codata.async.mutable.Queue.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2.codata.async.mutable
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import org.specs2.codata.Cause._
import scalaz.concurrent.{Actor, Strategy, Task}
import org.specs2.codata.Process.Halt
import org.specs2.codata.async
import org.specs2.codata.async.immutable
import org.specs2.codata.{Cause, Util, Process, Sink}
import scalaz.{Either3, -\/, \/, \/-}
import scalaz.\/._
* Asynchronous queue interface. Operations are all nonblocking in their
* implementations, but may be 'semantically' blocking. For instance,
* a queue may have a bound on its size, in which case enqueuing may
* block until there is an offsetting dequeue.
trait Queue[A] {
* A `Sink` for enqueueing values to this `Queue`.
def enqueue: Sink[Task, A]
* Enqueue one element in this `Queue`. Resulting task will
* terminate with failure if queue is closed or failed.
* Please note this will get completed _after_ `a` has been successfully enqueued.
* @param a `A` to enqueue
def enqueueOne(a: A): Task[Unit]
* Enqueue multiple `A` values in this queue. This has same semantics as sequencing
* repeated calls to `enqueueOne`.
def enqueueAll(xa: Seq[A]): Task[Unit]
* Provides a process that dequeue from this queue.
* When multiple consumers dequeue from this queue,
* they dequeue in first-come, first-serve order.
* Please use `Topic` instead of `Queue` when all subscribers
* need to see each value enqueued.
* This process is equivalent to `dequeueBatch(1)`.
def dequeue: Process[Task, A]
* Provides a process that dequeues in chunks. Whenever *n* elements
* are available in the queue, `min(n, limit)` elements will be dequeud
* and produced as a single `Seq`. Note that this naturally does not
* *guarantee* that `limit` items are returned in every chunk. If only
* one element is available, that one element will be returned in its own
* sequence. This method basically just allows a consumer to "catch up"
* to a rapidly filling queue in the case where some sort of batching logic
* is applicable.
def dequeueBatch(limit: Int): Process[Task, Seq[A]]
* Equivalent to dequeueBatch with an infinite limit. Only use this
* method if your underlying algebra (`A`) has some sort of constant
* time "natural batching"! If processing a chunk of size n is linearly
* more expensive than processing a chunk of size 1, you should always
* use dequeueBatch with some small limit, otherwise you will disrupt
* fairness in the nondeterministic merge combinators.
def dequeueAvailable: Process[Task, Seq[A]]
* The time-varying size of this `Queue`. This signal refreshes
* only when size changes. Offsetting enqueues and dequeues may
* not result in refreshes.
def size: immutable.Signal[Int]
* The size bound on the queue.
* Returns None if the queue is unbounded.
def upperBound: Option[Int]
* Returns the available number of entries in the queue.
* Always returns `Int.MaxValue` when the queue is unbounded.
def available: immutable.Signal[Int] = upperBound map { bound =>
size.discrete map { bound - _ } toSignal
} getOrElse {
size.discrete map { _ => Int.MaxValue } toSignal
* Returns `true` when the queue has reached its upper size bound.
* Always returns `false` when the queue is unbounded.
def full: immutable.Signal[Boolean] = available.discrete map { _ <= 0 } toSignal
* Closes this queue. This halts the `enqueue` `Sink` and
* `dequeue` `Process` after any already-queued elements are
* drained.
* After this any enqueue will fail with `Terminated(End)`,
* and the enqueue `Sink` will terminate with `End`.
def close: Task[Unit] = failWithCause(End)
* Kills the queue. Unlike `close`, this kills all dequeuers immediately.
* Any subsequent enqueues will fail with `Terminated(Kill)`.
* The returned `Task` will completed once all dequeuers and enqueuers
* have been signalled.
def kill: Task[Unit] = failWithCause(Kill)
* Like `kill`, except it terminates with supplied reason.
def fail(rsn: Throwable): Task[Unit] = failWithCause(Error(rsn))
private[codata] def failWithCause(c:Cause): Task[Unit]
private[codata] object CircularBuffer {
def apply[A](bound: Int)(implicit S: Strategy): Queue[A] =
Queue.mk(bound, false, (as, q) => if (as.size + q.size > bound) q.drop(as.size) else q) // disable recovery for all circular buffers, for now
private[codata] object Queue {
import org.specs2.codata.Util._
* Builds a queue, potentially with `source` producing the streams that
* will enqueue into queue. Up to `bound` number of `A` may enqueue into the queue,
* and then all enqueue processes will wait until dequeue.
* @param bound Size of the bound. When <= 0 the queue is `unbounded`.
* @param recover Flag controlling automatic dequeue error recovery semantics. When
* false (the default), data may be lost in the event of an error during dequeue.
* When true, data will never be lost on dequeue, but concurrent dequeue processes
* may see data out of order under certain error conditions.
* @tparam A
* @return
def apply[A](bound: Int = 0, recover: Boolean = false)(implicit S: Strategy): Queue[A] =
mk(bound, recover, (_, q) => q)
def mk[A](bound: Int, recover: Boolean,
beforeEnqueue: (Seq[A], Vector[A]) => Vector[A])(implicit S: Strategy): Queue[A] = {
sealed trait M
case class Enqueue(a: Seq[A], cb: Throwable \/ Unit => Unit) extends M
case class Dequeue(ref: ConsumerRef, limit: Int, cb: Throwable \/ Seq[A] => Unit) extends M
case class Fail(cause: Cause, cb: Throwable \/ Unit => Unit) extends M
case class GetSize(cb: (Throwable \/ Seq[Int]) => Unit) extends M
case class ConsumerDone(ref: ConsumerRef) extends M
// reference to identify differed subscribers
class ConsumerRef {
var lastBatch = Vector.empty[A]
//actually queued `A` are stored here
var queued = Vector.empty[A]
// when this queue fails or is closed the reason is stored here
var closed: Option[Cause] = None
// consumers waiting for `A`
var consumers: Vector[(ConsumerRef, Throwable \/ A => Unit)] = Vector.empty
// publishers waiting to be acked to produce next `A`
var unAcked: Vector[Throwable \/ Unit => Unit] = Vector.empty
// if at least one GetSize was received will start to accumulate sizes change.
// when defined on left, contains sizes that has to be published to sizes topic
// when defined on right, awaiting next change in queue to signal size change
// when undefined, signals no subscriber for sizes yet.
var sizes: Option[Vector[Int] \/ ((Throwable \/ Seq[Int]) => Unit)] = None
// signals to any callback that this queue is closed with reason
def signalClosed[B](cb: Throwable \/ B => Unit) =
closed.foreach(rsn => S(cb(-\/(Terminated(rsn)))))
// signals that size has been changed.
// either keep the last size or fill the callback
// only updates if sizes != None
def signalSize(sz: Int): Unit = {
sizes = sizes.map( cur =>
left(cur.fold (
szs => { szs :+ sz }
, cb => { S(cb(\/-(Seq(sz)))) ; Vector.empty[Int] }
// publishes single size change
def publishSize(cb: (Throwable \/ Seq[Int]) => Unit): Unit = {
sizes =
sizes match {
case Some(sz) => sz match {
case -\/(v) if v.nonEmpty => S(cb(\/-(v))); Some(-\/(Vector.empty[Int]))
case _ => Some(\/-(cb))
case None => S(cb(\/-(Seq(queued.size)))); Some(-\/(Vector.empty[Int]))
//dequeue one element from the queue
def dequeueBatch(ref: ConsumerRef, limit: Int, cb: (Throwable \/ Seq[A]) => Unit): Unit = {
if (queued.isEmpty) {
val cb2: Throwable \/ A => Unit = {
case l @ -\/(_) => cb(l)
case \/-(a) => {
if (recover) {
ref.lastBatch = Vector(a)
cb(\/-(a :: Nil))
val entry: (ConsumerRef, Throwable \/ A => Unit) = (ref -> cb2)
consumers = consumers :+ entry
} else {
val (send, remainder) = if (limit <= 0)
(queued, Vector.empty[A])
queued splitAt limit
if (recover) {
ref.lastBatch = send
S { cb(\/-(send)) }
queued = remainder
if (unAcked.size > 0 && bound > 0 && queued.size <= bound) {
val ackCount = bound - queued.size min unAcked.size
unAcked.take(ackCount).foreach(cb => S(cb(\/-(()))))
unAcked = unAcked.drop(ackCount)
def enqueueOne(as: Seq[A], cb: Throwable \/ Unit => Unit) = {
queued = beforeEnqueue(as, queued)
queued = queued fast_++ as
if (consumers.size > 0 && queued.size > 0) {
val deqCount = consumers.size min queued.size
.foreach { case ((_,cb), a) => S(cb(\/-(a))) }
consumers = consumers.drop(deqCount)
queued = queued.drop(deqCount)
if (bound > 0 && queued.size > bound) unAcked = unAcked :+ cb
else S(cb(\/-(())))
def stop(cause: Cause, cb: Throwable \/ Unit => Unit): Unit = {
closed = Some(cause)
if (queued.nonEmpty && cause == End) {
unAcked.foreach(cb => S(cb(-\/(Terminated(cause)))))
} else {
(consumers.map(_._2) ++ unAcked).foreach(cb => S(cb(-\/(Terminated(cause)))))
consumers = Vector.empty
sizes.flatMap(_.toOption).foreach(cb => S(cb(-\/(Terminated(cause)))))
sizes = None
queued = Vector.empty
unAcked = Vector.empty
S(cb(\/-(()))); ()
val actor: Actor[M] = Actor({ (m: M) =>
if (closed.isEmpty) m match {
case Dequeue(ref, limit, cb) => dequeueBatch(ref, limit, cb)
case Enqueue(as, cb) => enqueueOne(as, cb)
case Fail(cause, cb) => stop(cause, cb)
case GetSize(cb) => publishSize(cb)
case ConsumerDone(ref) => {
consumers = consumers.filterNot(_._1 == ref)
if (recover) {
val batch = ref.lastBatch
ref.lastBatch = Vector.empty[A]
if (batch.nonEmpty) {
if (queued.isEmpty) {
enqueueOne(batch, Function.const(()))
} else {
queued = batch fast_++ queued // put the lost data back into the queue, at the head
} else m match {
case Dequeue(ref, limit, cb) if queued.nonEmpty => dequeueBatch(ref, limit, cb)
case Dequeue(ref, limit, cb) => signalClosed(cb)
case Enqueue(as, cb) => signalClosed(cb)
case GetSize(cb) if queued.nonEmpty => publishSize(cb)
case GetSize(cb) => signalClosed(cb)
case Fail(_, cb) => S(cb(\/-(()))); ()
case ConsumerDone(ref) => consumers = consumers.filterNot(_._1 == ref)
new Queue[A] {
def enqueue: Sink[Task, A] = Process.constant(enqueueOne _)
def enqueueOne(a: A): Task[Unit] = enqueueAll(Seq(a))
def dequeue: Process[Task, A] = dequeueBatch(1) flatMap Process.emitAll
def dequeueBatch(limit: Int): Process[Task, Seq[A]] = {
if (limit <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"batch limit must be greater than zero (got $limit)")
def dequeueAvailable: Process[Task, Seq[A]] = innerDequeueBatch(0)
private def innerDequeueBatch(limit: Int): Process[Task, Seq[A]] = {
Process.await(Task.delay(new ConsumerRef))({ ref =>
val source = Process repeatEval Task.async[Seq[A]](cb => actor ! Dequeue(ref, limit, cb)) onHalt { _.asHalt }
source onComplete Process.eval_(Task delay { actor ! ConsumerDone(ref) })
val size: immutable.Signal[Int] = {
val sizeSource : Process[Task,Int] =
Process.repeatEval(Task.async[Seq[Int]](cb => actor ! GetSize(cb))).onHalt(_.asHalt).flatMap(Process.emitAll)
val upperBound: Option[Int] = {
if (bound <= 0)
def enqueueAll(xa: Seq[A]): Task[Unit] = Task.async(cb => actor ! Enqueue(xa,cb))
private[codata] def failWithCause(c: Cause): Task[Unit] = Task.async[Unit](cb => actor ! Fail(c,cb))
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