org.specs2.control.eff.Member.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2.control.eff
import Effects._
import scalaz._
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
* Member typeclass for effects belonging to a stack of effects R
* If T is a member of R then we can:
* - create a Union of effects from a single effect with "inject"
* - extract an effect value from a union if there is such an effect in the stack
@implicitNotFound("No instance found for Member[${T}, ${R}]. The ${T} effect is not part of the stack ${R} or it was not possible to determine the stack that would result from removing ${T} from ${R}")
trait Member[T[_], R] {
type Out <: Effects
def inject[V](tv: T[V]): Union[R, V]
def accept[V](union: Union[Out, V]): Union[R, V]
def project[V](union: Union[R, V]): Union[Out, V] \/ T[V]
object Member extends MemberImplicits {
@implicitNotFound("No instance found for Member[${T}, ${R}]. The ${T} effect is not part of the stack ${R} or it was not possible to determine the stack that would result from removing ${T} from ${R}")
type Aux[T[_], R, U] = Member[T, R] { type Out = U }
@implicitNotFound("No instance found for Member[${T}, ${R}]. The ${T} effect is not part of the stack ${R} or it was not possible to determine the stack that would result from removing ${T} from ${R}")
type <=[T[_], R] = Member[T, R]
def apply[T[_], R](implicit m: Member[T, R]): Member[T, R] =
def aux[T[_], R, U](implicit m: Member.Aux[T, R, U]): Member.Aux[T, R, U] =
def unaux[T[_], R, U](implicit m: Member.Aux[T, R, U]): Member[T, R] =
def ZeroMember[T[_], R <: Effects]: Member.Aux[T, T |: R, R] = new Member[T, T |: R] {
type Out = R
def inject[V](effect: T[V]): Union[T |: R, V] =
def accept[V](union: Union[Out, V]): Union[T |: R, V] =
def project[V](union: Union[T |: R, V]): Union[R, V] \/ T[V] =
union match {
case UnionNow(x) => \/-(x)
case UnionNext(u@UnionNow(x)) => -\/(UnionNow(x).asInstanceOf[Union[R, V]])
case UnionNext(u@UnionNext(x)) => -\/(UnionNext(x).asInstanceOf[Union[R, V]])
def SuccessorMember[T[_], O[_], R <: Effects, U <: Effects](implicit m: Member.Aux[T, R, U]): Member.Aux[T, O |: R, O |: U] = new Member[T, O |: R] {
type Out = O |: U
def inject[V](effect: T[V]) =
def accept[V](union: Union[Out, V]): Union[O |: R, V] =
union match {
case UnionNow(x) => union.asInstanceOf[Union[O |: R, V]]
case UnionNext(u) => UnionNext(m.accept(u.asInstanceOf[Union[U, V]]))
def project[V](union: Union[O |: R, V]): Union[Out, V] \/ T[V] =
union match {
case UnionNow(x) => -\/(UnionNow(x).asInstanceOf[Union[Out, V]])
case UnionNext(u) => m.project[V](u).leftMap(u1 => UnionNext(u1).asInstanceOf[Union[Out, V]])
* helper method to untag a tagged effect
def untagMember[T[_], R, TT](m: Member[({type X[A]=T[A] @@ TT})#X, R]): Member.Aux[T, R, m.Out] =
new Member[T, R] {
type Out = m.Out
def inject[V](tv: T[V]): Union[R, V] =
def accept[V](union: Union[Out, V]): Union[R, V] =
def project[V](u: Union[R, V]): Union[Out, V] \/ T[V] =
trait MemberImplicits extends MemberImplicits1 {
implicit def zero[T[_]]: Member.Aux[T, T |: NoEffect, NoEffect] =
Member.ZeroMember[T, NoEffect]
trait MemberImplicits1 extends MemberImplicits2 {
implicit def first[T[_], R <: Effects]: Member.Aux[T, T |: R, R] =
Member.ZeroMember[T, R]
trait MemberImplicits2 {
implicit def successor[T[_], O[_], R <: Effects, U <: Effects](implicit m: Member.Aux[T, R, U]): Member.Aux[T, O |: R, O |: U] =
Member.SuccessorMember[T, O, R, U](m)
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