akka.remote.RemoteWatcher.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
package akka.remote
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.actor.Actor
import akka.actor.ActorLogging
import akka.actor.ActorRef
import akka.actor.Address
import akka.actor.AddressTerminated
import akka.actor.Props
import akka.actor.RootActorPath
import akka.actor.Terminated
import akka.actor.ExtendedActorSystem
import akka.ConfigurationException
import akka.dispatch.{ UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics, RequiresMessageQueue }
import akka.actor.InternalActorRef
import akka.dispatch.sysmsg.DeathWatchNotification
import akka.dispatch.sysmsg.Watch
import akka.actor.Deploy
import akka.event.AddressTerminatedTopic
private[akka] object RemoteWatcher {
* Factory method for `RemoteWatcher` [[akka.actor.Props]].
def props(
failureDetector: FailureDetectorRegistry[Address],
heartbeatInterval: FiniteDuration,
unreachableReaperInterval: FiniteDuration,
heartbeatExpectedResponseAfter: FiniteDuration): Props =
Props(classOf[RemoteWatcher], failureDetector, heartbeatInterval, unreachableReaperInterval,
case class WatchRemote(watchee: ActorRef, watcher: ActorRef)
case class UnwatchRemote(watchee: ActorRef, watcher: ActorRef)
case class RewatchRemote(watchee: ActorRef, watcher: ActorRef)
class Rewatch(watchee: InternalActorRef, watcher: InternalActorRef) extends Watch(watchee, watcher)
@SerialVersionUID(1L) case object Heartbeat extends PriorityMessage
@SerialVersionUID(1L) case class HeartbeatRsp(addressUid: Int) extends PriorityMessage
// sent to self only
case object HeartbeatTick
case object ReapUnreachableTick
case class ExpectedFirstHeartbeat(from: Address)
// test purpose
object Stats {
lazy val empty: Stats = counts(0, 0)
def counts(watching: Int, watchingNodes: Int): Stats =
new Stats(watching, watchingNodes)(Set.empty)
case class Stats(watching: Int, watchingNodes: Int)(val watchingRefs: Set[(ActorRef, ActorRef)]) {
override def toString: String = {
def formatWatchingRefs: String =
if (watchingRefs.isEmpty) ""
else ", watchingRefs=" + watchingRefs.map(x ⇒ x._2.path.name + " -> " + x._1.path.name).mkString("[", ", ", "]")
s"Stats(watching=${watching}, watchingNodes=${watchingNodes}${formatWatchingRefs})"
* Remote nodes with actors that are watched are monitored by this actor to be able
* to detect network failures and JVM crashes. [[akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider]]
* intercepts Watch and Unwatch system messages and sends corresponding
* [[RemoteWatcher.WatchRemote]] and [[RemoteWatcher.UnwatchRemote]] to this actor.
* For a new node to be watched this actor periodically sends [[RemoteWatcher.Heartbeat]]
* to the peer actor on the other node, which replies with [[RemoteWatcher.HeartbeatRsp]]
* message back. The failure detector on the watching side monitors these heartbeat messages.
* If arrival of hearbeat messages stops it will be detected and this actor will publish
* [[akka.actor.AddressTerminated]] to the [[akka.event.AddressTerminatedTopic]].
* When all actors on a node have been unwatched it will stop sending heartbeat messages.
* For bi-directional watch between two nodes the same thing will be established in
* both directions, but independent of each other.
private[akka] class RemoteWatcher(
failureDetector: FailureDetectorRegistry[Address],
heartbeatInterval: FiniteDuration,
unreachableReaperInterval: FiniteDuration,
heartbeatExpectedResponseAfter: FiniteDuration)
extends Actor with ActorLogging with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {
import RemoteWatcher._
import context.dispatcher
def scheduler = context.system.scheduler
val remoteProvider: RemoteActorRefProvider = context.system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem].provider match {
case rarp: RemoteActorRefProvider ⇒ rarp
case other ⇒ throw new ConfigurationException(
s"ActorSystem [${context.system}] needs to have a 'RemoteActorRefProvider' enabled in the configuration, currently uses [${other.getClass.getName}]")
val selfHeartbeatRspMsg = HeartbeatRsp(AddressUidExtension(context.system).addressUid)
// actors that this node is watching, tuple with (watcher, watchee)
var watching: Set[(ActorRef, ActorRef)] = Set.empty
// nodes that this node is watching, i.e. expecting hearteats from these nodes
var watchingNodes: Set[Address] = Set.empty
var unreachable: Set[Address] = Set.empty
var addressUids: Map[Address, Int] = Map.empty
val heartbeatTask = scheduler.schedule(heartbeatInterval, heartbeatInterval, self, HeartbeatTick)
val failureDetectorReaperTask = scheduler.schedule(unreachableReaperInterval, unreachableReaperInterval,
self, ReapUnreachableTick)
override def postStop(): Unit = {
def receive = {
case HeartbeatTick ⇒ sendHeartbeat()
case Heartbeat ⇒ receiveHeartbeat()
case HeartbeatRsp(uid) ⇒ receiveHeartbeatRsp(uid)
case ReapUnreachableTick ⇒ reapUnreachable()
case ExpectedFirstHeartbeat(from) ⇒ triggerFirstHeartbeat(from)
case WatchRemote(watchee, watcher) ⇒ watchRemote(watchee, watcher)
case UnwatchRemote(watchee, watcher) ⇒ unwatchRemote(watchee, watcher)
case t @ Terminated(watchee) ⇒ terminated(watchee, t.existenceConfirmed, t.addressTerminated)
case RewatchRemote(watchee, watcher) ⇒ rewatchRemote(watchee, watcher)
// test purpose
case Stats ⇒
sender() ! Stats(
watching = watching.size,
watchingNodes = watchingNodes.size)(watching)
def receiveHeartbeat(): Unit =
sender() ! selfHeartbeatRspMsg
def receiveHeartbeatRsp(uid: Int): Unit = {
val from = sender().path.address
if (failureDetector.isMonitoring(from))
log.debug("Received heartbeat rsp from [{}]", from)
log.debug("Received first heartbeat rsp from [{}]", from)
if (watchingNodes(from) && !unreachable(from)) {
if (!addressUids.contains(from) || addressUids(from) != uid)
addressUids += (from -> uid)
def reapUnreachable(): Unit =
watchingNodes foreach { a ⇒
if (!unreachable(a) && !failureDetector.isAvailable(a)) {
log.warning("Detected unreachable: [{}]", a)
quarantine(a, addressUids.get(a))
unreachable += a
def publishAddressTerminated(address: Address): Unit =
def quarantine(address: Address, uid: Option[Int]): Unit =
remoteProvider.quarantine(address, uid)
def rewatchRemote(watchee: ActorRef, watcher: ActorRef): Unit =
if (watching.contains((watchee, watcher)))
watchRemote(watchee, watcher)
//has been unwatched inbetween, skip re-watch
log.debug("Ignoring re-watch after being unwatched in the meantime: [{} -> {}]", watcher.path, watchee.path)
def watchRemote(watchee: ActorRef, watcher: ActorRef): Unit =
if (watchee.path.uid == akka.actor.ActorCell.undefinedUid)
else if (watcher != self) {
log.debug("Watching: [{} -> {}]", watcher.path, watchee.path)
addWatching(watchee, watcher)
// also watch from self, to be able to cleanup on termination of the watchee
context watch watchee
watching += ((watchee, self))
def addWatching(watchee: ActorRef, watcher: ActorRef): Unit = {
watching += ((watchee, watcher))
val watcheeAddress = watchee.path.address
if (!watchingNodes(watcheeAddress) && unreachable(watcheeAddress)) {
// first watch to that node after a previous unreachable
unreachable -= watcheeAddress
watchingNodes += watcheeAddress
def unwatchRemote(watchee: ActorRef, watcher: ActorRef): Unit =
if (watchee.path.uid == akka.actor.ActorCell.undefinedUid)
else if (watcher != self) {
log.debug("Unwatching: [{} -> {}]", watcher.path, watchee.path)
watching -= ((watchee, watcher))
// clean up self watch when no more watchers of this watchee
if (watching.forall { case (wee, wer) ⇒ wee != watchee || wer == self }) {
log.debug("Cleanup self watch of [{}]", watchee.path)
context unwatch watchee
watching -= ((watchee, self))
def logActorForDeprecationWarning(watchee: ActorRef): Unit = {
log.debug("actorFor is deprecated, and watching a remote ActorRef acquired with actorFor is not reliable: [{}]", watchee.path)
def terminated(watchee: ActorRef, existenceConfirmed: Boolean, addressTerminated: Boolean): Unit = {
log.debug("Watchee terminated: [{}]", watchee.path)
// When watchee is stopped it sends DeathWatchNotification to the watcher and to this RemoteWatcher,
// which is also watching. Send extra DeathWatchNotification to the watcher in case the
// DeathWatchNotification message is only delivered to RemoteWatcher. Otherwise there is a risk that
// the monitoring is removed, subsequent node failure is not detected and the original watcher is
// never notified. This may occur for normal system shutdown of the watchee system when not all remote
// messages are flushed at shutdown.
watching --= watching collect {
case tuple @ (wee, wer: InternalActorRef) if wee == watchee ⇒
if (!addressTerminated && wer != self)
wer.sendSystemMessage(DeathWatchNotification(watchee, existenceConfirmed, addressTerminated))
def checkLastUnwatchOfNode(watcheeAddress: Address): Unit = {
if (watchingNodes(watcheeAddress) && watching.forall {
case (wee, wer) ⇒ wee.path.address != watcheeAddress
}) {
// unwatched last watchee on that node
log.debug("Unwatched last watchee of node: [{}]", watcheeAddress)
watchingNodes -= watcheeAddress
addressUids -= watcheeAddress
def sendHeartbeat(): Unit =
watchingNodes foreach { a ⇒
if (!unreachable(a)) {
if (failureDetector.isMonitoring(a)) {
log.debug("Sending Heartbeat to [{}]", a)
} else {
log.debug("Sending first Heartbeat to [{}]", a)
// schedule the expected first heartbeat for later, which will give the
// other side a chance to reply, and also trigger some resends if needed
scheduler.scheduleOnce(heartbeatExpectedResponseAfter, self, ExpectedFirstHeartbeat(a))
context.actorSelection(RootActorPath(a) / self.path.elements) ! Heartbeat
def triggerFirstHeartbeat(address: Address): Unit =
if (watchingNodes(address) && !failureDetector.isMonitoring(address)) {
log.debug("Trigger extra expected heartbeat from [{}]", address)
* To ensure that we receive heartbeat messages from the right actor system
* incarnation we send Watch again for the first HeartbeatRsp (containing
* the system UID) and if HeartbeatRsp contains a new system UID.
* Terminated will be triggered if the watchee (including correct Actor UID)
* does not exist.
def reWatch(address: Address): Unit =
watching.foreach {
case (wee: InternalActorRef, wer: InternalActorRef) ⇒
if (wee.path.address == address) {
// this re-watch will result in a RewatchRemote message to this actor
// must be a special message to be able to detect if an UnwatchRemote comes in
// before the extra RewatchRemote, then the re-watch should be ignored
log.debug("Re-watch [{} -> {}]", wer, wee)
wee.sendSystemMessage(new Rewatch(wee, wer)) // ➡➡➡ NEVER SEND THE SAME SYSTEM MESSAGE OBJECT TO TWO ACTORS ⬅⬅⬅
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