org.specs2.text.StringEditDistance.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.specs2
package text
import Split._
import data._
import EditDistance._
* The EditDistance trait provides methods to compute and display the shortest distance between 2 strings.
* Usage:
* showDistance("kitten", "sitting") // returns ("(k)itt(e)n", "(s)itt(i)n(g)")
* // with different separators
* showDistance("kitten", "sitting", "[]") // returns ("[k]itt[e]n", "[s]itt[i]n[g]")
trait StringEditDistance extends DiffShortener {
def editDistance(s1: String, s2: String): Int =
foldSplittedStrings(s1, s2, 0, (r: Int, s1: String, s2: String) => {
val matrix = new EditMatrix(s1, s2, StringLevenhsteinCosts)
math.max(r, matrix.operations.count { case Same(_) => false; case _ => true })
* @param sep separators used to hightlight differences. If sep is empty, then no separator is used. If sep contains
* one character, it is taken as the unique separator. If sep contains 2 or more characters, the first half of the characters are taken as
* opening separator and the second half as closing separator.
* @return a (String, String) displaying the differences between each input strings.
* The used separators are specified by the caller. The string is shortened before and after differences if necessary.
def showDistance(s1: String, s2: String, sep: String = "[]", shortenSize: Int = 20): (String, String) =
foldSplittedStrings(s1, s2, ("", ""), (r: (String, String), s1: String, s2: String) => {
val matrix = new data.EditDistance.EditMatrix(s1, s2, StringLevenhsteinCosts)
val operations1 = matrix.operations
val operations2 =
val (diffs1, diffs2) = (showDiffs(operations1, sep, shortenSize), showDiffs(operations2, sep, shortenSize))
def skipLine(s: String) = if (s.isEmpty) s else s+"\n"
(skipLine(r._1) + diffs1, skipLine(r._2) + diffs2)
def showDiffs(operations: IndexedSeq[EditDistanceOperation[Char]], sep: String, shortenSize: Int): String = {
val delimiter = StringDelimiter(sep)
val (isDifferent, result) = operations.foldLeft((false, new StringBuilder)) { case ((different, res), op) =>
if (different) {
op match {
case Add(t) => (true, res)
case Del(t) => (true, res.append(t))
case Subst(t,_) => (true, res.append(t))
case Same(t) => (false, res.append(delimiter.second).append(t))
} else {
op match {
case Add(t) => (true, res.append(delimiter.first))
case Del(t) => (true, res.append(delimiter.first).append(t))
case Subst(t,_) => (true, res.append(delimiter.first).append(t))
case Same(t) => (false, res.append(t))
val fullResult =
if (isDifferent) result.append(delimiter.second).toString
else result.toString
shorten(fullResult, delimiter.first, delimiter.second, shortenSize)
/** apply edit distance functions on strings splitted on newlines so that there are no memory issues */
def foldSplittedStrings[T](s1: String, s2: String, init: T, f: (T, String, String) => T): T = {
val (splitted1, splitted2) = split(s1, s2) { (result, current) =>
f(result, current._1, current._2)
* In order to avoid CPU and memory issues, split the 2 strings to compare:
* - along newlines. This is useful if the 2 strings represent a file content
* - otherwise split the strings so that they are less than 200 characters long
private def split(s1: String, s2: String): (List[String], List[String]) = {
val (splitted1, splitted2) = (s1.split("\n").toList, s2.split("\n").toList)
def splitToSize(strings: List[String]) = strings.flatMap(_.splitToSize(200))
(splitToSize(splitted1), splitToSize(splitted2))
* Create separator characters
case class StringDelimiter(separator: String) {
val middle = separator.size / 2 + separator.size % 2
val first = if (separator.isEmpty) "" else separator.substring(0, middle)
val second = if (separator.size < 2) first else separator.substring(middle, separator.size)
val separators = (first, second)
* This object help shortening strings between differences when the strings are too long
trait DiffShortener {
def shorten(s: String, firstSep: String = "[", secondSep: String = "]", size: Int = 5): String = {
def shortenLeft(s: String) = if (s.size > size) ("..." + s.slice(s.size - size, s.size)) else s
def shortenRight(s: String) = if (s.size > size) (s.slice(0, size) + "...") else s
def shortenCenter(s: String) = if (s.size > size) (s.slice(0, size / 2) + "..." + s.slice(s.size - size / 2, s.size)) else s
val list = sepList(s, firstSep, secondSep)
list.foldLeft("") { (res, cur) =>
if (cur.startsWith(firstSep) && cur.endsWith(secondSep))
res + cur
else if (list.head eq cur)
res + shortenLeft(cur)
else if (list.last eq cur)
res + shortenRight(cur)
res + shortenCenter(cur)
private def sepList(s: String, firstSep: String, secondSep: String) = {
def split(s: String, sep: String): Array[String] =
if (List("[", "]" ,"(", ")", "-", "+", "?", "*").contains(sep)) split(s, "\\" + sep) else s.split(sep)
val splitted = split(s, firstSep)
if (splitted.size == 1) List(s)
else {
splitted.foldLeft(List[String]()) { (res, cur) =>
if (!cur.contains(secondSep)) res :+ cur
else {
lazy val diff = split(cur, secondSep)(0)
if (split(cur, secondSep).size == 0)
res :+ (firstSep + secondSep)
else if (split(cur, secondSep).size > 1)
res ++ List(firstSep + diff + secondSep, split(cur, secondSep)(1))
res :+ (firstSep + diff + secondSep)
object DiffShortener extends DiffShortener
object StringEditDistance extends StringEditDistance