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"key": "react/boolean-prop-naming",
"name": "Enforces consistent naming for boolean props",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/boolean-prop-naming at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/button-has-type",
"name": "Forbid \"button\" element without an explicit \"type\" attribute",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/button-has-type at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/default-props-match-prop-types",
"name": "Prevent extraneous defaultProps on components",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/default-props-match-prop-types at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/destructuring-assignment",
"name": "Rule enforces consistent usage of destructuring assignment in component",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/destructuring-assignment at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/display-name",
"name": "Prevent missing displayName in a React component definition",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/display-name at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/forbid-component-props",
"name": "Forbid certain props on Components",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/forbid-component-props at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/forbid-dom-props",
"name": "Forbid certain props on DOM Nodes",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/forbid-dom-props at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/forbid-elements",
"name": "Forbid certain elements",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/forbid-elements at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/forbid-prop-types",
"name": "Forbid certain propTypes",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/forbid-prop-types at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/forbid-foreign-prop-types",
"name": "Forbid foreign propTypes",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/forbid-foreign-prop-types at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-access-state-in-setstate",
"name": "Prevent using this.state inside this.setState",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-access-state-in-setstate at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-array-index-key",
"name": "Prevent using Array index in key props",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-array-index-key at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-children-prop",
"name": "Prevent passing children as props",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-children-prop at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-danger",
"name": "Prevent usage of dangerous JSX properties",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-danger at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-danger-with-children",
"name": "Prevent problem with children and props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-danger-with-children at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-deprecated",
"name": "Prevent usage of deprecated methods, including component lifecyle methods",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-deprecated at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-did-mount-set-state",
"name": "Prevent usage of setState in componentDidMount",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-did-mount-set-state at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-did-update-set-state",
"name": "Prevent usage of setState in componentDidUpdate",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-did-update-set-state at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-direct-mutation-state",
"name": "Prevent direct mutation of this.state",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-direct-mutation-state at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-find-dom-node",
"name": "Prevent usage of findDOMNode",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-find-dom-node at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-is-mounted",
"name": "Prevent usage of isMounted",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-is-mounted at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-multi-comp",
"name": "Prevent multiple component definition per file",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-multi-comp at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-redundant-should-component-update",
"name": "Prevent usage of shouldComponentUpdate when extending React.PureComponent",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-redundant-should-component-update at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-render-return-value",
"name": "Prevent usage of the return value of React.render",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-render-return-value at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-set-state",
"name": "Prevent usage of setState",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-set-state at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-typos",
"name": "Prevent common casing typos",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-typos at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-string-refs",
"name": "Prevent using string references in ref attribute.",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-string-refs at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-this-in-sfc",
"name": "Prevent using this in stateless functional components",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-this-in-sfc at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-unescaped-entities",
"name": "Prevent invalid characters from appearing in markup",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-unescaped-entities at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-unknown-property",
"name": "Prevent usage of unknown DOM property",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-unknown-property at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-unsafe",
"name": "Prevent usage of UNSAFE_ methods",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-unsafe at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-unused-prop-types",
"name": "Prevent definitions of unused prop types",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-unused-prop-types at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-unused-state",
"name": "Prevent definitions of unused state properties",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-unused-state at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/no-will-update-set-state",
"name": "Prevent usage of setState in componentWillUpdate",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/no-will-update-set-state at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/prefer-es6-class",
"name": "Enforce ES5 or ES6 class for React Components",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/prefer-es6-class at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/prefer-stateless-function",
"name": "Enforce stateless React Components to be written as a pure function",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/prefer-stateless-function at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/prop-types",
"name": "Prevent missing props validation in a React component definition",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/prop-types at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/react-in-jsx-scope",
"name": "Prevent missing React when using JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/react-in-jsx-scope at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/require-default-props",
"name": "Enforce a defaultProps definition for every prop that is not a required prop",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/require-default-props at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/require-optimization",
"name": "Enforce React components to have a shouldComponentUpdate method",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/require-optimization at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/require-render-return",
"name": "Enforce ES5 or ES6 class for returning value in render function",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/require-render-return at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/self-closing-comp",
"name": "Prevent extra closing tags for components without children",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/self-closing-comp at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/sort-comp",
"name": "Enforce component methods order",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/sort-comp at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/sort-prop-types",
"name": "Enforce propTypes declarations alphabetical sorting",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/sort-prop-types at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/style-prop-object",
"name": "Enforce style prop value being an object",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/style-prop-object at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/void-dom-elements-no-children",
"name": "Prevent void DOM elements (e.g. , ) from receiving children JSX-specific rules",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/void-dom-elements-no-children at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-boolean-value",
"name": "Enforce boolean attributes notation in JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-boolean-value at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-child-element-spacing",
"name": "Enforce or disallow spaces inside of curly braces in JSX attributes and expressions.",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-child-element-spacing at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-closing-bracket-location",
"name": "Validate closing bracket location in JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-closing-bracket-location at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-closing-tag-location",
"name": "Validate closing tag location in JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-closing-tag-location at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-curly-spacing",
"name": "Enforce or disallow spaces inside of curly braces in JSX attributes and expressions",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-curly-spacing at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-equals-spacing",
"name": "Enforce or disallow spaces around equal signs in JSX attributes",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-equals-spacing at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-filename-extension",
"name": "Restrict file extensions that may contain JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-filename-extension at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-first-prop-new-line",
"name": "Enforce position of the first prop in JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-first-prop-new-line at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-handler-names",
"name": "Enforce event handler naming conventions in JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-handler-names at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-indent",
"name": "Validate JSX indentation",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-indent at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-indent-props",
"name": "Validate props indentation in JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-indent-props at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-key",
"name": "Validate JSX has key prop when in array or iterator",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-key at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-max-depth",
"name": "Validate JSX maximum depth",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-max-depth at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-max-props-per-line",
"name": "Limit maximum of props on a single line in JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-max-props-per-line at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-no-bind",
"name": "Prevent usage of .bind() and arrow functions in JSX props",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-no-bind at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes",
"name": "Prevent comments from being inserted as text nodes",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-no-duplicate-props",
"name": "Prevent duplicate props in JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-no-duplicate-props at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-no-literals",
"name": "Prevent usage of unwrapped JSX strings",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-no-literals at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-no-target-blank",
"name": "Prevent usage of unsafe target='_blank'",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-no-target-blank at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-no-undef",
"name": "Disallow undeclared variables in JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-no-undef at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-one-expression-per-line",
"name": "Limit to one expression per line in JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-one-expression-per-line at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-curly-brace-presence",
"name": "Enforce curly braces or disallow unnecessary curly braces in JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-curly-brace-presence at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-pascal-case",
"name": "Enforce PascalCase for user-defined JSX components",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-pascal-case at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-props-no-multi-spaces",
"name": "Disallow multiple spaces between inline JSX props",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-props-no-multi-spaces at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-sort-default-props",
"name": "Enforce default props alphabetical sorting",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-sort-default-props at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-sort-props",
"name": "Enforce props alphabetical sorting",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-sort-props at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-space-before-closing",
"name": "Validate spacing before closing bracket in JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-space-before-closing at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-tag-spacing",
"name": "Validate whitespace in and around the JSX opening and closing brackets",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-tag-spacing at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-uses-react",
"name": "Prevent React to be incorrectly marked as unused",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-uses-react at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-uses-vars",
"name": "Prevent variables used in JSX to be incorrectly marked as unused",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-uses-vars at the eslint-plugin-react website."
"key": "react/jsx-wrap-multilines",
"name": "Prevent missing parentheses around multilines JSX",
"description": "See description of ESLint rule react/jsx-wrap-multilines at the eslint-plugin-react website."