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* Copyright 2014 Source Auditor Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.spdx.maven;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.model.Contributor;
import org.apache.maven.model.License;
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.apache.maven.model.Resource;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
import org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.FileSet;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.ReaderFactory;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.InvalidSPDXAnalysisException;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.SPDXDocumentFactory;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.SpdxPackageVerificationCode;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.SpdxRdfConstants;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.license.AnyLicenseInfo;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.license.SpdxNoAssertionLicense;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.Checksum;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.Checksum.ChecksumAlgorithm;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.ExternalDocumentRef;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.ExternalSpdxElement;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.Relationship;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.Relationship.RelationshipType;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.SpdxDocument;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.SpdxElement;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.SpdxFile;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.SpdxItem;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.SpdxPackage;
* Contains information about package dependencies collected from the
* Maven dependencies.
* @author Gary O'Neall
public class SpdxDependencyInformation
private Log log;
* List of all Relationships added for dependencies
private List relationships = new ArrayList();
private Map externalDocuments =
new HashMap();
private LicenseManager licenseManager;
* @param log Logger for Maven
public SpdxDependencyInformation( Log log, LicenseManager licenseManager ) {
this.log = log;
this.licenseManager = licenseManager;
* Add information about a Maven dependency to the list of SPDX Dependencies
* @param dependency
* @throws LicenseMapperException
public void addMavenDependency( Artifact dependency ) throws LicenseMapperException
String scope = dependency.getScope();
RelationshipType relType = scopeToRelationshipType( scope, dependency.isOptional() );
if ( relType == RelationshipType.OTHER ) {
log.warn( "Could not determine the SPDX relationship type for dependency artifact ID "+dependency.getArtifactId()+" scope " + scope );
SpdxElement dependencyPackage = createSpdxPackage( dependency );
Relationship relationship = new Relationship( dependencyPackage, relType, "Relationship based on Maven POM file dependency information" );
this.relationships.add( relationship );
* Translate the scope to the SPDX relationship type
* @param scope Maven Dependency Scope (see
* @param optional True if this is an optional dependency
* @return
private RelationshipType scopeToRelationshipType( String scope, boolean optional )
if ( scope == null ) {
return RelationshipType.OTHER;
} else if ( optional ) {
return RelationshipType.OPTIONAL_COMPONENT_OF;
} else if ( scope.equals( "compile" ) || scope.equals( "runtime" )) {
return RelationshipType.DYNAMIC_LINK;
} else if (scope.equals( "test" )) {
return RelationshipType.TEST_CASE_OF;
} else {
return RelationshipType.OTHER;
* Create an SPDX Document from a POM file stored in the Maven repository
* @param artifact Maven dependency artifact
* @return
* @throws LicenseMapperException
private SpdxElement createSpdxPackage( Artifact artifact ) throws LicenseMapperException
log.debug( "Creating SPDX package for artifact "+artifact.getArtifactId() );
if ( artifact.getFile() == null ) {
log.debug( "Artifact file is null" );
} else {
log.debug( "Artifact file name = "+artifact.getFile().getName() );
File spdxFile = null;
if ( artifact.getFile() != null ) {
spdxFile = artifactFileToSpdxFile( artifact.getFile() );
if ( spdxFile != null && spdxFile.exists() ) {
log.debug( "Dependency "+artifact.getArtifactId()+"Looking for SPDX file "+spdxFile.getAbsolutePath() );
log.debug( "Dependency "+artifact.getArtifactId()+"Dependency information collected from SPDX file "+spdxFile.getAbsolutePath() );
SpdxDocument spdxDoc = SPDXDocumentFactory.createSpdxDocument( spdxFile.getPath() );
return createExternalSpdxPackageReference( spdxDoc, spdxFile, SpdxRdfConstants.EXTERNAL_DOC_REF_PRENUM + artifact.getArtifactId() );
catch ( IOException e )
log.error( "IO error reading SPDX document for dependency artifact ID "+artifact.getArtifactId() +
":"+e.getMessage() + ". Using POM file information for creating SPDX package data." );
catch ( InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e )
log.error( "Invalid SPDX analysis exception reading SPDX document for dependency artifact ID "+artifact.getArtifactId() +
":"+e.getMessage() + ". Using POM file information for creating SPDX package data." );
catch ( SpdxCollectionException e )
log.error( "Unable to create file checksum for external SPDX document for dependency artifact ID "+artifact.getArtifactId() +
":"+e.getMessage() + ". Using POM file information for creating SPDX package data." );
File pomFile = null;
if ( artifact.getFile() != null ) {
pomFile = artifactFileToPomFile( artifact.getFile() );
if ( pomFile != null && pomFile.exists() ) {
log.debug( "Dependency "+artifact.getArtifactId()+"Looking for POM file "+pomFile.getAbsolutePath() );
log.debug( "Dependency "+artifact.getArtifactId()+"Collecting information from POM file "+pomFile.getAbsolutePath() );
return createSpdxPackage( pomFile );
catch ( IOException e )
log.error( "IO Error reading POM file for dependency artifact ID "+artifact.getArtifactId() +
":"+e.getMessage() );
catch ( XmlPullParserException e )
log.error( "Parser Error reading POM file for dependency artifact ID "+artifact.getArtifactId() +
":"+e.getMessage() );
catch ( SpdxCollectionException e )
log.error( "SPDX File Collection Error reading POM file for dependency artifact ID "+artifact.getArtifactId() +
":"+e.getMessage() );
catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
log.error( "Verification Code Error reading POM file for dependency artifact ID "+artifact.getArtifactId() +
":"+e.getMessage() );
this.log.warn( "No POM file found for dependency artifact ID "+artifact.getArtifactId()+
". A minimal SPDX package will be created." );
// Create a minimal SPDX package from dependency
// Name will be the artifact ID
log.debug( "Dependency "+artifact.getArtifactId()+"Using only artifact information to create dependent package" );
SpdxPackage pkg = new SpdxPackage(artifact.getArtifactId(),
new SpdxNoAssertionLicense(),
new AnyLicenseInfo[] {new SpdxNoAssertionLicense()},
new SpdxNoAssertionLicense(),
"NOASSERTION", new SpdxFile[0], new SpdxPackageVerificationCode(SpdxDocumentBuilder.NULL_SHA1, new String[0]));
pkg.setComment( "This package was created for a Maven dependency. No SPDX or license information could be found in the Maven POM file." );
pkg.setVersionInfo( artifact.getBaseVersion() );
return pkg;
* Create and return an external document reference for an existing package in an SPDX document
* @param spdxDoc SPDX Document containing the package to be referenced.
* @param spdxFile SPDX file containing the SPDX document
* @param externalRefId A unique external reference ID for the external SPDX document
* @return
* @throws SpdxCollectionException
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
private SpdxElement createExternalSpdxPackageReference( SpdxDocument spdxDoc, File spdxFile, String externalRefId ) throws SpdxCollectionException, InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
ExternalDocumentRef externalRef = this.externalDocuments.get( fixExternalRefId( externalRefId ) );
if ( externalRef == null ) {
String sha1 = SpdxFileCollector.generateSha1( spdxFile );
Checksum cksum = new Checksum( ChecksumAlgorithm.checksumAlgorithm_sha1, sha1 );
externalRef = new ExternalDocumentRef( spdxDoc, cksum, externalRefId );
this.externalDocuments.put( externalRefId, externalRef );
SpdxItem[] describedItems = spdxDoc.getDocumentDescribes();
if ( describedItems == null || describedItems.length == 0 ) {
throw( new InvalidSPDXAnalysisException( "SPDX document does not contain any described items.") );
SpdxItem itemDescribed = describedItems[0];
if ( describedItems.length > 1 ) {
// pick out the first described package
for ( SpdxItem item:describedItems ) {
if ( item instanceof SpdxPackage ) {
itemDescribed = item;
//TODO: This could be more sophisticated looking for a matching package name
return new ExternalSpdxElement( externalRef + ":" + itemDescribed.getId() );
* Make an external document reference ID valid by replacing any invalid characters with dashes
* @param externalRefId
* @return
private String fixExternalRefId( String externalRefId )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for ( int i = 0; i < externalRefId.length(); i++ ) {
if ( validExternalRefIdChar( externalRefId.charAt( i ) ) ) {
sb.append( externalRefId.charAt( i ) );
} else {
sb.append( "-" );
return sb.toString();
* @param ch character to test
* @return true if the character is valid for use in an External Reference ID
private boolean validExternalRefIdChar( char ch )
return ( (ch >= 'a' && ch <='z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') ||
ch == '.' || ch == '-' );
* Create an SPDX package from the information in an SPDX Pom file
* @param pomFile
* @return
* @throws XmlPullParserException
* @throws IOException
* @throws SpdxCollectionException
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @throws LicenseMapperException
private SpdxPackage createSpdxPackage( File pomFile ) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException, SpdxCollectionException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, LicenseMapperException
MavenXpp3Reader pomReader = new MavenXpp3Reader();
Model model;
model = ReaderFactory.newXmlReader( pomFile ) );
SpdxDefaultFileInformation fileInfo = new SpdxDefaultFileInformation();
// initialize the SPDX information from the POM file
String packageName = model.getName();
if ( packageName == null || packageName.isEmpty() ) {
packageName = model.getArtifactId();
List contributors = model.getContributors();
ArrayList fileContributorList = new ArrayList();
if ( contributors != null ) {
for ( Contributor contributor:contributors ) {
fileContributorList.add( contributor.getName() );
String copyright = "UNSPECIFIED";
String notice = "UNSPECIFIED";
String downloadLocation = "NOASSERTION";
AnyLicenseInfo declaredLicense = mavenLicensesToSpdxLicense( model.getLicenses() );
fileInfo.setComment( "" );
fileInfo.setConcludedLicense( new SpdxNoAssertionLicense() );
fileInfo.setContributors( fileContributorList.toArray(new String[fileContributorList.size()]) );
fileInfo.setCopyright( copyright );
fileInfo.setDeclaredLicense( declaredLicense );
fileInfo.setLicenseComment( "" );
fileInfo.setNotice( notice );
SpdxPackage retval = new SpdxPackage(packageName, new SpdxNoAssertionLicense(),
new AnyLicenseInfo[] {new SpdxNoAssertionLicense()},
copyright, declaredLicense, downloadLocation,
new SpdxFile[0],
new SpdxPackageVerificationCode(SpdxDocumentBuilder.NULL_SHA1, new String[0]));
if ( model.getVersion() != null ) {
retval.setVersionInfo( model.getVersion() );
if (model.getDescription() != null) {
retval.setDescription( model.getDescription() );
retval.setSummary( model.getDescription() );
if (model.getOrganization() != null) {
retval.setOriginator( SpdxRdfConstants.CREATOR_PREFIX_ORGANIZATION + model.getOrganization().getName() );
if (model.getUrl() != null) {
retval.setHomepage( model.getUrl() );
return retval;
* Convert a list of Maven licenses to an SPDX License
* @param mavenLicenses List of maven licenses to map
* @return
* @throws LicenseMapperException
* @throws LicenseManagerException
private AnyLicenseInfo mavenLicensesToSpdxLicense( List mavenLicenses ) throws LicenseMapperException
try {
// The call below will map non standard licenses as well as standard licenses
// but will throw an exception if no mapping is found - we'll try this first
// and if there is an error, try just the standard license mapper which will
// return an UNSPECIFIED license type if there is no mapping
return this.licenseManager.mavenLicenseListToSpdxLicense( mavenLicenses );
} catch (LicenseManagerException ex) {
return MavenToSpdxLicenseMapper.getInstance( log ).mavenLicenseListToSpdxLicense( mavenLicenses );
* Get filsets of files included in the project from the Maven model
* @param model Maven model
* @return Source file set and resource filesets
@SuppressWarnings( "unused" )
private FileSet[] getIncludedDirectoriesFromModel( Model model )
//TODO: This can be refactored to common code from the CreateSpdxMojo
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
String sourcePath = model.getBuild().getSourceDirectory();
if ( sourcePath != null && !sourcePath.isEmpty() ) {
FileSet srcFileSet = new FileSet();
File sourceDir = new File( sourcePath );
srcFileSet.setDirectory( sourceDir.getAbsolutePath() );
srcFileSet.addInclude( CreateSpdxMojo.INCLUDE_ALL );
result.add( srcFileSet );
List resourceList = model.getBuild().getResources();
if ( resourceList != null )
Iterator resourceIter = resourceList.iterator();
while ( resourceIter.hasNext() )
Resource resource =;
FileSet resourceFileSet = new FileSet();
File resourceDir = new File( resource.getDirectory() );
resourceFileSet.setDirectory( resourceDir.getAbsolutePath() );
resourceFileSet.setExcludes( resource.getExcludes() );
resourceFileSet.setIncludes( resource.getIncludes() );
result.add( resourceFileSet );
return result.toArray( new FileSet[result.size()] );
* Converts an artifact file to an SPDX file
* @param file input file
* @return SPDX file using the SPDX naming conventions
private File artifactFileToSpdxFile( File file )
return getFileWithDifferentType( file, "spdx" );
* Convert a file to a different type (e.g. file.txt -> file.rdf with a type rdf parameter)
* @param file Input file
* @param type Type to change to
* @return New file type with only the type changed
private File getFileWithDifferentType( File file, String type )
String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
int indexOfDot = filePath.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if (indexOfDot > 0) {
filePath = filePath.substring( 0, indexOfDot+1 );
filePath = filePath + type;
File retval = new File(filePath);
return retval;
* Converts an artifact file to a POM file
* @param file input file
* @return POM file using the POM naming conventions
private File artifactFileToPomFile( File file )
return getFileWithDifferentType( file, "pom" );
* @return all relationship associated with SPDX dependencies based on the Maven dependencies for the package
* added using the addMavenDependency method
public List getPackageRelationships()
return this.relationships;
* @return All external document references used by any dependency relationships
public Collection getDocumentExternalReferences()
return this.externalDocuments.values();