org.specs2.control.eff.DisjunctionEffect.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2.control.eff
import scalaz._
import Eff._
import Interpret._
* Effect for computation which can fail
trait DisjunctionEffect extends
DisjunctionCreation with
object DisjunctionEffect extends DisjunctionEffect
trait DisjunctionCreation {
/** create an disjunction effect from a single Option value */
def optionDisjunction[R, E, A](option: Option[A], e: E)(implicit member: Member[({type l[X]=(E \/ X)})#l, R]): Eff[R, A] =
option.fold[Eff[R, A]](left[R, E, A](e))(right[R, E, A])
/** create an disjunction effect from a single Disjunction value */
def fromDisjunction[R, E, A](disjunction: E \/ A)(implicit member: Member[({type l[X]=(E \/ X)})#l, R]): Eff[R, A] =
disjunction.fold[Eff[R, A]](left[R, E, A], right[R, E, A])
/** create a failed value */
def left[R, E, A](e: E)(implicit member: Member[({type l[X]=(E \/ X)})#l, R]): Eff[R, A] =
send[({type l[X]=(E \/ X)})#l, R, A](-\/(e))
/** create a correct value */
def right[R, E, A](a: A)(implicit member: Member[({type l[X]=(E \/ X)})#l, R]): Eff[R, A] =
send[({type l[X]=(E \/ X)})#l, R, A](\/-(a))
object DisjunctionCreation extends DisjunctionCreation
trait DisjunctionInterpretation {
/** run the disjunction effect, yielding E \/ A */
def runDisjunction[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, E, A](r: Eff[R, A])(implicit member: Member.Aux[({type l[X]=(E \/ X)})#l, R, U]): Eff[U, E \/ A] = {
val recurse = new Recurse[({type l[X]=(E \/ X)})#l, U, E \/ A] {
def apply[X](m: E \/ X) =
m match {
case -\/(e) => \/.right(EffMonad[U].point(\/.left[E, A](e)))
case \/-(a) => \/.left(a)
interpret1[R, U, ({type l[X]=(E \/ X)})#l, A, E \/ A]((a: A) => \/.right[E, A](a))(recurse)(r)
/** run the disjunction effect, yielding Either[E, A] */
def runDisjunctionEither[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, E, A](r: Eff[R, A])(implicit member: Member.Aux[({type l[X]=(E \/ X)})#l, R, U]): Eff[U, Either[E, A]] =
runDisjunction(r).map(_.fold(Left.apply, Right.apply))
object DisjunctionInterpretation extends DisjunctionInterpretation
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