akka.util.Reflect.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
package akka.util
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor
import scala.collection.immutable
import java.lang.reflect.Type
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType
import scala.util.Try
* Collection of internal reflection utilities which may or may not be
* available (most services specific to HotSpot, but fails gracefully).
private[akka] object Reflect {
* This optionally holds a function which looks N levels above itself
* on the call stack and returns the `Class[_]` object for the code
* executing in that stack frame. Implemented using
* `sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass` if available, None otherwise.
* Hint: when comparing to Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace, add two levels.
val getCallerClass: Option[Int ⇒ Class[_]] = {
try {
val c = Class.forName("sun.reflect.Reflection");
val m = c.getMethod("getCallerClass", Array(classOf[Int]): _*)
Some((i: Int) ⇒ m.invoke(null, Array[AnyRef](i.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer]): _*).asInstanceOf[Class[_]])
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) ⇒ None
* @param clazz the class which to instantiate an instance of
* @tparam T the type of the instance that will be created
* @return a new instance from the default constructor of the given class
private[akka] def instantiate[T](clazz: Class[T]): T = try clazz.newInstance catch {
case iae: IllegalAccessException ⇒
val ctor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor()
* Calls findConstructor and invokes it with the given arguments.
private[akka] def instantiate[T](clazz: Class[T], args: immutable.Seq[Any]): T = {
instantiate(findConstructor(clazz, args), args)
* Invokes the constructor with the the given arguments.
private[akka] def instantiate[T](constructor: Constructor[T], args: immutable.Seq[Any]): T = {
try constructor.newInstance(args.asInstanceOf[Seq[AnyRef]]: _*)
catch {
case e: IllegalArgumentException ⇒
val argString = args map safeGetClass mkString ("[", ", ", "]")
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"constructor $constructor is incompatible with arguments $argString", e)
* Implements a primitive form of overload resolution a.k.a. finding the
* right constructor.
private[akka] def findConstructor[T](clazz: Class[T], args: immutable.Seq[Any]): Constructor[T] = {
def error(msg: String): Nothing = {
val argClasses = args map safeGetClass mkString ", "
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$msg found on $clazz for arguments [$argClasses]")
val constructor: Constructor[T] =
if (args.isEmpty) Try { clazz.getDeclaredConstructor() } getOrElse (null)
else {
val length = args.length
val candidates =
clazz.getDeclaredConstructors.asInstanceOf[Array[Constructor[T]]].iterator filter { c ⇒
val parameterTypes = c.getParameterTypes
parameterTypes.length == length &&
(parameterTypes.iterator zip args.iterator forall {
case (found, required) ⇒
found.isInstance(required) || BoxedType(found).isInstance(required) ||
(required == null && !found.isPrimitive)
if (candidates.hasNext) {
val cstrtr = candidates.next()
if (candidates.hasNext) error("multiple matching constructors")
else cstrtr
} else null
if (constructor == null) error("no matching constructor")
else constructor
private def safeGetClass(a: Any): Class[_] =
if (a == null) classOf[AnyRef] else a.getClass
* @param clazz the class which to instantiate an instance of
* @tparam T the type of the instance that will be created
* @return a function which when applied will create a new instance from the default constructor of the given class
private[akka] def instantiator[T](clazz: Class[T]): () ⇒ T = () ⇒ instantiate(clazz)
def findMarker(root: Class[_], marker: Class[_]): Type = {
@tailrec def rec(curr: Class[_]): Type = {
if (curr.getSuperclass != null && marker.isAssignableFrom(curr.getSuperclass)) rec(curr.getSuperclass)
else curr.getGenericInterfaces collectFirst {
case c: Class[_] if marker isAssignableFrom c ⇒ c
case t: ParameterizedType if marker isAssignableFrom t.getRawType.asInstanceOf[Class[_]] ⇒ t
} match {
case None ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot find [$marker] in ancestors of [$root]")
case Some(c: Class[_]) ⇒ if (c == marker) c else rec(c)
case Some(t: ParameterizedType) ⇒ if (t.getRawType == marker) t else rec(t.getRawType.asInstanceOf[Class[_]])
case _ ⇒ ??? // cannot happen due to collectFirst
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