org.snmp4j.agent.request.SnmpRequest Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/*_############################################################################ _## _## SNMP4J-Agent 2 - _## _## Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Frank Fock ( _## _## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); _## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. _## You may obtain a copy of the License at _## _## _## _## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software _## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, _## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. _## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and _## limitations under the License. _## _##########################################################################*/ package org.snmp4j.agent.request; import java.util.*; import org.snmp4j.*; import*; import*; import org.snmp4j.smi.*; import org.snmp4j.agent.DefaultMOContextScope; import org.snmp4j.agent.MOScope; import org.snmp4j.agent.ManagedObject; import org.snmp4j.log.LogAdapter; import org.snmp4j.log.LogFactory; import; import org.snmp4j.agent.MOQuery; /** * The
for which all *SnmpRequest
class implements requests from a SNMP source. * * @author Frank Fock * @version 1.2 */ public class SnmpRequest extends AbstractRequest{ private static final LogAdapter logger = LogFactory.getLogger(SnmpRequest.class); public static final OctetString DEFAULT_CONTEXT = new OctetString(); private CoexistenceInfo coexistenceInfo; private OctetString viewName; private static int nextTransactionID = 0; protected Map processingUserObjects; public SnmpRequest(CommandResponderEvent request, CoexistenceInfo cinfo) { super(request); this.coexistenceInfo = cinfo; correctRequestValues(); this.transactionID = nextTransactionID(); } public static synchronized int nextTransactionID() { return nextTransactionID++; } protected synchronized void setupSubRequests() { int capacity = source.getPDU().size(); int totalRepetitions = (source.getPDU() instanceof PDUv1) ? 0 : repeaterRowSize*source.getPDU().getMaxRepetitions(); subrequests = new ArrayList (capacity + totalRepetitions); if (response == null) { response = createResponse(); } for (int i=0; i r i<r*(pduSize-nonRepeaters)
{@link SubRequest}s * returned by {@link #get(int i)} return true on * {@link SubRequest#isComplete()}. */ public synchronized int getCompleteRepetitions() { int i = 0; int repeaterCount = getRepeaterCount(); if (repeaterCount <= 0) { return 0; } for (Iterator it = subrequests.iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { SnmpSubRequest sreq = (SnmpSubRequest); if (!sreq.isComplete()) { return i/repeaterCount; } } return i/repeaterCount; } public int getMaxRepetitions() { return source.getPDU().getMaxRepetitions(); } public int getNonRepeaters() { return source.getPDU().getNonRepeaters(); } private void addSubRequest(SnmpSubRequest subReq) { subrequests.add(subReq); response.add(subReq.getVariableBinding()); } protected int getMaxPhase() { return (is2PC()) ? PHASE_2PC_CLEANUP : PHASE_1PC; } public int size() { return source.getPDU().size(); } /** * Gets the initiating event. * @return * {@link #getSource()} * @deprecated * Use {@link #getSource()} instead. */ public CommandResponderEvent getInitiatingEvent() { return source; } public void setRequestEvent(CommandResponderEvent source) { this.source = source; } protected void assignErrorStatus2Response() { int errStatus = getErrorStatus(); if (source.getMessageProcessingModel() == MessageProcessingModel.MPv1) { switch (errStatus) { case SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_NOT_WRITEABLE: case SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_NO_ACCESS: case SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_NO_CREATION: case SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_INCONSISTENT_NAME: { response.setErrorStatus(SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_NO_SUCH_NAME); break; } case SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_AUTHORIZATION_ERROR: case SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE: case SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_COMMIT_FAILED: case SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_UNDO_FAILED: { response.setErrorStatus(SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_GENERAL_ERROR); break; } case SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_WRONG_VALUE: case SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_WRONG_LENGTH: case SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_INCONSISTENT_VALUE: case SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_WRONG_TYPE: { response.setErrorStatus(SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_BAD_VALUE); break; } default: { response.setErrorStatus(errStatus); } } for (int i=0; irequest.size()) { request.setNonRepeaters(request.size()); } repeaterStartIndex = request.getNonRepeaters(); repeaterRowSize = Math.max(request.size() - repeaterStartIndex, 0); } else { repeaterStartIndex = 0; repeaterRowSize = request.size(); } } /** * Return the response PDU. * @return * {@link #getResponse()} * @deprecated * Use #getResponse() instead. */ public PDU getResponsePDU() { return getResponse(); } public PDU getResponse() { if (response == null) { response = createResponse(); } assignErrorStatus2Response(); return response; } /** * iterator * * @return Iterator */ public Iterator iterator() { initSubRequests(); return new SnmpSubRequestIterator(); } protected boolean is2PC() { return (source.getPDU().getType() == PDU.SET); } public OctetString getContext() { if (coexistenceInfo != null) { return coexistenceInfo.getContextName(); } else if (source.getPDU() instanceof ScopedPDU) { return ((ScopedPDU)source.getPDU()).getContextName(); } return DEFAULT_CONTEXT; } public OctetString getViewName() { return viewName; } public void setViewName(OctetString viewName) { this.viewName = viewName; } public int getSecurityLevel() { return source.getSecurityLevel(); } public int getSecurityModel() { return source.getSecurityModel(); } public OctetString getSecurityName() { if (coexistenceInfo != null) { return coexistenceInfo.getSecurityName(); } return new OctetString(source.getSecurityName()); } public int getViewType() { return getViewType(source.getPDU().getType()); } /** * Returns the VACM view type for the supplied PDU type. * @param pduType * a PDU type. * @return * the corresponding VACM view type. */ public static int getViewType(int pduType) { switch (pduType) { case PDU.GETNEXT: case PDU.GET: case PDU.GETBULK: { return VACM.VIEW_READ; } case PDU.INFORM: case PDU.TRAP: case PDU.V1TRAP: { return VACM.VIEW_NOTIFY; } default: { return VACM.VIEW_WRITE; } } } protected synchronized void addRepeaterSubRequest() { int predecessorIndex = subrequests.size() - repeaterRowSize; SnmpSubRequest sreq = new SnmpSubRequest(subrequests.get(predecessorIndex), subrequests.size()); addSubRequest(sreq); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Added sub request '"+sreq+"' to response '"+response+"'"); } } public int getErrorIndex() { if (errorStatus == SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_SUCCESS) { return 0; } initSubRequests(); int index = 1; for (Iterator it = subrequests.iterator(); it.hasNext(); index++) { SubRequest sreq = (SubRequest); if (sreq.getStatus().getErrorStatus() != SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_SUCCESS) { return index; } } return 0; } public int getTransactionID() { return transactionID; } public CoexistenceInfo getCoexistenceInfo() { return coexistenceInfo; } /** * Returns the last repetition row that is complete (regarding the number * of elements in the row) before the given subrequest index. * @param upperBoundIndex * the maximum sub-request index within the row to return. * @return * a sub list of the sub-requests list that contains the row's elements. * If no such row exists null
is returned. */ private ListlastRow(int upperBoundIndex) { if ((repeaterRowSize == 0) || (upperBoundIndex <= repeaterStartIndex)) { return null; } int rows = (upperBoundIndex - repeaterStartIndex) / repeaterRowSize; int startIndex = repeaterStartIndex + (repeaterRowSize*(rows-1)); int endIndex = repeaterStartIndex + (repeaterRowSize*rows); if ((startIndex < repeaterStartIndex) || (endIndex > subrequests.size())) { return null; } return subrequests.subList(startIndex, endIndex); } public int getMessageProcessingModel() { return this.source.getMessageProcessingModel(); } public int getRepeaterCount() { PDU reqPDU = source.getPDU(); return Math.max(reqPDU.size() - reqPDU.getNonRepeaters(), 0); } public boolean isPhaseComplete() { if (errorStatus == SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_SUCCESS) { initSubRequests(); for (Object subrequest : subrequests) { SubRequest subreq = (SubRequest) subrequest; RequestStatus status = subreq.getStatus(); if (status.getErrorStatus() != SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_SUCCESS) { return true; } else if (!status.isPhaseComplete()) { return false; } } } if (source.getPDU().getType() == PDU.GETBULK) { SnmpSubRequestIterator it = new SnmpSubRequestIterator(subrequests.size(), 1); return !it.hasNext(); } return true; } public boolean isBulkRequest() { return (source.getPDU().getType() == PDU.GETBULK); } public synchronized Object getProcessingUserObject(Object key) { if (processingUserObjects != null) { return processingUserObjects.get(key); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public synchronized Object setProcessingUserObject(Object key, Object value) { if (processingUserObjects == null) { processingUserObjects = new HashMap(5); } return processingUserObjects.put(key, value); } /** * * @author Frank Fock * @version 1.0 */ public class SnmpSubRequestIterator implements SubRequestIterator { private int cursor = 0; private int increment = 1; private boolean noAppending; protected SnmpSubRequestIterator() { this.cursor = 0; } protected SnmpSubRequestIterator(int offset, int increment) { this.cursor = offset; this.increment = increment; } protected void setNoAppending(boolean noAppending) { this.noAppending = noAppending; } /** * hasNext * * @return boolean */ public boolean hasNext() { synchronized (SnmpRequest.this) { PDU reqPDU = source.getPDU(); if (reqPDU.getType() == PDU.GETBULK) { if (noAppending && (cursor >= subrequests.size())) { return false; } if (cursor < Math.min(reqPDU.size(), reqPDU.getNonRepeaters())) { return true; } else { if (cursor < reqPDU.getNonRepeaters() + reqPDU.getMaxRepetitions() * getRepeaterCount()) { List lastRow = lastRow(cursor); if (lastRow != null) { boolean allEndOfMibView = true; SnmpSubRequest sreq = null; for (SnmpSubRequest creq : lastRow) { sreq = creq; if (sreq.getVariableBinding().getSyntax() != SMIConstants.EXCEPTION_END_OF_MIB_VIEW) { allEndOfMibView = false; break; } } if (allEndOfMibView) { // truncate request if already more elements are there if ((sreq != null) && (sreq.getIndex() < subrequests.size())) { int lastElementIndex = sreq.getIndex(); List tail = subrequests.subList(lastElementIndex + 1, subrequests.size()); tail.clear(); tail = response.getVariableBindings(). subList(lastElementIndex + 1, response.size()); tail.clear(); } return false; } } return (response.getBERLength() < source.getMaxSizeResponsePDU()); } else if ((reqPDU.getNonRepeaters() == 0) && (reqPDU.getMaxRepetitions() == 0)) { SnmpRequest.this.subrequests.clear(); if (response != null) { while (response.size() > 0) { response.remove(0); } } } } return false; } return (cursor < reqPDU.size()); } } public SnmpRequest.SnmpSubRequest next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } if ((source.getPDU().getType() == PDU.GETBULK) && (cursor >= subrequests.size())) { while (cursor >= subrequests.size()) { addRepeaterSubRequest(); } } SnmpRequest.SnmpSubRequest sreq = subrequests.get(cursor); cursor += increment; return sreq; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Remove is not supported "+ "on sub-requests"); } public boolean equals(Object other) { return ((other instanceof Request) && ((Request) other).getTransactionID() == getTransactionID()); } public int hashCode() { return getTransactionID(); } } /** * * @author Frank Fock * @version 1.0 */ public class SnmpSubRequest implements org.snmp4j.agent.request.SnmpSubRequest, RequestStatusListener { private RequestStatus status; private VariableBinding vb; private Object undoValue; private MOScope scope; private ManagedObject targetMO; private MOQuery query; private int index; private volatile Object userObject; protected SnmpSubRequest(VariableBinding subrequest, int index) { this.vb = subrequest; this.index = index; switch (source.getPDU().getType()) { case PDU.GETBULK: case PDU.GETNEXT: { this.scope = getNextScope(new OID(this.vb.getOid())); break; } default: { OID oid = this.vb.getOid(); this.scope = new DefaultMOContextScope(getContext(), oid, true, oid, true); } } status = new RequestStatus(); status.addRequestStatusListener(this); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Created subrequest "+index+" with scope "+scope+ " from "+subrequest); } } protected MOScope getNextScope(OID previousOID) { return new DefaultMOContextScope(getContext(), previousOID, false, null, false); } protected SnmpSubRequest(SnmpSubRequest predecessor, int index) { this(new VariableBinding(predecessor.getVariableBinding().getOid()), index); // Do not copy queries because they need to be updated externally only! // this.query = predecessor.getQuery(); } @Override public SnmpRequest getRequest() { return SnmpRequest.this; } public RequestStatus getStatus() { return status; } public VariableBinding getVariableBinding() { return vb; } public void setStatus(RequestStatus status) { this.status = status; } public Object getUndoValue() { return undoValue; } public void setUndoValue(Object undoInformation) { this.undoValue = undoInformation; } public void requestStatusChanged(RequestStatusEvent event) { int newStatus = event.getStatus().getErrorStatus(); setErrorStatus(newStatus); if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && (newStatus != SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_SUCCESS)) { new Exception("Error '"+ PDU.toErrorStatusText(event.getStatus().getErrorStatus())+ "' generated at: "+vb).printStackTrace(); } } public MOScope getScope() { return scope; } public void completed() { status.setPhaseComplete(true); } public boolean hasError() { return getStatus().getErrorStatus() != SnmpConstants.SNMP_ERROR_SUCCESS; } public boolean isComplete() { return status.isPhaseComplete(); } public void setTargetMO(ManagedObject managedObject) { this.targetMO = managedObject; } public ManagedObject getTargetMO() { return targetMO; } public SnmpRequest getSnmpRequest() { return SnmpRequest.this; } public void setErrorStatus(int errorStatus) { SnmpRequest.this.setErrorStatus(errorStatus); } public int getIndex() { return index; } public void setQuery(MOQuery query) { this.query = query; } public MOQuery getQuery() { return query; } public String toString() { return getClass().getName()+"[scope="+scope+ ",vb="+vb+",status="+status+",query="+query+",index="+index+ ",targetMO="+targetMO+"]"; } public SubRequestIterator extends SubRequest> repetitions() { return repetitions(false); } private SubRequestIterator extends SubRequest> repetitions(boolean noAppending) { initSubRequests(); if (isBulkRequest()) { int nonRepeaters = source.getPDU().getNonRepeaters(); int repeaters = source.getPDU().size() - nonRepeaters; if (repeaters > 0) { SnmpSubRequestIterator it = new SnmpSubRequestIterator(Math.max(getIndex(), nonRepeaters), repeaters); it.setNoAppending(noAppending); return it; } } return new SubRequestIteratorSupport (Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator()); } public void updateNextRepetition() { if (!isBulkRequest()) { return; } this.query = null; SubRequestIterator repetitions = repetitions(true); // skip this one if there is any if (repetitions.hasNext()) {; } while (repetitions.hasNext()) { SnmpSubRequest nsreq = (SnmpSubRequest); if ((getStatus().getErrorStatus() == PDU.noError) && (!this.vb.isException())) { nsreq.query = null; nsreq.scope = getNextScope(this.vb.getOid()); nsreq.getVariableBinding().setOid(this.vb.getOid()); } else if (this.vb.isException()) { nsreq.query = null; nsreq.getVariableBinding().setOid(this.vb.getOid()); nsreq.getVariableBinding().setVariable(this.vb.getVariable()); nsreq.getStatus().setPhaseComplete(true); } } } public final int getErrorStatus() { return getStatus().getErrorStatus(); } public Object getUserObject() { return userObject; } public void setUserObject(Object userObject) { this.userObject = userObject; } } }
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