Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2013 Source Auditor Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2013 Black Duck Software Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.InvalidSPDXAnalysisException;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.SPDXCreatorInformation;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.SPDXReview;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.SpdxPackageVerificationCode;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.license.AnyLicenseInfo;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.license.ExtractedLicenseInfo;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.Annotation;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.Checksum;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.ExternalDocumentRef;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.RdfModelObject;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.Relationship;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.SpdxDocument;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.SpdxElement;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.SpdxFile;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.SpdxItem;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.SpdxPackage;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.model.SpdxSnippet;
* Performs a comparison between two or more SPDX documents and holds the results of the comparison
* The main function to perform the comparison is compare(spdxdoc1, spdxdoc2)
* For reviewers, the comparison results are separated into unique reviewers for a give document
* which can be obtained by the method getUniqueReviewers(index1, index2)
. The
* uniqueness is determined by the reviewer name. If two documents contain reviewers with the
* same name but different dates or comments, the reviews are considered to be the same review
* with different data. The differences for these reviews can be obtained through the method
* getReviewerDifferences(index1, index2)
* For files, the comparison results are separated into unique files based on the file names
* which can be obtained by the method getUniqueFiles(index1, index2)
. If two
* documents contain files with the same name, but different data, the differences for these
* files can be obtained through the method getFileDifferences(index1, index2)
* Multi-threading considerations: This class is "mostly" threadsafe in that the calls to
* perform the comparison are synchronized and a flag is used to throw an error for any
* calls to getters when a compare is in progress. There is a small theoretical window in the
* getters where the compare operation is started in the middle of a get operation.
* @author Gary O'Neall
public class SpdxComparer {
* Contains the results of a comparison between two SPDXReviews where
* the reviewer name is the same but there is a difference in the
* reviewer comment or the reviewer date
* @author Gary O'Neall
public static class SPDXReviewDifference {
boolean commentsEqual;
boolean datesEqual;
String comment1;
String comment2;
String date1;
String date2;
String reviewer;
* @param spdxReview
* @param spdxReview2
public SPDXReviewDifference(SPDXReview spdxReview,
SPDXReview spdxReview2) {
commentsEqual = spdxReview.getComment().trim().equals(spdxReview2.getComment().trim());
datesEqual = spdxReview.getReviewDate().equals(spdxReview2.getReviewDate());
this.comment1 = spdxReview.getComment();
this.comment2 = spdxReview2.getComment();
this.date1 = spdxReview.getReviewDate();
this.date2 = spdxReview2.getReviewDate();
this.reviewer = spdxReview.getReviewer();
* @return true of the dates are equal
public boolean isDateEqual() {
return this.datesEqual;
* @return
public String getReviewer() {
return this.reviewer;
* Get the reviewer date for one of the two reviews compared
* @param i if 0, the review date of the first reviewer, if 1, it is the second reviewer
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public String getDate(int i) throws SpdxCompareException {
if (i == 0) {
return this.date1;
} else if (i == 1) {
return this.date2;
} else {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("Invalid index for get reviewer date"));
* @return true if comments are equal
public boolean isCommentEqual() {
return this.commentsEqual;
* Get the reviewer comment for one of the two reviews compared
* @param i if 0, the review date of the first reviewer, if 1, it is the second reviewer
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public String getComment(int i) throws SpdxCompareException {
if (i == 0) {
return this.comment1;
} else if (i == 1) {
return this.comment2;
} else {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("Invalid index for get reviewer date"));
private SpdxDocument[] spdxDocs = null;
private boolean differenceFound = false;
private boolean compareInProgress = false;
// Document level results
private boolean spdxVersionsEqual = true;
private boolean documentCommentsEqual = true;
private boolean dataLicenseEqual = true;
private boolean licenseListVersionEquals = true;
private boolean documentContentsEquals = true;
// Reviewer results
* Holds a map of all SPDX documents which have reviewers unique relative to other SPDX document
* based on the reviewer name. The results of the map is another map of all SPDX documents in
* the comparison which do not contain some of the reviewers in the key document. See the
* implementation of compareReviewers for details
private Map> uniqueReviews = Maps.newHashMap();
* Holds a map of any SPDX documents which have reviewer differenes. A reviewer difference
* is an SPDXReview with the same reviewer name but a different reviewer date or comment
private Map> reviewerDifferences = Maps.newHashMap();
// Extracted Licensing Info results
* Holds a map of all SPDX documents which have extracted license infos unique relative to other SPDX document
* based on the reviewer name. The results of the map is another map of all SPDX documents in
* the comparison which do not contain some of the reviewers in the key document. See the
* implementation of compareReviewers for details
private Map> uniqueExtractedLicenses = Maps.newHashMap();
* Map of any SPDX documents that have extraced license infos with equivalent text but different comments, id's or other fields
private Map> licenseDifferences = Maps.newHashMap();
* Maps the license ID's for the extracted license infos of the documents being compared. License ID's are mapped based on the text
* being equivalent
private Map>> extractedLicenseIdMap = Maps.newHashMap();
private boolean creatorInformationEquals;
private Map> uniqueCreators = Maps.newHashMap();
// file compare results
* Holds a map of all SPDX documents which have files unique relative to other SPDX document
* based on the file name. The results of the map is another map of all SPDX documents in
* the comparison which do not contain some of the files in the key document. See the
* implementation of compareFiles for details
private Map> uniqueFiles = Maps.newHashMap();
* Holds a map of any SPDX documents which have file differences. A file difference
* is an SPDXReview with the same filename name but a different file property
private Map> fileDifferences = Maps.newHashMap();
// Package compare results
* Holds a map of all SPDX documents which have packages unique relative to other SPDX document
* based on the package name and package version. The results of the map is another map of all SPDX documents in
* the comparison which do not contain some of the packages in the key document. See the
* implementation of comparePackages for details
private Map> uniquePackages = Maps.newHashMap();
* Map of package names to package comparisons
private Map packageComparers = Maps.newHashMap();
// Annotation comparison results
private Map> uniqueDocumentAnnotations = Maps.newHashMap();
// Document Relationships comparison results
private Map> uniqueDocumentRelationships = Maps.newHashMap();
// External Document References comparison results
private Map> uniqueExternalDocumentRefs = Maps.newHashMap();
// Snippet references comparison results
private Map> uniqueSnippets = Maps.newHashMap();
private Map snippetComparers = Maps.newHashMap();
public SpdxComparer() {
* Compares 2 SPDX documents
* @param spdxDoc1
* @param spdxDoc2
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public void compare(SpdxDocument spdxDoc1, SpdxDocument spdxDoc2) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException, SpdxCompareException {
compare(new SpdxDocument[] {spdxDoc1, spdxDoc2});
* Compares multiple SPDX documents
* @param spdxDocuments
* @throws SpdxCompareException
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public synchronized void compare(SpdxDocument[] spdxDocuments) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException, SpdxCompareException {
//TODO: Add a monitor function which allows for cancel
this.spdxDocs = spdxDocuments;
differenceFound = false;
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private void performCompare() throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException, SpdxCompareException {
compareInProgress = true;
differenceFound = false;
compareExtractedLicenseInfos(); // note - this must be done first to build the translation map of IDs
compareInProgress = false;
* Compare the snippets in the documents
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private void compareSnippets() throws SpdxCompareException {
// This will be a complete NXN comparison of all documents filling in the uniqueSnippets map
if (this.spdxDocs == null || this.spdxDocs.length < 1) {
// N x N comparison of all snippets
for (int i = 0; i < spdxDocs.length; i++) {
List snippetsA;
try {
snippetsA = spdxDocs[i].getDocumentContainer().findAllSnippets();
} catch (InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e) {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("Error collecting snippets from SPDX document "+spdxDocs[i].getName(), e));
// note - the snippet arrays MUST be sorted for the comparator methods to work
addSnippetComparers(spdxDocs[i], snippetsA, this.extractedLicenseIdMap);
Map uniqueAMap = this.uniqueSnippets.get(spdxDocs[i]);
if (uniqueAMap == null) {
uniqueAMap = Maps.newHashMap();
for (int j = 0; j < spdxDocs.length; j++) {
if (j == i) {
List snippetsB;
try {
snippetsB = spdxDocs[j].getDocumentContainer().findAllSnippets();
} catch (InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e) {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("Error collecting snippets from SPDX document "+spdxDocs[i].getName(), e));
//Note that the files arrays must be sorted for the find methods to work
SpdxSnippet[] uniqueAB = findUniqueSnippets(snippetsA, snippetsB);
if (uniqueAB != null && uniqueAB.length > 0) {
uniqueAMap.put(spdxDocs[j], uniqueAB);
if (!uniqueAMap.isEmpty()) {
this.uniqueSnippets.put(spdxDocs[i], uniqueAMap);
if (!_isSnippetsEqualsNoCheck()) {
this.differenceFound = true;
* @param snippetsA
* @param snippetsB
* @return
private SpdxSnippet[] findUniqueSnippets(List snippetsA,
List snippetsB) {
int bIndex = 0;
int aIndex = 0;
List alRetval = Lists.newArrayList();
while (aIndex < snippetsA.size()) {
if (bIndex >= snippetsB.size()) {
} else {
int compareVal = snippetsA.get(aIndex).compareTo(snippetsB.get(bIndex));
if (compareVal == 0) {
// snippets are equal
} else if (compareVal > 0) {
// snippetsA is greater than snippetsB
} else {
// snippetsB is greater than snippetsA
return alRetval.toArray(new SpdxSnippet[alRetval.size()]);
* @param spdxDocument
* @param snippets
* @param extractedLicenseIdMap2
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private void addSnippetComparers(
SpdxDocument spdxDocument,
List snippets,
Map>> extractedLicenseIdMap2) throws SpdxCompareException {
for (SpdxSnippet snippet:snippets) {
SpdxSnippetComparer comparer = this.snippetComparers.get(snippet.toString());
if (comparer == null) {
comparer = new SpdxSnippetComparer(extractedLicenseIdMap);
this.snippetComparers.put(snippet.toString(), comparer);
comparer.addDocumentSnippet(spdxDocument, snippet);
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
private void compareExternalDocumentRefs() throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
// this will be a N x N comparison of all external document relationships to fill the
// hashmap uniqueExternalDocumentRefs
for (int i = 0; i < spdxDocs.length; i++) {
ExternalDocumentRef[] externalDocRefsA = spdxDocs[i].getExternalDocumentRefs();
Map uniqueAMap = uniqueExternalDocumentRefs.get(spdxDocs[i]);
if (uniqueAMap == null) {
uniqueAMap = Maps.newHashMap();
// We will put this into the hashmap at the end of this method if it is not empty
for (int j = 0; j < spdxDocs.length; j++) {
if (j == i) {
continue; // skip comparing to ourself
ExternalDocumentRef[] externalDocRefsB = spdxDocs[j].getExternalDocumentRefs();
// find any external refs in A that are not in B
ExternalDocumentRef[] uniqueA = findUniqueExternalDocumentRefs(externalDocRefsA, externalDocRefsB);
if (uniqueA != null && uniqueA.length > 0) {
uniqueAMap.put(spdxDocs[j], uniqueA);
if (uniqueAMap.keySet().size() > 0) {
this.uniqueExternalDocumentRefs.put(spdxDocs[i], uniqueAMap);
if (!this._isExternalDcoumentRefsEqualsNoCheck()) {
this.differenceFound = true;
* Compare all of the document level relationships
private void compareDocumentRelationships() {
// this will be a N x N comparison of all document level relationships to fill the
// hashmap uniqueDocumentRelationships
for (int i = 0; i < spdxDocs.length; i++) {
Relationship[] relationshipsA = spdxDocs[i].getRelationships();
Map uniqueAMap = uniqueDocumentRelationships.get(spdxDocs[i]);
if (uniqueAMap == null) {
uniqueAMap = Maps.newHashMap();
// We will put this into the hashmap at the end of this method if it is not empty
for (int j = 0; j < spdxDocs.length; j++) {
if (j == i) {
continue; // skip comparing to ourself
Relationship[] relationshipsB = spdxDocs[j].getRelationships();
// find any creators in A that are not in B
Relationship[] uniqueA = findUniqueRelationships(relationshipsA, relationshipsB);
if (uniqueA != null && uniqueA.length > 0) {
uniqueAMap.put(spdxDocs[j], uniqueA);
if (uniqueAMap.keySet().size() > 0) {
this.uniqueDocumentRelationships.put(spdxDocs[i], uniqueAMap);
if (!this._isDocumentRelationshipsEqualsNoCheck()) {
this.differenceFound = true;
* Compare all of the Document level annotations
private void compareDocumentAnnotations() {
// this will be a N x N comparison of all document level annotations to fill the
// hashmap uniqueAnnotations
for (int i = 0; i < spdxDocs.length; i++) {
Annotation[] annotationsA = spdxDocs[i].getAnnotations();
Map uniqueAMap = uniqueDocumentAnnotations.get(spdxDocs[i]);
if (uniqueAMap == null) {
uniqueAMap = Maps.newHashMap();
// We will put this into the hashmap at the end of this method if it is not empty
for (int j = 0; j < spdxDocs.length; j++) {
if (j == i) {
continue; // skip comparing to ourself
Annotation[] annotationsB = spdxDocs[j].getAnnotations();
// find any creators in A that are not in B
Annotation[] uniqueA = findUniqueAnnotations(annotationsA, annotationsB);
if (uniqueA != null && uniqueA.length > 0) {
uniqueAMap.put(spdxDocs[j], uniqueA);
if (uniqueAMap.keySet().size() > 0) {
this.uniqueDocumentAnnotations.put(spdxDocs[i], uniqueAMap);
if (!this._isDocumentAnnotationsEqualsNoCheck()) {
this.differenceFound = true;
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private void compareFiles() throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException, SpdxCompareException {
// N x N comparison of all files
for (int i = 0; i < spdxDocs.length; i++) {
SpdxFile[] filesA = collectAllFiles(spdxDocs[i]);
// note - the file arrays MUST be sorted for the comparator methods to work
Map uniqueAMap = this.uniqueFiles.get(spdxDocs[i]);
if (uniqueAMap == null) {
uniqueAMap = Maps.newHashMap();
// this map will be added to uniqueFiles at the end if we find anything
Map diffMap = this.fileDifferences.get(spdxDocs[i]);
if (diffMap == null) {
diffMap = Maps.newHashMap();
for (int j = 0; j < spdxDocs.length; j++) {
if (j == i) {
SpdxFile[] filesB = collectAllFiles(spdxDocs[j]);
//Note that the files arrays must be sorted for the find methods to work
SpdxFile[] uniqueAB = findUniqueFiles(filesA, filesB);
if (uniqueAB != null && uniqueAB.length > 0) {
uniqueAMap.put(spdxDocs[j], uniqueAB);
SpdxFileDifference[] differences = findFileDifferences(spdxDocs[i], spdxDocs[j], filesA, filesB, this.extractedLicenseIdMap);
if (differences != null && differences.length > 0) {
diffMap.put(spdxDocs[j], differences);
if (!uniqueAMap.isEmpty()) {
this.uniqueFiles.put(spdxDocs[i], uniqueAMap);
if (!diffMap.isEmpty()) {
this.fileDifferences.put(spdxDocs[i], diffMap);
if (!_isFilesEqualsNoCheck()) {
this.differenceFound = true;
* Add all files found in the related elements (including descendant related elements)
* @param element
* @param files
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
private void addAllRelatedFiles(SpdxElement element, Set files,
Set visitedElements) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
if (element == null || visitedElements.contains(element)) {
Relationship[] relationships = element.getRelationships();
if (relationships != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < relationships.length; j++) {
if (relationships[j] != null &&
relationships[j].getRelatedSpdxElement() instanceof SpdxFile &&
!files.contains(relationships[j].getRelatedSpdxElement())) {
} else if (relationships[j] != null &&
relationships[j].getRelatedSpdxElement() instanceof SpdxPackage) {
SpdxFile[] pkgFiles = ((SpdxPackage)(relationships[j].getRelatedSpdxElement())).getFiles();
if (pkgFiles != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < pkgFiles.length; k++) {
// recursively add all of the related files to this relationships
addAllRelatedFiles(relationships[j].getRelatedSpdxElement(), files, visitedElements);
* Add all packages found in the related elements (including descendant related elements)
* @param element
* @param pkgs
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
private void addAllRelatedPackages(SpdxElement element,
Set pkgs,
Set visitedElements) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
if (element == null || visitedElements.contains(element)) {
Relationship[] relationships = element.getRelationships();
if (relationships != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < relationships.length; j++) {
if (relationships[j] != null &&
relationships[j].getRelatedSpdxElement() instanceof SpdxPackage &&
!pkgs.contains(relationships[j].getRelatedSpdxElement())) {
// recursively add all of the related files to this relationships
pkgs, visitedElements);
* Collect all of the packages present in the SPDX document including packages
* embedded in other relationships within documents
* @param spdxDocument
* @return
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
protected SpdxPackage[] collectAllPackages(SpdxDocument spdxDocument) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
Set retval = Sets.newHashSet();
SpdxItem[] items = spdxDocument.getDocumentDescribes();
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i] instanceof SpdxPackage) {
addAllRelatedPackages(items[i], retval, Sets.newHashSet());
return retval.toArray(new SpdxPackage[retval.size()]);
* Collect all of the files present in the SPDX document including files within documents
* and files embedded in packages
* @param spdxDocument
* @return
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
protected SpdxFile[] collectAllFiles(SpdxDocument spdxDocument) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
Set retval = Sets.newHashSet();
SpdxItem[] items = spdxDocument.getDocumentDescribes();
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i] instanceof SpdxFile) {
} else if (items[i] instanceof SpdxPackage) {
SpdxFile[] pkgFiles = ((SpdxPackage)items[i]).getFiles();
for (int j = 0; j < pkgFiles.length; j++) {
addAllRelatedFiles(items[i], retval, Sets.newHashSet());
return retval.toArray(new SpdxFile[retval.size()]);
* Returns an array of files differences between A and B where the names
* are the same, but one or more properties are different for that file
* @param filesA
* @param filesB
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
static SpdxFileDifference[] findFileDifferences(SpdxDocument docA, SpdxDocument docB,
SpdxFile[] filesA, SpdxFile[] filesB,
Map>> licenseIdXlationMap) throws SpdxCompareException {
List alRetval = Lists.newArrayList();
int aIndex = 0;
int bIndex = 0;
while (aIndex < filesA.length && bIndex < filesB.length) {
int compare = filesA[aIndex].getName().compareTo(filesB[bIndex].getName());
if (compare == 0) {
SpdxFileComparer fileComparer = new SpdxFileComparer(licenseIdXlationMap);
fileComparer.addDocumentFile(docA, filesA[aIndex]);
fileComparer.addDocumentFile(docB, filesB[bIndex]);
if (fileComparer.isDifferenceFound()) {
alRetval.add(fileComparer.getFileDifference(docA, docB));
} else if (compare > 0) {
// fileA is greater than fileB
} else {
// fileB is greater than fileA
SpdxFileDifference[] retval = alRetval.toArray(new SpdxFileDifference[alRetval.size()]);
return retval;
* finds any packages in A that are not in B. Packages are considered the
* same if they have the same package name and the same package version.
* NOTE: The arrays must be sorted by file name
* @param pkgsA
* @param pkgsB
* @return
static SpdxPackage[] findUniquePackages(SpdxPackage[] pkgsA, SpdxPackage[] pkgsB) {
int bIndex = 0;
int aIndex = 0;
List alRetval = Lists.newArrayList();
while (aIndex < pkgsA.length) {
if (bIndex >= pkgsB.length) {
} else {
int compareVal = pkgsA[aIndex].compareTo(pkgsB[bIndex]);
if (compareVal == 0) {
// packages are equal
} else if (compareVal > 0) {
// pkgA is greater than pkgB
} else {
// pkgB is greater than pkgA
SpdxPackage[] retval = alRetval.toArray(new SpdxPackage[alRetval.size()]);
return retval;
* finds any files in A that are not in B. NOTE: The arrays must be sorted by file name
* @param filesA
* @param filesB
* @return
static SpdxFile[] findUniqueFiles(SpdxFile[] filesA, SpdxFile[] filesB) {
int bIndex = 0;
int aIndex = 0;
List alRetval = Lists.newArrayList();
while (aIndex < filesA.length) {
if (bIndex >= filesB.length) {
} else {
int compareVal = filesA[aIndex].getName().compareTo(filesB[bIndex].getName());
if (compareVal == 0) {
// files are equal
} else if (compareVal > 0) {
// fileA is greater than fileB
} else {
// fileB is greater tha fileA
SpdxFile[] retval = alRetval.toArray(new SpdxFile[alRetval.size()]);
return retval;
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
private void compareCreators() throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
this.creatorInformationEquals = true;
this.licenseListVersionEquals = true;
// this will be a N x N comparison of all creators to fill the
// hashmap uniqueCreators
for (int i = 0; i < spdxDocs.length; i++) {
SPDXCreatorInformation creatorInfoA = spdxDocs[i].getCreationInfo();
String[] creatorsA = creatorInfoA.getCreators();
Map uniqueAMap = uniqueCreators.get(spdxDocs[i]);
if (uniqueAMap == null) {
uniqueAMap = Maps.newHashMap();
// We will put this into the hashmap at the end of this method if it is not empty
for (int j = 0; j < spdxDocs.length; j++) {
if (j == i) {
continue; // skip comparing to ourself
SPDXCreatorInformation creatorInfoB = spdxDocs[j].getCreationInfo();
String[] creatorsB = creatorInfoB.getCreators();
// find any creators in A that are not in B
String[] uniqueA = findUniqueString(creatorsA, creatorsB);
if (uniqueA != null && uniqueA.length > 0) {
uniqueAMap.put(spdxDocs[j], uniqueA);
// compare creator comments
if (!stringsEqual(creatorInfoA.getComment(), creatorInfoB.getComment())) {
this.creatorInformationEquals = false;
// compare creation dates
if (!stringsEqual(creatorInfoA.getCreated(), creatorInfoB.getCreated())) {
this.creatorInformationEquals = false;
// compare license list versions
if (!stringsEqual(creatorInfoA.getLicenseListVersion(), creatorInfoB.getLicenseListVersion())) {
this.creatorInformationEquals = false;
this.licenseListVersionEquals = false;
if (uniqueAMap.keySet().size() > 0) {
this.uniqueCreators.put(spdxDocs[i], uniqueAMap);
this.creatorInformationEquals = false;
if (!this.creatorInformationEquals) {
this.differenceFound = true;
* Finds any strings which are in A but not in B
* @param stringsA
* @param stringsB
* @return
private String[] findUniqueString(String[] stringsA, String[] stringsB) {
if (stringsA == null) {
return new String[0];
if (stringsB == null) {
return Arrays.copyOf(stringsA, stringsA.length);
List al = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < stringsA.length; i++) {
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < stringsB.length; j++) {
if (stringsA[i].trim().equals(stringsB[j].trim())) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return al.toArray(new String[al.size()]);
* Compares the SPDX documents and sets the appropriate flags
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private void comparePackages() throws SpdxCompareException {
if (this.spdxDocs == null || this.spdxDocs.length < 1) {
// N x N comparison of all files
for (int i = 0; i < spdxDocs.length; i++) {
SpdxPackage[] pkgsA;
try {
pkgsA = collectAllPackages(spdxDocs[i]);
} catch (InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e) {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("Error collecting packages from SPDX document "+spdxDocs[i].getName(), e));
// note - the package arrays MUST be sorted for the comparator methods to work
addPackageComparers(spdxDocs[i], pkgsA, this.extractedLicenseIdMap);
Map uniqueAMap = this.uniquePackages.get(spdxDocs[i]);
if (uniqueAMap == null) {
uniqueAMap = Maps.newHashMap();
for (int j = 0; j < spdxDocs.length; j++) {
if (j == i) {
SpdxPackage[] pkgsB;
try {
pkgsB = collectAllPackages(spdxDocs[j]);
} catch (InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e) {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("Error collecting packages from SPDX document "+spdxDocs[i].getName(), e));
//Note that the files arrays must be sorted for the find methods to work
SpdxPackage[] uniqueAB = findUniquePackages(pkgsA, pkgsB);
if (uniqueAB != null && uniqueAB.length > 0) {
uniqueAMap.put(spdxDocs[j], uniqueAB);
if (!uniqueAMap.isEmpty()) {
this.uniquePackages.put(spdxDocs[i], uniqueAMap);
if (!_isPackagesEqualsNoCheck()) {
this.differenceFound = true;
* add all the document packages to the multi-comparer
* @param spdxDocument
* @param pkgs
* @param extractedLicenseIdMap
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private void addPackageComparers(SpdxDocument spdxDocument,
SpdxPackage[] pkgs, Map>> extractedLicenseIdMap) throws SpdxCompareException {
for (int i = 0; i < pkgs.length; i++) {
SpdxPackageComparer mpc = this.packageComparers.get(pkgs[i].getName());
if (mpc == null) {
mpc = new SpdxPackageComparer(extractedLicenseIdMap);
this.packageComparers.put(pkgs[i].getName(), mpc);
mpc.addDocumentPackage(spdxDocument, pkgs[i]);
* Compares two licenses from two different SPDX documents taking into account
* the extracted license infos who's ID's may be different between the two documents
* Note: The ExtracedLicenseIDMap must be initialized before this method is invoked
* @param doc1 Index of the SPDX document for license1
* @param license1
* @param doc2 Index of the SPDX document for license2
* @param license2
* @return true if the licenses are equivalent
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public boolean compareLicense(int doc1,
AnyLicenseInfo license1, int doc2,
AnyLicenseInfo license2) throws SpdxCompareException {
Map> hm = this.extractedLicenseIdMap.get(this.spdxDocs[doc1]);
if (hm == null) {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("Compare License Error - Extracted license id map has not been initialized."));
Map xlationMap = hm.get(this.spdxDocs[doc2]);
if (xlationMap == null) {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("Compare License Exception - Extracted license id map has not been initialized."));
return LicenseCompareHelper.isLicenseEqual(license1, license2, xlationMap);
* @param verificationCode
* @param verificationCode2
* @return
static boolean compareVerificationCodes(
SpdxPackageVerificationCode verificationCode,
SpdxPackageVerificationCode verificationCode2) {
if (verificationCode == null) {
return verificationCode2 == null;
if (verificationCode2 == null) {
return false;
if (!stringsEqual(verificationCode.getValue(), verificationCode2.getValue())) {
return false;
if (!stringArraysEqual(verificationCode.getExcludedFileNames(),
verificationCode2.getExcludedFileNames())) {
return false;
return true;
* Compare the document level fields and sets the difference found depending on any differences
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private void compareDocumentFields() throws SpdxCompareException {
if (!this.dataLicenseEqual || !this.spdxVersionsEqual || !this.documentCommentsEqual) {
this.differenceFound = true;
private void compareDocumentContents() throws SpdxCompareException {
documentContentsEquals = true;
try {
for (int i = 0; i < spdxDocs.length; i++) {
SpdxItem[] itemsA = spdxDocs[i].getDocumentDescribes();
for (int j = i; j < spdxDocs.length; j++) {
SpdxItem[] itemsB = spdxDocs[j].getDocumentDescribes();
if (!spdxDocs[i].arraysEquivalent(itemsA, itemsB)) {
this.documentContentsEquals = false;
this.differenceFound = true;
} catch(InvalidSPDXAnalysisException ex) {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("Error getting SPDX document items: "+ex.getMessage()));
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private void compareSpdxVerions() throws SpdxCompareException {
String docVer1;
docVer1 = spdxDocs[0].getSpecVersion();
this.spdxVersionsEqual = true;
for (int i = 1; i < spdxDocs.length; i++) {
if (!spdxDocs[i].getSpecVersion().equals(docVer1)) {
this.spdxVersionsEqual = false;
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private void compareDocumentComments() throws SpdxCompareException {
String comment1 = this.spdxDocs[0].getComment();
this.documentCommentsEqual = true;
for (int i = 1; i < spdxDocs.length; i++) {
String comment2 = this.spdxDocs[i].getComment();
if (!stringsEqual(comment1, comment2)) {
this.documentCommentsEqual = false;
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private void compareDataLicense() throws SpdxCompareException {
try {
AnyLicenseInfo lic1 = this.spdxDocs[0].getDataLicense();
this.dataLicenseEqual = true;
for (int i = 1; i < spdxDocs.length; i++) {
if (!lic1.equals(spdxDocs[i].getDataLicense())) {
this.dataLicenseEqual = false;
} catch (InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e) {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("SPDX analysis error during compare data license: "+e.getMessage(),e));
* Compares the extracted license infos in all documents and builds the
* maps for translating IDs as well as capturing any differences between the
* extracted licensing information
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private void compareExtractedLicenseInfos() throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException, SpdxCompareException {
for (int i = 0; i < spdxDocs.length; i++) {
ExtractedLicenseInfo[] extractedLicensesA = spdxDocs[i].getExtractedLicenseInfos();
Map uniqueMap = Maps.newHashMap();
Map differenceMap = Maps.newHashMap();
Map> licenseIdMap = Maps.newHashMap();
for (int j = 0; j < spdxDocs.length; j++) {
if (i == j) {
continue; // no need to compare to ourself;
Map idMap = Maps.newHashMap();
List alDifferences = Lists.newArrayList();
ExtractedLicenseInfo[] extractedLicensesB = spdxDocs[j].getExtractedLicenseInfos();
List uniqueLicenses = Lists.newArrayList();
compareLicenses(extractedLicensesA, extractedLicensesB,
idMap, alDifferences, uniqueLicenses);
// unique
if (uniqueLicenses.size() > 0) {
uniqueMap.put(spdxDocs[j], uniqueLicenses.toArray(
new ExtractedLicenseInfo[uniqueLicenses.size()]));
// differences
if (alDifferences.size() > 0) {
differenceMap.put(spdxDocs[j], alDifferences.toArray(
new SpdxLicenseDifference[alDifferences.size()]));
// map
licenseIdMap.put(spdxDocs[j], idMap);
if (uniqueMap.keySet().size() > 0) {
this.uniqueExtractedLicenses.put(spdxDocs[i], uniqueMap);
if (differenceMap.keySet().size() > 0) {
this.licenseDifferences.put(spdxDocs[i], differenceMap);
this.extractedLicenseIdMap.put(spdxDocs[i], licenseIdMap);
if (!_isExtractedLicensingInfoEqualsNoCheck()) {
this.differenceFound = true;
* Compares two arrays of non standard licenses
* @param extractedLicensesA
* @param extractedLicensesB
* @param idMap Map of license IDs for licenses considered equal
* @param alDifferences Array list of license differences found where the license text is equivalent but other properties are different
* @param uniqueLicenses ArrayList if licenses found in the A but not found in B
private void compareLicenses(ExtractedLicenseInfo[] extractedLicensesA,
ExtractedLicenseInfo[] extractedLicensesB,
Map idMap,
List alDifferences,
List uniqueLicenses) {
for (int k = 0; k < extractedLicensesA.length; k++) {
boolean foundMatch = false;
boolean foundTextMatch = false;
for (int q = 0; q < extractedLicensesB.length; q++) {
if (LicenseCompareHelper.isLicenseTextEquivalent(extractedLicensesA[k].getExtractedText(),
extractedLicensesB[q].getExtractedText())) {
foundTextMatch = true;
if (!foundMatch) {
idMap.put(extractedLicensesA[k].getLicenseId(), extractedLicensesB[q].getLicenseId());
// always add to the map any matching licenses. If more than one, add
// the license matches where the entire license match. This condition checks
// to make sure we are not over-writing an exact match
if (nonTextLicenseFieldsEqual(extractedLicensesA[k], extractedLicensesB[q])) {
foundMatch = true;
} else {
alDifferences.add(new SpdxLicenseDifference(extractedLicensesA[k], extractedLicensesB[q]));
if (!foundTextMatch) { // we treat the licenses as equivalent if the text matches even if other fields do not match
* Compares the non-license text and non-id fields and returns true
* if all relevant fields are equal
* @param spdxNonStandardLicenseA
* @param spdxNonStandardLicenseB
* @return
private boolean nonTextLicenseFieldsEqual(
ExtractedLicenseInfo spdxNonStandardLicenseA,
ExtractedLicenseInfo spdxNonStandardLicenseB) {
// license name
if (!stringsEqual(spdxNonStandardLicenseA.getName(),
spdxNonStandardLicenseB.getName())) {
return false;
// comment;
if (!stringsEqual(spdxNonStandardLicenseA.getComment(),
spdxNonStandardLicenseB.getComment())) {
return false;
// Source URL's
if (!stringArraysEqual(spdxNonStandardLicenseA.getSeeAlso(), spdxNonStandardLicenseB.getSeeAlso())) {
return false;
// if we made it here, everything is equal
return true;
* Compares 2 arrays and returns true if the contents are equal
* ignoring order and trimming strings. Nulls are also considered as equal to other nulls.
* @param stringsA
* @param stringsB
* @return
static boolean stringArraysEqual(String[] stringsA, String[] stringsB) {
if (stringsA == null) {
if (stringsB != null) {
return false;
} else {
if (stringsB == null) {
return false;
if (stringsA.length != stringsB.length) {
return false;
Set foundIndexes = Sets.newHashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < stringsA.length; i++) {
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < stringsB.length; j++) {
if (!foundIndexes.contains(j) &&
stringsEqual(stringsA[i], stringsB[j])) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return false;
return true;
* returns true if the two objects are equal considering nulls
* @param o1
* @param o2
* @return
public static boolean objectsEqual(Object o1, Object o2) {
if (o1 == null) {
return o2 == null;
return o1.equals(o2);
public static boolean elementsEquivalent(RdfModelObject elementA, RdfModelObject elementB) {
if (elementA == null) {
return elementB == null;
return elementA.equivalent(elementB);
* Compare two object arrays
* @param a1
* @param a2
* @return
public static boolean arraysEqual(Object[] a1, Object[] a2) {
if (a1 == null) {
if (a2 != null) {
return false;
} else {
if (a2 == null) {
return false;
if (a1.length != a2.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) {
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < a2.length; j++) {
if (objectsEqual(a1[i], a2[j])) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return false;
return true;
* Compares two strings returning true if they are equal
* considering null values and trimming the strings. and normalizing
* linefeeds. Empty strings are treated as the same as null values.
* @param stringA
* @param stringB
* @return
public static boolean stringsEqual(String stringA, String stringB) {
String compA;
String compB;
if (stringA == null) {
compA = "";
} else {
compA = stringA.replace("\r\n", "\n").trim();
if (stringB == null) {
compB = "";
} else {
compB = stringB.replace("\r\n", "\n").trim();
return (compA.equals(compB));
* Compares two strings including trimming the string and taking into account
* they may be null. Null is considered a smaller value
* @param stringA
* @param stringB
* @return
public static int compareStrings(String stringA, String stringB) {
if (stringA == null) {
if (stringB == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
if (stringB == null) {
return 1;
return (stringA.trim().compareTo(stringB.trim()));
* Compares the reviewers for all documents and creates the differences hasmaps related
* to the reviewers
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private void compareReviewers() throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException, SpdxCompareException {
// this will be a N x N comparison of all reviewer data to fill in the
// hashmaps uniqueReviews
for (int i = 0; i < spdxDocs.length; i++) {
SPDXReview[] reviewA = spdxDocs[i].getReviewers();
Map uniqueAMap = uniqueReviews.get(spdxDocs[i]);
if (uniqueAMap == null) {
uniqueAMap = Maps.newHashMap();
// We will put this into the hashmap at the end of this method if it is not empty
Map diffMap = this.reviewerDifferences.get(this.spdxDocs[i]);
if (diffMap == null) {
diffMap = Maps.newHashMap();
// We will put this into the hashmap at the end of this method if it is not empty
for (int j = 0; j < spdxDocs.length; j++) {
if (j == i) {
continue; // skip comparing to ourself
SPDXReview[] reviewB = spdxDocs[j].getReviewers();
// find any reviewers in A that are not in B
SPDXReview[] uniqueA = findUniqueReviewers(reviewA, reviewB);
if (uniqueA != null && uniqueA.length > 0) {
uniqueAMap.put(spdxDocs[j], uniqueA);
//Find any reviewers that are the same reviewer but have different dates or comments
SPDXReviewDifference[] reviewerDifferences = findReviewerDifferences(reviewA, reviewB);
if (reviewerDifferences != null && reviewerDifferences.length > 0) {
diffMap.put(this.spdxDocs[j], reviewerDifferences);
if (uniqueAMap.keySet().size() > 0) {
this.uniqueReviews.put(spdxDocs[i], uniqueAMap);
if (diffMap.keySet().size() > 0) {
this.reviewerDifferences.put(this.spdxDocs[i], diffMap);
if (!this._isReviewersEqualNoCheck()) {
this.differenceFound = true;
* Compares two arrays of SPDXReview and returns any differences found
* A difference is an SPDXReview with the same reviewer but a different comment and date
* @param reviewA
* @param reviewB
* @return
private SPDXReviewDifference[] findReviewerDifferences(
SPDXReview[] reviewA, SPDXReview[] reviewB) {
//Note that we need to take into account the possibility of two SPDXReviews in the
//same array with the same reviewer name
List retval = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < reviewA.length; i++) {
boolean reviewDifferent = false;
int differentReviewerIndex = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < reviewB.length; j++) {
if (reviewA[i].getReviewer().trim().equals(reviewB[j].getReviewer().trim())) {
// reviewer name is the same
boolean commentsEqual = reviewA[i].getComment().trim().equals(reviewB[j].getComment().trim());
boolean datesEqual = reviewA[i].getReviewDate().equals(reviewB[j].getReviewDate());
if (commentsEqual && datesEqual) {
reviewDifferent = false; // note that we may have a situation where a previous
// entry was found with the same reviewer name and a different comment/date
// in that situation, we should report no difference since a matching entry was found
} else {
reviewDifferent = true;
differentReviewerIndex = j;
if (reviewDifferent) {
retval.add(new SPDXReviewDifference(reviewA[i], reviewB[differentReviewerIndex]));
return retval.toArray(new SPDXReviewDifference[retval.size()]);
* Finds any reviewer names that are contained in reviewA but not in reviewB
* @param reviewA
* @param reviewB
* @return
private SPDXReview[] findUniqueReviewers(SPDXReview[] reviewA,
SPDXReview[] reviewB) {
List retval = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < reviewA.length; i++) {
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < reviewB.length; j++) {
if (reviewA[i].getReviewer().trim().equals(reviewB[j].getReviewer().trim())) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return retval.toArray(new SPDXReview[retval.size()]);
private void clearCompareResults() {
this.differenceFound = false;
* @return
public boolean isDifferenceFound() {
return this.differenceFound;
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public boolean isSpdxVersionEqual() throws SpdxCompareException {
return this.spdxVersionsEqual;
* checks to make sure there is not a compare in progress
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private void checkInProgress() throws SpdxCompareException {
if (compareInProgress) {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("Compare in progress - can not obtain compare results until compare has completed"));
* Validates that the spdx dcouments field has been initialized
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private void checkDocsField() throws SpdxCompareException {
if (this.spdxDocs == null) {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("No compare has been performed"));
if (this.spdxDocs.length < 2) {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("Insufficient documents compared - must provide at least 2 SPDX documents"));
private void checkDocsIndex(int index) throws SpdxCompareException {
if (this.spdxDocs == null) {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("No compare has been performed"));
if (index < 0) {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("Invalid index for SPDX document compare - must be greater than or equal to zero"));
if (index >= spdxDocs.length) {
throw(new SpdxCompareException("Invalid index for SPDX document compare - SPDX document index "+String.valueOf(index)+" does not exist."));
* @param docIndex Reference to which document number - 0 is the first document parameter in compare
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public SpdxDocument getSpdxDoc(int docIndex) throws SpdxCompareException {
if (this.spdxDocs == null) {
return null;
if (docIndex < 0) {
return null;
if (docIndex > this.spdxDocs.length) {
return null;
return this.spdxDocs[docIndex];
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public boolean isDataLicenseEqual() throws SpdxCompareException {
return this.dataLicenseEqual;
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public boolean isDocumentCommentsEqual() throws SpdxCompareException {
return this.documentCommentsEqual;
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public boolean isReviewersEqual() throws SpdxCompareException {
return _isReviewersEqualNoCheck();
* @return
private boolean _isReviewersEqualNoCheck() {
// check for unique reviewers
Iterator>> uniqueIter =
while (uniqueIter.hasNext()) {
Entry > entry =;
Iterator> entryIter = entry.getValue().entrySet().iterator();
while (entryIter.hasNext()) {
SPDXReview[] val =;
if (val != null && val.length > 0) {
return false;
// check differences
Iterator>> diffIter = this.reviewerDifferences.entrySet().iterator();
while (diffIter.hasNext()) {
Iterator> entryIter =;
while(entryIter.hasNext()) {
SPDXReviewDifference[] reviewDifferences =;
if (reviewDifferences != null && reviewDifferences.length > 0) {
return false;
// if we got to here - they are equal
return true;
private boolean _isExternalDcoumentRefsEqualsNoCheck() {
Iterator>> iter = this.uniqueExternalDocumentRefs.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Iterator docIterator =;
while (docIterator.hasNext()) {
if ( > 0) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean isExternalDcoumentRefsEquals() throws SpdxCompareException {
return _isExternalDcoumentRefsEqualsNoCheck();
public boolean isExtractedLicensingInfosEqual() throws SpdxCompareException {
return _isExtractedLicensingInfoEqualsNoCheck();
* @return
private boolean _isExtractedLicensingInfoEqualsNoCheck() {
// check for unique extraced license infos
Iterator>> uniqueIter =
while (uniqueIter.hasNext()) {
Entry> entry =;
Iterator> entryIter = entry.getValue().entrySet().iterator();
while(entryIter.hasNext()) {
ExtractedLicenseInfo[] licenses =;
if (licenses != null && licenses.length > 0) {
return false;
// check differences
Iterator>> diffIterator = this.licenseDifferences.entrySet().iterator();
while (diffIterator.hasNext()) {
Iterator> entryIter =;
while (entryIter.hasNext()) {
SpdxLicenseDifference[] differences =;
if (differences != null && differences.length > 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Get all unique reviewers in SPDX document at index 1 relative to reviewers
* in SPDX Document at index 2
* @param docindex1
* @param docindex2
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public SPDXReview[] getUniqueReviewers(int docindex1, int docindex2) throws SpdxCompareException {
Map uniques = this.uniqueReviews.get(spdxDocs[docindex1]);
if (uniques != null) {
SPDXReview[] retval = uniques.get(spdxDocs[docindex2]);
if (retval != null) {
return retval;
} else {
return new SPDXReview[0];
} else {
return new SPDXReview[0];
* Get all reviewer differences between two documents. A reviewer difference is
* where the reviewer name is the same but the reviewer date and/or the reviewer comment
* is different
* @param docindex1
* @param docindex2
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public SPDXReviewDifference[] getReviewerDifferences(int docindex1, int docindex2) throws SpdxCompareException {
Map doc1Differences =
if (doc1Differences == null) {
return new SPDXReviewDifference[0];
SPDXReviewDifference[] retval = doc1Differences.get(spdxDocs[docindex2]);
if (retval == null) {
return new SPDXReviewDifference[0];
return retval;
* Retrieves any unique extracted licenses fromt the first SPDX document index
* relative to the second - unique is determined by the license text matching
* @param docIndexA
* @param docIndexB
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public ExtractedLicenseInfo[] getUniqueExtractedLicenses(int docIndexA, int docIndexB) throws SpdxCompareException {
Map uniques = this.uniqueExtractedLicenses.get(spdxDocs[docIndexA]);
if (uniques != null) {
ExtractedLicenseInfo[] retval = uniques.get(spdxDocs[docIndexB]);
if (retval != null) {
return retval;
} else {
return new ExtractedLicenseInfo[0];
} else {
return new ExtractedLicenseInfo[0];
* Retrieves any licenses which where the text matches in both documents but
* other fields are different
* @param docIndexA
* @param docIndexB
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public SpdxLicenseDifference[] getExtractedLicenseDifferences(int docIndexA, int docIndexB) throws SpdxCompareException {
Map differences = this.licenseDifferences.get(spdxDocs[docIndexA]);
if (differences != null) {
SpdxLicenseDifference[] retval = differences.get(spdxDocs[docIndexB]);
if (retval != null) {
return retval;
} else {
return new SpdxLicenseDifference[0];
} else {
return new SpdxLicenseDifference[0];
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public boolean isCreatorInformationEqual() throws SpdxCompareException {
return this.creatorInformationEquals;
* Returns any creators which are in the SPDX document 1 which are not in document 2
* @param doc1index
* @param doc2index
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public String[] getUniqueCreators(int doc1index, int doc2index) throws SpdxCompareException {
Map uniques = this.uniqueCreators.get(this.getSpdxDoc(doc1index));
if (uniques == null) {
return new String[0];
String[] retval = uniques.get(this.getSpdxDoc(doc2index));
if (retval == null) {
return new String[0];
} else {
return retval;
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public boolean isfilesEquals() throws SpdxCompareException {
return this._isFilesEqualsNoCheck();
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public boolean isPackagesEquals() throws SpdxCompareException {
return this._isPackagesEqualsNoCheck();
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public boolean isDocumentAnnotationsEquals() throws SpdxCompareException {
return _isDocumentAnnotationsEqualsNoCheck();
* @return
private boolean _isDocumentAnnotationsEqualsNoCheck() {
Iterator>> iter = this.uniqueDocumentAnnotations.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Iterator docIterator =;
while (docIterator.hasNext()) {
if ( > 0) {
return false;
return true;
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public boolean isDocumentRelationshipsEquals() throws SpdxCompareException {
return _isDocumentRelationshipsEqualsNoCheck();
* @return
private boolean _isDocumentRelationshipsEqualsNoCheck() {
Iterator>> iter = this.uniqueDocumentRelationships.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Iterator docIterator =;
while (docIterator.hasNext()) {
if ( > 0) {
return false;
return true;
* @return
private boolean _isFilesEqualsNoCheck() {
if (!this.uniqueFiles.isEmpty()) {
return false;
if (!this.fileDifferences.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return true;
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private boolean _isPackagesEqualsNoCheck() throws SpdxCompareException {
Iterator>> iter = this.uniquePackages.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Iterator docIterator =;
while (docIterator.hasNext()) {
if ( > 0) {
return false;
Iterator diffIter = this.packageComparers.values().iterator();
while (diffIter.hasNext()) {
if ( {
return false;
return true;
* Return any files which are in spdx document index 1 but not in spdx document index 2
* @param docindex1
* @param docindex2
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public SpdxFile[] getUniqueFiles(int docindex1, int docindex2) throws SpdxCompareException {
Map uniqueMap = this.uniqueFiles.get(this.spdxDocs[docindex1]);
if (uniqueMap == null) {
return new SpdxFile[0];
SpdxFile[] retval = uniqueMap.get(this.spdxDocs[docindex2]);
if (retval == null) {
return new SpdxFile[0];
return retval;
* Returns any file differences found between the first and second SPDX documents
* as specified by the document index
* @param docindex1
* @param docindex2
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public SpdxFileDifference[] getFileDifferences(int docindex1, int docindex2) throws SpdxCompareException {
Map uniqueMap = this.fileDifferences.get(this.spdxDocs[docindex1]);
if (uniqueMap == null) {
return new SpdxFileDifference[0];
SpdxFileDifference[] retval = uniqueMap.get(this.spdxDocs[docindex2]);
if (retval == null) {
return new SpdxFileDifference[0];
return retval;
* Return any files which are in spdx document index 1 but not in spdx document index 2
* @param docindex1
* @param docindex2
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public SpdxPackage[] getUniquePackages(int docindex1, int docindex2) throws SpdxCompareException {
Map uniqueMap = this.uniquePackages.get(this.spdxDocs[docindex1]);
if (uniqueMap == null) {
return new SpdxPackage[0];
SpdxPackage[] retval = uniqueMap.get(this.spdxDocs[docindex2]);
if (retval == null) {
return new SpdxPackage[0];
return retval;
* Return any external document references which are in spdx document index 1 but not in spdx document index 2
* @param docindex1
* @param docindex2
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public ExternalDocumentRef[] getUniqueExternalDocumentRefs(int docindex1, int docindex2) throws SpdxCompareException {
Map uniqueMap = this.uniqueExternalDocumentRefs.get(this.spdxDocs[docindex1]);
if (uniqueMap == null) {
return new ExternalDocumentRef[0];
ExternalDocumentRef[] retval = uniqueMap.get(this.spdxDocs[docindex2]);
if (retval == null) {
return new ExternalDocumentRef[0];
return retval;
* Return any document annotations which are in spdx document index 1 but not in spdx document index 2
* @param docindex1
* @param docindex2
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public Annotation[] getUniqueDocumentAnnotations(int docindex1, int docindex2) throws SpdxCompareException {
Map uniqueMap = this.uniqueDocumentAnnotations.get(this.spdxDocs[docindex1]);
if (uniqueMap == null) {
return new Annotation[0];
Annotation[] retval = uniqueMap.get(this.spdxDocs[docindex2]);
if (retval == null) {
return new Annotation[0];
return retval;
* Return any document annotations which are in spdx document index 1 but not in spdx document index 2
* @param docindex1
* @param docindex2
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public Relationship[] getUniqueDocumentRelationship(int docindex1, int docindex2) throws SpdxCompareException {
Map uniqueMap = this.uniqueDocumentRelationships.get(this.spdxDocs[docindex1]);
if (uniqueMap == null) {
return new Relationship[0];
Relationship[] retval = uniqueMap.get(this.spdxDocs[docindex2]);
if (retval == null) {
return new Relationship[0];
return retval;
* @return Package comparers where there is at least one difference
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public SpdxPackageComparer[] getPackageDifferences() throws SpdxCompareException {
Collection comparers = this.packageComparers.values();
Iterator iter = comparers.iterator();
int count = 0;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
if ( {
SpdxPackageComparer[] retval = new SpdxPackageComparer[count];
iter = comparers.iterator();
int i = 0;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
SpdxPackageComparer comparer =;
if (comparer.isDifferenceFound()) {
retval[i++] = comparer;
return retval;
* @return all package comparers
public SpdxPackageComparer[] getPackageComparers() {
return this.packageComparers.values().toArray(
new SpdxPackageComparer[this.packageComparers.values().size()]);
* @return
public int getNumSpdxDocs() {
return this.spdxDocs.length;
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public boolean isLicenseListVersionEqual() throws SpdxCompareException {
return this.licenseListVersionEquals;
* Find any SPDX checksums which are in elementsA but not in elementsB
* @param checksumsA
* @param checksumsB
* @return
public static Checksum[] findUniqueChecksums(Checksum[] checksumsA,
Checksum[] checksumsB) {
List retval = Lists.newArrayList();
if (checksumsA != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < checksumsA.length; i++) {
if (checksumsA[i] == null) {
boolean found = false;
if (checksumsB != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < checksumsB.length; j++) {
if (checksumsA[i].equivalent(checksumsB[j])) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return retval.toArray(new Checksum[retval.size()]);
* Find any SPDX annotations which are in annotationsA but not in annotationsB
* @param annotationsA
* @param annotationsB
* @return
public static Annotation[] findUniqueAnnotations(Annotation[] annotationsA,
Annotation[] annotationsB) {
List retval = Lists.newArrayList();
if (annotationsA != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < annotationsA.length; i++) {
if (annotationsA[i] == null) {
boolean found = false;
if (annotationsB != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < annotationsB.length; j++) {
if (annotationsA[i].equivalent(annotationsB[j])) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return retval.toArray(new Annotation[retval.size()]);
* Returns true if two arrays of SPDX elements contain equivalent elements
* @param elementsA
* @param elementsB
* @return
public static boolean elementsEquivalent(RdfModelObject[] elementsA,
RdfModelObject[] elementsB) {
if (elementsA == null) {
return elementsB == null;
if (elementsB == null) {
return false;
if (elementsA.length != elementsB.length) {
return false;
Set matchedIndexes = Sets.newHashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < elementsA.length; i++) {
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < elementsB.length; j++) {
if (!matchedIndexes.contains(j) &&
elementsA[i].equivalent(elementsB[j])) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return false;
return true;
* Find unique relationships that are present in relationshipsA but not relationshipsB
* @param relationshipsA
* @param relationshipsB
* @return
public static Relationship[] findUniqueRelationships(
Relationship[] relationshipsA, Relationship[] relationshipsB) {
List retval = Lists.newArrayList();
if (relationshipsA == null) {
return new Relationship[0];
for (int i = 0; i < relationshipsA.length; i++) {
if (relationshipsA[i] == null) {
boolean found = false;
if (relationshipsB != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < relationshipsB.length; j++) {
if (relationshipsA[i].equivalent(relationshipsB[j])) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return retval.toArray(new Relationship[retval.size()]);
* Find unique relationships that are present in relationshipsA but not relationshipsB
* @param externalDocRefsA
* @param externalDocRefsB
* @return
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public static ExternalDocumentRef[] findUniqueExternalDocumentRefs(
ExternalDocumentRef[] externalDocRefsA, ExternalDocumentRef[] externalDocRefsB) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
List retval = Lists.newArrayList();
if (externalDocRefsA == null) {
return new ExternalDocumentRef[0];
for (int i = 0; i < externalDocRefsA.length; i++) {
if (externalDocRefsA[i] == null) {
boolean found = false;
if (externalDocRefsB != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < externalDocRefsB.length; j++) {
if (compareStrings(externalDocRefsA[i].getSpdxDocumentNamespace(),
externalDocRefsB[j].getSpdxDocumentNamespace()) == 0 &&
externalDocRefsB[j].getChecksum())) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return retval.toArray(new ExternalDocumentRef[retval.size()]);
* @return
public SpdxDocument[] getSpdxDocuments() {
return this.spdxDocs;
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public boolean isDocumentContentsEquals() throws SpdxCompareException {
return this.documentContentsEquals;
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
public boolean isSnippetsEqual() throws SpdxCompareException {
return this._isSnippetsEqualsNoCheck();
* @return
* @throws SpdxCompareException
private boolean _isSnippetsEqualsNoCheck() throws SpdxCompareException {
Iterator>> iter = this.uniqueSnippets.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Iterator docIterator =;
while (docIterator.hasNext()) {
if ( > 0) {
return false;
Iterator diffIter = this.snippetComparers.values().iterator();
while (diffIter.hasNext()) {
if ( {
return false;
return true;
* @return all snippet comparers
public SpdxSnippetComparer[] getSnippetComparers() {
return this.snippetComparers.values().toArray(
new SpdxSnippetComparer[this.snippetComparers.values().size()]);
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