Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2013 Source Auditor Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.spdx.licenseTemplate.ILicenseTemplateOutputHandler;
import org.spdx.licenseTemplate.LicenseTemplateRule;
import org.spdx.licenseTemplate.LicenseTemplateRule.RuleType;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.license.LicenseParserException;
* Compares the output of a parsed license template to text. The method matches is called after
* the document is parsed to determine if the text matches.
* @author Gary O'Neall
public class CompareTemplateOutputHandler implements
ILicenseTemplateOutputHandler {
private static final int MAX_NEXT_NORMAL_TEXT_SEARCH_LENGTH = 15; // Maximum number of tokens to compare when searching for a normal text match
private static final int MIN_TOKENS_NORMAL_TEXT_SEARCH = 3; // Minimum number of tokens to match of normal text to match after a variable block to bound greedy regex var text
class ParseInstruction {
LicenseTemplateRule rule;
String text;
List subInstructions;
ParseInstruction parent;
private boolean skip = false; // skip this instruction in matching
private boolean skipFirstTextToken = false; // skip the first text token
private DifferenceDescription lastOptionalDifference = null;
ParseInstruction(LicenseTemplateRule rule, String text, ParseInstruction parent) {
this.rule = rule;
this.text = text;
this.subInstructions = Lists.newArrayList();
this.parent = parent;
public String toString() {
if (this.rule != null) {
return this.rule.toString();
} else if (this.text != null) {
String retval = "TEXT: '";
if (this.text.length() > 10) {
retval = retval + this.text.substring(0, 10) + "...'";
} else {
retval = retval + this.text + "'";
return retval;
}else {
return "NONE";
* @return the rule
public LicenseTemplateRule getRule() {
return rule;
* @param rule the rule to set
public void setRule(LicenseTemplateRule rule) {
this.rule = rule;
* @return the text
public String getText() {
return text;
* @param optionalText the text to set
public void setText(String text) {
this.text = text;
* Add the instruction to the list of sub-instructions
* @param instruction
public void addSubInstruction(ParseInstruction instruction) {
if (instruction.getRule() != null && RuleType.VARIABLE.equals(instruction.getRule().getType()) &&
subInstructions.size() > 0 &&
subInstructions.get(subInstructions.size()-1).getRule() != null &&
RuleType.VARIABLE.equals(subInstructions.get(subInstructions.size()-1).getRule().getType())) {
// Maybe this is a little bit of a hack, but merge any var instructions so that
// the match will work
LicenseTemplateRule lastRule = subInstructions.get(subInstructions.size()-1).getRule();
lastRule.setOriginal(lastRule.getOriginal() + " " + lastRule.getOriginal());
} else {
* @return the parent
public ParseInstruction getParent() {
return parent;
* @param parent the parent to set
public void setParent(ParseInstruction parent) {
this.parent = parent;
* @return the subInstructions
public List getSubInstructions() {
return subInstructions;
* @return true iff there are only text instructions as sub instructions
public boolean onlyText() {
if (this.subInstructions.size() < 1) {
return false;
for (ParseInstruction subInstr:this.subInstructions) {
if (subInstr.getText() == null) {
return false;
return true;
public String toText() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (ParseInstruction subInstr:this.subInstructions) {
if (subInstr.getText() != null) {
return sb.toString();
* Attempt to match this instruction against a tokenized array
* @param matchTokens Tokens to match the instruction against
* @param startToken Index of the tokens to start the match
* @param endToken Last index of the tokens to use in the match
* @param originalText Original text used go generate the matchTokens
* @param differenceDescription Description of differences found
* @param nextNormalText if there is a nextOptionalText, this would be the normal text that follows the optional text
* @return Next token index after the match or -1 if no match was found
* @throws LicenseParserException
public int match(String[] matchTokens, int startToken, int endToken, String originalText,
DifferenceDescription differences, Map tokenToLocation) throws LicenseParserException {
return match(matchTokens, startToken, endToken, originalText, differences, tokenToLocation, false);
* Attempt to match this instruction against a tokenized array
* @param matchTokens Tokens to match the instruction against
* @param startToken Index of the tokens to start the match
* @param endToken Last index of the tokens to use in the match
* @param originalText Original text used go generate the matchTokens
* @param differenceDescription Description of differences found
* @param nextNormalText if there is a nextOptionalText, this would be the normal text that follows the optional text
* @param ignoreOptionalDifferences if true, don't record any optional differences
* @return Next token index after the match or -1 if no match was found
* @throws LicenseParserException
public int match(String[] matchTokens, int startToken, int endToken, String originalText,
DifferenceDescription differences, Map tokenToLocation, boolean ignoreOptionalDifferences) throws LicenseParserException {
if (this.skip) {
return startToken;
int nextToken = startToken;
if (this.rule == null) {
if (this.text != null) {
Map textLocations = new HashMap();
String[] textTokens = LicenseCompareHelper.tokenizeLicenseText(LicenseCompareHelper.normalizeText(text), textLocations);
if (this.skipFirstTextToken) {
textTokens = Arrays.copyOfRange(textTokens, 1, textTokens.length);
nextToken = compareText(textTokens, matchTokens, nextToken, endToken, this);
if (nextToken < 0) {
int errorLocation = -nextToken;
differences.addDifference(tokenToLocation.get(errorLocation), LicenseCompareHelper.getTokenAt(matchTokens, errorLocation),
"Normal text of license does not match", text, null, getLastOptionalDifference());
if (this.subInstructions.size() > 0) {
throw new LicenseParserException("License template parser error. Sub expressions are not allows for plain text.");
} else {
// just process the sub instructions
for (ParseInstruction sub:subInstructions) {
nextToken = sub.match(matchTokens, nextToken, endToken, originalText, differences,
tokenToLocation, ignoreOptionalDifferences);
if (nextToken < 0) {
return nextToken;
} else if (this.rule.getType().equals(RuleType.BEGIN_OPTIONAL)) {
if (this.getText() != null) {
throw new LicenseParserException("License template parser error - can not have text associated with a begin optional rule");
if (this.onlyText() || this.parent == null) {
// optimization, don't go through the effort to subset the text
for (ParseInstruction sub:subInstructions) {
DifferenceDescription optionalDifference = new DifferenceDescription();
nextToken = sub.match(matchTokens, nextToken, endToken, originalText,
optionalDifference, tokenToLocation);
if (nextToken < 0) {
if (!ignoreOptionalDifferences) {
return startToken; // the optional text didn't match, just return the start token
} else {
List matchingNormalTextStartTokens = this.parent.findNextNonVarTextStartTokens(this, matchTokens,
startToken, endToken, originalText, differences, tokenToLocation);
nextToken = matchOptional(matchingNormalTextStartTokens, matchTokens,
nextToken, endToken, originalText, differences, tokenToLocation, ignoreOptionalDifferences);
} else if (this.rule.getType().equals(RuleType.VARIABLE)) {
List matchingNormalTextStartTokens = this.parent.findNextNonVarTextStartTokens(this, matchTokens,
startToken, endToken, originalText, differences, tokenToLocation);
nextToken = matchVariable(matchingNormalTextStartTokens, matchTokens,
nextToken, endToken, originalText, differences, tokenToLocation);
} else {
throw new LicenseParserException("Unexpected parser state - instruction is not root, optional, variable or text");
return nextToken;
* Match to an optional rule
* @param optionalInstruction Optional Instruction
* @param matchingStartTokens List of indexes for the start tokens for the next normal text
* @param matchTokens Tokens to match against
* @param startToken Index of the first token to search for the match
* @param endToken Index of the last token to search for the match
* @param originalText Original text used go generate the matchTokens
* @param differences Any differences found
* @param tokenToLocation Map of token index to line/column where the token was found in the original text
* @param ignoreOptionalDifferences if true, don't record any optional differences
* @return the index of the token after the find or -1 if the text did not match
* @throws LicenseParserException
private int matchOptional(List matchingStartTokens,
String[] matchTokens, int startToken, int endToken, String originalText,
DifferenceDescription differences, Map tokenToLocation, boolean ignoreOptionalDifferences) throws LicenseParserException {
for (int matchingStartToken:matchingStartTokens) {
DifferenceDescription matchDifferences = new DifferenceDescription();
int matchLocation = startToken;
for (ParseInstruction sub:subInstructions) {
matchLocation = sub.match(matchTokens, matchLocation, matchingStartToken-1, originalText,
matchDifferences, tokenToLocation);
if (matchLocation < 0) {
if (matchLocation > 0) {
return matchLocation; // found a match
} else if (!ignoreOptionalDifferences) {
// We didn't find any matches, return the original start token
return startToken;
* Find the indexes that match the matching optional or first normal text within the sub-instructions
* @param afterChild the child after which to start searching for the first normal text
* @param matchTokens Tokens used to match the text against
* @param startToken Start of the match tokens to begin the search
* @param endToken End of the match tokens to end the search
* @param originalText original text that created the match tokens
* @param differences Information on any differences found
* @param tokenToLocation Map of match token indexes to line/column locations
* @return List of indexes for the start tokens for the next non variable text that matches
* @throws LicenseParserException
private List findNextNonVarTextStartTokens(ParseInstruction afterChild,
String[] matchTokens, int startToken, int endToken, String originalText,
DifferenceDescription differences, Map tokenToLocation) throws LicenseParserException {
List retval = new ArrayList();
// We find the first index to start our search
int indexOfChild = subInstructions.indexOf(afterChild);
if (indexOfChild < 0) {
throw new LicenseParserException("Template Parser Error: Could not locate sub instruction");
int startSubinstructionIndex = indexOfChild + 1;
if (startSubinstructionIndex >= subInstructions.size()) {
// no start tokens found
// Set return value to the end
return retval;
int firstNormalTextIndex = -1; // initial value for not yet found
// keep track of all optional rules prior to the first solid normal text since the optional
// rules can provide a valid result
List leadingOptionalSubInstructions = Lists.newArrayList();
int i = startSubinstructionIndex;
while (i < subInstructions.size() && firstNormalTextIndex < 0) {
LicenseTemplateRule subInstructionRule = subInstructions.get(i).getRule();
if (subInstructionRule != null && subInstructionRule.getType() == RuleType.BEGIN_OPTIONAL) {
} else if (subInstructions.get(i).getText() != null) {
firstNormalTextIndex = i;
int nextMatchingStart = startToken;
// Go through the preceding optional rules. If there enough token matches, add it to the result list
for (int optionalSub:leadingOptionalSubInstructions) {
DifferenceDescription tempDiffDescription = new DifferenceDescription();
int nextOptMatchingStart = nextMatchingStart;
int optTokenAfterMatch = subInstructions.get(optionalSub).match(matchTokens, nextOptMatchingStart, endToken, originalText, tempDiffDescription, tokenToLocation, true);
while (optTokenAfterMatch <= nextOptMatchingStart && -optTokenAfterMatch <= endToken
&& !tempDiffDescription.differenceFound && nextOptMatchingStart <= endToken) {
// while we didn't find a match
optTokenAfterMatch = subInstructions.get(optionalSub).match(matchTokens, nextOptMatchingStart, endToken, originalText, tempDiffDescription, tokenToLocation, true);
if (optTokenAfterMatch > 0 && !tempDiffDescription.differenceFound && nextOptMatchingStart <= endToken) {
// we found a match
if (optTokenAfterMatch - nextOptMatchingStart > MIN_TOKENS_NORMAL_TEXT_SEARCH) {
// Only add possible matches if it matched enough tokens
//TODO: This approximation of the number of tokens matched may include tokens consumed by a variable match. To make this more accurate, we should count the tokens of just the text nodes a children
nextMatchingStart = optTokenAfterMatch;
if (firstNormalTextIndex < 0) {
// Set to the end
return retval;
Map normalTextLocations = new HashMap();
String[] textTokens = LicenseCompareHelper.tokenizeLicenseText(LicenseCompareHelper.normalizeText(subInstructions.get(firstNormalTextIndex).getText()), normalTextLocations);
if (textTokens.length > MAX_NEXT_NORMAL_TEXT_SEARCH_LENGTH) {
textTokens = Arrays.copyOf(textTokens, MAX_NEXT_NORMAL_TEXT_SEARCH_LENGTH);
int tokenAfterMatch = compareText(textTokens, matchTokens, nextMatchingStart, endToken, null);
boolean foundEnoughTokens = false;
while (!foundEnoughTokens && nextMatchingStart <= endToken && !differences.differenceFound) {
while (tokenAfterMatch < 0 && -tokenAfterMatch <= endToken) {
nextMatchingStart = nextMatchingStart + 1;
tokenAfterMatch = compareText(textTokens, matchTokens, nextMatchingStart, endToken, null);
if (tokenAfterMatch < 0) {
// Can not find the text, report a difference
String ruleDesc = "variable or optional rule";
if (afterChild.getRule() != null) {
if (afterChild.getRule().getType() == RuleType.BEGIN_OPTIONAL) {
ruleDesc = "optional rule";
} else if (afterChild.getRule().getType() == RuleType.VARIABLE) {
ruleDesc = "variable rule '" + afterChild.getRule().getName() + "'";
differences.addDifference(tokenToLocation.get(nextMatchingStart), "",
"Unable to find the text '" + subInstructions.get(firstNormalTextIndex).getText() + "' following a "+ruleDesc,
null, rule, getLastOptionalDifference());
} else if (textTokens.length >= MIN_TOKENS_NORMAL_TEXT_SEARCH) {
foundEnoughTokens = true;
} else {
// Not enough text tokens, we need to make sure everything matches beyond this point
DifferenceDescription tempDiffDescription = new DifferenceDescription();
int nextCheckToken = subInstructions.get(firstNormalTextIndex).match(matchTokens, nextMatchingStart, endToken, originalText, tempDiffDescription, tokenToLocation, true);
int nextCheckSubInstruction = firstNormalTextIndex + 1;
while (nextCheckToken > 0 &&
nextCheckToken - tokenAfterMatch < MIN_TOKENS_NORMAL_TEXT_SEARCH &&
nextCheckSubInstruction < subInstructions.size()) {
nextCheckToken = subInstructions.get(nextCheckSubInstruction++).match(matchTokens, nextCheckToken, endToken, originalText, tempDiffDescription, tokenToLocation, true);
if (nextCheckToken < 0) {
// we didn't match enough, move on to the next
nextMatchingStart = nextMatchingStart + 1;
tokenAfterMatch = compareText(textTokens, matchTokens, nextMatchingStart, endToken, null);
} else {
foundEnoughTokens = true;
return retval;
* Determine the number of tokens matched from the compare text
* @param text
* @param end End of matching text
* @return
private int numTokensMatched(String text, int end) {
if (text.trim().isEmpty()) {
return 0;
if (end == 0) {
return 0;
Map temp = new HashMap();
String subText = text.substring(0, end);
String[] tokenizedString = LicenseCompareHelper.tokenizeLicenseText(subText, temp);
return tokenizedString.length;
* Match to a variable rule
* @param matchingStartTokens List of indexes for the start tokens for the next normal text
* @param matchTokens Tokens to match against
* @param startToken Index of the first token to search for the match
* @param endToken Index of the last token to search for the match
* @param originalText Original text used go generate the matchTokens
* @param differences Any differences found
* @param tokenToLocation Map of token index to line/column where the token was found in the original text
* @return the index of the token after the find or -1 if the text did not match
private int matchVariable(List matchingStartTokens, String[] matchTokens, int startToken, int endToken,
String originalText, DifferenceDescription differences, Map tokenToLocation) {
if (differences.isDifferenceFound()) {
return -1;
for (int matchingStartToken:matchingStartTokens) {
String compareText = LicenseCompareHelper.locateOriginalText(originalText, startToken, matchingStartToken-1, tokenToLocation, matchTokens);
Pattern matchPattern = Pattern.compile(rule.getMatch(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL);
Matcher matcher = matchPattern.matcher(compareText);
if (!matcher.find() || matcher.start() > 0) {
} else {
int numMatched = numTokensMatched(compareText, matcher.end());
return startToken + numMatched;
// if we got here, there was no match found
differences.addDifference(tokenToLocation.get(startToken), LicenseCompareHelper.getTokenAt(matchTokens, startToken), "Variable text rule "+rule.getName()+" did not match the compare text",
null, rule, getLastOptionalDifference());
return -1;
* @return The difference description for the last optional rule which did not match
public DifferenceDescription getLastOptionalDifference() {
if (this.lastOptionalDifference != null) {
return this.lastOptionalDifference;
} else if (this.parent != null) {
return parent.getLastOptionalDifference();
} else {
return null;
public void setLastOptionalDifference(DifferenceDescription optionalDifference) {
if (optionalDifference != null && optionalDifference.getDifferenceMessage() != null && !optionalDifference.getDifferenceMessage().isEmpty()) {
this.lastOptionalDifference = optionalDifference;
if (this.parent != null) {
* @return true if the instruction following this instruction is a beginOptional rule containing text with a single token
public boolean isFollowingInstructionOptionalSingleToken() {
if (parent == null) {
return false;
ParseInstruction nextInstruction = parent.findFollowingInstruction(this);
if (nextInstruction == null || nextInstruction.getRule() == null) {
return false;
} else {
if (!RuleType.BEGIN_OPTIONAL.equals(nextInstruction.getRule().getType())) {
return false;
if (nextInstruction.getSubInstructions().size() != 1) {
return false;
String optionalText = nextInstruction.getSubInstructions().get(0).getText();
return LicenseCompareHelper.isSingleTokenString(optionalText);
* @param parseInstruction subInstruction to find the next parse instruction after
* @return the next instruction after parseInstruction in the subInstructions
private ParseInstruction findFollowingInstruction(ParseInstruction parseInstruction) {
if (parseInstruction == null) {
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < subInstructions.size(); i++) {
if (parseInstruction.equals(subInstructions.get(i))) {
if (subInstructions.size() > i+1) {
return subInstructions.get(i+1);
} else if (parent == null) {
return null;
} else {
return parent.findFollowingInstruction(this);
return null; // instruction not found
* @return the tokens from the next group of optional
public String[] getNextOptionalTextTokens() {
if (parent == null) {
return new String[0];
ParseInstruction nextInstruction = parent.findFollowingInstruction(this);
if (nextInstruction == null || nextInstruction.getRule() == null) {
return new String[0];
} else {
if (!RuleType.BEGIN_OPTIONAL.equals(nextInstruction.getRule().getType())) {
return new String[0];
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (ParseInstruction inst:nextInstruction.getSubInstructions()) {
if (inst.getText() != null) {
Map temp = Maps.newHashMap();
return LicenseCompareHelper.tokenizeLicenseText(sb.toString(), temp);
* Skip the next instruction
public void skipNextInstruction() {
if (parent == null) {
ParseInstruction nextInst = parent.findFollowingInstruction(this);
public boolean getSkip() {
return this.skip ;
public void setSkip(boolean skip) {
this.skip = skip;
* @return the next sibling parse instruction which is just text (no rules)
public ParseInstruction getNextNormalTextInstruction() {
if (this.parent == null) {
return null;
List siblings = parent.getSubInstructions();
int mySiblingIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < siblings.size(); i++) {
if (this.equals(siblings.get(i))) {
mySiblingIndex = i;
if (mySiblingIndex < 0) {
return null;
int nextOptionalIndex = -1;
for (int i = mySiblingIndex + 1; i < siblings.size(); i++) {
if (siblings.get(i).getRule() != null && RuleType.BEGIN_OPTIONAL.equals(siblings.get(i).getRule().getType())) {
nextOptionalIndex = i;
if (nextOptionalIndex > 0) {
for (int i = nextOptionalIndex + 1; i < siblings.size(); i++) {
if (siblings.get(i).getText() != null) {
return siblings.get(i);
return null; // Note - we could go up to the parent to look for the next text token, but this is getting messy enough as it is
} else {
return parent.getNextNormalTextInstruction();
* @param skipFirstTextToken if true, the first text token will be skipped
public void setSkipFirstToken(boolean skipFirstTextToken) {
this.skipFirstTextToken = skipFirstTextToken;
* @return true if the first text token should be skipped
public boolean isSkipFirstTextToken() {
return this.skipFirstTextToken;
public class DifferenceDescription {
private static final int MAX_DIFF_TEXT_LENGTH = 100;
private boolean differenceFound;
private String differenceMessage;
private List differences;
public DifferenceDescription(boolean differenceFound, String differenceMessage, List differences) {
this.differenceFound = differenceFound;
this.differenceMessage = differenceMessage;
this.differences = differences;
public DifferenceDescription() {
this.differenceFound = false;
this.differenceMessage = "No difference found";
this.differences = Lists.newArrayList();
public boolean isDifferenceFound() {
return differenceFound;
public void setDifferenceFound(boolean differenceFound) {
this.differenceFound = differenceFound;
public String getDifferenceMessage() {
return differenceMessage;
public void setDifferenceMessage(String differenceMessage) {
this.differenceMessage = differenceMessage;
public List getDifferences() {
return differences;
public void setDifferences(List differences) {
this.differences = differences;
* @param location Location in the text of the difference
* @param token Token causing the difference
* @param msg Message for the difference
* @param text Template text being compared to
* @param rule Template rule where difference was found
* @param lastOptionalDifference The difference for the last optional difference that failed
public void addDifference(LineColumn location, String token, String msg, String text,
LicenseTemplateRule rule, DifferenceDescription lastOptionalDifference) {
if (token == null) {
token = "";
if (msg == null) {
msg = "UNKNOWN (null)";
this.differenceMessage = msg;
if (location != null) {
this.differenceMessage = this.differenceMessage + " starting at line #"+
String.valueOf(location.getLine())+ " column #" +
String.valueOf(location.getColumn())+" \""+
} else {
this.differenceMessage = this.differenceMessage + " at end of text";
if (text != null) {
this.differenceMessage = this.differenceMessage + " when comparing to template text \"";
if (text.length() > MAX_DIFF_TEXT_LENGTH) {
this.differenceMessage = this.differenceMessage +
text.substring(0, MAX_DIFF_TEXT_LENGTH) + "...\"";
} else {
this.differenceMessage = this.differenceMessage + text + "\"";
if (rule != null) {
this.differenceMessage = this.differenceMessage + " while processing rule " + rule.toString();
if (lastOptionalDifference != null) {
this.differenceMessage = this.differenceMessage +
". Last optional text was not found due to the optional difference: \n\t" +
this.differenceFound = true;
String[] compareTokens = new String[0];
String compareText = "";
Map tokenToLocation = new HashMap();
ParseInstruction topLevelInstruction = new ParseInstruction(null, null, null);
DifferenceDescription differences = new DifferenceDescription();
ParseInstruction currentOptionalInstruction = null;
boolean parsingComplete = false;
* @param compareText Text to compare the parsed SPDX license template to
* @throws IOException This is not to be expected since we are using StringReaders
public CompareTemplateOutputHandler(String compareText) throws IOException {
this.compareText = LicenseCompareHelper.normalizeText(compareText);
this.compareTokens = LicenseCompareHelper.tokenizeLicenseText(this.compareText, tokenToLocation);
* @param textTokens
* @param matchTokens
* @param startToken
* @param endToken
* @param instruction
* @return positive index of the next match token after the match or negative index of the token which first failed the match
private int compareText(String[] textTokens, String[] matchTokens, int startToken, int endToken,
ParseInstruction instruction) {
int textTokenCounter = 0;
String nextTextToken = LicenseCompareHelper.getTokenAt(textTokens, textTokenCounter++);
int matchTokenCounter = startToken;
String nextMatchToken = LicenseCompareHelper.getTokenAt(matchTokens, matchTokenCounter++);
while (nextTextToken != null) {
if (nextMatchToken == null) {
// end of compare text stream
while (nextTextToken != null && LicenseCompareHelper.canSkip(nextTextToken)) {
nextTextToken = LicenseCompareHelper.getTokenAt(textTokens, textTokenCounter++);
if (nextTextToken != null) {
return -matchTokenCounter; // there is more stuff in the compare license text, so not equiv.
} else if (LicenseCompareHelper.tokensEquivalent(nextTextToken, nextMatchToken)) {
// just move onto the next set of tokens
nextTextToken = LicenseCompareHelper.getTokenAt(textTokens, textTokenCounter++);
if (nextTextToken != null) {
nextMatchToken = LicenseCompareHelper.getTokenAt(matchTokens, matchTokenCounter++);
} else {
// see if we can skip through some compare tokens to find a match
while (nextMatchToken != null && LicenseCompareHelper.canSkip(nextMatchToken)) {
nextMatchToken = LicenseCompareHelper.getTokenAt(matchTokens, matchTokenCounter++);
// just to be sure, skip forward on the text
while (nextTextToken != null && LicenseCompareHelper.canSkip(nextTextToken)) {
nextTextToken = LicenseCompareHelper.getTokenAt(textTokens, textTokenCounter++);
if (LicenseCompareHelper.tokensEquivalent(nextMatchToken, nextTextToken)) {
nextTextToken = LicenseCompareHelper.getTokenAt(textTokens, textTokenCounter++);
if (nextTextToken != null) {
nextMatchToken = LicenseCompareHelper.getTokenAt(compareTokens, matchTokenCounter++);
} else {
if (textTokenCounter == textTokens.length &&
instruction != null &&
instruction.isFollowingInstructionOptionalSingleToken() &&
nextMatchToken != null) {
//This is the special case where there may be optional characters which are
//less than a token at the end of a compare
//Yes - this is a bit of a hack
String compareToken = nextTextToken + instruction.getNextOptionalTextTokens()[0];
if (LicenseCompareHelper.tokensEquivalent(compareToken, nextMatchToken)) {
return matchTokenCounter;
} else {
ParseInstruction nextNormal = instruction.getNextNormalTextInstruction();
String nextNormalText = LicenseCompareHelper.getFirstLicenseToken(nextNormal.getText());
if (nextNormalText != null) {
compareToken = compareToken + nextNormalText;
String compareWithoutOptional = nextTextToken + nextNormalText;
if (LicenseCompareHelper.tokensEquivalent(compareToken, nextMatchToken) ||
LicenseCompareHelper.tokensEquivalent(compareWithoutOptional, nextMatchToken)) {
return matchTokenCounter;
return -matchTokenCounter;
return matchTokenCounter;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.spdx.licenseTemplate.ILicenseTemplateOutputHandler#text(java.lang.String)
public void text(String text) {
if (currentOptionalInstruction != null) {
currentOptionalInstruction.addSubInstruction(new ParseInstruction(null, text, currentOptionalInstruction));
} else {
this.topLevelInstruction.addSubInstruction(new ParseInstruction(null, text, null));
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.spdx.licenseTemplate.ILicenseTemplateOutputHandler#variableRule(org.spdx.licenseTemplate.LicenseTemplateRule)
public void variableRule(LicenseTemplateRule rule) {
if (currentOptionalInstruction != null) {
currentOptionalInstruction.addSubInstruction(new ParseInstruction(rule, null, currentOptionalInstruction));
} else {
this.topLevelInstruction.addSubInstruction(new ParseInstruction(rule, null, null));
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.spdx.licenseTemplate.ILicenseTemplateOutputHandler#beginOptional(org.spdx.licenseTemplate.LicenseTemplateRule)
public void beginOptional(LicenseTemplateRule rule) {
ParseInstruction optionalInstruction = new ParseInstruction(rule, null, currentOptionalInstruction);
if (currentOptionalInstruction != null) {
} else {
this.currentOptionalInstruction = optionalInstruction;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.spdx.licenseTemplate.ILicenseTemplateOutputHandler#endOptional(org.spdx.licenseTemplate.LicenseTemplateRule)
public void endOptional(LicenseTemplateRule rule) {
if (currentOptionalInstruction != null) {
currentOptionalInstruction = currentOptionalInstruction.getParent();
if (currentOptionalInstruction == null || currentOptionalInstruction.getRule() == null || currentOptionalInstruction.getRule().getType() != RuleType.BEGIN_OPTIONAL) {
currentOptionalInstruction = null;
* Performs the actual parsing if it has not been completed. NOTE: This should only be called after all text has been added.
* @return true if no differences were found
* @throws LicenseParserException
public boolean matches() throws LicenseParserException {
if (!parsingComplete) {
throw new LicenseParserException("Matches was called prior to completing the parsing. The method competeParsing()
most be called prior to calling matches()
return !this.differences.isDifferenceFound();
* @return details on the differences found
public DifferenceDescription getDifferences() {
return this.differences;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.spdx.licenseTemplate.ILicenseTemplateOutputHandler#completeParsing()
public void completeParsing() throws LicenseParserException {
this.topLevelInstruction.match(compareTokens, 0, compareTokens.length-1, compareText, differences, tokenToLocation);
parsingComplete = true;
* Compares the text against the compareText
* @param text text to compare
* @param startToken token of the compareText to being the comparison
* @return next token index (positive) if there is a match, negative first token where this is a miss-match if no match
public int textEquivalent(String text, int startToken) {
Map textLocations = new HashMap();
String[] textTokens = LicenseCompareHelper.tokenizeLicenseText(LicenseCompareHelper.normalizeText(text), textLocations);
return this.compareText(textTokens, this.compareTokens, startToken, this.compareTokens.length-1, null);
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