable to write to the configured log directory: %s (%s)
  The Wrapper may also have problems writing or rolling the log file.
  Please make sure that the current user has read/write access.CLDML1wrapperP???????X???????P??????????????@???????8???????0???????(?????????????????????????????????????????????H??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????x???????p???????h???????P???????X???????P??????????????@???????8???????0???????(?????????????????????????????????????????????H??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????H???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????8???????????????h???????`???????8??????????????????????@???????H???????????????(??????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????H???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????8???????????????h???????`???????8??????????????????????@???????H???????????????(??????? ????????????????????????????? ???????????????@???????????????`???????H???????0???????(???????@???????????????????????H???????????????NAMES_ASCNAMES_DECWFGFFailed to stat %s: %sError listing files, %s: %sFound #include file in %s: %s#properties.on_overwrite.exit=#properties.on_overwrite.loglevel=#properties.debug%sIncluded configuration file, %s, contains a problem on line #%d and could not be read. (%s)  After environment variable replacements: %sUnable to resolve the full path of included configuration file: %s (%s)
  Referenced from: %s (line %d)
  Current working directory: %s%sThe required configuration file, %s, was not loaded.
%s  Referenced from: %s (line %d)  Unable to include configuration file, %s, because the max include depth was reached.RCFEncountered an invalid value for directive #properties.on_overwrite.loglevel=%s (line %d).  Ignoring this directive.Encountered an invalid boolean value for directive #properties.on_overwrite.exit=%s (line %d).  Ignoring this directive.%sIncluded configuration file not found: %s
  Referenced from: %s (line %d)
  Current working directory: %s%sIncluded configuration file, %s, was not found.Configuration file, %s, contains a problem on line #%d and could not be read. (%s)Configuration file, %s, was not found.Configuration file not found: %s
  Current working directory: %s  Reading included configuration file, %s#include #include.required #properties.#log_messages.buffer_size=#include.debugBase configuration file is %s%sThe required configuration file, %s, was not read.
%s  Referenced from: %s (line %d)Unexpected iconv error: %dInitialization failure in iconv: %dCleanup failure in iconv: %dIncomplete multibyte sequence.Invalid multibyte sequence.Conversion from '% s' to '% s' is not supported.%sShift_JISshiftjiseucJPUTF-8ISO-8859-1CP1252ISO-8859-2ISO-8859-3ISO-8859-4ISO-8859-5ISO-8859-6ISO-8859-7ISO-8859-8ISO-8859-9ISO-8859-10ISO-8859-11ISO-8859-13ISO-8859-14ISO-8859-15ISO-8859-16CP1250CP1251KOI8-RKOI8-UDEFAULTOut of memory (%s)
NHM2NHM3NHM1HMP4HMP1HMP2HMP3??@`O`?@`O`??@`O``?@`O`??@`O` ?@`O`@4@`O`??@`O`@?@`O`P?@`O``?@`O`??@`O`??@`O`@?@`O`??@`O`@?@`O`?@`O`?x@`O``=@`O`?<@`O`p<@`O`?@@`O`??? &F ??/??"?? ???#??"?? ???#??#???2??!???2F+???a??F!??0F!??0F'?????a?F"??a4F&??a?F#??a7F"??a1F$??aTF&???ab?F%??a?F!???a!?F"??a3F"??aQF ??:F"??a?F#?????a?F"??a`F%??a?F"??aKF ??:F%??????a???;???a??F ??=F'	??????a???a????au???5?F#?????a?F!??a?F ??<F ??<F,?????a?F"??afF!??a$F#??a-F"??a(F"
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