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akka.serialization.Serialization.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. 

package akka.serialization

import com.typesafe.config.Config
import akka.event.Logging
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.util.{ Try, DynamicVariable, Failure }
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

object Serialization {

   * Tuple that represents mapping from Class to Serializer
  type ClassSerializer = (Class[_], Serializer)

   * This holds a reference to the current transport serialization information used for
   * serializing local actor refs.
  private[akka] val currentTransportInformation = new DynamicVariable[Information](null)

  class Settings(val config: Config) {
    val Serializers: Map[String, String] = configToMap("")
    val SerializationBindings: Map[String, String] = configToMap("")

    private final def configToMap(path: String): Map[String, String] = {
      import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
      config.getConfig(path).root.unwrapped.asScala.toMap map { case (k, v) ⇒ (k -> v.toString) }

   * Serialization information needed for serializing local actor refs.
  private[akka] case class Information(address: Address, system: ActorSystem)

   * The serialized path of an actorRef, based on the current transport serialization information.
   * If there is no external address available for the requested address then the systems default
   * address will be used.
  def serializedActorPath(actorRef: ActorRef): String = {
    val path = actorRef.path
    val originalSystem: ExtendedActorSystem = actorRef match {
      case a: ActorRefWithCell ⇒ a.underlying.system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem]
      case _                   ⇒ null
    Serialization.currentTransportInformation.value match {
      case null ⇒ originalSystem match {
        case null ⇒ path.toSerializationFormat
        case system ⇒
          try path.toSerializationFormatWithAddress(system.provider.getDefaultAddress)
          catch { case NonFatal(_) ⇒ path.toSerializationFormat }
      case Information(address, system) ⇒
        if (originalSystem == null || originalSystem == system)
        else {
          val provider = originalSystem.provider

 * Serialization module. Contains methods for serialization and deserialization as well as
 * locating a Serializer for a particular class as defined in the mapping in the configuration.
class Serialization(val system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Extension {
  import Serialization._

  val settings = new Settings(system.settings.config)
  val log = Logging(system, getClass.getName)

   * Serializes the given AnyRef/java.lang.Object according to the Serialization configuration
   * to either an Array of Bytes or an Exception if one was thrown.
  def serialize(o: AnyRef): Try[Array[Byte]] = Try(findSerializerFor(o).toBinary(o))

   * Deserializes the given array of bytes using the specified serializer id,
   * using the optional type hint to the Serializer and the optional ClassLoader ot load it into.
   * Returns either the resulting object or an Exception if one was thrown.
  def deserialize[T](bytes: Array[Byte], serializerId: Int, clazz: Option[Class[_ <: T]]): Try[T] =
    Try {
      val serializer = try serializerByIdentity(serializerId) catch {
        case _: NoSuchElementException ⇒ throw new NotSerializableException(
          s"Cannot find serializer with id [$serializerId]. The most probable reason is that the configuration entry " +
            " is not in synch between the two systems.")
      serializer.fromBinary(bytes, clazz).asInstanceOf[T]

   * Deserializes the given array of bytes using the specified type to look up what Serializer should be used.
   * You can specify an optional ClassLoader to load the object into.
   * Returns either the resulting object or an Exception if one was thrown.
  def deserialize[T](bytes: Array[Byte], clazz: Class[T]): Try[T] =
    Try(serializerFor(clazz).fromBinary(bytes, Some(clazz)).asInstanceOf[T])

   * Returns the Serializer configured for the given object, returns the NullSerializer if it's null.
   * @throws akka.ConfigurationException if no `serialization-bindings` is configured for the
   *   class of the object
  def findSerializerFor(o: AnyRef): Serializer = o match {
    case null  ⇒ NullSerializer
    case other ⇒ serializerFor(other.getClass)

   * Returns the configured Serializer for the given Class. The configured Serializer
   * is used if the configured class `isAssignableFrom` from the `clazz`, i.e.
   * the configured class is a super class or implemented interface. In case of
   * ambiguity it is primarily using the most specific configured class,
   * and secondly the entry configured first.
   * @throws if no `serialization-bindings` is configured for the class
  def serializerFor(clazz: Class[_]): Serializer =
    serializerMap.get(clazz) match {
      case null ⇒ // bindings are ordered from most specific to least specific
        def unique(possibilities: immutable.Seq[(Class[_], Serializer)]): Boolean =
          possibilities.size == 1 ||
            (possibilities forall (_._1 isAssignableFrom possibilities(0)._1)) ||
            (possibilities forall (_._2 == possibilities(0)._2))

        val ser = bindings filter { _._1 isAssignableFrom clazz } match {
          case Seq() ⇒
            throw new NotSerializableException("No configured serialization-bindings for class [%s]" format clazz.getName)
          case possibilities ⇒
            if (!unique(possibilities))
              log.warning("Multiple serializers found for " + clazz + ", choosing first: " + possibilities)
        serializerMap.putIfAbsent(clazz, ser) match {
          case null ⇒
            log.debug("Using serializer[{}] for message [{}]", ser.getClass.getName, clazz.getName)
          case some ⇒ some
      case ser ⇒ ser

   * Tries to load the specified Serializer by the fully-qualified name; the actual
   * loading is performed by the system’s [[]].
  def serializerOf(serializerFQN: String): Try[Serializer] =
    system.dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[Serializer](serializerFQN, List(classOf[ExtendedActorSystem] -> system)) recoverWith {
      case _: NoSuchMethodException ⇒ system.dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[Serializer](serializerFQN, Nil)

   * A Map of serializer from alias to implementation (class implementing akka.serialization.Serializer)
   * By default always contains the following mapping: "java" -> akka.serialization.JavaSerializer
  private val serializers: Map[String, Serializer] =
    for ((k: String, v: String) ← settings.Serializers) yield k -> serializerOf(v).get

   *  bindings is a Seq of tuple representing the mapping from Class to Serializer.
   *  It is primarily ordered by the most specific classes first, and secondly in the configured order.
  private[akka] val bindings: immutable.Seq[ClassSerializer] =
    sort(for ((k: String, v: String) ← settings.SerializationBindings if v != "none") yield (system.dynamicAccess.getClassFor[Any](k).get, serializers(v))).to[immutable.Seq]

   * Sort so that subtypes always precede their supertypes, but without
   * obeying any order between unrelated subtypes (insert sort).
  private def sort(in: Iterable[ClassSerializer]): immutable.Seq[ClassSerializer] =
    ((new ArrayBuffer[ClassSerializer](in.size) /: in) { (buf, ca) ⇒
      buf.indexWhere(_._1 isAssignableFrom ca._1) match {
        case -1 ⇒ buf append ca
        case x  ⇒ buf insert (x, ca)

   * serializerMap is a Map whose keys is the class that is serializable and values is the serializer
   * to be used for that class.
  private val serializerMap: ConcurrentHashMap[Class[_], Serializer] =
    (new ConcurrentHashMap[Class[_], Serializer] /: bindings) { case (map, (c, s)) ⇒ map.put(c, s); map }

   * Maps from a Serializer Identity (Int) to a Serializer instance (optimization)
  val serializerByIdentity: Map[Int, Serializer] =
    Map(NullSerializer.identifier -> NullSerializer) ++ serializers map { case (_, v) ⇒ (v.identifier, v) }

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