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* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Scalable Solutions AB
import akka.dispatch.{ Future, ExecutionContext }
import akka.util.ByteString
import{ SocketAddress, InetSocketAddress }
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.channels.{
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import com.eaio.uuid.UUID
* IO messages and iteratees.
* This is still in an experimental state and is subject to change until it
* has received more real world testing.
object IO {
final class DivergentIterateeException extends Exception("Iteratees should not return a continuation when receiving EOF")
* An immutable handle to a Java NIO Channel. Contains a reference to the
* [[]] that will receive events related to the Channel,
* a reference to the [[]] that manages the Channel, and
* a [[com.eaio.uuid.UUID]] to uniquely identify the Channel.
sealed trait Handle {
this: Product ⇒
def owner: ActorRef
def ioManager: ActorRef
def uuid: UUID
override lazy val hashCode = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._hashCode(this)
def asReadable: ReadHandle = throw new ClassCastException(this.toString + " is not a ReadHandle")
def asWritable: WriteHandle = throw new ClassCastException(this.toString + " is not a WriteHandle")
def asSocket: SocketHandle = throw new ClassCastException(this.toString + " is not a SocketHandle")
def asServer: ServerHandle = throw new ClassCastException(this.toString + " is not a ServerHandle")
* Sends a request to the [[]] to close the Channel
* associated with this [[]].
* This can also be performed by sending [[]] to the
* [[]].
def close(): Unit = ioManager ! Close(this)
* A [[]] to a ReadableByteChannel.
sealed trait ReadHandle extends Handle with Product {
override def asReadable = this
* A [[]] to a WritableByteChannel.
sealed trait WriteHandle extends Handle with Product {
override def asWritable = this
* Sends a request to the [[]] to write to the
* Channel associated with this [[]].
* This can also be performed by sending [[]] to the
* [[]].
def write(bytes: ByteString): Unit = ioManager ! Write(this, bytes)
* A [[]] to a SocketChannel. Instances are normally
* created by [[]].connect() and
* [[]].accept().
case class SocketHandle(owner: ActorRef, ioManager: ActorRef, uuid: UUID = new UUID()) extends ReadHandle with WriteHandle {
override def asSocket = this
* A [[]] to a ServerSocketChannel. Instances are
* normally created by [[]].listen().
case class ServerHandle(owner: ActorRef, ioManager: ActorRef, uuid: UUID = new UUID()) extends Handle {
override def asServer = this
* Sends a request to the [[]] to accept an incoming
* connection to the ServerSocketChannel associated with this
* [[]].
* This can also be performed by creating a new [[]]
* and sending it within an [[]] to the [[]].
* @param socketOwner the [[]] that should receive events
* associated with the SocketChannel. The ActorRef for the
* current Actor will be used implicitly.
* @return a new SocketHandle that can be used to perform actions on the
* new connection's SocketChannel.
def accept()(implicit socketOwner: ActorRef): SocketHandle = {
val socket = SocketHandle(socketOwner, ioManager)
ioManager ! Accept(socket, this)
* Messages used to communicate with an [[]].
sealed trait IOMessage
* Message to an [[]] to create a ServerSocketChannel
* listening on the provided address.
* Normally sent using IOManager.listen()
case class Listen(server: ServerHandle, address: SocketAddress) extends IOMessage
* Message from an [[]] that the ServerSocketChannel is
* now listening for connections.
* No action is required by the receiving [[]].
case class Listening(server: ServerHandle, address: SocketAddress) extends IOMessage
* Message from an [[]] that a new connection has been
* made to the ServerSocketChannel and needs to be accepted.
case class NewClient(server: ServerHandle) extends IOMessage
* Message to an [[]] to accept a new connection.
* Normally sent using [[]].accept()
case class Accept(socket: SocketHandle, server: ServerHandle) extends IOMessage
* Message to an [[]] to create a SocketChannel connected
* to the provided address.
* Normally sent using IOManager.connect()
case class Connect(socket: SocketHandle, address: SocketAddress) extends IOMessage
* Message from an [[]] that the SocketChannel has
* successfully connected.
* No action is required by the receiving [[]].
case class Connected(socket: SocketHandle, address: SocketAddress) extends IOMessage
* Message to an [[]] to close the Channel.
* Normally sent using [[]].close()
case class Close(handle: Handle) extends IOMessage
* Message from an [[]] that the Channel has closed. Can
* optionally contain the Exception that caused the Channel to close, if
* applicable.
* No action is required by the receiving [[]].
case class Closed(handle: Handle, cause: Option[Exception]) extends IOMessage
* Message from an [[]] that contains bytes read from
* the SocketChannel.
case class Read(handle: ReadHandle, bytes: ByteString) extends IOMessage
* Message to an [[]] to write to the SocketChannel.
* Normally sent using [[]].write()
case class Write(handle: WriteHandle, bytes: ByteString) extends IOMessage
* Represents part of a stream of bytes that can be processed by an
* [[]].
sealed trait Input {
* Append another Input to this one.
* If 'that' is an [[]] then it will replace any
* remaining bytes in this Input. If 'this' is an [[]]
* then it will be replaced by 'that'.
def ++(that: Input): Input
object Chunk {
val empty = Chunk(ByteString.empty)
* Part of an [[]] stream that contains a chunk of bytes.
case class Chunk(bytes: ByteString) extends Input {
def ++(that: Input) = that match {
case Chunk(more) ⇒ Chunk(bytes ++ more)
case _: EOF ⇒ that
* Part of an [[]] stream that represents the end of the
* stream.
* This will cause the [[]] that processes it
* to terminate early. If a cause is defined it can be 'caught' by
* Iteratee.recover() in order to handle it properly.
case class EOF(cause: Option[Exception]) extends Input {
def ++(that: Input) = that
object Iteratee {
* Wrap the provided value within a [[]]
* [[]]. This is a helper for cases where the type should be
* inferred as an Iteratee and not as a Done.
def apply[A](value: A): Iteratee[A] = Done(value)
def apply(): Iteratee[Unit] = unit
val unit: Iteratee[Unit] = Done(())
* A basic Iteratee implementation of Oleg's Iteratee (
* To keep this implementation simple it has no support for Enumerator or Input types
* other then ByteString.
* Other Iteratee implementations can be used in place of this one if any
* missing features are required.
sealed abstract class Iteratee[+A] {
* Processes the given [[]], returning the resulting
* Iteratee and the remaining Input.
final def apply(input: Input): (Iteratee[A], Input) = this match {
case Cont(f, None) ⇒ f(input)
case iter ⇒ (iter, input)
* Passes an [[]] to this Iteratee and returns the
* result if available.
* If this Iteratee is in a failure state then the Exception will be thrown.
* If this Iteratee is not well behaved (does not return a result on EOF)
* then a "Divergent Iteratee" Exception will be thrown.
final def get: A = this(EOF(None))._1 match {
case Done(value) ⇒ value
case Cont(_, None) ⇒ throw new DivergentIterateeException
case Cont(_, Some(err)) ⇒ throw err
* Applies a function to the result of this Iteratee, resulting in a new
* Iteratee. Any unused [[]] that is given to this
* Iteratee will be passed to that resulting Iteratee. This is the
* primary method of composing Iteratees together in order to process
* an Input stream.
final def flatMap[B](f: A ⇒ Iteratee[B]): Iteratee[B] = this match {
case Done(value) ⇒ f(value)
case Cont(k: Chain[_], err) ⇒ Cont(k :+ f, err)
case Cont(k, err) ⇒ Cont(Chain(k, f), err)
* Applies a function to transform the result of this Iteratee.
final def map[B](f: A ⇒ B): Iteratee[B] = this match {
case Done(value) ⇒ Done(f(value))
case Cont(k: Chain[_], err) ⇒ Cont(k :+ ((a: A) ⇒ Done(f(a))), err)
case Cont(k, err) ⇒ Cont(Chain(k, (a: A) ⇒ Done(f(a))), err)
* Provides a handler for any matching errors that may have occured while
* running this Iteratee.
* Errors are usually raised within the Iteratee with [[]].throwErr
* or by processing an [[]] that contains an Exception.
def recover[B >: A](pf: PartialFunction[Exception, B]): Iteratee[B] = this match {
case done @ Done(_) ⇒ done
case Cont(_, Some(err)) if pf isDefinedAt err ⇒ Done(pf(err))
case Cont(k, err) ⇒ Cont((more ⇒ k(more) match { case (iter, rest) ⇒ (iter recover pf, rest) }), err)
* An Iteratee representing a result, usually returned by the successful
* completion of an Iteratee. Also used to wrap any constants or
* precalculated values that need to be composed with other Iteratees.
final case class Done[+A](result: A) extends Iteratee[A]
* An [[]] that still requires more input to calculate
* it's result. It may also contain an optional error, which can be handled
* with 'recover()'.
* It is possible to recover from an error and continue processing this
* Iteratee without losing the continuation, although that has not yet
* been tested. An example use case of this is resuming a failed download.
final case class Cont[+A](f: Input ⇒ (Iteratee[A], Input), error: Option[Exception] = None) extends Iteratee[A]
object IterateeRef {
* Creates an [[]] containing an initial
* [[]].
def sync[A](initial: Iteratee[A]): IterateeRefSync[A] = new IterateeRefSync(initial)
* Creates an empty [[]].
def sync(): IterateeRefSync[Unit] = new IterateeRefSync(Iteratee.unit)
* Creates an [[]] containing an initial
* [[]].
def async[A](initial: Iteratee[A])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): IterateeRefAsync[A] = new IterateeRefAsync(initial)
* Creates an empty [[]].
def async()(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): IterateeRefAsync[Unit] = new IterateeRefAsync(Iteratee.unit)
* A mutable Map to contain multiple IterateeRefs.
* This Map differs from the mutable Map within Scala's standard library
* by automatically including any keys used to lookup an IterateeRef. The
* 'refFactory' is used to provide the default value for new keys.
class Map[K, V] private (refFactory: ⇒ IterateeRef[V], underlying: mutable.Map[K, IterateeRef[V]] = mutable.Map.empty[K, IterateeRef[V]]) extends mutable.Map[K, IterateeRef[V]] {
def get(key: K) = Some(underlying.getOrElseUpdate(key, refFactory))
def iterator = underlying.iterator
def +=(kv: (K, IterateeRef[V])) = { underlying += kv; this }
def -=(key: K) = { underlying -= key; this }
override def empty = new Map[K, V](refFactory)
object Map {
* Uses a factory to create the initial IterateeRef for each new key.
def apply[K, V](refFactory: ⇒ IterateeRef[V]): IterateeRef.Map[K, V] = new Map(refFactory)
* Creates an empty [[]] for each new key.
def sync[K](): IterateeRef.Map[K, Unit] = new Map(IterateeRef.sync())
* Creates an empty [[]] for each new key.
def async[K]()(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): IterateeRef.Map[K, Unit] = new Map(IterateeRef.async())
* A mutable reference to an Iteratee designed for use within an Actor.
* See [[]] and [[]]
* for details.
trait IterateeRef[A] {
def flatMap(f: A ⇒ Iteratee[A]): Unit
def map(f: A ⇒ A): Unit
def apply(input: Input): Unit
* A mutable reference to an [[]]. Not thread safe.
* Designed for use within an [[]].
* Includes mutable implementations of flatMap, map, and apply which
* update the internal reference and return Unit.
* [[]] remaining after processing the Iteratee will
* be stored and processed later when 'flatMap' is used next.
final class IterateeRefSync[A](initial: Iteratee[A]) extends IterateeRef[A] {
private var _value: (Iteratee[A], Input) = (initial, Chunk.empty)
def flatMap(f: A ⇒ Iteratee[A]): Unit = _value = _value match {
case (iter, chunk @ Chunk(bytes)) if bytes.nonEmpty ⇒ (iter flatMap f)(chunk)
case (iter, input) ⇒ (iter flatMap f, input)
def map(f: A ⇒ A): Unit = _value = (_value._1 map f, _value._2)
def apply(input: Input): Unit = _value = _value._1(_value._2 ++ input)
def value: (Iteratee[A], Input) = _value
* A mutable reference to an [[]]. Not thread safe.
* Designed for use within an [[]], although all actions
* perfomed on the Iteratee are processed within a [[akka.dispatch.Future]]
* so it is not safe to refer to the Actor's state from within this Iteratee.
* Messages should instead be sent to the Actor in order to modify state.
* Includes mutable implementations of flatMap, map, and apply which
* update the internal reference and return Unit.
* [[]] remaining after processing the Iteratee will
* be stored and processed later when 'flatMap' is used next.
final class IterateeRefAsync[A](initial: Iteratee[A])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext) extends IterateeRef[A] {
private var _value: Future[(Iteratee[A], Input)] = Future((initial, Chunk.empty))
def flatMap(f: A ⇒ Iteratee[A]): Unit = _value = _value map {
case (iter, chunk @ Chunk(bytes)) if bytes.nonEmpty ⇒ (iter flatMap f)(chunk)
case (iter, input) ⇒ (iter flatMap f, input)
def map(f: A ⇒ A): Unit = _value = _value map (v ⇒ (v._1 map f, v._2))
def apply(input: Input): Unit = _value = _value map (v ⇒ v._1(v._2 ++ input))
def future: Future[(Iteratee[A], Input)] = _value
* An [[]] that contains an Exception. The Exception
* can be handled with Iteratee.recover().
final def throwErr(err: Exception): Iteratee[Nothing] = Cont(input ⇒ (throwErr(err), input), Some(err))
* An Iteratee that returns the ByteString prefix up until the supplied delimiter.
* The delimiter is dropped by default, but it can be returned with the result by
* setting 'inclusive' to be 'true'.
def takeUntil(delimiter: ByteString, inclusive: Boolean = false): Iteratee[ByteString] = {
def step(taken: ByteString)(input: Input): (Iteratee[ByteString], Input) = input match {
case Chunk(more) ⇒
val bytes = taken ++ more
val startIdx = bytes.indexOfSlice(delimiter, math.max(taken.length - delimiter.length, 0))
if (startIdx >= 0) {
val endIdx = startIdx + delimiter.length
(Done(bytes take (if (inclusive) endIdx else startIdx)), Chunk(bytes drop endIdx))
} else {
(Cont(step(bytes)), Chunk.empty)
case eof @ EOF(None) ⇒ (Done(taken), eof)
case eof @ EOF(cause) ⇒ (Cont(step(taken), cause), eof)
* An Iteratee that will collect bytes as long as a predicate is true.
def takeWhile(p: (Byte) ⇒ Boolean): Iteratee[ByteString] = {
def step(taken: ByteString)(input: Input): (Iteratee[ByteString], Input) = input match {
case Chunk(more) ⇒
val (found, rest) = more span p
if (rest.isEmpty)
(Cont(step(taken ++ found)), Chunk.empty)
(Done(taken ++ found), Chunk(rest))
case eof @ EOF(None) ⇒ (Done(taken), eof)
case eof @ EOF(cause) ⇒ (Cont(step(taken), cause), eof)
* An Iteratee that returns a ByteString of the requested length.
def take(length: Int): Iteratee[ByteString] = {
def step(taken: ByteString)(input: Input): (Iteratee[ByteString], Input) = input match {
case Chunk(more) ⇒
val bytes = taken ++ more
if (bytes.length >= length)
(Done(bytes.take(length)), Chunk(bytes.drop(length)))
(Cont(step(bytes)), Chunk.empty)
case eof @ EOF(None) ⇒ (Done(taken), eof)
case eof @ EOF(cause) ⇒ (Cont(step(taken), cause), eof)
* An Iteratee that ignores the specified number of bytes.
def drop(length: Int): Iteratee[Unit] = {
def step(left: Int)(input: Input): (Iteratee[Unit], Input) = input match {
case Chunk(more) ⇒
if (left > more.length)
(Cont(step(left - more.length)), Chunk.empty)
(Done(), Chunk(more drop left))
case eof @ EOF(None) ⇒ (Done(), eof)
case eof @ EOF(cause) ⇒ (Cont(step(left), cause), eof)
* An Iteratee that returns the remaining ByteString until an EOF is given.
val takeAll: Iteratee[ByteString] = {
def step(taken: ByteString)(input: Input): (Iteratee[ByteString], Input) = input match {
case Chunk(more) ⇒
val bytes = taken ++ more
(Cont(step(bytes)), Chunk.empty)
case eof @ EOF(None) ⇒ (Done(taken), eof)
case eof @ EOF(cause) ⇒ (Cont(step(taken), cause), eof)
* An Iteratee that returns any input it receives
val takeAny: Iteratee[ByteString] = Cont {
case Chunk(bytes) if bytes.nonEmpty ⇒ (Done(bytes), Chunk.empty)
case Chunk(bytes) ⇒ (takeAny, Chunk.empty)
case eof @ EOF(None) ⇒ (Done(ByteString.empty), eof)
case eof @ EOF(cause) ⇒ (Cont(more ⇒ (Done(ByteString.empty), more), cause), eof)
* An Iteratee that creates a list made up of the results of an Iteratee.
def takeList[A](length: Int)(iter: Iteratee[A]): Iteratee[List[A]] = {
def step(left: Int, list: List[A]): Iteratee[List[A]] =
if (left == 0) Done(list.reverse)
else iter flatMap (a ⇒ step(left - 1, a :: list))
step(length, Nil)
* An Iteratee that returns a [[akka.util.ByteString]] of the request length,
* but does not consume the Input.
def peek(length: Int): Iteratee[ByteString] = {
def step(taken: ByteString)(input: Input): (Iteratee[ByteString], Input) = input match {
case Chunk(more) ⇒
val bytes = taken ++ more
if (bytes.length >= length)
(Done(bytes.take(length)), Chunk(bytes))
(Cont(step(bytes)), Chunk.empty)
case eof @ EOF(None) ⇒ (Done(taken), eof)
case eof @ EOF(cause) ⇒ (Cont(step(taken), cause), eof)
* An Iteratee that continually repeats an Iteratee.
* TODO: Should terminate on EOF
def repeat(iter: Iteratee[Unit]): Iteratee[Unit] =
iter flatMap (_ ⇒ repeat(iter))
* An Iteratee that applies an Iteratee to each element of a Traversable
* and finally returning a single Iteratee containing a Traversable of the results.
def traverse[A, B, M[A] <: Traversable[A]](in: M[A])(f: A ⇒ Iteratee[B])(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[M[A], B, M[B]]): Iteratee[M[B]] =
fold(cbf(in), in)((b, a) ⇒ f(a) map (b += _)) map (_.result)
* An Iteratee that folds over a Traversable by applying a function that
* returns an Iteratee.
def fold[A, B, M[A] <: Traversable[A]](initial: B, in: M[A])(f: (B, A) ⇒ Iteratee[B]): Iteratee[B] =
(Iteratee(initial) /: in)((ib, a) ⇒ ib flatMap (b ⇒ f(b, a)))
// private api
private object Chain {
def apply[A](f: Input ⇒ (Iteratee[A], Input)) = new Chain[A](f, Nil, Nil)
def apply[A, B](f: Input ⇒ (Iteratee[A], Input), k: A ⇒ Iteratee[B]) = new Chain[B](f, List(k.asInstanceOf[Any ⇒ Iteratee[Any]]), Nil)
* A function 'ByteString => Iteratee[A]' that composes with 'A => Iteratee[B]' functions
* in a stack-friendly manner.
* For internal use within Iteratee.
private final case class Chain[A] private (cur: Input ⇒ (Iteratee[Any], Input), queueOut: List[Any ⇒ Iteratee[Any]], queueIn: List[Any ⇒ Iteratee[Any]]) extends (Input ⇒ (Iteratee[A], Input)) {
def :+[B](f: A ⇒ Iteratee[B]) = new Chain[B](cur, queueOut, f.asInstanceOf[Any ⇒ Iteratee[Any]] :: queueIn)
def apply(input: Input): (Iteratee[A], Input) = {
def run(result: (Iteratee[Any], Input), queueOut: List[Any ⇒ Iteratee[Any]], queueIn: List[Any ⇒ Iteratee[Any]]): (Iteratee[Any], Input) = {
if (queueOut.isEmpty) {
if (queueIn.isEmpty) result
else run(result, queueIn.reverse, Nil)
} else result match {
case (Done(value), rest) ⇒
queueOut.head(value) match {
//case Cont(Chain(f, q)) ⇒ run(f(rest), q ++ tail) <- can cause big slowdown, need to test if needed
case Cont(f, None) ⇒ run(f(rest), queueOut.tail, queueIn)
case iter ⇒ run((iter, rest), queueOut.tail, queueIn)
case (Cont(f, None), rest) ⇒
(Cont(new Chain(f, queueOut, queueIn)), rest)
case _ ⇒ result
run(cur(input), queueOut, queueIn).asInstanceOf[(Iteratee[A], Input)]
* IOManager contains a reference to the [[]] for
* an [[]].
* This is the recommended entry point to creating sockets for performing
* IO.
* Use the companion object to retrieve the instance of this class for an
* ActorSystem.
* {{{
* val ioManager = IOManager(context.system)
* val socket = ioManager.connect("")
* }}}
* An IOManager does not need to be manually stopped when not in use as it will
* automatically enter an idle state when it has no channels to manage.
final class IOManager private (system: ActorSystem) extends Extension {
* A reference to the [[]] that performs the actual
* IO. It communicates with other actors using subclasses of
* [[]].
val actor = system.actorOf(Props[IOManagerActor], "io-manager")
* Create a ServerSocketChannel listening on an address. Messages will be
* sent from the [[]] to the owner
* [[]].
* @param address the address to listen on
* @param owner the ActorRef that will receive messages from the IOManagerActor
* @return a [[]] to uniquely identify the created socket
def listen(address: SocketAddress)(implicit owner: ActorRef): IO.ServerHandle = {
val server = IO.ServerHandle(owner, actor)
actor ! IO.Listen(server, address)
* Create a ServerSocketChannel listening on a host and port. Messages will
* be sent from the [[]] to the owner
* [[]].
* @param host the hostname or IP to listen on
* @param port the port to listen on
* @param owner the ActorRef that will receive messages from the IOManagerActor
* @return a [[]] to uniquely identify the created socket
def listen(host: String, port: Int)(implicit owner: ActorRef): IO.ServerHandle =
listen(new InetSocketAddress(host, port))(owner)
* Create a SocketChannel connecting to an address. Messages will be
* sent from the [[]] to the owner
* [[]].
* @param address the address to connect to
* @param owner the ActorRef that will receive messages from the IOManagerActor
* @return a [[]] to uniquely identify the created socket
def connect(address: SocketAddress)(implicit owner: ActorRef): IO.SocketHandle = {
val socket = IO.SocketHandle(owner, actor)
actor ! IO.Connect(socket, address)
* Create a SocketChannel connecting to a host and port. Messages will
* be sent from the [[]] to the owner
* [[]].
* @param host the hostname or IP to connect to
* @param port the port to connect to
* @param owner the ActorRef that will receive messages from the IOManagerActor
* @return a [[]] to uniquely identify the created socket
def connect(host: String, port: Int)(implicit owner: ActorRef): IO.SocketHandle =
connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port))(owner)
object IOManager extends ExtensionId[IOManager] with ExtensionIdProvider {
override def lookup = this
override def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem) = new IOManager(system)
* An [[]] that performs IO using a Java NIO Selector.
* Use [[]] to retrieve an instance of this Actor.
final class IOManagerActor extends Actor {
import SelectionKey.{ OP_READ, OP_WRITE, OP_ACCEPT, OP_CONNECT }
private val bufferSize = 8192 // TODO: make buffer size configurable
private type ReadChannel = ReadableByteChannel with SelectableChannel
private type WriteChannel = WritableByteChannel with SelectableChannel
private val selector: Selector = Selector open ()
private val channels = mutable.Map.empty[IO.Handle, SelectableChannel]
private val accepted = mutable.Map.empty[IO.ServerHandle, mutable.Queue[SelectableChannel]]
private val writes = mutable.Map.empty[IO.WriteHandle, WriteBuffer]
/** Channels that should close after writes are complete */
private val closing = mutable.Set.empty[IO.Handle]
/** Buffer used for all reads */
private val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferSize)
/** a counter that is incremented each time a message is retrieved */
private var lastSelect = 0
/** force a select when lastSelect reaches this amount */
private val selectAt = 100
/** true while the selector is open and channels.nonEmpty */
private var running = false
/** is there already a Select message in flight? */
private var selectSent = false
* select blocks for 1ms when false and is completely nonblocking when true.
* Automatically changes due to activity. This reduces object allocations
* when there are no pending events.
private var fastSelect = false
/** unique message that is sent to ourself to initiate the next select */
private object Select
/** This method should be called after receiving any message */
private def run() {
if (!running) {
running = true
if (!selectSent) {
selectSent = true
self ! Select
lastSelect += 1
if (lastSelect >= selectAt) select()
private def select() {
if (selector.isOpen) {
// TODO: Make select behaviour configurable.
// Blocking 1ms reduces allocations during idle times, non blocking gives better performance.
if (fastSelect) selector.selectNow else
val keys = selector.selectedKeys.iterator
fastSelect = keys.hasNext
while (keys.hasNext) {
val key =
if (key.isValid) { process(key) }
if (channels.isEmpty) running = false
} else {
running = false
lastSelect = 0
protected def receive = {
case Select ⇒
if (running) self ! Select
selectSent = running
case IO.Listen(server, address) ⇒
val channel = ServerSocketChannel open ()
channel configureBlocking false
channel.socket bind (address, 1000) // TODO: make backlog configurable
channels update (server, channel)
channel register (selector, OP_ACCEPT, server)
server.owner ! IO.Listening(server, channel.socket.getLocalSocketAddress())
case IO.Connect(socket, address) ⇒
val channel = SocketChannel open ()
channel configureBlocking false
channel connect address
channels update (socket, channel)
channel register (selector, OP_CONNECT | OP_READ, socket)
case IO.Accept(socket, server) ⇒
val queue = accepted(server)
val channel = queue.dequeue()
channels update (socket, channel)
channel register (selector, OP_READ, socket)
case IO.Write(handle, data) ⇒
if (channels contains handle) {
val queue = {
val existing = writes get handle
if (existing.isDefined) existing.get
else {
val q = new WriteBuffer(bufferSize)
writes update (handle, q)
if (queue.isEmpty) addOps(handle, OP_WRITE)
queue enqueue data
if (queue.length >= bufferSize) write(handle, channels(handle).asInstanceOf[WriteChannel])
case IO.Close(handle: IO.WriteHandle) ⇒
if (writes get handle filterNot (_.isEmpty) isDefined) {
closing += handle
} else {
cleanup(handle, None)
case IO.Close(handle) ⇒
cleanup(handle, None)
override def postStop {
channels.keys foreach (handle ⇒ cleanup(handle, None))
private def process(key: SelectionKey) {
val handle = key.attachment.asInstanceOf[IO.Handle]
try {
if (key.isConnectable) match {
case channel: SocketChannel ⇒ connect(handle.asSocket, channel)
if (key.isAcceptable) match {
case channel: ServerSocketChannel ⇒ accept(handle.asServer, channel)
if (key.isReadable) match {
case channel: ReadChannel ⇒ read(handle.asReadable, channel)
if (key.isWritable) match {
case channel: WriteChannel ⇒
try {
write(handle.asWritable, channel)
} catch {
case e: IOException ⇒
// ignore, let it fail on read to ensure nothing left in read buffer.
} catch {
case e: ClassCastException ⇒ cleanup(handle, Some(e))
case e: CancelledKeyException ⇒ cleanup(handle, Some(e))
case e: IOException ⇒ cleanup(handle, Some(e))
case e: ActorInitializationException ⇒ cleanup(handle, Some(e))
private def cleanup(handle: IO.Handle, cause: Option[Exception]) {
closing -= handle
handle match {
case server: IO.ServerHandle ⇒ accepted -= server
case writable: IO.WriteHandle ⇒ writes -= writable
channels.get(handle) match {
case Some(channel) ⇒
channels -= handle
if (!handle.owner.isTerminated) handle.owner ! IO.Closed(handle, cause)
case None ⇒
private def setOps(handle: IO.Handle, ops: Int): Unit =
channels(handle) keyFor selector interestOps ops
private def addOps(handle: IO.Handle, ops: Int) {
val key = channels(handle) keyFor selector
val cur = key.interestOps
key interestOps (cur | ops)
private def removeOps(handle: IO.Handle, ops: Int) {
val key = channels(handle) keyFor selector
val cur = key.interestOps
key interestOps (cur - (cur & ops))
private def connect(socket: IO.SocketHandle, channel: SocketChannel) {
if (channel.finishConnect) {
removeOps(socket, OP_CONNECT)
socket.owner ! IO.Connected(socket, channel.socket.getRemoteSocketAddress())
} else {
cleanup(socket, None) // TODO: Add a cause
private def accept(server: IO.ServerHandle, channel: ServerSocketChannel) {
val socket = channel.accept
if (socket ne null) {
socket configureBlocking false
val queue = {
val existing = accepted get server
if (existing.isDefined) existing.get
else {
val q = mutable.Queue[SelectableChannel]()
accepted update (server, q)
queue += socket
server.owner ! IO.NewClient(server)
accept(server, channel)
private def read(handle: IO.ReadHandle, channel: ReadChannel) {
val readLen = channel read buffer
if (readLen == -1) {
cleanup(handle, None) // TODO: Add a cause
} else if (readLen > 0) {
handle.owner ! IO.Read(handle, ByteString(buffer))
if (readLen == buffer.capacity) read(handle, channel)
private def write(handle: IO.WriteHandle, channel: WriteChannel) {
val queue = writes(handle)
queue write channel
if (queue.isEmpty) {
if (closing(handle)) {
cleanup(handle, None)
} else {
removeOps(handle, OP_WRITE)
final class WriteBuffer(bufferSize: Int) {
private val _queue = new java.util.ArrayDeque[ByteString]
private val _buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferSize)
private var _length = 0
private def fillBuffer(): Boolean = {
while (!_queue.isEmpty && _buffer.hasRemaining) {
val next = _queue.pollFirst
val rest = next.drop(next.copyToBuffer(_buffer))
if (rest.nonEmpty) _queue.offerFirst(rest)
def enqueue(elem: ByteString): this.type = {
_length += elem.length
val rest = elem.drop(elem.copyToBuffer(_buffer))
if (rest.nonEmpty) _queue.offerLast(rest)
def length = _length
def isEmpty = _length == 0
def write(channel: WritableByteChannel with SelectableChannel): Int = {
def run(total: Int): Int = {
if (this.isEmpty) total
else {
val written = try {
channel write _buffer
} finally {
// don't leave buffer in wrong state
_length -= written
if (_buffer.position > 0) {
total + written
} else {
run(total + written)