org.sonar.server.issue.ws.SearchAction Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* SonarQube
* Copyright (C) 2009-2016 SonarSource SA
* mailto:contact AT sonarsource DOT com
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package org.sonar.server.issue.ws;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.io.Resources;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.sonar.api.issue.Issue;
import org.sonar.api.rule.Severity;
import org.sonar.api.rules.RuleType;
import org.sonar.api.server.ws.Request;
import org.sonar.api.server.ws.Response;
import org.sonar.api.server.ws.WebService;
import org.sonar.api.server.ws.WebService.Param;
import org.sonar.api.utils.Paging;
import org.sonar.server.es.Facets;
import org.sonar.server.es.SearchOptions;
import org.sonar.server.es.SearchResult;
import org.sonar.server.issue.IssueQuery;
import org.sonar.server.issue.IssueQueryService;
import org.sonar.server.issue.index.IssueDoc;
import org.sonar.server.issue.index.IssueIndex;
import org.sonar.server.rule.RuleKeyFunctions;
import org.sonar.server.user.UserSession;
import org.sonarqube.ws.Issues.SearchWsResponse;
import org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.SearchWsRequest;
import static com.google.common.collect.FluentIterable.from;
import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.concat;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static org.sonar.api.utils.Paging.forPageIndex;
import static org.sonar.server.es.SearchOptions.MAX_LIMIT;
import static org.sonar.server.ws.KeyExamples.KEY_PROJECT_EXAMPLE_001;
import static org.sonar.server.ws.WsUtils.writeProtobuf;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.ADDITIONAL_FIELDS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.ASC;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.ASSIGNED;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.ASSIGNEES;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.AUTHORS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.COMPONENTS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.COMPONENT_KEYS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.COMPONENT_ROOTS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.COMPONENT_ROOT_UUIDS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.COMPONENT_UUIDS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.CREATED_AFTER;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.CREATED_AT;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.CREATED_BEFORE;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.CREATED_IN_LAST;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.DEPRECATED_ACTION_PLANS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.DEPRECATED_FACET_MODE_DEBT;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.DIRECTORIES;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.FACET_ASSIGNED_TO_ME;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.FACET_MODE;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.FACET_MODE_COUNT;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.FACET_MODE_EFFORT;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.FILE_UUIDS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.ISSUES;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.LANGUAGES;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.MODULE_UUIDS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.ON_COMPONENT_ONLY;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.PLANNED;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.PROJECTS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.PROJECT_KEYS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.PROJECT_UUIDS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.RESOLUTIONS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.RESOLVED;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.RULES;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.SEVERITIES;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.SINCE_LEAK_PERIOD;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.STATUSES;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.TAGS;
import static org.sonarqube.ws.client.issue.IssueFilterParameters.TYPES;
public class SearchAction implements IssuesWsAction {
private static final String INTERNAL_PARAMETER_DISCLAIMER = "This parameter is mostly used by the Issues page, please prefer usage of the componentKeys parameter. ";
public static final String SEARCH_ACTION = "search";
private final UserSession userSession;
private final IssueIndex issueIndex;
private final IssueQueryService issueQueryService;
private final SearchResponseLoader searchResponseLoader;
private final SearchResponseFormat searchResponseFormat;
public SearchAction(UserSession userSession, IssueIndex issueIndex, IssueQueryService issueQueryService,
SearchResponseLoader searchResponseLoader, SearchResponseFormat searchResponseFormat) {
this.userSession = userSession;
this.issueIndex = issueIndex;
this.issueQueryService = issueQueryService;
this.searchResponseLoader = searchResponseLoader;
this.searchResponseFormat = searchResponseFormat;
public void define(WebService.NewController controller) {
WebService.NewAction action = controller
"Search for issues. Requires Browse permission on project(s).
" +
"Since 5.5, response field 'debt' has been renamed to 'effort'.
" +
"Since 5.5, response field 'actionPlan' has been removed.
" +
"Since 5.5, response field 'reporter' has been removed, as manual issue feature has been dropped")
.setResponseExample(Resources.getResource(this.getClass(), "example-search.json"));
action.addPagingParams(100, MAX_LIMIT);
.setDescription("Comma-separated list of the facets to be computed. No facet is computed by default.
" +
"Since 5.5, facet 'actionPlans' is deprecated.
" +
"Since 5.5, facet 'reporters' is deprecated.")
.setDescription("Choose the returned value for facet items, either count of issues or sum of debt.
" +
"Since 5.5, 'debt' mode is deprecated and replaced by 'effort'")
action.addSortParams(IssueQuery.SORTS, null, true);
.setDescription("Comma-separated list of the optional fields to be returned in response. Action plans are dropped in 5.5, it is not returned in the response.")
.setDescription("Comma-separated list of issue keys")
.setDescription("Comma-separated list of severities")
.setExampleValue(Severity.BLOCKER + "," + Severity.CRITICAL)
.setDescription("Comma-separated list of statuses")
.setExampleValue(Issue.STATUS_OPEN + "," + Issue.STATUS_REOPENED)
.setDescription("Comma-separated list of resolutions")
.setExampleValue(Issue.RESOLUTION_FIXED + "," + Issue.RESOLUTION_REMOVED)
.setDescription("To match resolved or unresolved issues")
.setDescription("Comma-separated list of coding rule keys. Format is :")
.setDescription("Comma-separated list of tags.")
.setDescription("Comma-separated list of types.")
.setExampleValue(format("%s,%s", RuleType.CODE_SMELL, RuleType.BUG));
.setDescription("Action plans are dropped in 5.5. This parameter has no effect. Comma-separated list of action plan keys (not names)")
.setDescription("Since 5.5 this parameter is no more used, as action plan feature has been dropped")
.setDescription("Since 5.5 this parameter is no more used, as manual issue feature has been dropped")
.setDescription("Comma-separated list of SCM accounts")
.setExampleValue("[email protected]");
.setDescription("Comma-separated list of assignee logins. The value '__me__' can be used as a placeholder for user who performs the request")
.setDescription("To retrieve assigned or unassigned issues")
.setDescription("Comma-separated list of languages. Available since 4.4")
.setDescription("To retrieve issues created in a specific analysis, identified by an ISO-formatted datetime stamp.")
.setDescription("To retrieve issues created after the given date (exclusive). Format: date or datetime ISO formats. If this parameter is set, createdSince must not be set")
.setExampleValue("2013-05-01 (or 2013-05-01T13:00:00+0100)");
.setDescription("To retrieve issues created before the given date (exclusive). Format: date or datetime ISO formats")
.setExampleValue("2013-05-01 (or 2013-05-01T13:00:00+0100)");
.setDescription("To retrieve issues created during a time span before the current time (exclusive). " +
"Accepted units are 'y' for year, 'm' for month, 'w' for week and 'd' for day. " +
"If this parameter is set, createdAfter must not be set")
.setExampleValue("1m2w (1 month 2 weeks)");
.setDescription("To retrieve issues created since the leak period.
" +
"If this parameter is set to a truthy value, createdAfter must not be set and one component id or key must be provided.")
private static void addComponentRelatedParams(WebService.NewAction action) {
.setDescription("Return only issues at a component's level, not on its descendants (modules, directories, files, etc). " +
"This parameter is only considered when componentKeys or componentUuids is set. " +
"Using the deprecated componentRoots or componentRootUuids parameters will set this parameter to false. " +
"Using the deprecated components parameter will set this parameter to true.")
.setDescription("To retrieve issues associated to a specific list of components sub-components (comma-separated list of component keys). " +
"A component can be a view, developer, project, module, directory or file. " +
"If this parameter is set, componentUuids must not be set.")
.setDescription("If used, will have the same meaning as componentKeys AND onComponentOnly=true.");
.setDescription("To retrieve issues associated to a specific list of components their sub-components (comma-separated list of component UUIDs). " +
"A component can be a project, module, directory or file. " +
"If this parameter is set, componentKeys must not be set.")
.setDescription("If used, will have the same meaning as componentKeys AND onComponentOnly=false.");
.setDescription("If used, will have the same meaning as componentUuids AND onComponentOnly=false.");
.setDescription("See projectKeys");
.setDescription("To retrieve issues associated to a specific list of projects (comma-separated list of project keys). " +
"If this parameter is set, projectUuids must not be set.")
.setDescription("To retrieve issues associated to a specific list of projects (comma-separated list of project UUIDs). " +
"Views are not supported. If this parameter is set, projectKeys must not be set.")
.setDescription("To retrieve issues associated to a specific list of modules (comma-separated list of module UUIDs). " +
"Views are not supported. If this parameter is set, moduleKeys must not be set.")
.setDescription("Since 5.1. To retrieve issues associated to a specific list of directories (comma-separated list of directory paths). " +
"This parameter is only meaningful when a module is selected. " +
.setDescription("To retrieve issues associated to a specific list of files (comma-separated list of file UUIDs). " +
public final void handle(Request request, Response response) throws Exception {
SearchWsResponse searchWsResponse = doHandle(toSearchWsRequest(request), request);
writeProtobuf(searchWsResponse, request, response);
private SearchWsResponse doHandle(SearchWsRequest request, Request wsRequest) {
// prepare the Elasticsearch request
SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions();
options.setPage(request.getPage(), request.getPageSize());
EnumSet additionalFields = SearchAdditionalField.getFromRequest(request);
IssueQuery query = issueQueryService.createFromRequest(request);
// execute request
SearchResult result = issueIndex.search(query, options);
List issueKeys = from(result.getDocs()).transform(IssueDocToKey.INSTANCE).toList();
// load the additional information to be returned in response
SearchResponseLoader.Collector collector = new SearchResponseLoader.Collector(additionalFields, issueKeys);
collectRequestParams(collector, request);
Facets facets = null;
if (!options.getFacets().isEmpty()) {
facets = result.getFacets();
// add missing values to facets. For example if assignee "john" and facet on "assignees" are requested, then
// "john" should always be listed in the facet. If it is not present, then it is added with value zero.
// This is a constraint from webapp UX.
completeFacets(facets, request, wsRequest);
collectFacets(collector, facets);
SearchResponseData data = searchResponseLoader.load(collector, facets);
// format response
// Filter and reorder facets according to the requested ordered names.
// Must be done after loading of data as the "hidden" facet "debt"
// can be used to get total debt.
facets = reorderFacets(facets, options.getFacets());
// FIXME allow long in Paging
Paging paging = forPageIndex(options.getPage()).withPageSize(options.getLimit()).andTotal((int) result.getTotal());
return searchResponseFormat.formatSearch(additionalFields, data, paging, facets);
private Facets reorderFacets(@Nullable Facets facets, Collection orderedNames) {
if (facets == null) {
return null;
LinkedHashMap> orderedFacets = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (String facetName : orderedNames) {
LinkedHashMap facet = facets.get(facetName);
if (facet != null) {
orderedFacets.put(facetName, facet);
return new Facets(orderedFacets);
private void completeFacets(Facets facets, SearchWsRequest request, Request wsRequest) {
addMandatoryValuesToFacet(facets, SEVERITIES, Severity.ALL);
addMandatoryValuesToFacet(facets, STATUSES, Issue.STATUSES);
addMandatoryValuesToFacet(facets, RESOLUTIONS, concat(singletonList(""), Issue.RESOLUTIONS));
addMandatoryValuesToFacet(facets, PROJECT_UUIDS, request.getProjectUuids());
List assignees = Lists.newArrayList("");
List assigneesFromRequest = request.getAssignees();
if (assigneesFromRequest != null) {
addMandatoryValuesToFacet(facets, ASSIGNEES, assignees);
addMandatoryValuesToFacet(facets, FACET_ASSIGNED_TO_ME, singletonList(userSession.getLogin()));
addMandatoryValuesToFacet(facets, RULES, request.getRules());
addMandatoryValuesToFacet(facets, LANGUAGES, request.getLanguages());
addMandatoryValuesToFacet(facets, TAGS, request.getTags());
addMandatoryValuesToFacet(facets, TYPES, RuleType.names());
List actionPlans = Lists.newArrayList("");
List actionPlansFromRequest = request.getActionPlans();
if (actionPlansFromRequest != null) {
addMandatoryValuesToFacet(facets, DEPRECATED_ACTION_PLANS, actionPlans);
addMandatoryValuesToFacet(facets, COMPONENT_UUIDS, request.getComponentUuids());
for (String facetName : request.getFacets()) {
LinkedHashMap buckets = facets.get(facetName);
if (!FACET_ASSIGNED_TO_ME.equals(facetName)) {
if (buckets != null) {
List requestParams = wsRequest.paramAsStrings(facetName);
if (requestParams != null) {
for (String param : requestParams) {
if (!buckets.containsKey(param) && !IssueQueryService.LOGIN_MYSELF.equals(param)) {
// Prevent appearance of a glitch value due to dedicated parameter for this facet
buckets.put(param, 0L);
private void addMandatoryValuesToFacet(Facets facets, String facetName, @Nullable Iterable mandatoryValues) {
Map buckets = facets.get(facetName);
if (buckets != null && mandatoryValues != null) {
for (String mandatoryValue : mandatoryValues) {
if (!buckets.containsKey(mandatoryValue)) {
buckets.put(mandatoryValue, 0L);
private void collectLoggedInUser(SearchResponseLoader.Collector collector) {
if (userSession.isLoggedIn()) {
collector.add(SearchAdditionalField.USERS, userSession.getLogin());
private void collectFacets(SearchResponseLoader.Collector collector, Facets facets) {
Set facetRules = facets.getBucketKeys(RULES);
if (facetRules != null) {
collector.addAll(SearchAdditionalField.RULES, from(facetRules).transform(RuleKeyFunctions.stringToRuleKey()));
collector.addAll(SearchAdditionalField.USERS, facets.getBucketKeys(ASSIGNEES));
private void collectRequestParams(SearchResponseLoader.Collector collector, SearchWsRequest request) {
collector.addAll(SearchAdditionalField.USERS, request.getAssignees());
private static SearchWsRequest toSearchWsRequest(Request request) {
return new SearchWsRequest()
private enum IssueDocToKey implements Function {
public String apply(IssueDoc input) {
return input.key();
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