org.smooks.edifact.binding.d00b.ObjectFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* ========================LICENSE_START=================================
* d00b-edifact-binding
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2020 - 2025 Smooks
* %%
* Licensed under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0, or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 or later.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR LGPL-3.0-or-later
* ======================================================================
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* ======================================================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* =========================LICENSE_END==================================
// This file was generated by the Eclipse Implementation of JAXB, v3.0.2
// See
// Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema.
// Generated on: 2025.01.04 at 11:49:37 AM UTC
package org.smooks.edifact.binding.d00b;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementDecl;
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRegistry;
import org.smooks.edifact.binding.service.UNHMessageHeader;
import org.smooks.edifact.binding.service.UNSSectionControl;
import org.smooks.edifact.binding.service.UNTMessageTrailer;
* This object contains factory methods for each
* Java content interface and Java element interface
* generated in the org.smooks.edifact.binding.d00b package.
* An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically
* construct new instances of the Java representation
* for XML content. The Java representation of XML
* content can consist of schema derived interfaces
* and classes representing the binding of schema
* type definitions, element declarations and model
* groups. Factory methods for each of these are
* provided in this class.
public class ObjectFactory {
private final static QName _ADRAddress_QNAME = new QName("", "ADR-Address");
private final static QName _AGRAgreementIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "AGR-AgreementIdentification");
private final static QName _AJTAdjustmentDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "AJT-AdjustmentDetails");
private final static QName _ALCAllowanceOrCharge_QNAME = new QName("", "ALC-AllowanceOrCharge");
private final static QName _ALIAdditionalInformation_QNAME = new QName("", "ALI-AdditionalInformation");
private final static QName _APPApplicability_QNAME = new QName("", "APP-Applicability");
private final static QName _APRAdditionalPriceInformation_QNAME = new QName("", "APR-AdditionalPriceInformation");
private final static QName _ARDMonetaryAmountFunction_QNAME = new QName("", "ARD-MonetaryAmountFunction");
private final static QName _ARRArrayInformation_QNAME = new QName("", "ARR-ArrayInformation");
private final static QName _ASIArrayStructureIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "ASI-ArrayStructureIdentification");
private final static QName _ATTAttribute_QNAME = new QName("", "ATT-Attribute");
private final static QName _AUTAuthenticationResult_QNAME = new QName("", "AUT-AuthenticationResult");
private final static QName _BASBasis_QNAME = new QName("", "BAS-Basis");
private final static QName _BGMBeginningOfMessage_QNAME = new QName("", "BGM-BeginningOfMessage");
private final static QName _BIIStructureIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "BII-StructureIdentification");
private final static QName _BUSBusinessFunction_QNAME = new QName("", "BUS-BusinessFunction");
private final static QName _CAVCharacteristicValue_QNAME = new QName("", "CAV-CharacteristicValue");
private final static QName _CCDCreditCoverDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "CCD-CreditCoverDetails");
private final static QName _CCICharacteristicClassId_QNAME = new QName("", "CCI-CharacteristicClassId");
private final static QName _CDIPhysicalOrLogicalState_QNAME = new QName("", "CDI-PhysicalOrLogicalState");
private final static QName _CDSCodeSetIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "CDS-CodeSetIdentification");
private final static QName _CDVCodeValueDefinition_QNAME = new QName("", "CDV-CodeValueDefinition");
private final static QName _CEDComputerEnvironmentDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "CED-ComputerEnvironmentDetails");
private final static QName _CINClinicalInformation_QNAME = new QName("", "CIN-ClinicalInformation");
private final static QName _CLAClauseIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "CLA-ClauseIdentification");
private final static QName _CLIClinicalIntervention_QNAME = new QName("", "CLI-ClinicalIntervention");
private final static QName _CMPCompositeDataElementIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "CMP-CompositeDataElementIdentification");
private final static QName _CNIConsignmentInformation_QNAME = new QName("", "CNI-ConsignmentInformation");
private final static QName _CNTControlTotal_QNAME = new QName("", "CNT-ControlTotal");
private final static QName _CODComponentDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "COD-ComponentDetails");
private final static QName _COMCommunicationContact_QNAME = new QName("", "COM-CommunicationContact");
private final static QName _COTContributionDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "COT-ContributionDetails");
private final static QName _CPIChargePaymentInstructions_QNAME = new QName("", "CPI-ChargePaymentInstructions");
private final static QName _CPSConsignmentPackingSequence_QNAME = new QName("", "CPS-ConsignmentPackingSequence");
private final static QName _CPTAccountIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "CPT-AccountIdentification");
private final static QName _CSTCustomsStatusOfGoods_QNAME = new QName("", "CST-CustomsStatusOfGoods");
private final static QName _CTAContactInformation_QNAME = new QName("", "CTA-ContactInformation");
private final static QName _CUXCurrencies_QNAME = new QName("", "CUX-Currencies");
private final static QName _DAMDamage_QNAME = new QName("", "DAM-Damage");
private final static QName _DFNDefinitionFunction_QNAME = new QName("", "DFN-DefinitionFunction");
private final static QName _DGSDangerousGoods_QNAME = new QName("", "DGS-DangerousGoods");
private final static QName _DIIDirectoryIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "DII-DirectoryIdentification");
private final static QName _DIMDimensions_QNAME = new QName("", "DIM-Dimensions");
private final static QName _DLIDocumentLineIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "DLI-DocumentLineIdentification");
private final static QName _DLMDeliveryLimitations_QNAME = new QName("", "DLM-DeliveryLimitations");
private final static QName _DMSDocumentMessageSummary_QNAME = new QName("", "DMS-DocumentMessageSummary");
private final static QName _DOCDocumentMessageDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "DOC-DocumentMessageDetails");
private final static QName _DRDDataRepresentationDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "DRD-DataRepresentationDetails");
private final static QName _DSGDosageAdministration_QNAME = new QName("", "DSG-DosageAdministration");
private final static QName _DSIDataSetIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "DSI-DataSetIdentification");
private final static QName _DTMDateTimePeriod_QNAME = new QName("", "DTM-DateTimePeriod");
private final static QName _EDTEditingDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "EDT-EditingDetails");
private final static QName _EFIExternalFileLinkIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "EFI-ExternalFileLinkIdentification");
private final static QName _ELMSimpleDataElementDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "ELM-SimpleDataElementDetails");
private final static QName _ELUDataElementUsageDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "ELU-DataElementUsageDetails");
private final static QName _ELVElementValueDefinition_QNAME = new QName("", "ELV-ElementValueDefinition");
private final static QName _EMPEmploymentDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "EMP-EmploymentDetails");
private final static QName _EQAAttachedEquipment_QNAME = new QName("", "EQA-AttachedEquipment");
private final static QName _EQDEquipmentDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "EQD-EquipmentDetails");
private final static QName _EQNNumberOfUnits_QNAME = new QName("", "EQN-NumberOfUnits");
private final static QName _ERCApplicationErrorInformation_QNAME = new QName("", "ERC-ApplicationErrorInformation");
private final static QName _ERPErrorPointDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "ERP-ErrorPointDetails");
private final static QName _EVEEvent_QNAME = new QName("", "EVE-Event");
private final static QName _EVTEvent_QNAME = new QName("", "EVT-Event");
private final static QName _FCAFinancialChargesAllocation_QNAME = new QName("", "FCA-FinancialChargesAllocation");
private final static QName _FIIFinancialInstitutionInformation_QNAME = new QName("", "FII-FinancialInstitutionInformation");
private final static QName _FNSFootnoteSet_QNAME = new QName("", "FNS-FootnoteSet");
private final static QName _FNTFootnote_QNAME = new QName("", "FNT-Footnote");
private final static QName _FORFormula_QNAME = new QName("", "FOR-Formula");
private final static QName _FSQFormulaSequence_QNAME = new QName("", "FSQ-FormulaSequence");
private final static QName _FTXFreeText_QNAME = new QName("", "FTX-FreeText");
private final static QName _GDSNatureOfCargo_QNAME = new QName("", "GDS-NatureOfCargo");
private final static QName _GEIProcessingInformation_QNAME = new QName("", "GEI-ProcessingInformation");
private final static QName _GIDGoodsItemDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "GID-GoodsItemDetails");
private final static QName _GINGoodsIdentityNumber_QNAME = new QName("", "GIN-GoodsIdentityNumber");
private final static QName _GIRRelatedIdentificationNumbers_QNAME = new QName("", "GIR-RelatedIdentificationNumbers");
private final static QName _GISGeneralIndicator_QNAME = new QName("", "GIS-GeneralIndicator");
private final static QName _GORGovernmentalRequirements_QNAME = new QName("", "GOR-GovernmentalRequirements");
private final static QName _GRUSegmentGroupUsageDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "GRU-SegmentGroupUsageDetails");
private final static QName _HANHandlingInstructions_QNAME = new QName("", "HAN-HandlingInstructions");
private final static QName _HYNHierarchyInformation_QNAME = new QName("", "HYN-HierarchyInformation");
private final static QName _ICDInsuranceCoverDescription_QNAME = new QName("", "ICD-InsuranceCoverDescription");
private final static QName _IDEIdentity_QNAME = new QName("", "IDE-Identity");
private final static QName _IFDInformationDetail_QNAME = new QName("", "IFD-InformationDetail");
private final static QName _IHCPersonCharacteristic_QNAME = new QName("", "IHC-PersonCharacteristic");
private final static QName _IMDItemDescription_QNAME = new QName("", "IMD-ItemDescription");
private final static QName _INDIndexDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "IND-IndexDetails");
private final static QName _INPPartiesAndInstruction_QNAME = new QName("", "INP-PartiesAndInstruction");
private final static QName _INVInventoryManagementRelatedDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "INV-InventoryManagementRelatedDetails");
private final static QName _IRQInformationRequired_QNAME = new QName("", "IRQ-InformationRequired");
private final static QName _LANLanguage_QNAME = new QName("", "LAN-Language");
private final static QName _LINLineItem_QNAME = new QName("", "LIN-LineItem");
private final static QName _LOCPlaceLocationIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "LOC-PlaceLocationIdentification");
private final static QName _MEAMeasurements_QNAME = new QName("", "MEA-Measurements");
private final static QName _MEMMembershipDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "MEM-MembershipDetails");
private final static QName _MKSMarketSalesChannelInformation_QNAME = new QName("", "MKS-MarketSalesChannelInformation");
private final static QName _MOAMonetaryAmount_QNAME = new QName("", "MOA-MonetaryAmount");
private final static QName _MSGMessageTypeIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "MSG-MessageTypeIdentification");
private final static QName _MTDMaintenanceOperationDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "MTD-MaintenanceOperationDetails");
private final static QName _NADNameAndAddress_QNAME = new QName("", "NAD-NameAndAddress");
private final static QName _NATNationality_QNAME = new QName("", "NAT-Nationality");
private final static QName _PACPackage_QNAME = new QName("", "PAC-Package");
private final static QName _PAIPaymentInstructions_QNAME = new QName("", "PAI-PaymentInstructions");
private final static QName _PASAttendance_QNAME = new QName("", "PAS-Attendance");
private final static QName _PATPaymentTermsBasis_QNAME = new QName("", "PAT-PaymentTermsBasis");
private final static QName _PCCPremiumCalculationComponentDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "PCC-PremiumCalculationComponentDetails");
private final static QName _PCDPercentageDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "PCD-PercentageDetails");
private final static QName _PCIPackageIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "PCI-PackageIdentification");
private final static QName _PDIPersonDemographicInformation_QNAME = new QName("", "PDI-PersonDemographicInformation");
private final static QName _PERPeriodRelatedDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "PER-PeriodRelatedDetails");
private final static QName _PGIProductGroupInformation_QNAME = new QName("", "PGI-ProductGroupInformation");
private final static QName _PIAAdditionalProductId_QNAME = new QName("", "PIA-AdditionalProductId");
private final static QName _PNAPartyIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "PNA-PartyIdentification");
private final static QName _POCPurposeOfConveyanceCall_QNAME = new QName("", "POC-PurposeOfConveyanceCall");
private final static QName _PRCProcessIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "PRC-ProcessIdentification");
private final static QName _PRIPriceDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "PRI-PriceDetails");
private final static QName _PRVProvisoDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "PRV-ProvisoDetails");
private final static QName _PSDPhysicalSampleDescription_QNAME = new QName("", "PSD-PhysicalSampleDescription");
private final static QName _PTYPriority_QNAME = new QName("", "PTY-Priority");
private final static QName _PYTPaymentTerms_QNAME = new QName("", "PYT-PaymentTerms");
private final static QName _QRSQueryAndResponse_QNAME = new QName("", "QRS-QueryAndResponse");
private final static QName _QTYQuantity_QNAME = new QName("", "QTY-Quantity");
private final static QName _QUAQualification_QNAME = new QName("", "QUA-Qualification");
private final static QName _QVRQuantityVariances_QNAME = new QName("", "QVR-QuantityVariances");
private final static QName _RCSRequirementsAndConditions_QNAME = new QName("", "RCS-RequirementsAndConditions");
private final static QName _RELRelationship_QNAME = new QName("", "REL-Relationship");
private final static QName _RFFReference_QNAME = new QName("", "RFF-Reference");
private final static QName _RJLAccountingJournalIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "RJL-AccountingJournalIdentification");
private final static QName _RNGRangeDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "RNG-RangeDetails");
private final static QName _RODRiskObjectType_QNAME = new QName("", "ROD-RiskObjectType");
private final static QName _RSLResult_QNAME = new QName("", "RSL-Result");
private final static QName _RTERateDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "RTE-RateDetails");
private final static QName _SALRemunerationTypeIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "SAL-RemunerationTypeIdentification");
private final static QName _SCCSchedulingConditions_QNAME = new QName("", "SCC-SchedulingConditions");
private final static QName _SCDStructureComponentDefinition_QNAME = new QName("", "SCD-StructureComponentDefinition");
private final static QName _SEGSegmentIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "SEG-SegmentIdentification");
private final static QName _SELSealNumber_QNAME = new QName("", "SEL-SealNumber");
private final static QName _SEQSequenceDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "SEQ-SequenceDetails");
private final static QName _SFISafetyInformation_QNAME = new QName("", "SFI-SafetyInformation");
private final static QName _SGPSplitGoodsPlacement_QNAME = new QName("", "SGP-SplitGoodsPlacement");
private final static QName _SGUSegmentUsageDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "SGU-SegmentUsageDetails");
private final static QName _SPROrganisationClassificationDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "SPR-OrganisationClassificationDetails");
private final static QName _SPSSamplingParametersForSummaryStatistics_QNAME = new QName("", "SPS-SamplingParametersForSummaryStatistics");
private final static QName _STAStatistics_QNAME = new QName("", "STA-Statistics");
private final static QName _STCStatisticalConcept_QNAME = new QName("", "STC-StatisticalConcept");
private final static QName _STGStages_QNAME = new QName("", "STG-Stages");
private final static QName _STSStatus_QNAME = new QName("", "STS-Status");
private final static QName _TAXDutyTaxFeeDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "TAX-DutyTaxFeeDetails");
private final static QName _TCCTransportChargeRateCalculations_QNAME = new QName("", "TCC-TransportChargeRateCalculations");
private final static QName _TDTDetailsOfTransport_QNAME = new QName("", "TDT-DetailsOfTransport");
private final static QName _TEMTestMethod_QNAME = new QName("", "TEM-TestMethod");
private final static QName _TMDTransportMovementDetails_QNAME = new QName("", "TMD-TransportMovementDetails");
private final static QName _TMPTemperature_QNAME = new QName("", "TMP-Temperature");
private final static QName _TODTermsOfDeliveryOrTransport_QNAME = new QName("", "TOD-TermsOfDeliveryOrTransport");
private final static QName _TPLTransportPlacement_QNAME = new QName("", "TPL-TransportPlacement");
private final static QName _TRUTechnicalRules_QNAME = new QName("", "TRU-TechnicalRules");
private final static QName _TSRTransportServiceRequirements_QNAME = new QName("", "TSR-TransportServiceRequirements");
private final static QName _VLIValueListIdentification_QNAME = new QName("", "VLI-ValueListIdentification");
private final static QName _RESMSG_QNAME = new QName("", "RESMSG");
private final static QName _REPREM_QNAME = new QName("", "REPREM");
private final static QName _CONDRA_QNAME = new QName("", "CONDRA");
private final static QName _MEDREQ_QNAME = new QName("", "MEDREQ");
private final static QName _REMADV_QNAME = new QName("", "REMADV");
private final static QName _REQDOC_QNAME = new QName("", "REQDOC");
private final static QName _MEDPRE_QNAME = new QName("", "MEDPRE");
private final static QName _PROSRV_QNAME = new QName("", "PROSRV");
private final static QName _CUSPED_QNAME = new QName("", "CUSPED");
private final static QName _DOCAMI_QNAME = new QName("", "DOCAMI");
private final static QName _CUSDEC_QNAME = new QName("", "CUSDEC");
private final static QName _PAYDUC_QNAME = new QName("", "PAYDUC");
private final static QName _DOCAMR_QNAME = new QName("", "DOCAMR");
private final static QName _REGENT_QNAME = new QName("", "REGENT");
private final static QName _CONDRO_QNAME = new QName("", "CONDRO");
private final static QName _SSIMOD_QNAME = new QName("", "SSIMOD");
private final static QName _SUPCOT_QNAME = new QName("", "SUPCOT");
private final static QName _CUSEXP_QNAME = new QName("", "CUSEXP");
private final static QName _CONEST_QNAME = new QName("", "CONEST");
private final static QName _COREOR_QNAME = new QName("", "COREOR");
private final static QName _STATAC_QNAME = new QName("", "STATAC");
private final static QName _IFTSAI_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTSAI");
private final static QName _IPPOAD_QNAME = new QName("", "IPPOAD");
private final static QName _DEBREC_QNAME = new QName("", "DEBREC");
private final static QName _JOBCON_QNAME = new QName("", "JOBCON");
private final static QName _PROCST_QNAME = new QName("", "PROCST");
private final static QName _REQOTE_QNAME = new QName("", "REQOTE");
private final static QName _BOPINF_QNAME = new QName("", "BOPINF");
private final static QName _BUSCRD_QNAME = new QName("", "BUSCRD");
private final static QName _FINPAY_QNAME = new QName("", "FINPAY");
private final static QName _QALITY_QNAME = new QName("", "QALITY");
private final static QName _DELFOR_QNAME = new QName("", "DELFOR");
private final static QName _REBORD_QNAME = new QName("", "REBORD");
private final static QName _SLSFCT_QNAME = new QName("", "SLSFCT");
private final static QName _DOCINF_QNAME = new QName("", "DOCINF");
private final static QName _TPFREP_QNAME = new QName("", "TPFREP");
private final static QName _COSTCO_QNAME = new QName("", "COSTCO");
private final static QName _JOBOFF_QNAME = new QName("", "JOBOFF");
private final static QName _IFCSUM_QNAME = new QName("", "IFCSUM");
private final static QName _DMRDEF_QNAME = new QName("", "DMRDEF");
private final static QName _DMSTAT_QNAME = new QName("", "DMSTAT");
private final static QName _PROINQ_QNAME = new QName("", "PROINQ");
private final static QName _APERAK_QNAME = new QName("", "APERAK");
private final static QName _CONITT_QNAME = new QName("", "CONITT");
private final static QName _COPINO_QNAME = new QName("", "COPINO");
private final static QName _WASDIS_QNAME = new QName("", "WASDIS");
private final static QName _PAYEXT_QNAME = new QName("", "PAYEXT");
private final static QName _IFTCCA_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTCCA");
private final static QName _SUPMAN_QNAME = new QName("", "SUPMAN");
private final static QName _INVOIC_QNAME = new QName("", "INVOIC");
private final static QName _RETANN_QNAME = new QName("", "RETANN");
private final static QName _VATDEC_QNAME = new QName("", "VATDEC");
private final static QName _IFTSTQ_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTSTQ");
private final static QName _AUTHOR_QNAME = new QName("", "AUTHOR");
private final static QName _INSRPT_QNAME = new QName("", "INSRPT");
private final static QName _RETINS_QNAME = new QName("", "RETINS");
private final static QName _IMPDEF_QNAME = new QName("", "IMPDEF");
private final static QName _BMISRM_QNAME = new QName("", "BMISRM");
private final static QName _IFTRIN_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTRIN");
private final static QName _ORDCHG_QNAME = new QName("", "ORDCHG");
private final static QName _COARRI_QNAME = new QName("", "COARRI");
private final static QName _VESDEP_QNAME = new QName("", "VESDEP");
private final static QName _IFTSTA_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTSTA");
private final static QName _PAYMUL_QNAME = new QName("", "PAYMUL");
private final static QName _CALINF_QNAME = new QName("", "CALINF");
private final static QName _OSTENQ_QNAME = new QName("", "OSTENQ");
private final static QName _SANCRT_QNAME = new QName("", "SANCRT");
private final static QName _DIRDEB_QNAME = new QName("", "DIRDEB");
private final static QName _INVRPT_QNAME = new QName("", "INVRPT");
private final static QName _OSTRPT_QNAME = new QName("", "OSTRPT");
private final static QName _ISENDS_QNAME = new QName("", "ISENDS");
private final static QName _SSRECH_QNAME = new QName("", "SSRECH");
private final static QName _MEDRUC_QNAME = new QName("", "MEDRUC");
private final static QName _PARTIN_QNAME = new QName("", "PARTIN");
private final static QName _PRODEX_QNAME = new QName("", "PRODEX");
private final static QName _IFTDGN_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTDGN");
private final static QName _INSDES_QNAME = new QName("", "INSDES");
private final static QName _IFTMIN_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTMIN");
private final static QName _DOCAPP_QNAME = new QName("", "DOCAPP");
private final static QName _IFTIAG_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTIAG");
private final static QName _DIRDEF_QNAME = new QName("", "DIRDEF");
private final static QName _MEDPID_QNAME = new QName("", "MEDPID");
private final static QName _LRECLM_QNAME = new QName("", "LRECLM");
private final static QName _CREEXT_QNAME = new QName("", "CREEXT");
private final static QName _BAPLTE_QNAME = new QName("", "BAPLTE");
private final static QName _PAYORD_QNAME = new QName("", "PAYORD");
private final static QName _FINCAN_QNAME = new QName("", "FINCAN");
private final static QName _CONDPV_QNAME = new QName("", "CONDPV");
private final static QName _IFTFCC_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTFCC");
private final static QName _QUOTES_QNAME = new QName("", "QUOTES");
private final static QName _GESMES_QNAME = new QName("", "GESMES");
private final static QName _BOPCUS_QNAME = new QName("", "BOPCUS");
private final static QName _IFTMBC_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTMBC");
private final static QName _SLSRPT_QNAME = new QName("", "SLSRPT");
private final static QName _PAXLST_QNAME = new QName("", "PAXLST");
private final static QName _RECORD_QNAME = new QName("", "RECORD");
private final static QName _CONTEN_QNAME = new QName("", "CONTEN");
private final static QName _IFTMBF_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTMBF");
private final static QName _RDRMES_QNAME = new QName("", "RDRMES");
private final static QName _COPARN_QNAME = new QName("", "COPARN");
private final static QName _WKGRRE_QNAME = new QName("", "WKGRRE");
private final static QName _CONPVA_QNAME = new QName("", "CONPVA");
private final static QName _MEQPOS_QNAME = new QName("", "MEQPOS");
private final static QName _RELIST_QNAME = new QName("", "RELIST");
private final static QName _BAPLIE_QNAME = new QName("", "BAPLIE");
private final static QName _STLRPT_QNAME = new QName("", "STLRPT");
private final static QName _IFTMAN_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTMAN");
private final static QName _CUSREP_QNAME = new QName("", "CUSREP");
private final static QName _CUSRES_QNAME = new QName("", "CUSRES");
private final static QName _IPPOMO_QNAME = new QName("", "IPPOMO");
private final static QName _CNTCND_QNAME = new QName("", "CNTCND");
private final static QName _INFENT_QNAME = new QName("", "INFENT");
private final static QName _JINFDE_QNAME = new QName("", "JINFDE");
private final static QName _ORDERS_QNAME = new QName("", "ORDERS");
private final static QName _SSREGW_QNAME = new QName("", "SSREGW");
private final static QName _CHACCO_QNAME = new QName("", "CHACCO");
private final static QName _JOBMOD_QNAME = new QName("", "JOBMOD");
private final static QName _ICSOLI_QNAME = new QName("", "ICSOLI");
private final static QName _DESADV_QNAME = new QName("", "DESADV");
private final static QName _DOCARE_QNAME = new QName("", "DOCARE");
private final static QName _SAFHAZ_QNAME = new QName("", "SAFHAZ");
private final static QName _RETACC_QNAME = new QName("", "RETACC");
private final static QName _SOCADE_QNAME = new QName("", "SOCADE");
private final static QName _PRIHIS_QNAME = new QName("", "PRIHIS");
private final static QName _CODENO_QNAME = new QName("", "CODENO");
private final static QName _CASRES_QNAME = new QName("", "CASRES");
private final static QName _COSTOR_QNAME = new QName("", "COSTOR");
private final static QName _IFTMCA_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTMCA");
private final static QName _IFTICL_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTICL");
private final static QName _FINSTA_QNAME = new QName("", "FINSTA");
private final static QName _CONAPW_QNAME = new QName("", "CONAPW");
private final static QName _IFTMBP_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTMBP");
private final static QName _ITRRPT_QNAME = new QName("", "ITRRPT");
private final static QName _DESTIM_QNAME = new QName("", "DESTIM");
private final static QName _COACSU_QNAME = new QName("", "COACSU");
private final static QName _COMDIS_QNAME = new QName("", "COMDIS");
private final static QName _MOVINS_QNAME = new QName("", "MOVINS");
private final static QName _ORDRSP_QNAME = new QName("", "ORDRSP");
private final static QName _MSCONS_QNAME = new QName("", "MSCONS");
private final static QName _WKGRDC_QNAME = new QName("", "WKGRDC");
private final static QName _COHAOR_QNAME = new QName("", "COHAOR");
private final static QName _LREACT_QNAME = new QName("", "LREACT");
private final static QName _CONQVA_QNAME = new QName("", "CONQVA");
private final static QName _HANMOV_QNAME = new QName("", "HANMOV");
private final static QName _COPRAR_QNAME = new QName("", "COPRAR");
private final static QName _DGRECA_QNAME = new QName("", "DGRECA");
private final static QName _COLREQ_QNAME = new QName("", "COLREQ");
private final static QName _TANSTA_QNAME = new QName("", "TANSTA");
private final static QName _RECALC_QNAME = new QName("", "RECALC");
private final static QName _RECLAM_QNAME = new QName("", "RECLAM");
private final static QName _DELJIT_QNAME = new QName("", "DELJIT");
private final static QName _CODECO_QNAME = new QName("", "CODECO");
private final static QName _GENRAL_QNAME = new QName("", "GENRAL");
private final static QName _IFTMCS_QNAME = new QName("", "IFTMCS");
private final static QName _CREMUL_QNAME = new QName("", "CREMUL");
private final static QName _DEBMUL_QNAME = new QName("", "DEBMUL");
private final static QName _RECECO_QNAME = new QName("", "RECECO");
private final static QName _CONWQD_QNAME = new QName("", "CONWQD");
private final static QName _CUSCAR_QNAME = new QName("", "CUSCAR");
private final static QName _COEDOR_QNAME = new QName("", "COEDOR");
private final static QName _BOPBNK_QNAME = new QName("", "BOPBNK");
private final static QName _COPAYM_QNAME = new QName("", "COPAYM");
private final static QName _PRPAID_QNAME = new QName("", "PRPAID");
private final static QName _JUPREQ_QNAME = new QName("", "JUPREQ");
private final static QName _TAXCON_QNAME = new QName("", "TAXCON");
private final static QName _CONRPW_QNAME = new QName("", "CONRPW");
private final static QName _CREADV_QNAME = new QName("", "CREADV");
private final static QName _RESETT_QNAME = new QName("", "RESETT");
private final static QName _DEBADV_QNAME = new QName("", "DEBADV");
private final static QName _PRICAT_QNAME = new QName("", "PRICAT");
private final static QName _PRODAT_QNAME = new QName("", "PRODAT");
private final static QName _JAPRES_QNAME = new QName("", "JAPRES");
private final static QName _SUPRES_QNAME = new QName("", "SUPRES");
private final static QName _CLASET_QNAME = new QName("", "CLASET");
private final static QName _RPCALL_QNAME = new QName("", "RPCALL");
private final static QName _BANSTA_QNAME = new QName("", "BANSTA");
private final static QName _INSREQ_QNAME = new QName("", "INSREQ");
private final static QName _BOPDIR_QNAME = new QName("", "BOPDIR");
private final static QName _CASINT_QNAME = new QName("", "CASINT");
private final static QName _ENTREC_QNAME = new QName("", "ENTREC");
private final static QName _LEDGER_QNAME = new QName("", "LEDGER");
private final static QName _INSPRE_QNAME = new QName("", "INSPRE");
private final static QName _BERMAN_QNAME = new QName("", "BERMAN");
private final static QName _DOCADV_QNAME = new QName("", "DOCADV");
private final static QName _JOBAPP_QNAME = new QName("", "JOBAPP");
private final static QName _PROTAP_QNAME = new QName("", "PROTAP");
private final static QName _RECADV_QNAME = new QName("", "RECADV");
private final static QName _MEDRPT_QNAME = new QName("", "MEDRPT");
private final static QName _INFCON_QNAME = new QName("", "INFCON");
private final static QName _BALANC_QNAME = new QName("", "BALANC");
private final static QName _DOCAMA_QNAME = new QName("", "DOCAMA");
private final static QName _MessageUNH_QNAME = new QName("", "UNH");
private final static QName _MessageUNT_QNAME = new QName("", "UNT");
private final static QName _RESETTSegGrp2SegGrp3GIS_QNAME = new QName("", "GIS");
private final static QName _RESETTSegGrp2SegGrp3PAI_QNAME = new QName("", "PAI");
private final static QName _RESETTSegGrp2SegGrp3NAD_QNAME = new QName("", "NAD");
private final static QName _RESETTSegGrp2SegGrp3DTM_QNAME = new QName("", "DTM");
private final static QName _RESETTSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp4_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-4");
private final static QName _RESETTSegGrp2SegGrp3MOA_QNAME = new QName("", "MOA");
private final static QName _RESETTSegGrp2SegGrp3CUX_QNAME = new QName("", "CUX");
private final static QName _RESETTSegGrp2SegGrp3FTX_QNAME = new QName("", "FTX");
private final static QName _RESETTSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp5_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-5");
private final static QName _COPAYMBGM_QNAME = new QName("", "BGM");
private final static QName _COPAYMQTY_QNAME = new QName("", "QTY");
private final static QName _COPAYMRFF_QNAME = new QName("", "RFF");
private final static QName _COPAYMSegGrp1_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-1");
private final static QName _COPAYMUNS_QNAME = new QName("", "UNS");
private final static QName _COPAYMSegGrp2_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-2");
private final static QName _COPAYMCNT_QNAME = new QName("", "CNT");
private final static QName _COPAYMSegGrp6_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-6");
private final static QName _COPAYMSegGrp7_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-7");
private final static QName _RECLAMSegGrp3_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-3");
private final static QName _RECLAMLOC_QNAME = new QName("", "LOC");
private final static QName _RECLAMPCD_QNAME = new QName("", "PCD");
private final static QName _RECLAMSegGrp8_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-8");
private final static QName _MOVINSSegGrp5SegGrp6MEA_QNAME = new QName("", "MEA");
private final static QName _MOVINSSegGrp5SegGrp6DIM_QNAME = new QName("", "DIM");
private final static QName _MOVINSSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp9_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-9");
private final static QName _MOVINSSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp10_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-10");
private final static QName _MOVINSSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp11_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-11");
private final static QName _BAPLIESegGrp5GID_QNAME = new QName("", "GID");
private final static QName _BAPLIESegGrp5GDS_QNAME = new QName("", "GDS");
private final static QName _BAPLIESegGrp5TMP_QNAME = new QName("", "TMP");
private final static QName _BAPLIESegGrp5RNG_QNAME = new QName("", "RNG");
private final static QName _CONPVAAUT_QNAME = new QName("", "AUT");
private final static QName _CONPVASegGrp23_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-23");
private final static QName _CONPVASegGrp34_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-34");
private final static QName _SUPCOTFII_QNAME = new QName("", "FII");
private final static QName _SUPCOTPAT_QNAME = new QName("", "PAT");
private final static QName _CUSDECCST_QNAME = new QName("", "CST");
private final static QName _CUSDECEQD_QNAME = new QName("", "EQD");
private final static QName _CUSDECSEL_QNAME = new QName("", "SEL");
private final static QName _CUSDECSegGrp30_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-30");
private final static QName _CUSDECSegGrp49_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-49");
private final static QName _CUSDECSegGrp50_QNAME = new QName("", "SegGrp-50");
* Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: org.smooks.edifact.binding.d00b
public ObjectFactory() {
* Create an instance of {@link BadMessage }
public BadMessage createBadMessage() {
return new BadMessage();
* Create an instance of {@link Interchange }
public Interchange createInterchange() {
return new Interchange();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAMA }
public DOCAMA createDOCAMA() {
return new DOCAMA();
* Create an instance of {@link BALANC }
public BALANC createBALANC() {
return new BALANC();
* Create an instance of {@link BALANC.SegGrp4 }
public BALANC.SegGrp4 createBALANCSegGrp4() {
return new BALANC.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link BALANC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public BALANC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createBALANCSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new BALANC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link BALANC.SegGrp1 }
public BALANC.SegGrp1 createBALANCSegGrp1() {
return new BALANC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link INFCON }
public INFCON createINFCON() {
return new INFCON();
* Create an instance of {@link INFCON.SegGrp4 }
public INFCON.SegGrp4 createINFCONSegGrp4() {
return new INFCON.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link INFCON.SegGrp2 }
public INFCON.SegGrp2 createINFCONSegGrp2() {
return new INFCON.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT }
public MEDRPT createMEDRPT() {
return new MEDRPT();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 createMEDRPTSegGrp2() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp6() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp6SegGrp16() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp6SegGrp14() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp12() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV }
public RECADV createRECADV() {
return new RECADV();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 createRECADVSegGrp16() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp22() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp22SegGrp29() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp31 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp31 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp22SegGrp29SegGrp31() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp26 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp26 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp22SegGrp26() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp22SegGrp24() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp18SegGrp20() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp11 }
public RECADV.SegGrp11 createRECADVSegGrp11() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public RECADV.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createRECADVSegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp7 }
public RECADV.SegGrp7 createRECADVSegGrp7() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp4 }
public RECADV.SegGrp4 createRECADVSegGrp4() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp2 }
public RECADV.SegGrp2 createRECADVSegGrp2() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP }
public PROTAP createPROTAP() {
return new PROTAP();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp16 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp16 createPROTAPSegGrp16() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 createPROTAPSegGrp16SegGrp21() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp14 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp14 createPROTAPSegGrp14() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp8 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp8 createPROTAPSegGrp8() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp3 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp3 createPROTAPSegGrp3() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp1 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp1 createPROTAPSegGrp1() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP }
public JOBAPP createJOBAPP() {
return new JOBAPP();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp5 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp5 createJOBAPPSegGrp5() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 createJOBAPPSegGrp5SegGrp13() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 createJOBAPPSegGrp5SegGrp9() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp1 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp1 createJOBAPPSegGrp1() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV }
public DOCADV createDOCADV() {
return new DOCADV();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp13 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp13 createDOCADVSegGrp13() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createDOCADVSegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp4 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp4 createDOCADVSegGrp4() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link BERMAN }
public BERMAN createBERMAN() {
return new BERMAN();
* Create an instance of {@link BERMAN.SegGrp6 }
public BERMAN.SegGrp6 createBERMANSegGrp6() {
return new BERMAN.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link BERMAN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public BERMAN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createBERMANSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new BERMAN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link BERMAN.SegGrp3 }
public BERMAN.SegGrp3 createBERMANSegGrp3() {
return new BERMAN.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link BERMAN.SegGrp1 }
public BERMAN.SegGrp1 createBERMANSegGrp1() {
return new BERMAN.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link INSPRE }
public INSPRE createINSPRE() {
return new INSPRE();
* Create an instance of {@link INSPRE.SegGrp3 }
public INSPRE.SegGrp3 createINSPRESegGrp3() {
return new INSPRE.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createINSPRESegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createINSPRESegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link LEDGER }
public LEDGER createLEDGER() {
return new LEDGER();
* Create an instance of {@link LEDGER.SegGrp4 }
public LEDGER.SegGrp4 createLEDGERSegGrp4() {
return new LEDGER.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createLEDGERSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createLEDGERSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link LEDGER.SegGrp1 }
public LEDGER.SegGrp1 createLEDGERSegGrp1() {
return new LEDGER.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTREC }
public ENTREC createENTREC() {
return new ENTREC();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTREC.SegGrp4 }
public ENTREC.SegGrp4 createENTRECSegGrp4() {
return new ENTREC.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createENTRECSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createENTRECSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createENTRECSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTREC.SegGrp1 }
public ENTREC.SegGrp1 createENTRECSegGrp1() {
return new ENTREC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CASINT }
public CASINT createCASINT() {
return new CASINT();
* Create an instance of {@link CASINT.SegGrp4 }
public CASINT.SegGrp4 createCASINTSegGrp4() {
return new CASINT.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPDIR }
public BOPDIR createBOPDIR() {
return new BOPDIR();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPDIR.SegGrp8 }
public BOPDIR.SegGrp8 createBOPDIRSegGrp8() {
return new BOPDIR.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPDIR.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public BOPDIR.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createBOPDIRSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new BOPDIR.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPDIR.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public BOPDIR.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createBOPDIRSegGrp8SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new BOPDIR.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPDIR.SegGrp3 }
public BOPDIR.SegGrp3 createBOPDIRSegGrp3() {
return new BOPDIR.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPDIR.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public BOPDIR.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createBOPDIRSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new BOPDIR.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link INSREQ }
public INSREQ createINSREQ() {
return new INSREQ();
* Create an instance of {@link INSREQ.SegGrp3 }
public INSREQ.SegGrp3 createINSREQSegGrp3() {
return new INSREQ.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 }
public INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 createINSREQSegGrp3SegGrp7() {
return new INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createINSREQSegGrp3SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createINSREQSegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link BANSTA }
public BANSTA createBANSTA() {
return new BANSTA();
* Create an instance of {@link BANSTA.SegGrp4 }
public BANSTA.SegGrp4 createBANSTASegGrp4() {
return new BANSTA.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link BANSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public BANSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createBANSTASegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new BANSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link RPCALL }
public RPCALL createRPCALL() {
return new RPCALL();
* Create an instance of {@link RPCALL.SegGrp5 }
public RPCALL.SegGrp5 createRPCALLSegGrp5() {
return new RPCALL.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createRPCALLSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createRPCALLSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link RPCALL.SegGrp2 }
public RPCALL.SegGrp2 createRPCALLSegGrp2() {
return new RPCALL.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET }
public CLASET createCLASET() {
return new CLASET();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 createCLASETSegGrp4() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp11() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp18() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp8() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp2 }
public CLASET.SegGrp2 createCLASETSegGrp2() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES }
public SUPRES createSUPRES() {
return new SUPRES();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 createSUPRESSegGrp6() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp17() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp10() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp2 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp2 createSUPRESSegGrp2() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES }
public JAPRES createJAPRES() {
return new JAPRES();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp5 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp5 createJAPRESSegGrp5() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 createJAPRESSegGrp5SegGrp13() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 createJAPRESSegGrp5SegGrp9() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp1 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp1 createJAPRESSegGrp1() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT }
public PRODAT createPRODAT() {
return new PRODAT();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 createPRODATSegGrp9() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp23() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp23SegGrp26() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp21 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp21 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp21() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp18 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp18 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp18() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp4 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp4 createPRODATSegGrp4() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT }
public PRICAT createPRICAT() {
return new PRICAT();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 createPRICATSegGrp17() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp56() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp59 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp59 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp56SegGrp59() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp59();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp52 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp52 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp52() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp52();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp41() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp27 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp27 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp27() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp21() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp10 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp10 createPRICATSegGrp10() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp2 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp2 createPRICATSegGrp2() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBADV }
public DEBADV createDEBADV() {
return new DEBADV();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBADV.SegGrp8 }
public DEBADV.SegGrp8 createDEBADVSegGrp8() {
return new DEBADV.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBADV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public DEBADV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createDEBADVSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new DEBADV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link RESETT }
public RESETT createRESETT() {
return new RESETT();
* Create an instance of {@link RESETT.SegGrp2 }
public RESETT.SegGrp2 createRESETTSegGrp2() {
return new RESETT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link RESETT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public RESETT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createRESETTSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new RESETT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CREADV }
public CREADV createCREADV() {
return new CREADV();
* Create an instance of {@link CREADV.SegGrp7 }
public CREADV.SegGrp7 createCREADVSegGrp7() {
return new CREADV.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CREADV.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public CREADV.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCREADVSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new CREADV.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CONRPW }
public CONRPW createCONRPW() {
return new CONRPW();
* Create an instance of {@link CONRPW.SegGrp1 }
public CONRPW.SegGrp1 createCONRPWSegGrp1() {
return new CONRPW.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link TAXCON }
public TAXCON createTAXCON() {
return new TAXCON();
* Create an instance of {@link TAXCON.SegGrp3 }
public TAXCON.SegGrp3 createTAXCONSegGrp3() {
return new TAXCON.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link TAXCON.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public TAXCON.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createTAXCONSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new TAXCON.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ }
public JUPREQ createJUPREQ() {
return new JUPREQ();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp3 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp3 createJUPREQSegGrp3() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 createJUPREQSegGrp3SegGrp11() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 createJUPREQSegGrp3SegGrp11SegGrp15() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp9 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp9 createJUPREQSegGrp3SegGrp9() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createJUPREQSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createJUPREQSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PRPAID }
public PRPAID createPRPAID() {
return new PRPAID();
* Create an instance of {@link PRPAID.SegGrp2 }
public PRPAID.SegGrp2 createPRPAIDSegGrp2() {
return new PRPAID.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link COPAYM }
public COPAYM createCOPAYM() {
return new COPAYM();
* Create an instance of {@link COPAYM.SegGrp2 }
public COPAYM.SegGrp2 createCOPAYMSegGrp2() {
return new COPAYM.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link COPAYM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public COPAYM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createCOPAYMSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new COPAYM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPBNK }
public BOPBNK createBOPBNK() {
return new BOPBNK();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPBNK.SegGrp3 }
public BOPBNK.SegGrp3 createBOPBNKSegGrp3() {
return new BOPBNK.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPBNK.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public BOPBNK.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createBOPBNKSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new BOPBNK.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPBNK.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public BOPBNK.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createBOPBNKSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new BOPBNK.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link COEDOR }
public COEDOR createCOEDOR() {
return new COEDOR();
* Create an instance of {@link COEDOR.SegGrp4 }
public COEDOR.SegGrp4 createCOEDORSegGrp4() {
return new COEDOR.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 }
public COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 createCOEDORSegGrp4SegGrp8() {
return new COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createCOEDORSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COEDOR.SegGrp2 }
public COEDOR.SegGrp2 createCOEDORSegGrp2() {
return new COEDOR.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR }
public CUSCAR createCUSCAR() {
return new CUSCAR();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp7 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp7 createCUSCARSegGrp7() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCUSCARSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14 createCUSCARSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp14() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 createCUSCARSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp11() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCUSCARSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp5 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp5 createCUSCARSegGrp5() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp2 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp2 createCUSCARSegGrp2() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CONWQD }
public CONWQD createCONWQD() {
return new CONWQD();
* Create an instance of {@link CONWQD.SegGrp6 }
public CONWQD.SegGrp6 createCONWQDSegGrp6() {
return new CONWQD.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CONWQD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public CONWQD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createCONWQDSegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new CONWQD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CONWQD.SegGrp2 }
public CONWQD.SegGrp2 createCONWQDSegGrp2() {
return new CONWQD.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link RECECO }
public RECECO createRECECO() {
return new RECECO();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL }
public DEBMUL createDEBMUL() {
return new DEBMUL();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 createDEBMULSegGrp4() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20SegGrp21SegGrp24() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp17() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL }
public CREMUL createCREMUL() {
return new CREMUL();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 createCREMULSegGrp4() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20SegGrp21SegGrp24() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp17() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS }
public IFTMCS createIFTMCS() {
return new IFTMCS();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp35 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp35 createIFTMCSSegGrp35() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp39 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp39 createIFTMCSSegGrp35SegGrp39() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 createIFTMCSSegGrp18() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp30() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp30SegGrp33() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp27() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp25() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp11 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp11 createIFTMCSSegGrp11() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp8 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp8 createIFTMCSSegGrp8() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp4 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp4 createIFTMCSSegGrp4() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link GENRAL }
public GENRAL createGENRAL() {
return new GENRAL();
* Create an instance of {@link GENRAL.SegGrp5 }
public GENRAL.SegGrp5 createGENRALSegGrp5() {
return new GENRAL.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link GENRAL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public GENRAL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createGENRALSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new GENRAL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link GENRAL.SegGrp2 }
public GENRAL.SegGrp2 createGENRALSegGrp2() {
return new GENRAL.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO }
public CODECO createCODECO() {
return new CODECO();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp10 }
public CODECO.SegGrp10 createCODECOSegGrp10() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 }
public CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 createCODECOSegGrp10SegGrp14() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createCODECOSegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp6 }
public CODECO.SegGrp6 createCODECOSegGrp6() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public CODECO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createCODECOSegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp4 }
public CODECO.SegGrp4 createCODECOSegGrp4() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp2 }
public CODECO.SegGrp2 createCODECOSegGrp2() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DELJIT }
public DELJIT createDELJIT() {
return new DELJIT();
* Create an instance of {@link DELJIT.SegGrp4 }
public DELJIT.SegGrp4 createDELJITSegGrp4() {
return new DELJIT.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createDELJITSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 }
public DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 createDELJITSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp12() {
return new DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 }
public DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 createDELJITSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp10() {
return new DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createDELJITSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link DELJIT.SegGrp2 }
public DELJIT.SegGrp2 createDELJITSegGrp2() {
return new DELJIT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link RECLAM }
public RECLAM createRECLAM() {
return new RECLAM();
* Create an instance of {@link RECLAM.SegGrp8 }
public RECLAM.SegGrp8 createRECLAMSegGrp8() {
return new RECLAM.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link RECLAM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public RECLAM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createRECLAMSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new RECLAM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link RECLAM.SegGrp4 }
public RECLAM.SegGrp4 createRECLAMSegGrp4() {
return new RECLAM.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link RECLAM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public RECLAM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createRECLAMSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new RECLAM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link RECALC }
public RECALC createRECALC() {
return new RECALC();
* Create an instance of {@link RECALC.SegGrp2 }
public RECALC.SegGrp2 createRECALCSegGrp2() {
return new RECALC.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link RECALC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public RECALC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createRECALCSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new RECALC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link RECALC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public RECALC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createRECALCSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new RECALC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link TANSTA }
public TANSTA createTANSTA() {
return new TANSTA();
* Create an instance of {@link COLREQ }
public COLREQ createCOLREQ() {
return new COLREQ();
* Create an instance of {@link DGRECA }
public DGRECA createDGRECA() {
return new DGRECA();
* Create an instance of {@link DGRECA.SegGrp3 }
public DGRECA.SegGrp3 createDGRECASegGrp3() {
return new DGRECA.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link COPRAR }
public COPRAR createCOPRAR() {
return new COPRAR();
* Create an instance of {@link COPRAR.SegGrp6 }
public COPRAR.SegGrp6 createCOPRARSegGrp6() {
return new COPRAR.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 }
public COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 createCOPRARSegGrp6SegGrp10() {
return new COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createCOPRARSegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link COPRAR.SegGrp4 }
public COPRAR.SegGrp4 createCOPRARSegGrp4() {
return new COPRAR.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link COPRAR.SegGrp2 }
public COPRAR.SegGrp2 createCOPRARSegGrp2() {
return new COPRAR.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV }
public HANMOV createHANMOV() {
return new HANMOV();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp14 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp14 createHANMOVSegGrp14() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp8 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp8 createHANMOVSegGrp8() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 createHANMOVSegGrp8SegGrp12() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createHANMOVSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp3 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp3 createHANMOVSegGrp3() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CONQVA }
public CONQVA createCONQVA() {
return new CONQVA();
* Create an instance of {@link CONQVA.SegGrp6 }
public CONQVA.SegGrp6 createCONQVASegGrp6() {
return new CONQVA.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CONQVA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public CONQVA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCONQVASegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new CONQVA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CONQVA.SegGrp2 }
public CONQVA.SegGrp2 createCONQVASegGrp2() {
return new CONQVA.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link LREACT }
public LREACT createLREACT() {
return new LREACT();
* Create an instance of {@link LREACT.SegGrp1 }
public LREACT.SegGrp1 createLREACTSegGrp1() {
return new LREACT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 }
public LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 createLREACTSegGrp1SegGrp4() {
return new LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 }
public LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 createLREACTSegGrp1SegGrp4SegGrp8() {
return new LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createLREACTSegGrp1SegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COHAOR }
public COHAOR createCOHAOR() {
return new COHAOR();
* Create an instance of {@link COHAOR.SegGrp4 }
public COHAOR.SegGrp4 createCOHAORSegGrp4() {
return new COHAOR.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 }
public COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 createCOHAORSegGrp4SegGrp9() {
return new COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createCOHAORSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCOHAORSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link COHAOR.SegGrp2 }
public COHAOR.SegGrp2 createCOHAORSegGrp2() {
return new COHAOR.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRDC }
public WKGRDC createWKGRDC() {
return new WKGRDC();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRDC.SegGrp5 }
public WKGRDC.SegGrp5 createWKGRDCSegGrp5() {
return new WKGRDC.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 }
public WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 createWKGRDCSegGrp5SegGrp12() {
return new WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 }
public WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 createWKGRDCSegGrp5SegGrp10() {
return new WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRDC.SegGrp1 }
public WKGRDC.SegGrp1 createWKGRDCSegGrp1() {
return new WKGRDC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link MSCONS }
public MSCONS createMSCONS() {
return new MSCONS();
* Create an instance of {@link MSCONS.SegGrp5 }
public MSCONS.SegGrp5 createMSCONSSegGrp5() {
return new MSCONS.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createMSCONSSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 }
public MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 createMSCONSSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp9() {
return new MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link MSCONS.SegGrp2 }
public MSCONS.SegGrp2 createMSCONSSegGrp2() {
return new MSCONS.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP }
public ORDRSP createORDRSP() {
return new ORDRSP();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 createORDRSPSegGrp26() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp54 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp54 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp54() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp54();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp51 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp51 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp51() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp51();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp47 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp47 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp47() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp47();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp41() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp37 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp37 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp37() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp32 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp32 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp32() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp19 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp19 createORDRSPSegGrp19() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp16 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp16 createORDRSPSegGrp16() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp13 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp13 createORDRSPSegGrp13() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp10 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp10 createORDRSPSegGrp10() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp3 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp3 createORDRSPSegGrp3() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link MOVINS }
public MOVINS createMOVINS() {
return new MOVINS();
* Create an instance of {@link MOVINS.SegGrp5 }
public MOVINS.SegGrp5 createMOVINSSegGrp5() {
return new MOVINS.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createMOVINSSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 }
public MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 createMOVINSSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp11() {
return new MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link MOVINS.SegGrp2 }
public MOVINS.SegGrp2 createMOVINSSegGrp2() {
return new MOVINS.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link COMDIS }
public COMDIS createCOMDIS() {
return new COMDIS();
* Create an instance of {@link COMDIS.SegGrp2 }
public COMDIS.SegGrp2 createCOMDISSegGrp2() {
return new COMDIS.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link COMDIS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 }
public COMDIS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 createCOMDISSegGrp2SegGrp5() {
return new COMDIS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link COACSU }
public COACSU createCOACSU() {
return new COACSU();
* Create an instance of {@link COACSU.SegGrp7 }
public COACSU.SegGrp7 createCOACSUSegGrp7() {
return new COACSU.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link COACSU.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 }
public COACSU.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 createCOACSUSegGrp7SegGrp10() {
return new COACSU.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link COACSU.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public COACSU.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCOACSUSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new COACSU.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link COACSU.SegGrp2 }
public COACSU.SegGrp2 createCOACSUSegGrp2() {
return new COACSU.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DESTIM }
public DESTIM createDESTIM() {
return new DESTIM();
* Create an instance of {@link DESTIM.SegGrp8 }
public DESTIM.SegGrp8 createDESTIMSegGrp8() {
return new DESTIM.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link DESTIM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 }
public DESTIM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 createDESTIMSegGrp8SegGrp11() {
return new DESTIM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link DESTIM.SegGrp4 }
public DESTIM.SegGrp4 createDESTIMSegGrp4() {
return new DESTIM.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link DESTIM.SegGrp2 }
public DESTIM.SegGrp2 createDESTIMSegGrp2() {
return new DESTIM.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT }
public ITRRPT createITRRPT() {
return new ITRRPT();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 createITRRPTSegGrp9() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp15() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp15SegGrp20() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp15SegGrp20SegGrp23() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp15SegGrp16SegGrp18() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp11() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp7 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp7 createITRRPTSegGrp7() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp5 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp5 createITRRPTSegGrp5() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp2 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp2 createITRRPTSegGrp2() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP }
public IFTMBP createIFTMBP() {
return new IFTMBP();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp29 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp29 createIFTMBPSegGrp29() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 createIFTMBPSegGrp29SegGrp30() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp29 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 createIFTMBPSegGrp14() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24 createIFTMBPSegGrp14SegGrp24() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 createIFTMBPSegGrp14SegGrp24SegGrp27() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp22 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp22 createIFTMBPSegGrp14SegGrp22() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp20 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp20 createIFTMBPSegGrp14SegGrp20() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp8 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp8 createIFTMBPSegGrp8() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp5 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp5 createIFTMBPSegGrp5() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp3 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp3 createIFTMBPSegGrp3() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CONAPW }
public CONAPW createCONAPW() {
return new CONAPW();
* Create an instance of {@link CONAPW.SegGrp1 }
public CONAPW.SegGrp1 createCONAPWSegGrp1() {
return new CONAPW.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link FINSTA }
public FINSTA createFINSTA() {
return new FINSTA();
* Create an instance of {@link FINSTA.SegGrp4 }
public FINSTA.SegGrp4 createFINSTASegGrp4() {
return new FINSTA.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL }
public IFTICL createIFTICL() {
return new IFTICL();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp26 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp26 createIFTICLSegGrp26() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 createIFTICLSegGrp26SegGrp27() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp17 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp17 createIFTICLSegGrp17() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 createIFTICLSegGrp17SegGrp21() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 createIFTICLSegGrp17SegGrp21SegGrp23() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 createIFTICLSegGrp17SegGrp21SegGrp23SegGrp24() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createIFTICLSegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp12 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp12 createIFTICLSegGrp12() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 createIFTICLSegGrp12SegGrp14() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createIFTICLSegGrp12SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp10 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp10 createIFTICLSegGrp10() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp5 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp5 createIFTICLSegGrp5() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createIFTICLSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp1 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp1 createIFTICLSegGrp1() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createIFTICLSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA }
public IFTMCA createIFTMCA() {
return new IFTMCA();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp37 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp37 createIFTMCASegGrp37() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp37 .SegGrp38 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp37 .SegGrp38 createIFTMCASegGrp37SegGrp38() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp37 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 createIFTMCASegGrp17() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp32() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp32SegGrp35() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp28 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp28 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp28() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp26 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp26 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp26() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp24 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp24 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp24() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp13 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp13 createIFTMCASegGrp13() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp8 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp8 createIFTMCASegGrp8() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp4 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp4 createIFTMCASegGrp4() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR }
public COSTOR createCOSTOR() {
return new COSTOR();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp11 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp11 createCOSTORSegGrp11() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createCOSTORSegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 createCOSTORSegGrp11SegGrp12SegGrp16() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp6 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp6 createCOSTORSegGrp6() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createCOSTORSegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp4 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp4 createCOSTORSegGrp4() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CASRES }
public CASRES createCASRES() {
return new CASRES();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO }
public CODENO createCODENO() {
return new CODENO();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO.SegGrp11 }
public CODENO.SegGrp11 createCODENOSegGrp11() {
return new CODENO.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public CODENO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createCODENOSegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new CODENO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO.SegGrp6 }
public CODENO.SegGrp6 createCODENOSegGrp6() {
return new CODENO.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public CODENO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createCODENOSegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new CODENO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO.SegGrp4 }
public CODENO.SegGrp4 createCODENOSegGrp4() {
return new CODENO.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO.SegGrp2 }
public CODENO.SegGrp2 createCODENOSegGrp2() {
return new CODENO.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS }
public PRIHIS createPRIHIS() {
return new PRIHIS();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp4 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp4 createPRIHISSegGrp4() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createPRIHISSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createPRIHISSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createPRIHISSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 createPRIHISSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp11() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp1 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp1 createPRIHISSegGrp1() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link SOCADE }
public SOCADE createSOCADE() {
return new SOCADE();
* Create an instance of {@link SOCADE.SegGrp3 }
public SOCADE.SegGrp3 createSOCADESegGrp3() {
return new SOCADE.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 }
public SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 createSOCADESegGrp3SegGrp6() {
return new SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 }
public SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 createSOCADESegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp10() {
return new SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link SOCADE.SegGrp1 }
public SOCADE.SegGrp1 createSOCADESegGrp1() {
return new SOCADE.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link RETACC }
public RETACC createRETACC() {
return new RETACC();
* Create an instance of {@link RETACC.SegGrp5 }
public RETACC.SegGrp5 createRETACCSegGrp5() {
return new RETACC.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link RETACC.SegGrp2 }
public RETACC.SegGrp2 createRETACCSegGrp2() {
return new RETACC.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link RETACC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public RETACC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createRETACCSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new RETACC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ }
public SAFHAZ createSAFHAZ() {
return new SAFHAZ();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 createSAFHAZSegGrp3() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 createSAFHAZSegGrp3SegGrp6() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp13 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp13 createSAFHAZSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp13() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 createSAFHAZSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp11() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createSAFHAZSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createSAFHAZSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp1 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp1 createSAFHAZSegGrp1() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCARE }
public DOCARE createDOCARE() {
return new DOCARE();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV }
public DESADV createDESADV() {
return new DESADV();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 createDESADVSegGrp10() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp17() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp22 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp22 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp17SegGrp22() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp8 }
public DESADV.SegGrp8 createDESADVSegGrp8() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp6 }
public DESADV.SegGrp6 createDESADVSegGrp6() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp2 }
public DESADV.SegGrp2 createDESADVSegGrp2() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link ICSOLI }
public ICSOLI createICSOLI() {
return new ICSOLI();
* Create an instance of {@link ICSOLI.SegGrp9 }
public ICSOLI.SegGrp9 createICSOLISegGrp9() {
return new ICSOLI.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link ICSOLI.SegGrp6 }
public ICSOLI.SegGrp6 createICSOLISegGrp6() {
return new ICSOLI.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link ICSOLI.SegGrp2 }
public ICSOLI.SegGrp2 createICSOLISegGrp2() {
return new ICSOLI.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD }
public JOBMOD createJOBMOD() {
return new JOBMOD();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 createJOBMODSegGrp5() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 createJOBMODSegGrp5SegGrp17() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 createJOBMODSegGrp5SegGrp13() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 createJOBMODSegGrp5SegGrp10() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp1 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp1 createJOBMODSegGrp1() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CHACCO }
public CHACCO createCHACCO() {
return new CHACCO();
* Create an instance of {@link CHACCO.SegGrp4 }
public CHACCO.SegGrp4 createCHACCOSegGrp4() {
return new CHACCO.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CHACCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public CHACCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createCHACCOSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new CHACCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CHACCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public CHACCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCHACCOSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new CHACCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CHACCO.SegGrp1 }
public CHACCO.SegGrp1 createCHACCOSegGrp1() {
return new CHACCO.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link SSREGW }
public SSREGW createSSREGW() {
return new SSREGW();
* Create an instance of {@link SSREGW.SegGrp2 }
public SSREGW.SegGrp2 createSSREGWSegGrp2() {
return new SSREGW.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS }
public ORDERS createORDERS() {
return new ORDERS();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 createORDERSSegGrp28() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp58 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp58 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp58() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp58();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp56 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp56 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp56() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp56();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp53 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp53 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp53() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp53();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp49 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp49 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp49() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp49();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp43() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp39 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp39 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp39() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp34 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp34 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp34() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp30 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp30 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp30() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp26 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp26 createORDERSSegGrp26() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp19 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp19 createORDERSSegGrp19() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp16 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp16 createORDERSSegGrp16() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp13 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp13 createORDERSSegGrp13() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp10 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp10 createORDERSSegGrp10() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp8 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp8 createORDERSSegGrp8() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp2 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp2 createORDERSSegGrp2() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link JINFDE }
public JINFDE createJINFDE() {
return new JINFDE();
* Create an instance of {@link JINFDE.SegGrp5 }
public JINFDE.SegGrp5 createJINFDESegGrp5() {
return new JINFDE.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link JINFDE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public JINFDE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createJINFDESegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new JINFDE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link JINFDE.SegGrp1 }
public JINFDE.SegGrp1 createJINFDESegGrp1() {
return new JINFDE.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link INFENT }
public INFENT createINFENT() {
return new INFENT();
* Create an instance of {@link INFENT.SegGrp4 }
public INFENT.SegGrp4 createINFENTSegGrp4() {
return new INFENT.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link INFENT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public INFENT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createINFENTSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new INFENT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link INFENT.SegGrp1 }
public INFENT.SegGrp1 createINFENTSegGrp1() {
return new INFENT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND }
public CNTCND createCNTCND() {
return new CNTCND();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 createCNTCNDSegGrp22() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp38 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp38 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp38() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp29() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp27() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp19 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp19 createCNTCNDSegGrp19() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 createCNTCNDSegGrp19SegGrp20() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp12 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp12 createCNTCNDSegGrp12() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp8 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp8 createCNTCNDSegGrp8() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO }
public IPPOMO createIPPOMO() {
return new IPPOMO();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp33 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp33 createIPPOMOSegGrp33() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp33 .SegGrp35 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp33 .SegGrp35 createIPPOMOSegGrp33SegGrp35() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp33 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 createIPPOMOSegGrp17() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp23() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp31 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp31 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp23SegGrp31() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp23SegGrp26() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp23SegGrp26SegGrp27() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp21() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp13 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp13 createIPPOMOSegGrp13() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createIPPOMOSegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp7 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp7 createIPPOMOSegGrp7() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 createIPPOMOSegGrp7SegGrp10() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp3 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp3 createIPPOMOSegGrp3() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createIPPOMOSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createIPPOMOSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp1 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp1 createIPPOMOSegGrp1() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES }
public CUSRES createCUSRES() {
return new CUSRES();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES.SegGrp6 }
public CUSRES.SegGrp6 createCUSRESSegGrp6() {
return new CUSRES.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 }
public CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 createCUSRESSegGrp6SegGrp11() {
return new CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCUSRESSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES.SegGrp1 }
public CUSRES.SegGrp1 createCUSRESSegGrp1() {
return new CUSRES.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSREP }
public CUSREP createCUSREP() {
return new CUSREP();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSREP.SegGrp8 }
public CUSREP.SegGrp8 createCUSREPSegGrp8() {
return new CUSREP.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSREP.SegGrp5 }
public CUSREP.SegGrp5 createCUSREPSegGrp5() {
return new CUSREP.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN }
public IFTMAN createIFTMAN() {
return new IFTMAN();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp35 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp35 createIFTMANSegGrp35() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp39 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp39 createIFTMANSegGrp35SegGrp39() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 createIFTMANSegGrp18() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp30() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp30SegGrp33() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp27() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp25() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp11 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp11 createIFTMANSegGrp11() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp8 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp8 createIFTMANSegGrp8() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp4 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp4 createIFTMANSegGrp4() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link STLRPT }
public STLRPT createSTLRPT() {
return new STLRPT();
* Create an instance of {@link STLRPT.SegGrp2 }
public STLRPT.SegGrp2 createSTLRPTSegGrp2() {
return new STLRPT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createSTLRPTSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createSTLRPTSegGrp2SegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createSTLRPTSegGrp2SegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 }
public STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 createSTLRPTSegGrp2SegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp11() {
return new STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLIE }
public BAPLIE createBAPLIE() {
return new BAPLIE();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLIE.SegGrp5 }
public BAPLIE.SegGrp5 createBAPLIESegGrp5() {
return new BAPLIE.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLIE.SegGrp2 }
public BAPLIE.SegGrp2 createBAPLIESegGrp2() {
return new BAPLIE.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link RELIST }
public RELIST createRELIST() {
return new RELIST();
* Create an instance of {@link RELIST.SegGrp3 }
public RELIST.SegGrp3 createRELISTSegGrp3() {
return new RELIST.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createRELISTSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 }
public RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 createRELISTSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp9() {
return new RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createRELISTSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link RELIST.SegGrp1 }
public RELIST.SegGrp1 createRELISTSegGrp1() {
return new RELIST.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link MEQPOS }
public MEQPOS createMEQPOS() {
return new MEQPOS();
* Create an instance of {@link MEQPOS.SegGrp4 }
public MEQPOS.SegGrp4 createMEQPOSSegGrp4() {
return new MEQPOS.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link MEQPOS.SegGrp2 }
public MEQPOS.SegGrp2 createMEQPOSSegGrp2() {
return new MEQPOS.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA }
public CONPVA createCONPVA() {
return new CONPVA();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp23 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp23 createCONPVASegGrp23() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 createCONPVASegGrp23SegGrp28() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 createCONPVASegGrp23SegGrp24() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 createCONPVASegGrp8() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp19 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp19 createCONPVASegGrp8SegGrp19() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createCONPVASegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 createCONPVASegGrp8SegGrp10SegGrp13() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp2 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp2 createCONPVASegGrp2() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE }
public WKGRRE createWKGRRE() {
return new WKGRRE();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp5 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp5 createWKGRRESegGrp5() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp15 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp15 createWKGRRESegGrp5SegGrp15() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp11 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp11 createWKGRRESegGrp5SegGrp11() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 createWKGRRESegGrp5SegGrp9() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp1 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp1 createWKGRRESegGrp1() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN }
public COPARN createCOPARN() {
return new COPARN();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp13 }
public COPARN.SegGrp13 createCOPARNSegGrp13() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp18 }
public COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp18 createCOPARNSegGrp13SegGrp18() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createCOPARNSegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp6 }
public COPARN.SegGrp6 createCOPARNSegGrp6() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 }
public COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 createCOPARNSegGrp6SegGrp10() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp4 }
public COPARN.SegGrp4 createCOPARNSegGrp4() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp2 }
public COPARN.SegGrp2 createCOPARNSegGrp2() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link RDRMES }
public RDRMES createRDRMES() {
return new RDRMES();
* Create an instance of {@link RDRMES.SegGrp3 }
public RDRMES.SegGrp3 createRDRMESSegGrp3() {
return new RDRMES.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 }
public RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 createRDRMESSegGrp3SegGrp6() {
return new RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createRDRMESSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createRDRMESSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link RDRMES.SegGrp1 }
public RDRMES.SegGrp1 createRDRMESSegGrp1() {
return new RDRMES.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF }
public IFTMBF createIFTMBF() {
return new IFTMBF();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp32 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp32 createIFTMBFSegGrp32() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 createIFTMBFSegGrp32SegGrp35() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp32 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 createIFTMBFSegGrp32SegGrp33() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp32 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 createIFTMBFSegGrp16() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp27() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp30 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp30 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp27SegGrp30() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp25 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp25 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp25() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp23 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp23 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp23() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp10 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp10 createIFTMBFSegGrp10() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp7 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp7 createIFTMBFSegGrp7() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp4 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp4 createIFTMBFSegGrp4() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN }
public CONTEN createCONTEN() {
return new CONTEN();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp22 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp22 createCONTENSegGrp22() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 createCONTENSegGrp22SegGrp32() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 createCONTENSegGrp22SegGrp27() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createCONTENSegGrp22SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 createCONTENSegGrp22SegGrp25() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 createCONTENSegGrp4() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp18() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp10() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp1 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp1 createCONTENSegGrp1() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createCONTENSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD }
public RECORD createRECORD() {
return new RECORD();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp3 }
public RECORD.SegGrp3 createRECORDSegGrp3() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp14 }
public RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp14 createRECORDSegGrp3SegGrp14() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createRECORDSegGrp3SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 }
public RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 createRECORDSegGrp3SegGrp8() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createRECORDSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp1 }
public RECORD.SegGrp1 createRECORDSegGrp1() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link PAXLST }
public PAXLST createPAXLST() {
return new PAXLST();
* Create an instance of {@link PAXLST.SegGrp4 }
public PAXLST.SegGrp4 createPAXLSTSegGrp4() {
return new PAXLST.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PAXLST.SegGrp2 }
public PAXLST.SegGrp2 createPAXLSTSegGrp2() {
return new PAXLST.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSRPT }
public SLSRPT createSLSRPT() {
return new SLSRPT();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSRPT.SegGrp10 }
public SLSRPT.SegGrp10 createSLSRPTSegGrp10() {
return new SLSRPT.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSRPT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public SLSRPT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createSLSRPTSegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new SLSRPT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSRPT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public SLSRPT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createSLSRPTSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new SLSRPT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSRPT.SegGrp5 }
public SLSRPT.SegGrp5 createSLSRPTSegGrp5() {
return new SLSRPT.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public SLSRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createSLSRPTSegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new SLSRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSRPT.SegGrp1 }
public SLSRPT.SegGrp1 createSLSRPTSegGrp1() {
return new SLSRPT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC }
public IFTMBC createIFTMBC() {
return new IFTMBC();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp18 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp18 createIFTMBCSegGrp18() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 createIFTMBCSegGrp18SegGrp20() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp9 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp9 createIFTMBCSegGrp9() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 createIFTMBCSegGrp9SegGrp15() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp6 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp6 createIFTMBCSegGrp6() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp3 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp3 createIFTMBCSegGrp3() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPCUS }
public BOPCUS createBOPCUS() {
return new BOPCUS();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPCUS.SegGrp3 }
public BOPCUS.SegGrp3 createBOPCUSSegGrp3() {
return new BOPCUS.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 }
public BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 createBOPCUSSegGrp3SegGrp7() {
return new BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES }
public GESMES createGESMES() {
return new GESMES();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp13 }
public GESMES.SegGrp13 createGESMESSegGrp13() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 }
public GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 createGESMESSegGrp13SegGrp20() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createGESMESSegGrp13SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 }
public GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 createGESMESSegGrp13SegGrp20SegGrp21SegGrp22() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 }
public GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 createGESMESSegGrp13SegGrp20SegGrp21SegGrp22SegGrp23() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp18 }
public GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp18 createGESMESSegGrp13SegGrp18() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createGESMESSegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 }
public GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 createGESMESSegGrp13SegGrp14SegGrp16() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp10 }
public GESMES.SegGrp10 createGESMESSegGrp10() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public GESMES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createGESMESSegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp4 }
public GESMES.SegGrp4 createGESMESSegGrp4() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public GESMES.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createGESMESSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp2 }
public GESMES.SegGrp2 createGESMESSegGrp2() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES }
public QUOTES createQUOTES() {
return new QUOTES();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 createQUOTESSegGrp27() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp54 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp54 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp54() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp54();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp52() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp46() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp42() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp39() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp21 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp21 createQUOTESSegGrp21() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp19 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp19 createQUOTESSegGrp19() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp17 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp17 createQUOTESSegGrp17() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp15 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp15 createQUOTESSegGrp15() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp11 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp11 createQUOTESSegGrp11() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC }
public IFTFCC createIFTFCC() {
return new IFTFCC();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 createIFTFCCSegGrp28() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp42 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp42 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp42() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp42();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp37() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp35 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp35 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp35() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp24 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp24 createIFTFCCSegGrp24() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp19 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp19 createIFTFCCSegGrp19() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp17 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp17 createIFTFCCSegGrp17() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp11 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp11 createIFTFCCSegGrp11() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp6 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp6 createIFTFCCSegGrp6() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createIFTFCCSegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV }
public CONDPV createCONDPV() {
return new CONDPV();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp8 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp8 createCONDPVSegGrp8() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 createCONDPVSegGrp8SegGrp12() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createCONDPVSegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp2 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp2 createCONDPVSegGrp2() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link FINCAN }
public FINCAN createFINCAN() {
return new FINCAN();
* Create an instance of {@link FINCAN.SegGrp4 }
public FINCAN.SegGrp4 createFINCANSegGrp4() {
return new FINCAN.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYORD }
public PAYORD createPAYORD() {
return new PAYORD();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLTE }
public BAPLTE createBAPLTE() {
return new BAPLTE();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLTE.SegGrp5 }
public BAPLTE.SegGrp5 createBAPLTESegGrp5() {
return new BAPLTE.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLTE.SegGrp2 }
public BAPLTE.SegGrp2 createBAPLTESegGrp2() {
return new BAPLTE.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT }
public CREEXT createCREEXT() {
return new CREEXT();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp10 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp10 createCREEXTSegGrp10() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createCREEXTSegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createCREEXTSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp7 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp7 createCREEXTSegGrp7() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCREEXTSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link LRECLM }
public LRECLM createLRECLM() {
return new LRECLM();
* Create an instance of {@link LRECLM.SegGrp1 }
public LRECLM.SegGrp1 createLRECLMSegGrp1() {
return new LRECLM.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5 }
public LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5 createLRECLMSegGrp1SegGrp5() {
return new LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createLRECLMSegGrp1SegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createLRECLMSegGrp1SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3 }
public LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3 createLRECLMSegGrp1SegGrp3() {
return new LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPID }
public MEDPID createMEDPID() {
return new MEDPID();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPID.SegGrp2 }
public MEDPID.SegGrp2 createMEDPIDSegGrp2() {
return new MEDPID.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEF }
public DIRDEF createDIRDEF() {
return new DIRDEF();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEF.SegGrp12 }
public DIRDEF.SegGrp12 createDIRDEFSegGrp12() {
return new DIRDEF.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEF.SegGrp9 }
public DIRDEF.SegGrp9 createDIRDEFSegGrp9() {
return new DIRDEF.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEF.SegGrp7 }
public DIRDEF.SegGrp7 createDIRDEFSegGrp7() {
return new DIRDEF.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEF.SegGrp3 }
public DIRDEF.SegGrp3 createDIRDEFSegGrp3() {
return new DIRDEF.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public DIRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createDIRDEFSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new DIRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEF.SegGrp1 }
public DIRDEF.SegGrp1 createDIRDEFSegGrp1() {
return new DIRDEF.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTIAG }
public IFTIAG createIFTIAG() {
return new IFTIAG();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTIAG.SegGrp7 }
public IFTIAG.SegGrp7 createIFTIAGSegGrp7() {
return new IFTIAG.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTIAG.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public IFTIAG.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createIFTIAGSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new IFTIAG.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTIAG.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public IFTIAG.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createIFTIAGSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new IFTIAG.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTIAG.SegGrp3 }
public IFTIAG.SegGrp3 createIFTIAGSegGrp3() {
return new IFTIAG.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP }
public DOCAPP createDOCAPP() {
return new DOCAPP();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp14 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp14 createDOCAPPSegGrp14() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 createDOCAPPSegGrp14SegGrp16() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp4 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp4 createDOCAPPSegGrp4() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN }
public IFTMIN createIFTMIN() {
return new IFTMIN();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp37 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp37 createIFTMINSegGrp37() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp42 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp42 createIFTMINSegGrp37SegGrp42() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp42();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp39 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp39 createIFTMINSegGrp37SegGrp39() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 createIFTMINSegGrp18() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp32() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp32SegGrp35() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp29 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp29 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp29() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp27() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp25() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp11 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp11 createIFTMINSegGrp11() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp8 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp8 createIFTMINSegGrp8() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp4 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp4 createIFTMINSegGrp4() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link INSDES }
public INSDES createINSDES() {
return new INSDES();
* Create an instance of {@link INSDES.SegGrp10 }
public INSDES.SegGrp10 createINSDESSegGrp10() {
return new INSDES.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link INSDES.SegGrp8 }
public INSDES.SegGrp8 createINSDESSegGrp8() {
return new INSDES.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link INSDES.SegGrp6 }
public INSDES.SegGrp6 createINSDESSegGrp6() {
return new INSDES.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link INSDES.SegGrp2 }
public INSDES.SegGrp2 createINSDESSegGrp2() {
return new INSDES.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN }
public IFTDGN createIFTDGN() {
return new IFTDGN();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp7 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp7 createIFTDGNSegGrp7() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 createIFTDGNSegGrp7SegGrp12() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 createIFTDGNSegGrp7SegGrp12SegGrp14() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 createIFTDGNSegGrp7SegGrp10() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createIFTDGNSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp4 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp4 createIFTDGNSegGrp4() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp2 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp2 createIFTDGNSegGrp2() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODEX }
public PRODEX createPRODEX() {
return new PRODEX();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODEX.SegGrp2 }
public PRODEX.SegGrp2 createPRODEXSegGrp2() {
return new PRODEX.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODEX.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public PRODEX.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createPRODEXSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new PRODEX.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN }
public PARTIN createPARTIN() {
return new PARTIN();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp4 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp4 createPARTINSegGrp4() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp13 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp13 createPARTINSegGrp4SegGrp13() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createPARTINSegGrp4SegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp2 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp2 createPARTINSegGrp2() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC }
public MEDRUC createMEDRUC() {
return new MEDRUC();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp19 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp19 createMEDRUCSegGrp19() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 createMEDRUCSegGrp19SegGrp20() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 createMEDRUCSegGrp19SegGrp20SegGrp23() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp7 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp7 createMEDRUCSegGrp7() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 createMEDRUCSegGrp7SegGrp11() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 createMEDRUCSegGrp7SegGrp11SegGrp15() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp5 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp5 createMEDRUCSegGrp5() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp3 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp3 createMEDRUCSegGrp3() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link SSRECH }
public SSRECH createSSRECH() {
return new SSRECH();
* Create an instance of {@link SSRECH.SegGrp5 }
public SSRECH.SegGrp5 createSSRECHSegGrp5() {
return new SSRECH.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link SSRECH.SegGrp3 }
public SSRECH.SegGrp3 createSSRECHSegGrp3() {
return new SSRECH.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link ISENDS }
public ISENDS createISENDS() {
return new ISENDS();
* Create an instance of {@link ISENDS.SegGrp4 }
public ISENDS.SegGrp4 createISENDSSegGrp4() {
return new ISENDS.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link ISENDS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public ISENDS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createISENDSSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new ISENDS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link ISENDS.SegGrp1 }
public ISENDS.SegGrp1 createISENDSSegGrp1() {
return new ISENDS.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT }
public OSTRPT createOSTRPT() {
return new OSTRPT();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 createOSTRPTSegGrp3() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp6() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp16() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp14() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp1 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp1 createOSTRPTSegGrp1() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT }
public INVRPT createINVRPT() {
return new INVRPT();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp9 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp9 createINVRPTSegGrp9() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 createINVRPTSegGrp9SegGrp11() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 createINVRPTSegGrp9SegGrp11SegGrp15() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createINVRPTSegGrp9SegGrp11SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createINVRPTSegGrp9SegGrp11SegGrp15SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp6 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp6 createINVRPTSegGrp6() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createINVRPTSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp2 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp2 createINVRPTSegGrp2() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB }
public DIRDEB createDIRDEB() {
return new DIRDEB();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 createDIRDEBSegGrp4() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp11() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp20() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT }
public SANCRT createSANCRT() {
return new SANCRT();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp11 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp11 createSANCRTSegGrp11() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 createSANCRTSegGrp11SegGrp18() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createSANCRTSegGrp11SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 createSANCRTSegGrp11SegGrp16() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createSANCRTSegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp8 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp8 createSANCRTSegGrp8() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createSANCRTSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp6 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp6 createSANCRTSegGrp6() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp2 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp2 createSANCRTSegGrp2() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTENQ }
public OSTENQ createOSTENQ() {
return new OSTENQ();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTENQ.SegGrp3 }
public OSTENQ.SegGrp3 createOSTENQSegGrp3() {
return new OSTENQ.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTENQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public OSTENQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createOSTENQSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new OSTENQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTENQ.SegGrp1 }
public OSTENQ.SegGrp1 createOSTENQSegGrp1() {
return new OSTENQ.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CALINF }
public CALINF createCALINF() {
return new CALINF();
* Create an instance of {@link CALINF.SegGrp5 }
public CALINF.SegGrp5 createCALINFSegGrp5() {
return new CALINF.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CALINF.SegGrp3 }
public CALINF.SegGrp3 createCALINFSegGrp3() {
return new CALINF.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL }
public PAYMUL createPAYMUL() {
return new PAYMUL();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 createPAYMULSegGrp4() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp11() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp20() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTA }
public IFTSTA createIFTSTA() {
return new IFTSTA();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTA.SegGrp4 }
public IFTSTA.SegGrp4 createIFTSTASegGrp4() {
return new IFTSTA.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createIFTSTASegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 }
public IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 createIFTSTASegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp10() {
return new IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 }
public IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 createIFTSTASegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp8() {
return new IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createIFTSTASegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTA.SegGrp1 }
public IFTSTA.SegGrp1 createIFTSTASegGrp1() {
return new IFTSTA.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link VESDEP }
public VESDEP createVESDEP() {
return new VESDEP();
* Create an instance of {@link VESDEP.SegGrp4 }
public VESDEP.SegGrp4 createVESDEPSegGrp4() {
return new VESDEP.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link VESDEP.SegGrp2 }
public VESDEP.SegGrp2 createVESDEPSegGrp2() {
return new VESDEP.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link COARRI }
public COARRI createCOARRI() {
return new COARRI();
* Create an instance of {@link COARRI.SegGrp6 }
public COARRI.SegGrp6 createCOARRISegGrp6() {
return new COARRI.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 }
public COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 createCOARRISegGrp6SegGrp9() {
return new COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link COARRI.SegGrp4 }
public COARRI.SegGrp4 createCOARRISegGrp4() {
return new COARRI.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link COARRI.SegGrp2 }
public COARRI.SegGrp2 createCOARRISegGrp2() {
return new COARRI.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG }
public ORDCHG createORDCHG() {
return new ORDCHG();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 createORDCHGSegGrp27() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp56 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp56 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp56() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp56();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp53 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp53 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp53() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp53();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp49 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp49 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp49() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp49();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp43() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp39() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp34() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp29() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp20 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp20 createORDCHGSegGrp20() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp17 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp17 createORDCHGSegGrp17() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp14 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp14 createORDCHGSegGrp14() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp11 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp11 createORDCHGSegGrp11() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp9 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp9 createORDCHGSegGrp9() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp3 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp3 createORDCHGSegGrp3() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTRIN }
public IFTRIN createIFTRIN() {
return new IFTRIN();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTRIN.SegGrp5 }
public IFTRIN.SegGrp5 createIFTRINSegGrp5() {
return new IFTRIN.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTRIN.SegGrp3 }
public IFTRIN.SegGrp3 createIFTRINSegGrp3() {
return new IFTRIN.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link BMISRM }
public BMISRM createBMISRM() {
return new BMISRM();
* Create an instance of {@link BMISRM.SegGrp4 }
public BMISRM.SegGrp4 createBMISRMSegGrp4() {
return new BMISRM.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createBMISRMSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createBMISRMSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createBMISRMSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link BMISRM.SegGrp1 }
public BMISRM.SegGrp1 createBMISRMSegGrp1() {
return new BMISRM.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IMPDEF }
public IMPDEF createIMPDEF() {
return new IMPDEF();
* Create an instance of {@link IMPDEF.SegGrp3 }
public IMPDEF.SegGrp3 createIMPDEFSegGrp3() {
return new IMPDEF.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IMPDEF.SegGrp1 }
public IMPDEF.SegGrp1 createIMPDEFSegGrp1() {
return new IMPDEF.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS }
public RETINS createRETINS() {
return new RETINS();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp11 }
public RETINS.SegGrp11 createRETINSSegGrp11() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 }
public RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 createRETINSSegGrp11SegGrp18() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 }
public RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 createRETINSSegGrp11SegGrp16() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp6 }
public RETINS.SegGrp6 createRETINSSegGrp6() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp3 }
public RETINS.SegGrp3 createRETINSSegGrp3() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link INSRPT }
public INSRPT createINSRPT() {
return new INSRPT();
* Create an instance of {@link INSRPT.SegGrp3 }
public INSRPT.SegGrp3 createINSRPTSegGrp3() {
return new INSRPT.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 }
public INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 createINSRPTSegGrp3SegGrp7() {
return new INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createINSRPTSegGrp3SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createINSRPTSegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link AUTHOR }
public AUTHOR createAUTHOR() {
return new AUTHOR();
* Create an instance of {@link AUTHOR.SegGrp4 }
public AUTHOR.SegGrp4 createAUTHORSegGrp4() {
return new AUTHOR.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTQ }
public IFTSTQ createIFTSTQ() {
return new IFTSTQ();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTQ.SegGrp4 }
public IFTSTQ.SegGrp4 createIFTSTQSegGrp4() {
return new IFTSTQ.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public IFTSTQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createIFTSTQSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new IFTSTQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTQ.SegGrp2 }
public IFTSTQ.SegGrp2 createIFTSTQSegGrp2() {
return new IFTSTQ.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link VATDEC }
public VATDEC createVATDEC() {
return new VATDEC();
* Create an instance of {@link VATDEC.SegGrp1 }
public VATDEC.SegGrp1 createVATDECSegGrp1() {
return new VATDEC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 }
public VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 createVATDECSegGrp1SegGrp4() {
return new VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createVATDECSegGrp1SegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 }
public VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 createVATDECSegGrp1SegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp9() {
return new VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createVATDECSegGrp1SegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN }
public RETANN createRETANN() {
return new RETANN();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp11 }
public RETANN.SegGrp11 createRETANNSegGrp11() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp22 }
public RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp22 createRETANNSegGrp11SegGrp22() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 }
public RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 createRETANNSegGrp11SegGrp18() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp9 }
public RETANN.SegGrp9 createRETANNSegGrp9() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp3 }
public RETANN.SegGrp3 createRETANNSegGrp3() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC }
public INVOIC createINVOIC() {
return new INVOIC();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp50 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp50 createINVOICSegGrp50() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp50();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 createINVOICSegGrp26() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp45 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp45 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp45() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp45();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp39() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp35() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp31 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp31 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp31() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp16 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp16 createINVOICSegGrp16() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp14 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp14 createINVOICSegGrp14() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp9 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp9 createINVOICSegGrp9() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp2 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp2 createINVOICSegGrp2() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPMAN }
public SUPMAN createSUPMAN() {
return new SUPMAN();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPMAN.SegGrp3 }
public SUPMAN.SegGrp3 createSUPMANSegGrp3() {
return new SUPMAN.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 }
public SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 createSUPMANSegGrp3SegGrp8() {
return new SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createSUPMANSegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPMAN.SegGrp1 }
public SUPMAN.SegGrp1 createSUPMANSegGrp1() {
return new SUPMAN.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA }
public IFTCCA createIFTCCA() {
return new IFTCCA();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp9 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp9 createIFTCCASegGrp9() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp19 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp19 createIFTCCASegGrp9SegGrp19() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 createIFTCCASegGrp9SegGrp19SegGrp21() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 createIFTCCASegGrp9SegGrp16() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 createIFTCCASegGrp9SegGrp14() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp6 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp6 createIFTCCASegGrp6() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp4 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp4 createIFTCCASegGrp4() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT }
public PAYEXT createPAYEXT() {
return new PAYEXT();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp7 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp7 createPAYEXTSegGrp7() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createPAYEXTSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 createPAYEXTSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp11() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link WASDIS }
public WASDIS createWASDIS() {
return new WASDIS();
* Create an instance of {@link WASDIS.SegGrp4 }
public WASDIS.SegGrp4 createWASDISSegGrp4() {
return new WASDIS.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO }
public COPINO createCOPINO() {
return new COPINO();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp11 }
public COPINO.SegGrp11 createCOPINOSegGrp11() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createCOPINOSegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createCOPINOSegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp6 }
public COPINO.SegGrp6 createCOPINOSegGrp6() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 }
public COPINO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 createCOPINOSegGrp6SegGrp9() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp4 }
public COPINO.SegGrp4 createCOPINOSegGrp4() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp2 }
public COPINO.SegGrp2 createCOPINOSegGrp2() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT }
public CONITT createCONITT() {
return new CONITT();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp22 }
public CONITT.SegGrp22 createCONITTSegGrp22() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 }
public CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 createCONITTSegGrp22SegGrp32() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 }
public CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 createCONITTSegGrp22SegGrp27() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createCONITTSegGrp22SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 }
public CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 createCONITTSegGrp22SegGrp25() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 createCONITTSegGrp4() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp18() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp10() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp1 }
public CONITT.SegGrp1 createCONITTSegGrp1() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public CONITT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createCONITTSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link APERAK }
public APERAK createAPERAK() {
return new APERAK();
* Create an instance of {@link APERAK.SegGrp4 }
public APERAK.SegGrp4 createAPERAKSegGrp4() {
return new APERAK.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PROINQ }
public PROINQ createPROINQ() {
return new PROINQ();
* Create an instance of {@link PROINQ.SegGrp4 }
public PROINQ.SegGrp4 createPROINQSegGrp4() {
return new PROINQ.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PROINQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public PROINQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createPROINQSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new PROINQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link PROINQ.SegGrp1 }
public PROINQ.SegGrp1 createPROINQSegGrp1() {
return new PROINQ.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DMSTAT }
public DMSTAT createDMSTAT() {
return new DMSTAT();
* Create an instance of {@link DMSTAT.SegGrp2 }
public DMSTAT.SegGrp2 createDMSTATSegGrp2() {
return new DMSTAT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DMRDEF }
public DMRDEF createDMRDEF() {
return new DMRDEF();
* Create an instance of {@link DMRDEF.SegGrp12 }
public DMRDEF.SegGrp12 createDMRDEFSegGrp12() {
return new DMRDEF.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link DMRDEF.SegGrp9 }
public DMRDEF.SegGrp9 createDMRDEFSegGrp9() {
return new DMRDEF.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link DMRDEF.SegGrp7 }
public DMRDEF.SegGrp7 createDMRDEFSegGrp7() {
return new DMRDEF.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link DMRDEF.SegGrp3 }
public DMRDEF.SegGrp3 createDMRDEFSegGrp3() {
return new DMRDEF.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DMRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public DMRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createDMRDEFSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new DMRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link DMRDEF.SegGrp1 }
public DMRDEF.SegGrp1 createDMRDEFSegGrp1() {
return new DMRDEF.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM }
public IFCSUM createIFCSUM() {
return new IFCSUM();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 createIFCSUMSegGrp25() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp70() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp74 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp74 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp70SegGrp74() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp74();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp65() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65 .SegGrp68 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65 .SegGrp68 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp65SegGrp68() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65 .SegGrp68();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp61 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp61 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp61() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp61();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp59 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp59 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp59() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp59();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp57 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp57 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp57() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp57();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp43() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp38() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp33 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp33 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp33() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp28 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp28 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp28() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp26() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp21 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp21 createIFCSUMSegGrp21() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 createIFCSUMSegGrp21SegGrp23() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp21 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp9 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp9 createIFCSUMSegGrp9() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 createIFCSUMSegGrp9SegGrp16() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp4 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp4 createIFCSUMSegGrp4() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp2 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp2 createIFCSUMSegGrp2() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF }
public JOBOFF createJOBOFF() {
return new JOBOFF();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 createJOBOFFSegGrp5() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 createJOBOFFSegGrp5SegGrp17() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 createJOBOFFSegGrp5SegGrp13() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 createJOBOFFSegGrp5SegGrp10() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp1 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp1 createJOBOFFSegGrp1() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO }
public COSTCO createCOSTCO() {
return new COSTCO();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp10 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp10 createCOSTCOSegGrp10() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createCOSTCOSegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createCOSTCOSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp6 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp6 createCOSTCOSegGrp6() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCOSTCOSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp4 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp4 createCOSTCOSegGrp4() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp2 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp2 createCOSTCOSegGrp2() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link TPFREP }
public TPFREP createTPFREP() {
return new TPFREP();
* Create an instance of {@link TPFREP.SegGrp2 }
public TPFREP.SegGrp2 createTPFREPSegGrp2() {
return new TPFREP.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF }
public DOCINF createDOCINF() {
return new DOCINF();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp13 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp13 createDOCINFSegGrp13() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createDOCINFSegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp4 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp4 createDOCINFSegGrp4() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSFCT }
public SLSFCT createSLSFCT() {
return new SLSFCT();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSFCT.SegGrp5 }
public SLSFCT.SegGrp5 createSLSFCTSegGrp5() {
return new SLSFCT.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSFCT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public SLSFCT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createSLSFCTSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new SLSFCT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSFCT.SegGrp1 }
public SLSFCT.SegGrp1 createSLSFCTSegGrp1() {
return new SLSFCT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link REBORD }
public REBORD createREBORD() {
return new REBORD();
* Create an instance of {@link REBORD.SegGrp7 }
public REBORD.SegGrp7 createREBORDSegGrp7() {
return new REBORD.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link REBORD.SegGrp2 }
public REBORD.SegGrp2 createREBORDSegGrp2() {
return new REBORD.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link REBORD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public REBORD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createREBORDSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new REBORD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link REBORD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public REBORD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createREBORDSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new REBORD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR }
public DELFOR createDELFOR() {
return new DELFOR();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 createDELFORSegGrp6() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp22() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp22SegGrp27() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp22SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp22SegGrp25() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp20() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp17() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp15() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp2 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp2 createDELFORSegGrp2() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY }
public QALITY createQALITY() {
return new QALITY();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 createQALITYSegGrp5() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp30() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp30SegGrp32() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp38 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp38 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp30SegGrp32SegGrp38() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp36 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp36 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp30SegGrp32SegGrp36() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp30SegGrp32SegGrp34() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp20() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp20SegGrp22() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp28 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp28 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp20SegGrp22SegGrp28() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp26 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp26 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp20SegGrp22SegGrp26() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp20SegGrp22SegGrp24() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp12() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp18 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp18 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp12SegGrp18() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp12SegGrp16() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp12SegGrp14() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp10() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp2 }
public QALITY.SegGrp2 createQALITYSegGrp2() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY }
public FINPAY createFINPAY() {
return new FINPAY();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 createFINPAYSegGrp3() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp23() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp23SegGrp24() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp23SegGrp24SegGrp27() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp20() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp7() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD }
public BUSCRD createBUSCRD() {
return new BUSCRD();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 createBUSCRDSegGrp3() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp19 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp19 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp19() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp16 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp16 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp16() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp12 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp12 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp12() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp8() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp1 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp1 createBUSCRDSegGrp1() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPINF }
public BOPINF createBOPINF() {
return new BOPINF();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPINF.SegGrp3 }
public BOPINF.SegGrp3 createBOPINFSegGrp3() {
return new BOPINF.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE }
public REQOTE createREQOTE() {
return new REQOTE();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 createREQOTESegGrp27() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp54 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp54 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp54() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp54();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp52() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp46() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp42() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp39() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp21 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp21 createREQOTESegGrp21() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp19 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp19 createREQOTESegGrp19() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp17 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp17 createREQOTESegGrp17() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp15 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp15 createREQOTESegGrp15() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp11 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp11 createREQOTESegGrp11() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST }
public PROCST createPROCST() {
return new PROCST();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp6 }
public PROCST.SegGrp6 createPROCSTSegGrp6() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createPROCSTSegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 }
public PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 createPROCSTSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp13() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp3 }
public PROCST.SegGrp3 createPROCSTSegGrp3() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON }
public JOBCON createJOBCON() {
return new JOBCON();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 createJOBCONSegGrp5() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 createJOBCONSegGrp5SegGrp17() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 createJOBCONSegGrp5SegGrp13() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 createJOBCONSegGrp5SegGrp10() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp1 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp1 createJOBCONSegGrp1() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC }
public DEBREC createDEBREC() {
return new DEBREC();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 createDEBRECSegGrp5() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp22() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp22SegGrp24() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp17() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp17SegGrp19() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp15() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp9() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp9SegGrp12() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp1 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp1 createDEBRECSegGrp1() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createDEBRECSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD }
public IPPOAD createIPPOAD() {
return new IPPOAD();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp19 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp19 createIPPOADSegGrp19() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp16 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp16 createIPPOADSegGrp16() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createIPPOADSegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp13 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp13 createIPPOADSegGrp13() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createIPPOADSegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp10 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp10 createIPPOADSegGrp10() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createIPPOADSegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp6 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp6 createIPPOADSegGrp6() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createIPPOADSegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp3 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp3 createIPPOADSegGrp3() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createIPPOADSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp1 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp1 createIPPOADSegGrp1() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSAI }
public IFTSAI createIFTSAI() {
return new IFTSAI();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSAI.SegGrp8 }
public IFTSAI.SegGrp8 createIFTSAISegGrp8() {
return new IFTSAI.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSAI.SegGrp6 }
public IFTSAI.SegGrp6 createIFTSAISegGrp6() {
return new IFTSAI.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSAI.SegGrp4 }
public IFTSAI.SegGrp4 createIFTSAISegGrp4() {
return new IFTSAI.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link STATAC }
public STATAC createSTATAC() {
return new STATAC();
* Create an instance of {@link STATAC.SegGrp1 }
public STATAC.SegGrp1 createSTATACSegGrp1() {
return new STATAC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR }
public COREOR createCOREOR() {
return new COREOR();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp12 }
public COREOR.SegGrp12 createCOREORSegGrp12() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 }
public COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 createCOREORSegGrp12SegGrp17() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp6 }
public COREOR.SegGrp6 createCOREORSegGrp6() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 }
public COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 createCOREORSegGrp6SegGrp9() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp4 }
public COREOR.SegGrp4 createCOREORSegGrp4() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp2 }
public COREOR.SegGrp2 createCOREORSegGrp2() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST }
public CONEST createCONEST() {
return new CONEST();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp22 }
public CONEST.SegGrp22 createCONESTSegGrp22() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 }
public CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 createCONESTSegGrp22SegGrp32() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 }
public CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 createCONESTSegGrp22SegGrp27() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createCONESTSegGrp22SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 }
public CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 createCONESTSegGrp22SegGrp25() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 createCONESTSegGrp4() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp18() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp10() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp1 }
public CONEST.SegGrp1 createCONESTSegGrp1() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public CONEST.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createCONESTSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP }
public CUSEXP createCUSEXP() {
return new CUSEXP();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp6 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp6 createCUSEXPSegGrp6() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCUSEXPSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 createCUSEXPSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp15() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 createCUSEXPSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp11() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp3 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp3 createCUSEXPSegGrp3() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp1 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp1 createCUSEXPSegGrp1() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPCOT }
public SUPCOT createSUPCOT() {
return new SUPCOT();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPCOT.SegGrp3 }
public SUPCOT.SegGrp3 createSUPCOTSegGrp3() {
return new SUPCOT.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPCOT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public SUPCOT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createSUPCOTSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new SUPCOT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPCOT.SegGrp1 }
public SUPCOT.SegGrp1 createSUPCOTSegGrp1() {
return new SUPCOT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link SSIMOD }
public SSIMOD createSSIMOD() {
return new SSIMOD();
* Create an instance of {@link SSIMOD.SegGrp2 }
public SSIMOD.SegGrp2 createSSIMODSegGrp2() {
return new SSIMOD.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link SSIMOD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public SSIMOD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createSSIMODSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new SSIMOD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRO }
public CONDRO createCONDRO() {
return new CONDRO();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRO.SegGrp7 }
public CONDRO.SegGrp7 createCONDROSegGrp7() {
return new CONDRO.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRO.SegGrp5 }
public CONDRO.SegGrp5 createCONDROSegGrp5() {
return new CONDRO.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRO.SegGrp2 }
public CONDRO.SegGrp2 createCONDROSegGrp2() {
return new CONDRO.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT }
public REGENT createREGENT() {
return new REGENT();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT.SegGrp5 }
public REGENT.SegGrp5 createREGENTSegGrp5() {
return new REGENT.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createREGENTSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createREGENTSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp13 }
public REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp13 createREGENTSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp13() {
return new REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAMR }
public DOCAMR createDOCAMR() {
return new DOCAMR();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYDUC }
public PAYDUC createPAYDUC() {
return new PAYDUC();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYDUC.SegGrp4 }
public PAYDUC.SegGrp4 createPAYDUCSegGrp4() {
return new PAYDUC.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYDUC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public PAYDUC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createPAYDUCSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new PAYDUC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYDUC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public PAYDUC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createPAYDUCSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new PAYDUC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYDUC.SegGrp2 }
public PAYDUC.SegGrp2 createPAYDUCSegGrp2() {
return new PAYDUC.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC }
public CUSDEC createCUSDEC() {
return new CUSDEC();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 createCUSDECSegGrp30() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp44() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44 .SegGrp45 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44 .SegGrp45 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp44SegGrp45() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44 .SegGrp45();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp42 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp42 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp42() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp42();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp35 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp35 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp35() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp33() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp31() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 createCUSDECSegGrp10() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp21() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp28 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp28 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp21SegGrp28() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp21SegGrp23() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp19 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp19 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp19() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp16 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp16 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp16() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp14() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp8 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp8 createCUSDECSegGrp8() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp1 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp1 createCUSDECSegGrp1() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createCUSDECSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAMI }
public DOCAMI createDOCAMI() {
return new DOCAMI();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED }
public CUSPED createCUSPED() {
return new CUSPED();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 createCUSPEDSegGrp7() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp29() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp29SegGrp30() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp27 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp27 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp27() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp20() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp18 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp18 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp18() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp12() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp4 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp4 createCUSPEDSegGrp4() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp2 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp2 createCUSPEDSegGrp2() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV }
public PROSRV createPROSRV() {
return new PROSRV();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp5 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp5 createPROSRVSegGrp5() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createPROSRVSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 createPROSRVSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp14() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 createPROSRVSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp14SegGrp16() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 createPROSRVSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp12() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createPROSRVSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp2 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp2 createPROSRVSegGrp2() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE }
public MEDPRE createMEDPRE() {
return new MEDPRE();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp9 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp9 createMEDPRESegGrp9() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 createMEDPRESegGrp9SegGrp14() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp17 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp17 createMEDPRESegGrp9SegGrp14SegGrp17() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 createMEDPRESegGrp9SegGrp12() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp3 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp3 createMEDPRESegGrp3() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 createMEDPRESegGrp3SegGrp7() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp1 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp1 createMEDPRESegGrp1() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link REQDOC }
public REQDOC createREQDOC() {
return new REQDOC();
* Create an instance of {@link REQDOC.SegGrp4 }
public REQDOC.SegGrp4 createREQDOCSegGrp4() {
return new REQDOC.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link REQDOC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public REQDOC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createREQDOCSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new REQDOC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link REQDOC.SegGrp2 }
public REQDOC.SegGrp2 createREQDOCSegGrp2() {
return new REQDOC.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link REMADV }
public REMADV createREMADV() {
return new REMADV();
* Create an instance of {@link REMADV.SegGrp4 }
public REMADV.SegGrp4 createREMADVSegGrp4() {
return new REMADV.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 }
public REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 createREMADVSegGrp4SegGrp9() {
return new REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 }
public REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 createREMADVSegGrp4SegGrp9SegGrp11() {
return new REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createREMADVSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link REMADV.SegGrp1 }
public REMADV.SegGrp1 createREMADVSegGrp1() {
return new REMADV.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ }
public MEDREQ createMEDREQ() {
return new MEDREQ();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 createMEDREQSegGrp2() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 createMEDREQSegGrp2SegGrp5() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp15 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp15 createMEDREQSegGrp2SegGrp5SegGrp15() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 createMEDREQSegGrp2SegGrp5SegGrp13() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createMEDREQSegGrp2SegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 createMEDREQSegGrp2SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp11() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createMEDREQSegGrp2SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRA }
public CONDRA createCONDRA() {
return new CONDRA();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRA.SegGrp5 }
public CONDRA.SegGrp5 createCONDRASegGrp5() {
return new CONDRA.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRA.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public CONDRA.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createCONDRASegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new CONDRA.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRA.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public CONDRA.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCONDRASegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new CONDRA.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRA.SegGrp2 }
public CONDRA.SegGrp2 createCONDRASegGrp2() {
return new CONDRA.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link REPREM }
public REPREM createREPREM() {
return new REPREM();
* Create an instance of {@link REPREM.SegGrp2 }
public REPREM.SegGrp2 createREPREMSegGrp2() {
return new REPREM.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link REPREM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public REPREM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createREPREMSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new REPREM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link REPREM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public REPREM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createREPREMSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new REPREM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG }
public RESMSG createRESMSG() {
return new RESMSG();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG.SegGrp4 }
public RESMSG.SegGrp4 createRESMSGSegGrp4() {
return new RESMSG.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 }
public RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 createRESMSGSegGrp4SegGrp9() {
return new RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createRESMSGSegGrp4SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createRESMSGSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG.SegGrp2 }
public RESMSG.SegGrp2 createRESMSGSegGrp2() {
return new RESMSG.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link ADRAddress }
public ADRAddress createADRAddress() {
return new ADRAddress();
* Create an instance of {@link AGRAgreementIdentification }
public AGRAgreementIdentification createAGRAgreementIdentification() {
return new AGRAgreementIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link AJTAdjustmentDetails }
public AJTAdjustmentDetails createAJTAdjustmentDetails() {
return new AJTAdjustmentDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link ALCAllowanceOrCharge }
public ALCAllowanceOrCharge createALCAllowanceOrCharge() {
return new ALCAllowanceOrCharge();
* Create an instance of {@link ALIAdditionalInformation }
public ALIAdditionalInformation createALIAdditionalInformation() {
return new ALIAdditionalInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link APPApplicability }
public APPApplicability createAPPApplicability() {
return new APPApplicability();
* Create an instance of {@link APRAdditionalPriceInformation }
public APRAdditionalPriceInformation createAPRAdditionalPriceInformation() {
return new APRAdditionalPriceInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link ARDMonetaryAmountFunction }
public ARDMonetaryAmountFunction createARDMonetaryAmountFunction() {
return new ARDMonetaryAmountFunction();
* Create an instance of {@link ARRArrayInformation }
public ARRArrayInformation createARRArrayInformation() {
return new ARRArrayInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link ASIArrayStructureIdentification }
public ASIArrayStructureIdentification createASIArrayStructureIdentification() {
return new ASIArrayStructureIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link ATTAttribute }
public ATTAttribute createATTAttribute() {
return new ATTAttribute();
* Create an instance of {@link AUTAuthenticationResult }
public AUTAuthenticationResult createAUTAuthenticationResult() {
return new AUTAuthenticationResult();
* Create an instance of {@link BASBasis }
public BASBasis createBASBasis() {
return new BASBasis();
* Create an instance of {@link BGMBeginningOfMessage }
public BGMBeginningOfMessage createBGMBeginningOfMessage() {
return new BGMBeginningOfMessage();
* Create an instance of {@link BIIStructureIdentification }
public BIIStructureIdentification createBIIStructureIdentification() {
return new BIIStructureIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSBusinessFunction }
public BUSBusinessFunction createBUSBusinessFunction() {
return new BUSBusinessFunction();
* Create an instance of {@link CAVCharacteristicValue }
public CAVCharacteristicValue createCAVCharacteristicValue() {
return new CAVCharacteristicValue();
* Create an instance of {@link CCDCreditCoverDetails }
public CCDCreditCoverDetails createCCDCreditCoverDetails() {
return new CCDCreditCoverDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link CCICharacteristicClassId }
public CCICharacteristicClassId createCCICharacteristicClassId() {
return new CCICharacteristicClassId();
* Create an instance of {@link CDIPhysicalOrLogicalState }
public CDIPhysicalOrLogicalState createCDIPhysicalOrLogicalState() {
return new CDIPhysicalOrLogicalState();
* Create an instance of {@link CDSCodeSetIdentification }
public CDSCodeSetIdentification createCDSCodeSetIdentification() {
return new CDSCodeSetIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link CDVCodeValueDefinition }
public CDVCodeValueDefinition createCDVCodeValueDefinition() {
return new CDVCodeValueDefinition();
* Create an instance of {@link CEDComputerEnvironmentDetails }
public CEDComputerEnvironmentDetails createCEDComputerEnvironmentDetails() {
return new CEDComputerEnvironmentDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link CINClinicalInformation }
public CINClinicalInformation createCINClinicalInformation() {
return new CINClinicalInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link CLAClauseIdentification }
public CLAClauseIdentification createCLAClauseIdentification() {
return new CLAClauseIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link CLIClinicalIntervention }
public CLIClinicalIntervention createCLIClinicalIntervention() {
return new CLIClinicalIntervention();
* Create an instance of {@link CMPCompositeDataElementIdentification }
public CMPCompositeDataElementIdentification createCMPCompositeDataElementIdentification() {
return new CMPCompositeDataElementIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link CNIConsignmentInformation }
public CNIConsignmentInformation createCNIConsignmentInformation() {
return new CNIConsignmentInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTControlTotal }
public CNTControlTotal createCNTControlTotal() {
return new CNTControlTotal();
* Create an instance of {@link CODComponentDetails }
public CODComponentDetails createCODComponentDetails() {
return new CODComponentDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link COMCommunicationContact }
public COMCommunicationContact createCOMCommunicationContact() {
return new COMCommunicationContact();
* Create an instance of {@link COTContributionDetails }
public COTContributionDetails createCOTContributionDetails() {
return new COTContributionDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link CPIChargePaymentInstructions }
public CPIChargePaymentInstructions createCPIChargePaymentInstructions() {
return new CPIChargePaymentInstructions();
* Create an instance of {@link CPSConsignmentPackingSequence }
public CPSConsignmentPackingSequence createCPSConsignmentPackingSequence() {
return new CPSConsignmentPackingSequence();
* Create an instance of {@link CPTAccountIdentification }
public CPTAccountIdentification createCPTAccountIdentification() {
return new CPTAccountIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link CSTCustomsStatusOfGoods }
public CSTCustomsStatusOfGoods createCSTCustomsStatusOfGoods() {
return new CSTCustomsStatusOfGoods();
* Create an instance of {@link CTAContactInformation }
public CTAContactInformation createCTAContactInformation() {
return new CTAContactInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link CUXCurrencies }
public CUXCurrencies createCUXCurrencies() {
return new CUXCurrencies();
* Create an instance of {@link DAMDamage }
public DAMDamage createDAMDamage() {
return new DAMDamage();
* Create an instance of {@link DFNDefinitionFunction }
public DFNDefinitionFunction createDFNDefinitionFunction() {
return new DFNDefinitionFunction();
* Create an instance of {@link DGSDangerousGoods }
public DGSDangerousGoods createDGSDangerousGoods() {
return new DGSDangerousGoods();
* Create an instance of {@link DIIDirectoryIdentification }
public DIIDirectoryIdentification createDIIDirectoryIdentification() {
return new DIIDirectoryIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link DIMDimensions }
public DIMDimensions createDIMDimensions() {
return new DIMDimensions();
* Create an instance of {@link DLIDocumentLineIdentification }
public DLIDocumentLineIdentification createDLIDocumentLineIdentification() {
return new DLIDocumentLineIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link DLMDeliveryLimitations }
public DLMDeliveryLimitations createDLMDeliveryLimitations() {
return new DLMDeliveryLimitations();
* Create an instance of {@link DMSDocumentMessageSummary }
public DMSDocumentMessageSummary createDMSDocumentMessageSummary() {
return new DMSDocumentMessageSummary();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCDocumentMessageDetails }
public DOCDocumentMessageDetails createDOCDocumentMessageDetails() {
return new DOCDocumentMessageDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link DRDDataRepresentationDetails }
public DRDDataRepresentationDetails createDRDDataRepresentationDetails() {
return new DRDDataRepresentationDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link DSGDosageAdministration }
public DSGDosageAdministration createDSGDosageAdministration() {
return new DSGDosageAdministration();
* Create an instance of {@link DSIDataSetIdentification }
public DSIDataSetIdentification createDSIDataSetIdentification() {
return new DSIDataSetIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link DTMDateTimePeriod }
public DTMDateTimePeriod createDTMDateTimePeriod() {
return new DTMDateTimePeriod();
* Create an instance of {@link EDTEditingDetails }
public EDTEditingDetails createEDTEditingDetails() {
return new EDTEditingDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link EFIExternalFileLinkIdentification }
public EFIExternalFileLinkIdentification createEFIExternalFileLinkIdentification() {
return new EFIExternalFileLinkIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link ELMSimpleDataElementDetails }
public ELMSimpleDataElementDetails createELMSimpleDataElementDetails() {
return new ELMSimpleDataElementDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link ELUDataElementUsageDetails }
public ELUDataElementUsageDetails createELUDataElementUsageDetails() {
return new ELUDataElementUsageDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link ELVElementValueDefinition }
public ELVElementValueDefinition createELVElementValueDefinition() {
return new ELVElementValueDefinition();
* Create an instance of {@link EMPEmploymentDetails }
public EMPEmploymentDetails createEMPEmploymentDetails() {
return new EMPEmploymentDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link EQAAttachedEquipment }
public EQAAttachedEquipment createEQAAttachedEquipment() {
return new EQAAttachedEquipment();
* Create an instance of {@link EQDEquipmentDetails }
public EQDEquipmentDetails createEQDEquipmentDetails() {
return new EQDEquipmentDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link EQNNumberOfUnits }
public EQNNumberOfUnits createEQNNumberOfUnits() {
return new EQNNumberOfUnits();
* Create an instance of {@link ERCApplicationErrorInformation }
public ERCApplicationErrorInformation createERCApplicationErrorInformation() {
return new ERCApplicationErrorInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link ERPErrorPointDetails }
public ERPErrorPointDetails createERPErrorPointDetails() {
return new ERPErrorPointDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link EVEEvent }
public EVEEvent createEVEEvent() {
return new EVEEvent();
* Create an instance of {@link EVTEvent }
public EVTEvent createEVTEvent() {
return new EVTEvent();
* Create an instance of {@link FCAFinancialChargesAllocation }
public FCAFinancialChargesAllocation createFCAFinancialChargesAllocation() {
return new FCAFinancialChargesAllocation();
* Create an instance of {@link FIIFinancialInstitutionInformation }
public FIIFinancialInstitutionInformation createFIIFinancialInstitutionInformation() {
return new FIIFinancialInstitutionInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link FNSFootnoteSet }
public FNSFootnoteSet createFNSFootnoteSet() {
return new FNSFootnoteSet();
* Create an instance of {@link FNTFootnote }
public FNTFootnote createFNTFootnote() {
return new FNTFootnote();
* Create an instance of {@link FORFormula }
public FORFormula createFORFormula() {
return new FORFormula();
* Create an instance of {@link FSQFormulaSequence }
public FSQFormulaSequence createFSQFormulaSequence() {
return new FSQFormulaSequence();
* Create an instance of {@link FTXFreeText }
public FTXFreeText createFTXFreeText() {
return new FTXFreeText();
* Create an instance of {@link GDSNatureOfCargo }
public GDSNatureOfCargo createGDSNatureOfCargo() {
return new GDSNatureOfCargo();
* Create an instance of {@link GEIProcessingInformation }
public GEIProcessingInformation createGEIProcessingInformation() {
return new GEIProcessingInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link GIDGoodsItemDetails }
public GIDGoodsItemDetails createGIDGoodsItemDetails() {
return new GIDGoodsItemDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link GINGoodsIdentityNumber }
public GINGoodsIdentityNumber createGINGoodsIdentityNumber() {
return new GINGoodsIdentityNumber();
* Create an instance of {@link GIRRelatedIdentificationNumbers }
public GIRRelatedIdentificationNumbers createGIRRelatedIdentificationNumbers() {
return new GIRRelatedIdentificationNumbers();
* Create an instance of {@link GISGeneralIndicator }
public GISGeneralIndicator createGISGeneralIndicator() {
return new GISGeneralIndicator();
* Create an instance of {@link GORGovernmentalRequirements }
public GORGovernmentalRequirements createGORGovernmentalRequirements() {
return new GORGovernmentalRequirements();
* Create an instance of {@link GRUSegmentGroupUsageDetails }
public GRUSegmentGroupUsageDetails createGRUSegmentGroupUsageDetails() {
return new GRUSegmentGroupUsageDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link HANHandlingInstructions }
public HANHandlingInstructions createHANHandlingInstructions() {
return new HANHandlingInstructions();
* Create an instance of {@link HYNHierarchyInformation }
public HYNHierarchyInformation createHYNHierarchyInformation() {
return new HYNHierarchyInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link ICDInsuranceCoverDescription }
public ICDInsuranceCoverDescription createICDInsuranceCoverDescription() {
return new ICDInsuranceCoverDescription();
* Create an instance of {@link IDEIdentity }
public IDEIdentity createIDEIdentity() {
return new IDEIdentity();
* Create an instance of {@link IFDInformationDetail }
public IFDInformationDetail createIFDInformationDetail() {
return new IFDInformationDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link IHCPersonCharacteristic }
public IHCPersonCharacteristic createIHCPersonCharacteristic() {
return new IHCPersonCharacteristic();
* Create an instance of {@link IMDItemDescription }
public IMDItemDescription createIMDItemDescription() {
return new IMDItemDescription();
* Create an instance of {@link INDIndexDetails }
public INDIndexDetails createINDIndexDetails() {
return new INDIndexDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link INPPartiesAndInstruction }
public INPPartiesAndInstruction createINPPartiesAndInstruction() {
return new INPPartiesAndInstruction();
* Create an instance of {@link INVInventoryManagementRelatedDetails }
public INVInventoryManagementRelatedDetails createINVInventoryManagementRelatedDetails() {
return new INVInventoryManagementRelatedDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link IRQInformationRequired }
public IRQInformationRequired createIRQInformationRequired() {
return new IRQInformationRequired();
* Create an instance of {@link LANLanguage }
public LANLanguage createLANLanguage() {
return new LANLanguage();
* Create an instance of {@link LINLineItem }
public LINLineItem createLINLineItem() {
return new LINLineItem();
* Create an instance of {@link LOCPlaceLocationIdentification }
public LOCPlaceLocationIdentification createLOCPlaceLocationIdentification() {
return new LOCPlaceLocationIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link MEAMeasurements }
public MEAMeasurements createMEAMeasurements() {
return new MEAMeasurements();
* Create an instance of {@link MEMMembershipDetails }
public MEMMembershipDetails createMEMMembershipDetails() {
return new MEMMembershipDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link MKSMarketSalesChannelInformation }
public MKSMarketSalesChannelInformation createMKSMarketSalesChannelInformation() {
return new MKSMarketSalesChannelInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link MOAMonetaryAmount }
public MOAMonetaryAmount createMOAMonetaryAmount() {
return new MOAMonetaryAmount();
* Create an instance of {@link MSGMessageTypeIdentification }
public MSGMessageTypeIdentification createMSGMessageTypeIdentification() {
return new MSGMessageTypeIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link MTDMaintenanceOperationDetails }
public MTDMaintenanceOperationDetails createMTDMaintenanceOperationDetails() {
return new MTDMaintenanceOperationDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link NADNameAndAddress }
public NADNameAndAddress createNADNameAndAddress() {
return new NADNameAndAddress();
* Create an instance of {@link NATNationality }
public NATNationality createNATNationality() {
return new NATNationality();
* Create an instance of {@link PACPackage }
public PACPackage createPACPackage() {
return new PACPackage();
* Create an instance of {@link PAIPaymentInstructions }
public PAIPaymentInstructions createPAIPaymentInstructions() {
return new PAIPaymentInstructions();
* Create an instance of {@link PASAttendance }
public PASAttendance createPASAttendance() {
return new PASAttendance();
* Create an instance of {@link PATPaymentTermsBasis }
public PATPaymentTermsBasis createPATPaymentTermsBasis() {
return new PATPaymentTermsBasis();
* Create an instance of {@link PCCPremiumCalculationComponentDetails }
public PCCPremiumCalculationComponentDetails createPCCPremiumCalculationComponentDetails() {
return new PCCPremiumCalculationComponentDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link PCDPercentageDetails }
public PCDPercentageDetails createPCDPercentageDetails() {
return new PCDPercentageDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link PCIPackageIdentification }
public PCIPackageIdentification createPCIPackageIdentification() {
return new PCIPackageIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link PDIPersonDemographicInformation }
public PDIPersonDemographicInformation createPDIPersonDemographicInformation() {
return new PDIPersonDemographicInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link PERPeriodRelatedDetails }
public PERPeriodRelatedDetails createPERPeriodRelatedDetails() {
return new PERPeriodRelatedDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link PGIProductGroupInformation }
public PGIProductGroupInformation createPGIProductGroupInformation() {
return new PGIProductGroupInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link PIAAdditionalProductId }
public PIAAdditionalProductId createPIAAdditionalProductId() {
return new PIAAdditionalProductId();
* Create an instance of {@link PNAPartyIdentification }
public PNAPartyIdentification createPNAPartyIdentification() {
return new PNAPartyIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link POCPurposeOfConveyanceCall }
public POCPurposeOfConveyanceCall createPOCPurposeOfConveyanceCall() {
return new POCPurposeOfConveyanceCall();
* Create an instance of {@link PRCProcessIdentification }
public PRCProcessIdentification createPRCProcessIdentification() {
return new PRCProcessIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIPriceDetails }
public PRIPriceDetails createPRIPriceDetails() {
return new PRIPriceDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link PRVProvisoDetails }
public PRVProvisoDetails createPRVProvisoDetails() {
return new PRVProvisoDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link PSDPhysicalSampleDescription }
public PSDPhysicalSampleDescription createPSDPhysicalSampleDescription() {
return new PSDPhysicalSampleDescription();
* Create an instance of {@link PTYPriority }
public PTYPriority createPTYPriority() {
return new PTYPriority();
* Create an instance of {@link PYTPaymentTerms }
public PYTPaymentTerms createPYTPaymentTerms() {
return new PYTPaymentTerms();
* Create an instance of {@link QRSQueryAndResponse }
public QRSQueryAndResponse createQRSQueryAndResponse() {
return new QRSQueryAndResponse();
* Create an instance of {@link QTYQuantity }
public QTYQuantity createQTYQuantity() {
return new QTYQuantity();
* Create an instance of {@link QUAQualification }
public QUAQualification createQUAQualification() {
return new QUAQualification();
* Create an instance of {@link QVRQuantityVariances }
public QVRQuantityVariances createQVRQuantityVariances() {
return new QVRQuantityVariances();
* Create an instance of {@link RCSRequirementsAndConditions }
public RCSRequirementsAndConditions createRCSRequirementsAndConditions() {
return new RCSRequirementsAndConditions();
* Create an instance of {@link RELRelationship }
public RELRelationship createRELRelationship() {
return new RELRelationship();
* Create an instance of {@link RFFReference }
public RFFReference createRFFReference() {
return new RFFReference();
* Create an instance of {@link RJLAccountingJournalIdentification }
public RJLAccountingJournalIdentification createRJLAccountingJournalIdentification() {
return new RJLAccountingJournalIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link RNGRangeDetails }
public RNGRangeDetails createRNGRangeDetails() {
return new RNGRangeDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link RODRiskObjectType }
public RODRiskObjectType createRODRiskObjectType() {
return new RODRiskObjectType();
* Create an instance of {@link RSLResult }
public RSLResult createRSLResult() {
return new RSLResult();
* Create an instance of {@link RTERateDetails }
public RTERateDetails createRTERateDetails() {
return new RTERateDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link SALRemunerationTypeIdentification }
public SALRemunerationTypeIdentification createSALRemunerationTypeIdentification() {
return new SALRemunerationTypeIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link SCCSchedulingConditions }
public SCCSchedulingConditions createSCCSchedulingConditions() {
return new SCCSchedulingConditions();
* Create an instance of {@link SCDStructureComponentDefinition }
public SCDStructureComponentDefinition createSCDStructureComponentDefinition() {
return new SCDStructureComponentDefinition();
* Create an instance of {@link SEGSegmentIdentification }
public SEGSegmentIdentification createSEGSegmentIdentification() {
return new SEGSegmentIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link SELSealNumber }
public SELSealNumber createSELSealNumber() {
return new SELSealNumber();
* Create an instance of {@link SEQSequenceDetails }
public SEQSequenceDetails createSEQSequenceDetails() {
return new SEQSequenceDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link SFISafetyInformation }
public SFISafetyInformation createSFISafetyInformation() {
return new SFISafetyInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link SGPSplitGoodsPlacement }
public SGPSplitGoodsPlacement createSGPSplitGoodsPlacement() {
return new SGPSplitGoodsPlacement();
* Create an instance of {@link SGUSegmentUsageDetails }
public SGUSegmentUsageDetails createSGUSegmentUsageDetails() {
return new SGUSegmentUsageDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link SPROrganisationClassificationDetails }
public SPROrganisationClassificationDetails createSPROrganisationClassificationDetails() {
return new SPROrganisationClassificationDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link SPSSamplingParametersForSummaryStatistics }
public SPSSamplingParametersForSummaryStatistics createSPSSamplingParametersForSummaryStatistics() {
return new SPSSamplingParametersForSummaryStatistics();
* Create an instance of {@link STAStatistics }
public STAStatistics createSTAStatistics() {
return new STAStatistics();
* Create an instance of {@link STCStatisticalConcept }
public STCStatisticalConcept createSTCStatisticalConcept() {
return new STCStatisticalConcept();
* Create an instance of {@link STGStages }
public STGStages createSTGStages() {
return new STGStages();
* Create an instance of {@link STSStatus }
public STSStatus createSTSStatus() {
return new STSStatus();
* Create an instance of {@link TAXDutyTaxFeeDetails }
public TAXDutyTaxFeeDetails createTAXDutyTaxFeeDetails() {
return new TAXDutyTaxFeeDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link TCCTransportChargeRateCalculations }
public TCCTransportChargeRateCalculations createTCCTransportChargeRateCalculations() {
return new TCCTransportChargeRateCalculations();
* Create an instance of {@link TDTDetailsOfTransport }
public TDTDetailsOfTransport createTDTDetailsOfTransport() {
return new TDTDetailsOfTransport();
* Create an instance of {@link TEMTestMethod }
public TEMTestMethod createTEMTestMethod() {
return new TEMTestMethod();
* Create an instance of {@link TMDTransportMovementDetails }
public TMDTransportMovementDetails createTMDTransportMovementDetails() {
return new TMDTransportMovementDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link TMPTemperature }
public TMPTemperature createTMPTemperature() {
return new TMPTemperature();
* Create an instance of {@link TODTermsOfDeliveryOrTransport }
public TODTermsOfDeliveryOrTransport createTODTermsOfDeliveryOrTransport() {
return new TODTermsOfDeliveryOrTransport();
* Create an instance of {@link TPLTransportPlacement }
public TPLTransportPlacement createTPLTransportPlacement() {
return new TPLTransportPlacement();
* Create an instance of {@link TRUTechnicalRules }
public TRUTechnicalRules createTRUTechnicalRules() {
return new TRUTechnicalRules();
* Create an instance of {@link TSRTransportServiceRequirements }
public TSRTransportServiceRequirements createTSRTransportServiceRequirements() {
return new TSRTransportServiceRequirements();
* Create an instance of {@link VLIValueListIdentification }
public VLIValueListIdentification createVLIValueListIdentification() {
return new VLIValueListIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link BadMessage.Segment }
public BadMessage.Segment createBadMessageSegment() {
return new BadMessage.Segment();
* Create an instance of {@link Interchange.FunctionGroup }
public Interchange.FunctionGroup createInterchangeFunctionGroup() {
return new Interchange.FunctionGroup();
* Create an instance of {@link Message }
public Message createMessage() {
return new Message();
* Create an instance of {@link C529ProcessingIndicator }
public C529ProcessingIndicator createC529ProcessingIndicator() {
return new C529ProcessingIndicator();
* Create an instance of {@link C528CommodityRateDetail }
public C528CommodityRateDetail createC528CommodityRateDetail() {
return new C528CommodityRateDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link C527StatisticalDetails }
public C527StatisticalDetails createC527StatisticalDetails() {
return new C527StatisticalDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C526FrequencyDetails }
public C526FrequencyDetails createC526FrequencyDetails() {
return new C526FrequencyDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C889CharacteristicValue }
public C889CharacteristicValue createC889CharacteristicValue() {
return new C889CharacteristicValue();
* Create an instance of {@link C525PurposeOfConveyanceCall }
public C525PurposeOfConveyanceCall createC525PurposeOfConveyanceCall() {
return new C525PurposeOfConveyanceCall();
* Create an instance of {@link C524HandlingInstructions }
public C524HandlingInstructions createC524HandlingInstructions() {
return new C524HandlingInstructions();
* Create an instance of {@link C402PackageTypeIdentification }
public C402PackageTypeIdentification createC402PackageTypeIdentification() {
return new C402PackageTypeIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C523NumberOfUnitDetails }
public C523NumberOfUnitDetails createC523NumberOfUnitDetails() {
return new C523NumberOfUnitDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C401ExcessTransportationInformation }
public C401ExcessTransportationInformation createC401ExcessTransportationInformation() {
return new C401ExcessTransportationInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link C522Instruction }
public C522Instruction createC522Instruction() {
return new C522Instruction();
* Create an instance of {@link C521BusinessFunction }
public C521BusinessFunction createC521BusinessFunction() {
return new C521BusinessFunction();
* Create an instance of {@link C088InstitutionIdentification }
public C088InstitutionIdentification createC088InstitutionIdentification() {
return new C088InstitutionIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C085MaritalStatusDetails }
public C085MaritalStatusDetails createC085MaritalStatusDetails() {
return new C085MaritalStatusDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C082PartyIdentificationDetails }
public C082PartyIdentificationDetails createC082PartyIdentificationDetails() {
return new C082PartyIdentificationDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C080PartyName }
public C080PartyName createC080PartyName() {
return new C080PartyName();
* Create an instance of {@link C537TransportPriority }
public C537TransportPriority createC537TransportPriority() {
return new C537TransportPriority();
* Create an instance of {@link C779ArrayStructureIdentification }
public C779ArrayStructureIdentification createC779ArrayStructureIdentification() {
return new C779ArrayStructureIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C536ContractAndCarriageCondition }
public C536ContractAndCarriageCondition createC536ContractAndCarriageCondition() {
return new C536ContractAndCarriageCondition();
* Create an instance of {@link C778PositionIdentification }
public C778PositionIdentification createC778PositionIdentification() {
return new C778PositionIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C534PaymentInstructionDetails }
public C534PaymentInstructionDetails createC534PaymentInstructionDetails() {
return new C534PaymentInstructionDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C533DutyTaxFeeAccountDetail }
public C533DutyTaxFeeAccountDetail createC533DutyTaxFeeAccountDetail() {
return new C533DutyTaxFeeAccountDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link C532ReturnablePackageDetails }
public C532ReturnablePackageDetails createC532ReturnablePackageDetails() {
return new C532ReturnablePackageDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C531PackagingDetails }
public C531PackagingDetails createC531PackagingDetails() {
return new C531PackagingDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C099FileDetails }
public C099FileDetails createC099FileDetails() {
return new C099FileDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C770ArrayCellDetails }
public C770ArrayCellDetails createC770ArrayCellDetails() {
return new C770ArrayCellDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C090AddressDetails }
public C090AddressDetails createC090AddressDetails() {
return new C090AddressDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C549MonetaryAmountFunction }
public C549MonetaryAmountFunction createC549MonetaryAmountFunction() {
return new C549MonetaryAmountFunction();
* Create an instance of {@link C546IndexValue }
public C546IndexValue createC546IndexValue() {
return new C546IndexValue();
* Create an instance of {@link C545IndexIdentification }
public C545IndexIdentification createC545IndexIdentification() {
return new C545IndexIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C786StructureComponentIdentification }
public C786StructureComponentIdentification createC786StructureComponentIdentification() {
return new C786StructureComponentIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C543AgreementTypeIdentification }
public C543AgreementTypeIdentification createC543AgreementTypeIdentification() {
return new C543AgreementTypeIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C785StatisticalConceptIdentification }
public C785StatisticalConceptIdentification createC785StatisticalConceptIdentification() {
return new C785StatisticalConceptIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C784FootnoteIdentification }
public C784FootnoteIdentification createC784FootnoteIdentification() {
return new C784FootnoteIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C783FootnoteSetIdentification }
public C783FootnoteSetIdentification createC783FootnoteSetIdentification() {
return new C783FootnoteSetIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C782DataSetIdentification }
public C782DataSetIdentification createC782DataSetIdentification() {
return new C782DataSetIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C780ValueListIdentification }
public C780ValueListIdentification createC780ValueListIdentification() {
return new C780ValueListIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C556StatusReason }
public C556StatusReason createC556StatusReason() {
return new C556StatusReason();
* Create an instance of {@link C555Status }
public C555Status createC555Status() {
return new C555Status();
* Create an instance of {@link C554RateTariffClassDetail }
public C554RateTariffClassDetail createC554RateTariffClassDetail() {
return new C554RateTariffClassDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link C553RelatedLocationTwoIdentification }
public C553RelatedLocationTwoIdentification createC553RelatedLocationTwoIdentification() {
return new C553RelatedLocationTwoIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C552AllowanceChargeInformation }
public C552AllowanceChargeInformation createC552AllowanceChargeInformation() {
return new C552AllowanceChargeInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link C551BankOperation }
public C551BankOperation createC551BankOperation() {
return new C551BankOperation();
* Create an instance of {@link C550RequirementConditionIdentification }
public C550RequirementConditionIdentification createC550RequirementConditionIdentification() {
return new C550RequirementConditionIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C208IdentityNumberRange }
public C208IdentityNumberRange createC208IdentityNumberRange() {
return new C208IdentityNumberRange();
* Create an instance of {@link C329PatternDescription }
public C329PatternDescription createC329PatternDescription() {
return new C329PatternDescription();
* Create an instance of {@link C206IdentificationNumber }
public C206IdentificationNumber createC206IdentificationNumber() {
return new C206IdentificationNumber();
* Create an instance of {@link C205HazardCode }
public C205HazardCode createC205HazardCode() {
return new C205HazardCode();
* Create an instance of {@link C203RateTariffClass }
public C203RateTariffClass createC203RateTariffClass() {
return new C203RateTariffClass();
* Create an instance of {@link C202PackageType }
public C202PackageType createC202PackageType() {
return new C202PackageType();
* Create an instance of {@link C564PhysicalOrLogicalStateInformation }
public C564PhysicalOrLogicalStateInformation createC564PhysicalOrLogicalStateInformation() {
return new C564PhysicalOrLogicalStateInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link C200Charge }
public C200Charge createC200Charge() {
return new C200Charge();
* Create an instance of {@link C219MovementType }
public C219MovementType createC219MovementType() {
return new C219MovementType();
* Create an instance of {@link C218HazardousMaterial }
public C218HazardousMaterial createC218HazardousMaterial() {
return new C218HazardousMaterial();
* Create an instance of {@link C215SealIssuer }
public C215SealIssuer createC215SealIssuer() {
return new C215SealIssuer();
* Create an instance of {@link C214SpecialServicesIdentification }
public C214SpecialServicesIdentification createC214SpecialServicesIdentification() {
return new C214SpecialServicesIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C213NumberAndTypeOfPackages }
public C213NumberAndTypeOfPackages createC213NumberAndTypeOfPackages() {
return new C213NumberAndTypeOfPackages();
* Create an instance of {@link C212ItemNumberIdentification }
public C212ItemNumberIdentification createC212ItemNumberIdentification() {
return new C212ItemNumberIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C333InformationRequest }
public C333InformationRequest createC333InformationRequest() {
return new C333InformationRequest();
* Create an instance of {@link C211Dimensions }
public C211Dimensions createC211Dimensions() {
return new C211Dimensions();
* Create an instance of {@link C332SalesChannelIdentification }
public C332SalesChannelIdentification createC332SalesChannelIdentification() {
return new C332SalesChannelIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C210MarksLabels }
public C210MarksLabels createC210MarksLabels() {
return new C210MarksLabels();
* Create an instance of {@link C331InsuranceCoverDetails }
public C331InsuranceCoverDetails createC331InsuranceCoverDetails() {
return new C331InsuranceCoverDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C330InsuranceCoverType }
public C330InsuranceCoverType createC330InsuranceCoverType() {
return new C330InsuranceCoverType();
* Create an instance of {@link C901ApplicationErrorDetail }
public C901ApplicationErrorDetail createC901ApplicationErrorDetail() {
return new C901ApplicationErrorDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link C108TextLiteral }
public C108TextLiteral createC108TextLiteral() {
return new C108TextLiteral();
* Create an instance of {@link C229ChargeCategory }
public C229ChargeCategory createC229ChargeCategory() {
return new C229ChargeCategory();
* Create an instance of {@link C107TextReference }
public C107TextReference createC107TextReference() {
return new C107TextReference();
* Create an instance of {@link C228TransportMeans }
public C228TransportMeans createC228TransportMeans() {
return new C228TransportMeans();
* Create an instance of {@link C106DocumentMessageIdentification }
public C106DocumentMessageIdentification createC106DocumentMessageIdentification() {
return new C106DocumentMessageIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C224EquipmentSizeAndType }
public C224EquipmentSizeAndType createC224EquipmentSizeAndType() {
return new C224EquipmentSizeAndType();
* Create an instance of {@link C223DangerousGoodsShipmentFlashpoint }
public C223DangerousGoodsShipmentFlashpoint createC223DangerousGoodsShipmentFlashpoint() {
return new C223DangerousGoodsShipmentFlashpoint();
* Create an instance of {@link C101ReligionDetails }
public C101ReligionDetails createC101ReligionDetails() {
return new C101ReligionDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C222TransportIdentification }
public C222TransportIdentification createC222TransportIdentification() {
return new C222TransportIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C585PriorityDetails }
public C585PriorityDetails createC585PriorityDetails() {
return new C585PriorityDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C100TermsOfDeliveryOrTransport }
public C100TermsOfDeliveryOrTransport createC100TermsOfDeliveryOrTransport() {
return new C100TermsOfDeliveryOrTransport();
* Create an instance of {@link C220ModeOfTransport }
public C220ModeOfTransport createC220ModeOfTransport() {
return new C220ModeOfTransport();
* Create an instance of {@link C239TemperatureSetting }
public C239TemperatureSetting createC239TemperatureSetting() {
return new C239TemperatureSetting();
* Create an instance of {@link C237EquipmentIdentification }
public C237EquipmentIdentification createC237EquipmentIdentification() {
return new C237EquipmentIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C236DangerousGoodsLabel }
public C236DangerousGoodsLabel createC236DangerousGoodsLabel() {
return new C236DangerousGoodsLabel();
* Create an instance of {@link C235HazardIdentificationPlacardDetails }
public C235HazardIdentificationPlacardDetails createC235HazardIdentificationPlacardDetails() {
return new C235HazardIdentificationPlacardDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C234UndgInformation }
public C234UndgInformation createC234UndgInformation() {
return new C234UndgInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link C112TermsTimeInformation }
public C112TermsTimeInformation createC112TermsTimeInformation() {
return new C112TermsTimeInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link C233Service }
public C233Service createC233Service() {
return new C233Service();
* Create an instance of {@link C596AccountingEntryTypeDetails }
public C596AccountingEntryTypeDetails createC596AccountingEntryTypeDetails() {
return new C596AccountingEntryTypeDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C232GovernmentAction }
public C232GovernmentAction createC232GovernmentAction() {
return new C232GovernmentAction();
* Create an instance of {@link C595AccountingJournalIdentification }
public C595AccountingJournalIdentification createC595AccountingJournalIdentification() {
return new C595AccountingJournalIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C110PaymentTerms }
public C110PaymentTerms createC110PaymentTerms() {
return new C110PaymentTerms();
* Create an instance of {@link C231MethodOfPayment }
public C231MethodOfPayment createC231MethodOfPayment() {
return new C231MethodOfPayment();
* Create an instance of {@link C593AccountIdentification }
public C593AccountIdentification createC593AccountIdentification() {
return new C593AccountIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C009InformationCategory }
public C009InformationCategory createC009InformationCategory() {
return new C009InformationCategory();
* Create an instance of {@link C008MonetaryAmountFunctionDetail }
public C008MonetaryAmountFunctionDetail createC008MonetaryAmountFunctionDetail() {
return new C008MonetaryAmountFunctionDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link C128RateDetails }
public C128RateDetails createC128RateDetails() {
return new C128RateDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C004EventCategory }
public C004EventCategory createC004EventCategory() {
return new C004EventCategory();
* Create an instance of {@link C246CustomsIdentityCodes }
public C246CustomsIdentityCodes createC246CustomsIdentityCodes() {
return new C246CustomsIdentityCodes();
* Create an instance of {@link C002DocumentMessageName }
public C002DocumentMessageName createC002DocumentMessageName() {
return new C002DocumentMessageName();
* Create an instance of {@link C244TestMethod }
public C244TestMethod createC244TestMethod() {
return new C244TestMethod();
* Create an instance of {@link C243DutyTaxFeeDetail }
public C243DutyTaxFeeDetail createC243DutyTaxFeeDetail() {
return new C243DutyTaxFeeDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link C242ProcessTypeAndDescription }
public C242ProcessTypeAndDescription createC242ProcessTypeAndDescription() {
return new C242ProcessTypeAndDescription();
* Create an instance of {@link C241DutyTaxFeeType }
public C241DutyTaxFeeType createC241DutyTaxFeeType() {
return new C241DutyTaxFeeType();
* Create an instance of {@link C240ProductCharacteristic }
public C240ProductCharacteristic createC240ProductCharacteristic() {
return new C240ProductCharacteristic();
* Create an instance of {@link C819CountrySubEntityDetails }
public C819CountrySubEntityDetails createC819CountrySubEntityDetails() {
return new C819CountrySubEntityDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C818PersonInheritedCharacteristicDetails }
public C818PersonInheritedCharacteristicDetails createC818PersonInheritedCharacteristicDetails() {
return new C818PersonInheritedCharacteristicDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C817AddressUsage }
public C817AddressUsage createC817AddressUsage() {
return new C817AddressUsage();
* Create an instance of {@link C816NameComponentDetails }
public C816NameComponentDetails createC816NameComponentDetails() {
return new C816NameComponentDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C815AdditionalSafetyInformation }
public C815AdditionalSafetyInformation createC815AdditionalSafetyInformation() {
return new C815AdditionalSafetyInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link C814SafetySection }
public C814SafetySection createC814SafetySection() {
return new C814SafetySection();
* Create an instance of {@link C812ResponseDetails }
public C812ResponseDetails createC812ResponseDetails() {
return new C812ResponseDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C019PaymentTerms }
public C019PaymentTerms createC019PaymentTerms() {
return new C019PaymentTerms();
* Create an instance of {@link C811QuestionDetails }
public C811QuestionDetails createC811QuestionDetails() {
return new C811QuestionDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C138PriceMultiplierInformation }
public C138PriceMultiplierInformation createC138PriceMultiplierInformation() {
return new C138PriceMultiplierInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link C012ProcessingIndicator }
public C012ProcessingIndicator createC012ProcessingIndicator() {
return new C012ProcessingIndicator();
* Create an instance of {@link C011InformationDetail }
public C011InformationDetail createC011InformationDetail() {
return new C011InformationDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link C010InformationType }
public C010InformationType createC010InformationType() {
return new C010InformationType();
* Create an instance of {@link C709MessageIdentifier }
public C709MessageIdentifier createC709MessageIdentifier() {
return new C709MessageIdentifier();
* Create an instance of {@link C829SubLineInformation }
public C829SubLineInformation createC829SubLineInformation() {
return new C829SubLineInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link C828ClinicalInterventionDetails }
public C828ClinicalInterventionDetails createC828ClinicalInterventionDetails() {
return new C828ClinicalInterventionDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C827TypeOfMarking }
public C827TypeOfMarking createC827TypeOfMarking() {
return new C827TypeOfMarking();
* Create an instance of {@link C948EmploymentCategory }
public C948EmploymentCategory createC948EmploymentCategory() {
return new C948EmploymentCategory();
* Create an instance of {@link C826Action }
public C826Action createC826Action() {
return new C826Action();
* Create an instance of {@link C825DamageSeverity }
public C825DamageSeverity createC825DamageSeverity() {
return new C825DamageSeverity();
* Create an instance of {@link C703NatureOfCargo }
public C703NatureOfCargo createC703NatureOfCargo() {
return new C703NatureOfCargo();
* Create an instance of {@link C824ComponentMaterial }
public C824ComponentMaterial createC824ComponentMaterial() {
return new C824ComponentMaterial();
* Create an instance of {@link C945MembershipLevel }
public C945MembershipLevel createC945MembershipLevel() {
return new C945MembershipLevel();
* Create an instance of {@link C702CodeSetIdentification }
public C702CodeSetIdentification createC702CodeSetIdentification() {
return new C702CodeSetIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C823TypeOfUnitComponent }
public C823TypeOfUnitComponent createC823TypeOfUnitComponent() {
return new C823TypeOfUnitComponent();
* Create an instance of {@link C944MembershipStatus }
public C944MembershipStatus createC944MembershipStatus() {
return new C944MembershipStatus();
* Create an instance of {@link C701ErrorPointDetails }
public C701ErrorPointDetails createC701ErrorPointDetails() {
return new C701ErrorPointDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C822DamageArea }
public C822DamageArea createC822DamageArea() {
return new C822DamageArea();
* Create an instance of {@link C821TypeOfDamage }
public C821TypeOfDamage createC821TypeOfDamage() {
return new C821TypeOfDamage();
* Create an instance of {@link C942MembershipCategory }
public C942MembershipCategory createC942MembershipCategory() {
return new C942MembershipCategory();
* Create an instance of {@link C820PremiumCalculationComponent }
public C820PremiumCalculationComponent createC820PremiumCalculationComponent() {
return new C820PremiumCalculationComponent();
* Create an instance of {@link C941Relationship }
public C941Relationship createC941Relationship() {
return new C941Relationship();
* Create an instance of {@link C839AttendeeCategory }
public C839AttendeeCategory createC839AttendeeCategory() {
return new C839AttendeeCategory();
* Create an instance of {@link C838DosageDetails }
public C838DosageDetails createC838DosageDetails() {
return new C838DosageDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C837CertaintyDetails }
public C837CertaintyDetails createC837CertaintyDetails() {
return new C837CertaintyDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C836ClinicalInformationDetails }
public C836ClinicalInformationDetails createC836ClinicalInformationDetails() {
return new C836ClinicalInformationDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C956AttributeDetail }
public C956AttributeDetail createC956AttributeDetail() {
return new C956AttributeDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link C955AttributeType }
public C955AttributeType createC955AttributeType() {
return new C955AttributeType();
* Create an instance of {@link C953ContributionType }
public C953ContributionType createC953ContributionType() {
return new C953ContributionType();
* Create an instance of {@link C831ResultDetails }
public C831ResultDetails createC831ResultDetails() {
return new C831ResultDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C830ProcessIdentificationDetails }
public C830ProcessIdentificationDetails createC830ProcessIdentificationDetails() {
return new C830ProcessIdentificationDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C951Occupation }
public C951Occupation createC951Occupation() {
return new C951Occupation();
* Create an instance of {@link C279QuantityDifferenceInformation }
public C279QuantityDifferenceInformation createC279QuantityDifferenceInformation() {
return new C279QuantityDifferenceInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link C950QualificationClassification }
public C950QualificationClassification createC950QualificationClassification() {
return new C950QualificationClassification();
* Create an instance of {@link C273ItemDescription }
public C273ItemDescription createC273ItemDescription() {
return new C273ItemDescription();
* Create an instance of {@link C030EventType }
public C030EventType createC030EventType() {
return new C030EventType();
* Create an instance of {@link C272ItemCharacteristic }
public C272ItemCharacteristic createC272ItemCharacteristic() {
return new C272ItemCharacteristic();
* Create an instance of {@link C270Control }
public C270Control createC270Control() {
return new C270Control();
* Create an instance of {@link C849PartiesToInstruction }
public C849PartiesToInstruction createC849PartiesToInstruction() {
return new C849PartiesToInstruction();
* Create an instance of {@link C848MeasurementUnitDetails }
public C848MeasurementUnitDetails createC848MeasurementUnitDetails() {
return new C848MeasurementUnitDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C844OrganisationClassificationDetail }
public C844OrganisationClassificationDetail createC844OrganisationClassificationDetail() {
return new C844OrganisationClassificationDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link C601StatusCategory }
public C601StatusCategory createC601StatusCategory() {
return new C601StatusCategory();
* Create an instance of {@link C049RemunerationTypeIdentification }
public C049RemunerationTypeIdentification createC049RemunerationTypeIdentification() {
return new C049RemunerationTypeIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C841AttendanceDischargeDetails }
public C841AttendanceDischargeDetails createC841AttendanceDischargeDetails() {
return new C841AttendanceDischargeDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C840AttendanceAdmissionDetails }
public C840AttendanceAdmissionDetails createC840AttendanceAdmissionDetails() {
return new C840AttendanceAdmissionDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C961FormulaComplexity }
public C961FormulaComplexity createC961FormulaComplexity() {
return new C961FormulaComplexity();
* Create an instance of {@link C960ReasonForChange }
public C960ReasonForChange createC960ReasonForChange() {
return new C960ReasonForChange();
* Create an instance of {@link C288ProductGroup }
public C288ProductGroup createC288ProductGroup() {
return new C288ProductGroup();
* Create an instance of {@link C045BillLevelIdentification }
public C045BillLevelIdentification createC045BillLevelIdentification() {
return new C045BillLevelIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C286SequenceInformation }
public C286SequenceInformation createC286SequenceInformation() {
return new C286SequenceInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link C042NationalityDetails }
public C042NationalityDetails createC042NationalityDetails() {
return new C042NationalityDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C040Carrier }
public C040Carrier createC040Carrier() {
return new C040Carrier();
* Create an instance of {@link C280Range }
public C280Range createC280Range() {
return new C280Range();
* Create an instance of {@link C977PeriodDetail }
public C977PeriodDetail createC977PeriodDetail() {
return new C977PeriodDetail();
* Create an instance of {@link C853ErrorSegmentPointDetails }
public C853ErrorSegmentPointDetails createC853ErrorSegmentPointDetails() {
return new C853ErrorSegmentPointDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C974BasisType }
public C974BasisType createC974BasisType() {
return new C974BasisType();
* Create an instance of {@link C852RiskObjectSubType }
public C852RiskObjectSubType createC852RiskObjectSubType() {
return new C852RiskObjectSubType();
* Create an instance of {@link C973ApplicabilityType }
public C973ApplicabilityType createC973ApplicabilityType() {
return new C973ApplicabilityType();
* Create an instance of {@link C059Street }
public C059Street createC059Street() {
return new C059Street();
* Create an instance of {@link C851RiskObjectType }
public C851RiskObjectType createC851RiskObjectType() {
return new C851RiskObjectType();
* Create an instance of {@link C972ProvisoCalculation }
public C972ProvisoCalculation createC972ProvisoCalculation() {
return new C972ProvisoCalculation();
* Create an instance of {@link C058NameAndAddress }
public C058NameAndAddress createC058NameAndAddress() {
return new C058NameAndAddress();
* Create an instance of {@link C850StatusOfInstruction }
public C850StatusOfInstruction createC850StatusOfInstruction() {
return new C850StatusOfInstruction();
* Create an instance of {@link C971ProvisoType }
public C971ProvisoType createC971ProvisoType() {
return new C971ProvisoType();
* Create an instance of {@link C970ClauseName }
public C970ClauseName createC970ClauseName() {
return new C970ClauseName();
* Create an instance of {@link C056DepartmentOrEmployeeDetails }
public C056DepartmentOrEmployeeDetails createC056DepartmentOrEmployeeDetails() {
return new C056DepartmentOrEmployeeDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C174ValueRange }
public C174ValueRange createC174ValueRange() {
return new C174ValueRange();
* Create an instance of {@link C292PriceChangeInformation }
public C292PriceChangeInformation createC292PriceChangeInformation() {
return new C292PriceChangeInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link C509PriceInformation }
public C509PriceInformation createC509PriceInformation() {
return new C509PriceInformation();
* Create an instance of {@link C508LanguageDetails }
public C508LanguageDetails createC508LanguageDetails() {
return new C508LanguageDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C507DateTimePeriod }
public C507DateTimePeriod createC507DateTimePeriod() {
return new C507DateTimePeriod();
* Create an instance of {@link C506Reference }
public C506Reference createC506Reference() {
return new C506Reference();
* Create an instance of {@link C504CurrencyDetails }
public C504CurrencyDetails createC504CurrencyDetails() {
return new C504CurrencyDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C503DocumentMessageDetails }
public C503DocumentMessageDetails createC503DocumentMessageDetails() {
return new C503DocumentMessageDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C502MeasurementDetails }
public C502MeasurementDetails createC502MeasurementDetails() {
return new C502MeasurementDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C501PercentageDetails }
public C501PercentageDetails createC501PercentageDetails() {
return new C501PercentageDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C186QuantityDetails }
public C186QuantityDetails createC186QuantityDetails() {
return new C186QuantityDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C063EventIdentification }
public C063EventIdentification createC063EventIdentification() {
return new C063EventIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C519RelatedLocationOneIdentification }
public C519RelatedLocationOneIdentification createC519RelatedLocationOneIdentification() {
return new C519RelatedLocationOneIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C517LocationIdentification }
public C517LocationIdentification createC517LocationIdentification() {
return new C517LocationIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C516MonetaryAmount }
public C516MonetaryAmount createC516MonetaryAmount() {
return new C516MonetaryAmount();
* Create an instance of {@link C515TestReason }
public C515TestReason createC515TestReason() {
return new C515TestReason();
* Create an instance of {@link C878ChargeAllowanceAccount }
public C878ChargeAllowanceAccount createC878ChargeAllowanceAccount() {
return new C878ChargeAllowanceAccount();
* Create an instance of {@link C514SampleLocationDetails }
public C514SampleLocationDetails createC514SampleLocationDetails() {
return new C514SampleLocationDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C512SizeDetails }
public C512SizeDetails createC512SizeDetails() {
return new C512SizeDetails();
* Create an instance of {@link C079ComputerEnvironmentIdentification }
public C079ComputerEnvironmentIdentification createC079ComputerEnvironmentIdentification() {
return new C079ComputerEnvironmentIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C078AccountHolderIdentification }
public C078AccountHolderIdentification createC078AccountHolderIdentification() {
return new C078AccountHolderIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C077FileIdentification }
public C077FileIdentification createC077FileIdentification() {
return new C077FileIdentification();
* Create an instance of {@link C076CommunicationContact }
public C076CommunicationContact createC076CommunicationContact() {
return new C076CommunicationContact();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAMA.SegGrp1 }
public DOCAMA.SegGrp1 createDOCAMASegGrp1() {
return new DOCAMA.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAMA.SegGrp2 }
public DOCAMA.SegGrp2 createDOCAMASegGrp2() {
return new DOCAMA.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAMA.SegGrp3 }
public DOCAMA.SegGrp3 createDOCAMASegGrp3() {
return new DOCAMA.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link BALANC.SegGrp3 }
public BALANC.SegGrp3 createBALANCSegGrp3() {
return new BALANC.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link BALANC.SegGrp7 }
public BALANC.SegGrp7 createBALANCSegGrp7() {
return new BALANC.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link BALANC.SegGrp8 }
public BALANC.SegGrp8 createBALANCSegGrp8() {
return new BALANC.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link BALANC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public BALANC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createBALANCSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new BALANC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link BALANC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public BALANC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createBALANCSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new BALANC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link INFCON.SegGrp1 }
public INFCON.SegGrp1 createINFCONSegGrp1() {
return new INFCON.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link INFCON.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public INFCON.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createINFCONSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new INFCON.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link INFCON.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public INFCON.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createINFCONSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new INFCON.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link INFCON.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public INFCON.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createINFCONSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new INFCON.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link INFCON.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public INFCON.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createINFCONSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new INFCON.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp1 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp1 createMEDRPTSegGrp1() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp19 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp19 createMEDRPTSegGrp19() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp6SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp6SegGrp16SegGrp18() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp6SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9SegGrp11() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createMEDRPTSegGrp2SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new MEDRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp1 }
public RECADV.SegGrp1 createRECADVSegGrp1() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp10 }
public RECADV.SegGrp10 createRECADVSegGrp10() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp22SegGrp23() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp28 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp28 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp22SegGrp28() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp22SegGrp29SegGrp30() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp31 .SegGrp32 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp31 .SegGrp32 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp22SegGrp29SegGrp31SegGrp32() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp31 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp22SegGrp26SegGrp27() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp22SegGrp24SegGrp25() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createRECADVSegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp18SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public RECADV.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createRECADVSegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public RECADV.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createRECADVSegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public RECADV.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createRECADVSegGrp11SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public RECADV.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createRECADVSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 }
public RECADV.SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 createRECADVSegGrp7SegGrp9() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp7 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public RECADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createRECADVSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public RECADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createRECADVSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link RECADV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public RECADV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createRECADVSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new RECADV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp6 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp6 createPROTAPSegGrp6() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp7 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp7 createPROTAPSegGrp7() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createPROTAPSegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 createPROTAPSegGrp16SegGrp18() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp19 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp19 createPROTAPSegGrp16SegGrp19() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp20 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp20 createPROTAPSegGrp16SegGrp20() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 createPROTAPSegGrp16SegGrp21SegGrp22() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 createPROTAPSegGrp16SegGrp21SegGrp23() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 createPROTAPSegGrp16SegGrp21SegGrp24() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp25 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp25 createPROTAPSegGrp16SegGrp21SegGrp25() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createPROTAPSegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createPROTAPSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createPROTAPSegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 createPROTAPSegGrp8SegGrp11() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 createPROTAPSegGrp8SegGrp12() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 createPROTAPSegGrp8SegGrp13() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createPROTAPSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createPROTAPSegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PROTAP.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public PROTAP.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createPROTAPSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new PROTAP.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp3 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp3 createJOBAPPSegGrp3() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp4 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp4 createJOBAPPSegGrp4() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createJOBAPPSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createJOBAPPSegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 createJOBAPPSegGrp5SegGrp8() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createJOBAPPSegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createJOBAPPSegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createJOBAPPSegGrp5SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 createJOBAPPSegGrp5SegGrp9SegGrp11() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 createJOBAPPSegGrp5SegGrp9SegGrp12() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBAPP.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public JOBAPP.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createJOBAPPSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new JOBAPP.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp1 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp1 createDOCADVSegGrp1() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp2 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp2 createDOCADVSegGrp2() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp3 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp3 createDOCADVSegGrp3() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp6 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp6 createDOCADVSegGrp6() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp7 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp7 createDOCADVSegGrp7() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp8 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp8 createDOCADVSegGrp8() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp9 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp9 createDOCADVSegGrp9() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp10 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp10 createDOCADVSegGrp10() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp11 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp11 createDOCADVSegGrp11() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp12 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp12 createDOCADVSegGrp12() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp17 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp17 createDOCADVSegGrp17() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createDOCADVSegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createDOCADVSegGrp13SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public DOCADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createDOCADVSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new DOCADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link BERMAN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public BERMAN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createBERMANSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new BERMAN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link BERMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public BERMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createBERMANSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new BERMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link BERMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public BERMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createBERMANSegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new BERMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link BERMAN.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public BERMAN.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createBERMANSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new BERMAN.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link INSPRE.SegGrp1 }
public INSPRE.SegGrp1 createINSPRESegGrp1() {
return new INSPRE.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link INSPRE.SegGrp2 }
public INSPRE.SegGrp2 createINSPRESegGrp2() {
return new INSPRE.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link INSPRE.SegGrp9 }
public INSPRE.SegGrp9 createINSPRESegGrp9() {
return new INSPRE.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createINSPRESegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createINSPRESegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 }
public INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 createINSPRESegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp8() {
return new INSPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link LEDGER.SegGrp3 }
public LEDGER.SegGrp3 createLEDGERSegGrp3() {
return new LEDGER.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link LEDGER.SegGrp10 }
public LEDGER.SegGrp10 createLEDGERSegGrp10() {
return new LEDGER.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link LEDGER.SegGrp11 }
public LEDGER.SegGrp11 createLEDGERSegGrp11() {
return new LEDGER.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 }
public LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 createLEDGERSegGrp4SegGrp9() {
return new LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 }
public LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 createLEDGERSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp8() {
return new LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createLEDGERSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new LEDGER.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link LEDGER.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public LEDGER.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createLEDGERSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new LEDGER.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTREC.SegGrp3 }
public ENTREC.SegGrp3 createENTRECSegGrp3() {
return new ENTREC.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTREC.SegGrp12 }
public ENTREC.SegGrp12 createENTRECSegGrp12() {
return new ENTREC.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTREC.SegGrp13 }
public ENTREC.SegGrp13 createENTRECSegGrp13() {
return new ENTREC.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 }
public ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 createENTRECSegGrp4SegGrp11() {
return new ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createENTRECSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 }
public ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 createENTRECSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp10() {
return new ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createENTRECSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new ENTREC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link ENTREC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public ENTREC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createENTRECSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new ENTREC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CASINT.SegGrp1 }
public CASINT.SegGrp1 createCASINTSegGrp1() {
return new CASINT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CASINT.SegGrp2 }
public CASINT.SegGrp2 createCASINTSegGrp2() {
return new CASINT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CASINT.SegGrp3 }
public CASINT.SegGrp3 createCASINTSegGrp3() {
return new CASINT.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CASINT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public CASINT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCASINTSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new CASINT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CASINT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public CASINT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createCASINTSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new CASINT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPDIR.SegGrp1 }
public BOPDIR.SegGrp1 createBOPDIRSegGrp1() {
return new BOPDIR.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPDIR.SegGrp2 }
public BOPDIR.SegGrp2 createBOPDIRSegGrp2() {
return new BOPDIR.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPDIR.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public BOPDIR.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createBOPDIRSegGrp8SegGrp9SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new BOPDIR.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPDIR.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public BOPDIR.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createBOPDIRSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new BOPDIR.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPDIR.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public BOPDIR.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createBOPDIRSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new BOPDIR.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPDIR.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public BOPDIR.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createBOPDIRSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new BOPDIR.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link INSREQ.SegGrp1 }
public INSREQ.SegGrp1 createINSREQSegGrp1() {
return new INSREQ.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link INSREQ.SegGrp2 }
public INSREQ.SegGrp2 createINSREQSegGrp2() {
return new INSREQ.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createINSREQSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createINSREQSegGrp3SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createINSREQSegGrp3SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new INSREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link BANSTA.SegGrp1 }
public BANSTA.SegGrp1 createBANSTASegGrp1() {
return new BANSTA.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link BANSTA.SegGrp2 }
public BANSTA.SegGrp2 createBANSTASegGrp2() {
return new BANSTA.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link BANSTA.SegGrp3 }
public BANSTA.SegGrp3 createBANSTASegGrp3() {
return new BANSTA.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link BANSTA.SegGrp9 }
public BANSTA.SegGrp9 createBANSTASegGrp9() {
return new BANSTA.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link BANSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public BANSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createBANSTASegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new BANSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link BANSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public BANSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createBANSTASegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new BANSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link BANSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public BANSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createBANSTASegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new BANSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link RPCALL.SegGrp1 }
public RPCALL.SegGrp1 createRPCALLSegGrp1() {
return new RPCALL.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createRPCALLSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 }
public RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 createRPCALLSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp10() {
return new RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createRPCALLSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new RPCALL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link RPCALL.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public RPCALL.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createRPCALLSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new RPCALL.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link RPCALL.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public RPCALL.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createRPCALLSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new RPCALL.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp1 }
public CLASET.SegGrp1 createCLASETSegGrp1() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp18SegGrp20() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createCLASETSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CLASET.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CLASET.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCLASETSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CLASET.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp1 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp1 createSUPRESSegGrp1() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp4 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp4 createSUPRESSegGrp4() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp5 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp5 createSUPRESSegGrp5() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp17SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp17SegGrp18SegGrp20() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp21 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp21 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp17SegGrp18SegGrp21() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp22 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp22 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp17SegGrp18SegGrp22() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp13 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp13 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp13() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp14 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp14 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp14() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp15() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp16 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp16 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp16() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createSUPRESSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPRES.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public SUPRES.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createSUPRESSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new SUPRES.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp3 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp3 createJAPRESSegGrp3() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp4 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp4 createJAPRESSegGrp4() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createJAPRESSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createJAPRESSegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 createJAPRESSegGrp5SegGrp8() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createJAPRESSegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createJAPRESSegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 createJAPRESSegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp16() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createJAPRESSegGrp5SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 createJAPRESSegGrp5SegGrp9SegGrp11() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 createJAPRESSegGrp5SegGrp9SegGrp12() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link JAPRES.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public JAPRES.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createJAPRESSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new JAPRES.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp1 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp1 createPRODATSegGrp1() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp2 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp2 createPRODATSegGrp2() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp3 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp3 createPRODATSegGrp3() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp7 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp7 createPRODATSegGrp7() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp8 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp8 createPRODATSegGrp8() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp11() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp12() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp13 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp13 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp13() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp14() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp15() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp16() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp17 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp17 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp17() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp20 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp20 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp20() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp28 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp28 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp28() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp23SegGrp24() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp25 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp25 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp23SegGrp25() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp23SegGrp26SegGrp27() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp21SegGrp22() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createPRODATSegGrp9SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createPRODATSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODAT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public PRODAT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createPRODATSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new PRODAT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp1 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp1 createPRICATSegGrp1() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp5 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp5 createPRICATSegGrp5() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp6 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp6 createPRICATSegGrp6() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp7 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp7 createPRICATSegGrp7() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp8 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp8 createPRICATSegGrp8() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp9 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp9 createPRICATSegGrp9() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp16 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp16 createPRICATSegGrp16() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp19() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp20() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp30 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp30 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp30() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp31 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp31 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp31() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp32() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp33 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp33 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp33() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp34 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp34 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp34() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp35 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp35 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp35() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp37 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp37 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp37() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp38 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp38 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp38() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp39 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp39 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp39() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp40 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp40 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp40() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp47 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp47 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp47() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp47();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp48 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp48 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp48() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp48();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp49 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp49 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp49() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp49();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp50 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp50 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp50() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp50();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp51 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp51 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp51() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp51();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp54 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp54 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp54() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp54();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp55 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp55 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp55() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp55();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp57 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp57 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp56SegGrp57() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp57();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp58 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp58 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp56SegGrp58() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp58();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp59 .SegGrp60 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp59 .SegGrp60 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp56SegGrp59SegGrp60() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp59 .SegGrp60();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp52 .SegGrp53 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp52 .SegGrp53 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp52SegGrp53() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp52 .SegGrp53();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp42 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp42 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp41SegGrp42() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp42();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp43 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp43 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp41SegGrp43() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp43();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp44 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp44 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp41SegGrp44() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp44();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp45 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp45 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp41SegGrp45() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp45();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp46 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp46 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp36SegGrp41SegGrp46() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp46();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp27SegGrp29() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp21SegGrp22() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp21SegGrp23() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp21SegGrp24() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp25 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp25 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp21SegGrp25() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp26 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp26 createPRICATSegGrp17SegGrp21SegGrp26() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createPRICATSegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createPRICATSegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 createPRICATSegGrp10SegGrp13() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 createPRICATSegGrp10SegGrp14() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp15 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp15 createPRICATSegGrp10SegGrp15() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createPRICATSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PRICAT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public PRICAT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createPRICATSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new PRICAT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBADV.SegGrp1 }
public DEBADV.SegGrp1 createDEBADVSegGrp1() {
return new DEBADV.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBADV.SegGrp2 }
public DEBADV.SegGrp2 createDEBADVSegGrp2() {
return new DEBADV.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBADV.SegGrp3 }
public DEBADV.SegGrp3 createDEBADVSegGrp3() {
return new DEBADV.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBADV.SegGrp4 }
public DEBADV.SegGrp4 createDEBADVSegGrp4() {
return new DEBADV.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBADV.SegGrp5 }
public DEBADV.SegGrp5 createDEBADVSegGrp5() {
return new DEBADV.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBADV.SegGrp6 }
public DEBADV.SegGrp6 createDEBADVSegGrp6() {
return new DEBADV.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBADV.SegGrp7 }
public DEBADV.SegGrp7 createDEBADVSegGrp7() {
return new DEBADV.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBADV.SegGrp11 }
public DEBADV.SegGrp11 createDEBADVSegGrp11() {
return new DEBADV.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBADV.SegGrp12 }
public DEBADV.SegGrp12 createDEBADVSegGrp12() {
return new DEBADV.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBADV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public DEBADV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createDEBADVSegGrp8SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new DEBADV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link RESETT.SegGrp1 }
public RESETT.SegGrp1 createRESETTSegGrp1() {
return new RESETT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link RESETT.SegGrp6 }
public RESETT.SegGrp6 createRESETTSegGrp6() {
return new RESETT.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link RESETT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public RESETT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createRESETTSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new RESETT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link RESETT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public RESETT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createRESETTSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new RESETT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CREADV.SegGrp1 }
public CREADV.SegGrp1 createCREADVSegGrp1() {
return new CREADV.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CREADV.SegGrp2 }
public CREADV.SegGrp2 createCREADVSegGrp2() {
return new CREADV.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CREADV.SegGrp3 }
public CREADV.SegGrp3 createCREADVSegGrp3() {
return new CREADV.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CREADV.SegGrp4 }
public CREADV.SegGrp4 createCREADVSegGrp4() {
return new CREADV.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CREADV.SegGrp5 }
public CREADV.SegGrp5 createCREADVSegGrp5() {
return new CREADV.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CREADV.SegGrp6 }
public CREADV.SegGrp6 createCREADVSegGrp6() {
return new CREADV.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CREADV.SegGrp10 }
public CREADV.SegGrp10 createCREADVSegGrp10() {
return new CREADV.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CREADV.SegGrp11 }
public CREADV.SegGrp11 createCREADVSegGrp11() {
return new CREADV.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CREADV.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public CREADV.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCREADVSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new CREADV.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CONRPW.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public CONRPW.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createCONRPWSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new CONRPW.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link TAXCON.SegGrp1 }
public TAXCON.SegGrp1 createTAXCONSegGrp1() {
return new TAXCON.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link TAXCON.SegGrp2 }
public TAXCON.SegGrp2 createTAXCONSegGrp2() {
return new TAXCON.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link TAXCON.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public TAXCON.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createTAXCONSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new TAXCON.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp1 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp1 createJUPREQSegGrp1() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp2 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp2 createJUPREQSegGrp2() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 createJUPREQSegGrp3SegGrp7() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 createJUPREQSegGrp3SegGrp8() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createJUPREQSegGrp3SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createJUPREQSegGrp3SegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createJUPREQSegGrp3SegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createJUPREQSegGrp3SegGrp11SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createJUPREQSegGrp3SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createJUPREQSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new JUPREQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link PRPAID.SegGrp1 }
public PRPAID.SegGrp1 createPRPAIDSegGrp1() {
return new PRPAID.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link PRPAID.SegGrp7 }
public PRPAID.SegGrp7 createPRPAIDSegGrp7() {
return new PRPAID.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link PRPAID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public PRPAID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createPRPAIDSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new PRPAID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PRPAID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public PRPAID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createPRPAIDSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new PRPAID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PRPAID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 }
public PRPAID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 createPRPAIDSegGrp2SegGrp5() {
return new PRPAID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PRPAID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 }
public PRPAID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6 createPRPAIDSegGrp2SegGrp6() {
return new PRPAID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COPAYM.SegGrp1 }
public COPAYM.SegGrp1 createCOPAYMSegGrp1() {
return new COPAYM.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COPAYM.SegGrp6 }
public COPAYM.SegGrp6 createCOPAYMSegGrp6() {
return new COPAYM.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COPAYM.SegGrp7 }
public COPAYM.SegGrp7 createCOPAYMSegGrp7() {
return new COPAYM.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link COPAYM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public COPAYM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCOPAYMSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new COPAYM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link COPAYM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public COPAYM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCOPAYMSegGrp2SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new COPAYM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPBNK.SegGrp1 }
public BOPBNK.SegGrp1 createBOPBNKSegGrp1() {
return new BOPBNK.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPBNK.SegGrp2 }
public BOPBNK.SegGrp2 createBOPBNKSegGrp2() {
return new BOPBNK.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPBNK.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public BOPBNK.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createBOPBNKSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new BOPBNK.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPBNK.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public BOPBNK.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createBOPBNKSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new BOPBNK.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link COEDOR.SegGrp1 }
public COEDOR.SegGrp1 createCOEDORSegGrp1() {
return new COEDOR.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCOEDORSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 }
public COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 createCOEDORSegGrp4SegGrp10() {
return new COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCOEDORSegGrp4SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCOEDORSegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new COEDOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link COEDOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public COEDOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCOEDORSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new COEDOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp1 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp1 createCUSCARSegGrp1() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp4 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp4 createCUSCARSegGrp4() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp17 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp17 createCUSCARSegGrp17() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 createCUSCARSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp13() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createCUSCARSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 createCUSCARSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp14SegGrp16() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createCUSCARSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createCUSCARSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createCUSCARSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSCAR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CUSCAR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCUSCARSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CUSCAR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CONWQD.SegGrp1 }
public CONWQD.SegGrp1 createCONWQDSegGrp1() {
return new CONWQD.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CONWQD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public CONWQD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCONWQDSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new CONWQD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CONWQD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public CONWQD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCONWQDSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new CONWQD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CONWQD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CONWQD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCONWQDSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CONWQD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CONWQD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public CONWQD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createCONWQDSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new CONWQD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CONWQD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 }
public CONWQD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 createCONWQDSegGrp2SegGrp5() {
return new CONWQD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link RECECO.SegGrp1 }
public RECECO.SegGrp1 createRECECOSegGrp1() {
return new RECECO.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link RECECO.SegGrp2 }
public RECECO.SegGrp2 createRECECOSegGrp2() {
return new RECECO.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp1 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp1 createDEBMULSegGrp1() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp2 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp2 createDEBMULSegGrp2() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp3 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp3 createDEBMULSegGrp3() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp28 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp28 createDEBMULSegGrp28() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp13() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp14() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp15 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp15 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp15() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp16 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp16 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp16() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp27 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp27 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20SegGrp27() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20SegGrp21SegGrp22() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20SegGrp21SegGrp23() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20SegGrp21SegGrp24SegGrp25() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20SegGrp21SegGrp24SegGrp26() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp17SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createDEBMULSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new DEBMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp1 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp1 createCREMULSegGrp1() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp2 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp2 createCREMULSegGrp2() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp3 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp3 createCREMULSegGrp3() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp28 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp28 createCREMULSegGrp28() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp13() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp14() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp15 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp15 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp15() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp16 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp16 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp16() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp27 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp27 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20SegGrp27() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20SegGrp21SegGrp22() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20SegGrp21SegGrp23() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20SegGrp21SegGrp24SegGrp25() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp20SegGrp21SegGrp24SegGrp26() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp17SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCREMULSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new CREMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp1 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp1 createIFTMCSSegGrp1() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp2 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp2 createIFTMCSSegGrp2() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp3 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp3 createIFTMCSSegGrp3() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp6 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp6 createIFTMCSSegGrp6() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp7 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp7 createIFTMCSSegGrp7() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 createIFTMCSSegGrp35SegGrp36() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp37 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp37 createIFTMCSSegGrp35SegGrp37() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp38 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp38 createIFTMCSSegGrp35SegGrp38() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 createIFTMCSSegGrp35SegGrp39SegGrp40() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp35 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp20() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp21 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp21 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp21() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp22 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp22 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp22() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp23 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp23 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp23() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp24 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp24 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp24() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp29 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp29 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp29() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp30SegGrp31() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp30SegGrp32() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp30SegGrp33SegGrp34() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 createIFTMCSSegGrp18SegGrp25SegGrp26() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createIFTMCSSegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createIFTMCSSegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createIFTMCSSegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 createIFTMCSSegGrp11SegGrp15() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 createIFTMCSSegGrp11SegGrp16() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp17 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp17 createIFTMCSSegGrp11SegGrp17() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createIFTMCSSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createIFTMCSSegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public IFTMCS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createIFTMCSSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new IFTMCS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link GENRAL.SegGrp1 }
public GENRAL.SegGrp1 createGENRALSegGrp1() {
return new GENRAL.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link GENRAL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public GENRAL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createGENRALSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new GENRAL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link GENRAL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public GENRAL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createGENRALSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new GENRAL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link GENRAL.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public GENRAL.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createGENRALSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new GENRAL.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link GENRAL.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public GENRAL.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createGENRALSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new GENRAL.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp1 }
public CODECO.SegGrp1 createCODECOSegGrp1() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createCODECOSegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp16 }
public CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp16 createCODECOSegGrp10SegGrp16() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createCODECOSegGrp10SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createCODECOSegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public CODECO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCODECOSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public CODECO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCODECOSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public CODECO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCODECOSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CODECO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CODECO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCODECOSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CODECO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DELJIT.SegGrp1 }
public DELJIT.SegGrp1 createDELJITSegGrp1() {
return new DELJIT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createDELJITSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 }
public DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 createDELJITSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp9() {
return new DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createDELJITSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createDELJITSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createDELJITSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new DELJIT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link DELJIT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public DELJIT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createDELJITSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new DELJIT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link RECLAM.SegGrp1 }
public RECLAM.SegGrp1 createRECLAMSegGrp1() {
return new RECLAM.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link RECLAM.SegGrp2 }
public RECLAM.SegGrp2 createRECLAMSegGrp2() {
return new RECLAM.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link RECLAM.SegGrp3 }
public RECLAM.SegGrp3 createRECLAMSegGrp3() {
return new RECLAM.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link RECLAM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public RECLAM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createRECLAMSegGrp8SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new RECLAM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link RECLAM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public RECLAM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createRECLAMSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new RECLAM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link RECLAM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public RECLAM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createRECLAMSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new RECLAM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link RECALC.SegGrp1 }
public RECALC.SegGrp1 createRECALCSegGrp1() {
return new RECALC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link RECALC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public RECALC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createRECALCSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new RECALC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link RECALC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public RECALC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createRECALCSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new RECALC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link TANSTA.SegGrp1 }
public TANSTA.SegGrp1 createTANSTASegGrp1() {
return new TANSTA.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link TANSTA.SegGrp2 }
public TANSTA.SegGrp2 createTANSTASegGrp2() {
return new TANSTA.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link TANSTA.SegGrp3 }
public TANSTA.SegGrp3 createTANSTASegGrp3() {
return new TANSTA.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link COLREQ.SegGrp1 }
public COLREQ.SegGrp1 createCOLREQSegGrp1() {
return new COLREQ.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COLREQ.SegGrp2 }
public COLREQ.SegGrp2 createCOLREQSegGrp2() {
return new COLREQ.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link COLREQ.SegGrp3 }
public COLREQ.SegGrp3 createCOLREQSegGrp3() {
return new COLREQ.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link COLREQ.SegGrp4 }
public COLREQ.SegGrp4 createCOLREQSegGrp4() {
return new COLREQ.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link COLREQ.SegGrp5 }
public COLREQ.SegGrp5 createCOLREQSegGrp5() {
return new COLREQ.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link COLREQ.SegGrp6 }
public COLREQ.SegGrp6 createCOLREQSegGrp6() {
return new COLREQ.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COLREQ.SegGrp7 }
public COLREQ.SegGrp7 createCOLREQSegGrp7() {
return new COLREQ.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link DGRECA.SegGrp1 }
public DGRECA.SegGrp1 createDGRECASegGrp1() {
return new DGRECA.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DGRECA.SegGrp2 }
public DGRECA.SegGrp2 createDGRECASegGrp2() {
return new DGRECA.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DGRECA.SegGrp5 }
public DGRECA.SegGrp5 createDGRECASegGrp5() {
return new DGRECA.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link DGRECA.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public DGRECA.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createDGRECASegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new DGRECA.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link COPRAR.SegGrp1 }
public COPRAR.SegGrp1 createCOPRARSegGrp1() {
return new COPRAR.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCOPRARSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createCOPRARSegGrp6SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCOPRARSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new COPRAR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link COPRAR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public COPRAR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCOPRARSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new COPRAR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link COPRAR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public COPRAR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCOPRARSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new COPRAR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp1 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp1 createHANMOVSegGrp1() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp2 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp2 createHANMOVSegGrp2() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp6 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp6 createHANMOVSegGrp6() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp7 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp7 createHANMOVSegGrp7() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp17 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp17 createHANMOVSegGrp17() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createHANMOVSegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 createHANMOVSegGrp14SegGrp16() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp14 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 createHANMOVSegGrp8SegGrp11() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createHANMOVSegGrp8SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createHANMOVSegGrp8SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createHANMOVSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link HANMOV.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public HANMOV.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createHANMOVSegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new HANMOV.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CONQVA.SegGrp1 }
public CONQVA.SegGrp1 createCONQVASegGrp1() {
return new CONQVA.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CONQVA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 }
public CONQVA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 createCONQVASegGrp6SegGrp9() {
return new CONQVA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CONQVA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public CONQVA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCONQVASegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new CONQVA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CONQVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CONQVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCONQVASegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CONQVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CONQVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public CONQVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createCONQVASegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new CONQVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CONQVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 }
public CONQVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 createCONQVASegGrp2SegGrp5() {
return new CONQVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createLREACTSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3 }
public LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3 createLREACTSegGrp1SegGrp3() {
return new LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createLREACTSegGrp1SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createLREACTSegGrp1SegGrp4SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createLREACTSegGrp1SegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new LREACT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link COHAOR.SegGrp1 }
public COHAOR.SegGrp1 createCOHAORSegGrp1() {
return new COHAOR.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 }
public COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 createCOHAORSegGrp4SegGrp11() {
return new COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createCOHAORSegGrp4SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCOHAORSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createCOHAORSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new COHAOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COHAOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public COHAOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCOHAORSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new COHAOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRDC.SegGrp3 }
public WKGRDC.SegGrp3 createWKGRDCSegGrp3() {
return new WKGRDC.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRDC.SegGrp4 }
public WKGRDC.SegGrp4 createWKGRDCSegGrp4() {
return new WKGRDC.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createWKGRDCSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createWKGRDCSegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 }
public WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 createWKGRDCSegGrp5SegGrp8() {
return new WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 }
public WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 createWKGRDCSegGrp5SegGrp9() {
return new WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createWKGRDCSegGrp5SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createWKGRDCSegGrp5SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new WKGRDC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRDC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public WKGRDC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createWKGRDCSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new WKGRDC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link MSCONS.SegGrp1 }
public MSCONS.SegGrp1 createMSCONSSegGrp1() {
return new MSCONS.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createMSCONSSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createMSCONSSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createMSCONSSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 }
public MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 createMSCONSSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp9SegGrp11() {
return new MSCONS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link MSCONS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public MSCONS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createMSCONSSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new MSCONS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link MSCONS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public MSCONS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createMSCONSSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new MSCONS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp1 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp1 createORDRSPSegGrp1() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp2 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp2 createORDRSPSegGrp2() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp7 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp7 createORDRSPSegGrp7() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp8 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp8 createORDRSPSegGrp8() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp9 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp9 createORDRSPSegGrp9() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp12 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp12 createORDRSPSegGrp12() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp15 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp15 createORDRSPSegGrp15() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp18 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp18 createORDRSPSegGrp18() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp25 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp25 createORDRSPSegGrp25() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp56 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp56 createORDRSPSegGrp56() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp56();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp27() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp28 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp28 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp28() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp29 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp29 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp29() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp30 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp30 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp30() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp31 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp31 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp31() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp35() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp36 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp36 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp36() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp49 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp49 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp49() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp49();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp50 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp50 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp50() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp50();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp53 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp53 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp53() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp53();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp54 .SegGrp55 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp54 .SegGrp55 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp54SegGrp55() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp54 .SegGrp55();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp51 .SegGrp52 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp51 .SegGrp52 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp51SegGrp52() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp51 .SegGrp52();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp47 .SegGrp48 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp47 .SegGrp48 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp47SegGrp48() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp47 .SegGrp48();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp42 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp42 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp41SegGrp42() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp42();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp43 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp43 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp41SegGrp43() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp43();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp44 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp44 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp41SegGrp44() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp44();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp45 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp45 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp41SegGrp45() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp45();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp46 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp46 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp41SegGrp46() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp41 .SegGrp46();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp38 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp38 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp37SegGrp38() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp39 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp39 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp37SegGrp39() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp40 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp40 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp37SegGrp40() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp32SegGrp33() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34 createORDRSPSegGrp26SegGrp32SegGrp34() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp26 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 createORDRSPSegGrp19SegGrp20() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 createORDRSPSegGrp19SegGrp21() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp22 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp22 createORDRSPSegGrp19SegGrp22() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp23 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp23 createORDRSPSegGrp19SegGrp23() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp24 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp24 createORDRSPSegGrp19SegGrp24() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp19 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createORDRSPSegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createORDRSPSegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createORDRSPSegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createORDRSPSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createORDRSPSegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDRSP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 }
public ORDRSP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 createORDRSPSegGrp3SegGrp6() {
return new ORDRSP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link MOVINS.SegGrp1 }
public MOVINS.SegGrp1 createMOVINSSegGrp1() {
return new MOVINS.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link MOVINS.SegGrp4 }
public MOVINS.SegGrp4 createMOVINSSegGrp4() {
return new MOVINS.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createMOVINSSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createMOVINSSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 }
public MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 createMOVINSSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp9() {
return new MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 }
public MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 createMOVINSSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp10() {
return new MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createMOVINSSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new MOVINS.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link MOVINS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public MOVINS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createMOVINSSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new MOVINS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link COMDIS.SegGrp1 }
public COMDIS.SegGrp1 createCOMDISSegGrp1() {
return new COMDIS.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COMDIS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public COMDIS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCOMDISSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new COMDIS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link COMDIS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public COMDIS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createCOMDISSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new COMDIS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link COMDIS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public COMDIS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createCOMDISSegGrp2SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new COMDIS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COACSU.SegGrp1 }
public COACSU.SegGrp1 createCOACSUSegGrp1() {
return new COACSU.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COACSU.SegGrp5 }
public COACSU.SegGrp5 createCOACSUSegGrp5() {
return new COACSU.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link COACSU.SegGrp6 }
public COACSU.SegGrp6 createCOACSUSegGrp6() {
return new COACSU.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link COACSU.SegGrp12 }
public COACSU.SegGrp12 createCOACSUSegGrp12() {
return new COACSU.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link COACSU.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public COACSU.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createCOACSUSegGrp7SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new COACSU.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link COACSU.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public COACSU.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCOACSUSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new COACSU.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link COACSU.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public COACSU.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCOACSUSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new COACSU.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link COACSU.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public COACSU.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createCOACSUSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new COACSU.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link DESTIM.SegGrp1 }
public DESTIM.SegGrp1 createDESTIMSegGrp1() {
return new DESTIM.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DESTIM.SegGrp6 }
public DESTIM.SegGrp6 createDESTIMSegGrp6() {
return new DESTIM.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link DESTIM.SegGrp7 }
public DESTIM.SegGrp7 createDESTIMSegGrp7() {
return new DESTIM.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link DESTIM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public DESTIM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createDESTIMSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new DESTIM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link DESTIM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public DESTIM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createDESTIMSegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new DESTIM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link DESTIM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public DESTIM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createDESTIMSegGrp8SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new DESTIM.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link DESTIM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public DESTIM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createDESTIMSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new DESTIM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link DESTIM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public DESTIM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createDESTIMSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new DESTIM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp1 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp1 createITRRPTSegGrp1() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp14() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp15SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp15SegGrp20SegGrp22() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp15SegGrp20SegGrp23SegGrp24() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp25 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp25 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp15SegGrp20SegGrp23SegGrp25() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp15SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp15SegGrp16SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createITRRPTSegGrp9SegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createITRRPTSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createITRRPTSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createITRRPTSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link ITRRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public ITRRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createITRRPTSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new ITRRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp1 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp1 createIFTMBPSegGrp1() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp2 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp2 createIFTMBPSegGrp2() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 createIFTMBPSegGrp29SegGrp30SegGrp31() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createIFTMBPSegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 createIFTMBPSegGrp14SegGrp16() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp17 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp17 createIFTMBPSegGrp14SegGrp17() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp18 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp18 createIFTMBPSegGrp14SegGrp18() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp19 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp19 createIFTMBPSegGrp14SegGrp19() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 createIFTMBPSegGrp14SegGrp24SegGrp25() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26 createIFTMBPSegGrp14SegGrp24SegGrp26() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createIFTMBPSegGrp14SegGrp24SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 createIFTMBPSegGrp14SegGrp22SegGrp23() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createIFTMBPSegGrp14SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createIFTMBPSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createIFTMBPSegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 createIFTMBPSegGrp8SegGrp11() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 createIFTMBPSegGrp8SegGrp12() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 createIFTMBPSegGrp8SegGrp13() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createIFTMBPSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createIFTMBPSegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public IFTMBP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createIFTMBPSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new IFTMBP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CONAPW.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public CONAPW.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createCONAPWSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new CONAPW.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link FINSTA.SegGrp1 }
public FINSTA.SegGrp1 createFINSTASegGrp1() {
return new FINSTA.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link FINSTA.SegGrp2 }
public FINSTA.SegGrp2 createFINSTASegGrp2() {
return new FINSTA.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link FINSTA.SegGrp3 }
public FINSTA.SegGrp3 createFINSTASegGrp3() {
return new FINSTA.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link FINSTA.SegGrp7 }
public FINSTA.SegGrp7 createFINSTASegGrp7() {
return new FINSTA.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link FINSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public FINSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createFINSTASegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new FINSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link FINSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public FINSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createFINSTASegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new FINSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp4 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp4 createIFTICLSegGrp4() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createIFTICLSegGrp26SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 createIFTICLSegGrp17SegGrp20() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 createIFTICLSegGrp17SegGrp21SegGrp22() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 createIFTICLSegGrp17SegGrp21SegGrp23SegGrp24SegGrp25() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createIFTICLSegGrp17SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createIFTICLSegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createIFTICLSegGrp12SegGrp14SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createIFTICLSegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 createIFTICLSegGrp5SegGrp8() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 createIFTICLSegGrp5SegGrp9() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createIFTICLSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTICL.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public IFTICL.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createIFTICLSegGrp1SegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new IFTICL.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp1 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp1 createIFTMCASegGrp1() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp2 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp2 createIFTMCASegGrp2() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp3 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp3 createIFTMCASegGrp3() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp6 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp6 createIFTMCASegGrp6() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp7 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp7 createIFTMCASegGrp7() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp37 .SegGrp40 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp37 .SegGrp40 createIFTMCASegGrp37SegGrp40() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp37 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp37 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp39 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp37 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp39 createIFTMCASegGrp37SegGrp38SegGrp39() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp37 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp19() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp20() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp21() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp22 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp22 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp22() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp23() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp30 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp30 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp30() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp31 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp31 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp31() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp32SegGrp33() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp32SegGrp34() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp32SegGrp35SegGrp36() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp28SegGrp29() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp26SegGrp27() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 createIFTMCASegGrp17SegGrp24SegGrp25() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp17 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createIFTMCASegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createIFTMCASegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 createIFTMCASegGrp13SegGrp16() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp13 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createIFTMCASegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createIFTMCASegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 createIFTMCASegGrp8SegGrp11() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 createIFTMCASegGrp8SegGrp12() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMCA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public IFTMCA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createIFTMCASegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new IFTMCA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp1 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp1 createCOSTORSegGrp1() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp2 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp2 createCOSTORSegGrp2() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp3 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp3 createCOSTORSegGrp3() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createCOSTORSegGrp11SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 createCOSTORSegGrp11SegGrp12SegGrp14() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 createCOSTORSegGrp11SegGrp12SegGrp15() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createCOSTORSegGrp11SegGrp12SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 createCOSTORSegGrp11SegGrp12SegGrp16SegGrp18() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCOSTORSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 createCOSTORSegGrp6SegGrp10() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCOSTORSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public COSTOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCOSTORSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new COSTOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CASRES.SegGrp1 }
public CASRES.SegGrp1 createCASRESSegGrp1() {
return new CASRES.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CASRES.SegGrp2 }
public CASRES.SegGrp2 createCASRESSegGrp2() {
return new CASRES.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO.SegGrp1 }
public CODENO.SegGrp1 createCODENOSegGrp1() {
return new CODENO.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public CODENO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createCODENOSegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new CODENO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public CODENO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createCODENOSegGrp11SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new CODENO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public CODENO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCODENOSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new CODENO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 }
public CODENO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 createCODENOSegGrp6SegGrp10() {
return new CODENO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public CODENO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCODENOSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new CODENO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public CODENO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCODENOSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new CODENO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CODENO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CODENO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCODENOSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CODENO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createPRIHISSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createPRIHISSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createPRIHISSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp17 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp17 createPRIHISSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp17() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createPRIHISSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createPRIHISSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createPRIHISSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 createPRIHISSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp11SegGrp15() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 createPRIHISSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp11SegGrp16() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createPRIHISSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link PRIHIS.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3 }
public PRIHIS.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3 createPRIHISSegGrp1SegGrp3() {
return new PRIHIS.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link SOCADE.SegGrp12 }
public SOCADE.SegGrp12 createSOCADESegGrp12() {
return new SOCADE.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createSOCADESegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createSOCADESegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createSOCADESegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createSOCADESegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 }
public SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 createSOCADESegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp9() {
return new SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createSOCADESegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new SOCADE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link SOCADE.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public SOCADE.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createSOCADESegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new SOCADE.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link RETACC.SegGrp1 }
public RETACC.SegGrp1 createRETACCSegGrp1() {
return new RETACC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link RETACC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public RETACC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createRETACCSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new RETACC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link RETACC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public RETACC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createRETACCSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new RETACC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 createSAFHAZSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp9() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 createSAFHAZSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp10() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createSAFHAZSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createSAFHAZSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createSAFHAZSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createSAFHAZSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createSAFHAZSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link SAFHAZ.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public SAFHAZ.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createSAFHAZSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new SAFHAZ.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCARE.SegGrp1 }
public DOCARE.SegGrp1 createDOCARESegGrp1() {
return new DOCARE.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCARE.SegGrp2 }
public DOCARE.SegGrp2 createDOCARESegGrp2() {
return new DOCARE.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCARE.SegGrp3 }
public DOCARE.SegGrp3 createDOCARESegGrp3() {
return new DOCARE.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp1 }
public DESADV.SegGrp1 createDESADVSegGrp1() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp5 }
public DESADV.SegGrp5 createDESADVSegGrp5() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp17SegGrp19() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp17SegGrp20() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp17SegGrp21() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp25 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp25 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp17SegGrp25() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp17SegGrp22SegGrp23() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp17SegGrp22SegGrp24() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 }
public DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 createDESADVSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp13SegGrp16() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public DESADV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createDESADVSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public DESADV.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createDESADVSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public DESADV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createDESADVSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DESADV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public DESADV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createDESADVSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new DESADV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link ICSOLI.SegGrp1 }
public ICSOLI.SegGrp1 createICSOLISegGrp1() {
return new ICSOLI.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link ICSOLI.SegGrp8 }
public ICSOLI.SegGrp8 createICSOLISegGrp8() {
return new ICSOLI.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link ICSOLI.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public ICSOLI.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createICSOLISegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new ICSOLI.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link ICSOLI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public ICSOLI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createICSOLISegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new ICSOLI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link ICSOLI.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public ICSOLI.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createICSOLISegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new ICSOLI.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link ICSOLI.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public ICSOLI.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createICSOLISegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new ICSOLI.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link ICSOLI.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 }
public ICSOLI.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 createICSOLISegGrp2SegGrp5() {
return new ICSOLI.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp3 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp3 createJOBMODSegGrp3() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp4 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp4 createJOBMODSegGrp4() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createJOBMODSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createJOBMODSegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 createJOBMODSegGrp5SegGrp8() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 createJOBMODSegGrp5SegGrp9() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createJOBMODSegGrp5SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 createJOBMODSegGrp5SegGrp17SegGrp19() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createJOBMODSegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createJOBMODSegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 createJOBMODSegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp16() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createJOBMODSegGrp5SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createJOBMODSegGrp5SegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBMOD.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public JOBMOD.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createJOBMODSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new JOBMOD.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CHACCO.SegGrp3 }
public CHACCO.SegGrp3 createCHACCOSegGrp3() {
return new CHACCO.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CHACCO.SegGrp9 }
public CHACCO.SegGrp9 createCHACCOSegGrp9() {
return new CHACCO.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CHACCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public CHACCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCHACCOSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new CHACCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CHACCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public CHACCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createCHACCOSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new CHACCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CHACCO.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public CHACCO.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createCHACCOSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new CHACCO.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link SSREGW.SegGrp1 }
public SSREGW.SegGrp1 createSSREGWSegGrp1() {
return new SSREGW.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link SSREGW.SegGrp5 }
public SSREGW.SegGrp5 createSSREGWSegGrp5() {
return new SSREGW.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link SSREGW.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public SSREGW.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createSSREGWSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new SSREGW.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link SSREGW.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public SSREGW.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createSSREGWSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new SSREGW.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp1 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp1 createORDERSSegGrp1() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp6 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp6 createORDERSSegGrp6() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp7 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp7 createORDERSSegGrp7() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp12 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp12 createORDERSSegGrp12() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp15 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp15 createORDERSSegGrp15() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp18 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp18 createORDERSSegGrp18() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp25 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp25 createORDERSSegGrp25() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp60 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp60 createORDERSSegGrp60() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp60();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp29() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp32 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp32 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp32() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp33 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp33 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp33() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp37() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp38 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp38 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp38() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp51 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp51 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp51() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp51();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp52 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp52 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp52() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp52();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp55 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp55 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp55() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp55();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp58 .SegGrp59 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp58 .SegGrp59 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp58SegGrp59() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp58 .SegGrp59();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp57 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp57 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp56SegGrp57() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp57();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp53 .SegGrp54 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp53 .SegGrp54 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp53SegGrp54() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp53 .SegGrp54();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp49 .SegGrp50 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp49 .SegGrp50 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp49SegGrp50() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp49 .SegGrp50();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp44 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp44 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp43SegGrp44() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp44();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp45 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp45 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp43SegGrp45() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp45();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp46 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp46 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp43SegGrp46() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp46();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp47 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp47 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp43SegGrp47() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp47();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp48 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp48 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp43SegGrp48() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp48();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp39SegGrp40() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp39SegGrp41() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp42 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp42 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp39SegGrp42() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp42();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp35 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp35 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp34SegGrp35() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp36 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp36 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp34SegGrp36() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 createORDERSSegGrp28SegGrp30SegGrp31() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp28 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 createORDERSSegGrp26SegGrp27() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 createORDERSSegGrp19SegGrp20() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 createORDERSSegGrp19SegGrp21() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp22 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp22 createORDERSSegGrp19SegGrp22() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp23 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp23 createORDERSSegGrp19SegGrp23() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp24 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp24 createORDERSSegGrp19SegGrp24() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp19 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createORDERSSegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createORDERSSegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createORDERSSegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createORDERSSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createORDERSSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createORDERSSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDERS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 }
public ORDERS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 createORDERSSegGrp2SegGrp5() {
return new ORDERS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link JINFDE.SegGrp3 }
public JINFDE.SegGrp3 createJINFDESegGrp3() {
return new JINFDE.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link JINFDE.SegGrp4 }
public JINFDE.SegGrp4 createJINFDESegGrp4() {
return new JINFDE.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link JINFDE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 }
public JINFDE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 createJINFDESegGrp5SegGrp8() {
return new JINFDE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link JINFDE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 }
public JINFDE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 createJINFDESegGrp5SegGrp9() {
return new JINFDE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link JINFDE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public JINFDE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createJINFDESegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new JINFDE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link JINFDE.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public JINFDE.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createJINFDESegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new JINFDE.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link INFENT.SegGrp3 }
public INFENT.SegGrp3 createINFENTSegGrp3() {
return new INFENT.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link INFENT.SegGrp8 }
public INFENT.SegGrp8 createINFENTSegGrp8() {
return new INFENT.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link INFENT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public INFENT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createINFENTSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new INFENT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link INFENT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public INFENT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createINFENTSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new INFENT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link INFENT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public INFENT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createINFENTSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new INFENT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp1 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp1 createCNTCNDSegGrp1() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp2 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp2 createCNTCNDSegGrp2() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp3 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp3 createCNTCNDSegGrp3() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp4 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp4 createCNTCNDSegGrp4() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp5 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp5 createCNTCNDSegGrp5() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp6 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp6 createCNTCNDSegGrp6() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp7 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp7 createCNTCNDSegGrp7() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp23() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp24() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp25() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp26 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp26 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp26() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp36 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp36 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp36() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp37 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp37 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp37() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp40 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp40 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp40() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp39 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp39 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp38SegGrp39() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp29SegGrp30() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp31 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp31 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp29SegGrp31() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp32 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp32 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp29SegGrp32() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp33 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp33 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp29SegGrp33() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp34 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp34 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp29SegGrp34() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp35 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp35 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp29SegGrp35() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createCNTCNDSegGrp22SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createCNTCNDSegGrp19SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createCNTCNDSegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 createCNTCNDSegGrp12SegGrp14() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 createCNTCNDSegGrp12SegGrp15() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 createCNTCNDSegGrp12SegGrp16() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 createCNTCNDSegGrp12SegGrp17() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp18 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp18 createCNTCNDSegGrp12SegGrp18() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp12 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCNTCNDSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createCNTCNDSegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CNTCND.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 }
public CNTCND.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 createCNTCNDSegGrp8SegGrp11() {
return new CNTCND.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp33 .SegGrp34 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp33 .SegGrp34 createIPPOMOSegGrp33SegGrp34() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp33 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp33 .SegGrp37 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp33 .SegGrp37 createIPPOMOSegGrp33SegGrp37() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp33 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp33 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp33 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 createIPPOMOSegGrp33SegGrp35SegGrp36() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp33 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp19() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp20() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp23SegGrp24() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp25 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp25 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp23SegGrp25() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp30 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp30 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp23SegGrp30() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp31 .SegGrp32 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp31 .SegGrp32 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp23SegGrp31SegGrp32() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp31 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp23SegGrp26SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp23SegGrp26SegGrp27SegGrp29() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 createIPPOMOSegGrp17SegGrp21SegGrp22() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createIPPOMOSegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createIPPOMOSegGrp13SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createIPPOMOSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 createIPPOMOSegGrp7SegGrp9() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 createIPPOMOSegGrp7SegGrp12() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createIPPOMOSegGrp7SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createIPPOMOSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOMO.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public IPPOMO.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createIPPOMOSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new IPPOMO.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES.SegGrp3 }
public CUSRES.SegGrp3 createCUSRESSegGrp3() {
return new CUSRES.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES.SegGrp4 }
public CUSRES.SegGrp4 createCUSRESSegGrp4() {
return new CUSRES.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES.SegGrp5 }
public CUSRES.SegGrp5 createCUSRESSegGrp5() {
return new CUSRES.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES.SegGrp14 }
public CUSRES.SegGrp14 createCUSRESSegGrp14() {
return new CUSRES.SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 }
public CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 createCUSRESSegGrp6SegGrp9() {
return new CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 }
public CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 createCUSRESSegGrp6SegGrp10() {
return new CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp13 }
public CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp13 createCUSRESSegGrp6SegGrp13() {
return new CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createCUSRESSegGrp6SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCUSRESSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new CUSRES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSRES.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public CUSRES.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createCUSRESSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new CUSRES.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSREP.SegGrp1 }
public CUSREP.SegGrp1 createCUSREPSegGrp1() {
return new CUSREP.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSREP.SegGrp2 }
public CUSREP.SegGrp2 createCUSREPSegGrp2() {
return new CUSREP.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSREP.SegGrp3 }
public CUSREP.SegGrp3 createCUSREPSegGrp3() {
return new CUSREP.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSREP.SegGrp4 }
public CUSREP.SegGrp4 createCUSREPSegGrp4() {
return new CUSREP.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSREP.SegGrp10 }
public CUSREP.SegGrp10 createCUSREPSegGrp10() {
return new CUSREP.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSREP.SegGrp11 }
public CUSREP.SegGrp11 createCUSREPSegGrp11() {
return new CUSREP.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSREP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public CUSREP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCUSREPSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new CUSREP.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSREP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public CUSREP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createCUSREPSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new CUSREP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSREP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public CUSREP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createCUSREPSegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new CUSREP.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp1 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp1 createIFTMANSegGrp1() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp2 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp2 createIFTMANSegGrp2() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp3 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp3 createIFTMANSegGrp3() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp6 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp6 createIFTMANSegGrp6() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp7 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp7 createIFTMANSegGrp7() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 createIFTMANSegGrp35SegGrp36() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp37 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp37 createIFTMANSegGrp35SegGrp37() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp38 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp38 createIFTMANSegGrp35SegGrp38() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 createIFTMANSegGrp35SegGrp39SegGrp40() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp35 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp20() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp21 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp21 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp21() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp22 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp22 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp22() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp23 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp23 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp23() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp24 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp24 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp24() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp29 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp29 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp29() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp30SegGrp31() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp30SegGrp32() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp30SegGrp33SegGrp34() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 createIFTMANSegGrp18SegGrp25SegGrp26() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createIFTMANSegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createIFTMANSegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createIFTMANSegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 createIFTMANSegGrp11SegGrp15() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 createIFTMANSegGrp11SegGrp16() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp17 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp17 createIFTMANSegGrp11SegGrp17() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createIFTMANSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createIFTMANSegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMAN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public IFTMAN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createIFTMANSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new IFTMAN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link STLRPT.SegGrp1 }
public STLRPT.SegGrp1 createSTLRPTSegGrp1() {
return new STLRPT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createSTLRPTSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createSTLRPTSegGrp2SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createSTLRPTSegGrp2SegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createSTLRPTSegGrp2SegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createSTLRPTSegGrp2SegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createSTLRPTSegGrp2SegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new STLRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLIE.SegGrp1 }
public BAPLIE.SegGrp1 createBAPLIESegGrp1() {
return new BAPLIE.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLIE.SegGrp4 }
public BAPLIE.SegGrp4 createBAPLIESegGrp4() {
return new BAPLIE.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLIE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public BAPLIE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createBAPLIESegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new BAPLIE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLIE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public BAPLIE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createBAPLIESegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new BAPLIE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLIE.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public BAPLIE.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createBAPLIESegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new BAPLIE.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createRELISTSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 }
public RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 createRELISTSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp8() {
return new RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createRELISTSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createRELISTSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new RELIST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link RELIST.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public RELIST.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createRELISTSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new RELIST.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link MEQPOS.SegGrp1 }
public MEQPOS.SegGrp1 createMEQPOSSegGrp1() {
return new MEQPOS.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link MEQPOS.SegGrp6 }
public MEQPOS.SegGrp6 createMEQPOSSegGrp6() {
return new MEQPOS.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link MEQPOS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public MEQPOS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createMEQPOSSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new MEQPOS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link MEQPOS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public MEQPOS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createMEQPOSSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new MEQPOS.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp1 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp1 createCONPVASegGrp1() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp6 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp6 createCONPVASegGrp6() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp7 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp7 createCONPVASegGrp7() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp34 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp34 createCONPVASegGrp34() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp26 createCONPVASegGrp23SegGrp26() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp27 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp27 createCONPVASegGrp23SegGrp27() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 createCONPVASegGrp23SegGrp28SegGrp29() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp30 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp30 createCONPVASegGrp23SegGrp28SegGrp30() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp31 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp31 createCONPVASegGrp23SegGrp28SegGrp31() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp32 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp32 createCONPVASegGrp23SegGrp28SegGrp32() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp33 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp33 createCONPVASegGrp23SegGrp28SegGrp33() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 createCONPVASegGrp23SegGrp24SegGrp25() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCONPVASegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 createCONPVASegGrp8SegGrp19SegGrp20() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 createCONPVASegGrp8SegGrp19SegGrp21() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp22 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp22 createCONPVASegGrp8SegGrp19SegGrp22() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createCONPVASegGrp8SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createCONPVASegGrp8SegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createCONPVASegGrp8SegGrp10SegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createCONPVASegGrp8SegGrp10SegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 createCONPVASegGrp8SegGrp10SegGrp13SegGrp16() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp17 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp17 createCONPVASegGrp8SegGrp10SegGrp13SegGrp17() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp18 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp18 createCONPVASegGrp8SegGrp10SegGrp13SegGrp18() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCONPVASegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createCONPVASegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CONPVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 }
public CONPVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 createCONPVASegGrp2SegGrp5() {
return new CONPVA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp3 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp3 createWKGRRESegGrp3() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp4 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp4 createWKGRRESegGrp4() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createWKGRRESegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createWKGRRESegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 createWKGRRESegGrp5SegGrp8() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createWKGRRESegGrp5SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createWKGRRESegGrp5SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createWKGRRESegGrp5SegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createWKGRRESegGrp5SegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createWKGRRESegGrp5SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link WKGRRE.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public WKGRRE.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createWKGRRESegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new WKGRRE.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp1 }
public COPARN.SegGrp1 createCOPARNSegGrp1() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createCOPARNSegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp17 }
public COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp17 createCOPARNSegGrp13SegGrp17() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 }
public COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 createCOPARNSegGrp13SegGrp20() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createCOPARNSegGrp13SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createCOPARNSegGrp13SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCOPARNSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createCOPARNSegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 }
public COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 createCOPARNSegGrp6SegGrp9() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 }
public COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 createCOPARNSegGrp6SegGrp12() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createCOPARNSegGrp6SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp6 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public COPARN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCOPARNSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link COPARN.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public COPARN.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCOPARNSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new COPARN.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createRDRMESSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createRDRMESSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new RDRMES.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link RDRMES.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public RDRMES.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createRDRMESSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new RDRMES.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp1 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp1 createIFTMBFSegGrp1() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp2 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp2 createIFTMBFSegGrp2() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp3 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp3 createIFTMBFSegGrp3() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp6 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp6 createIFTMBFSegGrp6() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 createIFTMBFSegGrp32SegGrp35SegGrp36() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34 createIFTMBFSegGrp32SegGrp33SegGrp34() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp18() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp19 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp19 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp19() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp20 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp20 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp20() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp21() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp22() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp27SegGrp29() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp27SegGrp30SegGrp31() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp25SegGrp26() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 createIFTMBFSegGrp16SegGrp23SegGrp24() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp16 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createIFTMBFSegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createIFTMBFSegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 createIFTMBFSegGrp10SegGrp13() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 createIFTMBFSegGrp10SegGrp14() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp15 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp15 createIFTMBFSegGrp10SegGrp15() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp10 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createIFTMBFSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 createIFTMBFSegGrp7SegGrp9() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp7 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBF.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public IFTMBF.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createIFTMBFSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new IFTMBF.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 createCONTENSegGrp22SegGrp23() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 createCONTENSegGrp22SegGrp24() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp30 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp30 createCONTENSegGrp22SegGrp30() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp31 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp31 createCONTENSegGrp22SegGrp31() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp34 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp34 createCONTENSegGrp22SegGrp34() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 createCONTENSegGrp22SegGrp32SegGrp33() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 createCONTENSegGrp22SegGrp27SegGrp28SegGrp29() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 createCONTENSegGrp22SegGrp25SegGrp26() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp9() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp18SegGrp20() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp21 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp21 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp18SegGrp21() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp14() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp15() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp16() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp17() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCONTENSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CONTEN.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CONTEN.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCONTENSegGrp1SegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CONTEN.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp17 }
public RECORD.SegGrp17 createRECORDSegGrp17() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 }
public RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 createRECORDSegGrp3SegGrp6() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 }
public RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 createRECORDSegGrp3SegGrp7() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createRECORDSegGrp3SegGrp14SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createRECORDSegGrp3SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createRECORDSegGrp3SegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 }
public RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 createRECORDSegGrp3SegGrp8SegGrp11() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 }
public RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 createRECORDSegGrp3SegGrp8SegGrp12() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 }
public RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 createRECORDSegGrp3SegGrp8SegGrp13() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createRECORDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link RECORD.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public RECORD.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createRECORDSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new RECORD.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link PAXLST.SegGrp1 }
public PAXLST.SegGrp1 createPAXLSTSegGrp1() {
return new PAXLST.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link PAXLST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public PAXLST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createPAXLSTSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new PAXLST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PAXLST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public PAXLST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createPAXLSTSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new PAXLST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link PAXLST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public PAXLST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createPAXLSTSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new PAXLST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link PAXLST.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public PAXLST.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createPAXLSTSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new PAXLST.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSRPT.SegGrp3 }
public SLSRPT.SegGrp3 createSLSRPTSegGrp3() {
return new SLSRPT.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSRPT.SegGrp4 }
public SLSRPT.SegGrp4 createSLSRPTSegGrp4() {
return new SLSRPT.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSRPT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public SLSRPT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createSLSRPTSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new SLSRPT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public SLSRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createSLSRPTSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new SLSRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public SLSRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createSLSRPTSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new SLSRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 }
public SLSRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 createSLSRPTSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp9() {
return new SLSRPT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSRPT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public SLSRPT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createSLSRPTSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new SLSRPT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp1 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp1 createIFTMBCSegGrp1() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp2 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp2 createIFTMBCSegGrp2() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createIFTMBCSegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createIFTMBCSegGrp18SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createIFTMBCSegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 createIFTMBCSegGrp9SegGrp11() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 createIFTMBCSegGrp9SegGrp12() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp13 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp13 createIFTMBCSegGrp9SegGrp13() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 createIFTMBCSegGrp9SegGrp14() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createIFTMBCSegGrp9SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp17 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp17 createIFTMBCSegGrp9SegGrp15SegGrp17() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createIFTMBCSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createIFTMBCSegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createIFTMBCSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMBC.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public IFTMBC.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createIFTMBCSegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new IFTMBC.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPCUS.SegGrp1 }
public BOPCUS.SegGrp1 createBOPCUSSegGrp1() {
return new BOPCUS.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPCUS.SegGrp2 }
public BOPCUS.SegGrp2 createBOPCUSSegGrp2() {
return new BOPCUS.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createBOPCUSSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createBOPCUSSegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 }
public BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 createBOPCUSSegGrp3SegGrp6() {
return new BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createBOPCUSSegGrp3SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new BOPCUS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp1 }
public GESMES.SegGrp1 createGESMESSegGrp1() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp9 }
public GESMES.SegGrp9 createGESMESSegGrp9() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp25 }
public GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp25 createGESMESSegGrp13SegGrp25() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 }
public GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 createGESMESSegGrp13SegGrp20SegGrp21SegGrp22SegGrp23SegGrp24() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createGESMESSegGrp13SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createGESMESSegGrp13SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createGESMESSegGrp13SegGrp14SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public GESMES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createGESMESSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public GESMES.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createGESMESSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public GESMES.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createGESMESSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public GESMES.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createGESMESSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link GESMES.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public GESMES.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createGESMESSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new GESMES.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp1 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp1 createQUOTESSegGrp1() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp2 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp2 createQUOTESSegGrp2() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp3 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp3 createQUOTESSegGrp3() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp4 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp4 createQUOTESSegGrp4() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp5 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp5 createQUOTESSegGrp5() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp6 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp6 createQUOTESSegGrp6() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp7 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp7 createQUOTESSegGrp7() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp8 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp8 createQUOTESSegGrp8() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp9 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp9 createQUOTESSegGrp9() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp10 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp10 createQUOTESSegGrp10() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp56 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp56 createQUOTESSegGrp56() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp56();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp29() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp30 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp30 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp30() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp31 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp31 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp31() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp32 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp32 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp32() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp33 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp33 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp33() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp34() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp35 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp35 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp35() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp36 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp36 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp36() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp37 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp37 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp37() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp38 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp38 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp38() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp54 .SegGrp55 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp54 .SegGrp55 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp54SegGrp55() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp54 .SegGrp55();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52 .SegGrp53 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52 .SegGrp53 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp52SegGrp53() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52 .SegGrp53();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp47 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp47 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp46SegGrp47() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp47();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp48 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp48 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp46SegGrp48() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp48();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp49 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp49 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp46SegGrp49() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp49();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp50 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp50 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp46SegGrp50() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp50();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp51 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp51 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp46SegGrp51() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp51();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp42SegGrp43() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp44 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp44 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp42SegGrp44() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp44();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp45 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp45 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp42SegGrp45() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp45();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp39SegGrp40() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41 createQUOTESSegGrp27SegGrp39SegGrp41() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 createQUOTESSegGrp21SegGrp22() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 createQUOTESSegGrp21SegGrp23() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 createQUOTESSegGrp21SegGrp24() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp25 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp25 createQUOTESSegGrp21SegGrp25() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp26 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp26 createQUOTESSegGrp21SegGrp26() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp21 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 createQUOTESSegGrp19SegGrp20() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createQUOTESSegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createQUOTESSegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createQUOTESSegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createQUOTESSegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link QUOTES.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public QUOTES.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createQUOTESSegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new QUOTES.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp1 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp1 createIFTFCCSegGrp1() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp2 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp2 createIFTFCCSegGrp2() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp3 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp3 createIFTFCCSegGrp3() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp4 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp4 createIFTFCCSegGrp4() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp5 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp5 createIFTFCCSegGrp5() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp14 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp14 createIFTFCCSegGrp14() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp15 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp15 createIFTFCCSegGrp15() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp16 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp16 createIFTFCCSegGrp16() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp29() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp30 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp30 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp30() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp31 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp31 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp31() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp32 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp32 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp32() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp33 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp33 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp33() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp34 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp34 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp34() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp42SegGrp43() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp44 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp44 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp42SegGrp44() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp44();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp45 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp45 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp42SegGrp45() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp45();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp38 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp38 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp37SegGrp38() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp39 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp39 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp37SegGrp39() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp40 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp40 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp37SegGrp40() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp41 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp41 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp37SegGrp41() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp37 .SegGrp41();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 createIFTFCCSegGrp28SegGrp35SegGrp36() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp28 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 createIFTFCCSegGrp24SegGrp25() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp24 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp24 .SegGrp26 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp24 .SegGrp26 createIFTFCCSegGrp24SegGrp26() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp24 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 createIFTFCCSegGrp24SegGrp27() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp24 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 createIFTFCCSegGrp19SegGrp20() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 createIFTFCCSegGrp19SegGrp21() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp22 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp22 createIFTFCCSegGrp19SegGrp22() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp23 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp23 createIFTFCCSegGrp19SegGrp23() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createIFTFCCSegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createIFTFCCSegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createIFTFCCSegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createIFTFCCSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createIFTFCCSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTFCC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public IFTFCC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createIFTFCCSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new IFTFCC.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp1 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp1 createCONDPVSegGrp1() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp6 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp6 createCONDPVSegGrp6() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp7 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp7 createCONDPVSegGrp7() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCONDPVSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createCONDPVSegGrp8SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 createCONDPVSegGrp8SegGrp12SegGrp14() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 createCONDPVSegGrp8SegGrp12SegGrp15() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createCONDPVSegGrp8SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCONDPVSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createCONDPVSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDPV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 }
public CONDPV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 createCONDPVSegGrp2SegGrp5() {
return new CONDPV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link FINCAN.SegGrp1 }
public FINCAN.SegGrp1 createFINCANSegGrp1() {
return new FINCAN.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link FINCAN.SegGrp2 }
public FINCAN.SegGrp2 createFINCANSegGrp2() {
return new FINCAN.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link FINCAN.SegGrp3 }
public FINCAN.SegGrp3 createFINCANSegGrp3() {
return new FINCAN.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link FINCAN.SegGrp6 }
public FINCAN.SegGrp6 createFINCANSegGrp6() {
return new FINCAN.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link FINCAN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public FINCAN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createFINCANSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new FINCAN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYORD.SegGrp1 }
public PAYORD.SegGrp1 createPAYORDSegGrp1() {
return new PAYORD.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYORD.SegGrp2 }
public PAYORD.SegGrp2 createPAYORDSegGrp2() {
return new PAYORD.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYORD.SegGrp3 }
public PAYORD.SegGrp3 createPAYORDSegGrp3() {
return new PAYORD.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYORD.SegGrp4 }
public PAYORD.SegGrp4 createPAYORDSegGrp4() {
return new PAYORD.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYORD.SegGrp5 }
public PAYORD.SegGrp5 createPAYORDSegGrp5() {
return new PAYORD.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYORD.SegGrp6 }
public PAYORD.SegGrp6 createPAYORDSegGrp6() {
return new PAYORD.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYORD.SegGrp7 }
public PAYORD.SegGrp7 createPAYORDSegGrp7() {
return new PAYORD.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYORD.SegGrp8 }
public PAYORD.SegGrp8 createPAYORDSegGrp8() {
return new PAYORD.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLTE.SegGrp1 }
public BAPLTE.SegGrp1 createBAPLTESegGrp1() {
return new BAPLTE.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLTE.SegGrp4 }
public BAPLTE.SegGrp4 createBAPLTESegGrp4() {
return new BAPLTE.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLTE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public BAPLTE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createBAPLTESegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new BAPLTE.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link BAPLTE.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public BAPLTE.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createBAPLTESegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new BAPLTE.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp1 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp1 createCREEXTSegGrp1() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp2 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp2 createCREEXTSegGrp2() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp3 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp3 createCREEXTSegGrp3() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp4 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp4 createCREEXTSegGrp4() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp5 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp5 createCREEXTSegGrp5() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp6 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp6 createCREEXTSegGrp6() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp18 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp18 createCREEXTSegGrp18() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17 createCREEXTSegGrp10SegGrp17() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createCREEXTSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createCREEXTSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createCREEXTSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 createCREEXTSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp14SegGrp16() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link CREEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public CREEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCREEXTSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new CREEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createLRECLMSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createLRECLMSegGrp1SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createLRECLMSegGrp1SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createLRECLMSegGrp1SegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new LRECLM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPID.SegGrp1 }
public MEDPID.SegGrp1 createMEDPIDSegGrp1() {
return new MEDPID.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPID.SegGrp6 }
public MEDPID.SegGrp6 createMEDPIDSegGrp6() {
return new MEDPID.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public MEDPID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createMEDPIDSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new MEDPID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public MEDPID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createMEDPIDSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new MEDPID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 }
public MEDPID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 createMEDPIDSegGrp2SegGrp5() {
return new MEDPID.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEF.SegGrp11 }
public DIRDEF.SegGrp11 createDIRDEFSegGrp11() {
return new DIRDEF.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEF.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public DIRDEF.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createDIRDEFSegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new DIRDEF.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEF.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public DIRDEF.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createDIRDEFSegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new DIRDEF.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEF.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public DIRDEF.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createDIRDEFSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new DIRDEF.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 }
public DIRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 createDIRDEFSegGrp3SegGrp6() {
return new DIRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public DIRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createDIRDEFSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new DIRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEF.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public DIRDEF.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createDIRDEFSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new DIRDEF.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTIAG.SegGrp1 }
public IFTIAG.SegGrp1 createIFTIAGSegGrp1() {
return new IFTIAG.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTIAG.SegGrp2 }
public IFTIAG.SegGrp2 createIFTIAGSegGrp2() {
return new IFTIAG.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTIAG.SegGrp5 }
public IFTIAG.SegGrp5 createIFTIAGSegGrp5() {
return new IFTIAG.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTIAG.SegGrp6 }
public IFTIAG.SegGrp6 createIFTIAGSegGrp6() {
return new IFTIAG.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTIAG.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public IFTIAG.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createIFTIAGSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new IFTIAG.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTIAG.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public IFTIAG.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createIFTIAGSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new IFTIAG.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp1 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp1 createDOCAPPSegGrp1() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp2 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp2 createDOCAPPSegGrp2() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp3 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp3 createDOCAPPSegGrp3() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp6 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp6 createDOCAPPSegGrp6() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp7 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp7 createDOCAPPSegGrp7() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp8 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp8 createDOCAPPSegGrp8() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp9 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp9 createDOCAPPSegGrp9() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp10 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp10 createDOCAPPSegGrp10() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp11 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp11 createDOCAPPSegGrp11() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp12 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp12 createDOCAPPSegGrp12() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp13 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp13 createDOCAPPSegGrp13() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp18 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp18 createDOCAPPSegGrp18() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createDOCAPPSegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createDOCAPPSegGrp14SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAPP.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public DOCAPP.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createDOCAPPSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new DOCAPP.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp1 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp1 createIFTMINSegGrp1() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp2 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp2 createIFTMINSegGrp2() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp3 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp3 createIFTMINSegGrp3() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp6 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp6 createIFTMINSegGrp6() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp7 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp7 createIFTMINSegGrp7() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp38 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp38 createIFTMINSegGrp37SegGrp38() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp41 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp41 createIFTMINSegGrp37SegGrp41() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp41();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43 createIFTMINSegGrp37SegGrp42SegGrp43() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 createIFTMINSegGrp37SegGrp39SegGrp40() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp37 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp20() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp21 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp21 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp21() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp22 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp22 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp22() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp23 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp23 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp23() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp24 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp24 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp24() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp31 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp31 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp31() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp32SegGrp33() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp32SegGrp34() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp32SegGrp35SegGrp36() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp29SegGrp30() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 createIFTMINSegGrp18SegGrp25SegGrp26() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp18 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createIFTMINSegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createIFTMINSegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createIFTMINSegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 createIFTMINSegGrp11SegGrp15() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 createIFTMINSegGrp11SegGrp16() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp17 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp17 createIFTMINSegGrp11SegGrp17() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createIFTMINSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createIFTMINSegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTMIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public IFTMIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createIFTMINSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new IFTMIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link INSDES.SegGrp1 }
public INSDES.SegGrp1 createINSDESSegGrp1() {
return new INSDES.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link INSDES.SegGrp5 }
public INSDES.SegGrp5 createINSDESSegGrp5() {
return new INSDES.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link INSDES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public INSDES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createINSDESSegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new INSDES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link INSDES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public INSDES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createINSDESSegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new INSDES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link INSDES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 }
public INSDES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 createINSDESSegGrp10SegGrp13() {
return new INSDES.SegGrp10 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link INSDES.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public INSDES.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createINSDESSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new INSDES.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link INSDES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public INSDES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createINSDESSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new INSDES.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link INSDES.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public INSDES.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createINSDESSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new INSDES.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link INSDES.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public INSDES.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createINSDESSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new INSDES.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp1 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp1 createIFTDGNSegGrp1() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp6 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp6 createIFTDGNSegGrp6() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createIFTDGNSegGrp7SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createIFTDGNSegGrp7SegGrp12SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createIFTDGNSegGrp7SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createIFTDGNSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createIFTDGNSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTDGN.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public IFTDGN.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createIFTDGNSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new IFTDGN.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODEX.SegGrp1 }
public PRODEX.SegGrp1 createPRODEXSegGrp1() {
return new PRODEX.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link PRODEX.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public PRODEX.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createPRODEXSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new PRODEX.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp1 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp1 createPARTINSegGrp1() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createPARTINSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createPARTINSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createPARTINSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 createPARTINSegGrp4SegGrp8() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 createPARTINSegGrp4SegGrp9() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 createPARTINSegGrp4SegGrp10() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 createPARTINSegGrp4SegGrp11() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp12 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp12 createPARTINSegGrp4SegGrp12() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createPARTINSegGrp4SegGrp13SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp4 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link PARTIN.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public PARTIN.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createPARTINSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new PARTIN.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp1 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp1 createMEDRUCSegGrp1() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp2 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp2 createMEDRUCSegGrp2() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp26 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp26 createMEDRUCSegGrp26() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createMEDRUCSegGrp19SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 createMEDRUCSegGrp19SegGrp20SegGrp22() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 createMEDRUCSegGrp19SegGrp20SegGrp23SegGrp24() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp25 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp25 createMEDRUCSegGrp19SegGrp20SegGrp23SegGrp25() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createMEDRUCSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 createMEDRUCSegGrp7SegGrp9() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 createMEDRUCSegGrp7SegGrp10() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createMEDRUCSegGrp7SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createMEDRUCSegGrp7SegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createMEDRUCSegGrp7SegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createMEDRUCSegGrp7SegGrp11SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp17 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp17 createMEDRUCSegGrp7SegGrp11SegGrp15SegGrp17() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp18 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp18 createMEDRUCSegGrp7SegGrp11SegGrp15SegGrp18() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createMEDRUCSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDRUC.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public MEDRUC.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createMEDRUCSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new MEDRUC.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link SSRECH.SegGrp1 }
public SSRECH.SegGrp1 createSSRECHSegGrp1() {
return new SSRECH.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link SSRECH.SegGrp2 }
public SSRECH.SegGrp2 createSSRECHSegGrp2() {
return new SSRECH.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link SSRECH.SegGrp8 }
public SSRECH.SegGrp8 createSSRECHSegGrp8() {
return new SSRECH.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link SSRECH.SegGrp9 }
public SSRECH.SegGrp9 createSSRECHSegGrp9() {
return new SSRECH.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link SSRECH.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public SSRECH.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createSSRECHSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new SSRECH.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link SSRECH.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public SSRECH.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createSSRECHSegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new SSRECH.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link SSRECH.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public SSRECH.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createSSRECHSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new SSRECH.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link ISENDS.SegGrp3 }
public ISENDS.SegGrp3 createISENDSSegGrp3() {
return new ISENDS.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link ISENDS.SegGrp8 }
public ISENDS.SegGrp8 createISENDSSegGrp8() {
return new ISENDS.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link ISENDS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public ISENDS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createISENDSSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new ISENDS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link ISENDS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public ISENDS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createISENDSSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new ISENDS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link ISENDS.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public ISENDS.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createISENDSSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new ISENDS.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp11() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp12() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp13() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createOSTRPTSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTRPT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public OSTRPT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createOSTRPTSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new OSTRPT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp1 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp1 createINVRPTSegGrp1() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp5 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp5 createINVRPTSegGrp5() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createINVRPTSegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createINVRPTSegGrp9SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createINVRPTSegGrp9SegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createINVRPTSegGrp9SegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createINVRPTSegGrp9SegGrp11SegGrp15SegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createINVRPTSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createINVRPTSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link INVRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public INVRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createINVRPTSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new INVRPT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp1 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp1 createDIRDEBSegGrp1() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp2 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp2 createDIRDEBSegGrp2() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp3 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp3 createDIRDEBSegGrp3() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp24 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp24 createDIRDEBSegGrp24() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp8() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp9() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp10() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp15() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp23 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp23 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp23() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp19() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 }
public DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 createDIRDEBSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp20SegGrp22() {
return new DIRDEB.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp1 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp1 createSANCRTSegGrp1() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp4 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp4 createSANCRTSegGrp4() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp5 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp5 createSANCRTSegGrp5() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp21 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp21 createSANCRTSegGrp21() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createSANCRTSegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 createSANCRTSegGrp11SegGrp15() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 createSANCRTSegGrp11SegGrp18SegGrp19SegGrp20() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createSANCRTSegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createSANCRTSegGrp11SegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createSANCRTSegGrp8SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createSANCRTSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link SANCRT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public SANCRT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createSANCRTSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new SANCRT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTENQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public OSTENQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createOSTENQSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new OSTENQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTENQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public OSTENQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createOSTENQSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new OSTENQ.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link OSTENQ.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public OSTENQ.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createOSTENQSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new OSTENQ.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CALINF.SegGrp1 }
public CALINF.SegGrp1 createCALINFSegGrp1() {
return new CALINF.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CALINF.SegGrp2 }
public CALINF.SegGrp2 createCALINFSegGrp2() {
return new CALINF.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link CALINF.SegGrp7 }
public CALINF.SegGrp7 createCALINFSegGrp7() {
return new CALINF.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CALINF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public CALINF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createCALINFSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new CALINF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CALINF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public CALINF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createCALINFSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new CALINF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp1 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp1 createPAYMULSegGrp1() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp2 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp2 createPAYMULSegGrp2() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp3 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp3 createPAYMULSegGrp3() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp24 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp24 createPAYMULSegGrp24() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp8() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp9() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp10() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp15() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp23 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp23 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp23() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp19() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 }
public PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 createPAYMULSegGrp4SegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp20SegGrp22() {
return new PAYMUL.SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTA.SegGrp3 }
public IFTSTA.SegGrp3 createIFTSTASegGrp3() {
return new IFTSTA.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createIFTSTASegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createIFTSTASegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 }
public IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 createIFTSTASegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp10SegGrp13() {
return new IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createIFTSTASegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createIFTSTASegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new IFTSTA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTA.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public IFTSTA.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createIFTSTASegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new IFTSTA.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link VESDEP.SegGrp1 }
public VESDEP.SegGrp1 createVESDEPSegGrp1() {
return new VESDEP.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link VESDEP.SegGrp6 }
public VESDEP.SegGrp6 createVESDEPSegGrp6() {
return new VESDEP.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link VESDEP.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public VESDEP.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createVESDEPSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new VESDEP.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link VESDEP.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public VESDEP.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createVESDEPSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new VESDEP.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link COARRI.SegGrp1 }
public COARRI.SegGrp1 createCOARRISegGrp1() {
return new COARRI.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCOARRISegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createCOARRISegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 }
public COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 createCOARRISegGrp6SegGrp11() {
return new COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 }
public COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 createCOARRISegGrp6SegGrp12() {
return new COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createCOARRISegGrp6SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new COARRI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link COARRI.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public COARRI.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCOARRISegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new COARRI.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link COARRI.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public COARRI.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCOARRISegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new COARRI.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp1 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp1 createORDCHGSegGrp1() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp2 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp2 createORDCHGSegGrp2() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp7 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp7 createORDCHGSegGrp7() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp8 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp8 createORDCHGSegGrp8() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp13 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp13 createORDCHGSegGrp13() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp16 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp16 createORDCHGSegGrp16() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp19 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp19 createORDCHGSegGrp19() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp26 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp26 createORDCHGSegGrp26() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp58 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp58 createORDCHGSegGrp58() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp58();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp31 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp31 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp31() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp32 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp32 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp32() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp33 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp33 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp33() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp37 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp37 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp37() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp38 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp38 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp38() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp51 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp51 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp51() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp51();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp52() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp55 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp55 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp55() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp55();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp57 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp57 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp56SegGrp57() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp56 .SegGrp57();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp53 .SegGrp54 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp53 .SegGrp54 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp53SegGrp54() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp53 .SegGrp54();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp49 .SegGrp50 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp49 .SegGrp50 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp49SegGrp50() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp49 .SegGrp50();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp44 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp44 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp43SegGrp44() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp44();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp45 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp45 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp43SegGrp45() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp45();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp46 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp46 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp43SegGrp46() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp46();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp47 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp47 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp43SegGrp47() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp47();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp48 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp48 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp43SegGrp48() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp48();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp39SegGrp40() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp39SegGrp41() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp42 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp42 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp39SegGrp42() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp42();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp35 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp35 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp34SegGrp35() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp36 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp36 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp34SegGrp36() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 createORDCHGSegGrp27SegGrp29SegGrp30() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createORDCHGSegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 createORDCHGSegGrp20SegGrp22() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp23 createORDCHGSegGrp20SegGrp23() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp24 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp24 createORDCHGSegGrp20SegGrp24() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp25 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp25 createORDCHGSegGrp20SegGrp25() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp20 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createORDCHGSegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createORDCHGSegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createORDCHGSegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createORDCHGSegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createORDCHGSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createORDCHGSegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link ORDCHG.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 }
public ORDCHG.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 createORDCHGSegGrp3SegGrp6() {
return new ORDCHG.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTRIN.SegGrp1 }
public IFTRIN.SegGrp1 createIFTRINSegGrp1() {
return new IFTRIN.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTRIN.SegGrp2 }
public IFTRIN.SegGrp2 createIFTRINSegGrp2() {
return new IFTRIN.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTRIN.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public IFTRIN.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createIFTRINSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new IFTRIN.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTRIN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public IFTRIN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createIFTRINSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new IFTRIN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link BMISRM.SegGrp3 }
public BMISRM.SegGrp3 createBMISRMSegGrp3() {
return new BMISRM.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createBMISRMSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createBMISRMSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new BMISRM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link BMISRM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public BMISRM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createBMISRMSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new BMISRM.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IMPDEF.SegGrp13 }
public IMPDEF.SegGrp13 createIMPDEFSegGrp13() {
return new IMPDEF.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createIMPDEFSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createIMPDEFSegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 }
public IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 createIMPDEFSegGrp3SegGrp6() {
return new IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 }
public IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 createIMPDEFSegGrp3SegGrp7() {
return new IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 }
public IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 createIMPDEFSegGrp3SegGrp8() {
return new IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp9 }
public IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp9 createIMPDEFSegGrp3SegGrp9() {
return new IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp10 }
public IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp10 createIMPDEFSegGrp3SegGrp10() {
return new IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 }
public IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 createIMPDEFSegGrp3SegGrp11() {
return new IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 }
public IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 createIMPDEFSegGrp3SegGrp12() {
return new IMPDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IMPDEF.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public IMPDEF.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createIMPDEFSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new IMPDEF.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp1 }
public RETINS.SegGrp1 createRETINSSegGrp1() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp2 }
public RETINS.SegGrp2 createRETINSSegGrp2() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp8 }
public RETINS.SegGrp8 createRETINSSegGrp8() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp9 }
public RETINS.SegGrp9 createRETINSSegGrp9() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp10 }
public RETINS.SegGrp10 createRETINSSegGrp10() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createRETINSSegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createRETINSSegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createRETINSSegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 }
public RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 createRETINSSegGrp11SegGrp15() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp20 }
public RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp20 createRETINSSegGrp11SegGrp20() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp21 }
public RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp21 createRETINSSegGrp11SegGrp21() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createRETINSSegGrp11SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createRETINSSegGrp11SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public RETINS.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createRETINSSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public RETINS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createRETINSSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link RETINS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public RETINS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createRETINSSegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new RETINS.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link INSRPT.SegGrp1 }
public INSRPT.SegGrp1 createINSRPTSegGrp1() {
return new INSRPT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link INSRPT.SegGrp2 }
public INSRPT.SegGrp2 createINSRPTSegGrp2() {
return new INSRPT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createINSRPTSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createINSRPTSegGrp3SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createINSRPTSegGrp3SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new INSRPT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link AUTHOR.SegGrp1 }
public AUTHOR.SegGrp1 createAUTHORSegGrp1() {
return new AUTHOR.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link AUTHOR.SegGrp2 }
public AUTHOR.SegGrp2 createAUTHORSegGrp2() {
return new AUTHOR.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link AUTHOR.SegGrp3 }
public AUTHOR.SegGrp3 createAUTHORSegGrp3() {
return new AUTHOR.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link AUTHOR.SegGrp9 }
public AUTHOR.SegGrp9 createAUTHORSegGrp9() {
return new AUTHOR.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link AUTHOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public AUTHOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createAUTHORSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new AUTHOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link AUTHOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public AUTHOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createAUTHORSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new AUTHOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link AUTHOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public AUTHOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createAUTHORSegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new AUTHOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link AUTHOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 }
public AUTHOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 createAUTHORSegGrp4SegGrp8() {
return new AUTHOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTQ.SegGrp1 }
public IFTSTQ.SegGrp1 createIFTSTQSegGrp1() {
return new IFTSTQ.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public IFTSTQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createIFTSTQSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new IFTSTQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public IFTSTQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createIFTSTQSegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new IFTSTQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public IFTSTQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createIFTSTQSegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new IFTSTQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSTQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public IFTSTQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createIFTSTQSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new IFTSTQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link VATDEC.SegGrp12 }
public VATDEC.SegGrp12 createVATDECSegGrp12() {
return new VATDEC.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createVATDECSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3 }
public VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3 createVATDECSegGrp1SegGrp3() {
return new VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createVATDECSegGrp1SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 }
public VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 createVATDECSegGrp1SegGrp4SegGrp11() {
return new VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createVATDECSegGrp1SegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createVATDECSegGrp1SegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new VATDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp1 }
public RETANN.SegGrp1 createRETANNSegGrp1() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp2 }
public RETANN.SegGrp2 createRETANNSegGrp2() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp6 }
public RETANN.SegGrp6 createRETANNSegGrp6() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp7 }
public RETANN.SegGrp7 createRETANNSegGrp7() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp8 }
public RETANN.SegGrp8 createRETANNSegGrp8() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp24 }
public RETANN.SegGrp24 createRETANNSegGrp24() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createRETANNSegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createRETANNSegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createRETANNSegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 }
public RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15 createRETANNSegGrp11SegGrp15() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 }
public RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 createRETANNSegGrp11SegGrp16() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp17 }
public RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp17 createRETANNSegGrp11SegGrp17() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp20 }
public RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp20 createRETANNSegGrp11SegGrp20() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp21 }
public RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp21 createRETANNSegGrp11SegGrp21() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 }
public RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 createRETANNSegGrp11SegGrp22SegGrp23() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createRETANNSegGrp11SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp11 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public RETANN.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createRETANNSegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public RETANN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createRETANNSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link RETANN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public RETANN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createRETANNSegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new RETANN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp1 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp1 createINVOICSegGrp1() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp6 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp6 createINVOICSegGrp6() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp7 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp7 createINVOICSegGrp7() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp8 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp8 createINVOICSegGrp8() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp12 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp12 createINVOICSegGrp12() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp13 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp13 createINVOICSegGrp13() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp23 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp23 createINVOICSegGrp23() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp24 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp24 createINVOICSegGrp24() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp25 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp25 createINVOICSegGrp25() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp52 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp52 createINVOICSegGrp52() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp52();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp53 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp53 createINVOICSegGrp53() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp53();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp50 .SegGrp51 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp50 .SegGrp51 createINVOICSegGrp50SegGrp51() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp50 .SegGrp51();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp27() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp28 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp28 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp28() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp29 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp29 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp29() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp30 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp30 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp30() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp33 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp33 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp33() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp34 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp34 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp34() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp47 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp47 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp47() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp47();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp48 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp48 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp48() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp48();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp49 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp49 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp49() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp49();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp45 .SegGrp46 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp45 .SegGrp46 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp45SegGrp46() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp45 .SegGrp46();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp39SegGrp40() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp39SegGrp41() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp42 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp42 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp39SegGrp42() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp42();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp43 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp43 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp39SegGrp43() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp43();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp44 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp44 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp39SegGrp44() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp44();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp35SegGrp36() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp37 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp37 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp35SegGrp37() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp38 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp38 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp35SegGrp38() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp31 .SegGrp32 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp31 .SegGrp32 createINVOICSegGrp26SegGrp31SegGrp32() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp26 .SegGrp31 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createINVOICSegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 createINVOICSegGrp16SegGrp18() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp19 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp19 createINVOICSegGrp16SegGrp19() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp20 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp20 createINVOICSegGrp16SegGrp20() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21 createINVOICSegGrp16SegGrp21() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22 createINVOICSegGrp16SegGrp22() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp16 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createINVOICSegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createINVOICSegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 createINVOICSegGrp9SegGrp11() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createINVOICSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createINVOICSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link INVOIC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 }
public INVOIC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 createINVOICSegGrp2SegGrp5() {
return new INVOIC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createSUPMANSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 }
public SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 createSUPMANSegGrp3SegGrp7() {
return new SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createSUPMANSegGrp3SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createSUPMANSegGrp3SegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createSUPMANSegGrp3SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new SUPMAN.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPMAN.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public SUPMAN.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createSUPMANSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new SUPMAN.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp1 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp1 createIFTCCASegGrp1() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp2 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp2 createIFTCCASegGrp2() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp3 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp3 createIFTCCASegGrp3() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp23 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp23 createIFTCCASegGrp23() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createIFTCCASegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 createIFTCCASegGrp9SegGrp11() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 createIFTCCASegGrp9SegGrp12() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp13 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp13 createIFTCCASegGrp9SegGrp13() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp18 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp18 createIFTCCASegGrp9SegGrp18() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 createIFTCCASegGrp9SegGrp19SegGrp20() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 createIFTCCASegGrp9SegGrp19SegGrp21SegGrp22() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createIFTCCASegGrp9SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createIFTCCASegGrp9SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createIFTCCASegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createIFTCCASegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTCCA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public IFTCCA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createIFTCCASegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new IFTCCA.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp1 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp1 createPAYEXTSegGrp1() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp2 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp2 createPAYEXTSegGrp2() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp3 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp3 createPAYEXTSegGrp3() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp4 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp4 createPAYEXTSegGrp4() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp5 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp5 createPAYEXTSegGrp5() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp6 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp6 createPAYEXTSegGrp6() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp15 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp15 createPAYEXTSegGrp15() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp14 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp14 createPAYEXTSegGrp7SegGrp14() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createPAYEXTSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createPAYEXTSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createPAYEXTSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createPAYEXTSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new PAYEXT.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link WASDIS.SegGrp1 }
public WASDIS.SegGrp1 createWASDISSegGrp1() {
return new WASDIS.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link WASDIS.SegGrp2 }
public WASDIS.SegGrp2 createWASDISSegGrp2() {
return new WASDIS.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link WASDIS.SegGrp3 }
public WASDIS.SegGrp3 createWASDISSegGrp3() {
return new WASDIS.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link WASDIS.SegGrp6 }
public WASDIS.SegGrp6 createWASDISSegGrp6() {
return new WASDIS.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link WASDIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public WASDIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createWASDISSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new WASDIS.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp1 }
public COPINO.SegGrp1 createCOPINOSegGrp1() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 }
public COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16 createCOPINOSegGrp11SegGrp16() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createCOPINOSegGrp11SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createCOPINOSegGrp11SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public COPINO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCOPINOSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public COPINO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createCOPINOSegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public COPINO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createCOPINOSegGrp6SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public COPINO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCOPINOSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link COPINO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public COPINO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCOPINOSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new COPINO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 }
public CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 createCONITTSegGrp22SegGrp23() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 }
public CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 createCONITTSegGrp22SegGrp24() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp30 }
public CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp30 createCONITTSegGrp22SegGrp30() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp31 }
public CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp31 createCONITTSegGrp22SegGrp31() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp34 }
public CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp34 createCONITTSegGrp22SegGrp34() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 }
public CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 createCONITTSegGrp22SegGrp32SegGrp33() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 }
public CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 createCONITTSegGrp22SegGrp27SegGrp28SegGrp29() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 }
public CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 createCONITTSegGrp22SegGrp25SegGrp26() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp9() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp18SegGrp20() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp21 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp21 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp18SegGrp21() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp14() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp15() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp16() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp17() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCONITTSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CONITT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CONITT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCONITTSegGrp1SegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CONITT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link APERAK.SegGrp1 }
public APERAK.SegGrp1 createAPERAKSegGrp1() {
return new APERAK.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link APERAK.SegGrp2 }
public APERAK.SegGrp2 createAPERAKSegGrp2() {
return new APERAK.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link APERAK.SegGrp3 }
public APERAK.SegGrp3 createAPERAKSegGrp3() {
return new APERAK.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link APERAK.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public APERAK.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createAPERAKSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new APERAK.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PROINQ.SegGrp3 }
public PROINQ.SegGrp3 createPROINQSegGrp3() {
return new PROINQ.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PROINQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public PROINQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createPROINQSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new PROINQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PROINQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public PROINQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createPROINQSegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new PROINQ.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link PROINQ.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public PROINQ.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createPROINQSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new PROINQ.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DMSTAT.SegGrp1 }
public DMSTAT.SegGrp1 createDMSTATSegGrp1() {
return new DMSTAT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DMSTAT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public DMSTAT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createDMSTATSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new DMSTAT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DMSTAT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public DMSTAT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createDMSTATSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new DMSTAT.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link DMRDEF.SegGrp11 }
public DMRDEF.SegGrp11 createDMRDEFSegGrp11() {
return new DMRDEF.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link DMRDEF.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public DMRDEF.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createDMRDEFSegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new DMRDEF.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link DMRDEF.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public DMRDEF.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createDMRDEFSegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new DMRDEF.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link DMRDEF.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public DMRDEF.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createDMRDEFSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new DMRDEF.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link DMRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 }
public DMRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 createDMRDEFSegGrp3SegGrp6() {
return new DMRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link DMRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public DMRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createDMRDEFSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new DMRDEF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link DMRDEF.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public DMRDEF.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createDMRDEFSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new DMRDEF.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp1 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp1 createIFCSUMSegGrp1() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp7 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp7 createIFCSUMSegGrp7() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp8 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp8 createIFCSUMSegGrp8() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp30 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp30 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp30() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp31 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp31 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp31() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp32 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp32 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp32() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp35 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp35 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp35() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp36 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp36 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp36() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp37 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp37 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp37() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp71 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp71 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp70SegGrp71() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp71();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp72 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp72 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp70SegGrp72() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp72();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp73 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp73 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp70SegGrp73() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp73();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp74 .SegGrp75 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp74 .SegGrp75 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp70SegGrp74SegGrp75() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp70 .SegGrp74 .SegGrp75();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp51 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp51 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp51() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp51();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp52 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp52 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp52() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp52();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp53 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp53 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp53() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp53();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp54 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp54 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp54() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp54();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp55 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp55 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp55() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp55();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp56 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp56 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp56() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp56();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp63 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp63 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp63() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp63();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp64 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp64 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp64() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp64();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65 .SegGrp66 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65 .SegGrp66 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp65SegGrp66() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65 .SegGrp66();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65 .SegGrp67 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65 .SegGrp67 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp65SegGrp67() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65 .SegGrp67();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65 .SegGrp68 .SegGrp69 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65 .SegGrp68 .SegGrp69 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp65SegGrp68SegGrp69() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp65 .SegGrp68 .SegGrp69();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp61 .SegGrp62 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp61 .SegGrp62 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp61SegGrp62() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp61 .SegGrp62();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp59 .SegGrp60 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp59 .SegGrp60 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp59SegGrp60() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp59 .SegGrp60();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp57 .SegGrp58 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp57 .SegGrp58 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp50SegGrp57SegGrp58() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp50 .SegGrp57 .SegGrp58();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp44 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp44 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp43SegGrp44() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp44();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp45 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp45 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp43SegGrp45() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp45();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp46 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp46 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp43SegGrp46() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp46();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp47 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp47 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp43SegGrp47() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp47();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp48 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp48 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp43SegGrp48() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp48();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp49 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp49 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp43SegGrp49() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp43 .SegGrp49();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp39 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp39 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp38SegGrp39() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp40 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp40 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp38SegGrp40() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp41 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp41 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp38SegGrp41() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp41();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp42 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp42 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp38SegGrp42() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp42();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp33SegGrp34() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp28SegGrp29() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 createIFCSUMSegGrp25SegGrp26SegGrp27() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 createIFCSUMSegGrp21SegGrp22() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp21 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 createIFCSUMSegGrp21SegGrp23SegGrp24() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createIFCSUMSegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 createIFCSUMSegGrp9SegGrp11() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 createIFCSUMSegGrp9SegGrp12() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp13 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp13 createIFCSUMSegGrp9SegGrp13() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 createIFCSUMSegGrp9SegGrp14() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15 createIFCSUMSegGrp9SegGrp15() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createIFCSUMSegGrp9SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18 createIFCSUMSegGrp9SegGrp16SegGrp18() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp19 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp19 createIFCSUMSegGrp9SegGrp16SegGrp19() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp20 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp20 createIFCSUMSegGrp9SegGrp16SegGrp20() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp9 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createIFCSUMSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createIFCSUMSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link IFCSUM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public IFCSUM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createIFCSUMSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new IFCSUM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp3 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp3 createJOBOFFSegGrp3() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp4 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp4 createJOBOFFSegGrp4() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createJOBOFFSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createJOBOFFSegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 createJOBOFFSegGrp5SegGrp8() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 createJOBOFFSegGrp5SegGrp9() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createJOBOFFSegGrp5SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 createJOBOFFSegGrp5SegGrp17SegGrp19() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createJOBOFFSegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createJOBOFFSegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 createJOBOFFSegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp16() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createJOBOFFSegGrp5SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createJOBOFFSegGrp5SegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBOFF.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public JOBOFF.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createJOBOFFSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new JOBOFF.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp1 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp1 createCOSTCOSegGrp1() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createCOSTCOSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createCOSTCOSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createCOSTCOSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 createCOSTCOSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp14SegGrp16() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 createCOSTCOSegGrp6SegGrp9() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCOSTCOSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCOSTCOSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link COSTCO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public COSTCO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCOSTCOSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new COSTCO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link TPFREP.SegGrp1 }
public TPFREP.SegGrp1 createTPFREPSegGrp1() {
return new TPFREP.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link TPFREP.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public TPFREP.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createTPFREPSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new TPFREP.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp1 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp1 createDOCINFSegGrp1() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp2 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp2 createDOCINFSegGrp2() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp3 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp3 createDOCINFSegGrp3() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp6 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp6 createDOCINFSegGrp6() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp7 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp7 createDOCINFSegGrp7() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp8 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp8 createDOCINFSegGrp8() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp9 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp9 createDOCINFSegGrp9() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp10 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp10 createDOCINFSegGrp10() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp11 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp11 createDOCINFSegGrp11() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp12 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp12 createDOCINFSegGrp12() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp17 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp17 createDOCINFSegGrp17() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createDOCINFSegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createDOCINFSegGrp13SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCINF.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public DOCINF.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createDOCINFSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new DOCINF.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSFCT.SegGrp3 }
public SLSFCT.SegGrp3 createSLSFCTSegGrp3() {
return new SLSFCT.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSFCT.SegGrp4 }
public SLSFCT.SegGrp4 createSLSFCTSegGrp4() {
return new SLSFCT.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSFCT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public SLSFCT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createSLSFCTSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new SLSFCT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link SLSFCT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public SLSFCT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createSLSFCTSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new SLSFCT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link REBORD.SegGrp1 }
public REBORD.SegGrp1 createREBORDSegGrp1() {
return new REBORD.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link REBORD.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public REBORD.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createREBORDSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new REBORD.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link REBORD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public REBORD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createREBORDSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new REBORD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link REBORD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public REBORD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createREBORDSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new REBORD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp1 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp1 createDELFORSegGrp1() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp5 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp5 createDELFORSegGrp5() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp14() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp22SegGrp23() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp22SegGrp24() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp30 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp30 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp22SegGrp30() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp22SegGrp27SegGrp28SegGrp29() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp22SegGrp25SegGrp26() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp17SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp9() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp10() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 createDELFORSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp11() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createDELFORSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DELFOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public DELFOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createDELFORSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new DELFOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp1 }
public QALITY.SegGrp1 createQALITYSegGrp1() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp30SegGrp31() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp30SegGrp32SegGrp33() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp39 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp39 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp30SegGrp32SegGrp38SegGrp39() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp38 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp37 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp37 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp30SegGrp32SegGrp36SegGrp37() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp36 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp35 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp35 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp30SegGrp32SegGrp34SegGrp35() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp34 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp20SegGrp22SegGrp23() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp20SegGrp22SegGrp28SegGrp29() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp20SegGrp22SegGrp26SegGrp27() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp26 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp20SegGrp22SegGrp24SegGrp25() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp12SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp12SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp12SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 }
public QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 createQALITYSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp9() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public QALITY.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createQALITYSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link QALITY.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public QALITY.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createQALITYSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new QALITY.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp1 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp1 createFINPAYSegGrp1() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp2 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp2 createFINPAYSegGrp2() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp31 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp31 createFINPAYSegGrp31() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp32 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp32 createFINPAYSegGrp32() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp6() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp10 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp10 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp10() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp11() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp14() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp15() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp16() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp17() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp18 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp18 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp18() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp19 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp19 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp19() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp30 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp30 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp23SegGrp30() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp23SegGrp24SegGrp25() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp23SegGrp24SegGrp26() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp23SegGrp24SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp23SegGrp24SegGrp27SegGrp29() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp12SegGrp20SegGrp21SegGrp22() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createFINPAYSegGrp3SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new FINPAY.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp7() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp10() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp11 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp11() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp14 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp14 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp14() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp15 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp15 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp15() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp18() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp22 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp22 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp22() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp19SegGrp20() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp21 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp19SegGrp21() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createBUSCRDSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link BUSCRD.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public BUSCRD.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createBUSCRDSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new BUSCRD.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPINF.SegGrp1 }
public BOPINF.SegGrp1 createBOPINFSegGrp1() {
return new BOPINF.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPINF.SegGrp2 }
public BOPINF.SegGrp2 createBOPINFSegGrp2() {
return new BOPINF.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link BOPINF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public BOPINF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createBOPINFSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new BOPINF.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp1 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp1 createREQOTESegGrp1() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp2 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp2 createREQOTESegGrp2() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp3 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp3 createREQOTESegGrp3() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp4 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp4 createREQOTESegGrp4() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp5 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp5 createREQOTESegGrp5() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp6 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp6 createREQOTESegGrp6() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp7 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp7 createREQOTESegGrp7() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp8 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp8 createREQOTESegGrp8() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp9 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp9 createREQOTESegGrp9() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp10 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp10 createREQOTESegGrp10() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp56 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp56 createREQOTESegGrp56() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp56();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp29 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp29() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp30 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp30 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp30() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp31 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp31 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp31() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp32 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp32 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp32() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp33 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp33 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp33() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp34() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp35 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp35 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp35() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp35();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp36 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp36 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp36() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp37 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp37 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp37() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp38 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp38 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp38() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp54 .SegGrp55 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp54 .SegGrp55 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp54SegGrp55() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp54 .SegGrp55();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52 .SegGrp53 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52 .SegGrp53 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp52SegGrp53() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp52 .SegGrp53();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp47 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp47 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp46SegGrp47() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp47();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp48 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp48 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp46SegGrp48() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp48();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp49 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp49 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp46SegGrp49() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp49();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp50 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp50 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp46SegGrp50() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp50();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp51 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp51 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp46SegGrp51() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp46 .SegGrp51();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp42SegGrp43() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp44 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp44 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp42SegGrp44() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp44();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp45 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp45 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp42SegGrp45() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp45();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp39SegGrp40() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41 createREQOTESegGrp27SegGrp39SegGrp41() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp27 .SegGrp39 .SegGrp41();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 createREQOTESegGrp21SegGrp22() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 createREQOTESegGrp21SegGrp23() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp24 createREQOTESegGrp21SegGrp24() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp25 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp25 createREQOTESegGrp21SegGrp25() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp26 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp26 createREQOTESegGrp21SegGrp26() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp21 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 createREQOTESegGrp19SegGrp20() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createREQOTESegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createREQOTESegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createREQOTESegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13 createREQOTESegGrp11SegGrp13() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp11 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link REQOTE.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 }
public REQOTE.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14 createREQOTESegGrp11SegGrp14() {
return new REQOTE.SegGrp11 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp1 }
public PROCST.SegGrp1 createPROCSTSegGrp1() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp2 }
public PROCST.SegGrp2 createPROCSTSegGrp2() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp5 }
public PROCST.SegGrp5 createPROCSTSegGrp5() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createPROCSTSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createPROCSTSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createPROCSTSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 }
public PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 createPROCSTSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp11() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 }
public PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 createPROCSTSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp12() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createPROCSTSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createPROCSTSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 }
public PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 createPROCSTSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp13SegGrp16() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link PROCST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public PROCST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createPROCSTSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new PROCST.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp3 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp3 createJOBCONSegGrp3() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp4 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp4 createJOBCONSegGrp4() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createJOBCONSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createJOBCONSegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 createJOBCONSegGrp5SegGrp8() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9 createJOBCONSegGrp5SegGrp9() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createJOBCONSegGrp5SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 createJOBCONSegGrp5SegGrp17SegGrp19() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createJOBCONSegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15 createJOBCONSegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp15() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16 createJOBCONSegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp16() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createJOBCONSegGrp5SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createJOBCONSegGrp5SegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp5 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link JOBCON.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public JOBCON.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createJOBCONSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new JOBCON.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp22SegGrp23() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp22SegGrp24SegGrp25() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp22SegGrp24SegGrp26() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp21 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp17SegGrp21() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp17SegGrp19SegGrp20() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp9SegGrp14() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp9SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createDEBRECSegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp9SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4 createDEBRECSegGrp1SegGrp4() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link DEBREC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public DEBREC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createDEBRECSegGrp1SegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new DEBREC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 createIPPOADSegGrp19SegGrp20() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp19 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createIPPOADSegGrp16SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createIPPOADSegGrp13SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createIPPOADSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createIPPOADSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createIPPOADSegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createIPPOADSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link IPPOAD.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public IPPOAD.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createIPPOADSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new IPPOAD.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSAI.SegGrp1 }
public IFTSAI.SegGrp1 createIFTSAISegGrp1() {
return new IFTSAI.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSAI.SegGrp2 }
public IFTSAI.SegGrp2 createIFTSAISegGrp2() {
return new IFTSAI.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSAI.SegGrp3 }
public IFTSAI.SegGrp3 createIFTSAISegGrp3() {
return new IFTSAI.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSAI.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public IFTSAI.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createIFTSAISegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new IFTSAI.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSAI.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public IFTSAI.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createIFTSAISegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new IFTSAI.SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSAI.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 }
public IFTSAI.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11 createIFTSAISegGrp8SegGrp11() {
return new IFTSAI.SegGrp8 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSAI.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 }
public IFTSAI.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12 createIFTSAISegGrp8SegGrp12() {
return new IFTSAI.SegGrp8 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSAI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public IFTSAI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createIFTSAISegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new IFTSAI.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link IFTSAI.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public IFTSAI.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createIFTSAISegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new IFTSAI.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link STATAC.SegGrp3 }
public STATAC.SegGrp3 createSTATACSegGrp3() {
return new STATAC.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link STATAC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public STATAC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createSTATACSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new STATAC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp1 }
public COREOR.SegGrp1 createCOREORSegGrp1() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createCOREORSegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 }
public COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 createCOREORSegGrp12SegGrp14() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 }
public COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 createCOREORSegGrp12SegGrp15() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 }
public COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 createCOREORSegGrp12SegGrp16() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createCOREORSegGrp12SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createCOREORSegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 }
public COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 createCOREORSegGrp6SegGrp8() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 }
public COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 createCOREORSegGrp6SegGrp11() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createCOREORSegGrp6SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp6 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public COREOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCOREORSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link COREOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public COREOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCOREORSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new COREOR.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 }
public CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp23 createCONESTSegGrp22SegGrp23() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 }
public CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp24 createCONESTSegGrp22SegGrp24() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp30 }
public CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp30 createCONESTSegGrp22SegGrp30() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp30();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp31 }
public CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp31 createCONESTSegGrp22SegGrp31() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp34 }
public CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp34 createCONESTSegGrp22SegGrp34() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 }
public CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33 createCONESTSegGrp22SegGrp32SegGrp33() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp32 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 }
public CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 createCONESTSegGrp22SegGrp27SegGrp28SegGrp29() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 }
public CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26 createCONESTSegGrp22SegGrp25SegGrp26() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp22 .SegGrp25 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp9() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp18SegGrp20() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp21 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp21 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp18SegGrp21() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp14() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp15() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp16() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp10SegGrp12SegGrp17() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCONESTSegGrp4SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp4 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CONEST.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CONEST.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCONESTSegGrp1SegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CONEST.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp5 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp5 createCUSEXPSegGrp5() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp17 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp17 createCUSEXPSegGrp17() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCUSEXPSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 createCUSEXPSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp9() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 createCUSEXPSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp10() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp13 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp13 createCUSEXPSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp13() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp14 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp14 createCUSEXPSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp14() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createCUSEXPSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createCUSEXPSegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createCUSEXPSegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSEXP.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public CUSEXP.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createCUSEXPSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new CUSEXP.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPCOT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public SUPCOT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createSUPCOTSegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new SUPCOT.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link SUPCOT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public SUPCOT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createSUPCOTSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new SUPCOT.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link SSIMOD.SegGrp1 }
public SSIMOD.SegGrp1 createSSIMODSegGrp1() {
return new SSIMOD.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link SSIMOD.SegGrp6 }
public SSIMOD.SegGrp6 createSSIMODSegGrp6() {
return new SSIMOD.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link SSIMOD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public SSIMOD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createSSIMODSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new SSIMOD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link SSIMOD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public SSIMOD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createSSIMODSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new SSIMOD.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRO.SegGrp1 }
public CONDRO.SegGrp1 createCONDROSegGrp1() {
return new CONDRO.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public CONDRO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCONDROSegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new CONDRO.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRO.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public CONDRO.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createCONDROSegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new CONDRO.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CONDRO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCONDROSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CONDRO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public CONDRO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createCONDROSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new CONDRO.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT.SegGrp1 }
public REGENT.SegGrp1 createREGENTSegGrp1() {
return new REGENT.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT.SegGrp2 }
public REGENT.SegGrp2 createREGENTSegGrp2() {
return new REGENT.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT.SegGrp3 }
public REGENT.SegGrp3 createREGENTSegGrp3() {
return new REGENT.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT.SegGrp4 }
public REGENT.SegGrp4 createREGENTSegGrp4() {
return new REGENT.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createREGENTSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 }
public REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 createREGENTSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp9() {
return new REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 }
public REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 createREGENTSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp10() {
return new REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 }
public REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 createREGENTSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp11() {
return new REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 }
public REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 createREGENTSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp12() {
return new REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createREGENTSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new REGENT.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAMR.SegGrp1 }
public DOCAMR.SegGrp1 createDOCAMRSegGrp1() {
return new DOCAMR.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAMR.SegGrp2 }
public DOCAMR.SegGrp2 createDOCAMRSegGrp2() {
return new DOCAMR.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAMR.SegGrp3 }
public DOCAMR.SegGrp3 createDOCAMRSegGrp3() {
return new DOCAMR.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYDUC.SegGrp1 }
public PAYDUC.SegGrp1 createPAYDUCSegGrp1() {
return new PAYDUC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYDUC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public PAYDUC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createPAYDUCSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new PAYDUC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link PAYDUC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public PAYDUC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createPAYDUCSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new PAYDUC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp4 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp4 createCUSDECSegGrp4() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp5 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp5 createCUSDECSegGrp5() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp6 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp6 createCUSDECSegGrp6() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp7 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp7 createCUSDECSegGrp7() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp49 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp49 createCUSDECSegGrp49() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp49();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp50 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp50 createCUSDECSegGrp50() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp50();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp37 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp37 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp37() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp37();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp38 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp38 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp38() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp38();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp39 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp39 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp39() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp39();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp40 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp40 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp40() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp40();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp41 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp41 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp41() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp41();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44 .SegGrp47 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44 .SegGrp47 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp44SegGrp47() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44 .SegGrp47();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44 .SegGrp48 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44 .SegGrp48 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp44SegGrp48() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44 .SegGrp48();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44 .SegGrp45 .SegGrp46 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44 .SegGrp45 .SegGrp46 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp44SegGrp45SegGrp46() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp44 .SegGrp45 .SegGrp46();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp42SegGrp43() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp42 .SegGrp43();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp35SegGrp36() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp35 .SegGrp36();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp33SegGrp34() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp33 .SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 .SegGrp32 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 .SegGrp32 createCUSDECSegGrp30SegGrp31SegGrp32() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp13() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp18 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp18 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp18() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp21SegGrp22() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp25 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp25 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp21SegGrp25() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp26 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp26 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp21SegGrp26() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp27 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp27 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp21SegGrp27() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp27();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp21SegGrp28SegGrp29() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp28 .SegGrp29();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp21SegGrp23SegGrp24() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp21 .SegGrp23 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp19SegGrp20() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp19 .SegGrp20();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createCUSDECSegGrp10SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCUSDECSegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CUSDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCUSDECSegGrp1SegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CUSDEC.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAMI.SegGrp1 }
public DOCAMI.SegGrp1 createDOCAMISegGrp1() {
return new DOCAMI.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAMI.SegGrp2 }
public DOCAMI.SegGrp2 createDOCAMISegGrp2() {
return new DOCAMI.SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link DOCAMI.SegGrp3 }
public DOCAMI.SegGrp3 createDOCAMISegGrp3() {
return new DOCAMI.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp1 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp1 createCUSPEDSegGrp1() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp6 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp6 createCUSPEDSegGrp6() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp34 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp34 createCUSPEDSegGrp34() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp34();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp10() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp11() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp14 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp14 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp14() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp22 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp22 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp22() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp22();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp23 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp23 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp23() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp23();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp24 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp24 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp24() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp24();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp25 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp25 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp25() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp25();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp26 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp26 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp26() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp26();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp32 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp32 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp29SegGrp32() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp32();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp33 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp33 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp29SegGrp33() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp33();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp29SegGrp30SegGrp31() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp29 .SegGrp30 .SegGrp31();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp27SegGrp28() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp27 .SegGrp28();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp20SegGrp21() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp20 .SegGrp21();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp18SegGrp19() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp18 .SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp15SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createCUSPEDSegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createCUSPEDSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link CUSPED.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CUSPED.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCUSPEDSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CUSPED.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp1 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp1 createPROSRVSegGrp1() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp19 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp19 createPROSRVSegGrp19() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp19();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createPROSRVSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11 createPROSRVSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp11() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createPROSRVSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp18 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp18 createPROSRVSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp14SegGrp18() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17 createPROSRVSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp14SegGrp16SegGrp17() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 .SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createPROSRVSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createPROSRVSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createPROSRVSegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createPROSRVSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link PROSRV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public PROSRV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createPROSRVSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new PROSRV.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createMEDPRESegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 createMEDPRESegGrp9SegGrp11() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15 createMEDPRESegGrp9SegGrp14SegGrp15() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp15();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16 createMEDPRESegGrp9SegGrp14SegGrp16() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18 createMEDPRESegGrp9SegGrp14SegGrp17SegGrp18() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp14 .SegGrp17 .SegGrp18();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13 createMEDPRESegGrp9SegGrp12SegGrp13() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp9 .SegGrp12 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 createMEDPRESegGrp3SegGrp4() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5 createMEDPRESegGrp3SegGrp5() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6 createMEDPRESegGrp3SegGrp6() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createMEDPRESegGrp3SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp3 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDPRE.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public MEDPRE.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createMEDPRESegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new MEDPRE.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link REQDOC.SegGrp1 }
public REQDOC.SegGrp1 createREQDOCSegGrp1() {
return new REQDOC.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link REQDOC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public REQDOC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createREQDOCSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new REQDOC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link REQDOC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public REQDOC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createREQDOCSegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new REQDOC.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link REQDOC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public REQDOC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createREQDOCSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new REQDOC.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link REMADV.SegGrp3 }
public REMADV.SegGrp3 createREMADVSegGrp3() {
return new REMADV.SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link REMADV.SegGrp13 }
public REMADV.SegGrp13 createREMADVSegGrp13() {
return new REMADV.SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createREMADVSegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 }
public REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8 createREMADVSegGrp4SegGrp8() {
return new REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 }
public REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 createREMADVSegGrp4SegGrp9SegGrp10() {
return new REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createREMADVSegGrp4SegGrp9SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 }
public REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 createREMADVSegGrp4SegGrp6SegGrp7() {
return new REMADV.SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link REMADV.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 }
public REMADV.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2 createREMADVSegGrp1SegGrp2() {
return new REMADV.SegGrp1 .SegGrp2();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp1 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp1 createMEDREQSegGrp1() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp17 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp17 createMEDREQSegGrp17() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp17();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createMEDREQSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createMEDREQSegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createMEDREQSegGrp2SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16 createMEDREQSegGrp2SegGrp5SegGrp15SegGrp16() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp15 .SegGrp16();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14 createMEDREQSegGrp2SegGrp5SegGrp13SegGrp14() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp13 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12 createMEDREQSegGrp2SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp11SegGrp12() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp11 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9 createMEDREQSegGrp2SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp9() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 }
public MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10 createMEDREQSegGrp2SegGrp5SegGrp7SegGrp8SegGrp10() {
return new MEDREQ.SegGrp2 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 .SegGrp10();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRA.SegGrp1 }
public CONDRA.SegGrp1 createCONDRASegGrp1() {
return new CONDRA.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRA.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 }
public CONDRA.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8 createCONDRASegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp8() {
return new CONDRA.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRA.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 }
public CONDRA.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9 createCONDRASegGrp5SegGrp6SegGrp7SegGrp9() {
return new CONDRA.SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 .SegGrp7 .SegGrp9();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public CONDRA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createCONDRASegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new CONDRA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link CONDRA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 }
public CONDRA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4 createCONDRASegGrp2SegGrp4() {
return new CONDRA.SegGrp2 .SegGrp4();
* Create an instance of {@link REPREM.SegGrp1 }
public REPREM.SegGrp1 createREPREMSegGrp1() {
return new REPREM.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link REPREM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 }
public REPREM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 createREPREMSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp5() {
return new REPREM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp5();
* Create an instance of {@link REPREM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 }
public REPREM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6 createREPREMSegGrp2SegGrp3SegGrp4SegGrp6() {
return new REPREM.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 .SegGrp4 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG.SegGrp1 }
public RESMSG.SegGrp1 createRESMSGSegGrp1() {
return new RESMSG.SegGrp1();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 }
public RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11 createRESMSGSegGrp4SegGrp9SegGrp10SegGrp11() {
return new RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp11();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 }
public RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12 createRESMSGSegGrp4SegGrp9SegGrp10SegGrp12() {
return new RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp12();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 }
public RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13 createRESMSGSegGrp4SegGrp9SegGrp10SegGrp13() {
return new RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp13();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 }
public RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp14 createRESMSGSegGrp4SegGrp9SegGrp10SegGrp14() {
return new RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp9 .SegGrp10 .SegGrp14();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 }
public RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6 createRESMSGSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp6() {
return new RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp6();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 }
public RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7 createRESMSGSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp7() {
return new RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp7();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 }
public RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8 createRESMSGSegGrp4SegGrp5SegGrp8() {
return new RESMSG.SegGrp4 .SegGrp5 .SegGrp8();
* Create an instance of {@link RESMSG.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 }
public RESMSG.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3 createRESMSGSegGrp2SegGrp3() {
return new RESMSG.SegGrp2 .SegGrp3();
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ADRAddress }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ADRAddress }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "ADR-Address")
public JAXBElement createADRAddress(ADRAddress value) {
return new JAXBElement(_ADRAddress_QNAME, ADRAddress.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AGRAgreementIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AGRAgreementIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "AGR-AgreementIdentification")
public JAXBElement createAGRAgreementIdentification(AGRAgreementIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_AGRAgreementIdentification_QNAME, AGRAgreementIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AJTAdjustmentDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AJTAdjustmentDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "AJT-AdjustmentDetails")
public JAXBElement createAJTAdjustmentDetails(AJTAdjustmentDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_AJTAdjustmentDetails_QNAME, AJTAdjustmentDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ALCAllowanceOrCharge }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ALCAllowanceOrCharge }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "ALC-AllowanceOrCharge")
public JAXBElement createALCAllowanceOrCharge(ALCAllowanceOrCharge value) {
return new JAXBElement(_ALCAllowanceOrCharge_QNAME, ALCAllowanceOrCharge.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ALIAdditionalInformation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ALIAdditionalInformation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "ALI-AdditionalInformation")
public JAXBElement createALIAdditionalInformation(ALIAdditionalInformation value) {
return new JAXBElement(_ALIAdditionalInformation_QNAME, ALIAdditionalInformation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link APPApplicability }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link APPApplicability }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "APP-Applicability")
public JAXBElement createAPPApplicability(APPApplicability value) {
return new JAXBElement(_APPApplicability_QNAME, APPApplicability.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link APRAdditionalPriceInformation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link APRAdditionalPriceInformation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "APR-AdditionalPriceInformation")
public JAXBElement createAPRAdditionalPriceInformation(APRAdditionalPriceInformation value) {
return new JAXBElement(_APRAdditionalPriceInformation_QNAME, APRAdditionalPriceInformation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ARDMonetaryAmountFunction }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ARDMonetaryAmountFunction }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "ARD-MonetaryAmountFunction")
public JAXBElement createARDMonetaryAmountFunction(ARDMonetaryAmountFunction value) {
return new JAXBElement(_ARDMonetaryAmountFunction_QNAME, ARDMonetaryAmountFunction.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ARRArrayInformation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ARRArrayInformation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "ARR-ArrayInformation")
public JAXBElement createARRArrayInformation(ARRArrayInformation value) {
return new JAXBElement(_ARRArrayInformation_QNAME, ARRArrayInformation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ASIArrayStructureIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ASIArrayStructureIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "ASI-ArrayStructureIdentification")
public JAXBElement createASIArrayStructureIdentification(ASIArrayStructureIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_ASIArrayStructureIdentification_QNAME, ASIArrayStructureIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ATTAttribute }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ATTAttribute }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "ATT-Attribute")
public JAXBElement createATTAttribute(ATTAttribute value) {
return new JAXBElement(_ATTAttribute_QNAME, ATTAttribute.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AUTAuthenticationResult }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AUTAuthenticationResult }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "AUT-AuthenticationResult")
public JAXBElement createAUTAuthenticationResult(AUTAuthenticationResult value) {
return new JAXBElement(_AUTAuthenticationResult_QNAME, AUTAuthenticationResult.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BASBasis }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BASBasis }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "BAS-Basis")
public JAXBElement createBASBasis(BASBasis value) {
return new JAXBElement(_BASBasis_QNAME, BASBasis.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BGMBeginningOfMessage }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BGMBeginningOfMessage }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "BGM-BeginningOfMessage")
public JAXBElement createBGMBeginningOfMessage(BGMBeginningOfMessage value) {
return new JAXBElement(_BGMBeginningOfMessage_QNAME, BGMBeginningOfMessage.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BIIStructureIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BIIStructureIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "BII-StructureIdentification")
public JAXBElement createBIIStructureIdentification(BIIStructureIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_BIIStructureIdentification_QNAME, BIIStructureIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BUSBusinessFunction }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link BUSBusinessFunction }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "BUS-BusinessFunction")
public JAXBElement createBUSBusinessFunction(BUSBusinessFunction value) {
return new JAXBElement(_BUSBusinessFunction_QNAME, BUSBusinessFunction.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CAVCharacteristicValue }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CAVCharacteristicValue }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CAV-CharacteristicValue")
public JAXBElement createCAVCharacteristicValue(CAVCharacteristicValue value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CAVCharacteristicValue_QNAME, CAVCharacteristicValue.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CCDCreditCoverDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CCDCreditCoverDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CCD-CreditCoverDetails")
public JAXBElement createCCDCreditCoverDetails(CCDCreditCoverDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CCDCreditCoverDetails_QNAME, CCDCreditCoverDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CCICharacteristicClassId }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CCICharacteristicClassId }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CCI-CharacteristicClassId")
public JAXBElement createCCICharacteristicClassId(CCICharacteristicClassId value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CCICharacteristicClassId_QNAME, CCICharacteristicClassId.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CDIPhysicalOrLogicalState }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CDIPhysicalOrLogicalState }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CDI-PhysicalOrLogicalState")
public JAXBElement createCDIPhysicalOrLogicalState(CDIPhysicalOrLogicalState value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CDIPhysicalOrLogicalState_QNAME, CDIPhysicalOrLogicalState.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CDSCodeSetIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CDSCodeSetIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CDS-CodeSetIdentification")
public JAXBElement createCDSCodeSetIdentification(CDSCodeSetIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CDSCodeSetIdentification_QNAME, CDSCodeSetIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CDVCodeValueDefinition }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CDVCodeValueDefinition }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CDV-CodeValueDefinition")
public JAXBElement createCDVCodeValueDefinition(CDVCodeValueDefinition value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CDVCodeValueDefinition_QNAME, CDVCodeValueDefinition.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CEDComputerEnvironmentDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CEDComputerEnvironmentDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CED-ComputerEnvironmentDetails")
public JAXBElement createCEDComputerEnvironmentDetails(CEDComputerEnvironmentDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CEDComputerEnvironmentDetails_QNAME, CEDComputerEnvironmentDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CINClinicalInformation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CINClinicalInformation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CIN-ClinicalInformation")
public JAXBElement createCINClinicalInformation(CINClinicalInformation value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CINClinicalInformation_QNAME, CINClinicalInformation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CLAClauseIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CLAClauseIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CLA-ClauseIdentification")
public JAXBElement createCLAClauseIdentification(CLAClauseIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CLAClauseIdentification_QNAME, CLAClauseIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CLIClinicalIntervention }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CLIClinicalIntervention }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CLI-ClinicalIntervention")
public JAXBElement createCLIClinicalIntervention(CLIClinicalIntervention value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CLIClinicalIntervention_QNAME, CLIClinicalIntervention.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CMPCompositeDataElementIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CMPCompositeDataElementIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CMP-CompositeDataElementIdentification")
public JAXBElement createCMPCompositeDataElementIdentification(CMPCompositeDataElementIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CMPCompositeDataElementIdentification_QNAME, CMPCompositeDataElementIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CNIConsignmentInformation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CNIConsignmentInformation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CNI-ConsignmentInformation")
public JAXBElement createCNIConsignmentInformation(CNIConsignmentInformation value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CNIConsignmentInformation_QNAME, CNIConsignmentInformation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CNTControlTotal }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CNTControlTotal }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CNT-ControlTotal")
public JAXBElement createCNTControlTotal(CNTControlTotal value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CNTControlTotal_QNAME, CNTControlTotal.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CODComponentDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CODComponentDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "COD-ComponentDetails")
public JAXBElement createCODComponentDetails(CODComponentDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CODComponentDetails_QNAME, CODComponentDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link COMCommunicationContact }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link COMCommunicationContact }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "COM-CommunicationContact")
public JAXBElement createCOMCommunicationContact(COMCommunicationContact value) {
return new JAXBElement(_COMCommunicationContact_QNAME, COMCommunicationContact.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link COTContributionDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link COTContributionDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "COT-ContributionDetails")
public JAXBElement createCOTContributionDetails(COTContributionDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_COTContributionDetails_QNAME, COTContributionDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CPIChargePaymentInstructions }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CPIChargePaymentInstructions }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CPI-ChargePaymentInstructions")
public JAXBElement createCPIChargePaymentInstructions(CPIChargePaymentInstructions value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CPIChargePaymentInstructions_QNAME, CPIChargePaymentInstructions.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CPSConsignmentPackingSequence }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CPSConsignmentPackingSequence }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CPS-ConsignmentPackingSequence")
public JAXBElement createCPSConsignmentPackingSequence(CPSConsignmentPackingSequence value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CPSConsignmentPackingSequence_QNAME, CPSConsignmentPackingSequence.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CPTAccountIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CPTAccountIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CPT-AccountIdentification")
public JAXBElement createCPTAccountIdentification(CPTAccountIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CPTAccountIdentification_QNAME, CPTAccountIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CSTCustomsStatusOfGoods }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CSTCustomsStatusOfGoods }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CST-CustomsStatusOfGoods")
public JAXBElement createCSTCustomsStatusOfGoods(CSTCustomsStatusOfGoods value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CSTCustomsStatusOfGoods_QNAME, CSTCustomsStatusOfGoods.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CTAContactInformation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CTAContactInformation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CTA-ContactInformation")
public JAXBElement createCTAContactInformation(CTAContactInformation value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CTAContactInformation_QNAME, CTAContactInformation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CUXCurrencies }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CUXCurrencies }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "CUX-Currencies")
public JAXBElement createCUXCurrencies(CUXCurrencies value) {
return new JAXBElement(_CUXCurrencies_QNAME, CUXCurrencies.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DAMDamage }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DAMDamage }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "DAM-Damage")
public JAXBElement createDAMDamage(DAMDamage value) {
return new JAXBElement(_DAMDamage_QNAME, DAMDamage.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DFNDefinitionFunction }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DFNDefinitionFunction }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "DFN-DefinitionFunction")
public JAXBElement createDFNDefinitionFunction(DFNDefinitionFunction value) {
return new JAXBElement(_DFNDefinitionFunction_QNAME, DFNDefinitionFunction.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DGSDangerousGoods }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DGSDangerousGoods }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "DGS-DangerousGoods")
public JAXBElement createDGSDangerousGoods(DGSDangerousGoods value) {
return new JAXBElement(_DGSDangerousGoods_QNAME, DGSDangerousGoods.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DIIDirectoryIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DIIDirectoryIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "DII-DirectoryIdentification")
public JAXBElement createDIIDirectoryIdentification(DIIDirectoryIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_DIIDirectoryIdentification_QNAME, DIIDirectoryIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DIMDimensions }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DIMDimensions }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "DIM-Dimensions")
public JAXBElement createDIMDimensions(DIMDimensions value) {
return new JAXBElement(_DIMDimensions_QNAME, DIMDimensions.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DLIDocumentLineIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DLIDocumentLineIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "DLI-DocumentLineIdentification")
public JAXBElement createDLIDocumentLineIdentification(DLIDocumentLineIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_DLIDocumentLineIdentification_QNAME, DLIDocumentLineIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DLMDeliveryLimitations }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DLMDeliveryLimitations }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "DLM-DeliveryLimitations")
public JAXBElement createDLMDeliveryLimitations(DLMDeliveryLimitations value) {
return new JAXBElement(_DLMDeliveryLimitations_QNAME, DLMDeliveryLimitations.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DMSDocumentMessageSummary }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DMSDocumentMessageSummary }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "DMS-DocumentMessageSummary")
public JAXBElement createDMSDocumentMessageSummary(DMSDocumentMessageSummary value) {
return new JAXBElement(_DMSDocumentMessageSummary_QNAME, DMSDocumentMessageSummary.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DOCDocumentMessageDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DOCDocumentMessageDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "DOC-DocumentMessageDetails")
public JAXBElement createDOCDocumentMessageDetails(DOCDocumentMessageDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_DOCDocumentMessageDetails_QNAME, DOCDocumentMessageDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DRDDataRepresentationDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DRDDataRepresentationDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "DRD-DataRepresentationDetails")
public JAXBElement createDRDDataRepresentationDetails(DRDDataRepresentationDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_DRDDataRepresentationDetails_QNAME, DRDDataRepresentationDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DSGDosageAdministration }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DSGDosageAdministration }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "DSG-DosageAdministration")
public JAXBElement createDSGDosageAdministration(DSGDosageAdministration value) {
return new JAXBElement(_DSGDosageAdministration_QNAME, DSGDosageAdministration.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DSIDataSetIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DSIDataSetIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "DSI-DataSetIdentification")
public JAXBElement createDSIDataSetIdentification(DSIDataSetIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_DSIDataSetIdentification_QNAME, DSIDataSetIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DTMDateTimePeriod }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link DTMDateTimePeriod }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "DTM-DateTimePeriod")
public JAXBElement createDTMDateTimePeriod(DTMDateTimePeriod value) {
return new JAXBElement(_DTMDateTimePeriod_QNAME, DTMDateTimePeriod.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EDTEditingDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EDTEditingDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "EDT-EditingDetails")
public JAXBElement createEDTEditingDetails(EDTEditingDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_EDTEditingDetails_QNAME, EDTEditingDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EFIExternalFileLinkIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EFIExternalFileLinkIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "EFI-ExternalFileLinkIdentification")
public JAXBElement createEFIExternalFileLinkIdentification(EFIExternalFileLinkIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_EFIExternalFileLinkIdentification_QNAME, EFIExternalFileLinkIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ELMSimpleDataElementDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ELMSimpleDataElementDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "ELM-SimpleDataElementDetails")
public JAXBElement createELMSimpleDataElementDetails(ELMSimpleDataElementDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_ELMSimpleDataElementDetails_QNAME, ELMSimpleDataElementDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ELUDataElementUsageDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ELUDataElementUsageDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "ELU-DataElementUsageDetails")
public JAXBElement createELUDataElementUsageDetails(ELUDataElementUsageDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_ELUDataElementUsageDetails_QNAME, ELUDataElementUsageDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ELVElementValueDefinition }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ELVElementValueDefinition }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "ELV-ElementValueDefinition")
public JAXBElement createELVElementValueDefinition(ELVElementValueDefinition value) {
return new JAXBElement(_ELVElementValueDefinition_QNAME, ELVElementValueDefinition.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EMPEmploymentDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EMPEmploymentDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "EMP-EmploymentDetails")
public JAXBElement createEMPEmploymentDetails(EMPEmploymentDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_EMPEmploymentDetails_QNAME, EMPEmploymentDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EQAAttachedEquipment }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EQAAttachedEquipment }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "EQA-AttachedEquipment")
public JAXBElement createEQAAttachedEquipment(EQAAttachedEquipment value) {
return new JAXBElement(_EQAAttachedEquipment_QNAME, EQAAttachedEquipment.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EQDEquipmentDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EQDEquipmentDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "EQD-EquipmentDetails")
public JAXBElement createEQDEquipmentDetails(EQDEquipmentDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_EQDEquipmentDetails_QNAME, EQDEquipmentDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EQNNumberOfUnits }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EQNNumberOfUnits }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "EQN-NumberOfUnits")
public JAXBElement createEQNNumberOfUnits(EQNNumberOfUnits value) {
return new JAXBElement(_EQNNumberOfUnits_QNAME, EQNNumberOfUnits.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ERCApplicationErrorInformation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ERCApplicationErrorInformation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "ERC-ApplicationErrorInformation")
public JAXBElement createERCApplicationErrorInformation(ERCApplicationErrorInformation value) {
return new JAXBElement(_ERCApplicationErrorInformation_QNAME, ERCApplicationErrorInformation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ERPErrorPointDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ERPErrorPointDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "ERP-ErrorPointDetails")
public JAXBElement createERPErrorPointDetails(ERPErrorPointDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_ERPErrorPointDetails_QNAME, ERPErrorPointDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EVEEvent }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EVEEvent }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "EVE-Event")
public JAXBElement createEVEEvent(EVEEvent value) {
return new JAXBElement(_EVEEvent_QNAME, EVEEvent.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EVTEvent }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link EVTEvent }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "EVT-Event")
public JAXBElement createEVTEvent(EVTEvent value) {
return new JAXBElement(_EVTEvent_QNAME, EVTEvent.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FCAFinancialChargesAllocation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FCAFinancialChargesAllocation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "FCA-FinancialChargesAllocation")
public JAXBElement createFCAFinancialChargesAllocation(FCAFinancialChargesAllocation value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FCAFinancialChargesAllocation_QNAME, FCAFinancialChargesAllocation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FIIFinancialInstitutionInformation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FIIFinancialInstitutionInformation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "FII-FinancialInstitutionInformation")
public JAXBElement createFIIFinancialInstitutionInformation(FIIFinancialInstitutionInformation value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FIIFinancialInstitutionInformation_QNAME, FIIFinancialInstitutionInformation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FNSFootnoteSet }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FNSFootnoteSet }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "FNS-FootnoteSet")
public JAXBElement createFNSFootnoteSet(FNSFootnoteSet value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FNSFootnoteSet_QNAME, FNSFootnoteSet.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FNTFootnote }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FNTFootnote }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "FNT-Footnote")
public JAXBElement createFNTFootnote(FNTFootnote value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FNTFootnote_QNAME, FNTFootnote.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FORFormula }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FORFormula }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "FOR-Formula")
public JAXBElement createFORFormula(FORFormula value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FORFormula_QNAME, FORFormula.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FSQFormulaSequence }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FSQFormulaSequence }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "FSQ-FormulaSequence")
public JAXBElement createFSQFormulaSequence(FSQFormulaSequence value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FSQFormulaSequence_QNAME, FSQFormulaSequence.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FTXFreeText }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link FTXFreeText }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "FTX-FreeText")
public JAXBElement createFTXFreeText(FTXFreeText value) {
return new JAXBElement(_FTXFreeText_QNAME, FTXFreeText.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GDSNatureOfCargo }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GDSNatureOfCargo }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "GDS-NatureOfCargo")
public JAXBElement createGDSNatureOfCargo(GDSNatureOfCargo value) {
return new JAXBElement(_GDSNatureOfCargo_QNAME, GDSNatureOfCargo.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GEIProcessingInformation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GEIProcessingInformation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "GEI-ProcessingInformation")
public JAXBElement createGEIProcessingInformation(GEIProcessingInformation value) {
return new JAXBElement(_GEIProcessingInformation_QNAME, GEIProcessingInformation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GIDGoodsItemDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GIDGoodsItemDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "GID-GoodsItemDetails")
public JAXBElement createGIDGoodsItemDetails(GIDGoodsItemDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_GIDGoodsItemDetails_QNAME, GIDGoodsItemDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GINGoodsIdentityNumber }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GINGoodsIdentityNumber }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "GIN-GoodsIdentityNumber")
public JAXBElement createGINGoodsIdentityNumber(GINGoodsIdentityNumber value) {
return new JAXBElement(_GINGoodsIdentityNumber_QNAME, GINGoodsIdentityNumber.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GIRRelatedIdentificationNumbers }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GIRRelatedIdentificationNumbers }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "GIR-RelatedIdentificationNumbers")
public JAXBElement createGIRRelatedIdentificationNumbers(GIRRelatedIdentificationNumbers value) {
return new JAXBElement(_GIRRelatedIdentificationNumbers_QNAME, GIRRelatedIdentificationNumbers.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GISGeneralIndicator }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GISGeneralIndicator }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "GIS-GeneralIndicator")
public JAXBElement createGISGeneralIndicator(GISGeneralIndicator value) {
return new JAXBElement(_GISGeneralIndicator_QNAME, GISGeneralIndicator.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GORGovernmentalRequirements }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GORGovernmentalRequirements }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "GOR-GovernmentalRequirements")
public JAXBElement createGORGovernmentalRequirements(GORGovernmentalRequirements value) {
return new JAXBElement(_GORGovernmentalRequirements_QNAME, GORGovernmentalRequirements.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GRUSegmentGroupUsageDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link GRUSegmentGroupUsageDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "GRU-SegmentGroupUsageDetails")
public JAXBElement createGRUSegmentGroupUsageDetails(GRUSegmentGroupUsageDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_GRUSegmentGroupUsageDetails_QNAME, GRUSegmentGroupUsageDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HANHandlingInstructions }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HANHandlingInstructions }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "HAN-HandlingInstructions")
public JAXBElement createHANHandlingInstructions(HANHandlingInstructions value) {
return new JAXBElement(_HANHandlingInstructions_QNAME, HANHandlingInstructions.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HYNHierarchyInformation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link HYNHierarchyInformation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "HYN-HierarchyInformation")
public JAXBElement createHYNHierarchyInformation(HYNHierarchyInformation value) {
return new JAXBElement(_HYNHierarchyInformation_QNAME, HYNHierarchyInformation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ICDInsuranceCoverDescription }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ICDInsuranceCoverDescription }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "ICD-InsuranceCoverDescription")
public JAXBElement createICDInsuranceCoverDescription(ICDInsuranceCoverDescription value) {
return new JAXBElement(_ICDInsuranceCoverDescription_QNAME, ICDInsuranceCoverDescription.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link IDEIdentity }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link IDEIdentity }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "IDE-Identity")
public JAXBElement createIDEIdentity(IDEIdentity value) {
return new JAXBElement(_IDEIdentity_QNAME, IDEIdentity.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link IFDInformationDetail }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link IFDInformationDetail }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "IFD-InformationDetail")
public JAXBElement createIFDInformationDetail(IFDInformationDetail value) {
return new JAXBElement(_IFDInformationDetail_QNAME, IFDInformationDetail.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link IHCPersonCharacteristic }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link IHCPersonCharacteristic }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "IHC-PersonCharacteristic")
public JAXBElement createIHCPersonCharacteristic(IHCPersonCharacteristic value) {
return new JAXBElement(_IHCPersonCharacteristic_QNAME, IHCPersonCharacteristic.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link IMDItemDescription }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link IMDItemDescription }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "IMD-ItemDescription")
public JAXBElement createIMDItemDescription(IMDItemDescription value) {
return new JAXBElement(_IMDItemDescription_QNAME, IMDItemDescription.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link INDIndexDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link INDIndexDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "IND-IndexDetails")
public JAXBElement createINDIndexDetails(INDIndexDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_INDIndexDetails_QNAME, INDIndexDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link INPPartiesAndInstruction }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link INPPartiesAndInstruction }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "INP-PartiesAndInstruction")
public JAXBElement createINPPartiesAndInstruction(INPPartiesAndInstruction value) {
return new JAXBElement(_INPPartiesAndInstruction_QNAME, INPPartiesAndInstruction.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link INVInventoryManagementRelatedDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link INVInventoryManagementRelatedDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "INV-InventoryManagementRelatedDetails")
public JAXBElement createINVInventoryManagementRelatedDetails(INVInventoryManagementRelatedDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_INVInventoryManagementRelatedDetails_QNAME, INVInventoryManagementRelatedDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link IRQInformationRequired }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link IRQInformationRequired }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "IRQ-InformationRequired")
public JAXBElement createIRQInformationRequired(IRQInformationRequired value) {
return new JAXBElement(_IRQInformationRequired_QNAME, IRQInformationRequired.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LANLanguage }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LANLanguage }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "LAN-Language")
public JAXBElement createLANLanguage(LANLanguage value) {
return new JAXBElement(_LANLanguage_QNAME, LANLanguage.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LINLineItem }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LINLineItem }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "LIN-LineItem")
public JAXBElement createLINLineItem(LINLineItem value) {
return new JAXBElement(_LINLineItem_QNAME, LINLineItem.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LOCPlaceLocationIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link LOCPlaceLocationIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "LOC-PlaceLocationIdentification")
public JAXBElement createLOCPlaceLocationIdentification(LOCPlaceLocationIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_LOCPlaceLocationIdentification_QNAME, LOCPlaceLocationIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MEAMeasurements }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MEAMeasurements }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "MEA-Measurements")
public JAXBElement createMEAMeasurements(MEAMeasurements value) {
return new JAXBElement(_MEAMeasurements_QNAME, MEAMeasurements.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MEMMembershipDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MEMMembershipDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "MEM-MembershipDetails")
public JAXBElement createMEMMembershipDetails(MEMMembershipDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_MEMMembershipDetails_QNAME, MEMMembershipDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MKSMarketSalesChannelInformation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MKSMarketSalesChannelInformation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "MKS-MarketSalesChannelInformation")
public JAXBElement createMKSMarketSalesChannelInformation(MKSMarketSalesChannelInformation value) {
return new JAXBElement(_MKSMarketSalesChannelInformation_QNAME, MKSMarketSalesChannelInformation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MOAMonetaryAmount }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MOAMonetaryAmount }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "MOA-MonetaryAmount")
public JAXBElement createMOAMonetaryAmount(MOAMonetaryAmount value) {
return new JAXBElement(_MOAMonetaryAmount_QNAME, MOAMonetaryAmount.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MSGMessageTypeIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MSGMessageTypeIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "MSG-MessageTypeIdentification")
public JAXBElement createMSGMessageTypeIdentification(MSGMessageTypeIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_MSGMessageTypeIdentification_QNAME, MSGMessageTypeIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MTDMaintenanceOperationDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link MTDMaintenanceOperationDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "MTD-MaintenanceOperationDetails")
public JAXBElement createMTDMaintenanceOperationDetails(MTDMaintenanceOperationDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_MTDMaintenanceOperationDetails_QNAME, MTDMaintenanceOperationDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link NADNameAndAddress }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link NADNameAndAddress }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "NAD-NameAndAddress")
public JAXBElement createNADNameAndAddress(NADNameAndAddress value) {
return new JAXBElement(_NADNameAndAddress_QNAME, NADNameAndAddress.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link NATNationality }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link NATNationality }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "NAT-Nationality")
public JAXBElement createNATNationality(NATNationality value) {
return new JAXBElement(_NATNationality_QNAME, NATNationality.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PACPackage }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PACPackage }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PAC-Package")
public JAXBElement createPACPackage(PACPackage value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PACPackage_QNAME, PACPackage.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PAIPaymentInstructions }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PAIPaymentInstructions }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PAI-PaymentInstructions")
public JAXBElement createPAIPaymentInstructions(PAIPaymentInstructions value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PAIPaymentInstructions_QNAME, PAIPaymentInstructions.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PASAttendance }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PASAttendance }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PAS-Attendance")
public JAXBElement createPASAttendance(PASAttendance value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PASAttendance_QNAME, PASAttendance.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PATPaymentTermsBasis }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PATPaymentTermsBasis }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PAT-PaymentTermsBasis")
public JAXBElement createPATPaymentTermsBasis(PATPaymentTermsBasis value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PATPaymentTermsBasis_QNAME, PATPaymentTermsBasis.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PCCPremiumCalculationComponentDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PCCPremiumCalculationComponentDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PCC-PremiumCalculationComponentDetails")
public JAXBElement createPCCPremiumCalculationComponentDetails(PCCPremiumCalculationComponentDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PCCPremiumCalculationComponentDetails_QNAME, PCCPremiumCalculationComponentDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PCDPercentageDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PCDPercentageDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PCD-PercentageDetails")
public JAXBElement createPCDPercentageDetails(PCDPercentageDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PCDPercentageDetails_QNAME, PCDPercentageDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PCIPackageIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PCIPackageIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PCI-PackageIdentification")
public JAXBElement createPCIPackageIdentification(PCIPackageIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PCIPackageIdentification_QNAME, PCIPackageIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PDIPersonDemographicInformation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PDIPersonDemographicInformation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PDI-PersonDemographicInformation")
public JAXBElement createPDIPersonDemographicInformation(PDIPersonDemographicInformation value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PDIPersonDemographicInformation_QNAME, PDIPersonDemographicInformation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PERPeriodRelatedDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PERPeriodRelatedDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PER-PeriodRelatedDetails")
public JAXBElement createPERPeriodRelatedDetails(PERPeriodRelatedDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PERPeriodRelatedDetails_QNAME, PERPeriodRelatedDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PGIProductGroupInformation }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PGIProductGroupInformation }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PGI-ProductGroupInformation")
public JAXBElement createPGIProductGroupInformation(PGIProductGroupInformation value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PGIProductGroupInformation_QNAME, PGIProductGroupInformation.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PIAAdditionalProductId }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PIAAdditionalProductId }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PIA-AdditionalProductId")
public JAXBElement createPIAAdditionalProductId(PIAAdditionalProductId value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PIAAdditionalProductId_QNAME, PIAAdditionalProductId.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PNAPartyIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PNAPartyIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PNA-PartyIdentification")
public JAXBElement createPNAPartyIdentification(PNAPartyIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PNAPartyIdentification_QNAME, PNAPartyIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link POCPurposeOfConveyanceCall }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link POCPurposeOfConveyanceCall }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "POC-PurposeOfConveyanceCall")
public JAXBElement createPOCPurposeOfConveyanceCall(POCPurposeOfConveyanceCall value) {
return new JAXBElement(_POCPurposeOfConveyanceCall_QNAME, POCPurposeOfConveyanceCall.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PRCProcessIdentification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PRCProcessIdentification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PRC-ProcessIdentification")
public JAXBElement createPRCProcessIdentification(PRCProcessIdentification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PRCProcessIdentification_QNAME, PRCProcessIdentification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PRIPriceDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PRIPriceDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PRI-PriceDetails")
public JAXBElement createPRIPriceDetails(PRIPriceDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PRIPriceDetails_QNAME, PRIPriceDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PRVProvisoDetails }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PRVProvisoDetails }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PRV-ProvisoDetails")
public JAXBElement createPRVProvisoDetails(PRVProvisoDetails value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PRVProvisoDetails_QNAME, PRVProvisoDetails.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PSDPhysicalSampleDescription }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PSDPhysicalSampleDescription }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PSD-PhysicalSampleDescription")
public JAXBElement createPSDPhysicalSampleDescription(PSDPhysicalSampleDescription value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PSDPhysicalSampleDescription_QNAME, PSDPhysicalSampleDescription.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PTYPriority }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PTYPriority }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PTY-Priority")
public JAXBElement createPTYPriority(PTYPriority value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PTYPriority_QNAME, PTYPriority.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PYTPaymentTerms }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PYTPaymentTerms }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PYT-PaymentTerms")
public JAXBElement createPYTPaymentTerms(PYTPaymentTerms value) {
return new JAXBElement(_PYTPaymentTerms_QNAME, PYTPaymentTerms.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link QRSQueryAndResponse }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link QRSQueryAndResponse }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "QRS-QueryAndResponse")
public JAXBElement createQRSQueryAndResponse(QRSQueryAndResponse value) {
return new JAXBElement(_QRSQueryAndResponse_QNAME, QRSQueryAndResponse.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link QTYQuantity }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link QTYQuantity }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "QTY-Quantity")
public JAXBElement createQTYQuantity(QTYQuantity value) {
return new JAXBElement(_QTYQuantity_QNAME, QTYQuantity.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link QUAQualification }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link QUAQualification }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "QUA-Qualification")
public JAXBElement createQUAQualification(QUAQualification value) {
return new JAXBElement(_QUAQualification_QNAME, QUAQualification.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link QVRQuantityVariances }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link QVRQuantityVariances }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "QVR-QuantityVariances")
public JAXBElement createQVRQuantityVariances(QVRQuantityVariances value) {
return new JAXBElement(_QVRQuantityVariances_QNAME, QVRQuantityVariances.class, null, value);
* Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link RCSRequirementsAndConditions }{@code >}
* @param value
* Java instance representing xml element's value.
* @return
* the new instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link RCSRequirementsAndConditions }{@code >}
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "RCS-RequirementsAndConditions")
public JAXBElement createRCSRequirementsAndConditions(RCSRequirementsAndConditions value) {
return new JAXBElement