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* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Typesafe Inc.
import akka.util.Duration
import com.typesafe.config._
import akka.routing._
import java.util.concurrent.{ TimeUnit, ConcurrentHashMap }
* This class represents deployment configuration for a given actor path. It is
* marked final in order to guarantee stable merge semantics (i.e. what
* overrides what in case multiple configuration sources are available) and is
* fully extensible via its Scope argument, and by the fact that an arbitrary
* Config section can be passed along with it (which will be merged when merging
* two Deploys).
* The path field is used only when inserting the Deploy into a deployer and
* not needed when just doing deploy-as-you-go:
* {{{
* context.actorOf(someProps, "someName", Deploy(scope = RemoteScope("someOtherNodeName")))
* }}}
//TODO add @SerialVersionUID(1L) when SI-4804 is fixed
final case class Deploy(
path: String = "",
config: Config = ConfigFactory.empty,
routerConfig: RouterConfig = NoRouter,
scope: Scope = NoScopeGiven) {
def this(routing: RouterConfig) = this("", ConfigFactory.empty, routing)
def this(routing: RouterConfig, scope: Scope) = this("", ConfigFactory.empty, routing, scope)
def this(scope: Scope) = this("", ConfigFactory.empty, NoRouter, scope)
* Do a merge between this and the other Deploy, where values from “this” take
* precedence. The “path” of the other Deploy is not taken into account. All
* other members are merged using ``.withFallback(other.)``.
def withFallback(other: Deploy): Deploy =
Deploy(path, config.withFallback(other.config), routerConfig.withFallback(other.routerConfig), scope.withFallback(other.scope))
* The scope of a [[]] serves two purposes: as a marker for
* pattern matching the “scope” (i.e. local/remote/cluster) as well as for
* extending the information carried by the final Deploy class. Scopes can be
* used in conjunction with a custom [[]], making
* Akka actors fully extensible.
trait Scope {
* When merging [[]] instances using ``withFallback()`` on
* the left one, this is propagated to “merging” scopes in the same way.
* The setup is biased towards preferring the callee over the argument, i.e.
* ``a.withFallback(b)`` is called expecting that ``a`` should in general take
* precedence.
def withFallback(other: Scope): Scope
//TODO add @SerialVersionUID(1L) when SI-4804 is fixed
abstract class LocalScope extends Scope
case object LocalScope extends LocalScope {
* Java API
@deprecated("use instance() method instead", "2.0.1")
def scope: Scope = this
* Java API: get the singleton instance
def getInstance = this
def withFallback(other: Scope): Scope = this
* This is the default value and as such allows overrides.
//TODO add @SerialVersionUID(1L) when SI-4804 is fixed
abstract class NoScopeGiven extends Scope
case object NoScopeGiven extends NoScopeGiven {
def withFallback(other: Scope): Scope = other
* Java API: get the singleton instance
def getInstance = this
* Deployer maps actor paths to actor deployments.
* @author Jonas Bonér
class Deployer(val settings: ActorSystem.Settings, val dynamicAccess: DynamicAccess) {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
private val deployments = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Deploy]
private val config = settings.config.getConfig("")
protected val default = config.getConfig("default")
config.root.asScala flatMap {
case ("default", _) ⇒ None
case (key, value: ConfigObject) ⇒ parseConfig(key, value.toConfig)
case _ ⇒ None
} foreach deploy
def lookup(path: String): Option[Deploy] = Option(deployments.get(path))
def deploy(d: Deploy): Unit = deployments.put(d.path, d)
protected def parseConfig(key: String, config: Config): Option[Deploy] = {
val deployment = config.withFallback(default)
val routees = deployment.getStringList("routees.paths").asScala.toSeq
val nrOfInstances = deployment.getInt("nr-of-instances")
val within = Duration(deployment.getMilliseconds("within"), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
val resizer: Option[Resizer] = if (config.hasPath("resizer")) {
} else {
val router: RouterConfig = deployment.getString("router") match {
case "from-code" ⇒ NoRouter
case "round-robin" ⇒ RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances, routees, resizer)
case "random" ⇒ RandomRouter(nrOfInstances, routees, resizer)
case "smallest-mailbox" ⇒ SmallestMailboxRouter(nrOfInstances, routees, resizer)
case "scatter-gather" ⇒ ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter(nrOfInstances, routees, within, resizer)
case "broadcast" ⇒ BroadcastRouter(nrOfInstances, routees, resizer)
case fqn ⇒
val args = Seq(classOf[Config] -> deployment)
dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[RouterConfig](fqn, args) match {
case Right(router) ⇒ router
case Left(exception) ⇒
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
("Cannot instantiate router [%s], defined in [%s], " +
"make sure it extends [akka.routing.RouterConfig] and has constructor with " +
"[com.typesafe.config.Config] parameter")
.format(fqn, key), exception)
Some(Deploy(key, deployment, router, NoScopeGiven))