org.spdx.maven.CreateSpdxMojo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.spdx.maven;
* Copyright 2014 Source Auditor Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License" );
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.model.DistributionManagement;
import org.apache.maven.model.License;
import org.apache.maven.model.Resource;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuildingRequest;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectHelper;
import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingRequest;
import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyGraphBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyGraphBuilderException;
import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyNode;
import org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.FileSet;
import org.spdx.library.InvalidSPDXAnalysisException;
import org.spdx.library.model.Checksum;
import org.spdx.library.model.SpdxDocument;
import org.spdx.library.model.enumerations.ChecksumAlgorithm;
import org.spdx.library.model.enumerations.Purpose;
import org.spdx.library.model.license.AnyLicenseInfo;
import org.spdx.library.model.license.InvalidLicenseStringException;
import org.spdx.library.model.license.LicenseInfoFactory;
import org.spdx.library.model.license.SpdxNoAssertionLicense;
import org.spdx.maven.utils.LicenseManagerException;
import org.spdx.maven.utils.LicenseMapperException;
import org.spdx.maven.utils.SpdxBuilderException;
import org.spdx.maven.utils.SpdxCollectionException;
import org.spdx.maven.utils.SpdxDefaultFileInformation;
import org.spdx.maven.utils.SpdxDependencyInformation;
import org.spdx.maven.utils.SpdxDocumentBuilder;
import org.spdx.maven.utils.SpdxFileCollector;
import org.spdx.maven.utils.SpdxProjectInformation;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
* NOTE: Currently this is a prototype plugin for supporting SPDX in a Maven build.
* Goal which creates a new SPDX file for the package being built. Will replace any existing SPDX file.
* All SPDX document and SPDX package properties are supported as parameters to the plugin.
* File level data supports default parameters which are applied to all files. Future versions of this plugin will
* support file specific parameters.
* The treatment of licenses for Maven is somewhat involved. Where possible, SPDX standard licenses ID's should be
* used. If no SPDX standard license is available, a nonStandardLicense must be declared as a parameter including a
* unique license ID and the verbatim license text.
* The following SPDX fields are populated from the POM project information:
* - package name: project name or artifactId if the project name is not provided
* - package description: project description
* - package shortDescription: project description
* - package downloadUrl: distributionManager url
* - package homePage: project url
* - package supplier: project organization
* - package versionInfo: project version
* - files for analysis: build source files + project resource files
* Additional SPDX fields are supplied as configuration parameters to this plugin.
@Mojo( name = "createSPDX",
defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.VERIFY,
requiresOnline = true,
threadSafe = true )
public class CreateSpdxMojo extends AbstractMojo
public static final String INCLUDE_ALL = "**/*";
public static final String CREATOR_TOOL_MAVEN_PLUGIN = "Tool: spdx-maven-plugin";
public static final String SPDX_RDF_ARTIFACT_TYPE = "spdx.rdf.xml";
public static final String SPDX_JSON_ARTIFACT_TYPE = "spdx.json";
public static final String JSON_OUTPUT_FORMAT = "JSON";
public static final String RDF_OUTPUT_FORMAT = "RDF/XML";
private MavenProject mavenProject;
private MavenProjectHelper projectHelper;
private ProjectBuilder mavenProjectBuilder;
private MavenSession session;
@Component(hint = "default")
private DependencyGraphBuilder dependencyGraphBuilder;
// Parameters for the plugin
* SPDX File name
@Parameter( defaultValue = "${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/${project.groupId}_${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.spdx",
property = "spdxFileName" )
private File spdxFile;
* Document namespace - must be unique for the artifact and SPDX file
@Parameter( defaultValue = "http://spdx.org/spdxpackages/${project.groupId}_${project.artifactId}-${project.version}" )
private String spdxDocumentNamespace;
@Parameter( defaultValue = "${project.basedir}" )
private String componentName;
* Licenses which are not SPDX listed licenses referenced within the Maven SPDX plugin configuration. All
* non-standard licenses must be configured containing the required license ID and license text.
* <configuration>
* <nonStandardLicenses>
* <nonStandardLicense>
* <licenseId>LicenseRef-[idString]</licenseId> <!-- Required -->
* <extractedText> </extractedText> <!-- Required -->
* <name> </name>
* <comment> </comment>
* <crossReference>
* <crossReference>https://...</crossReference>
* </crossReference>
* </nonStandardLicense>
* <!-- ... more ... -->
* </nonStandardLicenses>
* </configuration>
private NonStandardLicense[] nonStandardLicenses;
* Optional parameter if set to true will match a Maven license to an SPDX standard license if the Maven license URL
* matches any of the cross-reference license URLs for a standard license. Default value is true. Note: Several
* SPDX standard licenses contain the same cross-reference license URL. In this case, the SPDX standard license
* used in indeterminate.
@Parameter( defaultValue = "true" )
private boolean matchLicensesOnCrossReferenceUrls;
* An optional field for creators of the SPDX file content to provide comments to the consumers of the SPDX
* document.
private String documentComment;
* Optional annotations for the SPDX document
* <configuration>
* <documentAnnotations>
* <documentAnnotation>
* <annotationComment> </annotationComment>
* <annotationType> </annotationType>
* <annotationDate>2023-06-29T18:30:22Z</annotationDate>
* <annotator>Person: ...</annotator>
* </documentAnnotation>
* <!-- ... more ... -->
* </documentAnnotations>
* </configuration>
* @since 0.5.1
private Annotation[] documentAnnotations;
* Optional annotations for the package
* <configuration>
* <packageAnnotations>
* <packageAnnotation>
* <annotationComment> </annotationComment>
* <annotationType> </annotationType>
* <annotationDate>2023-06-29T18:30:22Z</annotationDate>
* <annotator>Person: ...</annotator>
* </packageAnnotation>
* <!-- ... more ... -->
* </packageAnnotations>
* </configuration>
* @since 0.5.1
private Annotation[] packageAnnotations;
* optional default SPDX file comment field. The file comment field provides a place for the SPDX file creator to
* record any general comments about the file.
private String defaultFileComment;
* optional list of default file contributors. This field provides a place for the SPDX file creator to record file
* contributors. Contributors could include names of copyright holders and/or authors who may not be copyright
* holders, yet contributed to the file content.
private String[] defaultFileContributors;
* Default file copyright text. If no copyright text is specified, NOASSERTION will be used The copyrightText field
* Identifies the copyright holder of the file, as well as any dates present. The text must much the copyright
* notice found in the file. The options to populate this field are limited to: (a) any text relating to a copyright
* notice, even if not complete; (b) NONE, if the file contains no license information whatsoever; or (c)
* NOASSERTION, if the SPDX creator has not examined the contents of the actual file or if the SPDX creator has
* intentionally provided no information(no meaning should be implied from the absence of an assertion).
@Parameter( defaultValue = "NOASSERTION" )
private String defaultFileCopyright;
* Optional default file license comment. The licenseComments property allows the preparer of the SPDX document to
* describe why the licensing in spdx:licenseConcluded was chosen.
private String defaultFileLicenseComment;
* Optional default file notice text. This field provides a place for the SPDX file creator to record potential
* legal notices found in the file. This may or may not include copyright statements.
private String defaultFileNotice;
* This field contains the license the SPDX file creator has concluded as governing the file or alternative values
* if the governing license cannot be determined. If no concluded license is specified "NOASSERTION" will be used.
@Parameter( defaultValue = "NOASSERTION" )
private String defaultFileConcludedLicense;
* Default license information in file. If no licenseInformationInFile is specified, NOASSERTION will be used This
* field contains the license information actually found in the file, if any. Any license information not actually
* in the file, e.g., “COPYING.txt” file in a toplevel directory, should not be reflected in this field. This
* information is most commonly found in the header of the file, although it may be in other areas of the actual
* file. The options to populate this field are limited to: (a) the SPDX License List short form identifier, if the
* license is on the SPDX License List; (b) a reference to the license, denoted by
* LicenseRef-#LicenseRef-[idString], if the license is not on the SPDX License List; (c) NONE, if the actual file
* contains no license information whatsoever; or (d) NOASSERTION, if the SPDX file creator has not examined the
* contents of the actual file or the SPDX file creator has intentionally provided no information (no meaning should
* be implied by doing so). For a license set, when there is a choice between licenses (“disjunctive license”), they
* should be separated with “or” and enclosed in brackets. Similarly when multiple licenses need to be applied
* (“conjunctive license”), they should be separated with “and” and enclosed in parentheses.
@Parameter( required = false )
private String defaultLicenseInformationInFile;
// the following parameters are for the SPDX project
* License declared by the originator for the package. If no license is specified, the license information in the
* project POM file will be mapped to a standard SPDX license if available. If a non-standard license is used, a
* NOASSERTION value will be used. The format of the string follows the standard license string format for SPDX
* files (see the defaultFileConcludedLicense parameter for a full description).
private String licenseDeclared;
* This field contains the license the SPDX file creator has concluded as governing the package or alternative
* values, if the governing license cannot be determined. If this field is not specified, the declared license value
* will be used for the concluded license. The format of the string follows the standard license string format for
* SPDX files (see the defaultFileConcludedLicense parameter for a full description).
private String licenseConcluded;
* An optional field for creators of the SPDX file to provide general comments about the creation of the SPDX file
* or any other relevant comment not included in the other fields.
private String creatorComment;
* Identify who (or what, in the case of a tool) created the SPDX file. If the SPDX file was created by an
* individual, indicate the person's name. If the SPDX file was created on behalf of a company or organization,
* indicate the entity name. If multiple participants or tools were involved, use multiple instances of this field.
* Person name or organization name may be designated as “anonymous” if appropriate. Format: single line of text
* with the following keywords: ”Person: person name” and optional “(email)” "Organization: organization” and
* optional “(email)” "Tool: toolidentifier-version”
* NOTE: the Tool: spdx-maven-plugin will automatically be added by the plugin
private String[] creators;
* This field provides a place for the SPDX file creator to record any general comments about the license.
private String licenseComments;
* The name and, optionally, contact information of the person or organization that originally created the package.
* Note that the supplier field of SPDX is filled in by the Organization in the POM. However, the originator may be
* different than the supplier (e.g. a Maven POM was build by organization X containing code originating from
* organization Y).
* The default for this is the Maven organization
private String originator;
* This field provides a place for the SPDX file creator to record any relevant background information or additional
* comments about the origin of the package. For example, this field might include comments indicating whether the
* package been was pulled from a source code management system or has been repackaged.
private String sourceInfo;
* Identify the copyright holders of the package, as well as any dates present. This will be a free form text field
* extracted from the package information files. The options to populate this field are limited to: (a) any text
* related to a copyright notice, even if not complete; (b) NONE if the package contains no license information
* whatsoever; or (c) NOASSERTION, if the SPDX file creator has not examined the contents of the package or if
* the SPDX file creator has intentionally provided no iInformation(no meaning should be implied by doing so).
@Parameter( defaultValue = "NOASSERTION" )
private String copyrightText;
* Configure whether only locally cached license list should be used. (a) If set to true, only locally cached
* version of license list is used. (b) otherwise, the license list is queried over the internet.
private boolean onlyUseLocalLicenses;
* File checksums provides a unique identifier to match analysis information on each specific file in a package. The
* SHA1 algorithm is always calculated. Configure which algorithms should be to calculate the file checksum. Other
* algorithms that can be provided optionally include SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, MD2, MD4, MD5, MD6.
private String[] checksumAlgorithms;
// Path specific data
* File or directories which have SPDX information different from the project defaults. The fileOrDirectory field
* of the PathSpecificSpdxInfo is required. All files within the directory (or just the specific file) will use the
* SPDX data specified in the PathSpecificSpdxInfo parameters. All of the SPDX data parameters are optional. If
* any SPDX field is not specified, the project level default data will be used.
* If a file or directory is nested within another pathsWithSpecificSpdxInfo, the lowest level values will be used.
* Note: in this case the non-specified SPDX fields for the lowest level PathSpecificSpdxInfo will use the default
* project level fields NOT the higher level PathSpecificSpdxInfo.
* <configuration>
* <pathsWithSpecificSpdxInfo>
* <pathsWithSpecificSpdxInfo>
* <directoryOrFile>src/main/java/CommonCode.java</directoryOrFile>
* <fileComment>Comment for CommonCode</fileComment>
* <fileContributors>
* <fileContributor>Contributor to CommonCode</fileContributor>
* <!-- ... more ... -->
* </fileContributors>
* <fileCopyright>Common Code Copyright</fileCopyright>
* <fileLicenseComment>License Comment for Common Code</fileLicenseComment>
* <fileNotice>Notice for Commmon Code</fileNotice>
* <fileConcludedLicense>EPL-1.0</fileConcludedLicense>
* <licenseInformationInFile>ISC</licenseInformationInFile>
* <snippets>
* <snippet>
* <name>SnippetName</name>
* <comment>Snippet Comment</comment>
* <concludedLicense>BSD-2-Clause</concludedLicense>
* <lineRange>44:55</lineRange>
* <byteRange>1231:3442</byteRange>
* <licenseComment>Snippet License Comment</licenseComment>
* <copyrightText>Snippet Copyright Text</copyrightText>
* <licenseInfoInSnippet>BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD</licenseInfoInSnippet>
* <!-- ... more ... -->
* </snippet>
* </snippets>
* </pathsWithSpecificSpdxInfo>
* <!-- ... more ... -->
* </pathsWithSpecificSpdxInfo>
* </configuration>
private PathSpecificSpdxInfo[] pathsWithSpecificSpdxInfo;
* <configuration>
* <externalReferences>
* <externalReference>
* <category> </category>
* <type> </type>
* <locator> </locator>
* <comment> </comment>
* </externalReference>
* <!-- ... more ... -->
* </externalReferences>
* </configuration>
private ExternalReference[] externalReferences;
* Output file format for the SPDX file. One of:
* - JSON - JSON SPDX format
* - RDF/XML - RDF/XML format
* @since 0.6.0
@Parameter( defaultValue = "JSON" )
private String outputFormat;
* If true, external document references will be created for any dependencies which
* contain SPDX documents. If false, the dependent package information will be copied
* from the SPDX document into the generated SPDX document.
* @since 0.6.3
@Parameter( defaultValue = "true" )
private boolean createExternalRefs;
* If true, all transitive dependencies will be included in the SPDX document. If false,
* only direct dependencies will be included.
* @since 0.6.3
@Parameter( defaultValue = "true" )
private boolean includeTransitiveDependencies;
* Skip goal execution.
* @since 0.7.1
@Parameter( property = "spdx.skip" )
private boolean skip = false;
* If true, use ${project.groupId}:${artifactId} as the SPDX package name.
* Otherwise, ${project.name} will be used
@Parameter( property = "spdx.useArtifactID" )
private boolean useArtifactID;
* If true, adds an external reference to every package with category "PACKAGE-MANAGER", type "purl"
* and locator "pkg:maven/${project.groupId}/${project.artifactId}@${project.version}".
@Parameter( property = "spdx.generatePurls" )
private boolean generatePurls = true;
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException
if ( skip )
getLog().info("Skipping SPDX");
OutputFormat outputFormatEnum = prepareOutput();
String artifactType = outputFormatEnum.getArtifactType();
getLog().info( "Creating SPDX File " + spdxFile.getPath() );
SpdxDocumentBuilder builder = initSpdxDocumentBuilder( outputFormatEnum );
SpdxDocument spdxDoc = builder.getSpdxDoc();
// fill project information
SpdxProjectInformation projectInformation = getSpdxProjectInfoFromParameters( builder );
projectInformation.logInfo( spdxDoc );
builder.fillSpdxDocumentInformation( projectInformation );
catch ( InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e2 )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error getting project information from parameters", e2 );
// collect file-level information
SpdxDefaultFileInformation defaultFileInformation = getDefaultFileInfoFromParameters( spdxDoc );
HashMap pathSpecificInformation = getPathSpecificInfoFromParameters( defaultFileInformation, spdxDoc );
List sources = toFileSet( mavenProject.getCompileSourceRoots(), mavenProject.getResources() );
sources.addAll( toFileSet( mavenProject.getTestCompileSourceRoots(), null ) ); // TODO: why not test resources given source resources are taken into account?
if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
logIncludedDirectories( sources );
logNonStandardLicenses( this.nonStandardLicenses );
logFileSpecificInfo( pathSpecificInformation );
builder.collectSpdxFileInformation( sources, mavenProject.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath(), defaultFileInformation, pathSpecificInformation, getChecksumAlgorithms() );
// add dependencies information
SpdxDependencyInformation dependencyInformation = getSpdxDependencyInformation( builder );
builder.addDependencyInformation( dependencyInformation );
catch ( LicenseMapperException e1 )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error mapping licenses for dependencies", e1 );
catch ( InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "SPDX analysis error processing dependencies", e );
catch ( DependencyGraphBuilderException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "SPDX analysis error getting the dependencies", e );
// save result to SPDX file
// attach
projectHelper.attachArtifact( mavenProject, artifactType, spdxFile );
// check errors
List spdxErrors = builder.getSpdxDoc().verify();
if ( spdxErrors != null && spdxErrors.size() > 0 )
getLog().warn( "The following errors were found in the SPDX file:\n " + String.join( "\n ", spdxErrors ) );
private OutputFormat prepareOutput()
throws MojoExecutionException
OutputFormat outputFormatEnum = OutputFormat.JSON;
outputFormatEnum = OutputFormat.getOutputFormat(outputFormat, spdxFile);
catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae)
getLog().warn( "Invalid SPDX output format, defaulting to JSON format." );
if (spdxFile.getName().endsWith( ".spdx" )) {
// add a default extension
String spdxFileType = outputFormatEnum.getFileType();
getLog().info( "spdx file type = "+spdxFileType );
spdxFile = new File( spdxFile.getAbsolutePath() + spdxFileType );
File outputDir = this.spdxFile.getParentFile();
if ( outputDir == null )
throw new MojoExecutionException(
"Invalid path for SPDX output file. " + "Specify a configuration parameter spdxFile with a valid directory path to resolve." );
return outputFormatEnum;
private SpdxDocumentBuilder initSpdxDocumentBuilder( OutputFormat outputFormatEnum )
throws MojoExecutionException
if ( onlyUseLocalLicenses )
System.setProperty( "SPDXParser.OnlyUseLocalLicenses", "true" );
if ( defaultLicenseInformationInFile == null ) {
defaultLicenseInformationInFile = defaultFileConcludedLicense;
SpdxDocumentBuilder builder;
if ( spdxDocumentNamespace.startsWith( "http://spdx.org/spdxpackages/" )) {
// Fix up any URI encoding issues with the default
spdxDocumentNamespace = spdxDocumentNamespace.replace( " ", "%20" );
URI namespaceUri = new URI( spdxDocumentNamespace );
builder = new SpdxDocumentBuilder( mavenProject, generatePurls, spdxFile, namespaceUri,
this.matchLicensesOnCrossReferenceUrls, outputFormatEnum );
catch ( SpdxBuilderException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error creating SPDX Document Builder", e );
catch ( LicenseMapperException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "License mapping error creating SPDX Document Builder", e );
catch ( URISyntaxException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Invalid SPDX document namespace - not a valid URI: " + spdxDocumentNamespace, e );
if ( nonStandardLicenses != null )
// the following will add the license to the document container
builder.addNonStandardLicenses( nonStandardLicenses );
catch ( SpdxBuilderException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error adding non standard licenses", e );
return builder;
* Collect dependency information from Maven dependencies
* @param builder SPDX document builder
* @throws LicenseMapperException
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
private SpdxDependencyInformation getSpdxDependencyInformation( SpdxDocumentBuilder builder )
throws LicenseMapperException, InvalidSPDXAnalysisException, DependencyGraphBuilderException
SpdxDependencyInformation retval = new SpdxDependencyInformation( builder.getLicenseManager(), builder.getSpdxDoc(),
createExternalRefs, generatePurls, useArtifactID,
includeTransitiveDependencies );
if ( session != null )
ProjectBuildingRequest request = new DefaultProjectBuildingRequest( session.getProjectBuildingRequest() );
request.setProject( mavenProject );
DependencyNode parentNode = dependencyGraphBuilder.buildDependencyGraph( request, null );
retval.addMavenDependencies( mavenProjectBuilder, session, mavenProject, parentNode, builder.getProjectPackage() );
return retval;
private void logFileSpecificInfo( HashMap fileSpecificInformation )
if ( !getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
for ( Entry entry : fileSpecificInformation.entrySet() )
getLog().debug( "File Specific Information for " + entry.getKey() );
* Get the patch specific information
* @param projectDefault
* @param spdxDoc SPDX document containing any extracted license infos
* @return
* @throws MojoExecutionException
private HashMap getPathSpecificInfoFromParameters( SpdxDefaultFileInformation projectDefault,
SpdxDocument spdxDoc ) throws MojoExecutionException
HashMap retval = new HashMap<>();
if ( this.pathsWithSpecificSpdxInfo != null )
for ( PathSpecificSpdxInfo spdxInfo : this.pathsWithSpecificSpdxInfo )
SpdxDefaultFileInformation value = null;
value = spdxInfo.getDefaultFileInformation( projectDefault, spdxDoc );
catch ( InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException(
"Invalid license string used in the path specific SPDX information for file " + spdxInfo.getPath(), e );
if ( retval.containsKey( spdxInfo.getPath() ) )
getLog().warn( "Multiple file path specific SPDX data for " + spdxInfo.getPath() );
retval.put( spdxInfo.getPath(), value );
return retval;
* Primarily for debugging purposes - logs nonStandardLicenses as info
* @param nonStandardLicenses
private void logNonStandardLicenses( NonStandardLicense[] nonStandardLicenses )
if (( nonStandardLicenses == null ) || !getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
for ( NonStandardLicense nonStandardLicense : nonStandardLicenses )
getLog().debug( "Non standard license ID: " + nonStandardLicense.getLicenseId() );
getLog().debug( "Non standard license Text: " + nonStandardLicense.getExtractedText() );
getLog().debug( "Non standard license Comment: " + nonStandardLicense.getComment() );
getLog().debug( "Non standard license Name: " + nonStandardLicense.getName() );
String[] crossReferences = nonStandardLicense.getCrossReference();
if ( crossReferences != null )
for ( String crossReference : crossReferences )
getLog().debug( "Non standard license cross reference: " + crossReference );
* Primarily for debugging purposes - logs includedDirectories as info
* @param includedDirectories
private void logIncludedDirectories( List includedDirectories )
if (( includedDirectories == null ) || !getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
getLog().debug( "Logging " + includedDirectories.size() + " filesets." );
for ( FileSet includedDirectory : includedDirectories )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "Included Directory: " + includedDirectory.getDirectory() );
List includes = includedDirectory.getIncludes();
if ( !includes.isEmpty() )
sb.append( "; Included=" );
sb.append( String.join(",", includes) );
List excludes = includedDirectory.getExcludes();
if ( !excludes.isEmpty() )
sb.append( "; Excluded=" );
sb.append( String.join(",", excludes) );
getLog().debug( sb.toString() );
* @param spdxDoc SPDX Document containing any extracted license infos
* @return default file information from the plugin parameters
* @throws MojoExecutionException
private SpdxDefaultFileInformation getDefaultFileInfoFromParameters( SpdxDocument spdxDoc ) throws MojoExecutionException
SpdxDefaultFileInformation retval;
retval = new SpdxDefaultFileInformation();
catch ( InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e1 )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error getting default file information", e1 );
retval.setComment( defaultFileComment );
AnyLicenseInfo concludedLicense = null;
concludedLicense = LicenseInfoFactory.parseSPDXLicenseString( defaultFileConcludedLicense.trim(),
spdxDoc.getModelStore(), spdxDoc.getDocumentUri(), spdxDoc.getCopyManager() );
catch ( InvalidLicenseStringException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Invalid default file concluded license", e );
retval.setConcludedLicense( concludedLicense );
retval.setContributors( defaultFileContributors );
retval.setCopyright( defaultFileCopyright );
AnyLicenseInfo declaredLicense = null;
declaredLicense = LicenseInfoFactory.parseSPDXLicenseString( defaultLicenseInformationInFile.trim(),
spdxDoc.getModelStore(), spdxDoc.getDocumentUri(), spdxDoc.getCopyManager() );
catch ( InvalidLicenseStringException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Invalid default file declared license", e );
retval.setDeclaredLicense( declaredLicense );
retval.setLicenseComment( defaultFileLicenseComment );
retval.setNotice( defaultFileNotice );
return retval;
* Get the SPDX project level information from the parameters The following project level information is taken from
* the POM project description: declaredLicense - mapped by the license parameter in the project. Can be overridden
* by specifying a plugin configuration declaredLicense string concludedLicense - same as the declared license
* unless overridden by the plugin configuration parameter concludedLicense name - name of the project. If not
* provided, the artifactId is used downloadUrl - distributionManagement().downloadUrl - If not provided, a default
* value of 'NOASSERTION' is used packageFileName is the artifact().getFile fileName if it can be found. The
* checksum is also calculated from this value. If no file could be determined, a 'NOASSERTION' value is used
* [currently not implemented] description, summary - The project description is used for the SPDX package
* description and SPDX package summary supplier - the project organization is used for the supplier. "ORGANIZATION:
* " is prepended
* @param builder SPDX document builder
* @return
* @throws MojoExecutionException
private SpdxProjectInformation getSpdxProjectInfoFromParameters( SpdxDocumentBuilder builder ) throws MojoExecutionException, InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
SpdxDocument spdxDoc = builder.getSpdxDoc();
SpdxProjectInformation retval = new SpdxProjectInformation();
if ( this.documentComment != null )
retval.setDocumentComment( this.documentComment );
AnyLicenseInfo declaredLicense = null;
if ( this.licenseDeclared == null )
List mavenLicenses = mavenProject.getLicenses();
declaredLicense = builder.getLicenseManager().mavenLicenseListToSpdxLicense( mavenLicenses );
catch ( LicenseManagerException e )
getLog().warn( "Unable to map maven licenses to a declared license. Using NOASSERTION" );
declaredLicense = new SpdxNoAssertionLicense();
declaredLicense = LicenseInfoFactory.parseSPDXLicenseString( this.licenseDeclared.trim(),
catch ( InvalidLicenseStringException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Invalid declared license: " + licenseDeclared.trim(), e );
AnyLicenseInfo concludedLicense = null;
if ( this.licenseConcluded == null )
concludedLicense = declaredLicense;
concludedLicense = LicenseInfoFactory.parseSPDXLicenseString( this.licenseConcluded.trim(),
spdxDoc.getCopyManager() );
catch ( InvalidLicenseStringException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Invalid concluded license: " + licenseConcluded.trim(), e );
retval.setConcludedLicense( concludedLicense );
retval.setCreatorComment( this.creatorComment );
if ( this.creators == null )
this.creators = new String[0];
String[] allCreators = (String[]) Arrays.copyOf( creators, creators.length + 1 );
allCreators[allCreators.length - 1] = CREATOR_TOOL_MAVEN_PLUGIN;
retval.setCreators( allCreators );
retval.setCopyrightText( this.copyrightText );
retval.setDeclaredLicense( declaredLicense );
String projectName = mavenProject.getName();
if ( projectName == null || projectName.isEmpty() || useArtifactID )
projectName = getDefaultProjectName();
retval.setName( projectName );
retval.setDescription( mavenProject.getDescription() );
String downloadUrl = "NOASSERTION";
DistributionManagement distributionManager = mavenProject.getDistributionManagement();
if ( distributionManager != null )
if ( distributionManager.getDownloadUrl() != null && !distributionManager.getDownloadUrl().isEmpty() )
downloadUrl = distributionManager.getDownloadUrl();
retval.setDownloadUrl( downloadUrl );
retval.setHomePage( mavenProject.getUrl() );
retval.setLicenseComment( this.licenseComments );
if ( this.originator == null )
// use the POM organization as the default
if ( this.mavenProject.getOrganization() != null && this.mavenProject.getOrganization().getName() != null && !this.mavenProject.getOrganization().getName().isEmpty() )
this.originator = "Organization:" + this.mavenProject.getOrganization().getName();
retval.setOriginator( this.originator );
String packageFileName = null;
File packageFile = null;
Artifact mainArtifact = mavenProject.getArtifact();
if ( mainArtifact != null && mainArtifact.getFile() != null )
packageFileName = mainArtifact.getArtifactId() + "-" + mainArtifact.getVersion() + "." + mainArtifact.getType();
packageFile = new File(mainArtifact.getFile().getParent() + File.separator + packageFileName);
Set checksums = null;
if ( packageFile != null && packageFile.exists() )
getLog().debug( "Generating checksum for file "+packageFile.getAbsolutePath() );
Set algorithms = getChecksumAlgorithms();
checksums = SpdxFileCollector.generateChecksum( packageFile, algorithms, spdxDoc );
catch ( SpdxCollectionException | InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e )
getLog().warn( "Unable to compute checksum for " + packageFile.getName() + ":" + e.getMessage() );
getLog().debug( "Exception information for checksum error", e );
getLog().warn( packageFile == null ? "Null package file" : "Package file " + packageFile.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist" );
packageFileName = "NOASSERTION";
retval.setPackageArchiveFileName( packageFileName );
retval.setChecksums( checksums );
retval.setShortDescription( mavenProject.getDescription() );
if ( mavenProject.getOrganization() != null )
String supplier = mavenProject.getOrganization().getName();
if ( supplier != null && !supplier.isEmpty() )
supplier = "Organization: " + supplier;
retval.setSupplier( supplier );
retval.setSourceInfo( this.sourceInfo );
retval.setVersionInfo( mavenProject.getVersion() );
retval.setDocumentAnnotations( this.documentAnnotations );
retval.setPackageAnnotations( this.packageAnnotations );
retval.setExternalRefs( this.externalReferences );
final Packaging packaging = Packaging.valueOfPackaging( mavenProject.getPackaging() );
retval.setPrimaryPurpose(packaging != null ? packaging.getPurpose() : Purpose.LIBRARY);
return retval;
* Get the default project name if no project name is specified in the POM
* @return
private String getDefaultProjectName()
return this.mavenProject.getGroupId() + ":" + this.mavenProject.getArtifactId();
* FileSets are all normalized to include the full (absolute) path and use filtering.
* @param roots the source roots as Strings
* @param resources the resources
* @return the source roots and resources as FileSets
private static List toFileSet( List roots, List resources )
List result = new ArrayList<>();
if ( roots != null )
for ( String root : roots )
FileSet fileSet = new FileSet();
File dir = new File( root );
fileSet.setDirectory( dir.getAbsolutePath() );
fileSet.addInclude( INCLUDE_ALL );
result.add( fileSet );
if ( resources != null )
for ( Resource resource : resources )
FileSet fileSet = new FileSet();
File dir = new File( resource.getDirectory() );
fileSet.setDirectory( dir.getAbsolutePath() );
fileSet.setExcludes( resource.getExcludes() );
fileSet.setIncludes( resource.getIncludes() );
result.add( fileSet );
return result;
* Map user input algorithms to Checksum.ChecksumAlgorithm values. {@code ChecksumAlgorithm.checksumAlgorithm_sha1}
* is always added to the set because it is mandatory to include the SHA1 checksum. A warning is logged for invalid
* user input.
* @return set of algorithms to calculate checksum with
private Set getChecksumAlgorithms()
Set algorithms = new HashSet<>();
algorithms.add( ChecksumAlgorithm.SHA1 );
if ( checksumAlgorithms != null )
for ( String checksumAlgorithm : checksumAlgorithms )
algorithms.add( ChecksumAlgorithm.valueOf( checksumAlgorithm.toUpperCase() ) );
catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae)
getLog().warn( "Ignoring unsupported checksum algorithm: " + checksumAlgorithm );
return algorithms;