org.sonar.db.measure.MeasureMapper.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="org.sonar.db.measure.MeasureMapper"> <sql id="measureColumns"> pm.id, pm.metric_id as metricId, pm.rule_id as ruleId, pm.characteristic_id as characteristicId, pm.person_id as developerId, pm.snapshot_id as snapshotId, pm.value as value, pm.text_value as textValue, pm.alert_status as alertStatus, pm.alert_text as alertText, pm.measure_data as dataValue, pm.variation_value_1 as variation1, pm.variation_value_2 as variation2, pm.variation_value_3 as variation3, pm.variation_value_4 as variation4, pm.variation_value_5 as variation5 </sql> <sql id="extendedMeasureColumns"> <include refid="measureColumns"/>, metric.name as metricKey </sql> <select id="selectByComponentAndMetric" parameterType="map" resultType="Measure"> SELECT metric.name as metric_name, <include refid="extendedMeasureColumns"/> FROM project_measures pm INNER JOIN snapshots s ON s.id=pm.snapshot_id AND s.islast=${_true} INNER JOIN projects p ON p.id=s.project_id AND p.enabled=${_true} INNER JOIN metrics metric ON metric.id=pm.metric_id <where> AND p.kee = #{componentKey} AND metric.name=#{metricKey} AND pm.rule_id IS NULL AND pm.characteristic_id IS NULL AND pm.person_id IS NULL </where> </select> <select id="selectByComponentAndMetrics" parameterType="map" resultType="Measure"> SELECT metric.name as metric_name, <include refid="extendedMeasureColumns"/> FROM project_measures pm INNER JOIN snapshots s ON s.id=pm.snapshot_id AND s.islast=${_true} INNER JOIN projects p ON p.id=s.project_id AND p.enabled=${_true} INNER JOIN metrics metric ON metric.id=pm.metric_id <where> AND p.kee = #{componentKey} AND <foreach item="metricKey" index="index" collection="metricKeys" open="(" separator=" or " close=")"> metric.name=#{metricKey} </foreach> AND pm.rule_id IS NULL AND pm.characteristic_id IS NULL AND pm.person_id IS NULL </where> </select> <select id="selectBySnapshotAndMetricKeys" parameterType="map" resultType="Measure"> SELECT <include refid="measureColumns"/> FROM project_measures pm INNER JOIN metrics metric ON metric.id=pm.metric_id <where> AND pm.snapshot_id = #{snapshotId} AND <foreach item="metricKey" index="index" collection="metricKeys" open="(" separator=" or " close=")"> metric.name=#{metricKey} </foreach> AND pm.person_id IS NULL </where> </select> <select id="selectByDeveloperForSnapshotAndMetrics" parameterType="map" resultType="Measure"> SELECT <include refid="measureColumns"/> FROM project_measures pm <where> pm.snapshot_id = #{snapshotId} AND pm.rule_id is NULL AND pm.characteristic_id is NULL AND pm.person_id = #{developerId} AND <foreach item="metricId" index="index" collection="metricIds" open="(" separator=" or " close=")"> pm.metric_id=#{metricId} </foreach> </where> </select> <select id="selectBySnapshotIdsAndMetricIds" parameterType="map" resultType="Measure"> SELECT <include refid="measureColumns"/> FROM project_measures pm <where> pm.snapshot_id in <foreach item="snapshotId" collection="snapshotIds" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{snapshotId} </foreach> AND pm.metric_id in <foreach item="metricId" collection="metricIds" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{metricId} </foreach> AND pm.rule_id is NULL AND pm.characteristic_id is NULL AND pm.person_id is NULL </where> </select> <select id="selectProjectMeasuresByDeveloperForMetrics" parameterType="map" resultType="Measure"> SELECT <include refid="measureColumns"/>, s.project_id as componentId FROM project_measures pm INNER JOIN snapshots s ON s.id=pm.snapshot_id AND s.islast=${_true} AND s.scope='PRJ' AND s.qualifier='TRK' <where> pm.person_id = #{developerId} AND pm.metric_id in <foreach item="metricId" collection="metricIds" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{metricId} </foreach> AND pm.rule_id is NULL AND pm.characteristic_id is NULL </where> </select> <select id="selectBySnapshotAndMetrics" parameterType="map" resultType="Measure"> SELECT <include refid="measureColumns"/> FROM project_measures pm <where> pm.snapshot_id = #{snapshotId} AND pm.rule_id is NULL AND pm.characteristic_id is NULL AND pm.person_id is NULL AND <foreach item="metricId" index="index" collection="metricIds" open="(" separator=" or " close=")"> pm.metric_id=#{metricId} </foreach> </where> </select> <select id="countByComponentAndMetric" parameterType="map" resultType="long"> SELECT count(pm.id) FROM project_measures pm INNER JOIN snapshots s ON s.id=pm.snapshot_id AND s.islast=${_true} INNER JOIN metrics metric ON metric.id=pm.metric_id INNER JOIN projects p ON p.id=s.project_id AND p.enabled=${_true} <where> AND p.kee = #{componentKey} AND metric.name = #{metricKey} AND pm.rule_id IS NULL AND pm.characteristic_id IS NULL AND pm.person_id IS NULL </where> </select> <select id="selectByComponentUuidAndProjectSnapshotIdAndStatusAndMetricIds" parameterType="map" resultType="org.sonar.db.measure.PastMeasureDto"> SELECT pm.id as id, pm.metric_id as metricId, pm.rule_id as ruleId, pm.characteristic_id as characteristicId, pm.person_id as personId, pm.value as value FROM project_measures pm INNER JOIN snapshots s ON s.id=pm.snapshot_id AND s.status=#{status} INNER JOIN projects p ON p.id=s.project_id AND p.enabled=${_true} <where> AND p.uuid = #{componentUuid} AND (s.root_snapshot_id=#{rootSnapshotId} OR s.id=#{rootSnapshotId}) AND <foreach item="metricId" index="index" collection="metricIds" open="(" separator=" or " close=")"> pm.metric_id=#{metricId} </foreach> AND pm.person_id IS NULL </where> </select> <insert id="insert" parameterType="Measure" useGeneratedKeys="false"> INSERT INTO project_measures ( value, metric_id, snapshot_id, rule_id, text_value, project_id, alert_status, alert_text, description, characteristic_id, person_id, variation_value_1, variation_value_2, variation_value_3, variation_value_4, variation_value_5, measure_data) VALUES ( #{value, jdbcType=DOUBLE}, #{metricId, jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{snapshotId, jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{ruleId, jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{textValue, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{componentId, jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{alertStatus, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{alertText, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{description, jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{characteristicId, jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{developerId, jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{variation1, jdbcType=DOUBLE}, #{variation2, jdbcType=DOUBLE}, #{variation3, jdbcType=DOUBLE}, #{variation4, jdbcType=DOUBLE}, #{variation5, jdbcType=DOUBLE}, #{dataValue, jdbcType=BINARY} ) </insert> <select id="selectMetricKeysForSnapshot" parameterType="long" resultType="string"> SELECT DISTINCT m.name FROM project_measures pm INNER JOIN metrics m ON m.id=pm.metric_id WHERE pm.snapshot_id=#{snapshotId} </select> </mapper>
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