org.specs2.execute.BestMatching.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2.execute
import org.specs2.data.HopcroftKarp._
* Use of the Hopcroft-Karp (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopcroft%E2%80%93Karp_algorithm) algorithm for
* specs2, to the minimum set of mismatched elements, and corresponding failures
object BestMatching {
* This function indexes values of type T and V, and the result of their matching
* so that the algorithm can work on a simplified graph form of just of matching elements represented by integers
* @return matched values with their result and missing values
def findBestMatch[T, V, R : AsResult](ts: Seq[T], vs: Seq[V], matchingFunction: (T, V) => R, eachCheck: Boolean = true): (Seq[(T, V, Result)], Seq[V]) = {
// perform n^2 matches
val matches: List[(T, Int, V, Int, Result)] =
ts.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(List[(T, Int, V, Int, Result)]()) { case (res, (t, i)) =>
val results = vs.zipWithIndex.map { case (v, j) =>
(t, i, v, ts.size + j, AsResult(matchingFunction(t, v)))
res ++ results
val allResults: Map[(Int, Int), (T, V, Result)] = matches.map { case (t, i, v, j, r) => ((i, j), (t, v, r)) }.toMap
// edges of the graph in the form of a map from t vertex in the first part of the bipartite graph to a list of vertices
// in the second part
val startMap = Map[Int, Seq[Int]]().withDefault(_ => Vector())
val edges = matches.foldLeft(startMap) { case (res, (t, i, v, j, r)) =>
if (r.isSuccess) res + (i -> (res(i) :+ j).sorted) else res
// find the maximal matching
val best = findMaximalMatching(0 until ts.size, (0 until vs.size).map(_ + ts.size), edges)
val successfulIndices = best.map(_._1)
val successes =
if (!eachCheck) allResults.collect { case ((i, j), (t, v, r)) if best.exists(_._1 == i) && r.isSuccess => (t, v, r) }.toList
else best.sorted.map(allResults)
// collect one failure per unmatched value
val failures = matches.collect { case (t, i, v, j, r) if !successfulIndices.contains(i) && !best.exists(_._2 == j) && !r.isSuccess =>
(i, (t, v, r))
def isUnchecked(j: Int) = {
!best.exists(_._2 == j) && (eachCheck || !allResults.exists { case ((i, j1), (_, _, r)) => j1 == j && r.isSuccess })
val unchecked = vs.zipWithIndex.collect { case (v, j) if isUnchecked(j+ts.size) => v }
(successes ++ failures.reverse, unchecked)
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