akka.io.Udp.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
package akka.io
import java.net.DatagramSocket
import java.net.InetSocketAddress
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import scala.collection.immutable
import akka.io.Inet.{ SoJavaFactories, SocketOption }
import akka.util.Helpers.Requiring
import akka.util.ByteString
import akka.actor._
* UDP Extension for Akka’s IO layer.
* This extension implements the connectionless UDP protocol without
* calling `connect` on the underlying sockets, i.e. without restricting
* from whom data can be received. For “connected” UDP mode see [[UdpConnected]].
* For a full description of the design and philosophy behind this IO
* implementation please refer to the Akka online documentation.
* The Java API for generating UDP commands is available at [[UdpMessage]].
object Udp extends ExtensionId[UdpExt] with ExtensionIdProvider {
override def lookup = Udp
override def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): UdpExt = new UdpExt(system)
* Java API: retrieve the Udp extension for the given system.
override def get(system: ActorSystem): UdpExt = super.get(system)
* The common interface for [[Command]] and [[Event]].
sealed trait Message
* The common type of all commands supported by the UDP implementation.
trait Command extends SelectionHandler.HasFailureMessage with Message {
def failureMessage = CommandFailed(this)
* Each [[Send]] can optionally request a positive acknowledgment to be sent
* to the commanding actor. If such notification is not desired the [[Send#ack]]
* must be set to an instance of this class. The token contained within can be used
* to recognize which write failed when receiving a [[CommandFailed]] message.
case class NoAck(token: Any) extends Event
* Default [[NoAck]] instance which is used when no acknowledgment information is
* explicitly provided. Its “token” is `null`.
object NoAck extends NoAck(null)
* This message is understood by the “simple sender” which can be obtained by
* sending the [[SimpleSender]] query to the [[UdpExt#manager]] as well as by
* the listener actors which are created in response to [[Bind]]. It will send
* the given payload data as one UDP datagram to the given target address. The
* UDP actor will respond with [[CommandFailed]] if the send could not be
* enqueued to the O/S kernel because the send buffer was full. If the given
* `ack` is not of type [[NoAck]] the UDP actor will reply with the given
* object as soon as the datagram has been successfully enqueued to the O/S
* kernel.
* The sending UDP socket’s address belongs to the “simple sender” which does
* not handle inbound datagrams and sends from an ephemeral port; therefore
* sending using this mechanism is not suitable if replies are expected, use
* [[Bind]] in that case.
case class Send(payload: ByteString, target: InetSocketAddress, ack: Event) extends Command {
require(ack != null, "ack must be non-null. Use NoAck if you don't want acks.")
def wantsAck: Boolean = !ack.isInstanceOf[NoAck]
object Send {
def apply(data: ByteString, target: InetSocketAddress): Send = Send(data, target, NoAck)
* Send this message to the [[UdpExt#manager]] in order to bind to the given
* local port (or an automatically assigned one if the port number is zero).
* The listener actor for the newly bound port will reply with a [[Bound]]
* message, or the manager will reply with a [[CommandFailed]] message.
case class Bind(handler: ActorRef,
localAddress: InetSocketAddress,
options: immutable.Traversable[SocketOption] = Nil) extends Command
* Send this message to the listener actor that previously sent a [[Bound]]
* message in order to close the listening socket. The recipient will reply
* with an [[Unbound]] message.
case object Unbind extends Command
* Retrieve a reference to a “simple sender” actor of the UDP extension.
* The newly created “simple sender” will reply with the [[SimpleSenderReady]] notification.
* The “simple sender” is a convenient service for being able to send datagrams
* when the originating address is meaningless, i.e. when no reply is expected.
* The “simple sender” will not stop itself, you will have to send it a [[akka.actor.PoisonPill]]
* when you want to close the socket.
case class SimpleSender(options: immutable.Traversable[SocketOption] = Nil) extends Command
object SimpleSender extends SimpleSender(Nil)
* Send this message to a listener actor (which sent a [[Bound]] message) to
* have it stop reading datagrams from the network. If the O/S kernel’s receive
* buffer runs full then subsequent datagrams will be silently discarded.
* Re-enable reading from the socket using the [[ResumeReading]] command.
case object SuspendReading extends Command
* This message must be sent to the listener actor to re-enable reading from
* the socket after a [[SuspendReading]] command.
case object ResumeReading extends Command
* The common type of all events emitted by the UDP implementation.
trait Event extends Message
* When a listener actor receives a datagram from its socket it will send
* it to the handler designated in the [[Bind]] message using this message type.
case class Received(data: ByteString, sender: InetSocketAddress) extends Event
* When a command fails it will be replied to with this message type,
* wrapping the failing command object.
case class CommandFailed(cmd: Command) extends Event
* This message is sent by the listener actor in response to a [[Bind]] command.
* If the address to bind to specified a port number of zero, then this message
* can be inspected to find out which port was automatically assigned.
case class Bound(localAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends Event
* The “simple sender” sends this message type in response to a [[SimpleSender]] query.
sealed trait SimpleSenderReady extends Event
case object SimpleSenderReady extends SimpleSenderReady
* This message is sent by the listener actor in response to an [[Unbind]] command
* after the socket has been closed.
sealed trait Unbound
case object Unbound extends Unbound
* Scala API: This object provides access to all socket options applicable to UDP sockets.
* For the Java API see [[UdpSO]].
object SO extends Inet.SoForwarders {
* [[akka.io.Inet.SocketOption]] to set the SO_BROADCAST option
* For more information see [[java.net.DatagramSocket#setBroadcast]]
case class Broadcast(on: Boolean) extends SocketOption {
override def beforeDatagramBind(s: DatagramSocket): Unit = s.setBroadcast(on)
private[io] class UdpSettings(_config: Config) extends SelectionHandlerSettings(_config) {
import _config._
val NrOfSelectors: Int = getInt("nr-of-selectors") requiring (_ > 0, "nr-of-selectors must be > 0")
val DirectBufferSize: Int = getIntBytes("direct-buffer-size")
val MaxDirectBufferPoolSize: Int = getInt("direct-buffer-pool-limit")
val BatchReceiveLimit: Int = getInt("receive-throughput")
val ManagementDispatcher: String = getString("management-dispatcher")
override val MaxChannelsPerSelector: Int = if (MaxChannels == -1) -1 else math.max(MaxChannels / NrOfSelectors, 1)
private[this] def getIntBytes(path: String): Int = {
val size = getBytes(path)
require(size < Int.MaxValue, s"$path must be < 2 GiB")
class UdpExt(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends IO.Extension {
import Udp.UdpSettings
val settings: UdpSettings = new UdpSettings(system.settings.config.getConfig("akka.io.udp"))
val manager: ActorRef = {
props = Props(classOf[UdpManager], this).withDeploy(Deploy.local),
name = "IO-UDP-FF")
* Java API: retrieve the UDP manager actor’s reference.
def getManager: ActorRef = manager
private[io] val bufferPool: BufferPool = new DirectByteBufferPool(settings.DirectBufferSize, settings.MaxDirectBufferPoolSize)
* Java API: factory methods for the message types used when communicating with the Udp service.
object UdpMessage {
import Udp._
import java.lang.{ Iterable ⇒ JIterable }
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import language.implicitConversions
* Each [[Udp.Send]] can optionally request a positive acknowledgment to be sent
* to the commanding actor. If such notification is not desired the [[Udp.Send#ack]]
* must be set to an instance of this class. The token contained within can be used
* to recognize which write failed when receiving a [[Udp.CommandFailed]] message.
def noAck(token: AnyRef): NoAck = NoAck(token)
* Default [[Udp.NoAck]] instance which is used when no acknowledgment information is
* explicitly provided. Its “token” is `null`.
def noAck: NoAck = NoAck
* This message is understood by the “simple sender” which can be obtained by
* sending the [[Udp.SimpleSender]] query to the [[UdpExt#manager]] as well as by
* the listener actors which are created in response to [[Udp.Bind]]. It will send
* the given payload data as one UDP datagram to the given target address. The
* UDP actor will respond with [[Udp.CommandFailed]] if the send could not be
* enqueued to the O/S kernel because the send buffer was full. If the given
* `ack` is not of type [[Udp.NoAck]] the UDP actor will reply with the given
* object as soon as the datagram has been successfully enqueued to the O/S
* kernel.
* The sending UDP socket’s address belongs to the “simple sender” which does
* not handle inbound datagrams and sends from an ephemeral port; therefore
* sending using this mechanism is not suitable if replies are expected, use
* [[Udp.Bind]] in that case.
def send(payload: ByteString, target: InetSocketAddress, ack: Event): Command = Send(payload, target, ack)
* The same as `send(payload, target, noAck())`.
def send(payload: ByteString, target: InetSocketAddress): Command = Send(payload, target)
* Send this message to the [[UdpExt#manager]] in order to bind to the given
* local port (or an automatically assigned one if the port number is zero).
* The listener actor for the newly bound port will reply with a [[Udp.Bound]]
* message, or the manager will reply with a [[Udp.CommandFailed]] message.
def bind(handler: ActorRef, endpoint: InetSocketAddress, options: JIterable[SocketOption]): Command =
Bind(handler, endpoint, options.asScala.to)
* Bind without specifying options.
def bind(handler: ActorRef, endpoint: InetSocketAddress): Command = Bind(handler, endpoint, Nil)
* Send this message to the listener actor that previously sent a [[Udp.Bound]]
* message in order to close the listening socket. The recipient will reply
* with an [[Udp.Unbound]] message.
def unbind: Command = Unbind
* Retrieve a reference to a “simple sender” actor of the UDP extension.
* The newly created “simple sender” will reply with the [[Udp.SimpleSenderReady]] notification.
* The “simple sender” is a convenient service for being able to send datagrams
* when the originating address is meaningless, i.e. when no reply is expected.
* The “simple sender” will not stop itself, you will have to send it a [[akka.actor.PoisonPill]]
* when you want to close the socket.
def simpleSender(options: JIterable[SocketOption]): Command = SimpleSender(options.asScala.to)
* Retrieve a simple sender without specifying options.
def simpleSender: Command = SimpleSender
* Send this message to a listener actor (which sent a [[Udp.Bound]] message) to
* have it stop reading datagrams from the network. If the O/S kernel’s receive
* buffer runs full then subsequent datagrams will be silently discarded.
* Re-enable reading from the socket using the [[Udp.ResumeReading]] command.
def suspendReading: Command = SuspendReading
* This message must be sent to the listener actor to re-enable reading from
* the socket after a [[Udp.SuspendReading]] command.
def resumeReading: Command = ResumeReading
object UdpSO extends SoJavaFactories {
import Udp.SO._
* [[akka.io.Inet.SocketOption]] to set the SO_BROADCAST option
* For more information see [[java.net.DatagramSocket#setBroadcast]]
def broadcast(on: Boolean) = Broadcast(on)
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