org.specrunner.htmlunit.impl.FinderXPath Maven / Gradle / Ivy
SpecRunner - Acceptance Test Driven Development Tool
Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Thiago Santos
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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package org.specrunner.htmlunit.impl;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.specrunner.context.IContext;
import org.specrunner.htmlunit.IFinder;
import org.specrunner.parameters.core.ParameterHolder;
import org.specrunner.plugins.PluginException;
import org.specrunner.result.IResultSet;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.SgmlPage;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient;
* Utility class to manage search strategies to be used by browser aware
* plugins. You can register XPath search strategies, and reuse then in your
* tests. Patterns like search by id, name, value, a tag which contains
* something, tags or attributes that start with something, or pure XPath are
* already registered.
* @author Thiago Santos
public class FinderXPath extends ParameterHolder implements IFinder {
* Thread safe instance of IFinder
private static ThreadLocal instance = new ThreadLocal() {
protected FinderXPath initialValue() {
return new FinderXPath();
* Mapping of XPath strategies.
private final Map strategies = new HashMap();
* The reference to document objects.
protected String by;
* The reference version.
protected String version;
* The separator of arguments in 'by' attribute.
protected String separator = ";";
* Minimum constructor.
protected FinderXPath() {
addStrategy("id", "//*[@id='{0}'$VERSION]");
addStrategy("name", "//*[@name='{0}'$VERSION]");
addStrategy("value", "//*[@value='{0}'$VERSION]");
addStrategy("class", "//{0}[contains(@class,'{1}')$VERSION]");
addStrategy("contains", "//{0}[contains(.,'{1}')$VERSION]");
addStrategy("starts", "//{0}[starts-with({1},'{2}')$VERSION]");
addStrategy("ends", "//{0}[ends-with({1},'{2}')$VERSION]");
addStrategy("link", "//a[text()='{0}'$VERSION]");
addStrategy("linkText", "//a[text()='{0}'$VERSION]");
addStrategy("partialLinkText", "//a[contains(text(),'{0}')$VERSION]");
addStrategy("caption", "//table/caption[contains(text(),'{0}')$VERSION]/..");
addStrategy("xpath", "{0}");
* Gets the thread safe instance of finder.
* @return The finder instance.
public static FinderXPath get() {
return instance.get();
* List of available strategies.
* @return The list of strategies.
public Iterator getStrategies() {
return strategies.keySet().iterator();
* Map an new search strategy.
* @param name
* The strategy name.
* @param xpath
* The corresponding XPath with replace masks as ${0}, ${1}, and
* so on.
public void addStrategy(String name, String xpath) {
strategies.put(name, xpath);
* Recover a given strategy.
* @param name
* The strategy name.
* @return The corresponding XPath.
public String findStrategy(String name) {
return strategies.get(name);
* The search strategy to be used. i.e. by="id:txtName"
* find the element whose 'id' is 'txtName'. The 'by' attribute is closely
* related to FindBy
* The 'id' type is associated in FindBy to the XPath "//*[@id='{0}']", is
* means that if you use 'by="id:txtName"', this plugin will lookup the 'id'
* corresponding XPath, tokenize the content after ':' using ';' as
* separator and replace '{...}' elements in order. To use another separator
* set 'separator' attribute.
* In the previous example, 'by=id:txtName' becomes a XPath expression
* "//*[@id='txtName']".
* @return The search strategy.
public String getBy() {
return by;
* Sets the target reference.
* @param by
* The reference.
public void setBy(String by) {
this.by = by;
* Version selector.
* @return Version selector identifier.
public String getVersion() {
return version;
* Set version selector.
* @param version
* Selector.
public void setVersion(String version) {
this.version = version;
* Gets the parameter separator. Default is ";".
* @return The separator.
public String getSeparator() {
return separator;
* Sets the separator.
* @param separator
* The separator.
public void setSeparator(String separator) {
this.separator = separator;
* Get the type of search strategy. i.e. 'id', or 'name'.
* @return The search type, null, not specified.
public String getType() {
if (by == null) {
return null;
int pos = by.indexOf(':');
if (pos > 0) {
return by.substring(0, pos);
return by;
* Get the arguments for search strategy. Examples:
* - in '
', the arguments will be
* {0}=a
and {1}=site
, the corresponding XPath
* will be "//a[contains(.,'site')]"
* - in a plugin tag with
<span by="contains:a;">data<span>
, the arguments
* will be {0}=a
and {1}=data
, the corresponding
* XPath will be "//a[contains(.,'data')]"
* - in a plugin tag with
<span by="contains:">a;data<span>
, the arguments
* will be {0}=a
and {1}=data
, the corresponding
* XPath will be "//a[contains(.,'data')]"
* - in a plugin tag with
<span by="contains:" separator="|">a|data<span>
* the arguments will be {0}=a
and {1}=data
, the
* corresponding XPath will be "//a[contains(.,'data')]"
* @param context
* The test context.
* @return The search strategy arguments.
public String[] getArguments(IContext context) {
if (by == null) {
return null;
int pos = by.indexOf(':');
String value = by;
if (pos > 0) {
value = by.substring(pos + 1);
if (value.isEmpty() || value.endsWith(getSeparator())) {
value = value + context.getNode().getValue();
return value.split(getSeparator());
} else {
value = context.getNode().getValue();
return value.split(getSeparator());
public String getXPath(IContext context) throws PluginException {
String format = findStrategy(getType());
if (format == null) {
throw new PluginException("Invalid search strategy '" + getType() + "', see FindBy to see options, or registry your pattern using FindBy.addStrategy(,). i.e. if you add FindBy.addStrategy(\"class\",\"//*[contains(@class,'${0}')]\") means you can now use 'by=class:any_css'.");
String[] args = getArguments(context);
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
format = format.replace("{" + i + "}", args[i]);
format = replaceVersion(format);
return format;
* Replace version tag.
* @param format
* The original formal.
* @return Version replace.
protected String replaceVersion(String format) {
return format.replace("$VERSION", (version != null ? " and @version='" + version + "'" : ""));
public void reset() {
by = null;
version = null;
public List> find(IContext context, IResultSet result, WebClient client, SgmlPage page) throws PluginException {
if (by == null) {
throw new PluginException("Element missing search strategy, use, for instance, the attribute by='id:txtName'.");
String type = getType();
String xpath = getXPath(context);
List> list = null;
try {
list = page.getByXPath(xpath);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PluginException("Element " + type + " '" + xpath + "' not found.", e);
if (list == null) {
throw new PluginException("Use \"by=':'\" to select the element.");
return list;
public String resume(IContext context) throws PluginException {
return "by " + getBy() + " with XPath " + getXPath(context);