akka.remote.PhiAccrualFailureDetector.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
package akka.remote
import akka.remote.FailureDetector.Clock
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.collection.immutable
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import akka.event.EventStream
import akka.util.Helpers.ConfigOps
* Implementation of 'The Phi Accrual Failure Detector' by Hayashibara et al. as defined in their paper:
* [http://ddg.jaist.ac.jp/pub/HDY+04.pdf]
* The suspicion level of failure is given by a value called φ (phi).
* The basic idea of the φ failure detector is to express the value of φ on a scale that
* is dynamically adjusted to reflect current network conditions. A configurable
* threshold is used to decide if φ is considered to be a failure.
* The value of φ is calculated as:
* {{{
* φ = -log10(1 - F(timeSinceLastHeartbeat)
* }}}
* where F is the cumulative distribution function of a normal distribution with mean
* and standard deviation estimated from historical heartbeat inter-arrival times.
* @param threshold A low threshold is prone to generate many wrong suspicions but ensures a quick detection in the event
* of a real crash. Conversely, a high threshold generates fewer mistakes but needs more time to detect
* actual crashes
* @param maxSampleSize Number of samples to use for calculation of mean and standard deviation of
* inter-arrival times.
* @param minStdDeviation Minimum standard deviation to use for the normal distribution used when calculating phi.
* Too low standard deviation might result in too much sensitivity for sudden, but normal, deviations
* in heartbeat inter arrival times.
* @param acceptableHeartbeatPause Duration corresponding to number of potentially lost/delayed
* heartbeats that will be accepted before considering it to be an anomaly.
* This margin is important to be able to survive sudden, occasional, pauses in heartbeat
* arrivals, due to for example garbage collect or network drop.
* @param firstHeartbeatEstimate Bootstrap the stats with heartbeats that corresponds to
* to this duration, with a with rather high standard deviation (since environment is unknown
* in the beginning)
* @param clock The clock, returning current time in milliseconds, but can be faked for testing
* purposes. It is only used for measuring intervals (duration).
class PhiAccrualFailureDetector(
val threshold: Double,
val maxSampleSize: Int,
val minStdDeviation: FiniteDuration,
val acceptableHeartbeatPause: FiniteDuration,
val firstHeartbeatEstimate: FiniteDuration)(
implicit clock: Clock) extends FailureDetector {
* Constructor that reads parameters from config.
* Expecting config properties named `threshold`, `max-sample-size`,
* `min-std-deviation`, `acceptable-heartbeat-pause` and
* `heartbeat-interval`.
def this(config: Config, ev: EventStream) =
threshold = config.getDouble("threshold"),
maxSampleSize = config.getInt("max-sample-size"),
minStdDeviation = config.getMillisDuration("min-std-deviation"),
acceptableHeartbeatPause = config.getMillisDuration("acceptable-heartbeat-pause"),
firstHeartbeatEstimate = config.getMillisDuration("heartbeat-interval"))
require(threshold > 0.0, "failure-detector.threshold must be > 0")
require(maxSampleSize > 0, "failure-detector.max-sample-size must be > 0")
require(minStdDeviation > Duration.Zero, "failure-detector.min-std-deviation must be > 0")
require(acceptableHeartbeatPause >= Duration.Zero, "failure-detector.acceptable-heartbeat-pause must be >= 0")
require(firstHeartbeatEstimate > Duration.Zero, "failure-detector.heartbeat-interval must be > 0")
// guess statistics for first heartbeat,
// important so that connections with only one heartbeat becomes unavailable
private val firstHeartbeat: HeartbeatHistory = {
// bootstrap with 2 entries with rather high standard deviation
val mean = firstHeartbeatEstimate.toMillis
val stdDeviation = mean / 4
HeartbeatHistory(maxSampleSize) :+ (mean - stdDeviation) :+ (mean + stdDeviation)
private val acceptableHeartbeatPauseMillis = acceptableHeartbeatPause.toMillis
* Implement using optimistic lockless concurrency, all state is represented
* by this immutable case class and managed by an AtomicReference.
private case class State(history: HeartbeatHistory, timestamp: Option[Long])
private val state = new AtomicReference[State](State(history = firstHeartbeat, timestamp = None))
override def isAvailable: Boolean = isAvailable(clock())
private def isAvailable(timestamp: Long): Boolean = phi(timestamp) < threshold
override def isMonitoring: Boolean = state.get.timestamp.nonEmpty
final override def heartbeat(): Unit = {
val timestamp = clock()
val oldState = state.get
val newHistory = oldState.timestamp match {
case None ⇒
// this is heartbeat from a new resource
// add starter records for this new resource
case Some(latestTimestamp) ⇒
// this is a known connection
val interval = timestamp - latestTimestamp
// don't use the first heartbeat after failure for the history, since a long pause will skew the stats
if (isAvailable(timestamp)) oldState.history :+ interval
else oldState.history
val newState = oldState.copy(history = newHistory, timestamp = Some(timestamp)) // record new timestamp
// if we won the race then update else try again
if (!state.compareAndSet(oldState, newState)) heartbeat() // recur
* The suspicion level of the accrual failure detector.
* If a connection does not have any records in failure detector then it is
* considered healthy.
def phi: Double = phi(clock())
private def phi(timestamp: Long): Double = {
val oldState = state.get
val oldTimestamp = oldState.timestamp
if (oldTimestamp.isEmpty) 0.0 // treat unmanaged connections, e.g. with zero heartbeats, as healthy connections
else {
val timeDiff = timestamp - oldTimestamp.get
val history = oldState.history
val mean = history.mean
val stdDeviation = ensureValidStdDeviation(history.stdDeviation)
phi(timeDiff, mean + acceptableHeartbeatPauseMillis, stdDeviation)
* Calculation of phi, derived from the Cumulative distribution function for
* N(mean, stdDeviation) normal distribution, given by
* 1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(-y * (1.5976 + 0.070566 * y * y)))
* where y = (x - mean) / standard_deviation
* This is an approximation defined in β Mathematics Handbook (Logistic approximation).
* Error is 0.00014 at +- 3.16
* The calculated value is equivalent to -log10(1 - CDF(y))
private[akka] def phi(timeDiff: Long, mean: Double, stdDeviation: Double): Double = {
val y = (timeDiff - mean) / stdDeviation
val e = math.exp(-y * (1.5976 + 0.070566 * y * y))
if (timeDiff > mean)
-math.log10(e / (1.0 + e))
-math.log10(1.0 - 1.0 / (1.0 + e))
private val minStdDeviationMillis = minStdDeviation.toMillis
private def ensureValidStdDeviation(stdDeviation: Double): Double = math.max(stdDeviation, minStdDeviationMillis)
private[akka] object HeartbeatHistory {
* Create an empty HeartbeatHistory, without any history.
* Can only be used as starting point for appending intervals.
* The stats (mean, variance, stdDeviation) are not defined for
* for empty HeartbeatHistory, i.e. throws AritmeticException.
def apply(maxSampleSize: Int): HeartbeatHistory = HeartbeatHistory(
maxSampleSize = maxSampleSize,
intervals = immutable.IndexedSeq.empty,
intervalSum = 0L,
squaredIntervalSum = 0L)
* Holds the heartbeat statistics for a specific node Address.
* It is capped by the number of samples specified in `maxSampleSize`.
* The stats (mean, variance, stdDeviation) are not defined for
* for empty HeartbeatHistory, i.e. throws AritmeticException.
private[akka] case class HeartbeatHistory private (
maxSampleSize: Int,
intervals: immutable.IndexedSeq[Long],
intervalSum: Long,
squaredIntervalSum: Long) {
// Heartbeat histories are created trough the firstHeartbeat variable of the PhiAccrualFailureDetector
// which always have intervals.size > 0.
if (maxSampleSize < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"maxSampleSize must be >= 1, got [$maxSampleSize]")
if (intervalSum < 0L)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"intervalSum must be >= 0, got [$intervalSum]")
if (squaredIntervalSum < 0L)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"squaredIntervalSum must be >= 0, got [$squaredIntervalSum]")
def mean: Double = intervalSum.toDouble / intervals.size
def variance: Double = (squaredIntervalSum.toDouble / intervals.size) - (mean * mean)
def stdDeviation: Double = math.sqrt(variance)
final def :+(interval: Long): HeartbeatHistory = {
if (intervals.size < maxSampleSize)
intervals = intervals :+ interval,
intervalSum = intervalSum + interval,
squaredIntervalSum = squaredIntervalSum + pow2(interval))
dropOldest :+ interval // recur
private def dropOldest: HeartbeatHistory = HeartbeatHistory(
intervals = intervals drop 1,
intervalSum = intervalSum - intervals.head,
squaredIntervalSum = squaredIntervalSum - pow2(intervals.head))
private def pow2(x: Long) = x * x
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