akka.actor.Stash.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Typesafe Inc.
package akka.actor
import akka.dispatch.{ Envelope, DequeBasedMessageQueue }
import akka.AkkaException
* The `Stash` trait enables an actor to temporarily stash away messages that can not or
* should not be handled using the actor's current behavior.
* Example:
* class ActorWithProtocol extends Actor with Stash {
* def receive = {
* case "open" ⇒
* unstashAll {
* case "write" ⇒ // do writing...
* case "close" ⇒
* unstashAll()
* context.unbecome()
* case msg ⇒ stash()
* }
* case "done" ⇒ // done
* case msg ⇒ stash()
* }
* }
* Note that the `Stash` trait can only be used together with actors that have a deque-based
* mailbox. Actors can be configured to use a deque-based mailbox using a configuration like
* the following (see the documentation on dispatchers on how to configure a custom
* dispatcher):
* akka {
* actor {
* my-custom-dispatcher {
* mailbox-type = "akka.dispatch.UnboundedDequeBasedMailbox"
* }
* }
* }
* Note that the `Stash` trait must be mixed into (a subclass of) the `Actor` trait before
* any trait/class that overrides the `preRestart` callback. This means it's not possible to write
* `Actor with MyActor with Stash` if `MyActor` overrides `preRestart`.
trait Stash {
this: Actor ⇒
/* The private stash of the actor. It is only accessible using `stash()` and
* `unstashAll()`.
private var theStash = Vector.empty[Envelope]
/* The capacity of the stash. Configured in the actor's dispatcher config.
private val capacity = {
val dispatcher = context.system.settings.config.getConfig(context.props.dispatcher)
val config = dispatcher.withFallback(context.system.settings.config.getConfig("akka.actor.default-dispatcher"))
/* The actor's deque-based message queue.
* `mailbox.queue` is the underlying `Deque`.
private val mailbox: DequeBasedMessageQueue = {
context.asInstanceOf[ActorCell].mailbox.messageQueue match {
case queue: DequeBasedMessageQueue ⇒ queue
case other ⇒ throw new ActorInitializationException(self, "DequeBasedMailbox required, got: " + other.getClass() + """
An (unbounded) deque-based mailbox can be configured as follows:
my-custom-dispatcher {
mailbox-type = "akka.dispatch.UnboundedDequeBasedMailbox"
* Adds the current message (the message that the actor received last) to the
* actor's stash.
* @throws StashOverflowException in case of a stash capacity violation
* @throws IllegalStateException if the same message is stashed more than once
def stash(): Unit = {
val currMsg = context.asInstanceOf[ActorCell].currentMessage
if (theStash.size > 0 && (currMsg eq theStash.last))
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't stash the same message " + currMsg + " more than once")
if (capacity <= 0 || theStash.size < capacity) theStash :+= currMsg
else throw new StashOverflowException("Couldn't enqueue message " + currMsg + " to stash of " + self)
* Prepends all messages in the stash to the mailbox, and then clears the stash.
* Messages from the stash are enqueued to the mailbox until the capacity of the
* mailbox (if any) has been reached. In case a bounded mailbox overflows, a
* `MessageQueueAppendFailedException` is thrown.
* The stash is guaranteed to be empty after calling `unstashAll()`.
* @throws MessageQueueAppendFailedException in case of a capacity violation when
* prepending the stash to a bounded mailbox
def unstashAll(): Unit = {
try {
for (msg ← theStash.reverseIterator) mailbox.enqueueFirst(self, msg)
} finally {
theStash = Vector.empty[Envelope]
* Overridden callback. Prepends all messages in the stash to the mailbox,
* clears the stash, stops all children and invokes the postStop() callback of the superclass.
override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) {
try unstashAll() finally {
context.children foreach context.stop
class StashOverflowException(message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause)