org.specs2.control.eff.Eff.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.specs2.control.eff
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import Eff._
* Effects of type R, returning a value of type A
* It is implemented as a "Free-er" monad with extensible effects:
* - the "pure" case is a pure value of type A
* - the "impure" case is:
* - a disjoint union of possible effects
* - a continuation of type X => Eff[R, A] indicating what to do if the current effect is of type M[X]
* this type is represented by the `Arrs` type
* - the "impure applicative" case is:
* - list of disjoint unions of possible effects
* - a function to apply to the values resulting from those effects
* The monad implementation for this type is really simple:
* - `point` is Pure
* - `bind` simply appends the binding function to the `Arrs` continuation
* Important:
* The list of continuations is NOT implemented as a type sequence but simply as a
* Vector[Any => Eff[R, Any]]
* This means that various `.asInstanceOf` are present in the implementation and could lead
* to burns and severe harm. Use with caution!
* Similarly the list of effects in the applicative case is untyped and interpreters for those effects
* are supposed to create a list of values to feed the mapping function. If an interpreter doesn't
* create a list of values of the right size and with the right types, there will be a runtime exception.
* The Pure, Impure and ImpureAp cases also incorporate a "last" action returning no value but just used
* for side-effects (shutting down an execution context for example). This action is meant to be executed at the end
* of all computations, regardless of the number of flatMaps added on the Eff value.
* Since this last action will be executed, its value never collected so if it throws an exception it is possible
* to print it by defining the eff.debuglast system property (-Deff.debuglast=true)
* @see
sealed trait Eff[R, A] {
def map[B](f: A => B): Eff[R, B] =
def ap[B](f: Eff[R, A => B]): Eff[R, B] =
def *>[B](fb: Eff[R, B]): Eff[R, B] =
EffApplicative.tuple2(this, fb).map { case (a, b) => b }
def <*[B](fb: Eff[R, B]): Eff[R, A] =
EffApplicative.tuple2(this, fb).map { case (a, b) => a }
def flatMap[B](f: A => Eff[R, B]): Eff[R, B] =
def flatten[B](implicit ev: A =:= Eff[R, B]): Eff[R, B] =
flatMap(a => a)
/** add one last action to be executed after any computation chained to this Eff value */
def addLast(l: =>Eff[R, Unit]): Eff[R, A] =
flatMap(a => pure(a).addLast(Last.eff(l)))
/** add one last action to be executed after any computation chained to this Eff value */
def addLast(l: Last[R]): Eff[R, A]
case class Pure[R, A](value: A, last: Last[R] = Last.none[R]) extends Eff[R, A] {
def addLast(l: Last[R]): Eff[R, A] =
Pure(value, last <* l)
* Impure is an effect (encoded as one possibility among other effects, a Union)
* and a continuation providing the next Eff value.
* This essentially models a flatMap operation with the current effect
* and the monadic function to apply to a value once the effect is interpreted
* One effect can always be executed last, just for side-effects
case class Impure[R, X, A](union: Union[R, X], continuation: Arrs[R, X, A], last: Last[R] = Last.none[R]) extends Eff[R, A] {
def addLast(l: Last[R]): Eff[R, A] =
Impure[R, X, A](union, continuation, last <* l)
* ImpureAp is a list of independent effects and a pure function
* creating a value with all the resulting values once all effects have
* been interpreted.
* This essentially models a sequence + map operation but it is important to understand that the list of
* Union objects can represent different effects and be like: List[Option[Int], Future[String], Option[Int]].
* Interpreting such an Eff value for a given effect (say Option) consists in:
* - grouping all the Option values,
* - sequencing them
* - pass them to a continuation which will apply the 'map' functions when the other effects (Future in the example
* above) will have been interpreted
* - this object is highly unsafe
* - the size of the list argument to 'map' must always be equal to the number of unions in the Unions object
* - the types of the elements in the list argument to 'map' must be the exact types of each effect in unions.unions
case class ImpureAp[R, X, A](unions: Unions[R, X], continuation: Arrs[R, List[Any], A], last: Last[R] = Last.none[R]) extends Eff[R, A] {
def toMonadic: Eff[R, A] =
Impure[R, unions.X, A](unions.first, unions.continueWith(continuation), last)
def addLast(l: Last[R]): Eff[R, A] =
ImpureAp[R, X, A](unions, continuation, last <* l)
object Eff extends EffCreation with
EffInterpretation with
trait EffImplicits {
* Monad implementation for the Eff[R, ?] type
implicit final def EffMonad[R]: Monad[Eff[R, ?]] with BindRec1[Eff[R, ?]] = new Monad[Eff[R, ?]] with BindRec1[Eff[R, ?]] {
def point[A](a: =>A): Eff[R, A] =
override def map[A, B](fa: Eff[R, A])(f: A => B): Eff[R, B] =
fa match {
case Pure(a, l) =>
case Impure(union, continuation, last) =>
Impure(union, continuation map f, last)
case ImpureAp(unions, continuations, last) =>
ImpureAp(unions, continuations map f, last)
* When flatMapping the last action must still be executed after the next action
def bind[A, B](fa: Eff[R, A])(f: A => Eff[R, B]): Eff[R, B] =
fa match {
case Pure(a, l) =>
case Impure(union, continuation, last) =>
Impure(union, continuation.append(f), last)
case ImpureAp(unions, continuation, last) =>
ImpureAp(unions, continuation.append(f), last)
def tailrecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => Eff[R, \/[A, B]]): Eff[R, B] =
bind(f(a)) {
case \/-(b) => pure(b)
case -\/(next) => tailrecM(next)(f)
def EffApplicative[R]: Applicative[Eff[R, ?]] = new Applicative[Eff[R, ?]] {
def point[A](a: =>A): Eff[R, A] =
def ap[A, B](fa: =>Eff[R, A])(ff: =>Eff[R, A => B]): Eff[R, B] =
fa match {
case Pure(a, last) =>
ff match {
case Pure(f, last1) => Pure(f(a), last1).addLast(last)
case Impure(u, c, last1) => ImpureAp(Unions(u, Nil), Arrs.singleton(ls => c(ls.head).map(_(a))), last1 *> last)
case ImpureAp(u, c, last1) => ImpureAp(u, Arrs.singleton(xs => c(xs).map(_(a))), last1 *> last)
case Impure(u, c, last) =>
ff match {
case Pure(f, last1) => ImpureAp(Unions(u, Nil), Arrs.singleton(ls => c(ls.head).map(f)), last1 *> last)
case Impure(u1, c1, last1) => ImpureAp(Unions(u, List(u1)), Arrs.singleton(ls => ap(c(ls.head))(c1(ls(1)))), last1 *> last)
case ImpureAp(u1, c1, last1) => ImpureAp(Unions(u, u1.unions), Arrs.singleton(ls => ap(c(ls.head))(c1(ls.drop(1)))), last1 *> last)
case ImpureAp(unions, c, last) =>
ff match {
case Pure(f, last1) => ImpureAp(unions, c map f, last1 *> last)
case Impure(u, c1, last1) => ImpureAp(Unions(unions.first, :+ u), Arrs.singleton(ls => ap(c(ls.dropRight(1)))(c1(ls.last))), last1 *> last)
case ImpureAp(u, c1, last1) => ImpureAp(u append unions, Arrs.singleton(xs => ap(c(xs.drop(u.size)))(c1(xs.take(u.size)))), last1 *> last)
object EffImplicits extends EffImplicits
trait EffCreation {
/** create an Eff[R, A] value from an effectful value of type T[V] provided that T is one of the effects of R */
def send[T[_], R, V](tv: T[V])(implicit member: T |= R): Eff[R, V] =
ImpureAp(Unions(member.inject(tv), Nil), Arrs.singleton(xs => pure[R, V](xs.head.asInstanceOf[V])))
/** use the internal effect as one of the stack effects */
def collapse[R, M[_], A](r: Eff[R, M[A]])(implicit m: M |= R): Eff[R, A] =
EffMonad[R].bind(r)(mx => send(mx)(m))
/** create an Eff value for () */
def unit[R]: Eff[R, Unit] =
/** create a pure value */
def pure[R, A](a: A): Eff[R, A] =
/** create a impure value from an union of effects and a continuation */
def impure[R, X, A](union: Union[R, X], continuation: Arrs[R, X, A]): Eff[R, A] =
Impure[R, X, A](union, continuation)
/** apply a function to an Eff value using the applicative instance */
def ap[R, A, B](a: Eff[R, A])(f: Eff[R, A => B]): Eff[R, B] =
/** use the applicative instance of Eff to traverse a list of values */
def traverseA[R, F[_] : Traverse, A, B](fs: F[A])(f: A => Eff[R, B]): Eff[R, F[B]] =
/** use the applicative instance of Eff to sequence a list of values */
def sequenceA[R, F[_] : Traverse, A](fs: F[Eff[R, A]]): Eff[R, F[A]] =
/** use the applicative instance of Eff to traverse a list of values, then flatten it */
def flatTraverseA[R, F[_], A, B](fs: F[A])(f: A => Eff[R, F[B]])(implicit FT: Traverse[F], FM: Bind[F]): Eff[R, F[B]] = {
val applicative = EffImplicits.EffApplicative[R]
object EffCreation extends EffCreation
trait EffInterpretation {
* base runner for an Eff value having no effects at all
* This runner can only return the value in Pure because it doesn't
* known how to interpret the effects in Impure
def run[A](eff: Eff[NoFx, A]): A =
eff match {
case Pure(a, Last(Some(l))) => l.value; a
case Pure(a, Last(None)) => a
case other => sys.error("impossible: cannot run the effects in "+other)
* peel-off the only present effect
def detach[M[_] : Monad, A](eff: Eff[Fx1[M], A])(implicit bindRec: BindRec1[M]): M[A] =
bindRec.tailrecM[Eff[Fx1[M], A], A](eff) {
case Pure(a, Last(Some(l))) => Monad[M].pure(-\/(
case Pure(a, Last(None)) => Monad[M].pure(\/-(a))
case Impure(u, continuation, last) =>
u match {
case Union1(ta) =>
last match {
case Last(Some(l)) => Monad[M].map(ta)(x => -\/(continuation(x).addLast(last)))
case Last(None) => Monad[M].map(ta)(x => -\/(continuation(x)))
case ap @ ImpureAp(u, continuation, last) =>
* peel-off the only present effect, using an Applicative instance where possible
def detachA[M[_], A](eff: Eff[Fx1[M], A])(implicit monad: Monad[M], bindRec: BindRec1[M], applicative: Applicative[M]): M[A] =
bindRec.tailrecM[Eff[Fx1[M], A], A](eff) {
case Pure(a, Last(Some(l))) => monad.pure(-\/(
case Pure(a, Last(None)) => monad.pure(\/-(a))
case Impure(u, continuation, last) =>
u match {
case Union1(ta) =>
last match {
case Last(Some(l)) => Monad[M].map(ta)(x => -\/(continuation(x).addLast(last)))
case Last(None) => Monad[M].map(ta)(x => -\/(continuation(x)))
case ap @ ImpureAp(unions, continuation, last) =>
val effects = unions.unions.collect { case Union1(mx) => mx }
val sequenced = applicative.sequence(effects)
last match {
case Last(Some(l)) => Monad[M].map(sequenced)(x => -\/(continuation(x).addLast(last)))
case Last(None) => Monad[M].map(sequenced)(x => -\/(continuation(x)))
* get the pure value if there is no effect
def runPure[R, A](eff: Eff[R, A]): Option[A] =
eff match {
case Pure(a, Last(Some(l))) => l.value; Option(a)
case Pure(a, _) => Option(a)
case _ => None
* An Eff[R, A] value can be transformed into an Eff[U, A]
* value provided that all the effects in R are also in U
def effInto[R, U, A](e: Eff[R, A])(implicit f: IntoPoly[R, U]): Eff[U, A] =
object EffInterpretation extends EffInterpretation
* Sequence of monadic functions from A to B: A => Eff[B]
* Internally it is represented as a Vector of functions:
* A => Eff[R, X1]; X1 => Eff[R, X2]; X2 => Eff[R, X3]; ...; X3 => Eff[R, B]
case class Arrs[R, A, B](functions: Vector[Any => Eff[R, Any]]) extends (A => Eff[R, B]) {
* append a new monadic function to this list of functions such that
* Arrs[R, A, B] => (B => Eff[R, C]) => Arrs[R, A, C]
def append[C](f: B => Eff[R, C]): Arrs[R, A, C] =
Arrs(functions :+ f.asInstanceOf[Any => Eff[R, Any]])
/** map the last returned effect */
def mapLast[C](f: Eff[R, B] => Eff[R, C]): Arrs[R, A, C] =
functions match {
case v if v.isEmpty => Arrs[R, A, C](v :+ ((a: Any) => f(Eff.pure(a.asInstanceOf[B])).asInstanceOf[Eff[R, Any]]))
case fs :+ last => Arrs(fs :+ ((x: Any) => f(last(x).asInstanceOf[Eff[R, B]]).asInstanceOf[Eff[R, Any]]))
/** map the last value */
def map[C](f: B => C): Arrs[R, A, C] =
Arrs(functions :+ ((x: Any) => pure[R, Any](f(x.asInstanceOf[B]).asInstanceOf[Any])))
* execute this monadic function
* This method is stack-safe
def apply(a: A): Eff[R, B] = {
def go(fs: Vector[Any => Eff[R, Any]], v: Any, last: Last[R] = Last.none[R]): Eff[R, B] = {
fs match {
case Vector() =>
Pure[R, B](v.asInstanceOf[B], last)
case Vector(f) =>
f(v).asInstanceOf[Eff[R, B]].addLast(last)
case f +: rest =>
f(v) match {
case Pure(a1, l1) =>
go(rest, a1, last *> l1)
case Impure(u, q, l) =>
Impure[R, u.X, B](u, q.copy(q.functions ++ rest), last *> l)
case ap @ ImpureAp(unions, q, l) =>
ImpureAp[R, unions.X, B](unions, q.copy(q.functions ++ rest), last *> l)
go(functions, a)
def contramap[C](f: C => A): Arrs[R, C, B] =
Arrs(((c: Any) => Eff.EffMonad[R].point(f(c.asInstanceOf[C]).asInstanceOf[Any])) +: functions)
def transform[U, M[_], N[_]](t: ~>[M, N])(implicit m: Member.Aux[M, R, U], n: Member.Aux[N, R, U]): Arrs[R, A, B] =
Arrs( => (x: Any) => Interpret.transform(f(x), t)(m, n)))
object Arrs {
/** create an Arrs function from a single monadic function */
def singleton[R, A, B](f: A => Eff[R, B]): Arrs[R, A, B] =
Arrs(Vector(f.asInstanceOf[Any => Eff[R, Any]]))
/** create an Arrs function with no effect, which is similar to using an identity a => EffMonad[R].pure(a) */
def unit[R, A]: Arrs[R, A, A] =