org.spdx.rdfparser.SPDXFile Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2011 Source Auditor Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.spdx.rdfparser;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node;
import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Property;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
import org.apache.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.license.AnyLicenseInfo;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.license.DuplicateExtractedLicenseIdException;
import org.spdx.rdfparser.license.LicenseInfoFactory;
* Contains and SPDXFile object and updates the RDF model.
* This class is for compatibility with the 1.2 version of the SPDX library
* and is no longer used for version 2.0 and above.
* @author Gary O'Neall
public class SPDXFile implements Comparable, Cloneable {
static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SPDXFile.class.getName());
IModelContainer modelContainer;
private Model model = null;
private Resource resource = null;
private String name;
private AnyLicenseInfo concludedLicenses;
private SPDXChecksum sha1;
private String type;
private AnyLicenseInfo[] seenLicenses;
private String licenseComments;
private String copyright;
private DOAPProject[] artifactOf;
private String comment = null;
private SPDXFile[] fileDependencies;
private String[] contributors;
private String noticeText;
public static final Map FILE_TYPE_TO_RESOURCE = Maps.newHashMap();
public static final Map RESOURCE_TO_FILE_TYPE = Maps.newHashMap();
static {
SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE + SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_TYPE_SOURCE);
SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE + SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_TYPE_BINARY);
SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE + SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_TYPE_OTHER);
* Construct an SPDX File form the fileNode
* @param fileNode RDF Graph node representing the SPDX File
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public SPDXFile(IModelContainer modelContainer, Node fileNode) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
this.modelContainer = modelContainer;
this.model = modelContainer.getModel();
this.resource = RdfParserHelper.convertToResource(model, fileNode);
// name
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_NAME).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(fileNode, p, null);
ExtendedIterator tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =; = t.getObject().toString(false);
// checksum - sha1
p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_CHECKSUM).asNode();
m = Triple.createMatch(fileNode, p, null);
tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
this.sha1 = new SPDXChecksum(model, t.getObject());
// type
p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_TYPE).asNode();
m = Triple.createMatch(fileNode, p, null);
tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
if (t.getObject().isLiteral()) {
// the following is for compatibility with previous versions of the tool which used literals for the file type
this.type = t.getObject().toString(false);
} else if (t.getObject().isURI()) {
this.type = RESOURCE_TO_FILE_TYPE.get(t.getObject().getURI());
if (this.type == null) {
throw(new InvalidSPDXAnalysisException("Invalid URI for file type resource - must be one of the individual file types in"));
} else {
throw(new InvalidSPDXAnalysisException("Invalid file type property - must be a URI type specified in"));
// concluded License
List alLic = Lists.newArrayList();
p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_LICENSE_CONCLUDED).asNode();
m = Triple.createMatch(fileNode, p, null);
tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
alLic.add(LicenseInfoFactory.getLicenseInfoFromModel(modelContainer, t.getObject()));
if (alLic.size() > 1) {
throw(new InvalidSPDXAnalysisException("Too many concluded licenses for file"));
if (alLic.size() == 0) {
throw(new InvalidSPDXAnalysisException("Missing required concluded license"));
this.concludedLicenses = alLic.get(0);
// seenLicenses
p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_SEEN_LICENSE).asNode();
m = Triple.createMatch(fileNode, p, null);
tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
alLic.add(LicenseInfoFactory.getLicenseInfoFromModel(modelContainer, t.getObject()));
this.seenLicenses = alLic.toArray(new AnyLicenseInfo[alLic.size()]);
// fileDependencies
p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_FILE_DEPENDENCY).asNode();
m = Triple.createMatch(fileNode, p, null);
List alDependencies = Lists.newArrayList();
tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
alDependencies.add(new SPDXFile(modelContainer, t.getObject()));
this.fileDependencies = alDependencies.toArray(new SPDXFile[alDependencies.size()]);
p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_LIC_COMMENTS).asNode();
m = Triple.createMatch(fileNode, p, null);
tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
this.licenseComments = t.getObject().toString(false);
p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_COPYRIGHT).asNode();
m = Triple.createMatch(fileNode, p, null);
tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
if (t.getObject().isURI()) {
// check for standard value types
if (t.getObject().getURI().equals(SpdxRdfConstants.URI_VALUE_NOASSERTION)) {
this.copyright = SpdxRdfConstants.NOASSERTION_VALUE;
} else if (t.getObject().getURI().equals(SpdxRdfConstants.URI_VALUE_NONE)) {
this.copyright = SpdxRdfConstants.NONE_VALUE;
} else {
this.copyright = t.getObject().toString(false);
} else {
this.copyright = t.getObject().toString(false);
p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.RDFS_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.RDFS_PROP_COMMENT).asNode();
m = Triple.createMatch(fileNode, p, null);
tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
this.comment =;
// contributors
List alContributors = Lists.newArrayList();
p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_CONTRIBUTOR).asNode();
m = Triple.createMatch(fileNode, p, null);
tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
this.contributors = alContributors.toArray(new String[alContributors.size()]);
List alProjects = Lists.newArrayList();
p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_ARTIFACTOF).asNode();
m = Triple.createMatch(fileNode, p, null);
tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
alProjects.add(new DOAPProject(model, t.getObject()));
this.artifactOf = alProjects.toArray(new DOAPProject[alProjects.size()]);
// noticeText
p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_NOTICE).asNode();
m = Triple.createMatch(fileNode, p, null);
tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
this.noticeText =;
* Create a resource for this SPDX file
* @param uri URI for the file resource
* @param doc SPDX document containing the SPDX file
* @return
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public Resource createResource(SPDXDocument doc, String uri) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
this.modelContainer = doc;
Model model = doc.getModel();
Resource type = model.createResource(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE + SpdxRdfConstants.CLASS_SPDX_FILE);
Resource retval = findFileResource(model, this); // prevent duplicate files in the model
if (retval == null) {
retval = model.createResource(uri, type);
populateModel(doc, retval);
this.resource = retval;
return retval;
* Populates a Jena RDF model with the information from this file declaration
* @param licenseResource
* @param model
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
private void populateModel(SPDXDocument doc, Resource fileResource) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
Model model = doc.getModel();
// name
Property p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_NAME);
fileResource.addProperty(p, this.getName());
// sha1
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_CHECKSUM);
model.removeAll(fileResource, p, null);
if (this.sha1 != null) {
Resource cksumResource = this.sha1.getResource();
if (cksumResource == null) {
cksumResource = this.sha1.createResource(model);
fileResource.addProperty(p, cksumResource);
// type
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_TYPE);
model.removeAll(fileResource, p, null);
Resource fileTypeResource = fileTypeStringToTypeResource(this.getType(), model);
fileResource.addProperty(p, fileTypeResource);
// concludedLicenses
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_LICENSE_CONCLUDED);
model.removeAll(fileResource, p, null);
if (this.concludedLicenses != null) {
Resource lic = this.concludedLicenses.createResource(doc);
fileResource.addProperty(p, lic);
// seenLicenses
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_SEEN_LICENSE);
model.removeAll(fileResource, p, null);
if (this.seenLicenses != null && this.seenLicenses.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.seenLicenses.length; i++) {
Resource lic = this.seenLicenses[i].createResource(doc);
fileResource.addProperty(p, lic);
// fileDependencies
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_FILE_DEPENDENCY);
model.removeAll(fileResource, p, null);
if (this.fileDependencies != null && this.fileDependencies.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.fileDependencies.length; i++) {
Resource dep = this.fileDependencies[i].getResource();
if (dep == null) {
// see if the file already exists in the model - prevents creating a duplicate file
dep = findFileResource(model, this.fileDependencies[i]);
if (dep == null) { // need to add this file dependency to a resource
dep = this.fileDependencies[i].createResource(doc, doc.getDocumentNamespace() + doc.getNextSpdxElementRef());
fileResource.addProperty(p, dep);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_LIC_COMMENTS);
model.removeAll(fileResource, p, null);
if (this.licenseComments != null) {
fileResource.addProperty(p, this.getLicenseComments());
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_COPYRIGHT);
model.removeAll(fileResource, p, null);
if (this.copyright != null) {
if (copyright.equals(SpdxRdfConstants.NONE_VALUE)) {
Resource r = model.createResource(SpdxRdfConstants.URI_VALUE_NONE);
fileResource.addProperty(p, r);
} else if (copyright.equals(SpdxRdfConstants.NOASSERTION_VALUE)) {
Resource r = model.createResource(SpdxRdfConstants.URI_VALUE_NOASSERTION);
fileResource.addProperty(p, r);
} else {
fileResource.addProperty(p, this.getCopyright());
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.RDFS_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.RDFS_PROP_COMMENT);
model.removeAll(fileResource, p, null);
if (this.comment != null) {
fileResource.addProperty(p, this.comment);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_ARTIFACTOF);
model.removeAll(fileResource, p, null);
if (this.artifactOf != null) {
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_ARTIFACTOF);
for (int i = 0; i < artifactOf.length; i++) {
Resource projectResource = artifactOf[i].createResource(model);
fileResource.addProperty(p, projectResource);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_CONTRIBUTOR);
model.removeAll(fileResource, p, null);
if (this.contributors != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.contributors.length; i++) {
fileResource.addProperty(p, this.contributors[i]);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_NOTICE);
model.removeAll(fileResource, p, null);
if (this.noticeText != null) {
fileResource.addProperty(p, this.getNoticeText());
this.model = model;
this.resource = fileResource;
* Finds the resource for an existing file in the model
* @param spdxFile
* @return resource of an SPDX file with the same name and checksum. Null if none found
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
static protected Resource findFileResource(Model model, SPDXFile spdxFile) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
// find any matching file names
Node fileNameProperty = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_NAME).asNode();
Triple fileNameMatch = Triple.createMatch(null, fileNameProperty, NodeFactory.createLiteral(spdxFile.getName()));
ExtendedIterator filenameMatchIter = model.getGraph().find(fileNameMatch);
if (filenameMatchIter.hasNext()) {
Triple fileMatchTriple =;
Node fileNode = fileMatchTriple.getSubject();
// check the checksum
Node checksumProperty = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_CHECKSUM).asNode();
Triple checksumMatch = Triple.createMatch(fileNode, checksumProperty, null);
ExtendedIterator checksumMatchIterator = model.getGraph().find(checksumMatch);
if (checksumMatchIterator.hasNext()) {
Triple checksumMatchTriple =;
SPDXChecksum cksum = new SPDXChecksum(model, checksumMatchTriple.getObject());
if (cksum.getValue().compareToIgnoreCase(spdxFile.sha1.getValue()) == 0) {
return RdfParserHelper.convertToResource(model, fileNode);
// if we get to here, we did not find a match
return null;
public SPDXFile(String name, String type, String sha1,
AnyLicenseInfo concludedLicenses,
AnyLicenseInfo[] seenLicenses, String licenseComments,
String copyright, DOAPProject[] artifactOf, String comment,
SPDXFile[] fileDependencies, String[] contributors,
String noticeText) { = name;
this.type = type;
this.sha1 = new SPDXChecksum(SpdxRdfConstants.ALGORITHM_SHA1, sha1);
this.concludedLicenses = concludedLicenses;
this.seenLicenses = seenLicenses;
this.licenseComments = licenseComments;
this.copyright = copyright;
this.artifactOf = artifactOf;
this.comment = comment;
if (fileDependencies == null) {
this.fileDependencies = new SPDXFile[0];
} else {
this.fileDependencies = fileDependencies;
if (contributors == null) {
this.contributors = new String[0];
} else {
this.contributors = contributors;
this.noticeText = noticeText;
public SPDXFile(String name, String type, String sha1,
AnyLicenseInfo concludedLicenses,
AnyLicenseInfo[] seenLicenses, String licenseComments,
String copyright, DOAPProject[] artifactOf) {
this(name, type, sha1, concludedLicenses, seenLicenses,
licenseComments, copyright, artifactOf, null, null, null, null);
public SPDXFile(String name, String type, String sha1,
AnyLicenseInfo concludedLicenses,
AnyLicenseInfo[] seenLicenses, String licenseComments,
String copyright, DOAPProject[] artifactOf, String comment) {
this(name, type, sha1, concludedLicenses, seenLicenses,
licenseComments, copyright, artifactOf, comment, null, null, null);
* @return the seenLicenses
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public AnyLicenseInfo[] getSeenLicenses() {
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
try {
List alLicNode = Lists.newArrayList();
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_SEEN_LICENSE).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
ExtendedIterator tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
boolean seenLicensesMatch = (this.seenLicenses.length == alLicNode.size());
int i = 0;
while (seenLicensesMatch && i < this.seenLicenses.length) {
Resource licResource = this.seenLicenses[i++].getResource();
if (licResource == null) {
seenLicensesMatch = false;
} else {
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < alLicNode.size(); j++) {
if (alLicNode.get(j).equals(licResource.asNode())) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
seenLicensesMatch = false;
if (!seenLicensesMatch) {
this.seenLicenses = new AnyLicenseInfo[alLicNode.size()];
for (int k = 0; i < this.seenLicenses.length; k++) {
this.seenLicenses[k] = LicenseInfoFactory.getLicenseInfoFromModel(
modelContainer, alLicNode.get(k));
} catch(InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e) {
// just use the original exception
return seenLicenses;
* @param seenLicenses the seenLicenses to set
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public void setSeenLicenses(AnyLicenseInfo[] seenLicenses) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
this.seenLicenses = seenLicenses;
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Property p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_SEEN_LICENSE);
model.removeAll(this.resource, p, null);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_SEEN_LICENSE);
for (int i = 0; i < seenLicenses.length; i++) {
Resource lic;
try {
lic = seenLicenses[i].createResource(this.modelContainer);
} catch (DuplicateExtractedLicenseIdException e) {
throw(new InvalidSPDXAnalysisException("Seen licenses contains a non-standard license ID "+
" which already exists in the model with different license text:" + seenLicenses[i].toString()));
this.resource.addProperty(p, lic);
* @return the licenseComments
public String getLicenseComments() {
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_LIC_COMMENTS).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
ExtendedIterator tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
this.licenseComments = t.getObject().toString(false);
return licenseComments;
* @param licenseComments the licenseComments to set
public void setLicenseComments(String licenseComments) {
this.licenseComments = licenseComments;
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Property p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_LIC_COMMENTS);
model.removeAll(this.resource, p, null);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_LIC_COMMENTS);
this.resource.addProperty(p, this.getLicenseComments());
* @return the noticeText
public String getNoticeText() {
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_NOTICE).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
ExtendedIterator tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
this.noticeText =;
return this.noticeText;
* @param noticeTexgt the noticeText to set
public void setNoticeText(String noticeText) {
this.noticeText = noticeText;
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Property p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_NOTICE);
model.removeAll(this.resource, p, null);
if (this.noticeText != null) {
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_NOTICE);
this.resource.addProperty(p, this.getNoticeText());
public String getComment() {
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.RDFS_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.RDFS_PROP_COMMENT).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
ExtendedIterator tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
this.comment =;
return this.comment;
public void setComment(String comment) {
this.comment = comment;
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Property p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.RDFS_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.RDFS_PROP_COMMENT);
model.removeAll(this.resource, p, null);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.RDFS_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.RDFS_PROP_COMMENT);
this.resource.addProperty(p, this.comment);
* @return the copyright
public String getCopyright() {
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_COPYRIGHT).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
ExtendedIterator tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
if (t.getObject().isURI()) {
// check for standard value types
if (t.getObject().getURI().equals(SpdxRdfConstants.URI_VALUE_NOASSERTION)) {
this.copyright = SpdxRdfConstants.NOASSERTION_VALUE;
} else if (t.getObject().getURI().equals(SpdxRdfConstants.URI_VALUE_NONE)) {
this.copyright = SpdxRdfConstants.NONE_VALUE;
} else {
this.copyright = t.getObject().toString(false);
} else {
this.copyright = t.getObject().toString(false);
return copyright;
* @param copyright the copyright to set
public void setCopyright(String copyright) {
this.copyright = copyright;
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Property p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_COPYRIGHT);
model.removeAll(this.resource, p, null);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_COPYRIGHT);
if (copyright.equals(SpdxRdfConstants.NONE_VALUE)) {
Resource r = model.createResource(SpdxRdfConstants.URI_VALUE_NONE);
this.resource.addProperty(p, r);
} else if (copyright.equals(SpdxRdfConstants.NOASSERTION_VALUE)) {
Resource r = model.createResource(SpdxRdfConstants.URI_VALUE_NOASSERTION);
this.resource.addProperty(p, r);
} else {
this.resource.addProperty(p, this.getCopyright());
* @return the name
public String getName() {
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_NAME).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
ExtendedIterator tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =; = t.getObject().toString(false);
* @param name the name to set
public void setName(String name) { = name;
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Property p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_NAME);
model.removeAll(this.resource, p, null);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_NAME);
this.resource.addProperty(p, this.getName());
* @return the fileLicenses
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public AnyLicenseInfo getConcludedLicenses() {
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
try {
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_LICENSE_CONCLUDED).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
ExtendedIterator tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
Triple t = null;
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
t =;
if (this.concludedLicenses != null &&
t.getObject().equals(this.concludedLicenses.getResource().asNode())) {
if (this.concludedLicenses == null ||
!t.getObject().equals(this.concludedLicenses.getResource().asNode())) {
this.concludedLicenses = LicenseInfoFactory.getLicenseInfoFromModel(modelContainer, t.getObject());
} catch(InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e) {
// just use the original property
return this.concludedLicenses;
* @param fileLicenses the fileLicenses to set
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public void setConcludedLicenses(AnyLicenseInfo fileLicenses) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
this.concludedLicenses = fileLicenses;
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Property p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_LICENSE_CONCLUDED);
model.removeAll(this.resource, p, null);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_LICENSE_CONCLUDED);
Resource lic = null;
try {
lic = fileLicenses.createResource(this.modelContainer);
} catch (DuplicateExtractedLicenseIdException e) {
throw(new InvalidSPDXAnalysisException("Concluded licenses contains a non-standard license with inconsistent text with " +
" an existing license: "+fileLicenses.toString()));
this.resource.addProperty(p, lic);
* @return the sha1
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public String getSha1() {
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
try {
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_CHECKSUM).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
ExtendedIterator tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
Triple t = null;
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
t =;
if (this.sha1 != null && nodesEquals(this.sha1.getResource().asNode(), t.getObject())) {
if (this.sha1 == null || !nodesEquals(this.sha1.getResource().asNode(), t.getObject())) {
this.sha1 = new SPDXChecksum(model, t.getObject());
} catch (InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e) {
// just use the original sha1
return this.sha1.getValue();
private boolean nodesEquals(Node n1, Node n2) {
return n1.equals(n2);
* @param sha1 the sha1 to set
public void setSha1(String sha1) {
this.sha1 = new SPDXChecksum(SpdxRdfConstants.ALGORITHM_SHA1, sha1);
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Property p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_CHECKSUM);
model.removeAll(this.resource, p, null);
Resource cksumResource = this.sha1.createResource(model);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_CHECKSUM);
this.resource.addProperty(p, cksumResource);
* @return the type
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public String getType() {
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
try {
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_TYPE).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
ExtendedIterator tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
if (t.getObject().isLiteral()) {
// the following is for compatibility with previous versions of the tool which used literals for the file type
this.type = t.getObject().toString(false);
} else if (t.getObject().isURI()) {
this.type = RESOURCE_TO_FILE_TYPE.get(t.getObject().getURI());
if (this.type == null) {
throw(new InvalidSPDXAnalysisException("Invalid URI for file type resource - must be one of the individual file types in"));
} else {
throw(new InvalidSPDXAnalysisException("Invalid file type property - must be a URI type specified in"));
}catch(InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e) {
// just use the original
return this.type;
* @param type the type to set
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public void setType(String type) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
this.type = type;
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Resource typeResource = fileTypeStringToTypeResource(type, this.model);
Property p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_TYPE);
model.removeAll(this.resource, p, null);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_TYPE);
this.resource.addProperty(p, typeResource);
* Converts a string file type to an RDF resource
* @param fileType
* @return
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public static Resource fileTypeStringToTypeResource(String fileType, Model model) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
String resourceUri = FILE_TYPE_TO_RESOURCE.get(fileType);
if (resourceUri == null) {
// not sure if we want to throw an exception here or just set to "Other"
throw(new InvalidSPDXAnalysisException("Invalid file type: "+fileType));
//resourceUri = SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_TYPE_OTHER;
Resource retval = model.createResource(resourceUri);
return retval;
public static String fileTypeResourceToString(Resource fileTypeResource) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
if (!fileTypeResource.isURIResource()) {
throw(new InvalidSPDXAnalysisException("File type resource must be a URI."));
String retval = fileTypeResource.getURI();
if (retval == null) {
throw(new InvalidSPDXAnalysisException("Not a recognized file type for an SPDX document."));
return retval;
* @return the artifactOf
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public DOAPProject[] getArtifactOf() {
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
try {
List alProjectNodes = Lists.newArrayList();
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_ARTIFACTOF).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
ExtendedIterator tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
List alProjects = Lists.newArrayList();
boolean projectsDifferent = this.artifactOf.length != alProjectNodes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < this.artifactOf.length; i++) {
Resource projectResource = this.artifactOf[i].getResource();
if (projectResource == null) {
projectsDifferent = true;
} else {
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < alProjectNodes.size(); j++) {
if (alProjectNodes.get(j).equals(projectResource.asNode())) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
projectsDifferent = true;
if (projectsDifferent) {
for(int i = 0; i < alProjectNodes.size(); i++) {
alProjects.add(new DOAPProject(model, alProjectNodes.get(i)));
this.artifactOf = alProjects.toArray(new DOAPProject[alProjects.size()]);
} catch (InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e) {
// just use the original artifactOf
return artifactOf;
* @param artifactOf the artifactOf to set
public void setArtifactOf(DOAPProject[] artifactOf) {
this.artifactOf = artifactOf;
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null && != null) {
Property p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_ARTIFACTOF);
model.removeAll(this.resource, p, null);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_ARTIFACTOF);
for (int i = 0; i < artifactOf.length; i++) {
// we need to check on these if it already exists
Resource projectResource = null;
String uri = artifactOf[i].getProjectUri();
if (uri != null && !uri.isEmpty() && !uri.equals(DOAPProject.UNKNOWN_URI)) {
projectResource = model.createResource(uri);
} else {
projectResource = artifactOf[i].createResource(model);
this.resource.addProperty(p, projectResource);
* @return
public List verify() {
List retval = Lists.newArrayList();
// fileName
String fileName = this.getName();
if (fileName == null || fileName.isEmpty()) {
retval.add("Missing required name for file");
fileName = "UNKNOWN";
// fileType
String fileType = this.getType();
if (fileType == null || fileType.isEmpty()) {
retval.add("Missing required file type");
} else {
String verifyFileType = SpdxVerificationHelper.verifyFileType(fileType);
if (verifyFileType != null) {
retval.add(verifyFileType + "; File - "+fileName);
// copyrightText
String copyrightText = this.getCopyright();
if (copyrightText == null || copyrightText.isEmpty()) {
retval.add("Missing required copyright text for file "+fileName);
// contributors - nothing to verify
// license comments - invoked for processing
// license concluded
AnyLicenseInfo concludedLicense = this.getConcludedLicenses();
if (concludedLicense == null) {
retval.add("Missing required concluded license for file "+fileName);
} else {
// license info in files
AnyLicenseInfo[] licenseInfosInFile = this.getSeenLicenses();
if (licenseInfosInFile == null || licenseInfosInFile.length == 0) {
retval.add("Missing required license information in file for file "+fileName);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < licenseInfosInFile.length; i++) {
// fileDependencies
if (fileDependencies != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < fileDependencies.length; i++) {
List verifyFileDependency = fileDependencies[i].verify();
for (int j = 0; j < verifyFileDependency.size(); j++) {
retval.add("Invalid file dependency for file named "+
fileDependencies[i].getName()+": "+verifyFileDependency.get(j));
// checksum
String checksum = this.getSha1();
if (checksum == null || checksum.isEmpty()) {
retval.add("Missing required checksum for file "+fileName);
} else {
String verify = SpdxVerificationHelper.verifyChecksumString(checksum);
if (verify != null) {
retval.add(verify + "; file "+fileName);
// artifactOf
DOAPProject[] projects = this.getArtifactOf();
if (projects != null) {
for (int i = 0;i < projects.length; i++) {
// comment - verify there are not more than one
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.RDFS_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.RDFS_PROP_COMMENT).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
ExtendedIterator tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
int count = 0;
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {;
if (count > 1) {
retval.add("More than one file comment for file ";
// noticeText - verify there are not more than one
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_NOTICE).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
ExtendedIterator tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
int count = 0;
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {;
if (count > 1) {
retval.add("More than one file notice for file ";
return retval;
* @return file dependencies
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public SPDXFile[] getFileDependencies() {
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
try {
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_FILE_DEPENDENCY).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
List alDependencyNodes = Lists.newArrayList();
ExtendedIteratortripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
boolean fileDependenciesMatch = (this.fileDependencies.length == alDependencyNodes.size());
int i = 0;
while (i < this.fileDependencies.length && fileDependenciesMatch) {
Resource fileDependencyResource = this.fileDependencies[i++].getResource();
if (fileDependencyResource == null) {
fileDependenciesMatch = false;
} else {
Node fileDependancyNode = fileDependencyResource.asNode();
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < alDependencyNodes.size(); j++) {
if (alDependencyNodes.get(j).equals(fileDependancyNode)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
fileDependenciesMatch = false;
if (!fileDependenciesMatch) {
this.fileDependencies = new SPDXFile[alDependencyNodes.size()];
for (int k = 0; k < this.fileDependencies.length; k++) {
this.fileDependencies[k] = new SPDXFile(modelContainer, alDependencyNodes.get(k));
} catch (InvalidSPDXAnalysisException e) {
// just the the original property
return this.fileDependencies;
* Set the file dependencies for this file
* @param fileDependencies
* @param doc SPDX Document containing the file dependencies
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public void setFileDependencies(SPDXFile[] fileDependencies, SPDXDocument doc) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
if (fileDependencies == null) {
this.fileDependencies = new SPDXFile[0];
} else {
this.fileDependencies = fileDependencies;
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Property p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_FILE_DEPENDENCY);
model.removeAll(this.resource, p, null);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_FILE_DEPENDENCY);
for (int i = 0; i < this.fileDependencies.length; i++) {
Resource dep = this.fileDependencies[i].getResource();
if (dep == null) {
dep = this.fileDependencies[i].createResource(doc, doc.getDocumentNamespace() + doc.getNextSpdxElementRef());
this.resource.addProperty(p, dep);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof SPDXFile)) {
return false;
SPDXFile compareFile = (SPDXFile)o;
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Resource compareFileResource = compareFile.getResource();
return resourcesEqual(this.resource, compareFileResource);
} else {
// no resource
Resource compareFileResource = compareFile.getResource();
if (compareFileResource != null) {
return false;
return super.equals(o);
public int hashCode() {
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
if (this.resource.isAnon()) {
return this.resource.getId().hashCode();
} else if (this.resource.isURIResource()) {
return this.resource.getURI().hashCode();
} else {
return this.resource.hashCode();
} else {
return super.hashCode();
* @param r1
* @param r2
* @return
private boolean resourcesEqual(Resource r1,
Resource r2) {
if (r2 == null) {
return false;
if (r1.isAnon()) {
if (!r2.isAnon()) {
return false;
return r1.getId().equals(r2.getId());
} else {
if (!r2.isURIResource()) {
return false;
return r1.getURI().equals(r2.getURI());
* @return the Jena resource if it exists in the model
protected Resource getResource() {
if (this.model == null) {
return null;
return this.resource;
* @return contributors to the file
public String[] getContributors() {
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
List alContributors = Lists.newArrayList();
Node p = model.getProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_CONTRIBUTOR).asNode();
Triple m = Triple.createMatch(this.resource.asNode(), p, null);
ExtendedIterator tripleIter = model.getGraph().find(m);
while (tripleIter.hasNext()) {
Triple t =;
this.contributors = alContributors.toArray(new String[alContributors.size()]);
return this.contributors;
* Set the contributors to the file
* @param contributors
public void setContributors(String[] contributors) {
if (contributors == null) {
this.contributors = new String[0];
} else {
this.contributors = contributors;
if (this.model != null && this.resource != null) {
Property p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_CONTRIBUTOR);
model.removeAll(this.resource, p, null);
p = model.createProperty(SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_NAMESPACE, SpdxRdfConstants.PROP_FILE_CONTRIBUTOR);
for (int i = 0; i < this.contributors.length; i++) {
this.resource.addProperty(p, this.contributors[i]);
* This method is used for sorting a list of SPDX files
* @param file SPDXFile that is compared
* @return
public int compareTo(SPDXFile file) {
return this.getName().compareTo(file.getName());
* Create a deep copy or clone of this file including all properties.
* The cloned SPDX file is created within the SPDX document using the
* provided fileUri and the SPDXDocument model is populated with all of the
* properties.
* @param doc Document containing the Model used to create the copy of this SPDX file
* @param fileUri
* @return
* @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public SPDXFile clone(SPDXDocument doc, String fileUri) throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
SPDXFile retval = this.clone();
retval.createResource(doc, fileUri);
return retval;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#clone()
* Creates a deep copy including clones of the files and artifactOfs referenced in the fileDependencies
public SPDXFile clone() {
SPDXFile[] cloneFileDependencies;
if (this.fileDependencies == null) {
cloneFileDependencies = new SPDXFile[0];
} else {
cloneFileDependencies = new SPDXFile[this.fileDependencies.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cloneFileDependencies.length; i++) {
cloneFileDependencies[i] = this.fileDependencies[i].clone();
DOAPProject[] cloneArtifactOfs;
if (this.artifactOf == null) {
cloneArtifactOfs = new DOAPProject[0];
} else {
cloneArtifactOfs = new DOAPProject[this.artifactOf.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cloneArtifactOfs.length; i++) {
cloneArtifactOfs[i] = this.artifactOf[i].clone();
AnyLicenseInfo clonedConcludedLicense = concludedLicenses.clone();
AnyLicenseInfo[] clonedSeenLicenses;
if (this.seenLicenses == null) {
clonedSeenLicenses = new AnyLicenseInfo[0];
} else {
clonedSeenLicenses = new AnyLicenseInfo[seenLicenses.length];
for (int i = 0; i < clonedSeenLicenses.length; i++) {
if (seenLicenses[i] != null) {
clonedSeenLicenses[i] = seenLicenses[i].clone();
SPDXChecksum clonedChecksum = sha1.clone();
return new SPDXFile(this.getName(), this.getType(),
clonedChecksum.getValue(), clonedConcludedLicense,
clonedSeenLicenses, this.getLicenseComments(),
this.getCopyright(), cloneArtifactOfs, this.getComment(),
cloneFileDependencies, this.getContributors(), this.getNoticeText());
* Returns true if all of the properties of the compareToFile are
* equivalent or equal to all properties of this SPDXFile. Equivalent
* is different from equals in that the equals method will only return true
* if it is the same object.
* @param compareToFile
* @return
public boolean equivalent(SPDXFile compareToFile) {
if (!SpdxVerificationHelper.equivalentArray(this.artifactOf, compareToFile.getArtifactOf())) {
return false;
if (!SpdxVerificationHelper.equalsWithNull(this.comment, compareToFile.getComment())) {
return false;
if (!SpdxVerificationHelper.equalsWithNull(this.concludedLicenses, compareToFile.getConcludedLicenses())) {
return false;
if (!SpdxVerificationHelper.equivalentArray(this.contributors, compareToFile.getContributors())) {
return false;
if (!SpdxVerificationHelper.equalsWithNull(this.copyright, compareToFile.getCopyright())) {
return false;
if (!equivalentFileDependencies(this.fileDependencies, compareToFile.getFileDependencies())) {
return false;
if (!SpdxVerificationHelper.equalsWithNull(this.licenseComments, compareToFile.getLicenseComments())) {
return false;
if (!SpdxVerificationHelper.equalsWithNull(, compareToFile.getName())) {
return false;
if (!SpdxVerificationHelper.equalsWithNull(this.noticeText, compareToFile.getNoticeText())) {
return false;
if (!SpdxVerificationHelper.equivalentArray(this.seenLicenses, compareToFile.getSeenLicenses())) {
return false;
if (sha1 == null) {
if (compareToFile.getSha1() != null) {
return false;
} else {
if (compareToFile.getSha1() == null) {
return false;
if (!SpdxVerificationHelper.equalsWithNull(this.sha1.getValue(), compareToFile.getSha1())) {
return false;
if (!SpdxVerificationHelper.equalsWithNull(this.type, compareToFile.getType())) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns true if two arrays of file dependencies are equivalent indpendent of order and considering nulls
* @param fileDependencies1
* @param fileDependencies2
* @return
private boolean equivalentFileDependencies(SPDXFile[] dependencies1,
SPDXFile[] dependencies2) {
if (dependencies1 == null) {
return (dependencies2 == null);
if (dependencies2 == null) {
return false;
if (dependencies1.length != dependencies2.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < dependencies1.length; i++) {
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < dependencies2.length; j++) {
if (dependencies1[i].equivalent(dependencies2[j])) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return false;
return true;
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