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"key": "vue/array-bracket-newline",
"name": "Enforce linebreaks after opening and before closing array brackets in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/array-bracket-newline at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/array-bracket-spacing",
"name": "Enforce consistent spacing inside array brackets in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/array-bracket-spacing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/array-element-newline",
"name": "Enforce line breaks after each array element in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/array-element-newline at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/arrow-spacing",
"name": "Enforce consistent spacing before and after the arrow in arrow functions in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/arrow-spacing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/attribute-hyphenation",
"name": "enforce attribute naming style on custom components in template",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/attribute-hyphenation at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/attributes-order",
"name": "enforce order of attributes",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/attributes-order at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/block-lang",
"name": "disallow use other than available `lang`",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/block-lang at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/block-order",
"name": "enforce order of component top-level elements",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/block-order at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/block-spacing",
"name": "Disallow or enforce spaces inside of blocks after opening block and before closing block in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/block-spacing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/block-tag-newline",
"name": "enforce line breaks after opening and before closing block-level tags",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/block-tag-newline at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/brace-style",
"name": "Enforce consistent brace style for blocks in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/brace-style at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/camelcase",
"name": "Enforce camelcase naming convention in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/camelcase at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/comma-dangle",
"name": "Require or disallow trailing commas in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/comma-dangle at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/comma-spacing",
"name": "Enforce consistent spacing before and after commas in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/comma-spacing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/comma-style",
"name": "Enforce consistent comma style in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/comma-style at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/comment-directive",
"name": "support comment-directives in ``",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/comment-directive at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/component-api-style",
"name": "enforce component API style",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/component-api-style at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/component-definition-name-casing",
"name": "enforce specific casing for component definition name",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/component-definition-name-casing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/component-name-in-template-casing",
"name": "enforce specific casing for the component naming style in template",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/component-name-in-template-casing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/component-options-name-casing",
"name": "enforce the casing of component name in `components` options",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/component-options-name-casing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/component-tags-order",
"name": "enforce order of component top-level elements",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/component-tags-order at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/custom-event-name-casing",
"name": "enforce specific casing for custom event name",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/custom-event-name-casing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/define-emits-declaration",
"name": "enforce declaration style of `defineEmits`",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/define-emits-declaration at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/define-macros-order",
"name": "enforce order of `defineEmits` and `defineProps` compiler macros",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/define-macros-order at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/define-props-declaration",
"name": "enforce declaration style of `defineProps`",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/define-props-declaration at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/dot-location",
"name": "Enforce consistent newlines before and after dots in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/dot-location at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/dot-notation",
"name": "Enforce dot notation whenever possible in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/dot-notation at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/eqeqeq",
"name": "Require the use of `===` and `!==` in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/eqeqeq at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/first-attribute-linebreak",
"name": "enforce the location of first attribute",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/first-attribute-linebreak at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/func-call-spacing",
"name": "Require or disallow spacing between function identifiers and their invocations in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/func-call-spacing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/html-button-has-type",
"name": "disallow usage of button without an explicit type attribute",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/html-button-has-type at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/html-closing-bracket-newline",
"name": "require or disallow a line break before tag's closing brackets",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/html-closing-bracket-newline at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/html-closing-bracket-spacing",
"name": "require or disallow a space before tag's closing brackets",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/html-closing-bracket-spacing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/html-comment-content-newline",
"name": "enforce unified line brake in HTML comments",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/html-comment-content-newline at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/html-comment-content-spacing",
"name": "enforce unified spacing in HTML comments",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/html-comment-content-spacing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/html-comment-indent",
"name": "enforce consistent indentation in HTML comments",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/html-comment-indent at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/html-end-tags",
"name": "enforce end tag style",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/html-end-tags at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/html-indent",
"name": "enforce consistent indentation in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/html-indent at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/html-quotes",
"name": "enforce quotes style of HTML attributes",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/html-quotes at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/html-self-closing",
"name": "enforce self-closing style",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/html-self-closing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/jsx-uses-vars",
"name": "prevent variables used in JSX to be marked as unused",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/jsx-uses-vars at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/key-spacing",
"name": "Enforce consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/key-spacing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/keyword-spacing",
"name": "Enforce consistent spacing before and after keywords in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/keyword-spacing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/match-component-file-name",
"name": "require component name property to match its file name",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/match-component-file-name at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/match-component-import-name",
"name": "require the registered component name to match the imported component name",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/match-component-import-name at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/max-attributes-per-line",
"name": "enforce the maximum number of attributes per line",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/max-attributes-per-line at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/max-len",
"name": "enforce a maximum line length in `.vue` files",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/max-len at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/max-lines-per-block",
"name": "enforce maximum number of lines in Vue SFC blocks",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/max-lines-per-block at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/multi-word-component-names",
"name": "require component names to be always multi-word",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/multi-word-component-names at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/multiline-html-element-content-newline",
"name": "require a line break before and after the contents of a multiline element",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/multiline-html-element-content-newline at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/multiline-ternary",
"name": "Enforce newlines between operands of ternary expressions in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/multiline-ternary at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/mustache-interpolation-spacing",
"name": "enforce unified spacing in mustache interpolations",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/mustache-interpolation-spacing at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/new-line-between-multi-line-property",
"name": "enforce new lines between multi-line properties in Vue components",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/new-line-between-multi-line-property at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/next-tick-style",
"name": "enforce Promise or callback style in `nextTick`",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/next-tick-style at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-arrow-functions-in-watch",
"name": "disallow using arrow functions to define watcher",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-arrow-functions-in-watch at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-async-in-computed-properties",
"name": "disallow asynchronous actions in computed properties",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-async-in-computed-properties at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-bare-strings-in-template",
"name": "disallow the use of bare strings in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-bare-strings-in-template at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-boolean-default",
"name": "disallow boolean defaults",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-boolean-default at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-child-content",
"name": "disallow element's child contents which would be overwritten by a directive like `v-html` or `v-text`",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-child-content at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-computed-properties-in-data",
"name": "disallow accessing computed properties in `data`.",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-computed-properties-in-data at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-console",
"name": "Disallow the use of `console` in ``",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-console at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-constant-condition",
"name": "Disallow constant expressions in conditions in ``",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-constant-condition at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-custom-modifiers-on-v-model",
"name": "disallow custom modifiers on v-model used on the component",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-custom-modifiers-on-v-model at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-data-object-declaration",
"name": "disallow using deprecated object declaration on data (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-data-object-declaration at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-destroyed-lifecycle",
"name": "disallow using deprecated `destroyed` and `beforeDestroy` lifecycle hooks (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-destroyed-lifecycle at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-dollar-listeners-api",
"name": "disallow using deprecated `$listeners` (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-dollar-listeners-api at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-dollar-scopedslots-api",
"name": "disallow using deprecated `$scopedSlots` (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-dollar-scopedslots-api at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-events-api",
"name": "disallow using deprecated events api (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-events-api at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-filter",
"name": "disallow using deprecated filters syntax (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-filter at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-functional-template",
"name": "disallow using deprecated the `functional` template (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-functional-template at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-html-element-is",
"name": "disallow using deprecated the `is` attribute on HTML elements (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-html-element-is at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-inline-template",
"name": "disallow using deprecated `inline-template` attribute (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-inline-template at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-model-definition",
"name": "disallow deprecated `model` definition (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-model-definition at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-props-default-this",
"name": "disallow deprecated `this` access in props default function (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-props-default-this at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-router-link-tag-prop",
"name": "disallow using deprecated `tag` property on `RouterLink` (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-router-link-tag-prop at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-scope-attribute",
"name": "disallow deprecated `scope` attribute (in Vue.js 2.5.0+)",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-scope-attribute at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-slot-attribute",
"name": "disallow deprecated `slot` attribute (in Vue.js 2.6.0+)",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-slot-attribute at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-slot-scope-attribute",
"name": "disallow deprecated `slot-scope` attribute (in Vue.js 2.6.0+)",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-slot-scope-attribute at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-v-bind-sync",
"name": "disallow use of deprecated `.sync` modifier on `v-bind` directive (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-v-bind-sync at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-v-is",
"name": "disallow deprecated `v-is` directive (in Vue.js 3.1.0+)",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-v-is at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-v-on-native-modifier",
"name": "disallow using deprecated `.native` modifiers (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-v-on-native-modifier at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-v-on-number-modifiers",
"name": "disallow using deprecated number (keycode) modifiers (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-v-on-number-modifiers at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-deprecated-vue-config-keycodes",
"name": "disallow using deprecated `Vue.config.keyCodes` (in Vue.js 3.0.0+)",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-deprecated-vue-config-keycodes at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-dupe-keys",
"name": "disallow duplication of field names",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-dupe-keys at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-dupe-v-else-if",
"name": "disallow duplicate conditions in `v-if` / `v-else-if` chains",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-dupe-v-else-if at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-duplicate-attr-inheritance",
"name": "enforce `inheritAttrs` to be set to `false` when using `v-bind=\"$attrs\"`",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-duplicate-attr-inheritance at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-duplicate-attributes",
"name": "disallow duplication of attributes",
"type": "BUG",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule vue/no-duplicate-attributes at the eslint-plugin-vue website"
"key": "vue/no-empty-component-block",
"name": "disallow the `` `