org.specrunner.sql.PluginCompareBase Maven / Gradle / Ivy
SpecRunner - Acceptance Test Driven Development Tool
Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Thiago Santos
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(at your option) any later version.
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package org.specrunner.sql;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.specrunner.SRServices;
import org.specrunner.comparators.ComparatorException;
import org.specrunner.comparators.IComparator;
import org.specrunner.context.IContext;
import org.specrunner.expressions.EMode;
import org.specrunner.expressions.INullEmptyFeature;
import org.specrunner.expressions.INullEmptyHandler;
import org.specrunner.expressions.core.NullEmptyHandlerDefault;
import org.specrunner.features.IFeatureManager;
import org.specrunner.parameters.DontEval;
import org.specrunner.plugins.ActionType;
import org.specrunner.plugins.ENext;
import org.specrunner.plugins.PluginException;
import org.specrunner.plugins.core.AbstractPluginValue;
import org.specrunner.plugins.type.Assertion;
import org.specrunner.result.IResultSet;
import org.specrunner.result.status.Failure;
import org.specrunner.result.status.Success;
import org.specrunner.sql.database.IColumnReader;
import org.specrunner.sql.database.IDatabaseReader;
import org.specrunner.sql.database.impl.ColumnReaderDefault;
import org.specrunner.sql.meta.Column;
import org.specrunner.sql.meta.IDataFilter;
import org.specrunner.sql.meta.Schema;
import org.specrunner.sql.meta.Table;
import org.specrunner.sql.meta.impl.DataFilterDefault;
import org.specrunner.sql.report.LineReport;
import org.specrunner.sql.report.RegisterType;
import org.specrunner.sql.report.ReportException;
import org.specrunner.sql.report.SchemaReport;
import org.specrunner.sql.report.TableReport;
import org.specrunner.util.UtilLog;
* Provided a Schema
instance, and two databases, this plugin
* compare these databases. The database used by the system under test name is '
* system
' and the reference database is 'reference
* If some tables are expected to be ignored in comparison provide an instance
* of IFilter
using PluginFilter
* @author Thiago Santos
public class PluginCompareBase extends AbstractPluginValue implements INullEmptyFeature, IDatabaseReader {
* Feature for schema name.
public static final String FEATURE_SCHEMA = PluginCompareBase.class.getName() + ".schema";
* The schema name.
private String schema;
* Feature for system datasource name.
public static final String FEATURE_SYSTEM = PluginCompareBase.class.getName() + ".system";
* The system datasource.
private String system;
* Feature for reference datasource name.
public static final String FEATURE_REFERENCE = PluginCompareBase.class.getName() + ".reference";
* The guide datasource.
private String reference;
* Feature for comparison filter.
public static final String FEATURE_FILTER = PluginCompareBase.class.getName() + ".filter";
* Pattern name to be used.
private String filter;
* A null/empty handler.
protected INullEmptyHandler nullEmptyHandler = new NullEmptyHandlerDefault();
* Recover object from a result set column to be compared against the
* specification object.
protected IColumnReader columnReader = new ColumnReaderDefault();
* Feature for virtual keys usage.
public static final String FEATURE_VIRTUAL = PluginCompareBase.class.getName() + ".virtual";
* Enable use of virtual keys for comparison table select. If enabled,
* tables with 'reference' field will be compared by these fields, the
* others will remain using 'key' fields;
private Boolean virtual;
* Get the schema name.
* @return The schema.
public String getSchema() {
return schema;
* Set the schema name.
* @param schema
* The name.
public void setSchema(String schema) {
this.schema = schema;
* Get the system database name.
* @return The system database name.
public String getSystem() {
return system;
* Set the system database name.
* @param system
* The database name.
public void setSystem(String system) {
this.system = system;
* Get the reference database name.
* @return The reference name.
public String getReference() {
return reference;
* Set the reference database name.
* @param reference
* The reference.
public void setReference(String reference) {
this.reference = reference;
* Get the filter name.
* @return The name.
public String getFilter() {
return filter;
* Set the filter name.
* @param filter
* Name.
public void setFilter(String filter) {
this.filter = filter;
* Get handler.
* @return A null/empty handler.
public INullEmptyHandler getNullEmptyHandler() {
return nullEmptyHandler;
public void setNullEmptyHandler(INullEmptyHandler nullEmptyHandler) {
this.nullEmptyHandler = nullEmptyHandler;
* Column reader resource.
* @return A reader.
public IColumnReader getColumnReader() {
return columnReader;
public void setColumnReader(IColumnReader columnReader) {
this.columnReader = columnReader;
* Indicate if reference fields can be used for select construction.
* @return true, if the answer is yes, false, otherwise.
public Boolean getVirtual() {
return virtual;
* Set the virtual flag.
* @param virtual
* The flag.
public void setVirtual(Boolean virtual) {
this.virtual = virtual;
public ActionType getActionType() {
return Assertion.INSTANCE;
public void initialize(IContext context) throws PluginException {
IFeatureManager fm = SRServices.getFeatureManager();
fm.set(FEATURE_SCHEMA, this);
fm.set(FEATURE_SYSTEM, this);
fm.set(FEATURE_REFERENCE, this);
fm.set(INullEmptyFeature.FEATURE_NULL_EMPTY_HANDLER, this);
fm.set(IDatabaseReader.FEATURE_COLUMN_READER, this);
fm.set(FEATURE_FILTER, this);
fm.set(FEATURE_VIRTUAL, this);
public ENext doStart(IContext context, IResultSet result) throws PluginException {
Schema schema = PluginSchema.getSchema(context, getSchema());
IDataFilter currentFilter = null;
if (getFilter() != null) {
currentFilter = PluginFilter.getFilter(context, getFilter());
} else {
currentFilter = new DataFilterDefault();
currentFilter.setup(context, EMode.COMPARE, schema);
if (!currentFilter.accept(EMode.COMPARE, schema)) {
if (UtilLog.LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
UtilLog.LOG.info("Schema ignored:" + schema.getAlias() + "(" + schema.getName() + ")");
result.addResult(Success.INSTANCE, context.peek());
return ENext.DEEP;
IDataSourceProvider expected = PluginConnection.getProvider(context, getReference());
IDataSourceProvider received = PluginConnection.getProvider(context, getSystem());
if (UtilLog.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
UtilLog.LOG.debug(" Schema provider:" + schema);
UtilLog.LOG.debug(" Datasource system:" + received);
UtilLog.LOG.debug("Datasource reference:" + expected);
DataSource dsExcepted = expected.getDataSource();
DataSource dsReceived = received.getDataSource();
Connection connectionExpected = null;
Statement stmtExpected = null;
Connection connectionReceived = null;
Statement stmtReceived = null;
SchemaReport report = new SchemaReport(schema);
try {
connectionExpected = dsExcepted.getConnection();
stmtExpected = connectionExpected.createStatement();
connectionReceived = dsReceived.getConnection();
stmtReceived = connectionReceived.createStatement();
if (UtilLog.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
String simpleName = getClass().getSimpleName();
UtilLog.LOG.debug(simpleName + " connection expected:" + connectionExpected);
UtilLog.LOG.debug(simpleName + " connection received:" + connectionReceived);
UtilLog.LOG.debug(simpleName + " statement expected:" + stmtExpected);
UtilLog.LOG.debug(simpleName + " statement received:" + stmtReceived);
for (Table table : schema.getTables()) {
if (!currentFilter.accept(EMode.COMPARE, table)) {
if (UtilLog.LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
UtilLog.LOG.info("Table ignored:" + table.getAlias() + "(" + table.getName() + ")");
String sql = createTableSelect(schema, table);
if (UtilLog.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
UtilLog.LOG.debug("Compare table (" + table.getName() + ", " + table.getAlias() + ") = " + sql);
ResultSet rsExpected = null;
ResultSet rsReceived = null;
try {
rsExpected = stmtExpected.executeQuery(sql);
rsReceived = stmtReceived.executeQuery(sql);
populateTableReport(schema, currentFilter, report, table, rsExpected, rsReceived);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (UtilLog.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
UtilLog.LOG.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new PluginException(e);
} finally {
try {
if (rsExpected != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (UtilLog.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
UtilLog.LOG.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new PluginException(e);
} finally {
try {
if (rsReceived != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (UtilLog.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
UtilLog.LOG.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new PluginException(e);
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (UtilLog.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
UtilLog.LOG.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new PluginException(e);
} finally {
try {
if (stmtExpected != null) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (UtilLog.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
UtilLog.LOG.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new PluginException(e);
} finally {
try {
if (stmtReceived != null) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (UtilLog.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
UtilLog.LOG.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new PluginException(e);
if (!report.isEmpty()) {
result.addResult(Failure.INSTANCE, context.peek(), new ReportException(report));
} else {
result.addResult(Success.INSTANCE, context.peek());
return ENext.DEEP;
* Creates the SQL to be used by comparison algorithm.
* @param schema
* The schema.
* @param table
* The table.
* @return The corresponding SQL.
public String createTableSelect(Schema schema, Table table) {
StringBuilder fields = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder keys = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder references = new StringBuilder();
int indexFields = 0;
int indexKeys = 0;
int indexReferences = 0;
for (Column c : table.getColumns()) {
fields.append((indexFields++ > 0 ? "," : "") + c.getName());
if (c.isKey()) {
keys.append((indexKeys++ > 0 ? "," : "") + c.getName() + " asc");
if (c.isReference()) {
references.append((indexReferences++ > 0 ? "," : "") + c.getName() + " asc");
StringBuilder order = keys;
if (virtual != null && virtual && references.length() > 0) {
order = references;
return "select " + fields + " from " + schema.getName() + "." + table.getName() + (order.length() > 0 ? " order by " + order : "");
* Populate schema report.
* @param schema
* The schema object.
* @param dataFilter
* The filter object.
* @param report
* The report.
* @param table
* The current table under analysis.
* @param rsExpected
* The result set of reference database.
* @param rsReceived
* The result set of system database.
* @throws SQLException
* On comparison errors.
public void populateTableReport(Schema schema, IDataFilter dataFilter, SchemaReport report, Table table, ResultSet rsExpected, ResultSet rsReceived) throws SQLException {
IResultEnumerator comp = getEnumerator(table, rsExpected, rsReceived);
TableReport tr = new TableReport(table);
while (comp.next()) {
ResultSet exp = comp.getExpected();
ResultSet rec = comp.getReceived();
LineReport lr = null;
int index = 0;
if (exp == null && rec != null) {
lr = new LineReport(RegisterType.EXTRA, tr, nullEmptyHandler);
for (Column c : table.getColumns()) {
if (!dataFilter.accept(EMode.COMPARE, c)) {
if (UtilLog.LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
UtilLog.LOG.info("Column ignored:" + c.getAlias() + "(" + c.getName() + ")");
Object read = columnReader.read(rec, c);
if (read != null) {
lr.add(c, index++, null, read);
if (!lr.isEmpty()) {
} else if (exp != null && rec == null) {
lr = new LineReport(RegisterType.MISSING, tr, nullEmptyHandler);
for (Column c : table.getColumns()) {
if (!dataFilter.accept(EMode.COMPARE, c)) {
if (UtilLog.LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
UtilLog.LOG.info("Column ignored:" + c.getAlias() + "(" + c.getName() + ")");
Object read = columnReader.read(exp, c);
if (read != null) {
lr.add(c, index++, read, null);
if (!lr.isEmpty()) {
} else {
lr = new LineReport(RegisterType.DIFFERENT, tr, nullEmptyHandler);
for (Column c : table.getColumns()) {
if (!dataFilter.accept(EMode.COMPARE, c)) {
if (UtilLog.LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
UtilLog.LOG.info("Column ignored:" + c.getAlias() + "(" + c.getName() + ")");
Object objExp = columnReader.read(exp, c);
Object objRec = columnReader.read(rec, c);
if (!dataFilter.accept(EMode.COMPARE, c, objRec)) {
if (UtilLog.LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
UtilLog.LOG.info("Value ignored(" + c.getAlias() + "," + c.getName() + "):" + objRec);
IComparator comparator = c.getComparator();
try {
boolean match = comparator.match(objExp, objRec);
if (!c.isKey() && !match) {
lr.add(c, index++, objExp, objRec);
} catch (ComparatorException e) {
throw new SQLException("Error on comparison of values.", e);
if (!lr.isEmpty()) {
for (Column c : table.getKeys()) {
lr.add(c, index++, columnReader.read(exp, c), columnReader.read(rec, c));
if (!tr.isEmpty()) {
* Abstraction of enumeration.
* @param table
* The table source of result sets.
* @param rsExpected
* The result from querying reference database.
* @param rsReceived
* The result from querying system database.
* @return A enumerator.
public IResultEnumerator getEnumerator(Table table, ResultSet rsExpected, ResultSet rsReceived) {
return new ResultSetEnumerator(table, virtual, rsExpected, rsReceived);
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