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akka.remote.transport.FailureInjectorTransportAdapter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. 
package akka.remote.transport

import FailureInjectorTransportAdapter._
import akka.AkkaException
import{ Address, ExtendedActorSystem }
import akka.event.Logging
import akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle.{ HandleEvent, HandleEventListener }
import akka.remote.transport.Transport._
import akka.util.ByteString
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise }
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
import scala.util.Try

case class FailureInjectorException(msg: String) extends AkkaException(msg) with NoStackTrace

class FailureInjectorProvider extends TransportAdapterProvider {

  override def create(wrappedTransport: Transport, system: ExtendedActorSystem): Transport =
    new FailureInjectorTransportAdapter(wrappedTransport, system)


private[remote] object FailureInjectorTransportAdapter {
  val FailureInjectorSchemeIdentifier = "gremlin"

  trait FailureInjectorCommand
  case class All(mode: GremlinMode)
  case class One(remoteAddress: Address, mode: GremlinMode)

  sealed trait GremlinMode
  case object PassThru extends GremlinMode {
     * Java API: get the singleton instance
    def getInstance = this
  case class Drop(outboundDropP: Double, inboundDropP: Double) extends GremlinMode

private[remote] class FailureInjectorTransportAdapter(wrappedTransport: Transport, val extendedSystem: ExtendedActorSystem)
  extends AbstractTransportAdapter(wrappedTransport)(extendedSystem.dispatcher) with AssociationEventListener {

  private def rng = ThreadLocalRandom.current()
  private val log = Logging(extendedSystem, "FailureInjector (gremlin)")
  private val shouldDebugLog: Boolean = extendedSystem.settings.config.getBoolean("akka.remote.gremlin.debug")

  @volatile private var upstreamListener: Option[AssociationEventListener] = None
  private[transport] val addressChaosTable = new ConcurrentHashMap[Address, GremlinMode]()
  @volatile private var allMode: GremlinMode = PassThru

  override val addedSchemeIdentifier = FailureInjectorSchemeIdentifier
  protected def maximumOverhead = 0

  override def managementCommand(cmd: Any): Future[Boolean] = cmd match {
    case All(mode) ⇒
      allMode = mode
    case One(address, mode) ⇒
      //  don't care about the protocol part - we are injected in the stack anyway!
      addressChaosTable.put(address.copy(protocol = "", system = ""), mode)
    case _ ⇒ wrappedTransport.managementCommand(cmd)

  protected def interceptListen(listenAddress: Address,
                                listenerFuture: Future[AssociationEventListener]): Future[AssociationEventListener] = {
    log.warning("FailureInjectorTransport is active on this system. Gremlins might munch your packets.")
    listenerFuture.onSuccess {
      // Side effecting: As this class is not an actor, the only way to safely modify state is through volatile vars.
      // Listen is called only during the initialization of the stack, and upstreamListener is not read before this
      // finishes.
      case listener: AssociationEventListener ⇒ upstreamListener = Some(listener)

  protected def interceptAssociate(remoteAddress: Address, statusPromise: Promise[AssociationHandle]): Unit = {
    // Association is simulated to be failed if there was either an inbound or outbound message drop
    if (shouldDropInbound(remoteAddress, Unit, "interceptAssociate") || shouldDropOutbound(remoteAddress, Unit, "interceptAssociate"))
      statusPromise.failure(new FailureInjectorException("Simulated failure of association to " + remoteAddress))
      statusPromise.completeWith(wrappedTransport.associate(remoteAddress).map { handle ⇒
        addressChaosTable.putIfAbsent(handle.remoteAddress.copy(protocol = "", system = ""), PassThru)
        new FailureInjectorHandle(handle, this)

  def notify(ev: AssociationEvent): Unit = ev match {
    case InboundAssociation(handle) if shouldDropInbound(handle.remoteAddress, ev, "notify") ⇒ //Ignore
    case _ ⇒ upstreamListener match {
      case Some(listener) ⇒ listener notify interceptInboundAssociation(ev)
      case None           ⇒

  def interceptInboundAssociation(ev: AssociationEvent): AssociationEvent = ev match {
    case InboundAssociation(handle) ⇒ InboundAssociation(FailureInjectorHandle(handle, this))
    case _                          ⇒ ev

  def shouldDropInbound(remoteAddress: Address, instance: Any, debugMessage: String): Boolean = chaosMode(remoteAddress) match {
    case PassThru ⇒ false
    case Drop(_, inboundDropP) ⇒
      if (rng.nextDouble() <= inboundDropP) {
        if (shouldDebugLog) log.debug("Dropping inbound [{}] for [{}] {}", instance.getClass, remoteAddress, debugMessage)
      } else false

  def shouldDropOutbound(remoteAddress: Address, instance: Any, debugMessage: String): Boolean = chaosMode(remoteAddress) match {
    case PassThru ⇒ false
    case Drop(outboundDropP, _) ⇒
      if (rng.nextDouble() <= outboundDropP) {
        if (shouldDebugLog) log.debug("Dropping outbound [{}] for [{}] {}", instance.getClass, remoteAddress, debugMessage)
      } else false

  def chaosMode(remoteAddress: Address): GremlinMode = {
    val mode = addressChaosTable.get(remoteAddress.copy(protocol = "", system = ""))
    if (mode eq null) PassThru else mode

private[remote] case class FailureInjectorHandle(_wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle,
                                                 private val gremlinAdapter: FailureInjectorTransportAdapter)
  extends AbstractTransportAdapterHandle(_wrappedHandle, FailureInjectorSchemeIdentifier)
  with HandleEventListener {
  import gremlinAdapter.extendedSystem.dispatcher

  @volatile private var upstreamListener: HandleEventListener = null

  override val readHandlerPromise: Promise[HandleEventListener] = Promise()
  readHandlerPromise.future.onSuccess {
    case listener: HandleEventListener ⇒
      upstreamListener = listener

  override def write(payload: ByteString): Boolean =
    if (!gremlinAdapter.shouldDropOutbound(wrappedHandle.remoteAddress, payload, "handler.write")) wrappedHandle.write(payload)
    else true

  override def disassociate(): Unit = wrappedHandle.disassociate()

  override def notify(ev: HandleEvent): Unit =
    if (!gremlinAdapter.shouldDropInbound(wrappedHandle.remoteAddress, ev, "handler.notify"))
      upstreamListener notify ev


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