org.sonar.l10n.py.rules.python.S5906.html Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Why is this an issue?
The unittest
module provides assertion methods specific to common types and operations. Both versions will test the same things, but
the dedicated one will provide a better error message, simplifying the debugging process.
This rule reports an issue when an assertion can be simplified by using a more specific function. The array below gives a list of assertions on
which an issue will be raised, and which function should be used instead:
|assertTrue(x == y)
|assertEqual(x, y)
|assertTrue(x != y)
|assertNotEqual(x, y)
|assertFalse(x == y)
|assertNotEqual(x, y)
|assertFalse(x != y)
|assertEqual(x, y)
|assertTrue(x < y)
|assertLess(x, y)
|assertTrue(x <= y)
|assertLessEqual(x, y)
|assertTrue(x > y)
|assertGreater(x, y)
|assertTrue(x >= y)
|assertGreaterEqual(x, y)
|assertTrue(x is y)
|assertIs(x, y)
|assertTrue(x is not y)
|assertIsNot(x, y)
|assertFalse(x is y)
|assertIsNot(x, y)
|assertFalse(x is not y)
|assertIs(x, y)
|assertTrue(x in y)
|assertIn(x, y)
|assertFalse(x in y)
|assertNotIn(x, y)
|assertTrue(isinstance(x, y))
|assertIsInstance(x, y)
|assertFalse(isinstance(x, y))
|assertNotIsInstance(x, y)
|assertEqual(x, round(y, z))
|assertAlmostEqual(x, y, z)
|assertAlmostEqual(x, round(y, z))
|assertAlmostEqual(x, y, z)
|assertNotEqual(x, round(y, z))
|assertNotAlmostEqual(x, y, z)
|assertNotAlmostEqual(x, round(y, z))
|assertNotAlmostEqual(x, y, z)
|assertEqual(x, None)
|assertNotEqual(x, None)
|assertTrue(x is None)
|assertTrue(x is not None)
|assertFalse(x is None)
|assertFalse(x is not None)
|assertEqual(x, True)
|assertEqual(x, False)
Noncompliant code example
import unittest
class SomeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_something(self):
x = foo()
y = bar()
self.assertFalse(x == y) # Noncompliant
self.assertTrue(x < y) # Noncompliant
Compliant solution
class SomeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_something(self):
x = foo()
y = bar()
self.assertNotEqual(x, y)
self.assertLess(x, y)