spark.scheduler.cluster.TaskSetManager.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package spark.scheduler.cluster
import java.util.Arrays
import java.util.{HashMap => JHashMap}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
import scala.math.max
import scala.math.min
import spark._
import spark.scheduler._
import spark.TaskState.TaskState
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
* Schedules the tasks within a single TaskSet in the ClusterScheduler.
private[spark] class TaskSetManager(sched: ClusterScheduler, val taskSet: TaskSet) extends Logging {
// Maximum time to wait to run a task in a preferred location (in ms)
val LOCALITY_WAIT = System.getProperty("spark.locality.wait", "3000").toLong
// CPUs to request per task
val CPUS_PER_TASK = System.getProperty("spark.task.cpus", "1").toDouble
// Maximum times a task is allowed to fail before failing the job
// Quantile of tasks at which to start speculation
val SPECULATION_QUANTILE = System.getProperty("spark.speculation.quantile", "0.75").toDouble
val SPECULATION_MULTIPLIER = System.getProperty("spark.speculation.multiplier", "1.5").toDouble
// Serializer for closures and tasks.
val ser = SparkEnv.get.closureSerializer.newInstance()
val priority = taskSet.priority
val tasks = taskSet.tasks
val numTasks = tasks.length
val copiesRunning = new Array[Int](numTasks)
val finished = new Array[Boolean](numTasks)
val numFailures = new Array[Int](numTasks)
val taskAttempts = Array.fill[List[TaskInfo]](numTasks)(Nil)
var tasksFinished = 0
// Last time when we launched a preferred task (for delay scheduling)
var lastPreferredLaunchTime = System.currentTimeMillis
// List of pending tasks for each node. These collections are actually
// treated as stacks, in which new tasks are added to the end of the
// ArrayBuffer and removed from the end. This makes it faster to detect
// tasks that repeatedly fail because whenever a task failed, it is put
// back at the head of the stack. They are also only cleaned up lazily;
// when a task is launched, it remains in all the pending lists except
// the one that it was launched from, but gets removed from them later.
val pendingTasksForHost = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]
// List containing pending tasks with no locality preferences
val pendingTasksWithNoPrefs = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
// List containing all pending tasks (also used as a stack, as above)
val allPendingTasks = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
// Tasks that can be speculated. Since these will be a small fraction of total
// tasks, we'll just hold them in a HashSet.
val speculatableTasks = new HashSet[Int]
// Task index, start and finish time for each task attempt (indexed by task ID)
val taskInfos = new HashMap[Long, TaskInfo]
// Did the job fail?
var failed = false
var causeOfFailure = ""
// How frequently to reprint duplicate exceptions in full, in milliseconds
System.getProperty("spark.logging.exceptionPrintInterval", "10000").toLong
// Map of recent exceptions (identified by string representation and
// top stack frame) to duplicate count (how many times the same
// exception has appeared) and time the full exception was
// printed. This should ideally be an LRU map that can drop old
// exceptions automatically.
val recentExceptions = HashMap[String, (Int, Long)]()
// Figure out the current map output tracker generation and set it on all tasks
val generation = sched.mapOutputTracker.getGeneration
logDebug("Generation for " + + ": " + generation)
for (t <- tasks) {
t.generation = generation
// Add all our tasks to the pending lists. We do this in reverse order
// of task index so that tasks with low indices get launched first.
for (i <- (0 until numTasks).reverse) {
// Add a task to all the pending-task lists that it should be on.
private def addPendingTask(index: Int) {
val locations = tasks(index).preferredLocations.toSet & sched.hostsAlive
if (locations.size == 0) {
pendingTasksWithNoPrefs += index
} else {
for (host <- locations) {
val list = pendingTasksForHost.getOrElseUpdate(host, ArrayBuffer())
list += index
allPendingTasks += index
// Return the pending tasks list for a given host, or an empty list if
// there is no map entry for that host
private def getPendingTasksForHost(host: String): ArrayBuffer[Int] = {
pendingTasksForHost.getOrElse(host, ArrayBuffer())
// Dequeue a pending task from the given list and return its index.
// Return None if the list is empty.
// This method also cleans up any tasks in the list that have already
// been launched, since we want that to happen lazily.
private def findTaskFromList(list: ArrayBuffer[Int]): Option[Int] = {
while (!list.isEmpty) {
val index = list.last
if (copiesRunning(index) == 0 && !finished(index)) {
return Some(index)
return None
// Return a speculative task for a given host if any are available. The task should not have an
// attempt running on this host, in case the host is slow. In addition, if localOnly is set, the
// task must have a preference for this host (or no preferred locations at all).
private def findSpeculativeTask(host: String, localOnly: Boolean): Option[Int] = {
val hostsAlive = sched.hostsAlive
speculatableTasks.retain(index => !finished(index)) // Remove finished tasks from set
val localTask = speculatableTasks.find {
index =>
val locations = tasks(index).preferredLocations.toSet & hostsAlive
val attemptLocs = taskAttempts(index).map(
(locations.size == 0 || locations.contains(host)) && !attemptLocs.contains(host)
if (localTask != None) {
speculatableTasks -= localTask.get
return localTask
if (!localOnly && speculatableTasks.size > 0) {
val nonLocalTask = speculatableTasks.find(i => !taskAttempts(i).map(
if (nonLocalTask != None) {
speculatableTasks -= nonLocalTask.get
return nonLocalTask
return None
// Dequeue a pending task for a given node and return its index.
// If localOnly is set to false, allow non-local tasks as well.
private def findTask(host: String, localOnly: Boolean): Option[Int] = {
val localTask = findTaskFromList(getPendingTasksForHost(host))
if (localTask != None) {
return localTask
val noPrefTask = findTaskFromList(pendingTasksWithNoPrefs)
if (noPrefTask != None) {
return noPrefTask
if (!localOnly) {
val nonLocalTask = findTaskFromList(allPendingTasks)
if (nonLocalTask != None) {
return nonLocalTask
// Finally, if all else has failed, find a speculative task
return findSpeculativeTask(host, localOnly)
// Does a host count as a preferred location for a task? This is true if
// either the task has preferred locations and this host is one, or it has
// no preferred locations (in which we still count the launch as preferred).
private def isPreferredLocation(task: Task[_], host: String): Boolean = {
val locs = task.preferredLocations
return (locs.contains(host) || locs.isEmpty)
// Respond to an offer of a single slave from the scheduler by finding a task
def slaveOffer(execId: String, host: String, availableCpus: Double): Option[TaskDescription] = {
if (tasksFinished < numTasks && availableCpus >= CPUS_PER_TASK) {
val time = System.currentTimeMillis
val localOnly = (time - lastPreferredLaunchTime < LOCALITY_WAIT)
findTask(host, localOnly) match {
case Some(index) => {
// Found a task; do some bookkeeping and return a Mesos task for it
val task = tasks(index)
val taskId = sched.newTaskId()
// Figure out whether this should count as a preferred launch
val preferred = isPreferredLocation(task, host)
val prefStr = if (preferred) {
} else {
"non-preferred, not one of " + task.preferredLocations.mkString(", ")
logInfo("Starting task %s:%d as TID %s on executor %s: %s (%s)".format(, index, taskId, execId, host, prefStr))
// Do various bookkeeping
copiesRunning(index) += 1
val info = new TaskInfo(taskId, index, time, execId, host)
taskInfos(taskId) = info
taskAttempts(index) = info :: taskAttempts(index)
if (preferred) {
lastPreferredLaunchTime = time
// Serialize and return the task
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
val serializedTask = Task.serializeWithDependencies(
task,,, ser)
val timeTaken = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime
logInfo("Serialized task %s:%d as %d bytes in %d ms".format(, index, serializedTask.limit, timeTaken))
val taskName = "task %s:%d".format(, index)
return Some(new TaskDescription(taskId, execId, taskName, serializedTask))
case _ =>
return None
def statusUpdate(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) {
state match {
case TaskState.FINISHED =>
taskFinished(tid, state, serializedData)
case TaskState.LOST =>
taskLost(tid, state, serializedData)
case TaskState.FAILED =>
taskLost(tid, state, serializedData)
case TaskState.KILLED =>
taskLost(tid, state, serializedData)
case _ =>
def taskFinished(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) {
val info = taskInfos(tid)
if (info.failed) {
// We might get two task-lost messages for the same task in coarse-grained Mesos mode,
// or even from Mesos itself when acks get delayed.
val index = info.index
if (!finished(index)) {
tasksFinished += 1
logInfo("Finished TID %s in %d ms (progress: %d/%d)".format(
tid, info.duration, tasksFinished, numTasks))
// Deserialize task result and pass it to the scheduler
val result = ser.deserialize[TaskResult[_]](serializedData, getClass.getClassLoader)
sched.listener.taskEnded(tasks(index), Success, result.value, result.accumUpdates)
// Mark finished and stop if we've finished all the tasks
finished(index) = true
if (tasksFinished == numTasks) {
} else {
logInfo("Ignoring task-finished event for TID " + tid +
" because task " + index + " is already finished")
def taskLost(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) {
val info = taskInfos(tid)
if (info.failed) {
// We might get two task-lost messages for the same task in coarse-grained Mesos mode,
// or even from Mesos itself when acks get delayed.
val index = info.index
if (!finished(index)) {
logInfo("Lost TID %s (task %s:%d)".format(tid,, index))
copiesRunning(index) -= 1
// Check if the problem is a map output fetch failure. In that case, this
// task will never succeed on any node, so tell the scheduler about it.
if (serializedData != null && serializedData.limit() > 0) {
val reason = ser.deserialize[TaskEndReason](serializedData, getClass.getClassLoader)
reason match {
case fetchFailed: FetchFailed =>
logInfo("Loss was due to fetch failure from " + fetchFailed.bmAddress)
sched.listener.taskEnded(tasks(index), fetchFailed, null, null)
finished(index) = true
tasksFinished += 1
case ef: ExceptionFailure =>
val key = ef.exception.toString
val now = System.currentTimeMillis
val (printFull, dupCount) = {
if (recentExceptions.contains(key)) {
val (dupCount, printTime) = recentExceptions(key)
if (now - printTime > EXCEPTION_PRINT_INTERVAL) {
recentExceptions(key) = (0, now)
(true, 0)
} else {
recentExceptions(key) = (dupCount + 1, printTime)
(false, dupCount + 1)
} else {
recentExceptions(key) = (0, now)
(true, 0)
if (printFull) {
val locs = => "\tat %s".format(loc.toString))
logInfo("Loss was due to %s\n%s".format(ef.exception.toString, locs.mkString("\n")))
} else {
logInfo("Loss was due to %s [duplicate %d]".format(ef.exception.toString, dupCount))
case _ => {}
// On non-fetch failures, re-enqueue the task as pending for a max number of retries
// Count failed attempts only on FAILED and LOST state (not on KILLED)
if (state == TaskState.FAILED || state == TaskState.LOST) {
numFailures(index) += 1
if (numFailures(index) > MAX_TASK_FAILURES) {
logError("Task %s:%d failed more than %d times; aborting job".format(, index, MAX_TASK_FAILURES))
abort("Task %s:%d failed more than %d times".format(, index, MAX_TASK_FAILURES))
} else {
logInfo("Ignoring task-lost event for TID " + tid +
" because task " + index + " is already finished")
def error(message: String) {
// Save the error message
abort("Error: " + message)
def abort(message: String) {
failed = true
causeOfFailure = message
// TODO: Kill running tasks if we were not terminated due to a Mesos error
sched.listener.taskSetFailed(taskSet, message)
def executorLost(execId: String, hostname: String) {
logInfo("Re-queueing tasks for " + execId + " from TaskSet " +
val newHostsAlive = sched.hostsAlive
// If some task has preferred locations only on hostname, and there are no more executors there,
// put it in the no-prefs list to avoid the wait from delay scheduling
if (!newHostsAlive.contains(hostname)) {
for (index <- getPendingTasksForHost(hostname)) {
val newLocs = tasks(index).preferredLocations.toSet & newHostsAlive
if (newLocs.isEmpty) {
pendingTasksWithNoPrefs += index
// Re-enqueue any tasks that ran on the failed executor if this is a shuffle map stage
if (tasks(0).isInstanceOf[ShuffleMapTask]) {
for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos if info.executorId == execId) {
val index = taskInfos(tid).index
if (finished(index)) {
finished(index) = false
copiesRunning(index) -= 1
tasksFinished -= 1
// Tell the DAGScheduler that this task was resubmitted so that it doesn't think our
// stage finishes when a total of tasks.size tasks finish.
sched.listener.taskEnded(tasks(index), Resubmitted, null, null)
// Also re-enqueue any tasks that were running on the node
for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos if info.running && info.executorId == execId) {
taskLost(tid, TaskState.KILLED, null)
* Check for tasks to be speculated and return true if there are any. This is called periodically
* by the ClusterScheduler.
* TODO: To make this scale to large jobs, we need to maintain a list of running tasks, so that
* we don't scan the whole task set. It might also help to make this sorted by launch time.
def checkSpeculatableTasks(): Boolean = {
// Can't speculate if we only have one task, or if all tasks have finished.
if (numTasks == 1 || tasksFinished == numTasks) {
return false
var foundTasks = false
val minFinishedForSpeculation = (SPECULATION_QUANTILE * numTasks).floor.toInt
logDebug("Checking for speculative tasks: minFinished = " + minFinishedForSpeculation)
if (tasksFinished >= minFinishedForSpeculation) {
val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
val durations = taskInfos.values.filter(_.successful).map(_.duration).toArray
val medianDuration = durations(min((0.5 * numTasks).round.toInt, durations.size - 1))
val threshold = max(SPECULATION_MULTIPLIER * medianDuration, 100)
// TODO: Threshold should also look at standard deviation of task durations and have a lower
// bound based on that.
logDebug("Task length threshold for speculation: " + threshold)
for ((tid, info) <- taskInfos) {
val index = info.index
if (!finished(index) && copiesRunning(index) == 1 && info.timeRunning(time) > threshold &&
!speculatableTasks.contains(index)) {
"Marking task %s:%d (on %s) as speculatable because it ran more than %.0f ms".format(, index,, threshold))
speculatableTasks += index
foundTasks = true
return foundTasks
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