akka.remote.Remoting.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
package akka.remote
import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy._
import akka.actor._
import akka.event.{ Logging, LoggingAdapter }
import akka.pattern.{ gracefulStop, pipe, ask }
import akka.remote.EndpointManager._
import akka.remote.Remoting.TransportSupervisor
import akka.remote.transport.Transport.{ ActorAssociationEventListener, AssociationEventListener, InboundAssociation }
import akka.remote.transport._
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import java.net.URLEncoder
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import scala.collection.immutable.{ Seq, HashMap }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ Promise, Await, Future }
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success }
import akka.remote.transport.AkkaPduCodec.Message
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import akka.dispatch.{ RequiresMessageQueue, UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics }
import akka.event.AddressTerminatedTopic
private[remote] object AddressUrlEncoder {
def apply(address: Address): String = URLEncoder.encode(address.toString, "utf-8")
private[remote] case class RARP(provider: RemoteActorRefProvider) extends Extension {
def configureDispatcher(props: Props): Props = provider.remoteSettings.configureDispatcher(props)
private[remote] object RARP extends ExtensionId[RARP] with ExtensionIdProvider {
override def lookup() = RARP
override def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem) = RARP(system.provider.asInstanceOf[RemoteActorRefProvider])
* Messages marked with this trait will be sent before other messages when buffering is active.
* This means that these messages don't obey normal message ordering.
* It is used for failure detector heartbeat messages.
private[akka] trait PriorityMessage
private[remote] object Remoting {
final val EndpointManagerName = "endpointManager"
def localAddressForRemote(transportMapping: Map[String, Set[(AkkaProtocolTransport, Address)]], remote: Address): Address = {
transportMapping.get(remote.protocol) match {
case Some(transports) ⇒
val responsibleTransports = transports.filter { case (t, _) ⇒ t.isResponsibleFor(remote) }
responsibleTransports.size match {
case 0 ⇒
throw new RemoteTransportException(
s"No transport is responsible for address: [$remote] although protocol [${remote.protocol}] is available." +
" Make sure at least one transport is configured to be responsible for the address.",
case 1 ⇒
case _ ⇒
throw new RemoteTransportException(
s"Multiple transports are available for [$remote]: [${responsibleTransports.mkString(",")}]. " +
"Remoting cannot decide which transport to use to reach the remote system. Change your configuration " +
"so that only one transport is responsible for the address.",
case None ⇒ throw new RemoteTransportException(
s"No transport is loaded for protocol: [${remote.protocol}], available protocols: [${transportMapping.keys.mkString(", ")}]", null)
case class RegisterTransportActor(props: Props, name: String) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
private[Remoting] class TransportSupervisor extends Actor with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {
override def supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
case NonFatal(e) ⇒ Restart
def receive = {
case RegisterTransportActor(props, name) ⇒
sender() ! context.actorOf(
private[remote] class Remoting(_system: ExtendedActorSystem, _provider: RemoteActorRefProvider) extends RemoteTransport(_system, _provider) {
@volatile private var endpointManager: Option[ActorRef] = None
@volatile private var transportMapping: Map[String, Set[(AkkaProtocolTransport, Address)]] = _
// This is effectively a write-once variable similar to a lazy val. The reason for not using a lazy val is exception
// handling.
@volatile var addresses: Set[Address] = _
// This variable has the same semantics as the addresses variable, in the sense it is written once, and emulates
// a lazy val
@volatile var defaultAddress: Address = _
import provider.remoteSettings._
val transportSupervisor = system.systemActorOf(
override def localAddressForRemote(remote: Address): Address = Remoting.localAddressForRemote(transportMapping, remote)
val log: LoggingAdapter = Logging(system.eventStream, "Remoting")
val eventPublisher = new EventPublisher(system, log, RemoteLifecycleEventsLogLevel)
private def notifyError(msg: String, cause: Throwable): Unit =
eventPublisher.notifyListeners(RemotingErrorEvent(new RemoteTransportException(msg, cause)))
override def shutdown(): Future[Unit] = {
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
endpointManager match {
case Some(manager) ⇒
implicit val timeout = ShutdownTimeout
def finalize(): Unit = {
endpointManager = None
(manager ? ShutdownAndFlush).mapTo[Boolean].andThen {
case Success(flushSuccessful) ⇒
if (!flushSuccessful)
log.warning("Shutdown finished, but flushing might not have been successful and some messages might have been dropped. " +
"Increase akka.remote.flush-wait-on-shutdown to a larger value to avoid this.")
case Failure(e) ⇒
notifyError("Failure during shutdown of remoting.", e)
} map { _ ⇒ () } // RARP needs only type Unit, not a boolean
case None ⇒
log.warning("Remoting is not running. Ignoring shutdown attempt.")
Future successful (())
// Start assumes that it cannot be followed by another start() without having a shutdown() first
override def start(): Unit = {
endpointManager match {
case None ⇒
log.info("Starting remoting")
val manager: ActorRef = system.systemActorOf(
configureDispatcher(Props(classOf[EndpointManager], provider.remoteSettings.config, log)).withDeploy(Deploy.local),
endpointManager = Some(manager)
try {
val addressesPromise: Promise[Seq[(AkkaProtocolTransport, Address)]] = Promise()
manager ! Listen(addressesPromise)
val transports: Seq[(AkkaProtocolTransport, Address)] = Await.result(addressesPromise.future,
if (transports.isEmpty) throw new RemoteTransportException("No transport drivers were loaded.", null)
transportMapping = transports.groupBy {
case (transport, _) ⇒ transport.schemeIdentifier
} map { case (k, v) ⇒ k -> v.toSet }
defaultAddress = transports.head._2
addresses = transports.map { _._2 }.toSet
log.info("Remoting started; listening on addresses :" + addresses.mkString("[", ", ", "]"))
manager ! StartupFinished
} catch {
case e: TimeoutException ⇒
notifyError("Startup timed out", e)
throw e
case NonFatal(e) ⇒
notifyError("Startup failed", e)
throw e
case Some(_) ⇒
log.warning("Remoting was already started. Ignoring start attempt.")
override def send(message: Any, senderOption: Option[ActorRef], recipient: RemoteActorRef): Unit = endpointManager match {
case Some(manager) ⇒ manager.tell(Send(message, senderOption, recipient), sender = senderOption getOrElse Actor.noSender)
case None ⇒ throw new RemoteTransportExceptionNoStackTrace("Attempted to send remote message but Remoting is not running.", null)
override def managementCommand(cmd: Any): Future[Boolean] = endpointManager match {
case Some(manager) ⇒
import system.dispatcher
implicit val timeout = CommandAckTimeout
manager ? ManagementCommand(cmd) map { case ManagementCommandAck(status) ⇒ status }
case None ⇒ throw new RemoteTransportExceptionNoStackTrace("Attempted to send management command but Remoting is not running.", null)
override def quarantine(remoteAddress: Address, uid: Option[Int]): Unit = endpointManager match {
case Some(manager) ⇒ manager ! Quarantine(remoteAddress, uid)
case _ ⇒ throw new RemoteTransportExceptionNoStackTrace(
s"Attempted to quarantine address [$remoteAddress] with uid [$uid] but Remoting is not running", null)
// Not used anywhere only to keep compatibility with RemoteTransport interface
protected def useUntrustedMode: Boolean = provider.remoteSettings.UntrustedMode
// Not used anywhere only to keep compatibility with RemoteTransport interface
@deprecated("Use the LogRemoteLifecycleEvents setting instead.", "2.3")
protected def logRemoteLifeCycleEvents: Boolean = LogRemoteLifecycleEvents
private[remote] object EndpointManager {
// Messages between Remoting and EndpointManager
sealed trait RemotingCommand extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
case class Listen(addressesPromise: Promise[Seq[(AkkaProtocolTransport, Address)]]) extends RemotingCommand
case object StartupFinished extends RemotingCommand
case object ShutdownAndFlush extends RemotingCommand
case class Send(message: Any, senderOption: Option[ActorRef], recipient: RemoteActorRef, seqOpt: Option[SeqNo] = None)
extends RemotingCommand with HasSequenceNumber {
override def toString = s"Remote message $senderOption -> $recipient"
// This MUST throw an exception to indicate that we attempted to put a nonsequenced message in one of the
// acknowledged delivery buffers
def seq = seqOpt.get
case class Quarantine(remoteAddress: Address, uid: Option[Int]) extends RemotingCommand
case class ManagementCommand(cmd: Any) extends RemotingCommand
case class ManagementCommandAck(status: Boolean)
// Messages internal to EndpointManager
case object Prune extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
case class ListensResult(addressesPromise: Promise[Seq[(AkkaProtocolTransport, Address)]],
results: Seq[(AkkaProtocolTransport, Address, Promise[AssociationEventListener])])
extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
case class ListensFailure(addressesPromise: Promise[Seq[(AkkaProtocolTransport, Address)]], cause: Throwable)
extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
// Helper class to store address pairs
case class Link(localAddress: Address, remoteAddress: Address)
case class ResendState(uid: Int, buffer: AckedReceiveBuffer[Message])
sealed trait EndpointPolicy {
* Indicates that the policy does not contain an active endpoint, but it is a tombstone of a previous failure
def isTombstone: Boolean
case class Pass(endpoint: ActorRef, uid: Option[Int], refuseUid: Option[Int]) extends EndpointPolicy {
override def isTombstone: Boolean = false
case class Gated(timeOfRelease: Deadline) extends EndpointPolicy {
override def isTombstone: Boolean = true
case class Quarantined(uid: Int, timeOfRelease: Deadline) extends EndpointPolicy {
override def isTombstone: Boolean = true
// Not threadsafe -- only to be used in HeadActor
class EndpointRegistry {
private var addressToWritable = HashMap[Address, EndpointPolicy]()
private var writableToAddress = HashMap[ActorRef, Address]()
private var addressToReadonly = HashMap[Address, ActorRef]()
private var readonlyToAddress = HashMap[ActorRef, Address]()
def registerWritableEndpoint(address: Address, uid: Option[Int], refuseUid: Option[Int], endpoint: ActorRef): ActorRef =
addressToWritable.get(address) match {
case Some(Pass(e, _, _)) ⇒
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Attempting to overwrite existing endpoint [$e] with [$endpoint]")
case _ ⇒
addressToWritable += address -> Pass(endpoint, uid, refuseUid)
writableToAddress += endpoint -> address
def registerWritableEndpointUid(remoteAddress: Address, uid: Int): Unit = {
addressToWritable.get(remoteAddress) match {
case Some(Pass(ep, _, refuseUid)) ⇒ addressToWritable += remoteAddress -> Pass(ep, Some(uid), refuseUid)
case other ⇒ // the GotUid might have lost the race with some failure
def registerReadOnlyEndpoint(address: Address, endpoint: ActorRef): ActorRef = {
addressToReadonly += address -> endpoint
readonlyToAddress += endpoint -> address
def unregisterEndpoint(endpoint: ActorRef): Unit =
if (isWritable(endpoint)) {
val address = writableToAddress(endpoint)
addressToWritable.get(address) match {
case Some(policy) if policy.isTombstone ⇒ // There is already a tombstone directive, leave it there
case _ ⇒ addressToWritable -= address
writableToAddress -= endpoint
} else if (isReadOnly(endpoint)) {
addressToReadonly -= readonlyToAddress(endpoint)
readonlyToAddress -= endpoint
def writableEndpointWithPolicyFor(address: Address): Option[EndpointPolicy] = addressToWritable.get(address)
def hasWritableEndpointFor(address: Address): Boolean = writableEndpointWithPolicyFor(address) match {
case Some(Pass(_, _, _)) ⇒ true
case _ ⇒ false
def readOnlyEndpointFor(address: Address): Option[ActorRef] = addressToReadonly.get(address)
def isWritable(endpoint: ActorRef): Boolean = writableToAddress contains endpoint
def isReadOnly(endpoint: ActorRef): Boolean = readonlyToAddress contains endpoint
def isQuarantined(address: Address, uid: Int): Boolean = writableEndpointWithPolicyFor(address) match {
// timeOfRelease is only used for garbage collection. If an address is still probed, we should report the
// known fact that it is quarantined.
case Some(Quarantined(`uid`, _)) ⇒ true
case _ ⇒ false
def refuseUid(address: Address): Option[Int] = writableEndpointWithPolicyFor(address) match {
// timeOfRelease is only used for garbage collection. If an address is still probed, we should report the
// known fact that it is quarantined.
case Some(Quarantined(uid, _)) ⇒ Some(uid)
case Some(Pass(_, _, refuseUid)) ⇒ refuseUid
case _ ⇒ None
* Marking an endpoint as failed means that we will not try to connect to the remote system within
* the gated period but it is ok for the remote system to try to connect to us.
def markAsFailed(endpoint: ActorRef, timeOfRelease: Deadline): Unit =
if (isWritable(endpoint)) {
addressToWritable += writableToAddress(endpoint) -> Gated(timeOfRelease)
writableToAddress -= endpoint
} else if (isReadOnly(endpoint)) {
addressToReadonly -= readonlyToAddress(endpoint)
readonlyToAddress -= endpoint
def markAsQuarantined(address: Address, uid: Int, timeOfRelease: Deadline): Unit =
addressToWritable += address -> Quarantined(uid, timeOfRelease)
def removePolicy(address: Address): Unit =
addressToWritable -= address
def allEndpoints: collection.Iterable[ActorRef] = writableToAddress.keys ++ readonlyToAddress.keys
def prune(): Unit = {
addressToWritable = addressToWritable.filter {
case (_, Gated(timeOfRelease)) ⇒ timeOfRelease.hasTimeLeft
case (_, Quarantined(_, timeOfRelease)) ⇒ timeOfRelease.hasTimeLeft
case _ ⇒ true
private[remote] class EndpointManager(conf: Config, log: LoggingAdapter) extends Actor
with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {
import EndpointManager._
import context.dispatcher
val settings = new RemoteSettings(conf)
val extendedSystem = context.system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem]
val endpointId: Iterator[Int] = Iterator from 0
val eventPublisher = new EventPublisher(context.system, log, settings.RemoteLifecycleEventsLogLevel)
// Mapping between addresses and endpoint actors. If passive connections are turned off, incoming connections
// will be not part of this map!
val endpoints = new EndpointRegistry
// Mapping between transports and the local addresses they listen to
var transportMapping: Map[Address, AkkaProtocolTransport] = Map()
def retryGateEnabled = settings.RetryGateClosedFor > Duration.Zero
val pruneInterval: FiniteDuration = if (retryGateEnabled) settings.RetryGateClosedFor * 2 else Duration.Zero
val pruneTimerCancellable: Option[Cancellable] = if (retryGateEnabled)
Some(context.system.scheduler.schedule(pruneInterval, pruneInterval, self, Prune))
else None
var pendingReadHandoffs = Map[ActorRef, AkkaProtocolHandle]()
var stashedInbound = Map[ActorRef, Vector[InboundAssociation]]()
def handleStashedInbound(endpoint: ActorRef) {
val stashed = stashedInbound.getOrElse(endpoint, Vector.empty)
stashedInbound -= endpoint
stashed foreach (handleInboundAssociation _)
def keepQuarantinedOr(remoteAddress: Address)(body: ⇒ Unit): Unit = endpoints.refuseUid(remoteAddress) match {
case Some(uid) ⇒
log.info("Quarantined address [{}] is still unreachable or has not been restarted. Keeping it quarantined.", remoteAddress)
// Restoring Quarantine marker overwritten by a Pass(endpoint, refuseUid) pair while probing remote system.
endpoints.markAsQuarantined(remoteAddress, uid, Deadline.now + settings.QuarantineDuration)
case None ⇒ body
override val supervisorStrategy =
OneForOneStrategy(loggingEnabled = false) {
case e @ InvalidAssociation(localAddress, remoteAddress, reason) ⇒
keepQuarantinedOr(remoteAddress) {
log.warning("Tried to associate with unreachable remote address [{}]. " +
"Address is now gated for {} ms, all messages to this address will be delivered to dead letters. Reason: {}",
remoteAddress, settings.RetryGateClosedFor.toMillis, reason.getMessage)
endpoints.markAsFailed(sender(), Deadline.now + settings.RetryGateClosedFor)
case ShutDownAssociation(localAddress, remoteAddress, _) ⇒
keepQuarantinedOr(remoteAddress) {
log.debug("Remote system with address [{}] has shut down. " +
"Address is now gated for {} ms, all messages to this address will be delivered to dead letters.",
remoteAddress, settings.RetryGateClosedFor.toMillis)
endpoints.markAsFailed(sender(), Deadline.now + settings.RetryGateClosedFor)
case HopelessAssociation(localAddress, remoteAddress, Some(uid), _) ⇒
settings.QuarantineDuration match {
case d: FiniteDuration ⇒
endpoints.markAsQuarantined(remoteAddress, uid, Deadline.now + d)
eventPublisher.notifyListeners(QuarantinedEvent(remoteAddress, uid))
case _ ⇒ // disabled
case HopelessAssociation(localAddress, remoteAddress, None, _) ⇒
keepQuarantinedOr(remoteAddress) {
log.warning("Association to [{}] with unknown UID is irrecoverably failed. " +
"Address cannot be quarantined without knowing the UID, gating instead for {} ms.",
remoteAddress, settings.RetryGateClosedFor.toMillis)
endpoints.markAsFailed(sender(), Deadline.now + settings.RetryGateClosedFor)
case NonFatal(e) ⇒
// logging
e match {
case _: EndpointDisassociatedException | _: EndpointAssociationException ⇒ // no logging
case _ ⇒ log.error(e, e.getMessage)
// Structure for saving reliable delivery state across restarts of Endpoints
val receiveBuffers = new ConcurrentHashMap[Link, ResendState]()
def receive = {
case Listen(addressesPromise) ⇒
listens map { ListensResult(addressesPromise, _) } recover {
case NonFatal(e) ⇒ ListensFailure(addressesPromise, e)
} pipeTo self
case ListensResult(addressesPromise, results) ⇒
transportMapping = results.groupBy {
case (_, transportAddress, _) ⇒ transportAddress
} map {
case (a, t) if t.size > 1 ⇒
throw new RemoteTransportException(s"There are more than one transports listening on local address [$a]", null)
case (a, t) ⇒ a -> t.head._1
// Register to each transport as listener and collect mapping to addresses
val transportsAndAddresses = results map {
case (transport, address, promise) ⇒
transport -> address
case ListensFailure(addressesPromise, cause) ⇒
case ia: InboundAssociation ⇒
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(10.milliseconds, self, ia)
case ManagementCommand(_) ⇒
sender() ! ManagementCommandAck(status = false)
case StartupFinished ⇒
case ShutdownAndFlush ⇒
sender() ! true
context.stop(self) // Nothing to flush at this point
val accepting: Receive = {
case ManagementCommand(cmd) ⇒
val allStatuses = transportMapping.values map { transport ⇒
Future.fold(allStatuses)(true)(_ && _) map ManagementCommandAck pipeTo sender()
case Quarantine(address, uidOption) ⇒
// Stop writers
endpoints.writableEndpointWithPolicyFor(address) match {
case Some(Pass(endpoint, _, _)) ⇒
if (uidOption.isEmpty) {
log.warning("Association to [{}] with unknown UID is reported as quarantined, but " +
"address cannot be quarantined without knowing the UID, gating instead for {} ms.",
address, settings.RetryGateClosedFor.toMillis)
endpoints.markAsFailed(endpoint, Deadline.now + settings.RetryGateClosedFor)
case _ ⇒ // nothing to stop
// Stop inbound read-only associations
endpoints.readOnlyEndpointFor(address) match {
case Some(endpoint) ⇒ context.stop(endpoint)
case _ ⇒ // nothing to stop
uidOption foreach { uid ⇒
endpoints.markAsQuarantined(address, uid, Deadline.now + settings.QuarantineDuration)
eventPublisher.notifyListeners(QuarantinedEvent(address, uid))
case s @ Send(message, senderOption, recipientRef, _) ⇒
val recipientAddress = recipientRef.path.address
def createAndRegisterWritingEndpoint(refuseUid: Option[Int]): ActorRef =
uid = None,
handleOption = None,
writing = true,
endpoints.writableEndpointWithPolicyFor(recipientAddress) match {
case Some(Pass(endpoint, _, _)) ⇒
endpoint ! s
case Some(Gated(timeOfRelease)) ⇒
if (timeOfRelease.isOverdue()) createAndRegisterWritingEndpoint(refuseUid = None) ! s
else extendedSystem.deadLetters ! s
case Some(Quarantined(uid, _)) ⇒
// timeOfRelease is only used for garbage collection reasons, therefore it is ignored here. We still have
// the Quarantined tombstone and we know what UID we don't want to accept, so use it.
createAndRegisterWritingEndpoint(refuseUid = Some(uid)) ! s
case None ⇒
createAndRegisterWritingEndpoint(refuseUid = None) ! s
case ia @ InboundAssociation(handle: AkkaProtocolHandle) ⇒
case EndpointWriter.StoppedReading(endpoint) ⇒
acceptPendingReader(takingOverFrom = endpoint)
case Terminated(endpoint) ⇒
acceptPendingReader(takingOverFrom = endpoint)
case EndpointWriter.TookOver(endpoint, handle) ⇒
removePendingReader(takingOverFrom = endpoint, withHandle = handle)
case ReliableDeliverySupervisor.GotUid(uid, remoteAddress) ⇒
endpoints.registerWritableEndpointUid(remoteAddress, uid)
case Prune ⇒
case ShutdownAndFlush ⇒
// Shutdown all endpoints and signal to sender() when ready (and whether all endpoints were shut down gracefully)
def shutdownAll[T](resources: TraversableOnce[T])(shutdown: T ⇒ Future[Boolean]): Future[Boolean] = {
(Future sequence resources.map(shutdown)) map { _.forall(identity) } recover {
case NonFatal(_) ⇒ false
(for {
// The construction of the future for shutdownStatus has to happen after the flushStatus future has been finished
// so that endpoints are shut down before transports.
flushStatus ← shutdownAll(endpoints.allEndpoints)(gracefulStop(_, settings.FlushWait, EndpointWriter.FlushAndStop))
shutdownStatus ← shutdownAll(transportMapping.values)(_.shutdown())
} yield flushStatus && shutdownStatus) pipeTo sender()
pendingReadHandoffs.valuesIterator foreach (_.disassociate(AssociationHandle.Shutdown))
// Ignore all other writes
def flushing: Receive = {
case s: Send ⇒ extendedSystem.deadLetters ! s
case InboundAssociation(h: AkkaProtocolHandle) ⇒ h.disassociate(AssociationHandle.Shutdown)
case Terminated(_) ⇒ // why should we care now?
def handleInboundAssociation(ia: InboundAssociation): Unit = ia match {
case ia @ InboundAssociation(handle: AkkaProtocolHandle) ⇒ endpoints.readOnlyEndpointFor(handle.remoteAddress) match {
case Some(endpoint) ⇒
pendingReadHandoffs.get(endpoint) foreach (_.disassociate())
pendingReadHandoffs += endpoint -> handle
endpoint ! EndpointWriter.TakeOver(handle, self)
case None ⇒
if (endpoints.isQuarantined(handle.remoteAddress, handle.handshakeInfo.uid))
else endpoints.writableEndpointWithPolicyFor(handle.remoteAddress) match {
case Some(Pass(ep, None, _)) ⇒
stashedInbound += ep -> (stashedInbound.getOrElse(ep, Vector.empty) :+ ia)
case Some(Pass(ep, Some(uid), _)) ⇒
if (handle.handshakeInfo.uid == uid) {
pendingReadHandoffs.get(ep) foreach (_.disassociate())
pendingReadHandoffs += ep -> handle
ep ! EndpointWriter.StopReading(ep, self)
} else {
pendingReadHandoffs -= ep
createAndRegisterEndpoint(handle, refuseUid = Some(uid))
case state ⇒
createAndRegisterEndpoint(handle, refuseUid = endpoints.refuseUid(handle.remoteAddress))
private def createAndRegisterEndpoint(handle: AkkaProtocolHandle, refuseUid: Option[Int]): Unit = {
val writing = settings.UsePassiveConnections && !endpoints.hasWritableEndpointFor(handle.remoteAddress)
eventPublisher.notifyListeners(AssociatedEvent(handle.localAddress, handle.remoteAddress, inbound = true))
val endpoint = createEndpoint(
refuseUid = refuseUid)
if (writing)
endpoints.registerWritableEndpoint(handle.remoteAddress, Some(handle.handshakeInfo.uid), refuseUid, endpoint)
else {
endpoints.registerReadOnlyEndpoint(handle.remoteAddress, endpoint)
private def listens: Future[Seq[(AkkaProtocolTransport, Address, Promise[AssociationEventListener])]] = {
* Constructs chains of adapters on top of each driver as given in configuration. The resulting structure looks
* like the following:
* AkkaProtocolTransport <- Adapter <- ... <- Adapter <- Driver
* The transports variable contains only the heads of each chains (the AkkaProtocolTransport instances).
val transports: Seq[AkkaProtocolTransport] = for ((fqn, adapters, config) ← settings.Transports) yield {
val args = Seq(classOf[ExtendedActorSystem] -> context.system, classOf[Config] -> config)
// Loads the driver -- the bottom element of the chain.
// The chain at this point:
// Driver
val driver = extendedSystem.dynamicAccess
.createInstanceFor[Transport](fqn, args).recover({
case exception ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Cannot instantiate transport [$fqn]. " +
"Make sure it extends [akka.remote.transport.Transport] and has constructor with " +
"[akka.actor.ExtendedActorSystem] and [com.typesafe.config.Config] parameters", exception)
// Iteratively decorates the bottom level driver with a list of adapters.
// The chain at this point:
// Adapter <- ... <- Adapter <- Driver
val wrappedTransport =
adapters.map { TransportAdaptersExtension.get(context.system).getAdapterProvider }.foldLeft(driver) {
(t: Transport, provider: TransportAdapterProvider) ⇒
// The TransportAdapterProvider will wrap the given Transport and returns with a wrapped one
provider.create(t, context.system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem])
// Apply AkkaProtocolTransport wrapper to the end of the chain
// The chain at this point:
// AkkaProtocolTransport <- Adapter <- ... <- Adapter <- Driver
new AkkaProtocolTransport(wrappedTransport, context.system, new AkkaProtocolSettings(conf), AkkaPduProtobufCodec)
// Collect all transports, listen addresses and listener promises in one future
Future.sequence(transports.map { transport ⇒
transport.listen map { case (address, listenerPromise) ⇒ (transport, address, listenerPromise) }
private def acceptPendingReader(takingOverFrom: ActorRef): Unit = {
if (pendingReadHandoffs.contains(takingOverFrom)) {
val handle = pendingReadHandoffs(takingOverFrom)
pendingReadHandoffs -= takingOverFrom
eventPublisher.notifyListeners(AssociatedEvent(handle.localAddress, handle.remoteAddress, inbound = true))
val endpoint = createEndpoint(
writing = false,
refuseUid = None)
endpoints.registerReadOnlyEndpoint(handle.remoteAddress, endpoint)
private def removePendingReader(takingOverFrom: ActorRef, withHandle: AkkaProtocolHandle): Unit = {
if (pendingReadHandoffs.get(takingOverFrom).exists(handle ⇒ handle == withHandle))
pendingReadHandoffs -= takingOverFrom
private def createEndpoint(remoteAddress: Address,
localAddress: Address,
transport: AkkaProtocolTransport,
endpointSettings: RemoteSettings,
handleOption: Option[AkkaProtocolHandle],
writing: Boolean,
refuseUid: Option[Int]): ActorRef = {
assert(transportMapping contains localAddress)
assert(writing || refuseUid.isEmpty)
if (writing) context.watch(context.actorOf(RARP(extendedSystem).configureDispatcher(ReliableDeliverySupervisor.props(
"reliableEndpointWriter-" + AddressUrlEncoder(remoteAddress) + "-" + endpointId.next()))
else context.watch(context.actorOf(RARP(extendedSystem).configureDispatcher(EndpointWriter.props(
reliableDeliverySupervisor = None)).withDeploy(Deploy.local),
"endpointWriter-" + AddressUrlEncoder(remoteAddress) + "-" + endpointId.next()))
override def postStop(): Unit = {
pruneTimerCancellable.foreach { _.cancel() }
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