resources.stdlicenses.QPL-1.0.html Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Q Public License 1.0 | Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX)
Q Public License 1.0
Full name
Q Public License 1.0
Short identifier
Other web pages for this license
Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Trolltech AS, Norway.
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute this license document.
The intent of this license is to establish freedom to share and change the software regulated by this
license under the open source model.
This license applies to any software containing a notice placed by the copyright holder saying that it
may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. Such software is herein
referred to as the Software. This license covers modification and distribution of the Software, use of
third-party application programs based on the Software, and development of free software which uses
the Software.
Granted Rights
You are granted the non-exclusive rights set forth in this license provided you agree to and
comply with any and all conditions in this license. Whole or partial distribution of the
Software, or software items that link with the Software, in any form signifies acceptance of
this license.
You may copy and distribute the Software in unmodified form provided that the entire package,
including - but not restricted to - copyright, trademark notices and disclaimers, as released
by the initial developer of the Software, is distributed.
You may make modifications to the Software and distribute your modifications, in a form that is
separate from the Software, such as patches. The following restrictions apply to
Modifications must not alter or remove any copyright notices in the Software.
When modifications to the Software are released under this license, a non-exclusive royalty-free
right is granted to the initial developer of the Software to distribute your modification in
future versions of the Software provided such versions remain available under these terms in
addition to any other license(s) of the initial developer.
You may distribute machine-executable forms of the Software or machine-executable forms of
modified versions of the Software, provided that you meet these restrictions:
You must include this license document in the distribution.
You must ensure that all recipients of the machine-executable forms are also able to receive the
complete machine-readable source code to the distributed Software, including all
modifications, without any charge beyond the costs of data transfer, and place prominent
notices in the distribution explaining this.
You must ensure that all modifications included in the machine-executable forms are available
under the terms of this license.
You may use the original or modified versions of the Software to compile, link and run
application programs legally developed by you or by others.
You may develop application programs, reusable components and other software items that link with
the original or modified versions of the Software. These items, when distributed, are subject
to the following requirements:
You must ensure that all recipients of machine-executable forms of these items are also able to
receive and use the complete machine-readable source code to the items without any charge
beyond the costs of data transfer.
You must explicitly license all recipients of your items to use and re-distribute original and
modified versions of the items in both machine-executable and source code forms. The
recipients must be able to do so without any charges whatsoever, and they must be able to
re-distribute to anyone they choose.
If the items are not available to the general public, and the initial developer of the Software
requests a copy of the items, then you must supply one.
Limitations of Liability
In no event shall the initial developers or copyright holders be liable for any damages whatsoever,
including - but not restricted to - lost revenue or profits or other direct, indirect, special,
incidental or consequential damages, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such
damages, except to the extent invariable law, if any, provides otherwise.
No Warranty
The Software and this license document are provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
Choice of Law
This license is governed by the Laws of Norway. Disputes shall be settled by Oslo City Court.
Standard License Header
There is no standard license header for the license