scalaz.concurrent.MVar.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.specs2.internal.scalaz
package concurrent
import Scalaz._
import effect._
import Atomic._
import PhasedLatch._
sealed trait MVar[A] {
def put(a: => A): IO[Unit]
def take: IO[A]
final def read: IO[A] =
for {
a <- take
_ <- put(a)
} yield a
final def modify[B](f: A => IO[(A, B)]): IO[B] =
for {
a <- take
r <- f(a) onException put(a)
_ <- put(r._1)
} yield r._2
object MVar extends MVarFunctions
trait MVarFunctions {
def newMVar[A](a: A): IO[MVar[A]] =
for {
mvar <- newEmptyMVar[A]
_ <- mvar.put(a)
} yield mvar
def newEmptyMVar[A]: IO[MVar[A]] =
for {
value <- newAtomic(none[A])
readLatch <- newPhasedLatch
writeLatch <- newPhasedLatch
} yield new MVarImpl[A](value, readLatch, writeLatch)
private[this] class MVarImpl[A](value: Atomic[Option[A]], readLatch: PhasedLatch, writeLatch: PhasedLatch) extends MVar[A] {
def take = read(
for {
a <- value.getAndSet(None)
_ <- writeLatch.release()
} yield a
def put(a: => A) = write(a, value.get)
// def tryTake =
// value.get.map(_.map(some(_))).getOrElse(promise(none[A])(Sequential))
// def tryPut(a: Promise[A]) = value.get.map(_ => false)
def read(reader: => IO[Option[A]]) = {
def read_ : IO[A] =
for {
p <- readLatch.currentPhase
r <- reader
a <- r match {
case Some(a) => IO(a)
case None =>
for {
_ <- readLatch.awaitPhase(p) // we don't have a value so we wait for someone to put one
a <- read_ // someone has put a value so now we try to read it
} yield a
} yield a
def write(a: => A, read: => IO[Option[A]]): IO[Unit] = writeLatch.currentPhase flatMap { p =>
read flatMap(v => v match {
case Some(a) =>
for {
_ <- writeLatch awaitPhase p // if there is a value, wait until someone takes it
_ <- write(a, read) // someone has taken the value, try and write it again
} yield ()
case None =>
value.compareAndSet(v, Some(a)) flatMap { set => // There is no value, so it's time to try and write one.
if (!set) write(a, read) // If the value has changed, the write will fail so we'll need to try it again.
else readLatch.release // If the write succeeded, release a thread waiting for a value.
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